THE GARFIELD SHOW - SEASON 3 - Little trouble in Big China

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so i'll be back in a few days thanks for taking care of mrs ferret for me john oh glad to do it but thanks for reminding me i haven't fed her since this morning well if she has to wait a little while it isn't a crisis it is if she starts eating garfield's food oh right you guys what's on tv hey those freshly baked cookies look delicious touch one and the next thing around here that will be freshly baked will be ferret pie here you go mrs frank a nice tasty bowl to ferret kibble [Music] oh garfield i just made a meatloaf for you it's out in the kitchen you mean i have to go all the way out there to get it [Music] well i guess i could do it with a little exercise [Music] gee almost sounds like food [Music] come on odie let's go enjoy the meatloaf ollie you smell meatloaf i have no idea what that is but it's gotta be better than this did you get the license number of that [Music] this is a tornado better than ferret food you ate someone else's food who do you think you are me oh we ferrets are so hyperactive we burn up all the food unlike certain cats i can name i'm not fat i just have very thick fur i'm never gonna eat fair food again i can't blame her for that but i can blame her for eating my meatloaf fortunately i always keep leftover chow mein in the refrigerator for just such an occasion see i'm surprised she left the plank spoken too soon okay i didn't want to resort to this but she's left me no choice [Music] odie mrs ferret has forced me to take drastic action [Music] you've never seen this before the sign says in case of pizza emergency press button here we are vittos linguini for you all piping hot and so delicious the garfield alert is [Music] here you are here you are here is vito with your pizza no pepperoni well in an emergency you have to settle for what you can get the wrong pizza is still better than no pizza delicious but it would have been so much better with pepperoni i know just how you feel golf you know all that cheese i had stored up well i don't have it anymore she got your cheese she even ate the limb biker you need to work on your speed beat her at her own game the mouse is right she's fast if i want to get anything to eat around here i need to be faster and i know just the guy who can teach you tomorrow morning at the park crack it on i woke up at 6am for normal [Music] and since when are you a fitness coach as the four-time winner of the healthiest feline pageant i happen to know a thing or two about keeping in shape sqweek says you need to be able to outrun someone well do as i tell you if you want something bad enough it'll happen i've tried that and it doesn't work you're still here if you ever want to eat again try this one two one two touch your toes garfield one two testing i can't even see him peyote touch my toes for me one two one two one two i don't see why this is supposed to make you healthier one two one two one two one that big builder over there i want you to run up there give me one good reason why i should i put three chocolate flavored energy bars on top of it oh three good reasons first one who reaches the boulder gets to eat them on the count of three one two three hey what just happened mrs ferret just happened [Music] oh those are even better than pizza is that who you're trying to get faster than yep forget it it'll never happen i hate when nermal's right no okay time to try something else [Music] let's see for better speed lubricate the wheels of the roller blades before every use a drop or two will do just fine i'm competing with a super fast ferret here better use the whole bottle garfield lunch is ready lunch let's roll is everything okay i can explain i baked your favorite lasagna but on second thought i think now i'm going to split it between mrs ferret odie and myself you just wait behold honey with this jet pack i'll leave that ferret in the dust [Music] nice outfit what does it do you'll see soon enough garfield honey dinner is ready food i actually got food we have a problem [Applause] could have been a lot worse face it garfield she's just too fast for you you're right oh well eating was nice while it lasted well at least you'll get skinny like that gal on tv hi that's me back when i was thin and skinny everyone made fun of me now thanks to phil's fast fat formula i've gained 296 pounds and no one ever makes fun of me that's phil's fast fat formula order that's the answers if it can't speed me up i'll slow her down boy if ever i had a customer who didn't need this knock up the snide remarks and sell me this stuff [Music] hello no i don't want to buy a grass hut in the aleutian islands thank you [Music] this should be ready in no time garfield odie dinner's ready [Music] and when you're done here are some brownies i made for dessert [Music] oh you're too fat and slow to reach them mrs ferret too bad [Music] i'll have this one and this one this one and here's one for you odie and here's one for you sqweek oh thanks for taking care of mrs ferret while i was away john oh we're glad to have her anytime but she seems to have put on too many pounds while she was here to fit into the pet transport cage [Music] you know what leftovers may be my favorite food in the world [Music] looks like you got rid of mrs ferret for a while what you eating leftovers you may have some if there are any leftover leftovers oh hey you know that lasagna you put the fast fat formula into yes pray tell well mrs ferret never finished it so john put it in the container in the refrigerator [Music] oh that's good john always says garfield and i'm just the personal trainer who can help you you can help me normal you can help me do my favorite exercise oh what's that garfield you leave me alone [Music] you know if garfield chases normal every time nermal annoys him garfield's going to lose that weight in no time right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] this black olives canadian bacon extra sauce other people put themselves asleep by counting sheep i count pizza toppings i see pineapple more sausage [Music] the mailman's here oh huh thanks for the alert boy but i've decided to take the afternoon off no mailman annoying for me today extra cheese extra extra cheese extra extra extra cheese yeah that's right agnes the house with the cat i'm delivering there now if i don't see you again remember i loved you hold on this is the dangerous part where i push the doorbell [Applause] i'll get it [Music] agnes i may be okay i hear mr hobbical coming [Music] hello mr harbuckle i have some letters for [Music] mr john's taking up mine you don't know what mime is i figured you wouldn't here i had them prepare this brief educational video to explain it mine is an ancient form of acting that does not use words or speech and which dates back to ancient greece in the fifth century abc it is an art in which you convey a message through your actions and expressions a mind never speaks directly to the audience instead he or she relies on the power of imagination [Music] now take a cue from john and don't say anything for the next week or two yeah yeah let me guess you got fed up with the cat and you're running away to join the circus what do i want a cup of coffee yes you got it exactly right oh man i'm good i'm really good i've been taking mime classes for the last three months and now i'm testing my miming abilities on people here's your mail is that a bill from the prime rib of the month club i don't want us getting kicked out um dear mr arbuckle our mime school has elected you student of the year we have chosen you to represent us at the world mine championship that will take place in paris france home of the greatest mimes of all time garfield odie i'm going to go to france and win this contest as the world's greatest mime and to really get in practice i'm going to live my life in mime i won't say another word until the competition [Music] not sure why odie but i have a feeling we're in big trouble [Music] he's miming everything he's doing an imaginary drawing with an imaginary pencil and guess what at the end of the week john's boss is gonna send him an imaginary paycheck [Music] and now he's making us an imaginary dinner huh oh great imaginary lasagna again we haven't had a meal with actual food in it for days [Music] does he think anyone would be stupid enough to go along with this enough already your cat is fed up with not being fed up cody give me the menu for vetoes [Music] that's right dial a phone i do it myself but i'm too weak from hunger venus pizzeria vito speaking how may i help you [Music] uh hello is anybody there i guess there's no one there oh fortunately i planned for an emergency of this sort [Music] a few months ago i recorded one of john's better orders [Music] [Applause] speaking how may i help you vito this is john arbuckle please send me enough food to feed my cat ah senor albacle i will be right over as soon as i can borrow a large truck problem so [Music] here is your field senior arbuckle hurry pay him in large bills it's faster [Music] he's paying him an imaginary money uh please senor arbuckle pay me for the food so i can get back to my restaurant [Music] is that supposed to be the tip [Music] [Applause] i do not know what kind of silly joke you're playing but peter will not put up with it if you do not pay you do not get my wonderful food oh no wait wait can't you take an imaginary credit card or something [Music] if john doesn't give up this mime stuff he's gonna have a couple of imaginary pets [Music] john's mowing the front lawn with an imaginary lawnmower there you are john arbuckle where have you been for the last two weeks why haven't you been answering your phone i keep calling here and someone answers but no one ever says anything [Music] oh student of the year world mime championship you've been studying mime you're going to france for this contest well good luck who's your partner no your partner it says here all contestants must be duets two mimes in a team you didn't read the back of the letter you don't have a partner and the contest is day after tomorrow where are you gonna find a partner who can do great mime oh no not me no chance no way i don't think garfield wants to do it and that's too bad huh would have been nice to win that big cash prize yeah big cash prize i guess you didn't read this part it says the winner receives wow that's enough money to keep garfield and lasagna for a year excuse me one moment looks like you've got yourself a partner [Music] how long have they been like this one hour and 37 minutes oh what is the name of their act again the meaning of life life is apparently very boring [Music] the next contestant is jean r buckley and his cat garfield they will perform the famous mirror sketch [Music] do [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] congratulations you are the winners in the finest mines in all the world you shall receive a large cash prize wow thanks a bunch he spoke contestants are not allowed to speak their rules are quite strict if you speak and you did you are disqualified no large cash prize for you ushers remove them from this stage at once no that's not fair i only spoke after the performance that doesn't count i protest hyper tag when i need him to order pasta he doesn't say a word now he talks [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] so can you believe it guys a comic book shop actually wants me there today to sign autographs they probably just want to see if you know how to write your name it's my caped avenger costume just in case there's a world crisis or anyone wants my autograph the shop's up ahead guys i'll bet there's a line all the way around the block of fans who want my signature [Music] mom [Music] huh time is the line around the block getting here i just love ultra powerful guy comics i can't understand it mr arbuckle i advertised for weeks that you'd be here i thought everyone who loves your work would show up we are all here they didn't turn out for you they didn't even come to see the rarest comic book in the world ultra powerful guy number one i thought people would come to see it if i had a copy on display isn't that worth like a million dollars it sure is the guy who loaned it to me insisted i hire a security guard to stay and watch on it but it didn't draw a big crowd either aren't there a few people in the store just a few and not enough i've run out of ideas to attract customers looks like i'm gonna have to go out of business i know what this store needs oh yes it needs excitement it needs celebrity it needs an appearance by the most super of all superheroes [Music] avengers [Music] hey no snickering about the costume [Music] last week at a convention i bought the entire run of colossal mystery comics 425 issues all in mint condition and sealed in plastic if they seal the plastic how are you gonna read them read them i got my whole life savings in this place and i'm not making enough to pay to rent oh don't worry rupert something will change fate will just walk through the front door i'm here okay well now i'm over here it is i the cape avenger avenger avenger avenger it's a real life superhero it's an overweight cat in a bad costume right both times men and now i will hey whatever that was i didn't do it it sounds like it came from outside my front window with the million-dollar comic book i repeat i didn't do it not my fault whatever it is it's gone the copy of ultra powerful guy number one is gone i'll call the police [Music] odi be careful of that broken glass all over the sidewalk hello i'd like to report a robbery a very expensive robbery how am i gonna pay for that comic book i'm ruined all right let's run through this one last time yeah it's like i said officer this guy had a costume he looked like a super villain ran up outside the window and used some sort of superpower hammer thingy he broke the window knocked me out grabbed the comic and disappeared i see you think you could describe him well enough that our police artist could make a sketch of him i'll try but he was wearing a mask this looks like a job for fanfare [Music] avenger avenger avenger venger where's my trusty sidekick slurp oh hi trusty sidekick slurp where's your costume well then dream one up use your imagination [Music] how many times do i have to tell you the sidekick can't have a better costume than the hero huh no time to change there's a super villain lurking about let's roll you're probably wondering if there's an origin story for the caped avenger venger venger well there he is criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot so my disguise must be able to strike terror into their hearts i will base my costume on the next thing i see here is the pizza you ordered of course it will scare everyone it has anchovies on it [Music] all right better uh-huh yeah let's find a despicable repulsive super villain to defeat [Music] because that's what feels like that's true that's why nope no despicable repulsive super villains around here let's eat tape adventure paint avengers no autographs and you forgot my echo there's a despicable repulsive super villain robbing the bank leaping lasagna wait did you say it was despicable yes and is he repulsive very this sounds like a job for the adventurer he's also very dangerous this sounds like a job for the caped avengers sidekick call me after you defeat him i'll be in bermuda there he is hey caped avenger venge avenger i just robbed the bank you'll keep your money in what are you going to do about it the thing any self-respecting superhero would do move my money to another bank [Music] no it's too late he's already stolen my money we have to get it back onward overdressed sidekick [Music] we are here want to give up no even though i have incredible speed watch this bow run completely around the world sorry it took so long there was a traffic jam on a highway in luxembourg so want to give up now no even though i have incredible strength watch as i lift the heaviest object around your me john was right i need to lose a few pounds want to give up now no i think i'd rather do this [Music] i think i'll give up the part about arresting super villains and just wear the suit and look cool odie i came through the wall this way and the bricks are out here huh odie i think i solved the crime yes crashing through that wall like that reminded me of a story i once read in an issue of ultra powerful guy come on ultra powerful guy ultra powerful guy ah here they are now which issue was it nope not this one no not this one either wait i think this is it it is come on i'll be honest with you rupert the chances of us finding this super villain and returning the comic book are very slim so are my chances of staying in business i have to go back to the police station wait superhero to the rescue i don't have time to read comic books here read this read these panels what are you trying to get me to ultra powerful guy says when a window is broken the pieces of glass travel in the same direction as the impact since the shards of glass were on the outside that means the window was broken from the inside that's right the pieces of glass were on the outside which means whoever broke it did it from the inside stop that man [Music] let's go somebody stop that guy he won't get away any idea which way you went faithful sidekick [Music] thanks to your super-powered nose we're on that trail [Music] [Music] [Music] this alley is a dead end but if he comes this way he can use this board to get over the fence [Music] i think i lost him out of this yard they'll never catch me [Music] another job well done by the caped avenger if i do say so myself and apparently i have to [Music] the guard confessed oh thank you officer don't thank me the cat is the one who solved the mystery [Music] yeah i did i feel like that really good-looking blind guy in the cartoons with the big scared dog why so glum rupert you got back the comic yeah but i'm gonna lose the comic book store nothing i do gets customers in here excuse me is this the place we heard about on the news where the superhero foiled the comic book robbery [Music] it is there's the caped adventure then your vendor venue looks like you have customers lots of them yeah how about that say batman eat your heart out hey don't don't crowd there's enough of me to go around [Music] so [Music] bye [Music] oh [Music] boy what a night what oh you may have noticed that i'm a duck yep i'm a duck and you're probably wondering how i became a duck it happened yesterday and it started in this house just down the block i knew someday my handsome prince would come and rescue me and i knew someday i would find a lovely princess to be my bride true love will always find a way and you are the man i have waited my entire life winona are you watching fairy tales again no i'm studying my magic spells don't lie to me young lady you were watching fairy tales again i warned you they'll give you bad dreams fairy tales aren't scary aren't they they are if you're a witch have you seen what they do to witches in fairy tales they burn us they melt us and fancy children are always shoving us into ovens i can't believe they showed that stuffed again no no i don't want to hear this well study your spells and don't let me catch you watching or believing in fairy tales again i will find somebody someday won't i somebody who thinks i'm beautiful and who really wants to love me that really does happen doesn't it nevermore [Music] and while all that was going on in our neighborhood we were out in farm country and you know how much i love that i want to go home gloria's making lasagna for dinner then i want to go home you and gloria seem very happy oh we are john we are ever since we started dating he seems happier and healthier that's how i feel and where do you taste the dinner gloria's making oh i have to check on my lasagna i found myself a great little lady john and don't call me doc boy i haven't called you doc boy yet you will well this was going on winona was studying spells oh i almost forgot in case you missed the earlier episode winona had a crush on john she tried to marry him but fortunately we stopped it in time so john could be with liz but she still had a crush on john and couldn't resist sneaking a peek at what he was doing [Music] there he is she makes great lasagna it won't matter when garfield's around and they serve lasagna i never seem to get any yeah john arbuckle is so dreamy i wonder who that guy he's talking to is don't worry john you're my brother i'll make sure you don't brother another armbuckle just don't call me doc boy i didn't know john had a brother and he's just as dreamy did you hear that bird i found my handsome prince at last nevermore and off she went to bag herself her very own arbuckle she had the laugh down but she still wasn't great on her spell [Music] i have one more count of milk i'll be back before dinner is served and don't call me doc boy i have it yes better get your place at the table garfield you don't want to be late i've never been late for lasagna and i don't intend to start now oh and i uh still want to go home [Music] hello my name is winona and i'm going to be your bride oh that's nice john's brother can be slow about a gallon and a half later my bride did you say you were going to be my bride you can't say no to me yes i can watch this no i said no to you oh he's even got a sense of humor it goes with my sense of survival if he wants to play hard to get i can play along [Music] it's boring here on the farm nothing ever happens [Music] we were made for each other hey i know who that is that's mrs cauldron's niece so there's noise dog boy are you all right i'm being chased by a witch who wants to marry me marry him yeah and i knew you called me that boy i can't see who these people are but i better cast some spells so they don't interfere like i said winona wasn't the greatest witch but she did have a copy of magic spells for dummies [Music] she turned john into a squirrel she turned me into a duck hey you can't do this to my friends they're all and she turned audiences i guess i should have picked some other kind of animal oh well finally she swooped up dark boy and carried him off ah let's go get married dog boy help and don't call me dog boy john went off looking for nuts but gloria stuck around a pen oh i don't want to be a horse i want to be dad's why well unless we think of something that job is about to be filled the only person who can stop her is her aunt mrs cauldron [Music] you're right none of us can drive but we do have transportation [Music] don't worry odie mrs coldren will know what to do we made it to mrs caldron's in no time it was easy for her to change gloria back to gloria [Music] dearly are you all right do you know where you are how many fingers am i holding up cast a long-range spell to turn john back into john [Music] but changing me back to me proved to be more difficult duck into cats duck into cat i can't seem to find it here's duck into aardvark oh you wouldn't want it i didn't think so well the duck spell will wear off eventually we may not have much time i know where she must have taken him i'll take us there this will be a great time to try out my new tricycle brew in no time at all we were airborne [Music] and then even less time than that we were nearing the tower of witchery this is where witches go to marry or to get their warts palace [Music] so you will not take this man to be your lovely with his warlock for sure and do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded witch will it matter if i say no nothing to slightest i didn't think so and don't call me doc boy i know pronounce you wait stop the ceremony oh no not again [Music] auntie nona you bad little girl i just wanted someone to marry me is there anything wrong with that if he doesn't want to rent me well i guess i'm never going to find anyone winona you're young and by the time i find someone i'll be your age hey give the kid a break she's got to stop believing in fairy tales why because they don't come true i'm 300 years old and i've never seen a fairytale come true did you ever believe in them well no well maybe that's why but winona does she believes in true love and happy endings oh those things don't happen in real life they might if you let them happen and in case you haven't noticed you're a witch and i'm a talking cat who got turned into a duck this is not real life hello oh yeah give your niece a break and that's not a bad idea now that's what i call a handsome prince [Music] it's no use i guess some of us weren't meant to ever find true love we all feel that way until we do i always knew you were coming i just didn't think you'd ever show up may i have the honor of this dance [Music] well that's pretty much the happy ending of it all winona founded prince glory and doc boy went home and mrs calden wiped out everyone's memory of what happened everyone except me of course someone had to narrate this episode oh and she assures me this duck thing it's gonna wear off in a couple of days or weeks or sometime in the meantime i've decided to enjoy it huh [Music] i've always wanted to fly south for the winter um [Music] hey guys wait for me we can stop up for pizza vetos has a discount for ducks [Music] do [Music] so [Music] garfield breakfast is ready while you guys eat i'm going to go to the market did i hear someone laughing i made you pancakes [Applause] something is seriously wrong here you can tell because i'm not eating [Music] [Applause] cody what's going on here i don't know all right i'm gonna get to the bottom of this here either eat these or bury them in the backyard oh no where's the boss he's in his office but we haven't finished the scene later all right everyone now behind this door is the studio where we film the garfield show how many people here watch the garfield show show of hands [Music] oh yeah i've seen that show i like the dog you know the one with the tongue [Music] it's very simple garfield we've given your show a laugh track laugh track oh that's right we doing television all the time we add in recorded laughter and applause it makes the show seem well more deserving of laughter and applause isn't that cheating we like to think of it as enhancing reality allow me to demonstrate here's a comedian we recently had on one of our shows no but i want to tell you hey a man walks into a doctor's office he says hey doc it hurts when i do this doc turns to him and says well don't do that [Music] not too humorous but watch what happens when we add the laugh track hey a man walks into a doctor's office he says hey doc it hurts when i do this doctor and says well don't do that [Music] wouldn't it be easier just to make the show funny ah let's get one thing straight garfield we don't tell you how to eat lasagna and annoy puppies you don't tell us how to run a tv show all [Music] right me introduce you to rosie rosie rosie right in here hello rosie hi balls wait here's some applause for you and i believe you know our star garfield cat garfield here's some applause for you [Music] oops wrong button sorry rosie adds in all the laughter applause and even sound effects for the show i sure do [Music] [Applause] i don't approve of putting phony laughter and applause on my show but if you do make sure i get more of it than anyone else the episode we're doing today it wouldn't happen to have normal in it by any chance ah let me see why yes normal is guest starring oh i love nermal he's my absolute favorite ah i guess i was kind of rude to that tour group when i passed him earlier i'll make it up to him i apologize folks whip out your autographed books and any eight by ten glasses you carry around to me i'll be glad to sign them now the next stop on our tour is oh look who's coming sorry my public no autographs oh maybe one two or 30. you know i just love him on that show that's my show i'm sorry the show normal's on that's the garfield show and i'm garfield i'm the star of that show ah funny i watch it all the time i just don't recall seeing you on it [Music] ready to roll again gc get the dog and let's resume i need odie on the set oh and there's a big slurp in this scene so he's gonna need tongue makeup [Music] garfield show show 55 episode entitled laughing a can take two [Music] something is seriously wrong here you can tell because i'm not eating all right something is seriously wrong here you can tell because i'm not eating [Applause] [Music] hi odi you ready for breakfast [Applause] [Music] we'll have to wait until john gets back from the market i'll be napping [Music] here comes normal scene i'll give him a big entrance [Music] [Applause] that's enough rosie well look who's here that's right garfield it's me normal the most adorable feline on this planet [Applause] i can't take this thank you thank you thank you you're beautiful you're as beautiful as i am of course but beautiful in your own way [Applause] this has got to stop and i think i know how to make that happen hey rosie the boss wants to see you right away but i'm putting in laughs and applause on this episode i'll handle that for you while you go see him oh all right thank you thank you thank you and now since i seem to have the show to myself i thought i'd sing a little song all right all right settle down slow down i don't have to sing i could do a little dance number for you [Music] huh dance number huh well then you need a little music a little slow don't you think [Music] [Applause] [Music] hobbles [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up my hands up oh no no i need a hiding place they'll never find me under here sounds like a stampede of cattle in here [Applause] [Applause] what does this one do sound of left-handed zombie pigeons attacking with ray blasters from the planet trail faz why not [Music] left-handed zombie piggies attacking with ray blasters from planet trout badge i know that sound anywhere [Music] left-handed zombie pigeons attacked with weight blasters from planet trowel bass help save my adorable [Music] what are you doing leaving your post but i didn't i mean he said no excuses no excuses you're fired and take that stupid machine with you after this i don't want to see any more canned laughter in the garfield show [Music] guess i got you fired huh oh it's my fault i wasn't doing my work properly now the question is where do i find a new job rosie got fired she got fired and it's all my fault i tricked her into leaving her post right i may just know a good place for you and that machine good evening this is the news at this hour unemployment is reaching new heights the air we breathe is worse than it has ever been and scientists say that the earth is hurtling towards the sun [Laughter] now the news there's something that needs laughter hey rosie how about some applause to end this cartoon [Music] coming right up [Music] won't you join me in about thank you you're a beautiful recorded audience thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] ah breakfast the most important meal of the day unless you count lunch afternoon snacks evening snacks midnight snacks 1 30 in the morning snacks 1 45 in the morning snacks garfield if you damage my brand new smartphone i'll be very angry smartphones are great you can listen to music take pictures make movies surf the internet and who knows maybe one day they'll do important things like make lasagna [Music] cody chasing his tail this could be a sensation on the internet um and cut let's check it out i'm gonna post the video i just shot online for the entire world to enjoy oh and they will they will this is gonna be good [Music] wow my video of john has had almost a million hits in 20 minutes have you guys seen my phone [Music] it's got to be around here someplace phew you almost blew it odie how do i get rid of this pooch for a while hey odie wanna play fetch see this fetch this should keep him busy until halfway through the next episode now i need a new john video for the internet [Music] please john do something stupid [Music] oh come on john please do something stupid [Music] [Music] better start making dinner [Music] gotcha this is great [Music] gotta get away from here i'm gonna take a drive [Music] this has not been a very good day and cut oh i have to get this on the internet right away [Music] hello oh hi liz john have you been having a bad day as a matter of fact yes how did you know well turn on the tv and watch the news oh and are we still having dinner in a little while at vetoes of course quick if you just tuned in here are some videos of silly accidents that were posted on the internet earlier today they're called the the chronicle and they've had more than 50 million hits in the last [Laughter] you did this garfield and you did it with my smartphone don't deny it and give me back my smartphone [Music] oh you want to play games huh i am dialing the number of my smartphone wow now how did that get in there huh you think this is funny don't you hmm i will deal with you later right now i have to go meet liz for dinner [Music] oh john was so upset i've never seen him so angry i wish i had a video of it to post come on let's follow him [Music] hey isn't that the silly man we saw on the internet it sure is hope your car doesn't fall apart again thank me for what for what because of your videos i am no longer the biggest laughingstock on television is [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] don't fall off the chair john here's your menu better decide what kind of food you're going to spill on yourself welcome and my brother in rome says to say hello your brother in rome knows me he's the one who sent me the link to your hilarious videos he said everyone in italy is laughing at you i mean no they're laughing at me let me go get you some minestrone excuse me are you the clumsy dumb guy in the art buckle chronicles videos yes oh you look so stupid in them would you do the skateboard routine again for okay that's it i've had enough of this i'm leaving [Music] you people should be ashamed of yourself laughing at someone else's misfortune now i like a joke as much as the next guy but there's nothing funny about accidents about people falling down and possibly hurting themselves there's nothing funny you think this has gone too far odie oh i have to put this right i mean despite being rather dumb john is a very nice owner and a good provider he doesn't deserve this and i think i know how to fix this you wait here i need something [Music] oh yeah cats just don't get any better looking than this be normal i'm on my way to audition for a flea collar commercial after all i am the cutest kitty cat in the whole wide world well too bad you're not the most famous what do you mean i'm not the most famous you're not very famous you're not even as famous as john john john the guy who feeds you he's not famous you think so huh listen to the buzz on the street have you heard the latest on john arbuckle arbuckle that's the name how did john get to be so famous i put him in one of my videos millions of people see them wow millions of people garfield could you put me in one of your videos could you could you could you well i might find a way to use you just leave everything to me john our buckles 15 minutes of fame are already history thank goodness a new internet sensation has taken the world by storm normal 120 million hits in the last 24 hours branch yourself i laughed so hard i broke a ramp [Music] oh yeah [Music] poor normal on the other hand everyone's forgetting about me [Music] hey nermal ready to shoot another video for the internet are you out of your tree garfield you made me look ridiculous you made me look like an idiot i will never in a million years be in one of your videos okay have it your way come on odie i'll make you look dumb instead uh can't believe garfield imagine thinking i'd be in another one of his videos after what he did to me abigail isn't that the cat in the video it is it's normal normal we love you in that video you do we sure do oh that's normal come on do something stupid odie like trip or fall in the mud anything yeah it's no use it's just too boring don't stop shooting garfield i'll be in your video see i have a stupid hat on and i'll fall in the mud watch oh and then maybe i could fall out of a tree oh oh or i'll put on clown makeup or get my feet carmel thinks he's the most famous cat in the world but let's not forget uh whose name is on this show dance like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're on our way to china yes it is this statuette is at least a thousand years old this one is the key to the treasure of bhutsen keep an eye on them while i decide what to do with them give me my statue they're after us first half of the key to the treasure of futsang long is hidden in the ancient gardens of suzhou it says this is half of the medallion that serves as the key to the treasures of futsang long the other half of the medallion is guarded by the old master of the temple on mount kingshan and i will give it to you you are going to have to learn kung-fu the key to the treasure of foods if you know where they went you must tell me i miss it my dear gets a dog so much please tell me where i can find them okay baldo is not going to tell us let's get out of here there must be some way to find out where they went precious babies you're the only ones mama cannot count on what's good we have no idea where that boy in the pits are heading actually virgo i think we do thanks for the ride wow behold my friends the great wall of china according to the map the secret cave should be around here i think the pup is finding something it's an old bone that's been here a long time look over there [Music] this must be the entrance it won't budge oh that's right the key [Music] garfield odie normal help me find the treasure or you will never see your master in one piece again that man is your master right well he feeds us we'll help you find the treasure you have my word so what are we looking for exactly the treasure of futsang long according to all chinese legends he is a 10 foot long dragon that guards forbidden treasures ah don't worry odie dragon's doing funny up i want to make treasure except for her of course [Music] don't just stand there one of you go inside and see what happens i'll go in i'll come with you [Music] see that beam of light i wouldn't cut it if i were you oops i hadn't noticed thanks going next hey i'm the three-time winner of the kitten of the year trophy let's get it over with youtube don't you think we should wait and see they're almost on the other side [Music] what is this some kind of riddle i'm not sure there are different animals depicted on the wheel an ox a sheep a rat i'm guessing we need to find the right combination to get to the other side mangy vermin who does she think she is talking to me like that careful normal this floor may not be strong enough to support your ego let me just take a quick peek at myself to make sure everything's perfect oh someone cut the beam of light never know what have you done i just looked at myself in the mirror we need to figure out how to get this door open and fast there's got to be some sort of logic rat boar boor that's my chinese astrological sign of course these are the 12 signs of the chinese zodiac we just have to put them back in order [Music] ding bang it better do something in a hurry the rabbit goes between the tiger and dragon what about the ox ah before no after the rat where is that imbecile when you need him the last one is the tiger i think we've solved it this isn't [Music] the door's opening [Music] opening into the treasure of foot sang long [Music] that's not a real dragon hoodie it's just a big statue on the side susie i have a treasure to steal i can afford to build a hundred dollar policy my concert halls and i will sing in every one what a ridiculous waste of money especially when you could be spending it all on donuts some of these artifacts are thousands of years old they belong in a museum these statues look so lifelike it almost looks as if they were real warriors turned to stone oh the eye of the dragon it is the fabled diamond of futsang long the diamond that is what they must have the biggest diamond the world has ever known [Music] [Music] me that big ugly vase [Music] i wanted a diamond stare not into the eye of futsanglong it has defeated entire armies that's what the old master told us these statues that's an army do you think they were once treasure seekers everyone close your eyes now it's so beautiful i can't [Music] and take my eyes off of the diamonds [Music] we're alive that's debatable we falter's going to collapse any second let's get out of here i'm stuck somebody help [Music] i think this would be an excellent time to get out of here come on you can make it i can't leave miss bella all by yourself [Music] the doors have shut for good now [Music] i know it is silly but i cannot help feeling sorry for her that's two semis cats too however rotten they were yeah no one deserves to wind up like that i don't even know how to thank you for taking good care of my pets dinner's a good start you got something stuck in your throat coins from inside the vault is there enough there for dinner these are priceless it is a national treasure and belongs in a chinese museum where my people can enjoy it all right [Music] well the dim sum was great but i hope i never go through anything like that again i'm gonna miss dingbang he's a good kid and chyna was a lot of fun oh nobody's right except for the parts where people were trying to destroy us right well i'm still waiting for an apology an apology for what for sending me there in a box for abandoning me at the airport for throwing me at a 50-story window for pushing normal if it'll make you feel any better i apologize you you do wow garfield that's the first time you've ever done that it almost makes up for the whole experience oh i'm glad you feel that way normal remind me when we get to the airport back home i'll have a package i need to ship to abu dhabi [Music] there's something i've always wanted to tell you [Music] you can't sing [Applause] what did you just say about my singing you're gonna regret this vogue [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you leave me alone garfield you just resent me because i'm so adorable you won't be after i get through with you then don't come back [Music] envy pure envy hey pal yeah do you mind some of us have to eat out of these things oh sorry harry garfield threw me in there cause he's so jealous of me not that i blame him garfield's not jealous of you look at this somebody threw away a perfectly good six week old tuna sandwich [Music] how could he not be jealous i'm cute i'm beloved i have everything you don't have your own show what garfield has his own show we're on it right now see people are watching us oh yeah hiya folks everyone watches it you can hear it coming out of almost every house the little girl who lives here watches it every time it's on i told you to watch educational programs the garfield show is educational mom i'm learning how to eat lasagna and sleep all day all right all right all right we're speaking with a noted inventor in mad scientist professor thaddeus bonkers professor bonkers is it true you've invented a time machine oh that is correct how long did it take you the rest of my life i actually finished it 47 years from now but then when i was done i jumped into my time machine and came back here to today in it ah so in your time machine someone can actually travel into the past indeed but they have to be very careful anything you do when you are back in time could affect the future wow what would you do if you had a time machine harry i think i'd go back in time about two minutes and not eat this sandwich well i know what i do and what i'm gonna do a slight change of history and this show will be mine so you need to be very careful about altering the past this is boring i'm gonna watch the far field show garfield you can't just lay around the house all day sleeping john's right i'll lay around the backyard all day sleeping you are to guard my time machine with your life it is priceless it took me the rest of my life to build it yeah you can count on me professor [Music] ah now how do you start this thing traveling through time for dummies just what i need to start press red button [Music] to visit awesome setting it for the day john first found garfield at the pet store wow i made it that's the store [Music] so how do you get someone to adopt you just look adorable and then someone will want to take you home well that doesn't sound so hard it helps if the human isn't too bright hey huh he should be a cinch but don't look too eager it makes them think no one else wants you good idea i'll play hard to get may i help you sir uh yes i've been thinking i might like to adopt a cat pick me oh take me home with you please please please i'll be your loyal cat over meow meow peek me wow uh maybe i'll take this one that's how john adopted garfield on the way home i'll stop off at the market and buy some cat food actually we've noticed that he rather likes lasagna lasagna meow meow okay lasagna [Music] you are kind of cute you're not so bad yourself fella i think we're going to be good meow [Music] meow meow meow [Music] what about me taking me home and feeding me lasagna and making me your cat and feeding me and you're going to love it at my place i'll fix you up a bed and feed you whatever you like this is weird i feel like the entire universe just shifted a little oh well time for my 315 pre-dinner appetizer booster snack [Music] gee john's not keeping the kitchen as well stocked as he usually does it's every pet for himself at dinner odie there's barely enough food in the house for me an intruder where you mean me how could i be an intruder what do you mean you never saw me before in your life i'm garfield i live in this house remember see my picture right over here on normal what is normal doing in my picture frame squeak tell od who i am strange pad in the house oh [Music] what's wrong willie hey how'd that cat get in here that cat john don't you remember me the cat who sleeps all day who eats lasagna who's been with you since when did jim start the newspaper strip 1978 since 1978. i don't know who you are but there's only room for one cat in this house my beloved pet normal normal you're bad [Music] what happened why do i no longer exist but he doesn't know me sqweak doesn't know me even john doesn't know me this couldn't be any worse are you watching the normal show again a normal show it's just starting mom no that's my show that's my opening and my theme song those people with the funny names and the credits they were for me me i told you to watch something educational the nermo show is educational mom i'm learning how to be the most adorable creature on the planet my show he even got my show my life my show i'm surprised i still have my stripes hi garfield oh hi normal [Music] what have you done done about what why do you suddenly have my life in my show oh that no big deal i just borrowed a time machine went back in time and got john to adopt me instead of you see you later garfield oh so that's how he did it hmm time machine how am i gonna do this how am i gonna get my life back professor bonkers is it true you've invented a time machine yes uh two of them in fact someone stole the first one they left it in a no parking zone in the past and it was towed the police have no idea what it is so i had to build another one i have to get that time machine and undo what nermal did [Music] and you're going to love it at my place i'll fix you up a bed and feed you no stop you're making a terrible mistake you don't want that cat he's obnoxious he's annoying he's he's he's normal what is it cat are you telling me i shouldn't adopt this one yes yes take the little cute one who eats lasagna he's the one you really want don't do this please yeah yeah it's a pretty good life garfield has or rather had i'm starting to really enjoy it nurmo what are you doing here i live here not anymore i went back in time and convinced john not to adopt you what that's rotten garfield how dare you do to me what i did to you come with me let's see how things are now in the arbuckle household [Music] you're such a wonderful pet odie i'm so glad i decided never to get a cat never to get a cat shall we watch our favorite tv show [Music] okay here it comes [Music] the audi show don't worry folks we'll go back and get this straight now before the next episode of the garfield show or the normal show or whatever this show is [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're only moments from the launch of the concordia space shuttle ah news there must be something more important on something involving people getting dressed up as large chickens right all right we'll watch this [Music] garfield odie i need you to keep an eye on this ferret for me fairy aren't two mouths enough to feed especially since one of them is mine liz is completely booked up at the vet clinic so i agreed to watch over one of her patients here for a few days she better not be contagious or too hungry depends what's in it for me i've just baked an extra large four cheese lasagna to make up for it it's cooling off in the kitchen poor cheese lasagna [Music] trust but verify congratulations you have successfully bribed me into ferret sitting i sell out so cheap oh i'd better get going i'll be back before dinner [Music] the two astronauts should be boarding a space shuttle any minute now hey guys i need to stretch my legs out for a bit zip it we're trying to watch tv here just let me out for a bit i'm a ferret parrots need to exercise [Applause] all right all right but don't mull any furniture that's my job hi this is john arbuckle please leave me a message at the sound of the beep garfield it's me i forgot to mention don't let mrs ferret out of her cage under any conditions liz put her on a strict diet and she'll eat anything now he tells us can you imagine how horrible it would be to be around an animal that will eat anything don't say it before cheese lasagna maybe we can stop her before she eats all four cheeses you you ate all the lasagna what do you have to say for yourself yeah that's what i usually say oh well when john gets home he'll make us another one and another one and another one hi this is john arbuckle please leave me a message at the sound of the beep hey guys bad news my car broke down i'm afraid i have to stay over in a motel for the night aren't you glad i had time to bake you the lasagna just imagine if you had been left alone starving for an entire day [Music] quick your refrigerator let's see what's in there [Music] you ate everything in the refrigerator except the ice cube tray and the light bulb uh-huh saving those for dessert so what are you two going to eat oh i'll find something in john's cookbook here gross spirit ferret stew heyote you in the mood for chinese food here's a recipe for farrah chow mein if you will excuse me i have to go lost myself with my [Applause] [Music] there's gotta be something edible in this house [Music] john always keeps one can around in case of an emergency quick where's the can opener [Music] you want to give it a try odie you're too dumb to open this can just watch and learn [Music] fine i'll just have to use the electric can opener [Music] no you can't try now it'll take more than a stupid piece of metal to stop me from eating the food that's inside this can [Music] no odie for the 1000th time i do not need your help [Music] [Music] let's run through this one last time ready one two three [Music] i don't know about you but i'm getting really really really hungry this is all your fault hey odie have you ever noticed how much of ferret looks like a hot dog what are you looking at me like that for what is it why do you have that mustard and relish look in your eyes i have to warn you parrots taste terrible we all taste like asparagus i like asparagus did i say asparagus i'm in tofu because of an incoming storm but this should pass and we will launch later this afternoon rudy i think i have a new idea [Music] once a lightning bolt strikes it will not only open the can but it will also heat up the food that is pure genius [Music] you think you're gonna win don't you but you won't you will never defeat me really hate canned food [Music] how about some tv to cheer you up my cat always comes purring whenever he hears me open account of his favorite delicious cat food oops you don't want to watch that [Music] the storm seems to be possible yes it looks like we should be able to launch the space shuttle in approximately 30 minutes come on i know how to get this can opener [Music] see i told you we didn't have time to go to the restroom wait if we're down here then who's up there good thing we kept those spacesuits [Music] okay ken you thought you were indestructible didn't you well let's see how your survival falls straight down to earth my new hybrid flying saucer takes this wretched space garbage hey go pick on someone else's can of food as the seven rings of arcturus this mysterious object is resisting my disintegrating anti-molecular background we have a problem this doesn't look too wonderfully two one that was hairy [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh defeated by a can of cat food what a shame oh the humiliation [Applause] all right all right after all that you want to see if you can open it well be my guest [Music] before i say or do something i'm gonna regret i'm gonna do something drastic huh i'm glad this cartoon [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] six lizard noses two pinches of tarantula hair a spoonful of moldy peanut butter oh oh hello i'm mrs cauldron your friendly neighborhood old lady who might be a witch never mark quiet i have a story to tell so here it is and i'm not saying it's true but i'm not saying it isn't either it happened one day as i was flying home on my brand new class 13 vacuum cleaner with full options including parking sensors [Music] this would be great this is the bungee cord john used the one time he went bungee jumping not a successful activity buddy wake up [Music] you want to fetch the stick [Music] i like garfield but there are times when he just goes too far hello od now you know why garfield can do things like that to you don't you because you're not that smart and if you were that smart you know that's the reason would you like to be smarter a lot smarter [Music] okay i'm not sure you'll like it but here goes [Music] odie always had a good heart but suddenly he had a good brain to go with it that was great i wonder why the bungee cord causes someone to bounce around like that actually it's all due to newton's third law of motion for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction oh interesting thanks odie don't mention it newton's third law of motion i should have known [Music] odie you said something not only that but it was something you know like intelligent oh well maybe i just never had anything to say before [Music] it was also a new experience for oldie being able to do things he'd never done before there you go i changed the filter tightened all the belts and updated the software on your global positioning system well thank you ogi i do hope you enjoy being intelligent of course i can read and write and solve problems and fix things well i just hope you keep feeling that way [Music] one last thing odie you can't tell anyone that i magically turned you into a genius or it will undo the spell you'll immediately become like you were before i'm smart now i'm not dumb enough to let that happen good see you around thanks again and for a while at least i guess it was a good thing [Music] oh i don't have time to play yodi i have to get my taxes done and it's just impossible oh i need some coffee i'm going to be up all night let's see form 20 30 itemized deduction what's he talking about this is a breeze he never said anything before i've kicked him off the table 7 000 times he never said a word except i'm going to be up all night doing my taxes garfield [Music] [Applause] [Music] bodie what are you doing in my chair you did my taxes yes and i got you a refund [Music] he looks perfectly normal to me john um except that he's suddenly become a genius oh i gave him an intelligence test and well let's just say he's twice as smart as we are twice as smart as either of us no twice as smart as you and i put together if you'll excuse me i have a sick pussycat that needs attention what it appears you've been eating too much mixed grill try switching to a low sodium salmon cat food john couldn't believe how smart his dog was he shot videos of oldie and put them on the internets who before long od was famous the smartest dog in the world that's what they're calling him since his online videos have had 50 million hits on monday he became the world champion at jazz [Music] oh i can't believe it i just got checked made by a dog on tuesday he went on a game show odie for a small fortune when they built the great wall of china who was the foreman you've written chin liu hao that is correct that's absolutely correct you win the small fortune only promptly donated the entire small fortune to a worthy charity i thought he was supposed to be smart and perhaps most impressive he figured out how to set up one of those beach chairs no one can ever figure out oh thank you thank you oh i've been trying for 22 years to understand how to open that chair in just a few short days everyone around the world has become excited about odie this is your gossip reporter brandon scoops signing off you're just jealous because odie's getting all this fame and attention oh great now i have a smart mouse too and someone inside the world wasn't too happy either he was emperor glorm ruler of the kingdom at the center of the earth for 22 years to understand do you think that dog is really as smart as they say smarter and that worries me my loyal sloth people that canine is smart enough to lead the surface people to conquer us of course if we captured him he could tell us how to conquer the surface [Music] i'm sorry my dog can't help you everybody wants odie to solve their problems odie do you think you can solve mine i'll try what is it i have a lousy part in this episode i think i can solve your problem and my own by getting out of this house we're gonna go i don't know huh so only made a hasty exit leaving garfield to deal with the mobs of people outside i know how to handle this please people i'm telling you my dog can't solve all your problems no but your cat can yes it's me garfield cat i'm here to share my colossal brain with you all ask me anything i want to talk to the doctor i want to talk to the dog i'm going to bed until this episode is over meanwhile od was trying to figure out the one thing he didn't know why being so smart was more trouble than being stupid heyoni can you tell me how to run my comic book shop so i can make more money [Music] hey odie can you tell me a good way i can catch a dog like say you [Music] hey oli will you do my homework for me everywhere he went somebody wanted something but finally he was alone or so he thought hey let me go unhand me so this is the smartest dog in the world well smart dog i trust you are smart enough to know that your survival depends on you helping me to conquer the surface world why me what do you want with me you have knowledge knowledge is power and i want power tell me dog how did you get to be so smart odie tried to think but all he could think about was how life was so much easier before he got to be so smart and then he remembered something he'd heard you can't tell anyone that i magically turned you into a genius or it will undo the spell you'll immediately become like you were before i said how did you get to be so smart well a little old witch named mrs cauldron cast a spell on me [Music] [Music] this is the smartest creature on this planet use the cerebral gage measure his brain power no discernible intelligence we might as well return to our world below that's really all there is to the story i guess [Music] hey odie can you answer a question for me he went home dumb but happy and he stayed that way [Music] so here it is and i'm not saying it's true but i'm not saying it isn't either and best of all i got my show back [Music] bye [Music]
Views: 2,778,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garfield, garfieldshow, thegarfieldshow, english, us, cat, new, dog, cartoon, oggi, john, comics
Id: UBAfkrX_v6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 13sec (7453 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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