Woody Woodpecker | Gone Fishin | Woody Woodpecker Full Episodes | Kids Cartoon| Videos for Kids

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[Music] you hear about the three what you need tomorrow's oh sorry offers only good philosophy I give you free food forever just for catching a stupid fish catch a few Z's catch slappy the lunker then head back to the bait shop to catch my free dinner [Music] I'm telling you we got a swim upstream together sometime I know all the best bus around yeah hey listen I gotta go some hotshots trying to make a name for himself yep it's always the same inning thinking they got what it takes to get all lefty the big trout Chow let's do lunch sometime let's see a letter word for sucker one day [Music] hey sucker is a woodpecker next time use something other than worms I get a big appetite I knew I could get through to that dim-witted woodpecker decoys are for Ducks bubble [Music] [Applause] I'm a big fish in a small pond you don't want to mess with me what you want to do is keep me happy so I don't stuff and [Music] favorite food [Music] [Music] mayflies my favorite see an ex fishin season whoa [Music] stop I can't now that you know I'm not the big lunker you want to hang on the wall you can let me go oh this isn't the legendary no no no free meals for you I swear it's your drought no just bored now you're gonna let me go is it true there's a monster-sized trapped in this white monster trout or minnows compared to what I've got why just the other day yeah so I got this great new gig oops gotta go [Music] maybe your baby better Lance [Music] now for the highlight of our tour ladies and gentlemen it's the famous pecking hem Castle stay together you may catch a glimpse of the Queen if you're lucky [Music] [Music] [Music] he's not the Veii for a royal cooking assistant to behave royal cooking assistant no it is not I am the great volley Voris that cleans new royal chef from speedin this my first day here and I got to make my famous Swedish taffy for Her Highness in less than one hour you will assist the great chef ollie yeah if I can prove to chef Wally that I'm a good cook I could become a real royal chef no food beggar Burke Burke Burke [Music] out of my bag and check the taffy taffy 'no some salt water i need a bit of honey lui marmalade yeah a bit of chewing gum [Music] [Music] [Music] do your memes down was wrong no chef Wally please just let me cook something and you'll see that I'm a real kitchen magician no they Houdini you'll do your magic on these grace them all in five minutes or you're fired hmm how am I going to grease all these pans [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] food Packer are you trying to do ruin me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no fear lane port baker finished it happy if you mess up I'll see the only place you will occurs I hope that the assistants got my toffee ready that doesn't smell like my toffee [Music] look it but you did to my famous pathy [Music] who is responsible for this oh well your majesty this one right here my assistant she is responsible for everything she did it all you're an assistant not anymore that's right you're fired yeah and Wally you are demoted to assistant the world's greatest no no I am the greatest chef in the world not her you can't do this oh don't be too hard on him your highness he means well he's just a little stuck on himself your honor you can't send me and twiki to jail besides we never took that lady's the jewels jump from her flossing into our hands as we was taking a moonlight stroll past imagine harder harder in my court because of your obvious theatrical and storytelling talents I'm sentencing you both to do community service you'll stage a play at the youth center and if you don't put on a good show it'll be a thousand years hardly Wicky we're gonna get society to pay us while we pay our debt to society we want to try out for your plane mr. boom we don't have any pops then strand with moss we don't have any other actors and you know what the judge said I know I know what the judge said all right let's see I'm putting on a kids show here it's it's called Peter Pan TWiki and me wrote it ourselves no didn't write Peter Pan yeah we found actually a last month oh did I say I said boss you just broke the first rule of the theater but never act with kids or animals never act with kids who are animals silly doomed pass snap out of it Wicky there ain't nothing to produce in a kids show I'm in amount of production like so which this community ain't never seen or my name these guys are strictly b-list unless we take matters into our own hands at 9 scene 47 over Peter Pan handler the buzz and twiki story this scene shows how me and twiki once had to bilk a sweet old lady out of a family heirloom jewels just to eat feel it cue splitter in my head [Music] what do you two think you're doing there ain't no pirates and my life story what the judge loves pirates yeah it's the plane that's what's wrong with Broadway today there's too much catering to the public's whims well not in my show no dancing pirates now sayin cats [Music] [Music] there ain't no flying wood legacy directing this show you were me don't answer that [Music] now you playing me and you play TWiki no pirates no flying woodpeckers this is Jarama play the scenes of my life so the audience can feel my pain [Music] do you feel his pain oh yeah I definitely feel his pain you know what'll happen if they hate our play tweaking what come midnight will be slow dancing on CBOC with a gorilla named Bob no we'll never get to Broadway there's only one solution in tonight's performance the parts of buzz Buzzard and twiki de Lackey will be played by you themselves used to gotta play all the other parts come on TWiki it's show time [Laughter] buzz and TWiki story as a baby Buzzard I was abandoned on the doorstep of two gentle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ruining my Play [Applause] [Music] drama and dance it's the most spectacular show I've ever seen okay okay tell you the way judge not a chance buzz you're a hit we want you to make show here direct your buzz [Music] evil space aliens who l of course hey wait a minute there ain't no evil space aliens in Death of a Salesman [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one for the front row please bub there's only one ticket for the game and it's in the cheap seats okay anymore [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the super Bueller catch buy more now where did that ball game busting bully go my mind how convenient and whatnot I was just looking for this hmm team mascot rocky the boy rocket yes [Music] quarters and I can study that's right ladies and germs oh oh this hurts my head one two l7m and tearing it vo oh that's me Rosie seven seas what do I win now hey wait a minute Rockets don't have red hair [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] regularly scheduled game enjoy I didn't get hit by a turnip truck you know well not yet anyway stealing your ticket was wrong and dis considerable of me please you take the seat no you take it no you take it no what so Joyce [Applause] [Music] Mordo why don't you just keep a seat after all and it's a good seat [Music] [Music] the big deal is I finally headed with you this time your it-- old you your Finnish woodpecker so I've gone and rented the tree house too I'm Nikki knick-knacker pleased to make your acquaintance I'm ready to sign your lease dear lady if probably you behave more like the sweet debonair fellow you might still be my tenant but since you're nowhere near as cultured and refined you're out of here Oh tea do you hear me dear meanie now that the lease is signed could you possibly see your way clear to lend me a mere morsel of food that guide me over until I'm settled in anything what would you like oh heavens just some soup perhaps one soupy doopy for my Nicky Wicky and oh I don't know perhaps an egg there we go you know it occurs to me I could use a couple of ten and I mean thousand dollars yes ten thousand would spot me nicely until the banks open on Monday ten if you're thinking of coming up to my treatments would you do me the honor of phone check it out this Biddy has a mighty cool stuff what do you think I mean why are you you ain't spoiling this for me Ms Meany I warned you that the cat was stealing from the way you're handled like this [Music] it's a toilet brush souffle bites [Music] [Music] uncle knuckles you're an imposter Oh Nicky what's come over you I mean this is preposterous I don't have them uncle knuckles miss me you told me you around here what yes he games but you know what we knick knackers do in bad times head way square days [Music] that's my pocket watch my bridge it was well thank you well since you've been in such a generous mood lately here's a short list of etiquette I think you could provide me at no additional RAM oh no ya don't woodpecker you won't take advantage of my hospitality frijoles [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm you mean if I just play with you how did the Spanish well join for free playing jazz happens to be my middle name then here's our new secret what a Bavarian toying kid when I was a kid once too you know this is the life relax all day relax all night and just come up with simple way the people Guntur occupied whatever floats your boat kids I'll use this boat you go get your own for a while [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] check her out this little Bavarian rat worst when he goes in for a nap I let the place all to myself there's a happy for my second course bad mood pickle guy you thought you could escape Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] babies are no freebies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Peter Xing Gunter hmm now a quick dip in the neighbors mode my wish came true I know best [Music] [Music] [Music] variant [Music] yep still running my head haha professional babysitting service for the rich and famous five hundred bucks an hour they must have a one of those - taking care of all those rich people's kids looks like I got white to do this babysitting is gonna be a cinch bring on the babies bring on the Bucks hello Woody's babysitting service this is old lady Buzzard would you take care of jr. while I get my jewels polished ugly baby babies cry when they're hungry hmm what say we make you a snacky wacky baby lady [Music] well that saps busy I'll find out where he keeps Lal is babysitting doh [Music] babies need lots of vitamins but they can't eat big people food hmm - big people food [Music] no better try and take whatever smells like baby needs a diaper change I don't have any diapers but I bet I can make some here's your diaper and it's self-adhesive too [Music] to change diaper take full C dual slot Aspen tuck tab a no that's not it [Music] maybe this way no good there doesn't that feel better here baby you play nice with the little rattle Wow I catch up on the Morning News [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes baby tired from playing baby games goodness will you look at that it's nap time sleep tight little baby oh by the way oh yeah don't have a kid bear so I got you the next best thing a real-life badger [Music] the third house on the left oh and don't forget the reward money [Applause] you gotta arrest me I want to go to jail look I know baby see I buzzed Buzzard convicted felon please don't leave me with that wacky would better way to get back to that pokey yep peanut butter sandwiches hot broth and all my buddy [Music] [Music] [Music] hey buddy you're letting all the heat out you know how much it costs to eat the skin [Music] look unless you're paying the bill keep the door closed you could poke an eye out with that thing and now a special message from Clive's cut-rate bait are you hungry you got the hook in a pole well if you can't catch your next meal with class cut-rate babe it can't be caught and if you're not satisfied with cut-rate bait send it back and I will send you some major or better time to bait absolutely free until you catches a fish [Music] allow me to introduce you to the items in your starter kit first our cut-rate bake catalog and next my genuine fish fly larva and finally my trusty incubator first you off the book then critters inside so they can mature properly now you are to teach them fly's tricks so they can get the feces attention and learn them your way [Music] next you ought to feed them critters so that they grow baby [Music] now you are ready to catch a face with these surprise [Music] [Music] hey hey hey do you mind I'm trying to read the sports page here who do you think you are ha don't interrupt me I mean hello in there whew see a pattern here like something to do with the bait look at the catalogue page 12 each time you send a bait back you get a bigger piece of bait right so send me back and Clive will send you a bigger bait fish one big enough to eat get my drift [Music] if you're not satisfied with cut-rate bait send it back and I will send you some bigger or better time to mate absolutely free until he catches and fish [Music] what's this another return oh who is this chili guy anyway he's writing me every bait I send him he sent back I've gone through every turn only babe left his penguin he can use it for catching a whale only I'm fresh out of penguin [Music] there's nothing more satisfying to me then they said it's my customer we have returned [Music] well you fed us when we were little so we can return the favor right boys remember what you taught us [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] all this rain will stop as soon as I get my better control Jack yeah you bet rain rain babe Ali's gonna make the Sun do day so on the side coming up goofy volleyball for party coming up an invitation pool party at Wally's yeah no pool party at Woody's yeah [Music] [Music] get you food Packer I showed that soiree stealing for decorating or two now there is that no-good party teeth [Music] [Laughter] everyone plenty of fun and sign over here yah-yah-yah it's a dance party what's that those are Swedish meatballs a barrio damn myself care to Bob for Swedish meatballs hey you guys why don't you come to a real swinging pool party come on let's go hey babe listen you meddlesome foul those are my party guests now I'll go get cleaned up and I'll be back before you can say who is that handsome wood pecker now that you're teamed up I am help you dry off [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and once again today will be sunny and beautiful in the Southland with the highs of 89 degrees in the valley and 92 degrees in the downtown area [Music] [Music] hmm never saw chicken coop where the chickens weren't askin you destroyed my party and now I'll be star you [Music] and now to shake things up a bit with a little earth break [Music] [Music] know where to start [Music] shut him down my name is these are the best parties here's my live ticket woody [Music] [Music]
Channel: Woody Woodpecker
Views: 557,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woody woodpecker, woody woodpecker full episodes, woodpecker cartoon, woody the woodpecker, kids videos for kids, cartoon, cartoons for children, cartoon woody, chilly willy cartoons, cartoons for kids, woody woodpecker laugh, woodpecker, woody, woody wood pecker, winnie, woody woodpecker show, pica pau, woody woodpecker bonus round, woody woodpecker movie, halloween cartoons, kids cartoons full episodes, woody woodpecker song, woody woodpecker intro
Id: VM6yIs50x_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 14sec (3674 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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