Woodturning Back-to-Basics #3 Turn a bowl without a chuck

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welcome back this is episode three of back to basics I've had a lot of questions about faceplate turning and using a waste block so I'm going to turn this bowl using only a faceplate and have it some question about lathe speed and choosing the right wood so we'll go over that too let's go ahead and get started the wood shop is sponsored by these fine companies and viewers like you okay when you buy a lathe they don't come with the Chuck that will come with a spur Center like this a live Center and then typically a faceplate there'll be different sizes of them but they don't come with the Chuck and in most of my videos like turn using the Chuck and I use a waste block a lot of the times the hot glue piece on but I'll show you different ways to mount things on there using face plates and some waste blocks so these are face plates they come in a variety of sizes what you do is just take your piece of wood and screw it onto the onto the back of it there and you can either use hot glue or regular wood glue to glue your piece on if you're turning something like a bowl you can screw the faceplate straight to it turn the back side of the bowl here and flip it around and turn the and hollow it out so you can do that with a faceplate I'll show you that in just a little bit I'll turn rough turn a bowl here's a waste block a friend of mine gave me these Ron when I was up visiting him so he tapped these out they thread right on to the headstock here what's nice about these is once you've done a few pieces and these are getting down there you can just glue another piece right on to it before you get in and hit the spindle there so you can just keep reusing these and gluing a new fresh piece on those are those are nice all the face plates I have are pretty small this one here I think is I know maybe a five-inch one but I have it on that on a sanding disc that I leave that on there but they come in a variety of sizes you can get get large faceplates too if you're doing some big stuff so the chuck it just makes it easier it's um it just kind of you know I made up a bunch of these years ago so it's just easy to pop one in hot glue a piece on there but this is a really easy fast way to do it to just get a tap thread it for whatever your spindle size is and that way you can just go on a glue on a fresh piece don't use to mount your faceplates don't use the little drywall screws use a you know a heavy heavy duty screw or even a steel screw I mean I would use especially if you're doing something big I don't do a whole lot of that even on on this big one I have the speed turned down so I'm not turning it very fast but if you're going to do your bowl don't use drywall drywall screws and mount that on there because they they'll rip out in the break on yourself a lot of times the heads pop off when you're trying trying to tighten them down but you can do almost all of the stuff I I do or you can do all of this stuff I do without a chuck it just takes a little bit longer but a lot of people like turn them with face plates too so same process as if the Chuck were on there just glue your work piece right onto that and turn the box or whatever you want to you just need to glue on go on each piece and as far as you know making a tenon on it and putting it in the Chuck like a you'll see me do turn a little tenon down it just makes it go faster back and always always just glue the work piece right onto that alright so I'm going to get set up and I'm going to rough turn a bowl actually show you how to do the inside and outside with just a faceplate all right there are a few ways to do this I'm going to screw the the faceplate to the inside of the bowl blank but there are a couple other ways to do it that I know of so one of them is you can put your faceplate on their waste block glue your bowl blank on there and I think that's probably the best way to do it you can clean out the inside of the bowl and get the majority of the outside of it done before you even have to part it off you can also just screw your blank right to the faceplate if you have a large bowl blank and you're willing to sacrifice you know a couple inches down here on the bottom where the screws are going to come through I don't know it wastes a lot of wood so I don't like doing it that way this the way I'm going to do it here is I'm going to screw the faceplate to the inside of the bowl this little tool here it's Center finder it's from tip-top tools I'll put a link down below to that too this is a neat little tool you can screw it right into your or after you drill your hole there screw it right into the faceplate bring it over and that little pin right there centers it right on the inside the ball actually if you wanted to do some off-center Bowls too you can all but you always be able to find Center on it and you can move it do I do a you know a cutout on the inside that's off-center and Steve did one of those a while back and Mike the book Ted did off-center boltons be a good little tool for that so that's all it does is Center it and I'm going to use steel screws here and screw this down right I need some screw this little guy here screw you bulb like alright awesome to the hair alright then we turn the outside of it and I'm going to make a little tenon so when I turn it back around and make a little kind of a little jam Chuck it'll Center it right back up for shaping the outside and cleaning out the inside of the bowl I have a lace bead at 2500 I'm just going to speed this part up I'm using the round ez finisher and then to make the tenon I'll use a parting tool well I'm shaping the outside we can multi-task I've had some questions about lays bead you probably see my shirt about life begins at 3,000 rpms but it completely depends on the piece of wood it doesn't matter whether it's a pin blank or 24 inch Bowl it can fly apart on you so inspect the piece of wood before you put it on the lathe make sure there's no cracks in it and then after I get it trued up I'll inspect it again before I turn the speed up I do a lot of boxes and smaller things like that so and I do it turn those at 2500 3000 rpms it takes the material off a lot faster it's a cleaner cut but I always inspected a couple of times so don't just throw a block on there and crank the speed up it's not safe okay so you have your outside shape done I put just a little tenon down there so what I'm going to do now is take this one here and create a little recess in there and glue it on to that so we can clean out the inside and you would go ahead and sand sand and finish this you're still going to have to turn it around to take that tenon off but you can get 90% of it done right here put some pressure on it I'm going to let it set up for a couple of minutes all right I'm going to clean up the majority of this and leave a little nub there in the center where the tailstock is I'm going to leave that up till the very end all right well I cleaned out the inside of the bowl I had another question about picking the right kind of wood Doug was turning some pendants out of palm wood and I've never turned it so I'm not familiar with it but for something like that for jewelry things I would use a nice hardwood even some of the exotic woods like cocobolo where holly even all avoids a nice wood - lots of nice figure in it I turn mostly native woods to Oregon I turn a lot of maple walnut madrone Myrtle wood they're all nice hardwoods and they finish well I would just stay away from the soft woods especially for stuff like that where you want a nice clean finish and there's lots of exotic woods that finish very nice okay I'm just going to stop right there because this wasn't going to be a bowl blank it was actually part of the Bantar collab that Pat and I did so that hole is right at the bottom so I'm just going to stop there at this point if you left yourself enough room you can go ahead and and come in with parting tool and part that off I'm not sure how much how big these screws are so here's the other thing you can do is pull that off of there go ahead and unscrew this and just turn that waist lock away so what I'm going to do now is put another piece of wood on here and kind of give it the the shape at the inside of the bowl and we'll use that as kind of a jam Chuck will bring the tail stock up find our Center right there if you would have taken this off parted this off you would have still had that point on Center on the bottom that was on the bottom of the bowl you could use that to Center back up too but we're just going to go ahead and I'm just going to put a little thin piece of wood on here and and give it that basic shape I used to be the plywood for this and just rounded it over a little bit to give it a basic shape all it really needs to do is sit flat in there this is just a little foam pad it helps keep it from sliding around I'm going to stop right there because I got a bad feeling that that hole is right there and it's about to pop through once you get it down down to that point you know you bring it down a little bit smaller to if if you knew that was solid wood all you need to do is cut that off and finish sanding up that little nub obviously you would clean this up a little more sand it and then you just have that little nub to finish it off but I just kind of bad feeling this right in there somewhere so I don't want to go any further well my spidey sense was right I knocked that off with the chisel and the hole went all the way through so luckily I stopped hope the video helped if you have any more suggestions for the back to basics series go ahead and leave them below in the comments and if this is your first time here I have a new video every Friday I hope to see you there and if you haven't done so yet please subscribe don't looks time to take care
Channel: Carl Jacobson
Views: 167,588
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Keywords: Woodworking, Woodturning, Carl Jacobson, Robust Lathes, Easy Wood Tool, Maker, Gouges, Sharpening jigs, Wood turning projects, Woodworking projects, Bowl gouge, Carbide tools, Free woodworking videos, Woodturners Wonders, Bowl turning, Faceplate turning, woodturning tools, woodturning lathe, segmented woodturning, woodturning projects, woodturning videos, woodturning bowls, woodturning techniques, woodturning basics
Id: 3YMbjpQOLtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2016
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