How to Make a Poor Man's Rebate Plane | Paul Sellers
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Channel: Paul Sellers
Views: 962,288
Rating: 4.9348769 out of 5
Keywords: Woodworking, Hand Tools, Plane (Product Category), Rebate Plane, Paul Sellers (Person), Carpenter (Industry)
Id: yTuOtmlRhAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 45sec (3345 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
54:36 is like woodcutter porn, those perfectly curled shavings are insane.
This guy is like the Bob Ross of woodworking. Nice find!
Well, there went an hour
"The gift is transferred."
Is Rebate where a Rabbet cut comes from?
You cried? Really?
Paul always has nice videos.
I've watched this man build a workbench multiple times over.
"This is real woodworking."
Like you I didn't know what they were. Now I see the use! Self made tongue and groove stuffs here we go!