Woody Woodpecker Show | Woodsy Woody | Full Episode | Cartoons For Children

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[Music] there's nothing I like better than peaceful acres under low management what's up what is he a woody somebody took over our favorite campground oh yeah then where are we gonna camp now woody cuz I already pumped up my new air mattress and everything smorgasbord acres free camping oh I am believe Arles smorgasbord acres is my campground and I'm so happy you came to do fun stuff with me I could use your ooh this calls for a celebration yeah [Applause] brand names great you can't leave them we just about to start the speed Olympics yeah and I challenge you woodpecker [Music] [Applause] there's a prize if you've been I cook your meals clean your cap and blow up your air mattresses every day with fresh mountain air flowing in from speed free camping buddies could be plush flamin I declare the Speed Olympics officially open look the games begin the first event will be the mustache weightlifting contest whoever can lift these weights using only the power of the Olympics [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah Becker the next event is the speed is meatball leap and eat we die from that power down into the meatballs and gravy whoever eats them all Vin's free grub in a cab now your pocket watch [Music] [Music] you're a meatball died [Music] regulation size meatballs buster they're the kind of meatballs I like food pecker feed Olympics no they put Becker we have the final event whoever gets that flag on the other side of the lake Vint they're gonna be pulled by your Hanabusa the herring brothers [Music] [Music] get it you're crazy for pecker [Music] no there's still one more event it's the I give up I must now grant you three wishes but I reserve the right to change modifier determined to nature content and quality of said Bish's your sign here initial here stamp here filling the blank carried it music blasts of order is not good enough for my masters car but I am thinking he's my masters water should be fresh [Music] it should be the freshest water in the world from a Swedish Bjorn maybe you're the worst genie I've ever met I wish I was the genie I'd show you how it was done [Music] man I wasted my wish hey this place has everything I could have wished for and you know some guys can't pull off the harem pants look okey-dokey board Packer fine now I get three wishes yeah sounds like a lot of work to me buddy get lost [Music] [Music] all right I wish to be a new me yeah I've earned the new head of hair of our sport stomach and I want to be reigning king of C raining [Music] [Music] thank you Becker [Music] [Applause] how will I ever find my magic lamp yeah I fish for hmm a three-story house oh joy my own three-story house a dream come true yeah and I'll give you personal this is the first time doggie lakhs check out these comfortable chairs now to stop II know you lookin for me what do you know just right how about some porridge [Music] [Music] now listen up Pinocchio the only thing for a little wooden boy so worried about in the real world is woodpeckers mansion in Elanco oh I believe it's time for my third wish and I wish to be the Uni again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] did you know that flowers have personality just as do people and animals some flowers seem to smile some are sad others are simple sincere and applied one of the most beautiful of the flowering frogs is the hibiscus for crafts quarters we suggest the low viscous Sam prefer the C viscous but that's a horse of another color this delicate looking plant is called terrific Asst odors stinkweed you know cocktail party would be complete without the ice [Music] next let us introduce to you the gladiolus these gay flowers are commonly called lads glad to know you glad to see you had to meet you thought you're here I'm glad to see you again hide your back here's a chap contemplating a purchase no no not that one no yes that one sunny location and remember keep the weeds away from ok [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh weed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you promise not to bother my flower anymore okay now shake hands [Music] you [Music] [Music] Wow what do you know a new pool on the neighborhood in ages Oh TWiki quit get busy we got us a new customer the car take a free shot I'm sure it's oh I think that's gonna be a great shot [Music] better than I remember say you want by any chance here for the big contest today is what can cast Wow who so ever beats the champion wins a free lifetime pass to buzz buzzards pool and Perry it free here's my favorite thing what's the catch look at sport this is just a simple one-time entry fee of the 25 yeah $79 good to go but the good news is if you I mean when you win you get the entry fee back with your lifetime of free pool the game is first one to knock in a hundred balls wins [Applause] [Music] what I sung come all your tight again hello seeing this fun oh it's your shot again and this whole Chinese rig for and I don't cheat woodpecker besides in which I told you you gotta win to get your dough back oh yeah boys you fake McKusick I clean it up a lot lie the more difficult the shots the better I like it to prove I ain't cheating I'm gonna call my shots before I shoot all the balls in the corner pocket banking him off the lamp well another whole bunch of points that was so not regulation boys it more to the point that woodpecker stole my cue stick off the cab to the stop sign off the manhole cover and into the FO our pod gosh boss you couldn't make that shot even with your trick you figure then go make me make it TWiki [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the desk the clock the yeah I think that found the hallway and up two flights of stairs [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] this guy cricket pulled on thanks we've been trying to catch this buzzed Buzzard red-handed for a long time you got a nice reward yes that would packets rekt me he stole my pool - how's the guy supposed to win a game without a pool cue I am go celebrate and play some more stop Chinese checkers anything that pool [Music] favorite bagpipe Appreciation Day remember food lovers souffles are furniture little things they need a car [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I know I'll throw a bagpipe Appreciation Day party the likes of let's the sky I shall never see your way specifically says no parties there's noisy and I'm trying to bake a souffle which requires sometimes if you wanna beat him you gotta join them inspector decibel noise police noise police we're affiliated with the CIA the FBI the e-i-e-i-o and all other abbreviated government agencies hmm government that's right ma'am Shh you'll tip the woodpecker we got a major file on this Dirty Bird [Music] I'm going to need your help to silence this noisemaker once and for all well do anything it takes inspector watch him like a hawk get him in the act I like your spunk maybe when this is over you and me [Music] stay in here and keep Odion round-the-clock watch do not leave your post no matter what you see ma'am and then report everything back to me tomorrow is that clear [Music] that one's is a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it [Music] party central book me your alter my band and deliver the biggest party tank you got party central [Music] great did you bring the tent about termites rare musical termites [Music] [Music] music termites Oh inspector am I glad to see you we need to get inside that tent good thinking come on follow this dream hang a left on willow make a u-turn on third turn right on first and come right up inside that woodpeckers elevator shaft got it good go [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I say no more beating around the bush to catch this woodpecker miss meanie you mean yep we're going in loud and we're going in proud there's only two rules do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I get my hands on that [Music] [Music] sad pipe Appreciation Day a day to be a loud proud Scotsman Lonnie buddy time for a Woody Woodpecker cartoons [Music] [Music] today we journey to the beach what a delightful place to spend the day here one finds complete relaxation and is invigorated by the tang of the fresh salt air the soothing rhythm of the surf ah should we say carries one away yes I think we should [Music] for those who seek entertainment there is the amusement here where everything say wonder why all the crowd looks like a fight [Music] they guess you think can't have to kill this Turkey I am in at NUI today is my day off so SSB ocean [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm a navigator navigator crew [Music] all right way to ask yogi I can yeah yeah there is that the redhead where did he go there is he [Music] even let you open the curtain and I'll grab him [Music] that's a I'm going to get read that this woodpecker trans hands are good [Music] you [Music] and now another emotional episode of as the bread Rises [Music] [Applause] [Music] these are government issues solar paddles sergeant hogwash they can power the entire base then give one panel to every civilian in the nearby area Paddy's I don't see any civilians in the area so I guess these extra panels perfect urban sauna [Applause] [Music] hey short stuff major didn't say nothing back no penguins getting solar panel slide far they and a hose and Part B uses up to 3/4 C short stuff unauthorized removal of military equipment is against our decor regulation [Music] [Music] little buddy one solar pal pilfering penguin discharge from this man's army time to light this candle funny did you far away but it [Music] that overdressed bird will not go AWOL with my solar power this detail is over nice very classy and I know classy when I see [Music] must be a copy one of them famous museum pieces mr. miles to go that's it everything the enlisted man needs to have a good time in the tub who's next with my duck hmm sworn that statue was over there before [Music] [Music] brings back memories of the time military [Music] hmm you still softer water this calls for a frontal assault poor battlefield tactics oh you've no retreat plan [Music] [Applause] [Music] just ban ground zero I was military bowling the coup de Grasse [Music] [Music] what's going on here soldier sir saunas and hot tubs are not regulation soldier no sir neither is your size not regulation sir I want this hot tub and this son off my base do you read me loud and clear you [Music] legend has it that king tut's court jester easy what's up with that stole a fortune from tot and hid it in his own booby trap tomb which has been lost for centuries it's said to hold a laughing curse that will reduce anyone who tries to take the treasure into a giggling fool so fascinating if I were an archeologist how bad I could find that lost tomb and become world famous [Music] [Music] yeah yeah I found the hieroglyphics toned at the point of a to the hidden tomb and all its treasure now man is the expert coming to help me bait the translation are you doing what kind of expert are you I've spent five long years of painful digging here years no wonder look at the tools you've been using and look how do you expect to pick up all this fan vacuum on reverse vacuums are for cleaning [Music] [Music] oh my how did you find it so quickly I just know where to dig look professor is he the court jester yeah easy I asked you first too easy no easy the court jester easy exactly easy for chopped with that jeepers I don't have time for this I must explore the tomb oh that's perfect - this is my expedition I lead the way and what I find is all mine okay booby traps cars a bunch of tourists trash from ancient times on every picture have told a story yeah like where the treasure is a court jester would know all kinds of jokes let's see uh why did the chicken cross the road to get to the other side wow that really is the oldest joke in the world hmm she's the expert the treasure must be maybe maybe my expedition has been cursed by her back Oh st. out now [Music] if there's treasure it must be in there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no no this is my life's work my archeological goal the treasure of easy what's up with that is my face punchy fancy gloves piranhas suction darts and Hammami I did the chicken cross the road to find my discovery you're right to call this in she's the vagabond tried to warn him [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Woody Woodpecker
Views: 1,849,708
Rating: 4.4299574 out of 5
Keywords: woody woodpecker, woody woodpecker full episodes, woodpecker cartoon, woody the woodpecker, kids videos for kids, cartoon, cartoons for children, cartoon woody, chilly willy cartoons, cartoons for kids, woody woodpecker laugh, woodpecker, woody, woody wood pecker, winnie, woody woodpecker show, pica pau, woody woodpecker bonus round, woody woodpecker movie, halloween cartoons, kids cartoons full episodes, woody woodpecker song, woody woodpecker intro
Id: QP0al-kODfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 0sec (3720 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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