Word Impact Gathering

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foreign you you you you you foreign you i'm ready i'm waiting for the countdown praise the lord everybody come on worship the lord in this place come on give god praise right where you are come on give him thanks and bless his name come on worship the lord right where you are even though we're worshiping virtually we're so glad that we serve a god that transcends time and space the same god that's in the sanctuary is with you right where you are come on worship him praise him shake yourself from the struggles of the day come on give him glory right now give him worship and give him praise the bible says to clap your hands all ye people and shout them to god with the voice of triumph come on celebrate god for making it to another wednesday another midweek gathering because our god is good we're so glad for his presence we appreciate him for being with us this evening those of you right now please share if you can let somebody know that we're on this evening as we continue to worship the lord continue to pray continue to get into the word of god we're believing that god's presence will make the difference like he always does trusting and believing that the same god that opened up red seas is still making ways and opening doors right now the same god that was opening blinded eyes can still do great in miraculous things the bible lets us know that when we trust in him that when we pray that god will respond with awesome deeds we're believing god for that this evening we're praying that this evening that god will reveal himself in awesome words come on let's pray father we thank you again for this moment we appreciate you for this time we thank you lord for this moment we thank you lord for how you reminded us to be grateful of every second every moment of the day you are reminding us to be grateful for all the things that we have in spite of a season of great loss we give you praise today for even in these moments there are still gain you are still moving and you are still doing we thank you lord for your goodness that we're seeing in the land of the living we thank you for your kindness and your mercy that we continue to see in the middle of all evil in the middle of sin we give you praise for that we thank you for the immediacy of your presence you're not distant but you're close you're not far away you're very near and we thank you for that we give you praise today because your presence is with us at this moment we thank you for resting heavy on us we appreciate you for your hand being honored if anyone's struggling right now i pray that you let your hand rest on them in a tangible way to let them know how close you are we thank you that your very present help in the time of need you are a proven health you're a god that has shown himself strong before and lord your word says that when we pray that you will answer with awesome deeds and we pray now that you would release your will in this place this evening your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven you told us in your word that you can do the exceedingly and the abundantly above all we ask or think thank you lord that when our requests are too small you go above and beyond we appreciate you for giving us more than we ever imagined and we thank you for that and i pray that you would do the same thing tonight we pray lord that you would do the supernatural that you would do the awesome and what seems impossible we trust you and we believe it bless us god move on the worship tonight and through the word save somebody release your power wherever we are we trust you and we believe it and we pray this in jesus name amen we're getting ready to go to some worship we'll be back with the word of [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] come on lift up your voice come on say amazing grace [Music] say relentless love [Music] forever [Music] lift up your voice say you ransom me [Music] amazing [Music] say relentless love [Music] [Applause] forever [Music] now [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you love us [Music] and it's crashing down [Music] amazing grace [Music] save forever [Applause] [Music] somebody lift up your voice in here come on somebody lift up your voice and give god the praise he deserves hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on somebody say forever we'll proclaim forever [Music] glory forever [Music] forever [Music] forever foreign [Music] [Music] is forever [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] everlasting [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] amazing symmetry with the holy ghost tonight yeah i'm looking forward to this as we're continuing to share with those revelation on how to get a word from the lord yes sir did you get what i sent you yes i did yeah okay okay i was uh doing my typing so it took me a minute you can get it there i didn't think the call for helps but no i just tried to do it myself you know good mercy you're talking about tearing up your fingers give yourself carpal tunnel some arthritis or something so glad you could join us tonight thank you uh won't you share with someone and tag a few people and invite them to join the conversation as we are in what we believe is going to be another life-changing series simply entitled how to get a word from the lord um so pastor nick for the past few weeks we've been talking about praise being absolutely essential before prayer can actually begin and the impact that praise has on our ability to get access from the lord that we can't go to him uh seeking something yeah accept access because without that we don't get the conversation um and praise and worship position us for access asking nothing giving him the sacrifice of praise and then getting into his presence and changing historically what we pray i want to pray about what i want to pray about and that seems to be why the lord teaches so much on prayer in the new testament and why prayer is demonstrated so much in the old and uh tonight i wanted to get a little further into the prayer piece because when i'm praying about what i want to pray about there has to be a priority as it relates to my desire and that is that his will be done yes sir so let's go to matthew chapter six i think we've welcomed everyone right yeah okay matthew six we'll start about verse nine go down to verse 13 then we'll start this conversation jesus says after this manner therefore pray you in other words pray like this our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name i think sometimes because this is a recitation assignment for us from the time we are children do you think the power of what jesus is trying to get across to us it's missed with the familiarity that this particular prayer has uh engendered yes it's all it could be almost like communion baptism yep stuff that we normally do and because like psalm 23 it's easy for kids to remember absolutely reduce it to a childlike thing when you're actually studying working there's a whole lot oh man he's not he jesus never wastes words yeah so he goes on and saying um thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven now that to me is one of the priorities of the lord's ministry coming to earth and it needs to be our priority that his will be done in earth as it is in heaven the dependent relationship between earth and heaven the reflective relationship between earth and heaven and how god we're going to talk about later on how this prayer in its apostolic peace apostolic emphasis is trying to send us to do what heaven wants to do on earth so it kind of talks about the activity of god in the earth give us this day our daily bread forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom power and the glory forever amen so as i'm as i was studying and researching this particular conversation we were going to have i started thinking about the nature of prayer in in that it is involving voice it involves confession it devolves declaration and of course something is overlooked very simple it involves speech so we're looking at voice we're looking at confession which in this context of the kingdom is saying the same thing god says and over and over again the lord kept taking me back to this confession piece because i think we tend to pray the way we want to rather than praying what god says will work and it it doesn't sound original to us to pray according to how he's telling us to pray which is pray his word jesus says pray his word you know so we learn the lesson is there yeah the invitation is there to experience what praying his word will do but we seem to want to become kind of rogue when it comes to prayer yes okay could it be that most people view conversation if i can say it this blunt in a selfish way yeah majority of our conversations are about something we want to say what we want trying to get our point across so much so when the person's making their point we're thinking of our rebuttal rather than actually listening to what the person's saying what yeah some form of proper response yeah yeah sometimes uh if we're not careful we don't want you to confuse our minds with the facts you know we want you to kind of blend into what we're saying so so but the prayer all of this voice confession declaration and speech they all in our declaration all involve speech the audible invisible release of faith that's what i call for the audible invisible release of faith so god has gifted every human being with this gift and and and that gift really should be uh perceived as precious it's it's a gift that gives us the ability to break through the barrier between the natural and the supernatural between the flesh and the spirit god gives us the facility and the ability uh to take something that is normal to every human being just about and elevate it to a place where it moves us moves us not him moves us from where we are to where he is in the spirit so um it it really does join us to the activity of the kingdom because it's a spirit-to-spirit thing when we begin to pray in jesus name now i would submit that prayer activates the holy ghost in us so that we can talk to god spirit the spirit or spirit and truth um so prayers communication it's also conversation but is the realm of the spirit prayer until conversation becomes dialogue when i shift from conversing trying to get my point across and really not wanting to hear much from god when i shift that and my conversations become dialogue the inner man breaks the restriction of the senses so prayer is designed to i get to i think reactivating the original purpose for giving us our five senses which is to relate to god all right so the danger is to pray the script of past prayers and never enter into intense dialogue because you've entered his intense presence so sometimes we go in i think so focused on what we want to pray about that the dialogue doesn't begin even though he's allowed us access by praise and i don't know who's more disappointed we get there through praise and then he's disappointed because we're really not ready to talk to him wow because we're not ready to download it no because conversation you can you can you can talk about your experience and never reveal who you really are yes but dialogue is all about a sense of vulnerability yeah you know and when i speak of vulnerability i speak of god's vulnerability and that he decides to make himself vulnerable to our desires but we have to become um we have to talk to him in a way where we're revealing about ourselves you know it makes me think of the um the the interaction between jesus and the man with the withered hand and one of the things we've always talked about is that in that moment when he's in the presence of the lord there is a temptation there to show god to jesus his good hand but when we go to the lord he wants us to show us the bad hand the thing that's not working yes the thing that's causing a shame yeah that was something you said last year i think during the prayers even last year before yeah we talked about how the more we expose ourselves to god the more he starts to expose himself absolutely we don't see that as an exchange of exposure people call it called that we he he he actually is a mirror the word is a mirror the longer i stay in it the longer i see myself clearly and that clearness of sight clearness of perception will cause me to see him differently because he's waiting for us to develop so that when we look in the mirror we see reflections of him yeah and not just ourselves right that's bartimaeus absolutely obviously jesus passing by absolutely i'm blind but i see myself absolutely in the presence of the one and he was willing to expose his vulnerability and jesus has a tendency to ask the craziest question do you want to see again do you want to be made whole do you know and all he's doing is striking a note of our remembrance to see can you remember when you could do what you're asking me to miraculously cause you to do again right yes and all of a sudden that note happens and faith is born again right because you've done it before wow so there has to be this dialogue because conversation conversation alone tends to shield our hearts right dialogue causes our hearts to be revealed yes so conversation prayer is often a limited relational dimension of speaking because it's purely conversational it's almost like we become insane when we go to meet god like he can't see what we're hiding yeah right right like he can't see beyond that you know just my presentation is going to be enough to impress him which is why and i don't want to i don't want to get off track too quickly but which is why public prayer has become so powerless yes because it's more about the performance more about the performance focusing on the prayer and not on moving god the public prayer tends to focus on moving people right and like we've said before we assume because they're moving that he moves right but i think too many people walk away from the altar untouched absolutely for him to have moved absolutely okay they're emotional oh yeah oh yeah ilia so so so we don't want prayer to become a limited relational dimension of speaking to one another that's what conversation becomes dialogue uh exposes us to one another so we carry this conversational mindset of shielding and not revealing into our prayer life and into the prayer moment if we're not cognizant of the fact that when i talk to god i don't have to hide anything yes and it's not like we're telling him what he doesn't know he just wants to see if we're transparent enough with him right yeah to tell him what he knows is going on yeah so we're still adam and eve in the garden oh yeah hiding behind some figures oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah so prayer can't be limited to conversation it must be a dialogue dialogue is not something we do naturally yeah um so we have to kind of throw the script away of being conversant and become uncovered so i believe prayer is the key to tapping into the presence after praise has given us access and they might want to write that down i think that's pretty cool prayer is the key to tapping into his presence after praise has given us access so it is essential when seeking a word from the lord that we despite our desire seek his will for us yes now do you think that we've gotten he'll give you the desires of your heart confused with or lacking in his will yes when you read it when you read that verse contextually yeah that script that reverse is not about manifestation no it's about god giving you the desires yes sir that you have to work that his eyes yes sir then he'll bring it to yes but i think in this culture life that we live in now people want an answer to prayer without a process absolutely absolutely you know so we look at luke chapter 22 and we go down to verse 40 um lord showed me something that really helped me he said verse what he says and when he was at the place he said unto them pray that you enter not into temptation and he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast not that far kneeled down and prayed saying father if you be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but dying be done so what god reveals to me about prayer is that private prayer will produce public power because whenever jesus goes off of one of these i'm going over here for a minute yeah yeah and just talk to the father he comes back and miracles happened yeah he's ready for the next absolutely absolutely but the fact of the matter is that he doesn't seem to have to pray a long time because he's not trying to reclaim any ground yes he's just picking up a conversation he has he's absolutely has been praying without ceasing so when the new uh situation comes along he's praying more for confirmation not to recover spiritual ground that he's lost because he hasn't been praised absolutely yep yeah my my my yeah my mind so so so so jesus reveals that he has a real desire if it's possible father if it's possible and the son appeals to the father if it's possible can we not do this cup thing yeah now this has to be the man talking which is the example to us that when we pray and address him properly we can actually say is there another way just in case we haven't talked about it is there another way so his desire is real i know you can do what you want to do and i know you can do what i'm asking you to do uh however as i'm trying to get a word from you i need to make it plain it's not what i want to do is what you wanted me to do not my desire but your desire for me okay now go down to verse 43 and it says and they appeared and there appeared an angel under head unto him from heaven strengthening him now that kind of that kind of blew him up so he's praying for a possible change in his process which which spoke to me because i don't know how many times i've been a season i'm assuming you have to that i've asked god you know what you're going to do around in here when the steadiness of the process shows me he's going to work it out but this is the way i'm going to do it yeah absolutely so the the text says that he's praying and god sends angels to him from heaven to strengthen him all right so this is still a private situation with a sleeping audience and being in agony that blew my mind so he's praying that god's process might be changed for him god sends angels from heaven to strengthen him because he's in agony but he prays more earnestly in his pain yeah and then we get the sweat as it were great drops not blood but sweat as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground and when he arose from prayer and was coming to his disciples he found them sleeping for sorrow they were upset about what he just told them so not only is he carrying the weight of his assignment but he's counting the feelings of the infirmities of his disciples but he finds himself engulfed if you will in an atmosphere of prayer so god at times when we pray has to give us strength to accept his will sir because his will may be introducing a season however short that we would rather not deal absolutely absolutely you and god can agree on the outcome he chooses the process so now we need the strength to walk out his will yes to live as well because that part's not going to change well gladly it didn't because the resurrection was in the process so jesus prayed for the trial to pass but submitted himself to the will of his father right can we do it another way so jesus was not concerned with his own desire overly because he did ask he was concerned with his father's plans yes so often times i don't know what you're like my life my plans my desire may not line up with his plans yeah i'd rather be this way like god you can do this another easier way yeah but obviously god knows the process that we need to get us to where we want to go so do you think if we look back on all of our prayers how we prayed when we prayed what we prayed about that perhaps the the problem with adhering to a process that's uncomfortable for us was a product of us letting our desires override his plan absolutely this is wreaks of naming okay because naaman absolutely to the prophet with his own process in mind and was offended with another process absolutely yeah don't don't don't confuse me with the way god wants it to happen so jesus was alone being challenged by temptation to step out of god's process for him that blew my mind so we have to pray so temptation or testing doesn't capture us go to first thessalonians 5. um saw something that i didn't see before and i'm hoping that the people uh will like this is it's a little different first thessalonians 5 a little different look at something we've seen over and over again so we go down to verse 16 it simply says rejoice evermore pray without ceasing in everything give thanks for this is the will of god in christ jesus concerning you so look at the process that's the point that the holy ghost wants us to see it says rejoice evermore are always pray without ceasing in everything give thanks rejoice evermore pray without ceasing in everything give thanks for this is the will of god concerning you in christ jesus concerning you so what i got from this pastor nick was something i call the discipline of prayer okay which leads to intense fellowship and mature relationship prayer shifts us so what happens is i think if we don't win the thought battle yeah yeah it is virtually impossible to pray that fervent effectual prayer right so we've got to win the battle for prayer victory in our thoughts and prayer shifts us after praise prayer shifts us when the focus is god prayer shifts us when the focus is gone because we don't have to move him prayer is supposed to move us so if press is supposed to move me prayer is not to impress god prayer is to move us to him so to do that my thoughts have to be conquered i didn't see it before now but prayer is placed or sandwiched between rejoicing and thanksgiving is it possible that the bible is telling us how to protect our thoughts wow well philippians 4 yeah rejoice pray rejoice pray thankfulness so if my mind so if i'm having a complaining day i'm not rejoicing ever more yeah i'm not being thankful i am losing the battle in my thoughts at that moment yes yes because according to this prayer must be sandwiched between the two pray with thanksgiving pray rejoicing yeah yeah and it's a continual thing it's not seasonal like many of us yeah tend to do lifestyle yeah so so prayers placed between rejoicing and giving thanks i tend to believe that they're based on this and winning the thought battle anxiety can limit my access to his presence or anxiety can cause me to waste a moment in his presence so if praise is designed to free my heart from anxiety so i can pray so my prayer must be worship praise dominated according to this because they're actually saying worship and praise before that's continued i'm going to all it'll always be in my mouth yeah worship and prays afterwards i'm going to say something and i know it might get me in trouble but it appears as though that there's less time praying and more time worship well yeah i mean if you look at i think when the bible says um in philippians 4 make your request with thanksgiving we just make the request to me that's a language change rather than just lord you know i need a new job yeah it's like i thank you in advance because you know i need this job i think it changes how you frame changes the protocol yeah yeah so my prayer must be worship praise dominated because worship and praise burns the anxiety off of me so we approach him you know relieved from worry if rejoicing begins thanksgiving ends but that can't be a situational thing right it must be a lifestyle i believe right so a worship or praise-dominated prayer a worship dominated prayer is presence-dominated prayer because our awareness of god increases in worship yeah so illumination and insight are given when i go to god this way because what i'm going there is not really to talk to him i'm going to hear from him so we've got to win back our minds when we really want to pray and get an answer if i can't rejoice and be thankful i've lost the battle of my mind to my situation that i've become anxious over if i can't rejoice i lose the prayer battle does that make sense okay i keep going so pure prayer can't come from an offended heart how many times i'm looking back now did i pray offended yeah how many times especially my young saved life was i offended by what god i thought he promised but wasn't doing and thought i was getting a hearing with god i think through scripture if we do it right we can work out our our offenses in prayer absolutely so instead of letting the offense hold dominated dominated i resolved the offense yeah i don't know if i knew a couple of times i was mad when i first started praying i mean i didn't go live yeah you pray about a certain situation yeah but by the time you're in this conversation something starts to morph in you yep and the offense starts to dissipate it's hard to explain but you know it i i get it i i think a lot of our offense spiritual people comes from when i think i'm discerning something i discern something and i become offended with an individual yeah you know not really knowing that that offense may cause me to look yeah for something to confirm my own offense that has nothing to do with that person absolutely absolutely and for us preachers and this is going to be for everybody too my gift actually determines what i'm susceptible to as it relates to being offended okay okay because there's some things as a believer that didn't offend me until i became a preacher yeah and conversely there's some things that offend me now didn't offend me then yeah that some things that offend me then don't offend me now so i believe in my heart that that my gift determines what i'm susceptible to yeah i'm being offended by it but a spiritual person's offense a christian's problem is they are often offended by what they discern not by what is real their own conversation yes sir rather than reality yeah you know and and something can only be attacked and destroyed that offense can only be attacked and destroyed by rejoicing right and thanksgiving yeah so i've got we've got to shift our thoughts um to the superiority of the kingdom of god so i'm committed now i'm never going to complain again in my prayer because complaining in life reveals i lost or i'm losing that moment because of my thoughts that make sense to you okay let's go to mark chapter four mark chapter four so um and for time's sake we'll go down to verse 11. man the six went by quick amen man anyway halfway through i know verse 11 in mark chapter four says and he said unto them unto you as given know the mysteries of the kingdom but unto them that are without all these things are done in parallels now all right now i'm not going to get over into the misinterpretation of this verse and how it impacts the body of christ in that we think god came jesus came to get people saved but then start talking in ways that will prevent them from getting saved no no that's not that's not bad that's not it right but he says it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom one of the primary reasons jesus teaches and models prayer is because we often get it wrong because we ignore his example yes we ignore it mostly in prayer making prayer primarily about us and our desire and the really act of praying so jesus teaches us and he says in matthew 6. let's go back there and i need him to see this because we're going to walk through this and bring a different little light on this so now jesus matthew 6 verse 9 and 13 in his apostolic authority introduces us into what's this the apostolic assignment of the church and its members so he's he's now taking what we casually say the our father and he's using his apostolic authority to try to introduce us into an apostolically driven church in an apostolically driven life the word apostolic means sent but i want you to think of mission right mission sent with authority when you think authority we want to think legitimate power right now let's run about it so mission someone is sent but someone is sent with authority and what authority is is legitimate power but also with that freedom and liberty and permission to speak decide and to act so jesus apostolizes the church as a servant slash bride with authority over property and over others because it's our apostolic assignment to cause heaven to be realized on earth right i'm trying to hold this thing up all right matthew 24 okay all right matthew 24 i can see we're not going to get through this okay i thought i was i thought i was gonna make it matthew 24. let's go down to verse 45 all right so who then is a faithful and why servant whom his lord had made ruler over his house hold to give them meat in due season to give them meat and due season bless is that servant whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing verily i say unto you that he shall make him ruler over all his goods but and if that evil servant shall say in his heart my lord delayeth his coming and shall begin to smite his fellow servants and to eat and drink with the drunken the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him unexpected and in an hour that he is not aware of wow so the apostolic mission of the church and this is important as it relates to prayer is that the church is one sent by another with authority that's the whole point one cent by authority with another go to john 17. because what god what jesus is trying to get across to us is the apostolic nature of prayer if we are cognizant of the apostolic atmosphere yeah that anointing that gifting or john 17 go down to verse 18. so and thou has sent me into the world even so have i also sent them into the world so in apostolic authority jesus sends god sends jesus in that same apostolic authority jesus sends his church his believers all right taking us there so jesus apostolizes the church because god has apostolized him now he calls a sense once two basic responsibilities maybe three live a christ like life share the work and announce the message and that is being a witness on the earth and exercise authority over spiritual darkness okay that's the whole thing now so jesus begins to teach us how to pray and he's really telling us live a christ-like life do the work announce the message be a witness on the earth and exercise authority over darkness and he starts the whole thing out with our father so 42 seconds we share jesus's own authority and i'm not sure we are cognizant of that when we pray yes and perhaps we're not cognizant because we very we we find ourselves listing or drifting away from the structure by which he says we can exercise this apostolic authority when we pray does that make sense to you okay speaking and taking action in his name as his representatives apostolic commission that god has given us now ephesians 4 verse 11 to 16 where he talks about the gifting that's all about influence apostolic influence but the our father is the apostolic shaping that goes into the phrase our father brings us into creating a culture of the apostolic yes so jesus teaches the reality of heaven god's function on earth in this particular prayer this prayer teaches us god's activities in the earth and who he desires to get things done right so if i'm praying and we got to stop so if i'm praying to get a word from him i've got to make sure that i'm in line with his mission right so that word does not contradict his authority and contradict our authority but we begin to flow in the apostolic anointing of god yeah go ahead no no no okay you were built towards something so this prayer in matthew 6 teaches us god's activity in the earth thy kingdom come thy will be done not just activity but authority and power of the believer because he says when you pray pray like this why because i need someone to release my apostolic authority in the earth right okay should we stop or should we keep going how far it makes sense yeah when jesus says pray in my name yeah he's not saying prayer formula we say his name but that word name also means authority absolutely right privilege pray with the authority he left us to exercise his willingness to pray through him so it's more than just saying in jesus name it's knowing that he's the vessel through which my prayers get to the father so so do we have we misidentified what the apostolic is or don't we have an understanding as a rule in the body of christ or what the apostolic entails what's not taught much okay only for a leader apostle title but yeah but but that always has historic context which means when i when i am calling myself an apostle i am uh i am possessing if it's proper the historic context of the apostles right so the role of the apostolic is to get folk saved the purpose of individuals is discovered on earth through the apostolic anointing yeah so the role of the apostle is revealed in this prayer bring the kingdom to the earth and he gives us the ability to pray and watch that happen in a regular believer's life yeah go ahead no i mean it goes back to elijah man of like passion yep jesus saying i'm giving you the authority to press yep he's just trying to show that individuals flawed people have this power to pray absolutely the problem is we just don't know it and we refuse to if you will allow the bit in the horse's mouth to guide us got his tongue yeah yes sir where are we let's take up that another two three minutes so when i look at mark chapter one let's go there okay mark chapter 1. and i go down to verse 15 something very simple and saying jesus the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of god is at hand repent you ye and believe the gospel the kingdom of heaven is at hand yeah so the context of matthew 6's prayer the our father is the kingdom of heaven is at hand and this is how you penetrate from the natural to the supernatural so that the kingdom god's activity can be seen in the earth so so we have to overcome we prov we present a barrier that the holy ghost desires to overcome yeah and if we would pray like he's teaching us uh because this prayer speaks of a god focus it's our father starts this is the focus of this thing it is manifest it is realized and the kingdom is measurable manifest realize in matthew 6 all of that equals the transformation that the bible tells us by what the gospel of the kingdom is provided to provide transformation as we operate in the apostolic authority so watch this so when i learn to pray like jesus is instructing me i tap into his authority that he has given us by sending us into the world so if i'm praying about a prayer that does not facilitate his mission i should not be surprised when it doesn't come to pass true because as you say every miracle comes with an offense and if jesus says the kingdom is here you got to repent and believe that means his kingdom is going to offend you in so many shapes absolutely in order to enter into it there's got to be some repentance absolutely some belief to get you into that my my my so the gospel of the kingdom provides transformation and allows us to release the apostolic authority now we need that so that the whole image and likeness thing actually works for us right you know that that adam and eve were the first two individuals that actually were sent with apostolic authority over their surroundings right they blew it we blew it with them but then jesus comes and saves us gives us the holy spirit sends us the kingdom with the indwelling christ and then you and i have to figure out a way not to let our fallen senses get in the way of us praying a breakthrough not for myself but into the kingdom first because my breakthrough lies in the intense presence of god yes okay how many more scriptures we got uh we're not gonna make it in three four five six seven all right listen okay let's go to matthew 12 28 and then we'll stop there all right matthew 12 28. dog going it thought i had it matthew 12 20. it got good to me passing that's good though all right here we go so apostolic authority given to the church given to the believer as it relates to prayer so we're not birthing any new word we're not throwing out the original apostles we're not we're not we're not saying that everybody listening to this is going to get a revelation of being an apostle right that's not this is not a revelation of service this is not you jumping up and saying i heard a word last night i knew i was going to be one no this is not going to talk about the apostolic authority given to you to get answered prayer and get a word from the lord this verse 28 blows my mind but if i cast out devils by the spirit of god then the kingdom of god is come unto you because we know part of this apostolic sending is power over darkness and the bible says the kingdom of heaven is upon you power to reverse a condition of people that's what power to reverse a condition in the lives of people so when you want to get a word from the lord pray the result of your seeking a word will be the manifestation realization and the miserable will of god in other words transformation pray the lord's ship of jesus i think yes pray the lordship of jesus is realized that the manifestation of him and all his power and authority so jesus comes down not to just impart life but he comes to give us a new perception in the prayer and new perspective on the earth in the prayer thy kingdom come which talks about the sovereign rule of god which god apparently wants to share with us on the earth now what blows my mind is if he wanted to he could do it himself but he's decided that you and i all of you watching those that will tap into what he's trying to do will become his apostolic representatives on the earth not you know tall hat apostles but you become a person of power through your speech and through manifestation yeah and that this thing is actually measurable because he says he says if i cast out devils by the spirit of god then the kingdom of god is come on you if i show you the authority if there's a manifestation if you can measure it by looking at what i do then the kingdom is upon you know it's here yeah you know and then the lord gives us access to this authority through that matthew 6 prayer our father yes yes so we have to pray in his name i'm trying to stop i'll stop after i say this i thought this was pretty cool so our father collective speaking enters us into the privilege of community with god right so that our father causes us to become culturized with the kingdom and none of this happens unless my heart is turned to the father yeah none of it happens without a reversal without me consciously saying okay i've got to get my heart off work get my heart off my anxiety get my heart off my challenges and turn that thing to god yeah i've got my mind my spirit my will and everything focused on him and that is where i'm going to stop is where the fervency comes and that is where the heart is set on fire so we can become the bushes on earth that speak to him under the power of the holy ghost okay okay praise the lord let me leave the slums okay so the fervent prayers of a righteous individual have nothing to do with my ability to emote yeah i have everything to do with my heart being on fire absolutely how do i get a heart that's on fire the bible says the new testament will go over this next time didn't our hearts burn as he walked and spoke with us those words are like didn't didn't my heart become a bush that was on fire through his word i don't think there can be any fervency or effectiveness in prayer unless i am ultimately seeking that my desire is lined up with his will yeah and here's a killer not just his will for me but his will for the earth have we missed the answer because our focus has been incorrect absolutely well whatever jesus the whole lord's prayer is our us we our us we everything is community of god and when we we usually quote that you know let the kingdom be done in me yeah but the whole earth has to be included right and you're included in that we and in that hour yeah us intercession again so if the earth is full of his glory what we're trying to do what god wants us to do is to tap into something that is already present so it's not far away there's that scripture again it's not far away it closes our heart in our mouths so when i want to get away from the lord and we will finish this prayer piece next week when i want to get a word from the lord i need to get into his presence with praise allow worship to burn my anxiety off of me then when i pray i no longer pray for prayer's sake i'm praying about what i'm praying about that what i'm praying about would be in his will yeah and if that is in his will i'm setting myself up to receive a word from him then comes the process researching for general revelation then a specific revelation and then having the patience to watch god fit my circumstances into what has been revealed in his word so when we get to the part uh general versus specific revelation we're going to look at not only how you do a thing but what does god want you to do getting a word from the lord so today we find ourselves in in a remarkable place wanting sincerely to do what jeremiah did be able to god position for god to ask you the question what do you see you describe revelation that sight has given you and then god says you heard me well you've seen well i am going to cause your words to come to pass i'm going to cause them to manifest i'm going to cause the result to be realized i'm going to cause it to be manifest and you'll be able to measure that the kingdom of god has visited your situation this is where we're going we're trying to get a word from the lord authentic manifestation something measurable that sometimes it's so phenomenal christians have a hard time believing your testimony yeah but what we want to do before that can ever happen if for you for those of you that don't know the lord and i'm gonna let pastor nick take this part well you don't know the lord you need to know him today backslidden you need to come back to him you walked away from god come back you need to get over the trauma of your church history and reconnect to the house of god which the bible calls the bride of christ now some of you are saying it's just a building that is just it's it's a statement of no understanding of what the church of god really is it's a statement that declares you have become content with a one-dimensional relationship with the lord jesus comes down he is both physical and spiritual his church is called his body that's us that's both physical and spiritual his building his church is called his body both physical and spiritual so when you decide you're going to reject the physical like many people did in jesus time you're rejecting the father as we say humorously you cannot hate a man's bride and say you love him the love for the male should give you love for the female so tonight we want to invite you i want to let pastor nick invite you into a relationship with god i'm going to let him uh i didn't ask him i'm just hoping that he doesn't um invite you back into that relationship that you lost along the way and it started subtly first the fellowship there's a gap that develops and the relationship develops a gap and then all of a sudden you're not behaving as though you really know him we're going to invite you to christ tonight queer pastor um that invitation we actually read it in mark chapter one jesus comes out in his very first sermon public sermon is repent and believe the kingdom of heaven is here the kingdom of god is here the kingdom of god we've been talking about tonight is simply god's way of doing things god has a system he has a process he has methods he has a life for you jesus says in order to enter into that you must repent repentance change mind leading to a changed life repentance is more than apology it's me choosing this life that god has for me and choosing to change and participate in my own transformation transformation doesn't come just by osmosis or you lay down and all of a sudden you're different transformation is a process that all of us must participate in that's probably why jesus called his disciples and said follow me and you'll become absolutely fishers of men absolutely the bible says they had to drop their nets they had to make a change repent and walk this new life and then that new life is transformation you cannot change yourself your transformation begins with jesus christ if you don't know the lord for yourself tonight is a great night because god has another life for you the bible says for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life watch what love does love gives and love prepares a future god prepared a future called everlasting life and said it's available to you but it starts with you believing and your believing your repentance brings you into this everlasting life it's going to be a hard day to know that this life was available to so many that didn't choose it when this thing is over you don't want to make that mistake the bible says choose which way you want to go life or death choose one you want god's way satan's way wide is the way to hell narrows the way to life you can take this way with us come to jesus now for the first time put your name in the comment section someone from our team will connect with you and before this evening is over you will be on the journey to everlasting life yeah if you walked away from god you straight away as bishop said for whatever reason maybe you got caught up the struggle of the season the virtual thing was hard for you you got caught up in some old things but at this point in time what matters most is that you come back to the lord again i say it all the time i love the prodigal son story he didn't come back home because he loved his father he came back home because he had nothing it was rough he came back because look i ca i ain't making it out here at least in my father's house i can have something disconnected from the father gave him an extremely hard life there you go and he didn't come back and say i want to be back with my father he said i want to come back cause i'm hungry i need a place to stay and here's the crazy thing the father didn't say i don't want you back because you're coming back for the wrong reason come on boy and i and i believe he uh one of the reasons he accepted because god is a wonderful father and what you won't allow him to teach you he will allow life to change absolutely absolutely and the difference between life that the son was living and the father's house was there was no mercy out there and out there yeah your life has no mercy on no mercy but the father has a whole lot of money oh yeah and the grace just receive you again to receive you restore you and all that and i love god because he'll meet you where you are if you want to come on for that reason cool i'll meet you right there and we'll work on the rest later and then he falls right into the parable of lost things is that eventually he is found he is rediscovered he is reconnected and now he's in the father's care right there back in yep come on back to the father's care because like he said life has no mercy yeah your father has a whole lot of it come on rededicate your life to the lord he'll clean you up you don't fix yourself before you come home you just come home don't let your pride get in the way come on back to the lord put your name in the comments section someone will connect with you of course if you want to connect to this church uh whether you're distant or whether you're local we would love for you to be a part of bethany church transformation church of new jersey it matters where you go to church it matters who is teaching you during this season if that's you you're looking for a place to call home a church to connect to before god created people he created a place and put people in a location because in that location was all the resources and everything they needed connect to this church now uh we have drive-in service for those that are local you come on saturday mornings at 11 30. we're looking to open back and come back in the building in september hopefully if you're distant we have a connections church not just you watch us on wednesday and sunday i mean you're involved we got embrace class online uh lifestyle ministries we're working on some stuff even when we open back up again on how to keep our connections crew involved in our day-to-day in-person stuff just via online come on be a part of the family put your name in the comment section someone from our team is there they'll connect with you and uh we can be your church home a family church i love no matter how big we are we still feel oh yeah like a small church yeah we country all right yeah it's a lot it's a lot of room a lot of people but we always say if you get connected you will feel connected oh yeah it'll feel like a family yeah um just come on of course we always give during this time yeah and we're going to pray for you in just a second um whenever you receive a word the proper faith response is a sacrifice it's consistent throughout the word of god no one approached god without giving something that meant something to them so i want you tonight to align your heart allow this word to set your heart on fire [Music] and think about the goodness of god his provision his blessing the community of believers the authority that he's given each of his children in the earth i want you to think about just how far he's brought you and go and give god something from that burning heart today earlier today i was in my office and lord just moved on me to sow a seed i wrote out a check for 100 bucks put it in in the box and didn't wait it was just seemed appropriate at the time and uh i've gotten to the point now where i understand the spiritual dimension that is open to god's children when they give and why because he was such a giver and and he gave not knowing if we were going to respond in essence sent his son to sacrifice his seed his first fruit he gave that just for you and i so tonight if you will join me at what i did this afternoon god will be pleased if you can't do all of that do the very best you can and watch god move some of you write me you're so blessed even in this season that the culture has tried to identify for us but we know this pandemic is nothing but a pregnancy for the body of christ so you see go to the icons do what you always do and god will bless you thank you so much yeah that's pointing on the way here yeah god told me so a hundred dollars a night so okay okay it just hit me okay all righty so spread the spirit yeah i'll pray you've been praying last couple weeks let me see okay it's pretty consistent [Music] don't forget driving service 11 30. come on out come on let's pray god i bless your name now for your goodness and your faithfulness i ask lord that as we come into agreement with those that have sent in their prayer requests and those that had a desire to do so we ask you lord that you would now release that authority that you have given to us that we in the name of jesus release the power to reverse situations in the lives of people we speak right now to those bodies that are not functioning correctly whether it be physical or spiritual we rebuke sickness in the name of jesus we also lord ask you that you would open up opportunities that you would cause recovery both financially and physically in the lives of your people especially those that have sent in their requests because they want us to touch and agree in a result for them i thank you right now for those who have received strength in the midst of having covert i thank you right now for those that are bereaved right now because someone close to them has passed away gone on to be with the lord i want to ask you lord that you would lift the spirits of your people those who have felt down because of situational things and circumstances i asked lord that you would begin to move i asked lord that you would uh move your hand not just in the united states but move it in africa that you would move it in asia that you move it in europe as we come into agreement with those pastors and evangelists from overseas god i thank you lord that you're moving now by your spirit and we trust lord that you will do what you promised to do now lord we speak reversal into the lives of those who have written to us today we speak reversal in their health and in their situations i speak a financial blessing not only on people but on ministries right now i actually that you would give strength and reviving strength to those that serve you diligently in the kingdom i asked lord that you would release opportunities and jobs and businesses that you would rebuke those that those evil people that are over our people in these positions of authority i thank you that you would heal bodies and minds heal spirits and withdraw strength and we thank and we receive it by faith in jesus name that your will be done in earth in jesus name that your kingdom be measurable in jesus name that your power will be realized your authority realize in jesus name i pray amen thank you for joining us writers tell us how the bible study is helping you and of course we'll see you next time past nick thank you see y'all next time
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 449
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 3iPdQZjCzQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 22sec (5182 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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