Workbench Build - MEGA VIDEO SPECIAL

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all right workbench build day one cut all of the lumber bought from the blue store I have to buy six by ten foot sections I have 11 of those and then I have to buy 12 by 8 foot these are going to be the top the two by sixes will be the legs and all the stretchers I originally wanted to use to buy tins for the benchtop but the selection was absolutely horrible so I just went with two by twelves and it'll just make it a little bit thicker not a bad thing in fact it's actually probably better than I'm doing it this way from the store so square all those up get them cut down and we're going to glue that together I'm gonna glue it up in two sections my bench top is gonna be about 24 inches wide so we're gonna do it up in two sections so that I can run them through the planer to clean them up and get them as flat as I can before I do the final blue up and then I'll be the rest of that for the hand plate the legs and stretchers will get three two by sixes laminated together totaling that'd be about four and a half inches by depending on how much I cut them down roughly five inches so big beefy legs the stretchers are gonna be the same about four and a half by five inches this will be an incredibly heavy bench but it should work out very nice it's gonna be eight feet long like I said the two by twelves will stay fully it's gonna be by two feet and I'm gonna make it about 32 inches high the height that it needs to be for me your bench height may be different height depending on I'll tell you are roughly 510 so about 32 inches is good for me so we're going to get started cutting all this wood down the sides too much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so basically here is the benchtop ready to be cleaned up I'm gonna use some calls on the other end in the middle just trying to keep it as flat as I can to make the rest of the process easier flattening everything is gonna be a lot simpler if I can get it as closer to flat as I can right now I don't know how well you can see but the top is basically not free good thing about buying so I've got a nice clear top all the knots ended up on the underside which doesn't matter you're not gonna see those anyway so nice pretty top now I'm gonna do a couple dry runs before I glue it up and then we will get after it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] well that was basically a train wreck they got it glued up as good as I can but that was an absolute nightmare to try to glue up big glue up just like this suck pretty bad hopefully I got a good glue joint in there I don't know I guess we'll see when we take the clamps off [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I was thinking more Oh should do it it looks like they've talked [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so these sections here are going to be my legs when you glue them up just like you see here laminate three of them together to give me roughly a four and a half inch by five inch leg you just saw me planing them to try to get them flat just try to make the the glue joint as tight as I possibly can and I'm just gonna glue them up don't like you could walk into a worgen fire doughnuts and all this other up stuff that most dietitians like at Maya back there like that you should be better but if they're not going to say anything some stuff about and all that stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] specifically that's just such a it's not true that it's just absolutely not true there are always a little power if you have a mind if you have a support system if you if you listen you you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] describing your line all the way across and making sure it's the same distance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we're back again been a little while since I know here let's do a lot of work but we're chugging away today we got all the legs fit snug I did have some issues with joinery was a bit off legs on the front wanted to tell out away from the table or the table the top and the legs on the back wanted to tell into the table so they we're all tilted one way it must have just been how I drilled them how I laid them out or something not exactly sure but I had to make them a little bit loose so what's probably going to end up happening is when they're finally joined together for good I will drill two holes into the front side here and pin the legs in and then of course put some wedges in on the top just to make sure the the legs are nice and strong and that they're not gonna move so minor issue but I got them fit they're all straight and square I'm now about to lay out the stretchers so I'll mark for all my Tenon's and then mark the mortises and we're gonna get started cutting that hopefully I can get that done today that is my goal to have a marked and cut and fit so let's get cranking okay so what I am doing here to mark these two where I need to cut the shoulders make sure that legs are square to the bottom of the table and then I just laid these up and bottom up to the rear side of the legs these are gonna go in roughly half way and get mitered because both the stretchers on the end and the long sides are gonna be at the same height so the Tenon's on the end are going to run into each other so I'll have to miter those off so that they don't knock each other so I made a mark at halfway up the leg marked on the leg or on the stretcher and then marked right here for where the shoulder of the tenon is gonna be the reason I'm marking them down at the bottom is hopefully they will by marking them down there at the bottom that's gonna make sure that they're square all the way up to the top whenever they're actually at their set position which is going to be more down in this area so marking them down at the bottom because that's where they're fixed so just strike a line there and then I'll transfer that line all the way around so that I know where to cut my tenon shoulders so I got all of them marked I'm going to figure out how wide I want my tenon and then I will cut them all and then I will come back and layout for the mortises and then cut those mortises [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so for the leg vise chop the front chopped little be the front job you got this piece of cherry inch-and-a-half cherry or six quarter this is what I'm going to use to make the chop I want something kind of nice look pretty and I've got some other cherry accents going on the bench the parallel guide right here parallel guide that I made is cherry and like vice garter is cherry also I have to remake this we'll see but I'm gonna leave it that's cherry more than likely and then my handles are made out of charity so kind of a cherry X in the bench I really like cherry so I figured why not go ahead and fork out a little bit extra money and make the vise chop out of cherry as well so gonna get this rough cut out to the length it's gonna be basically the height of the bench which spans the full height then do some kind of little fancy cuts on that make it look a little prettier than just a square piece so yeah here we go so the leg vise chop that I'm going with comes out of this book by Christopher Schwartz the workbench design book and it's the one from his 18th century bench by hand pretty simple design nothing too spectacular and basically I am building this bench that he describes here this is pretty much exactly how mine is more or less so if you're looking for plans or something this is a fantastic book to get he's got a ton of work benches in here of varying styles so and then he talks about each one of them at the end of the chapter but it goes through building each of them so fantastic book if you're looking to make a workbench and he's got all the plans at the end of each chapter so definitely check it out but this is where my design came from [Music] so our bandsaw is currently out of commission the switch is broke so we got to get any switch so to make these cuts which I was going to use the bandsaw but since that is not working currently so I'm doing I've already done the other side first to make sure that this actually will work so I just make a bunch of cuts down set my line here and then just chip out the majority of it with the chisel going across the grain like that it just and it just pops right out so after I do that I kind of get it as close to the shape the line as I can with the chisel and then I go over to the spindle sander and just use the spindle sander to sand down the rest of it works well just takes a bit longer then cut it out with the bands on going straight to the sander but got to do what you got to do [Music] [Music] okay so after you got your cuts done here with your chisel [Music] the only thing you got to be careful of whatever you're doing this is going up this way this cut is going to be shower than this cut so make sure that you just go to the shallowest line if you try to go down here at the bottom you don't have a cut down here and so it's going to start splitting up the piece so let's go to your most shallow line check them bad boys out [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're about to get started here I'm very nervous scared I'm going to screw something up or something's going to screw up so I got my draw bore pins here I'm using oak dowels from the local hardware store and I just shaved the tip like a pencil because the holes are offset on the draw bar holds so this helps it to make it easier transition to get through that offset hole so that all my draw boards I'm going to do one side and then flip it over and do the other side and hopefully nothing goes wrong we shall see here [Music] kind of worked well alright yes that's gonna work I should drive home nice very stressful it's very stressful it worked out we're good okay so as you can see I got them all in I just have them loosely set down in the top they're not actually attached to the top yet but I got both of these in segments together and then I will put the big stretchers in and have the base assembly as a hold and then I will transport the base and the top solder to my house and get it set up so pretty excited we are coming to the end finally this project has taken forever and it was gonna take a long time but I didn't know it's gonna take this long so I'll be glad to be done and just a little note on the reason there is four pins here on these legs originally I had them spaced these outside ones and they were the same distance as the ones on the front and rear so the holes ran into each other and so I wouldn't have been able to get the pins all the way through the leg so I had to drill these two in the middle so these are the ones that are actually holding the stretcher together and these other two I just put some other dowel pieces in there to plug them so that there's not just open holes and the holes on the backside will be hidden by the other stretcher so you won't see those so just a little note as to why there's four there's only supposed to be two but I had a mistake and so that's why so so let these dry don't know if I'm going to do the long stretchers today it's kind of a job for two people so I may wait till tomorrow whenever my dad can help me and then hopefully get this freaking beast transported over to my house and that can actually have a bench finally start setting up the home shop ill first get to see all that I'll try to film as much as I can so yeah I guess that's about it I think I'm done for the day the base is fully assembled yes worked out fairly well well as I can hoped nothing blew up and exploded so that's a plus still got some cleanup to do around the the dowels and flush and everything up and everything nice and pretty that everything is now fully assembled and so I'm just gonna leave it let it dry let all the glue dry and all that stuff and all that's left is to move it and assemble it completely over at my place so that will be next and here this all ready for moving and final assembly so I've already done a little dry fit and everything lines up pretty close it'll take a little persuasion but um everything lines up pretty well so should be a fairly easy final assembly considering I've already got the base glued up so the base is solid all I got to do is melt it to the top so we are going to be moving it to here in a bit and set it up excited um so I didn't film putting it together mainly because I didn't think about it my my dad showed up and I just went into action you know so got it all fit it feels incredibly solid it is rocking a little bit because the floor is probably not flat so I'll just stick a little shim underneath one of the legs but this thing is an absolute beast and as you can see this is going to be the new shop space here I'm going to mount my tools on this wall here and hopefully it doesn't interfere with the attic door if I ever have to pull the attic door down I'll try to keep everything pretty low profile up against the wall so hopefully there's been no issues like that yeah went together fairly good this leg here or this one I'm not sure which one but it wasn't fitting so I had to take a ratchet strap and ratchet strap around these two legs and pull them together for it to slide down on there which probably a bad thing really it will help to keep pressure on it and let me keep it tight but barely smooth smoother than I was expecting some of these little off cuts from breaking down all this stuff and put it in any gaps that I have just to make sure everything is held tight it's not pretty at all but it doesn't work bench after all you know it's gonna get beat up and dinged up so as long as it's functional that's really all that matters so yeah I mean pretty clean I'll let y'all see around the garage here's what's going to be the new workshop there's my beautiful beautiful car 2016 Subaru WRX of course outside this is my current little situation here got my clamps over there and most all of my woodworking tools and things over here so yeah that's the current tool storage situation but this is going to be it and you might conspire little jointer action over there behind all those boxes right over here it's a little jointer I picked up a while ago so I will be using that it was supposed to be my dad's but for the meantime while it's over here it will be mine so that's the current situation there thank you all for checking out this video and lots lots more coming now that I have the cornerstone of the shop rock-solid thanks for watching check out some of the other videos I have more videos coming and yeah keep sticking around more stuff and work see y'all later okay so hope y'all enjoyed this very long video this is going to be the cost breakdown for everything that I can think of that went into this bench so lumber I spent right at $200 for all the wood to build the base itself a leg vise kit which is not installed should be back today I'm going to send it back because here in the shop it's too humid and it swelled and it wasn't very smooth operating the leg vise kit which was just the screw and the nut that was all that I got this is the basic like my skit from Lake Erie Tool Works and this price is less shipping included it was a hundred and sixty-five dollars no that is very expensive but I wanted what screw on this bench this probably be the last minutes that I built for very long time so I went ahead and just treated myself to the very cool wood screw you couldn't do that for a lot cheaper I think a couple different manufacturers so wooden screws for around forty or fifty dollars so you can save a lot of money there if you wanted to for my vise that I'm using down here as the in Vice that is a Lee Valley face vise that I just used as advice that was ninety six dollars and fifty cents again you could either not have an in Vice or find a cheaper alternative just make your own and then for the charity board this is for the whole board I didn't want to calculate how much just the one for this is because you have to buy a whole horde so the whole eight foot board of inch and a half cherry buy I think is around eight inches wide that whole board was $60 so that is everything this cherry was some that I had leftover but of course you could make this out of the board like vise same with the garter and the hardware for the little planing stop that you saw in the last video I put out I think all that hardware was really cheap probably I don't know 10 bucks in hardware maybe maybe not even so all in all not too terribly expensive to build this bench you could do some things a lot cheaper if you wanted to but I just wanted to go ahead and like splurge for the the leg vise Hardware just cuz it looks cool it's awesome seen a big huge wooden screw so that's the cost I will be doing another video on kind of some lessons learned for doing this but this video is already incredibly long so well into here thanks for watching and I will see you all in the next video
Channel: HipsterCarpenter
Views: 433,928
Rating: 4.5615387 out of 5
Keywords: hipstercarpenter, workbench, build, bench, carpenter, woodworking, wood, woodworker, furniture, carpentry, cherry, leg vise, end vise, installation, diy, hipster
Id: RutHq2hUIlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 25sec (4165 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2017
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