Convert Custom Characters for UE using the NEW CC Rig

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if you've ever rigged a custom character in Unreal  Engine you know how tiresome and tedious it can be   well my friend that is about to change I've been  lucky enough to get exclusive access to the brand   new CC rigs plugin this plugin can convert cc3  plus characters into metahuman rigs for the body   as well as the face this means it's never been  easier to create custom characters for Unreal   Engine where it's h human creature or cartoon  you no longer have the limitations of custom   characters in Unreal Engine this is pretty  gamechanging we're not just talking about the   base mesh here we're talking about the entire  character including its hair accessories and   clothes that's quite impressive but it doesn't  stop there what's more this is absolutely free   you can go ahead and download it from the real  illusion website the link is in my description   what's more real illusion is also giving two  fully rigged characters for you to try out   with this those are the Kevin and Nia models  and you can download those to in the link in   my description below when you convert your  character to CC rig this will allow you to   edit existing iclone animations directly in  Unreal Engine adding or removing key frames   and adjusting on the Fly this means no more back  and forth to edit your animations so what if you   want to update your character well that is a good  question if you want to change out your character   you can do that with ease you can also bake your  animations to the sequencer and transfer those   animations to different characters that is also  pretty you are no longer limited to the metahuman   mesh you can now bring in a fully stylized  characters to use this system you will need   character creator the link is in the description  below you can get a 30-day Tri of this and try   it out essentially in character creator you start  with a bass mesh template this means all the hard   work is done for you all the skinning weighting  and rigging you can go ahead and use the slider   system in character creator to adjust the facial  profile of your character as well as the body it's   very versatile but if you need to do additional  sculpting to the character and get into specific   details you can either use the blender pipeline  which is free add-on in Character Creator and that   just Zips your character in and out of blender  for sculpting or you can use the gozy plug-in   to sculpt your character in Zed brush and then  bring it back into character creator if you've got   a character created externally out of character  creator can bring it in and convert its rig to a   cc3 plus compatible rig with acur rig for all you  Daz users you can simply convert your characters   in character creator with a couple of clicks you  can add hair skin textures clothes accessories to   your character there is an extensive catalog of  accessory clothes Etc on the real illusion store   you can create your own in blender or Z brush  and bring them in onto your character also it's   compatible with Marvelous Designer if that's your  cup of tea once you're happy with your character   it's time to animate now you can go straight ahead  and Export your character from character creator   into Unreal Engine to convert into CC rigs but  personally I've got I clone and I love I clone   for animation so I just transfer my character  with the oneclick solution into iclone and start   animating from here and setting up my animations  before I convert into CC rigs to download the CC   control rig for absolutely free click the link in  my description below just simply sign into to your   epics games account and click free to download the  plugin this will launch the epics games launcher   on your PC from there click free and install  to engine select the engine version you want to   install it on currently CC rigs is compatible with  with 5.3 and 5.4 once the download is complete   launch Onre engine and open any project for this  example I'll just launch a blank project and then   click create once your project is loaded navigate  to settings which is at the top right hand side   of your screens and then plugins from the drop-  down window next we want to install the Character   Creator UE control rig so just type in character  in the top search bar and you should see it there   click on the check box next to it so you got a  tick and you'll be prompted to restart once you   have have restarted your project you'll see on  the top horizontal toolbar you now have the CC   control rig button up here let's take a look at  transferring your character to Unreal Engine to   convert to CC rig there are two ways that you  can transfer it to unre engine the easiest and   the simplest way is using Unreal live link which  is a great tool to transfer all your assets and   animation with one click of a button alternatively  you can use the auto setup now this is absolutely   free and you can just export your character  as an fbx and it Imports all the shaders and   all the file structure as you need it in Unreal  Engine both are very simple and effective ways   to transfer your character to Unreal Engine in  this overview example I'm going to be showing   the unreal live link transfer as it's just one  click I will be doing more in-depth videos over on   my Patron on how to transfer your characters once  your character and animation has been transferred   you will find an RL content folder in Unreal  Engine under the main contents hierarchy this is   where all your characters materials and animations  and blueprints have been transferred all you need   to do to convert it into a cc rig find your  character skeletal mesh right click on it and   choose create CC rig from the popup menu if you  go to the clip board icon on the top horizontal   toolbar and click add new sequencer give your  sequence a name and save all we need to do   now is add your characters blueprint to this new  sequencer to do this simply find your character's   blueprint class it has to be the blueprint class  drag it into your scene you can see it in the   outliner on the top right you can then drag it  into your sequencer you can see straight away it's   generated the metahuman rig on your character's  face which is that face board there as well as   the body rig all you need to do now is delete the  crore CC face and the crore CC body at the top of   the hierarchy under ccore rigore BP there's a  plus sign so you just need to press that plus   sign on the popup menu just select the body under  components and it will be added to your sequencer   here okay now we're going to load the animation  onto the body rig that we brought in from iclone   select the body and that plus sign once again but  go up the popup menu and find animation and you   should find all your animations transferred from  eye close select the animation sequence that you   want added and then it will automatically add  that to your body's timeline in the sequencer   down here if you scrub along the timeline you  should see now your imported animation if you   want to come in and edit this animation we need  to bake it if you right click on the body layer   and from the popup menu uncheck filter by skeleton  and just beneath that if you go to bake to control   rig and select body you will now see all your key  frames are now accessible in your sequencer all   you need to do to disable an animation is right  click on it and then check mute this essentially   just disables your animation but remember to  enable it once more I'm just demonstrating how to   do that now you got your bait key frames in your  timeline you can simply just click on the original   animation and just hit delete you can also then  add additional layers of Animation to these body   and blend them in together so if you repeat those  steps again for the face so right click on the   face layer and and then go to bake to control rig  and then now select the face and create and that's   how you bake the face as well so let's move on  to adding and refining your key frames if you   expand body and expand crore ccore body you will  see all the different layers to your character's   animation these are all the key frames and the  same for the CR underscore CC face this is for   all your key frames for your character's facial  animation to add an adjust key ke frames on the   character's face simply go to crore CC face and  click the plus and then from here select additive   this will be a new layer which will add to your  current existing animation you can see here the   face being moved into a different position and  the key frames being set in the timeline so the   eyes are now going to the side and it will then  add the key frames to this new additive layer you   can repeat the exactly the same steps for the body  animation just to refine the anim or add new key   frames in as you can see this is a super simple  system that's going to improve your workflow and   decrease your timelines and I'm excited for  you guys specifically the Character Creator   and iclone users that exist already because  I know you are going to absolutely love this   if you are not a character creator or icone user  there's a 30-day trial that you can try the link   is in the description below I have cheeky linked  my affiliate link but you know if you watch this   channel how passionate I am about real Illusions  products I wouldn't show you and I wouldn't talk   about it and I wouldn't big it up if I didn't  think it's good I have some more character   creator tutorials coming which I'm in the making  of and also some hair tutorials subscribing really   helps this channel grow and it also helps you  guys as well cuz I find cool stuff to show you   and hopefully help with your 3D workflow there's  anything you want to see in particular let me know   keep it clean keep it nice keep it to the comments  I do have an Instagram account here a Twitter   account here and something here and that thing is  my website this is where you'll find the written   versions of this video as well as articles I'll be  writing an article on CC rig so be sure to check   it out in the link below that's prompto  I really hope this helps you whether you're a   studio an animator or an Enthusiast please let me  know if this is exciting news for you because boy   this is exciting for me and as always it's  been a pleasure and that will do it bye-bye
Channel: Prompt Muse
Views: 25,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #unrealengine, #iclone, #controlrig, #riggedcharacter, #charactercreator, #ccrig
Id: T-VSbVlDuZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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