Woody Woodpecker Show | Brother Cockroach | Full Episode | Videos For Kids

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] move into someones place in freeload [Music] [Music] my whole life's been an uphill battle but you look at you you living the life here well I didn't always have a tree house on easy street you know I had to work hard for the good life please let me stay but if you're gonna stay you're gonna straighten up and fly right you've gotta hold up your end of the place gotta come up with the rent every month and to do that you gotta go out and now get out there and make your subspecies proud you got it mister I'm gonna make that change I'm off like 30 pounds and a grapefruit diet look out world this is one upwardly mobile cockroach just thinking about all the work he's gonna do is way [Music] Chester the cockroach has got a job I'm climbing that ladder of success you got a job you bet I did and I made 50 bucks now you can pay me your part of the rent but that only leaves me with two dollars I must have had it wrong why you're right Chester it looks like you need to go get a better job Chester go out there and work I got a huge promotion everything you taught me is paying off good work Chester but all inflation devaluation taxation looks like your rent just went up a hundred bucks damn is your water and electric bill TV privileges frequent user fee payroll and the unavoidable what yours is my pay now and then taken later Assessment Commission thank you next well how am I supposed to get ahead in life without money Chester have I taught you nothing it's about appearances networking and communication so get out there and make my subspecies proud check it out woody I got a new car with brakes that could stop up dead cream Ranchester you know I'm getting pretty sick and tired of moving up in the world only to have to hand everything over to you I've changed jobs more often and you've changed socks you're at the space and it's time to put the teacher to the test you get a job woody so get out there and work both are you up to now good Baker what's this world coming to [Music] you were right I was I got a job in real estate tail feathers now sir that's exactly what I've been trying to tell you so my first real estate deal is to get you set up in a house that's a home in the style to which your money is it has them behold and I gots and it comes furnished too but can I afford it's not about a forwarding it's about investing it's about planning for your future it's about making things happen save ten grand hey what are these walrus pictures you know what gentlemen the pride of his subspecies you know that little guy was right could be a dynamite salesperson what my way to the top I get you out of my house [Music] well hello breakfast hmm if it isn't my neighbor the moocher could you possibly spare a small bite and short on groceries this week there sure chump foodie I'll sample the burger to make sure it's cooked my evening how rude of me [Music] oh yeah sorry I forgot it must have slipped my mind that'll fix you why don't you get a job and stop mooching off others [Music] hello the IRS I'm being audited [Music] oh no and if they see all my food did they think I'm rich for sure board Revenue Service tax evader according to official records you have never ever filed a food return by George it must be a yoke taxes heavy tax here yumpin yiminy I'm a law-abiding citizen I'll be the judge of that this warrant entitles me to search your premises failure to comply could mean jail time [Music] very clever mr. walrus hidden MIA pencils to quit holding out and produces the goods I have nothing to hide we'll see about that jail time to me it belongs to the former owner of the house [Music] building mr. Morris hmm that's my pet little orange it's a half-eaten carrot genius [Music] I knew it hard Sicilian salami but I've never even been to Sicily tell it to the judge this evidence must be treated with the utmost care mr. walrus behind this door [Music] and explain this that's not an eating ham that's a plumbing ham no please I was saving that for my retirement shucks mr. walrus you should be ashamed of yourself this will cost you dearly you're going down solitary confinement [Music] and that would leave you with prison anything but that yeah I confess I've got food hidden all over the house it'd be merciful weights you're on it mr. walrus my food right IRS mr. walrus it has come to our attention that you are owing 37 years in back taxes ah but I thought that it didn't I just buried what are you doing [Applause] that leaves you with 1% of your body fat your account is fully paid thank you for doing business with the IRS hello sport could you spare some food for a guy down on his luck sure you're just in time the delivery truck just came fresh logs with all the termites you can eat [Music] hand over the cow juice milkmaid this mr. alias mr. alias man of adventure triumphs again who among you is ready to join me in my life of adventure I've made all the arrangements just send one hundred dollars for your very own [Music] package from mr. arias too large for home delivery please pick up at the oversight delivery office oh boy let the adventure begin [Music] [Music] nice haircut ahem regulation 47k subsection 8 clearly states [Music] lady I just want my baggage the rules are the rules woodpecker I don't make them I just carry him out there are rules to be followed [Music] will you say aren't you Employee of the Month Oh aren't you sweet let's see if we can get that package for you fully I seem to have misplaced it hmm company rules are very specific about missing claim slips rule 84 paragraph G states that customers without claim slips must take a number and wait in line until an official of the company that would be me calls his number and verifies as identity and then there's rule 48 K wait like everybody else [Music] number one number two yes see how well everything works when we follow the rules now you may wait in the package line Oh [Music] [Music] well what do you know a secret Oh PO Boxes must be stacked at all times direct violation of cold five to five Z trespassing behind my counter [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so fast violator no scoff was going to break procedure on my watch Wow come out I'll have so much junk mail delivered to your house and we'll take a paper recycling plant I'm maybe officer's uniform but first I know just what mr. arias would do in this situation [Music] Master general what are you doing here a spot inspection regulation 39 B clearly states the boys are to follow orders from their superiors at all times yes sir delivery master general now get behind that red line until I tell you to move [Music] [Music] beat me eat smash ooh ice cream cones only 25 cents one SuperDuper cool Bob [Music] [Music] EVP it's a hot bun for sure but my cool specials they bring in the cool cash you bet cool is for paying customers are you buying something maybe gotta cool off before I can think about shopping the heat up air almost melted my beat vocals on plays house [Music] [Applause] nobody owns Claire welcome back to volleys market mrs. Fanny binco I'm always happy to see my best customers yeah [Music] EEE time for the daily produce infection good coloring yeah very nice rind fresh mmm pressure you you freeloading woodpecker you're not going to use my [Applause] [Music] head [Music] you can't hide from me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they have water what pecker mommy can I have one please please please is it fresh mr. walrus daddy hey fresh by you bet it's the freshest food pecker I will ever sell yeah I'll take it [Music] [Music] [Music] me being cold frozen please I make it up to you by giving 10% of all your purchases 20% your vans call vote beggar I give you that cool [Music] oh please sis ain't even conveyed mrs. Hainey vinkle mrs. Fanny vinkle as my most valued customer please accept this rare one-of-a-kind frozen boot sickle as a gift for your son come on sickle oh well if Francis is happy all right you're forgiven mr. walrus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh here meat meat everywhere meats in not a single vegetable to be found I really must move to a more civilized climate oh just so old chap what you need is a proper feast of veggies and tapioca pudding [Music] one iced rutabaga some snowball Brussels sprouts and some nights icicle carrots [Music] Bravo a positively brilliant meal satisfied now old boy oh no we aren't hungry anymore oh boy there can be no boiled ham if we are to be proper vegetarians nor the hot dog it too is a meat by-product I will have no more of your carnivorous shuri-chan Anakin's hmm perhaps a good snooze will get your mind back in order no it can't be but it is a succulent stuffed squab [Music] yeah oh dear I really can't go back to my old ways the life of a carnivore is so detestable I will not touch the squab all animal life is precious to me however one cannot completely deny once weaknesses [Music] [Music] hmm not bad young nice playful yet delicate cinnamon blueberries and just a hint of ah yes smoked salmon of course my finicky feasting must not be fouled by that frigid bowel look this is you this is me and being civilized vegetarian I nonetheless have all the natural urges of my forefathers the most primal of all these urges is to consume meat products and so my dear Jeeves you being just such a bully meat product yourself should therefore vamoose understand [Music] the dear boy undoubtedly to bein after all you've can't argue with logic sorry lads but I must take drastic measures [Music] we're to milk the land would like to go to the North Pole to see Santa Claus okay Mac load him up now [Music] [Music] Jolley bad luck [Music] now look here jeez you you can't just bully well go around behaving with such Willie minded duckiness [Music] this is the last straw I am leaving now and you will bully well stay here do you comprehend oh now boy a cervical island I see we are due for a vacation aren't we and bananas are quite lovely this time of year to the islands then oh don't tell me you've grown attached to the diminutive squab now have you oh I suppose we could take this little fellow along you'd finally leave me alone if I took you someplace warm and cozy all right then it's settled we'll have a smashing good time oh I'll make us all banana splits banana pudding [Music] Oh Lux's GG swag spa we treat you like a king especially if you happen to know one rich and famous this is my play hard on our moi International passports please Spain Switzerland Russia Bora Bora to have you back with us mr. and mrs. Newton the sky I hope your year-long ski holiday with the king of Sweden was to catch me out passport please lovely to have you back from a Vannucci mainstream you've only been across town [Music] European stop we don't think you fit in with the rich and famous woodpecker [Music] miss Luxx my boss well well if it isn't woodpeckers best friend my don't you look beatific elite today whatever and now is the little seafood leaf oh don't mind the door man he could have rabies [Music] [Music] push the this will sorry now get back to work don't you just love it when the underdog wins rest and relaxation here I come [Music] I need a relaxing massage now where is that walking feather pitch did you see a what about this high and this wise no I didn't see but oh yeah I know a stiff neck then I am seeing Vaughan I thought you're all hiding yeah but just close your eyes I can see every single muscle group working together like a fishing crew in a fjord Oh what have you been doing all day this is next back cleanliness how he say [Music] to convince that doorman that I'm not here [Music] what's cute me have you seen a woodpecker in these facilities no this guy's won't work forget the disguises [Music] facial massage [Music] [Applause] [Music] excuse me but have you seen my so-called doorman oh you poor dear good help is so hard to find these days isn't there hey Logan says that again he completely destroyed my expensive urn collection not the Fred miss Luxx I just returned from Bali Valley and I would love this little dip to you as a token of my appreciation for keeping the riffraff out of our spa Oh mr. woodpecker you have wonderful taste you must come with us next month to send hope a and then on to Monte Carlo the figs and mud there are beyond compare Oh would you be a dear and get seafood then how do you drown us in a level you heard what she said [Music] what an awesome red meteorite it's the third time I've seen it this month Lenny might 30.1 at 12 degrees in Scorpio I wish I could be an astronaut so I could see the stars up close [Music] hmm if found return to the Tuscan Space Launch Center wow this could be my ticket to ride yours my medium monitor satellite this is bad [Music] Wow is that a giant blue ice meteor hurtling towards Earth we're doomed farthest post I need a space crew it couldn't hurt just try this on my crew person but I just called how did you get here so fast fax email let's go I'll finish this [Music] whoa I'm breaking out in hives there's three reasons why I can help don't use [Music] [Music] [Music] those kids today [Music] [Applause] I mean [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tractor beam no that's right no get my helmet off [Music] everything everything I wanted to be remember is the one who saved the earth now I'm the one who destroyed it with with giant ice oh you won't be remembered for that professor it's a giant ice something something powerful to destroy like I always say professor Lenin [Music] [Music] won't help whinny it's still on costs only now for the other side could you tell our viewers how you managed to save oh well I hope she know what did she say this Justin I'm getting word the national space division has reported some unauthorized blazer activity it has not a red meteor onto a collision course with earth and this one's in the shape of a giant woodpecker [Music] [Music] your weight and cost ah free box too much [Music] hey Bob about getting some eggs oh hello you that would be me I'm the operator of this here establishment leave it Wow if you have on den eggs you skedaddle into the barn here you can have all the eggs you can carry yes yummy yolk most likely to be screamed [Music] [Music] at the door and it's long you can carry [Music] [Music] [Music] hey I said my money's worth I heard your eggs actually amazing to meet you [Music] booster giant rooster yeah just an old country rooster looking for a nest to share with a Chevy and egg layer like you my little chickadee Oh how's about sweets for a sweetie oh yeah now we're getting somewhere one custom made nest cozy to keep those little chaps ears warm [Music] [Music] don't know if you're an official review if you don't hear from us it's because they were bigger badder eggs out there [Music] [Applause] [Music] I sweat a smaller stuff huh boy in all the years me and more it's been doing this you're the first one to get an egg and that's some egg what's the secret sometimes you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet so what say maybe you'd like a chance of the free side of bacon hmm [Music] [Music] as a wildlife Ranger I'm sworn to protect all and dangerous critters and these here harsh weather conditions that means making sure the rare albino polar bear who lives in this here cave has food to eat oh when along a nice warm place to make nappy time and some entertainment appliances for his personal enjoyment myself acquainted with the big fella huh not just what the heck's going on here bouts well well what have we here why you're just normal everyday Pingo in and this here stuff is foreign dangerous critters like the albino polar bear that big fellow sleep like a baby cub on this here posterior Pedic you gotta be real careful with these honor of bear types they can be very standoffish if and you don't make a good first impression [Music] now you listen hey lil fella this bed is designed for the slumbering of one held by no polar bear [Music] [Music] well my first encounter with the big fella didn't go so swell but food is real hard to come by out here and I'm sure this here feel that nignog will warm him up to me mr. bear got you some delectables I'll stay 20 paces away from the critic to show him that I am in no way is predatory yes he a Pangolin is really starting to crush my eyes [Music] sure is a happy little fella [Music] [Applause] [Music] y'all might want to avert your eyes this is gonna hurt a bit I reckon like it says in the Ranger handbook when in pain always revert to the standard operating declaration Oh [Music] stay out of my preserve lil fella I'm sure snow on Christmas that this big screen TV Oh went back that fellers affections I just put the sad on mute and program all the educational lock channels for this big fellas edification [Applause] [Music] hmmm looks like my first day trainings gonna come in mighty handy and a few second [Music] [Music] you are banished from these here parts until such time as you are in dangerous rare or unique which will be never [Music] I am officially pronouncing this banished penguin territory so you stay put [Music] well hi and howdy there little purple Pingel in don't see much of your kind around these parts wait a minute you know I'm not as dumb as he looks [Music] ain't no such thing as a purple penguin mister purple Bengal in impersonating and in dangerous type critter is a serious offense against nature you know what that's not a half-bad look for you mr. bear [Music] aha it is your area of tropical penguin and Zee topical polar bear what a fine now just to create a catchy minute here short stuff these creatures are in my charge and I am a member of the Ranger service chasing such endangered creatures no no these little ones deserve better citizens the tropical forests are treatment and you might octa dreams our friend will be sweeping up their tropical preserve paradise when I will put you to headquarters yes she is hard working here in this tropical nature preserve oh well at least it's a dry heat [Music]
Channel: Animated Cartoons for Children
Views: 326,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woody woodpecker, woody woodpecker full episodes, woodpecker, woody the woodpecker, cartoons for children, cartoon, woody, chilly willy, cartoons, cartoon for kids, woody woodpecker laugh, woody wood pecker, winnie, woody woodpecker show, woodpecker cartoon, pica pau, woody woodpecker bonus round
Id: OhoFlggDlUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 54sec (3654 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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