Turning Your First Bowl

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[Music] hi guys we're back here in my workshop my name is colin way so today we're going to look at turning your first bowl you've got your new lathe your new chuck we're going to mount this bowl blank on and turn a nice bowl this is a piece of elm and what i've already done is attached a face plate ring onto the bowl blank and then we can expand these jaws into the faceplate ring so here goes so we're going to use the the chuck key just close the chuck up to start with and then we can pop the faceplate ring over and expand there's a little dovetail recess in there that it grips into there we are all ready to go okay so we're going to start by just truing up the outside of this bowl blank so at the moment it's not running true i want to make sure it's nice and even so tool rest is along the edge i'm going to turn the lathe lathe on stand back just a bit and then we're going to turn the lathe up i'm going to go up here to a thousand revs if it lets me and you'll know if it doesn't let you the machine will start moving around a little bit so now we're going to skim the outside edge away handle nice and low [Music] okay so the next job is to clean the face up as well so we're going to bring the tool rest around that front surface again we're going to make sure nothing's touching the tool rest i'm just going to put a little pencil mark on center okay so as long as i'm below center i can use the bowl gouge to run across the surface and we're just going to skim with the bottom edge of the gouge flute facing around about 10 o'clock and what will happen each cut you'll get flatter and flatter and i think we're about there now we've got a nice round even blank all ready to start shaping okay so on this one we're gonna create a recess and expand the chuck into the recess that's gonna be our whole point so i need to measure the recess i've already set my dividers to the right size for those jaws we're using and this is the c jaws now once i've done that i'm gonna start the recess with my parting tool and i'm going to take this recess down to about sort of five to six mil about a quarter of an inch we'll do a couple of cuts [Music] there we are and then with the bowl gouge once again we're just going to clear away that waste without the bevel rubbing this time so flute facing about two o'clock just toward the center now the reason i'm doing it this way is if i come this way and pull it out i'm going to start hitting this really important edge here so we're going to come away from that important edge [Music] there we are now i'll get the bevel rubbing we'll just do a finishing cut there and then to finish that recess off we're going to use the skew chisel and it's natural dovetail shape to create a dovetail for the internal part of our jaw [Music] there we go this is going to sit on its own foot this bowl so even though we have a recess we're going to make a foot about there i'll just clean up that bottom just with the skew just using the skew as the scraper just nice and gentle there we are and then it's all back to that bowl gouge again [Music] and now we're going to start taking waste away so pulling toward you just going to move the tool rest out a little bit further now and as you start making or taking that corner away you can start pivoting the tool rest around [Music] yeah so that's the basic shape at the moment though that surface is not a clean one because i've only used a roughing cut i want to now do a push cut which is going to clean the finish up so we're adjust the tool rest again my handle now is going to come over here and we're going to rub the back of the tool i think we can turn the laser speed up a little bit now as well that'll help and then bevel rub bring the handle around until you get the contact area then push up the length of the chisel let it slide [Music] so there we are you can see how clean that is now and all ready for sanding okay so i'm going to start sanding now and i'm using four grains of abrasive here i'm using a 100 150 240 and then a 400 and then we're going to put a coat of finishing oil on this one so starting off with the 100 dust extractors on and close taking all of the dust [Music] the first grit is really really important that's the one that's going to take away all the nasties all the tears turning lines if you have any so stick for a while with this one [Music] now we can move on to 150 now 240 and then finally on to 400 so really quite a fine abrasive so there we are that was all ready to to put a coat of oil on and we're going to use finishing oil on this one this particular make is a liberal and finishing oil the way we use this we're going to apply it directly with a brush to a good saturation point [Music] and i'll let that soak in then we'll wipe off the excess and give it a bit of a burnish then with a bit of tissue so i'm going to turn the lathe speed down before i start the lay because it's quite quite wet still then we can start burnishing with the same tissue just for the moment this will take a few hours to dry so we're going to have to turn the inside and then it will give it a re a rebuff once we've finished the inside [Music] and that's the outside finished okay so we've done the outside of the bowl now we need to turn them over so we can do the inside so it literally is a case of just closing the chuck that releases the faceplate ring we can expand into our dovetail that we've turned [Music] and it's the correct size i've measured that already and we can now take off our faceplate ring just undo the screws and we're gonna now just adjust the tool rest so it's up against the face of that bowl blank just making sure nothing's touching the bowl blank and before i start so i don't get any surprises i'm just turning my lace speed down to the lowest speed it can go to before we start okay so to start with we're just going to clean up this edge here so with the bowl gouge and my speed i'm going to again get up to about a thousand revs there we are flute of the gouge facing toward two o'clock there we are so we've got that edge nice and crisp and clean there's no problems with it we know where we are in terms of depth now we can move on to taking the center out so we're going to start right up close our first cut you just need to have a little bit of a pause let a shoulder form and then you can push the bevel of the tool against it so i'm pushing from my right hand up and swinging the hand around as it moves forward same again same again [Music] there we are i'm going to turn the speed up a little bit now i'm not going to go any deeper at the moment if i keep going i'll end up going through the bottom of the bowl so what i'm going to do is take a series of cuts and those cuts are going to stop at that depth each time [Music] so this is the point where i'm just going to stop the machine just check for thickness if you check with calipers just be careful you don't start scratching anything i'm just checking to make sure i'm nice and even here i think i'll do probably one or two more cuts and then that'll be our thickness okay there we are i think that's it we've got a finishing cut going on there so that's nice and ready to sand all i need to do now is take the bottom away and we've got something to fill for thickness so we're safe knowing that we won't go through the bottom now so okay here goes so again i'm just going to stop the lathe i want to check for thickness see now am i being consistent with my thickness if i want to be of course you don't have to always be consistent throughout the bowl but that's not too bad so we've created the transition there it's blended in nicely just remains for this little bit here to come away [Music] there i think we should be there we just have a look we're going to look with our fingers first so just to make sure there's no blemishes in the middle feels really nice then we can have a look your eyes and that's okay okay so we're ready to sand now we're going to use the same abrasive as before we're going to pay special attention to the end grain up here and then we can start oiling so here it [Music] goes [Music] just stop every now and again just have a check just to see where you need to work [Music] okay so now onto the 150 onto the 240 and then finally onto our 400 there we are all ready to oil [Music] so we're going to do the same thing again just wipe off some of the excess with some tissue before you start the lathe just so you don't get covered [Music] lay speed down to a nice slow speed and just start burnishing not forgetting this time that we're going to burnish the outside again as well [Music] so there we are your first bowl if you found this useful look out for more videos from us to help you on your woodturning journey and thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Axminster Tools
Views: 62,758
Rating: 4.9493313 out of 5
Keywords: power tools, woodworking, machinery, hand tools, workshop, woodturning, tool shop, tool store, diy, tradesman, axminster, tools
Id: 6hbX6gFLgzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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