Woodblock Print - start to finish (in real time)

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Nice! Always wanted to have a go at this.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/GraphicDesignMonkey 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/smallpoly 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Anyone know why he uses a globe of water as a lamp? Seems like a magnifying lamp or something would be more practical.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RememberToBackupData 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
are we happening here we are I can't see the chat from where I sit tell you there's new special setup my assistant cameras in the background here he's wearing his tinfoil a suit simple and anywhere to make sure we don't know he's got a cyborg I look at this okay so you're seeing streaming why not yeah good afternoon everybody good morning whatever good morning here Tokyo time as everybody knows it's a bit of a special screen today and we're gonna try something interesting you've seen me carve little bits here and there you've seen boot prints little bits here and there today we're going to put all together in one stream the image we talked about us coming up the image is going to be well I'm sorry I got a video of course it's good today the image is going to be the famous little major Eric design there's many Anna would be print makers have used as their test piece and I'm going to do it at the actual size the original major eyes you make major postcard size which is 15 centimeters but it was about nine and a half centimeters we're gonna copy this an actual size and oh I see so many people in the tweet stream you know who have been making their own copies I've been making it at slightly larger size but there's a reason for me to do it that way that's because once this is finished this is not just for demonstration once this is finished it's gonna go into our normal stock and shop here for sale and we have prints packaged at certain specific sizes and this will be part of mumbles anyway and one thing to mention before would you start this is not going to be one of those can dave do this is it going to happen you know struggle struggle struggle you know full of stress and stuff no this is just my normal work we're gonna peacefully start carving and then when I'm done the carving off peacefully start printing and it'll take as long as it takes I'm thinking maybe about 90 minutes a normal twitch stream might cover it might go a bit longer maybe specifically all-in-one start to finish yeah one run ninety minutes approximately not in a recent lifetime no I don't know anyway if we talk too much we'll never get this done so I watch the chat here in my computer we're not doing that today I can't see anything Cameron over here is running all the chat than the stream itself all I'm doing is setting the broadcaster so if you've got questions in chat whatever Cameron's going to be you know he's the wingman today we do things like we know we do so I am NOT going to get started and get to work you guys can chat with him and of course I'll answer whatever he passes over to I'm going to switch this over now so that you can see that yes there's the print design and I'm gonna be quiet for a bit while I just get going okay I asked how fast serious have you done it this fast they're asking but ready look Cameron do it without snoozy I don't think I'm gonna be battling us if you're those who've never seen these before the the tracing what I've done it's the normally thin copy paper sprayed onto the stone normal white coffee paper and I didn't trace this out myself again I just took a photo you know photocopy of the original so we're not gonna redraw this a couple of the twitch people actually prepared a version of this they set up an illustrator with a vectored files whatever but they've traced this to do this and I don't want to look at somebody else's tracing I want to use the actual original lines in the original prints so that's what I'll be using here today these are the registration rocks of course going in here it sounds like they might be hearing the microphone from the computer when you turn toward me it's getting quieter which is odd because the microphone is close to me okay the microphone here it says audio check check the audio is coming through the black match is going so here's the audio plugged into the camera so this mic right here is plugged into the camera which goes through black magic which comes to my streaming software the macbook audio for me is turned off okay okay we're having synchronization issues like we have some times before thing I'm sure we should maybe some sort those out early in this yeah we do cuz I can adjust the video delay here great oh the audience swapped when you change the camera to this block instead of the main one you know but it looks like it's icy so was the previous when I was on yes yes yes yes let's check go back and check this when I do this one now it's the MacBook audio from the MacBook okay so that's the audio from here I'm sorry I should have thought about that now when we switch back to this view this is now the camera microphone which is between you and me so we should be okay so I'm go get stay here alright got it thanks for the heads up yeah [Applause] on the twitch stream on the twitch page of a fan page just lots of people doing their own print making now and lots of lots of comments coming back and forth about different things a lot of people seem to be having a bit of trouble with this part of it pasting them down on the design what kind of glue to use how hard to rub and this and that listen now for me it's been important that make the wood wet first if you start with dry wood then when you put the glue on it soaks right into the word really quickly and you don't get much contact with your with your tracing that a light I use a light blue and I'm moistening this I'm spitting on my fingers to make this a bit wetter if we use wood glue at full strength it's too strong it leaves a covering on the wood and then when you start to print later on it's it blocks moisture up so yes are you going to curb the postage stamps as well no oh no no no no no no 100 times no a thousand times no so I've got to make something up I mean the postage stamp covers up actually a few of the lines of the original print day great so we'll have to run off more sort have let fly by you know fly fly by [Applause] [Music] and this is another part thank you the guys on there on the fanpage you've been trying this by themselves this is a tricky part rubbing off the back of the dumpy paper Rob just that little bit too much and whoops your history it's gone you know who them and as they were saying that the guys who've been trying this there's to know what's does nothing except experience you know the only thing you have to go through the right and pull up look at this it's coming up a free one yeah there's a nice peel did it smooth on yeah can I see the brand of wood glue the Japanese band Japanese where it's just normal white white glue except honor this actually a pretty weak time I know this is what Seagal time oh that's right that's right so it's a 5-minute drying so just a normal five minute drive poly vinyl glue it's nothing special it's not made for print makers it's nothing at all and the key point and you can only just try this try to see if you make it too strong then it leaves quite a while I do this yep we're getting a good one this a good peel so I think a lot of those guys who's trying prints they're frustrated because if they can't get good Gumby Baker [Music] I teased awhile about not tease don't have talked about what we were we thought we had found a good supply of a real nice quality Gumby paper but then it didn't come through herself I had talked about it too soon and people were hoping we'd be able to have it available oh yeah so not as soon as I had hoped but it's it's on it's coming one day hey coming up what a good this postage stamp airship should we carve this also did you see the end of postage marking it's a commemorative marking it's not just a typical post-office enough right it's commemorating some naval battle between Japan and the Russians it's like we really want to be talking about this no I don't think so but whatever it was big news in 1906 whatever it was when this thing was made so we'll just pretend that's not there well I think we're just about ready here good so yeah I had an idea trying to use printable transparencies for this part here's another thing off a one day printer so I'm just not too thick whatever you can use I know I know when I first came to Japan about 30 years ago things we guys in the crafts Association they were using what's called on a stripped film it was a kind of film which had a celluloid sort of thick base then a very thin layer of film that was sensitized you put under camera shoot it and then paste it on the block pull off the back it's sort of like this instead of Gombe paper he left with a reading really thin plastic film but it was too thick you can feel the thickness under your knife no and what you see is the line if your knife is a bit of an angle you're in the wrong place okay okay anyway we're ready to carve but we're not because I have to sharpen up my knife is broken from yesterday's rough carving and I gotta sharpen before we start which is fine because that's something to show we get the camera moved around again do I can I move into where the camera is I do that way yeah that's looking good that's a good place here so we're on there almost every time I do this we get comments you know yeah see that they don't need to put water on a daughter steel stone but I like it yeah does it okay to ask questions during okay nice you got is there no version of the print without the stamp on it that you found I didn't really look around too much just that copy in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts she was pretty clear and clean mm-hmm I didn't poke around to it should I have okay so I'm going to find it now thanks a lot you know yeah Dave you should start to rebrand the glue as moko Han Khan would black blue and distribute it worldwide we don't want to make things more difficult limit the difficulty of the west-wind 77 the stream and the fan page they're really giving me the itch to start carving for myself do it you in a tree bit could I say you know that's the idea do it it's fine it'll actually I'm still having fun after 99 years doing this said I should be taking notes well you'll be able to rewatch the video anytime let's get it up and what do you always say about taking it I can't emphasize it enough don't worry about the official tools the official anything you know just the first few prints are made where literally was just what was in the house it was an exacto knife or whatever the brand name is called you know piece of wood literally from the stock that was waiting to go in the fireplace literally the guy upstairs had been doing some renovations and bits of wood left around and did a fireplace upstairs we were living in the basement so that the wood that was waiting to go up into the fireplace were stacked in the basement I asked him if I steal some whatever whatever whatever I just grabbed it because it was maple the first one the worst the worst possible wood for this kind of work but it didn't matter do you want to wait to find out this to just try I know pigments know Baron Robbie tool I used Shamu G no no the right people asked me to kind of see that very first print of yours and if I had it I would show it but I don't have it because I made like one or two copies one or two you know briefs or whatever then threw it away right away but I've got number two three four I've got those and actually they're on my website somewhere but the first one I would really like to have it but I just don't have it hmm I was kind of shocked you know my God look how bad this off I was gonna be simple really really I thought it was gonna be much simpler than what piece of wood piece of color man how we know what you know what could go wrong you know yeah no I think we're close I'll make it to sharp I'll just you know just break straight away well spend all morning sharpening instead of carving what do you know about what he got me nothing okay this question does Gumpy paper fold well compared to thicker washi it's thinking abusing it for odie yummy but I know it's no idea paper yeah it's so thin as you can see it I know I'm way in the back yeah I don't think it'll hold its hold its shape very well looks like someone may have found you a copy without the stamp oh no that one's got the stamp too so that was the one from Museum of Fine Arts probably just sending the link because you mentioned it so there's the one from there well I thought should I pop it up here I've got the actual for people that you know are new here who don't know what what it is we're going to be doing today is the where is it I prepared it today where is it I seem to Boston okay oh it's in the other window so go go so let's pop it up here just a moment please I thought I was gonna have everything all prepared and ready you're coming too big off to shrink it down hang on a second here it goes this is the target of today's project be there for a few minutes ok let's enter it yeah perfect complete with postage stamp what brand are these diamond stones I don't know I'm sorry I've no idea they're not special they're nothing to would pop in Mickey they're just just circling shining stones diamond plates it's probably called diamond ground or something I'm sorry I already don't know okay I use it I use a 400 and 1,000 okay and I know people tell me you don't need to use them with water but it just feels so nice to me to have it that way now what I'll do we had trouble the focusing here so what I'm gonna do even though there's not so super fine lines on here I'm gonna put my skull in the path here does is it literally helped me see things too but what it will do really is it puts the focus in one place in other words that's where I'm gonna start carving so I could zoom in up to the point where we lose focus does that look pretty good good looking scripting it's looking sharp okay let's start this thing where should I start let's go here we go nice - wood these lines are not super delicate delicate and all smooth calligraphy lines they're quite rough and wiggly this is why I didn't want to use the illustrator file that somebody prepared because that was all smoothed out I don't want it smoothed out I want as much as possible to catch the taste of the original hair so apologies to ever it was that prepared that for me but there this corner don't wiggly wiggly wiggly we're gonna do is we're gonna keep the direction the same what's the times are to Serena were here actually starting carving 8:19 maybe should have done a lot preparation the sharpen before we started baby you know us might regret that later we'll see it doesn't matter it's part of the process got some questions sounds like other people are also using their firewood to get started so it's always good um how did you first find out about printmaking what got you into it like he's not a complicated so there was a gallery in Toronto I was living in Toronto as a single guy going out to Japanese restaurants most nights because it was a cool thing to do think sound and on the way to one of their tour just going to dinner one night and I was a bit earlier but passed me and it was on Queen Street I think in Toronto it was little gallery called the stewart jackson gallery he's still there different location now and he had a little exhibition of japanese prints he had an exhibition of what's called the [ __ ] one which on a little delicate small scale so with the beautiful prints mmm we had them on the wall and it beautiful illumination you know same way as we do in the shop here we put a big light at the top and shine it down the prints and the embossing and stuff really shows up I knew nothing about it you know nothing about Japan or II just I saw those things and thought one of that is beautiful and that was the seed and it went into my mind now here's are we gonna make this up right there's a line that goes through the stamp yep so I can just do really whatever I want right sounds good to me make sure I know where I'm going I've got to end up at this spot so let's let's where we go look at keep an eye on where I'm going are we gonna get there look at this I hope we come together no this is s so yeah long story short I just saw some prints there and it stayed in my mind and later a year two years later after that this is an amid 1970s hmm I just thought that was he'd like to try making one of those things that I saw on the wall that day so I did as I said that at the previous time it was a disaster absolutely disaster in sense of it didn't look like the ones I had seen on the wall ah yeah but the memory was there so I tried again try to get and try it again Here I am like 40 odd years later still trying again the results are a little better these days I got the question about wet stones but as in whe T's yes and I know just a minute ago you said you aren't sure which brands so here's this question though it says which mine is Steve stone oh well we talked before people do do that actually not so much anymore yeah the the guy who helped me live that ethos out he was working at that level you know and he had a bunch of different stones in his toolkit and depending on the oh here we are another but gotta come through it and depending on the Castille he would as he got a new knife from that you know there the guy who made knife blades he would try out sharpening a knife on different stones from different mountains literally well there's no way I'm working at that level just I'm sorry I know they don't have that experience we're talking about a guy who had been doing this for 50 60 years in a real severe traditional situation you know working with tools that had some consistency though we know our tools have no consistency the paper I get the word I get the knife psyche just they differ from batch to batch so much so I will never have that ability you know we need this mountain and not even this mountain it was which strata from within which mountain Wow and you can google us up there people for example the AMIA die COO the guys who are doing the shrine carpentry work with their plane plane blades plane baits are so wide you know they really need a certain type of stone to sharpen them right on those guys the better ones they're working at this level Wow which mountain which strata which which year was excavated all that sort of well but this is that's totally absolutely beyond me I don't pretend anything hmm you already answered his next question to is do you have any in-depth knowledge about Japanese stones there seem to be lads own dubious information online whatever I'm the wrong guy to ask and I'll talk to somebody who has experience but don't worry about would bought premium look for Carpenters and stuff like this and that the best the ones were the most critical there other plane people using planes wooden planes with their big wide blades hmm those are the guys who really really really have to have prime stones in good condition got our blades are so small that really anything is okay it doesn't matter you know yeah so another question I think we've heard before but about wood types dead Steve asking questions there he has a choice between dense teeth that's the the character English oak birch Hawthorn and something else and he doesn't know what to carve with so what other woods besides mountain cherry which you can't get might be suitable you know do you know well I'm gonna I'm gonna waffle because it all depends on what kind of results you want for us I would say all the ones in that list that I've experienced offer are not gonna be suitable for me is we're looking at a very specific and result in mine for someone in that situation who's just starting out what's your goal you make a beautiful tomorrow beautiful woman print or to learn a little bit more this is about and to get a feel for it mm-hmm so I'm just gonna offer anything start with whatever you've got at hand and try it and I really can't say more than that people are asking Dave no no say more say more giving more information and I don't I don't just try and if you're interested you'll try it again and as you try again you'll learn what you're trying to do and what would works and what doesn't work there's no substitute for that experience mm-hmm they go on the fan page there's the young person from Mexico is trying this picked an extremely extremely detailed image the mountain scenery there yeah and he's trying to carve it on a sheet of plywood and it's turning out to be really quite difficult you know and whatever this is all experience that's that's that's coming on Thanks and for those in the chat and we're giving your it's a lot more active than usual so if you really for sure want your question answered send it to an email because I will be checking those a bunch I'm trying to catch up in the chat but ok ok so let's not leaving everything sir is it just right but just for a little bit um see what else I can catch up you got a question do you ever do prints of Japanese legends such as the 47 Ronin or the samurai Miyamoto Musashi I haven't done I mean at the moment we are just full and full and full you know I'm not maybe somebody's nephews are looking at me as an artist too who draws things I know our life and I work right now is completely circumscribed there's a million themes and stuff we could be doing hmm but we're just booked up morning till night with the job so we have on our place jedd every few days or weeks he Skyped me with an idea for a new series and stuff we could be doing and yeah it's Gentiles I haven't seen him yet but but Sunday comes I'm pretty off by Sunday evening it seems insane to me you can get this done in 90 minutes geez well I good I don't know please don't focus on that took 20 minutes to sharp in there so yeah whether it's gonna be done in 90 minutes not I don't know this is not the goal clock ticking down will he make it will he make it that's not what we're doing today please don't focus on that yeah we're here today till it's finished that's all just I simply thought this looks like something we could do in a normal twitch dream that's all did you have a sense of how many people are watching today you can't tell from here does immunise have an ID it looks like there's a way through the API set to find out but didn't have enough time to set that up but I hear in during this stream normally some people say it looks like there's X number of people on how do they know that how do you know someone help us out says 161 right now where where is it mentioned there's a little person icon maybe it's not on the string resize things or maybe I'm just not sure way to lick your on what using Chrome on the twitch app know about other than twitch page though and okay so it's on the main page showing what videos we have it'll be over there take a look but not coming off the stream walk around but it's no yeah okay thanks looks like we got some more Oh someone said I can tell I'd already love to purchase a print of this carving is it a limited time purchase do you need to do anything special to get one in the future you talked about some options but what a view with this little one cow assuming it works out okay about it we can print evolve it'll go in the catalog it'll just be appearing in a few weeks in our catalog and it'll be in The Hunger Club series which means it'll be probably $30 and it won't be tomorrow I know I've got to get it we have to make a story for it get the ladies to prepare packaging for know stuff like that great the Norris and it won't be limited edition at all it doesn't just be another item in a catalog as well okay no this is a public domain image the designer died in nineteen ninety ten in 1812 I forget we looked it up so it's in public domain so if anybody's free to make their own reproductions of it but we're going to do ours okay thanks as to the copies I made today I don't know whatever we'll talk about that later no I'm gonna make I've got ten sheets of paper warming up hmm ready for this so today we're cupping tea you get all ten of those pretty bomb whatever who is to perhaps tests and whatever yeah there's ten sheets of paper that should be enough to get some testing and get a couple of friends look I want to do with those I don't know what chat about it laters yeah people have noticed the name Sasaki Studios used on the YouTube channel it's not the name of your old studio or another guys yes sir when I moved to the house in all me are you still having an apartment in another town in Japan for about 15 years the first 15 years I was here and just about the year 2000 I got a chance to buy buy a house which had a big huge space in the basement it was a four four-story building and the bottom two stories were in a workshop space when I had a chance to buy this place I know he was desperate to sell it I had money at the same time just having finished 100 port series so I bought it and it abuts on a river there's a river right in the back there's little backyard there's the river I look out my window and see the fish swimming down the bottom a ninja in Japan the word says that ideas I don't think it has a direct translation in English English it means the sound of shallow water running over rippling stones or whatever it is related to mountain stream yes it's just small and that was that little river behind me was perfect so I just called my room to sadeghi studio it was before this mocha Hong Kong venture you know getting working with other people new stuff before that started at all so when I set up the YouTube channel it seemed sensible to use accessory studio as the name of the you tube channel but I'm never there anymore and this is no longer a one-man David shop this is now moko Hong Kong the brand we made for our business mmm and I'm not sure how to can I rebrand the YouTube channel without deleting everything or something yeah no I haven't really investigated atleta yeah it turns out for the fist if you go to use you but put my name in David bull bang it comes up so there we are yeah it contains the display name maybe not the URL but not sure also so yeah I just haven't bothered about it YouTube is so good to us I don't want to do anything I'm tiptoeing around I don't want to do anything that will disturb it or right reevaluate who we are what we're doing mm-hmm my god YouTube is good to us Dave do you feel woodblock print making bridges a gap between artistry and craftsmanship what are your thoughts on artistry craftsmanship well the way I look at it done the way probably many people out in the world look at is kind of different you know the world looks on Japanese printmaking is one of the extreme artistic creations of all mankind you know these this tration of Japanese prints leave a tomato oxide wasn't enough but from here on the ground those was to make them it's not even arted this is the printing business you know in the old days it was literally that was the printing business there were no presses and stuff like that and cutting things onto wood and making them like this was the only way to we produce imagery hmm so it wasn't art it was absolutely the printing business and myself being not an artist in the draw original stuff on sheets of paper sentence you know I don't draw I don't do that kind of art right so for me absolutely it's the manufacture that is it's why I'm here I like making stuff I think II got control freak whatever negative or positive words these are you know I just like mucking around with this stuff and it was perfect for me because not having ever trained myself to draw things you know in the sense that some of my jade house who's spent all his life drawing and sketching anything like so for me the the manufacturing aspect of this is what's interesting so the thing itself can be analyzed both ways we are making obviously clearly a piece of art here today which people will look at as being capital a.r a.t mm-hmm but for me I'm not really interested in that at all I'm the guy who is you translating that person's original conception this sketch of a woman in the water which is the art part I'm the guy who is simply put it on the pieces together the engineer who makes the physical thing happen hmm so I'm an engineer I guess actually I'm curious about this part this a this a gap here top-left corner we can ask the stream is a gap here one of these lines just yep mm-hmm and I think it's just on a smear the the original offset printing was not done very well my top left corner of the print this smear and I'm thinking this line should go straight through so I'm gonna use my public domain power here artistic license I try to avoid using the word art yeah I know people help exclamation points cut it cut it cut it mean stop or dunno I think it means you cut the line go all the way across have someone previously asked are you going to carve color blacks as well but well this is what I'm coming right now is the background color block this is not the kind of design that has a key block plus color blocks this is not lukio a race oedema I'm using Japanese traditional techniques here in sense of wood and paper and the knives and tools but this is not Japanese art and this is not gonna follow the Japanese drawing tradition of having a key block with colors inside this whole thing is just two color blocks which is why I said I thought he could do it you know one single Street yeah so now this is what you're seeing me carve right now is the block that will print that background watercolor and I have a separate we'll get to it a few minutes I have a separate block for her hair and I may or may not carve this signature I'm decided you guys couldn't think of what that was how I get there the fact that we're cutting this at the original size of the same size as the original means we have to slightly think a little bit about the fact that we're not making a forgery because this is gonna clearly be a new new thing on fresh paper freshly printed and away we go but when you do reproductions of old stuff if you do it exactly the same size as the original hmm follow the same color schema include all stuff like those signatures of things and although we are not gonna try and pretend this is an original at some point the stuff we sell gets out into the market and people might be thinking oh oh hey wait look this is a [ __ ] yeah whatever at some point down the line what's the deal present so I do that when we made that ha suey reproduction last year that pagoda in the rain I left off the hustla signature even on the original watanabe version has to be seen sure was carved in the blocks Percy himself never sat there and signed 10,000 friends but in order just to make sure that nobody down the line would be confused about it I left off the signature so I think I might do that this time it's it's an unreadable scribble anyway and it could argue that it's needed for balance and on the bottom left corner that little black blob in balance as well but I'm not too sure I buy that argument I think about it but okay yeah so my current thought is I'm gonna leave it off Dave's just bullshitting your Excuse think I'm gonna run at a time get questioned and he plans on continuing work on the taco Thomas yes of course of course of course it's it's always on my schedule every day it's on my list of things to do and almost every day other work gets prioritized you can you could you actually you can answer this one because you're the guy here we're supposed to be taking all the work off my desk yeah we may get back to the office yeah you can explain what goes on every day you know why that's not happening right this because even as we take off some of the orders and other things there's always another thing that you you end up doing instead cuz there's constant orders print parties yesterday you had how many I did six yes six print parties so the fun but doing six in a row that's exhausting yeah it was fun it was a ton of fun the reason I did is because we don't have competent staff to do enough confident staff to do so we're - Chinese yeah you see where I've done here I've cut all those horizontal lines the one face of them I had the block just we said it rotating the block I cut one side one side one side one side of all the horizontal ripple lines I'm not gonna turn around and work my way back down I'm saving the woman for a bit later so how long we were timing this what time did I start for it it's about 20 minutes 20 minutes so it's gonna be 20 more so I thought we're gonna do this in 90 minutes you know obviously call that time we waste wasted at the beginning sharpening but I know who cares we're here to work - we're done okay someone asks do we have a 10 o'clock print party today yes there's not me Kawai son Oh twice on annoy center here okay you're athletic okay um quick question what can you tell us about tanake prints do you know about ton of Hebron even the brand name County Prince John Amos was Brenda's name for studio or do you mean prints that have ton of keys in them I don't know any question he put it in quotation marks and said they're interesting so I I don't know much about sending Cupid's - may neither kind I don't get too distracted here if you'da wrote right beside you there's a book on Chios I hate today not that one's a hard bound book no it should be there is there's not so yes yes if you flipped through that you'll see a bunch of prints cosa images you did a bunch of prints taken picturing some tanuki grossly misusing their certain part of their Anatomy and this I suspect is what our our person is asking about you'll see them there's about three or four pages of them and they're towards the other end of the book I found a book through the wrong end somewhere on there okay seeing some animals here you might not even recognize it nope I'm sorry and unfamiliar with the bugs an excuse for not making my 90 minutes oh it's those two pages in extra faces the thing you're seeing is the tanuki ballsack okay but I don't know what you're not gonna be able to show the people on the screen so unless you gonna find a link to it I don't know whatever sir but it is that what he's talking about tonic you Prince I don't know we have to find it yes Cecily yes that is what is happening to you they are interesting yes Deb was so just a sort of a joke genre a meme it was a meme of the day absolutely that's how this word used to describe it huh Jose I took the meme and said are you gonna run with this and look what I can do and he'd go as crazy as possible with it huh so for those who are curious kosai tanuki prints go looking for it yeah and when you first see them you don't actually realize what you're looking at it almost looks like a blanket this guy who's imitating an elephant - yeah yeah it wasn't me it wasn't me hmm justing know people are gonna say this can't be an original it doesn't have a stamp on it but yeah the stamp was these were postcards you're maybe yeah also - I'd never mentioned the original the one in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts it's not a would paw print really it's not it's a it's a little offset it's a mostly little postcard it was a group called evopsych and nihon higaki could up or something oh yeah Japan postcard Club and I don't know too much detail about it but it would have been the guy who ran it must have simply contacted different artists and also tried to get subscribers and put it together as a package and people probably subscribed and got a couple each week or month or whatever yeah and they would have either collected them or they would have done what the owner this one did put a stamp on instead to somebody they may have sent them back and forth to each other hmm did you ban postcard clock justice this was used and the fact that it's got a commemorative stamp on it you know it's one thing is you go to the post office you don't stop it in your beer post box you you try to so this is overlapping it to stamp collectors territory mmmm and it was nothing to do with would bother me okay I've seen some of the other ones they did in there very much Art Deco or Art Nouveau I don't know quite the difference there are de novo mmm and they're early these are 1906 and 1907 and stuff so this is know what sort of this pioneering stuff actually yeah but no it wasn't a woodblock print we're up 279 beers in case you were mentioning earlier how it can be confused with originals since it's the same size people ask don't you put a stamp with the the Bodden mark or moko Han Khan or some other way to identify it as your work we do that on prints that are large enough where we can do that learn without disturbing or destroying the image on the postcard prints we publish I say postcard size the The Hunger cranes out there they're too small okay and it's doing too intrusive and too disruptive things like the hero's prints of course they're they're embossed with the name of the Carver and the printer yeah a lot of our mocha Hongkong prints have local Hong Kong embossed into them but these are too small so no it's not just okay it's too strong yeah all right on screen I keep moving around I'm not sure let me know if it don't know wanders too far on that or something it's looking okay sure looking great this is a few seconds behind yes I saw Krypton alleged says well this is the first time I've been able to watch you live I'm so excited so he watches the replays but hasn't ever had a chance to catch you lives actually those disappoint him he it's not live it's three second delay oh yeah not that we haven't said that is twitch it's the system yeah so what you saying what Cameron is seeing in his stream window right and what he's seeing in real life my mouth is moving in different different patterns what is it about three seconds you have that tons about right I don't think that's a specific delay it like for a legal reason or anything I think it's simply that's how long it takes the thing to get processed and sent up and see I wouldn't make sense and from this was any chance of offering first refusal to buy one of tonight's prints to the idiot who made his Illustrator files to smoothie I didn't even take the time of trouble to write to the guys now he's got a smiley faces he's joking around korkman in 1989 is the username that it well hope which I'm stood you know I just wanted to work as closely to the original as possible I didn't want another translation in the middle of it you know so hmm as far as the prints do we make today I don't know let's assume let me get closer and we see how they're working out let's think about that okay I don't want to sort of make money on I don't care about that and I have been good fans on the twitch if we really get save five or six nice prints today maybe we should just to a drawing or something or send an email to the or well what if no we shouldn't do this I think I like what you know all the people who would send questions in draw among their names or something but that might resulted a little flooded inbox whatever I'm open to suggestions whatever let's see what happens to in-stream you can have an idea sir people have ideas yeah I'm not so interested in selling them I know we've had some great fan support since this stream started and if we could maybe send these out we've owned the first few yeah whatever they're you know without upsetting other people or you know something like that I don't yeah I won't be suggestions okay but I don't care what selling them that's let's go make this a fan thing you know and we can write on the back of each one twitch life twitch stream you know yeah I can reckon sign them actually right here assuming that come out and yeah I'm getting a bit ahead of ourselves we can write number one number two number three twitch livestream you know January ninth whatever it is and write that on them in the stream so people can see it right whatever see what happens as we get to it yeah I'm assuming we're gonna get some prints but um how do you know how deep into the wood to cut what is the Goldilocks zone where's where it's the perfect depth cuz I know we've talked about sometimes being too shallow sometimes being too deep well the ones are coming right now they're just recut obviously once I get into an open area the rule is simple the wider the space the deeper you go within you know the limits of what you're doing right Mac suite carve I would carve is three or four millimeters max anywhere mmm these ones are just you can see it's a v cut going in it's probably for half a millimeter down I don't know but again this is a question that it depends there's no single answer because sudden we got this upstairs Johnstown brought those blocks further on the sugars under carve you know now suicided print she's complaining bitterly they're too shallow he said I tested him there okay and he tested him with a piece of coffee paper with a flat smooth surface and no aberrant pressure and doing just one or two copies great and she's doing it now real printing using much more pressure she's using a softer paper which pushes down farther right and she's doing like a hundred copies so it's go go-go-go-go pigment builds up so what he thought was fine for him just as a single test she's complaining bitterly because it was blotching all over the place so there's no single answer it's the Abraham Lincoln thing you know how long should a man in his legs be long enough to reach the ground to the man's legs that's us supposedly that's what he because he's was tall guy singing or he got whatever I know the background to this time yeah apocryphal or something mm-hmm um then another question that that one two three four is there any finishing work like polishing or sanding that is done or is it straight from the carving bench to the printing bench straight there's nothing no nothing we don't muck around with the wood at all we didn't seal it we don't finish it we don't do anything to it absolutely nothing yeah and the word itself before we start carving is in the census this is raw wood who's played zap comes off the plane and the deed of a hand plane ship ship ship plane it down smooth over to the Carver there's nothing you saw me moisten it before I put before I put the tracing down that was simply so that the glue doesn't time to sink into the wood too much because if we do have a glue on there it's disruptive to the printing it seals the top of the wood and the pigments don't turn i'mso properly so the simple answer is no no no nothing nothing nothing having said that modern people working with stuff like Sheen apply woody whatever I've heard that they do sometimes they get a white glue like the one we used here they put it in a cup mix it with water a little bit and brush this on into the wood as a sort of some kind of sealer hmm but I have no experience I'm not recommending that I don't know what it is I'm just pointing out that some people do it out you know our classical tradition with cherry wood it's raw all the way yeah all the way down I don't know if this is the person who created the bot but they they're I'm behind a little bit on finding out what do they want to do with the the prints that might be done today saying oh you could send them to helpful people like the one who did the but his death yes of course of course yeah that's what I say the big guy got found save me the suggestions whatever yeah he was here a few weeks ago oh really I think he left Japan I saw her yesterday stream he was in yesterday stream and he had just left Japan to go to a New York or something so uh interesting job I guess he said that his employer thinks he's in New York so he has to be available New York time but actually he just wanders all over the world yeah cuz it's all his job is 100% online oh wow so he said Laurie doesn't need him physically to be there but he's got to be available New York time huh so no matter where he is in the world and he was talking about this yesterday said no matter where I am in the world I have to keep my my body and work time and so on the end New York cut Wow so okay oh there they're happy that 0.5 millimeters up to 3 millimeters there's a good aunt say someone says it but again for me for the kind of word we're using for the kind of printing we're doing for the kind of paper reason these are totally different ads for somebody else mm-hmm but at least gives a a little bit of an idea you know if you're getting blots you're too shallow for the kind of printing skill you have you know hmm how many different knives do you use normally one next question Fuzzy's gonna qualify that da nice if I said let me back up a bit don't know this stream so far that our channel has been about me this is Dave bull you know with his little twitch stream channel there's been requests and this is also a request from me that I would like to go and visit some other workers that we couldn't visit asked us on the Carver rate get a get a get his turns first put the camera and we'll run the camera and just will do a stream watching him carve and if he's cool for it asking him questions while he carves he may not be cool for that but whatever it doesn't matter we watched him carve and I can narrate and talk about what we're seeing yeah and then we would see a totally different thing you know that's a real quote real unquote Carter in a sense of you know trained in a Japanese workshop and stuff like that and we could look at his tools and talk about that and if you asked him how many knives do you have he would probably say I keep three close at hand here and what he's done is he's got I'm guessing three then he's got three of these knives the same one that I'm using you but he's got them sharpened at slightly different angles a bit more acute a bit medium and a bit flatter yeah and if he's going around lots of fine little circles and stuff he'll use his more acute one if he's doing something it's a whole bunch of straight lines he'll use the one that's more obtuse right so that stays hmm and me I'm just whatever I have a phobia about having too many tools and I keep a minimum and if I'm gonna do a job that's carving a whole bunch straight lines of a sharpness suitable for that okay and then I'm working out a bunch of small circles while shopping it's suitable for that but you know a bit wasteful hmm so the knife angle is important as far as the type of job that's at hand and then if the question was a bit wider how many tools do you have he would have pretty much the same as me he's got like that one or two or three of the cutting knives then he will have two or three of the big clearing chisels that knocks out waste wood right and then we've got five or six or seven of the I ski chisels the one this is a takeout D and waste what at the very end which you'll see me when I get there okay later on this process we don't have a vast tool chest and in fact that's something you're really really surprised the first Westerners who were researching this there was an exhibition and the Smithsonian Institution it was called that u.s. nationalism at the time the 1890s and they asked a bunch of Japanese please send over some tools and things so we can exhibit them together with some woodblock prints that we have on display right when the Japanese site did they sent over the whole shebang a full set of carvers tools full set of printers tools and sketches and drawings over how they were used and the American guys got this and wrote back to them and said I'm sorry I guess there's been a misunderstanding he didn't mean you know like a model toy set showing what this looks like we wanted actually the real tools and we're willing to pay for them the Japanese side wrote back you know and said recently now that's what you got you know because Marron guys couldn't believe that such sophisticated woodblock prints could come from just this little handful of tools stuffed in a cardboard box and sent across the sea and that was the real tools you know huh and he must have gone back and forth for quite a bit before they became convinced that that's the real thing you know cool one that is probably more appropriate for later on but it's as well ask it now or else it'll get forgotten how easy is it to get close to the color of the original print when you're mixing the pigments sponsor question that's a good question of whatever how easy it depends on your skill of course but how important is it I don't know I know the original Harris we said it's a little it's not a woodblock prints so you've got ink that's sitting up on top of a paper substrate so the appearance is going to be a bit different the one I make today is going to be a woodblock print which is transparent pigments on top of washi and of course I'm gonna look at the original and slap some blue and some green together to get something at that looks cool that looks exactly but am I gonna sort of Pantone this and try and think about the exact Bluegreen shade no because I don't care about that sort of stock and we're looking at a different pigment and a different substrate yeah so I'm not gonna be a clinical in the sense of I've got to you know get exactly the same I think I don't have all I've got is it's on my computer screen there right so I'm gonna do a look over the computer screen and mix something and try it that would be similar movie it's that whole color thing we had a woman in the print party yesterday who was her job was she some kind of her job is involved with some buzzwords neurological research color the way your brain understands color interprets color defecation this is this is her research field Wow and you know I listen to what she was doing and then you know she sort of looked at me and thought that oh my god David must be really into this sort of stuff and she might have been a bit disappoint her friend we had a good fun chat which you might have been a bit disappointed I said well no I basically don't care about this she's like what do you mean you're making woodblock prints it's vitally important that they be exactly the right colour and again we know without being sarcastic about this ray from viewpoints but she had a very scientific viewpoint in that things could be measured and understood and calculated and I don't do that and we don't do this this is a simple reason like the room are sitting in today right now there's an LED up on the roof there well the light shining on my desk is an incandescent mm-hmm there's probably some autism there's a window of there so there's some daylight yeah so we've got an insane mix of color temperatures here and I'm gonna do today's test print under a mix a real mix of those color temperatures mm-hmm okay I'm looking at a computer screen for my model which is an RGB readout you see where we're going with this what is the true color what is the true color so what's the base and then we make the print and we send it off and two customers are going to get it one customers gonna think well I've got Dave's prints before turns off his room lights go to a north window opens the package and looks at it under natural light next customers can open the package under his doctors office fluorescent lights and they're gonna see something totally different and I have no control over this and I could care less I make something that's interesting and beautiful under the way I see it and somebody else is gonna see it in a different milieu and a different environment and then on top of that not to talk too much but on top of that 10 years later as the paper is softened and aged and the pigments have blended into the paper a bit more it's all gonna change all over again yeah so what do I care I don't care about this stuff at all just try and do something attractive under my nose at the moment that I make it yeah and she was like with blocks like this one where you have a lot of untouched areas in the big color sections do you leave the thing paper on after you finish does it interfere with the first few prints no no me to wash it I'm gonna wash it off you'll see what we get there okay so we'll get okay what did you feel totally though you picked my wouldn't go into the woods we're gonna know sure okay do you know does the original wood block for the print you're carving today still exists somewhere if so where is it what are you for before yes the original was not a woodblock print original was no there is an offset litho production there is no wood block okay oh good the printmaking bot answered a question for us how do you repair mistakes came in you repair Nick's dings and cuts in the black and there's a blog post about it but if you want to add anything we did yesterday stream was all about this idea to repair on stream yesterday oh wow check out yesterday's stream let's see I need your help cameras after me you just leave the stream for a minute when I was setting up here this morning I dropped to one of my tools the limit i ski just what looks like this with a little needle okay went over there here somewhere somewhere yeah it may have gone in there or it may have been I don't even know where this on my backpack was there it could have actually gone into the internet backpack so yeah I think I found it this is the one bingo thank you sir good good good great that was easy yeah I was afraid it might be in the nether in depths of the back of house yeah thank you very much no problem stretch your legs anyway yeah you need a bathroom break just do it yeah these are my weight how much fun would a wind cADCA the forward cut could cut with it jumping back see what I've missed the focus seems to be behaving today yeah staying quite sharp I threatened the camera you know I said you know your your time with us is limited unless you get get on get get on board with the program yeah don't mistake us Dave jumping way back you asks do you think I asked yeah it's something you did about does this add balance the extra signatures visual balance your rights right and some people are saying yes one person said why don't you add a read into the water or something oh okay yeah just you think so yeah interesting thoughts some votes keep keep the signatory or some not so I'm leaning towards leave you know prepared there's a lot of confusion about that in the shop you know people look at the prints on the walls maybe a reproduction of a hero sheet print fred' 1860 order and it's got a signature in their seal a red seal on front you know hmm and like I get question of what how do you how do you authorized to do this you know it's a misunderstanding of what it was back in the old days the designers never actually signed and sealed the prints of course and the signing in Ceylon was done in the block hmm it was just to identify who designed it rather than the signature in the modern sense it wasn't until the 20th century came along based like the Yoshida brand saw and the JED heavy French were making it great we make them send him over to jet and he looks at each one and see this is a 20th century Indiana 21st century I'm glad you found this tool yeah glad it's working are all the tools handmade or do you buy regular chisels modify them or an eyesore everything yesterday the the bigger stuff I use so once you'll see in a few minutes when I'm wiping out the stuff they're just noble of his chisels there's not there nothing to do with with the printmaking the cutting knife you saw the use for the past half hour or so is made for a woodblock print makers I don't buy it as a finished tube we buy the blades okay we've got our own handle you make your own handle in fact the one I'm using right now - I've made the handle and the blade part of this is a sewing machine needle this isn't an official authorized edo era an official tool I know somebody somewhere long ago to come up with the idea of using that sewing machine needle and we did it this one now this is an actual blade made by a by a metal worker and we're all cases we complain about the tools and stuff all the time over here the papers no go the words no good no blah blah blah but in the case of the cutting tools were okay and it's because you know there's all different kinds of crafts as we said you know making shrine carpentry or just normal woodwork everybody needs good blaze so there are a lots and lots of what does it call harmonious time week on yeah the hardware of over here no I'm a blacksmith is that the word I don't know if you couldn't me make knife blades and stuff was the English word [ __ ] month there's lots of such people all over the country so it's this is not a dying dying harder craft to talk you know and I've read like the guys who carpenters they complain oh my god the planes are no good compared to what they were in the old days and blah blah blah we're all saying the same thing yeah but getting getting a blade is not a specific problem for us because it's not just what about many Baker's yeah so that was a good question have you ever spilled food on your work before once back at the beginning when I was in Canada looking at some finished prints and I dumped my coffee on the table and uh since then never and it's sensing every workshop I've ever been to with no exception so I leave it when it was first hour I pissed at Matt's accent or something you know and they give me coffee and some emotive because you're a visitor or whatever man you can see it and the guy's got his own tea he puts it behind him on the floor nowhere near the bench great and when you're visiting someone to look at prints on the table or whatever they're still serving your coffee and tea that goes on a separate side table yeah and it's just a common sense rule you don't have a drink on the same table when you're mocking with woodblock prints right they all learn that lesson maybe the wrong way you got a stack of 100 prints it seems like it couldn't happen but it wouldn't run yeah my wrong move on your dogs and destroyed 100 prints yes so this absolute separation hmm I knew Cece Skousen upstairs you'll see her she and I had a little battle about this years ago and now she has her tea and she to a humor me she has her tea on the floor behind her as far away that hasn't been possibly not reach it right I'll come in the room when she look at me say see see it's okay as long as you're following Nick the house rule I don't care where it is yeah no tea or coffee drinks on the bench period there's another similar rule to and this is to do with the knife's I know this wasn't something I had to be taught although wanna eat just haven't even mentioned it to me one day but I was on to us II just I'm already on to that and a lot of us you know whatever you're you're cutting with a knife like I wasn't few minutes ago and you work all day with a knife in your hand it's not that you forget it's there so you don't think of it anymore and maybe you're working a carving carving carving and you got an itch you can reach up scratch yourself oh no and then oh this is a real thing and it's not just wood block picnic this is a real thing you forget you've got the knife in your hand and bang you poked your eye out so this it's sort of a rule you do not ever scratch yourself or come near your face with your dominant hand huh you'll see me now any time when I'm scratching myself you'll see me do something later with my non-dominant hand hmm to make sure there's no knife in it yeah he did mention it if you ever poked yourself with a blade and I said no actually I I may have done once but I now yep yeah I'm here do you know what it's a no full plate of soba near the prints huh nope another person works in art framing and he said no liquids on the table yeah he's on the lesson once and after that because the price of disaster I mean the price of failure is so high mm-hmm think of the people are working conservation and the British Museum of stuff a cat you see they've got videos on YouTube beyond my god the tables and that you know they're working with you know super expensive old stuff and obviously you know they've got masks sistine nothing ever new work at all yeah are we done with the ripples I'm not quite sure I might be done with the ripples okay let's move on to the body we're gonna we're not gonna get this done in 90 minutes clearly but whatever who cares let's just keep moving here mmm someone asked Westwind 77 said whatever in spots on the signatures since you said will decides later so yeah I've I've added or I say let's add it some say okay I thought sorry let Dave decided leaning towards leaving it off yeah for that same reason I mentioned you this is clearly not a forgery in any way whatsoever mm-hmm now but a hundred years now 50 years now whatever it's a different stories well just to make it clear what's going on this is not a quote authorized to reproduction you know this is just we're looking at this public domain image and saying I like that yeah huh so let's just keep the Barrow and keep the water yeah some say you could really mix it up make the signature the size of the prints and the print the size of the signature in the corner totally jumble it I don't think that'll work once we once it goes into our stock for sale it'll be in The Hunger Club and each of these prints is combined with a short story in which we're not essay a story of the episode and so will be described the print will be sold with a package which describes who the designer wisest in the menu in which it was made and that why we're making a reflection hmm so it's not like we're we're posting it off as our own we will be clearly identifying it right in the packaging but not on the printed sauce some ask how would you source the blades in the US any idea is this thing they might know some companies the place called McLean lanes in Oregon has got good stuff there's honest people getting good materials from Japan song about reasonable prices okay it's more expensive than in Japan because their inventory yet right warehousing it shipping it but it's there in America so no they're good people you can trust them they're told you okay they've got a full range student stuff up to professional stuff they don't do it the way we do like we just like said we buy our blades from a blade maker McLane's can't do that they buy blades from a manufacturer you know for for for wood bottom acres right and most of the customers for such blades here in Japan are not the pros they are people hobbyists or students advanced hobbyists advanced students hmm so they don't have any actual fully professional stuff but there's no way they would have any access to such things so but yeah for all the people watching stream if they're trying it that's fine might wanna sign here in Japan he's got a good range McClain's in America I think it's a place in Britain called called intaglio print makers they're sourcing from here in Japan student high student level stuff it's not like there's no access when I started to put the old man's hat on when I started there was nothing you know we had to walk 60 days in the snow to get to it so there's tons of stuff available information like got so much information there's no barriers not a zero there except your own personal intercept hmm so you pop up some of those images that I prepared you know I'll be I'm in the twitch stream the tweet I'm a fan page I'm not sure the names of these let me let me people who have been let's see me pop this on the way for a second a girl where did I put it doe it was that long was it like I shouldn't fool around too much with this this is these are some images that were made by people on the thin green page this was I don't remember the name so focus with this I'm confused by the twitch name and the people's name and stuff like this is somebody's first print there's another one well this tui these are similar these are people who have made prints based on the image that I put in my in the book in my little book oh you and your first print PDF and a couple of people have used that stalks me make me it's a participant yeah make their first friends and that's so much fun for me to see that here's know somebody's gone a bit to town on this they've put a bunch of gradations in here you know wow this is so cool that's so cool for me to see this no I'm sorry not to not to know the names of all the people who have made these early individually I'm sorry you know this one I think Jen was really excited when I saw this one huh you see when it comes up over here well and then just here the day this one came in tonight where are we this one I'm not sure I'm supposed to show this it might be still top-secret I don't know look at this this is a Jeddah site again this is one of the sketches of Jed did when he was here a few months in October maybe he had a watercolor sketch and he touched it up and photoshopped to make it into flat colors and sent it to one of the tweeters if I can use that work you know so here it is here's the printer so this is so cool for me to see this kind of work happening there's so many people know now it's bottom secret what's that who's that it's top secret but now he's secret ever that mean I forgot to mention William F William Francis you know of course it was not working like commercially with jet jet sending them images instead they're here in the shop we're selling them being on so we're cat wild sands where can you get beginner kids nostril yeah anyone else can help them out we all have much connection Auster do you know of anything and I said well I I don't know the shops and stuff but there's a guy you could talk to a few Google Kerry McKenna he's a friend of mine he's living in Australia and he asked he hears like she would block printmaking system there he's got a school actually I think I forget where he is Melbourne art I think he does it in Melbourne and Sydney he goes back and forth running workshops on both towns and he may have an online presence for tools as well I don't know I don't remember quite the spelling his name M small C big K I'm not sure Terry McKenna okay and he's sort of the guru down there he's been in Japan and Kyoto studying he's been here visiting these makers very nice prince himself as far as know he's making a living doing this he brings tours to Japan for people to visit print shops and stuff like that yeah and he would be a go-to source his webpage whatever he would personally where we have information on where to get tools and maybe he sells them I don't know yeah I think I just pulled up his page a kakuka me you Tama Kenny look one guy he's a real nice guy okay and he's having good fun with the same thing I'm doing exploring this craft and disseminating it and talking about it and helping people get started the other thing about tools is mots immersed down here in Tokyo he does ship worldwide no the shipment can be expensive especially if you're buying wood blocks and stuff from him which is a bit crazy I think right up but he does ship globally Wow and he sells even plainer wood blocks much more Sun yeah that's his main businesses it would spar the tools framer was an extra stuff on top of that okay dead Steve asks I just noticed you decided to cut with the grain perpendicular to the ripples YS that's yes I deliberate yes yes well sure it's deliberate it's the way we do things is an easy quick answer I just it'll be a long answer I don't know I know tell me what do I start wood expands and contracts mostly in one direction only I'm speaking of traditional wood that's not the plywood stuff that we have these days a piece of wood if you make it wet as we do when we start printing it starts to expand as it absorbs the moisture and it doesn't expand in the kind of say the up-and-down direction the up and down of the tree okay yeah so along the grain it does expand across the grain so this would be the width of the tree you can see the trunk expand yes yes yes so so on a wood block like this if we're gonna print many many many copies throwing lots of water on it the wood bit by bit by bit starts to expand and it will expand here in this direction because the grain runs up and down here and the wood will never expand in the up and down version but it doesn't have to expand in the cross version okay put that point on the table and just set aside now paper the guys you've seen videos of people rocking the paper and in the tubs and made paper rocking back and forth whoa what time on 923 Wow this is not gonna be a 90-minute stream Cleary anyway anyway that's how I son coming for work is it yeah where was I I forget you just thinking about the paper hey okay so the paper and the paper because of the way they rock and make it it has a grain and then it comes to the bitumen when you make it wet it expands the same way it doesn't expand up and down along the grain that may or may not be visible sometimes the grain is pretty visible inside the structure of the pavement when you hold it up to the light sometimes it's not but one way to find out where the grain is is try moistening it because it expands in the side-to-side version the same as wood and trees so for us whenever we're making a print we have to make sure these two things match and the way we do it is simple every print we put the grain of the wood horizontally on the bench as we're printing it letters this thing is going to be printed you know if you see it horizontally four millimeter this way and the paper will go on in the same direction so that as you're making an addition it's bit by bit by bit things all expand in the same direction I mean when we're wrapping to with our bearings in a horizontal motion yeah which is in the strong end of the paper good morning coy sign will them off I would say hello to the next up it's it oh you know make a print in ninety minute stream we're just gonna turn up and make it prints at 120 minutes trans yeah whatever visits it's gonna be I got uh Ohio came us I spelled his name properly actually yes really we have one i yep one I know we've got him trained at last so they have a nice name hello dude you got a party Jahangir's your agenda show so far there is no ten o'clock party good good good good good that makes it easier but indeed there's an 11:30 party but I'm not on duty for it's a Japanese couple so of course I will help to handle it Tony by himself yeah it's gonna confuse people someone asked did Dave and Karen have time if we keep going over 90 minutes but it's then like you just try to hear for so so we're gonna get one tight problem the girls are gonna come soon to go upstairs printing they're gonna trip over that cable so we could make sure how okay for that I'll write that out to them as they come in either nah that's it we're gonna keep going till it's done or I'm gonna keep going yeah I'm not sure about the old may work but whatever they have lots to do I would say yeah even if we don't send it overnight orders up they've lost since you asked that did they spell his name right yeah people think doesn't care you mean cute and then you don't need me to explain yeah Kawai son is kawaii yeah mm-hmm Kauai is kawaii he's mentioned at a million times as I'm sure he's explained it just as much but what on earth Ivy's parties Dave is throwing yeah I can talk about that pretty parties are an opportunity for anybody to come here into the Mogu Han Khan shop and experience what it's like to to actually do the printing process so it's not carving not what Dave's doing now but there are blocks that have been carved and you get a chance to work with our staff and put the the pigment on and use paper and do your own prints one color at a time and you end up with a really nice print that you've made entirely yourself so it's a lot of fun you can find it on the website and thank you someone already sent the link so go check it out joy joy son hello we're live here this morning [Music] yeah so I know the boss fights are you finished today oh no not II oh no tonight show me no much sorry girl but I see yo hero Casa toca ah it's cutting up like an agent honey gotta come got it or not jibun no sir for the side track there and our city Sam's on her way out those men we've had some meetings with the guy who carved the block she's making it she thinks they're carved to shallowly and he thinks their car just righty now and there's a certain amount of stress between them Linda and because I'm also her printer I'm on her side on this one and we gave him clear instructions deeper he's thinking these guys don't know what they're doing that he's got to do it now in about one minute from now I'm gonna finish this little hair zone here I've got a switch to the clearing work we've got to clear this blocker on the outside mmm this is all the delicate knife work I've got to spend two or three minutes making some noise I know how are we the microphone do you think if I start banging it's gonna shake the camera or something it'll shake the camera but it'll still be laughs but my head's up prepare your headphones oh yeah lower the volume on your headphones sugus on more like Sugoi on play with people's names in japan yeah much if it's clear what I'm doing here the in the middle of her hair there are shapes where we can see the paper those are the ones I'm cutting now and there's areas like this you perhaps can't see them on the cue block there's this little slight gray areas those are gonna come after I cover the black head block so inside here the watercolors will still be there so I don't carve these out of this block all they need to cover we here now are the areas that will be the blank paper color don't need this side it okay I think what have we done she's carved she's cut the hair is cut the lines are all cut it's not time for me to get my owner one more thing on the outside we apparently have broken 200 virus someone said boiling them yeah Eric gone above two different reasons yeah we've exceeded 200 one said we're rude to her name was this a new world record with which live like no way it's the smallest channel on twitch I think when I was first investing in it last August I looked around and you see some of these channels I'm like just fifty thousand people watching some guy play a game I I still have to say I still don't actually get this you know without trying to sound like an old fart here I don't either but that's okay to each his own hmm there's 200 people watching this it's so cool yeah no idea what that even means agdq has 150,000 viewers right now every that is but a hundred a hundred fifty thousand followers or do you mean people watching at this very moment one hundred five thousand people but we're talking about I don't know it says oh soon as I see the channel go over 1 million for a tournament so there is some special events going on so at one time at which is serving video that many people Wow yep people currently watching he said oh I think I'll keep quiet when are we gonna hit a million yeah right Wow a tournament so this is this is eSports now I guess we're talking about yeah yeah so it sounds like I'm telling TV is dead isn't it network TV yeah yeah there was a question back here and says um and now I've lost it how did Dave do the tracing for this image did use Photoshop and order to use tracing paper I didn't actually trace it myself I said I wanted to minimize the number of times this was redrawn right now as it happens because this is such a simple image and it's all visible I didn't trace anything I downloaded from the museum put it in Photoshop excuse me I just did the contrast so that it would don't know the lines that the sync the lines right now the contrast between a water color and the background color I just did the contrast to strengthen those then just printed it out from Photoshop and elect me on to our thin paper so I didn't trace anything this is why as I said earlier in the stream the young man who prepared the Illustrator vector file yeah he you know actually drew around each of those lines and ideally really didn't want to do that hmm when they write it is these little Wiggles all the way through only catch these and I think people watching William Francis the stream the last couple of days he's carving an old shun show him image and he I think has done a similar thing he hasn't traced it he's taken a museum copy or a photograph for every Scott and adjusted the contrast so that he can see the lines clearly and he's printed it on thin paper and pasted it on his block as is so as he's carving we can see actually we can see the colors it's all black and white it's not color mm-hmm so he's cutting through a parts of it he's just choosing and picking what the color okay Stage two scope by the way I need my bench dog oops where is it something bizarre is happening on the street I'm try refreshing it okay looks like some base there's some images appearing there but you can refresh without inspecting the streamers yeah or are other people seeing it okay if there's anyone else seeing a flicker or was that just tonight okay now I've got a zoom out I'll get rid of the disruption here corner move the camera over maybe let's see is that gonna show it get rid of this I need to be able to soar the block around here now at this point it's not going to get a little bit noisy excuse me this won't be for too long okay turn your headphones down no Cameron turn them up do you want a live stream I've got the registration marks the last thing I want to do is cut those off which I would never never of course never got here we go okay now we find out if we've got synchronization issues because the microphone and they're saying the sinks really good is spot-on and they're amazed to how how close that big chisel is going to your lines and do you ever hit your thumb they ask we're here well I've been hitting now have you ever hit your thumb hitting the chisel I'm not sure we just like never hurt yourself to be careful of wire here a smashing action I always thought I told you be careful so we're wired in we didn't want to use Wi-Fi so that's the easy net cable here to this mm-hm strong we haven't lost it even when I came in Lucent can ask a favor hmm no can I get a cup of tea he said okay fast get him get some tea from the machine mm-hmm for you tea latte that's here order a tea latte and I know what to get please Japanese company you can you just use snap your fingers right because I'm the shop Joe whatever yeah I want people with anybody anybody is sort of there's levels and rankings and by virtue of the fact that I own the place by definition anybody yeah it's game you know tea please and they get it but we normally don't play by the rules you know I take my turns cleaning the toilets and everything else yeah go round and round so I still said can i maybe he's okay if you please maybe perhaps can you become piece of [ __ ] footing your handle here I'm holding it really close right so I'm not you know we're not talking about a while on the row so because this is a very small block we're taking off such a small amount of wood each time mm-hmm so I'm holding it really close I'm just tapping like this they couldn't perhaps see this yeah so there's really not much danger of hitting yourself yeah on a bigger block taking out more wood you move your hands back and you pick your shoulder up there and you whale away and then it's a bit more of a risk of that he latte and the smoke you might need to explain the joke that's probably only five people here that understand the other 199 people don't know what you're talking about we show that video from 1957 Grady printmaking process you know has to be drew something send it to the Carver center to the printer right at every stage of the process has finished the camera zoomed in on me pulls out this big fat jump and the printer we're all waiting okay light up light up I just drink some tea instead I don't know whether he's a nonsmoker or just whatever then catch it on camera and it could have been I doubt it but it could have been that when you if the printer smokes heavily all the finished prints end up saturated with cigarette smoke and we get this from printers whose name I do not want to mention yeah we get a way to batch they're right there I haven't even opened yet yeah Sammis print and when I open them I'm gonna be saturated with some principle Thank You Joyce and thank very much and we have to we have to sit the air them out and flip them and hear them out let them wear them up cuz it's awful because if we don't the customer gets a finished package from us opens up and it smells like stale Japanese cigarettes more Carver's it doesn't matter though huh I don't that's a level 30 party only this I was there it was all your risk with all going I smell no Cameron this is a phone call coming from the oh my shipping center how much I thought eighty was starting to make for the first time after the New Year's I can't see the chat stream while he's off taking that phone call you're on your own but now I got a clear wait a bit more and wider stuff this is the most noisy parts art once this is over back to the quite work this might be bouncing the camera I'm not sure I'm sorry if it is it relax because a few minutes we'll be back to the quiet yes way over here hey danger pay today nah I can take it just a couple quick questions everything everything's ok the missing shipment to France by the way they said it's arrived at sir I've just arrived he did arrive he got it up oh he did get it oh I'm so glad you got lost in the system somewhere he's really happy thank you thank you thank you thank you oh thank you good good good well that's stage two of this block Stage one was the cutting with the outlined knife Stage two is the clearing with the wide chisels and stage three now we'll zoom back in a bit Stage three is going to be clearing away and again I wouldn't use a skull but let's do it but if I put the scope on that puts the thing right in one spot a blessing yeah let's move it up and submit it hang on a sec while I get the spot I focus on there which I've learned that using under the scope it gets it exactly in the right spot but I don't have to worry about if I'm staying in the middle of the camera or something like that so over there this it in focus okay looking sharp looking sharp the next step of the chisels these chisels the ice before the puts of word Bulbul no kisses in English well no it's nothing to do with that oh yeah [Applause] is that drink on the floor behind you and away from the workplace it is indeed good and you can you can verify that it's not on the table for a carver it doesn't matter if we're talking about wrench stock a Finnish Prince but here we go you don't want it landing on the woodblock anyway but yeah drink right first Nexus P break but will hold a protest see y'all on granddad they can manage this okay let's go [Music] so here at stage three even we can't get those big chisels right up to the lines of course when we got pretty close this just now pulls away that last bit of wood I can hear the vacuum cleaner whatever is up you know it's too bad no one's mentioning it so David's power tools here yeah someone said power one other's woodchips hit me in the eye cuz my blinder oh wait one person didn't notice the vacuum so the vacuum started right when you were zooming in not wow that's quite a zoom powers ooh I hope the store doesn't get too busy this morning uh if people come just whatever stood in the interest so they can watch ya join history watch the famous in fact we haven't mentioned that word that'd be our word the the person who used to make paintings online who did it start to finish yes three and I haven't talked about happy little mistakes we haven't had any mistake I haven't have any happy little mistake don't intend to oops now we should maybe us too soon to think about this but there's any number of relatively simple images that can be done this should maybe made yourself a regular affair Dave's annual New Year stream or make some friends or something should it become something like that yeah whatever you see is it okay huh dad you are top of our knife what we say in Newcomb I said you know I know you have not happened I'm coming we haven't said his name but now there are lots of pictures of certain artists with some exciting where's my afro I kiddin well being cynical the fact that he existed and did that I think has helped my work a lot you know there's there's the thing that people glom on to yeah if we didn't have someone to compare me to tsunami no no it's it's good yeah I have no trouble with those compare something the guy seems like he was a really cool guy and it sounds key was pretty good at making money too I guess which is something we're not so good applet whatever we came on stream and focus is it all right it's looking great yeah Cameron's still a bit back in the chat you might need to scroll down yeah I'm I caught up eventually I had to go take that phone call so I wanted to see what was going on well I was gone but um here saying you mentioned some may be doing this again making it a thing out of it yeah a great idea and your live stream so how do you it with daily likes oh yeah but an annual special yes doctor fan vessel yeah and someone said not in your monthly at least the Dave Bowl in one session series never the thing is we need uh such a simplistic image you know you can't really do line work plus color separation so I know so it's not really something that we should make a major deal yeah this image just perfectly suits it mm-hmm but it's not it's not Japanese traditional stuff so you know I don't know the Dave ball not [ __ ] that's what this stream is if you make it an event then it would be the Dave ball not settees what's next where am i hair I think that's the inside it's gotta go around the world we're almost finished just key block here a key block not key block this first part so we're getting on here dead hair block won't take long at all so those of you who are thinking oh my god when is this gonna win relax we're moving right along now here actually it's gone quiet over there Hallett yeah well yeah take up with us early yeah yeah let them drop down to ten people still left and people are still holding on now i think i think i see 208 really if that's the most updated one i'm gonna open it in a new window 211 well I think yes someone said I think they've seized five tools so far in the making of this print that sounds about right well the cutting mic was one all that then I used the sewing needle I used to clearing chisels I used to around modern Oh me and then I used the big big flat one so there's two clearing chisel and now for the last clearing step I've got I've got one two three four five of them on the desk here and I may use all five of them back and forth you know there's a three millimeter four millimeter one millimeter you know sewing needle mm-hmm three types that's what's about it you know we've talked about this before you know you don't need a whole bunch of specialized stuff you know yeah I think I told the story before about visiting in the early days when I was here a young man what young man a guy who is really one of the main gurus here he runs a printmaking school he teaches all over the country he made Barron's for a while and I visited him in his home he was eager to show me the stuff in it I can teach you some stuff whatever you know I ended up not hanging around cuz I clearly didn't want to become his acolyte mm-hmm I need his room was a four and a half mat room in his house y'all Johanna and you couldn't get into it you you had to step it in the entrance of the room you stepped over stuff just onto a cushion that was right in the middle of the room and then sat down and that was his workspace and then he had cupboards and cabinets built all around the room so that they were accessible from as he sat there like he felt like you were in a 747 cockpit city you know you've seen the pictures for Lola dials and stuff mm-hmm and he had drawers and cabinets and stuff all over the place and he gestured me and to sit in there and said okay now look over on the right-hand side you know and look at the cabinet and there's a cabinet saw marked with the carving knives and there's the carving knife and he had yeah 1.5 millimeter two millimeter three millimeter 4.5 678 my meter carved at 60 degrees then again 1.53 claw carved at 75 degrees you know all that stuff so that every possible combination of whatever he thought he needed a carver to particular moment they would need a particular angle right they were all there and they were all water not water mark don't know Brandon what's where do you leave metal no you get a metal get his name in metla you burn it in woodworking and branding sounds like Bradley Reese yeah Wow and there were thousands upon thousands of tools Wow every possible combination of everything you can go anywhere imagine and then the printing it of barren you know the th strand the sixth rather 12 strands blah blah blah blah blah blah he was so proud of this you know yeah and after Wahlberg we're looking I'm wingin dyeing and doing a lot sort of stuff and then I can't remember we're break 40 or something and like I'm can I see you know some of your your prints you know yeah and literally he goes well uh or you know whatever and he is making friends but mostly he's a guru a teacher and a tool collector and a tool aficionado and absolutely honestly speaking he thirty of what didn't have any interest in actually making good buttons huh his whole life was was revolving around this this his status as being the the guy who had all these tools and and and so on collected and yeah yeah that's okay whatever yeah i'm and i'm i'm just as quirky cuz I'm just as quirky the other way around and my dad was and this is a bit I shouldn't perhaps admit this cuz this isn't absolutely a defect I know my dad was born in the late twenties he's gone he died last night one of late-20s dirt-poor northern england mill town blah blah blah blah blah broke out of that the warps let things out there got him out of there and he turned out to be a pretty good musician and this and that but he was a professional musician all his life from the time he was about seventeen up until when he retired and he never had professional tools he never had a beautiful yamaha baritone saxophone he had a junker made in hunger or crap baritone saxophone and like we're all dead you know get the real twisters although I can like you know I can do without that yeah and it's a bunch of things mixed together part of it was pride I don't need to spend money on the rolls-royce cuz I can make this thing sound real good yeah how did that was sort of a silly pride like that and part of it was not being able to spend money on himself he bought me a new flute when I was a kid he'd spent the money he wasn't a cheap bastard but he would never spend the money on himself yeah a professional musician who could have used professional tools and all the guys around him and all the bands he played with of course had the best tools that money could buy right but the quirk and his character I'd because his mother said no no no no you ought to make do with this you know and it was left over you know I'm not gonna psychoanalyze the guy yeah because actually it's the same conversation about me and Here I am in the same position I'm one of the what can I say I'm an important person in the world here blah blah blah making these traditional woodblock prints and this is an absolute piece of junk tool and it's the same story and even though I can clearly see it in him and say dad spend the money get the tool why didn't you do that yeah at him I can say that and I realize I'm talking into a mirror you know and we can't do it for yourself so write all these little psychological quirks that each of us have whatever we are who we are in my toolbox is a piece of cardboard box and you know and it's two things mixed together it's the inability to spend money on myself and it's this stupid product look at me I'm so good at this that even with this little junkie cardboard box and only one knife I can still make world you know whatever I'm not saying this but it's in the mind yeah okay so I don't know it's difficult to talk about yourself and some of those terms you know yeah then I keep recommending to people just you don't need special tools just go for it go for it go for it so all these things are mixed together hmm but on top of that whole thing is this particular craft you know is it's low-tech high-touch hmm and it's okay anybody who goes that way and thinks about they can't do this unless they have a special tools and stuff you're not gonna get anything done so if you're gonna make an error which way around here I think it's better to screw up my way you know at least I get stuff done yeah it it was Friday no sin thang I know oh Connecticut a room what I must something okay okay oh yeah I saw more okay okay thank you mom what you don't go to the show do I sound thank you quite a Nucky this come oh not much of a party name what are you gonna do guest of honor doesn't show up yeah there's some things we don't not gonna let you forget yeah it's a part of the part of what I signed up for let's get this block Wednesday I think I'm actually talking a bit too much we're done that's done the chat well silence okay one side left here this last liver like someone jumped didn't said chat goes quiet when sensei speak 4-0 telling the stories what story forget all about the tool and stuff the chat just totally stopped for several minutes thing no one said what do you mean hanging on every word yeah I had a funny funny conversation yesterday with somebody this morning in the shop before he listened in the afternoon we have those five back to back party so there was no conversation with anybody but in the morning we had one party first at 10 o'clock there was a gap it was a couple in here from Australia hmm and he he brought up something really funny as soon as he started to talk to us I knew exactly what he was trying to say and it's really embarrassing for me to talk about this I would it's half embarrassing half of the good job he was from Australia okay and he was about my age and he was pretty well-read you know back in the era where you know people my age we used to read books you know those things with Lascaris and stuff like that and he said do you know anything about the works of the guy who we know has never shoot I said of course I used to I read all the time I read most of what he wrote no I wasn't his real everything was a pen name he wrote novels we're talking about somebody my father's age so it's a immediate post-war generation he must been writing in the 1950s and 60s and 70s someone got it norm exactly and he first wrote in England then he had to go to Australia he wrote lots of novels with teams based on Australian things hmm and maybe have you heard his name do you know the name I'm talking about no that's interesting is a real generation gap here because among people my age this guy was one of the biggest novelists of the day huh never shoot his classic novel is one called on the beach it's about a group of Australians living in a post what we would call post-apocalyptic after a nuclear war no and the Americans and Russians had nuked each other out of existence and the cloud of radioactivity was spreading around the globe bit by bit the Australians were still okay even though North America was nothing but a nuclear wasteland right Europe is gone too and the Australians were the last people alive but this cloud was getting closer and closer and closer and they were their days were literally numbered so that the novel was set in this period nice and really touching and then very difficult to read novel anyway long story short this guy wrote many novels and then he bought Australian themes which was why this guy knew about him but he wrote one oh my god I can't remember the title about it now someone's gonna come up in the chat it said he wrote one about this young man who worked in an aircraft maintenance company in the Middle East it was a British guy in the post-war period who would set up a chartered aircraft company in the place like we now know is Iraq and Kuwait Ralph like this what's the other his name again she never never shoots and as this has got longer I'm sorry this yeah that's super interesting point to it the he'd written about this young man who works in this aircraft maintenance company and he starts to chat with the people around him about life the universe and everything based on like philosophy of life based on his work you know this tool does a good job for this and we're gonna fix this airplane is gonna have good use for society and blah blah blah I can't read paraphrase what he said the point being what it turned out to be was the people in his workshop started to listen to him and gather round when he started talking and then they told their friends and they told their friends it would turn out that people would come and gather around in the aircraft maintenance workshop who were not connected with the business just to come and listen to this guy shout about life and stuff yeah and things grow and things grow and things grow and it turns out that what starts to happen is this man starts to be seen as sort of a a Jesus type figure who is not preaching you know come with me and I will save your life and we'll live together happily in heaven or whatever it just simply his life philosophy started to become like a religion hmm and it grew and it grew and it grew and it expanded beyond control and the guy who is the narrator of the story the British guy who was running this aircraft maintenance company realizes that he isn't here at the founding of a new major world religion in the oldest he was Jesus as a carpenter telling parables is gonna start and now it's this guy who is working in his company as aircraft maintenance who is without even intending in her planning it are trying to set up a new religion it's actually happening organically and it's a hugely interesting and she book back to Sir the guy yes he says have you read this and I knew instantly since he brought this up I don't let's not go there you know let's not go there and of course I'm saying I'm laughing at laughing at laughing yeah as I tell this story I hide in no way but it's you know you said now the chap falls dead silent and even starts to speak and that's exactly what happens in this book huh has somebody got the title yeah I found it round the bend there on the band okay I'm not saying yeah they well you know we know what rounded man means it's an English phrase you know you're American probably only rounded memory he's going crazy he's going around the bed I think it's an Australian English term okay I don't know I don't know the derivation of it but oh my god he's rounded but he's been hit by the Sun he hasn't been drinking enough water this guy is he's a loony hmm and the guy asked that I said Oh God give me a break don't you start and we laughed about it many he laughed you know the world according to them would block you know using this chisel less as a analogy for how we should do something in life and how beam our acolytes of the baron after all and they do I thought when I first saw that page the first thing I saw I don't think they called it acolytes first it was some kind of fanpage first when I saw that picture with a beard whatever okay let's have a good laugh and then somebody changed it to read acolytes and I thought wait a minute guys a little bit let's stop this before it even starts it is okay I think this block is finished it didn't exactly take 90 minutes let me zoom out a little bit what we've got here now is a finished first block right I've cleared enough we round out the outside we've got registration marks will be able to print this in a few minutes and I'm what I'm gonna do is let me get the single we have a very simple job when we cut some here the car but I'm going to use for that the backside anybody who's expecting printing to start just right now you got 10 more minutes wait before we print I'm gonna pop some registration marks in here and this is another people always said how do you get the prints lined up how do you get the registration marks lined up it's automatic I'm carving nice and almost in a random place on this block it doesn't matter where I carve them where's my purse waiter give me a tap here headphone Watchers there's a top coming just a minute three two one our prophet Dave all hail Dave we need to make a pilgrimage Tomoko ancon listen happening in that book it's a really interesting book yeah it made you think well you know what what was Christianity did it actually happen you know how did these sort of things get started and I'm that guy yeah so again how the registration marks get a line they don't I've carved them in a random place but I've cut this piece of paper in such a way that that's in the right place you know hmm so I'm just gonna glue it in this is a test run what we need is simply this area here splash of water okay we're over two hours now all right oh boy I'm having a boy hey whatever it doesn't matter people can come people can go it'll all be later I don't know what YouTube's limit for Lent is you know we may have to edit this for YouTube I don't know what's an hour length 10 hours yeah so eight hours left to finish this yeah all right [Laughter] it's funny I've never noticed this they have the but if you send it the term / sweeter the name of your hands hold onto your butt and we will think this is something I made up but it's not it's a generic term you know mechanics talk about their persuaded they are yeah up in the nuts and bolts so they get a wrench on and bring out their persuader yes there's nothing that I create it you know yeah it's funny I think on the twitch on the acolyte page like the fanpage a while ago we had this photograph somebody was making this print right and this is the image he used to explain what's going on as far as oops too far he had robbed just this tiny fraction too far and Boop often it Tom so back on that fan page there is this very image you're seeing right now the hair for this same image with a piece of gum pee and a finger rubbing and oops I'm gonna stop just in time look at it's not gonna get any blacker than that we're okay there's not keep getting cold but look at how much pulls off this Gumby paper is just insane you cannot get any clearer than this people keep sending the emails Dave there's this new chemical compound you can rub it on paper rub it on your clock and it sticks wood and paper blah blah blah blah I don't care this works for me it works so knit well as long as I can get Gumby paper this is all I need okay little bit gasps let's go back to stage one now you're cooking with gas they've recognizes his acolytes the acolyte Paige slip of the tongue sorry how long is he streaming for today till it's done that's the someone else jumped in yeah we're getting there another this this hair carving block not me ten minutes just solid and we'll switch to printing and once we start printing bang-bang-bang things are gonna happen quickly so don't sweat it if you come this far I thought earlier you know about doing a dry run up the whole thing in my own personal time just to check how long it took so I'd be able to predict on the stream I thought it doesn't matter you know just do this thing yeah okay there's one thing I will need once we get to the printing stage we're gonna need you to do as I know I prepared pigments and stuff to get ready for the blue green background right I didn't care too much about the blacks I was gonna steal the print party black just for a few minutes while we're doing it mm-hmm but there's a print party starting at 11:30 you know that's still an hour all right now get it okay so what I will need not yet now but later what I will need you to do or how I start to do is I'll need you to bring me the black brush no I've got a black brush I'll need the black pigment bowl okay from the print party or sure if I didn't prepare a separate one here All Quiet on the chat front there no yes more acolytes but they said it's worth noting that it's acolytes of the baron not of a person okay good good good okay okay baby I'm taking too much myself in very nice thank you listen even a person like the great messenger of the button Davis although having my picture stuck like that on the front you know I don't know yeah we can maybe mention that you know the the business we have here moco Hancock no I'm quite a bit unusual but I set it up and didn't use my own name for this business hmm all the other workshops in town the historical ones that made Prince Dori hunger company Adachi economy so they all yield even said Watanabe they all use the founders name mmm-hmm the being that I am you know this is me and this is who we are and I specifically absolutely didn't use my own name for this you know I don't want this to be the David Paul workshop because I'm leaving soon no not soon but I'm leaving at some point you knowing that a relatively near future I'm 66 X years left I really like to think that this place might continue our from gone mmm-hmm we're gonna try and set up as stable as we can I didn't want it to be years from other Dave Bowl workshop you know whatever there might be some people who remember who got it started that's cool but I'm not trying to put my name on the banner so I was there to keep it there forever I don't care having said that we do clearly have a key man business still you know mm-hmm whether we will ever be able to escape from that I don't know it depends how strong our young people come up you know how I son how good you can get how really he'll be to talk about it when other people are willing to step forward and be the face and talk about things mm-hmm then it'll become less of the key man show here yeah at the moment that's not happening but it's still early days yeah my own scream okay mm-hmm it's perfect if they've planned on the 90 minute stream I hope he also plans to live to be a hundred it's so y'all good I have an estimating this is not at all very good I think I've qualified that every time I said that I said it might 90 minutes of my navi's though you will just do whatever it takes yeah but yes clearly in estimate I hope I made it clear that it wasn't gonna be a race against the clock a question from 20 minutes ago I'm so sorry moose I've missed you okay as an intermediate level carver you successfully finished more complex pieces than ruined them do you have any advice to to give to help get over the hump of very detailed small small details and besides just consistent practice and doing it or is that I'm not sure we mean by hump you mean what the pieces keep breaking off or or you can't get that small I'm not sure exactly what I think it might mean that go hum just what it sounds like where you kind of hit a hit a wall like I can't make it past this point you mean getting smaller and smaller and smaller okay I'm sorry to be up strippers I'm not quite sure what you mean no no with me it's a question of how plies you know I need a lens and I need help to get detail other than that detail it's no different from larger work it's just what you can see I'm I'm not sure I'm sorry okay what's the what's the you know if the wood keeps breaking you mean or or not sure we'll see if he jumps in here or sends another email I mean the more detailed work you need the harder denser the wood has to be the more fine the point of your knife has to be it'll break easier and more frequently another or not it's a question of what you can see the dependence and stuff you know mm-hmm I'm not quite sure what it means I'm sorry enough this is the kind of question you want to to answer or don't but uh Dave what is your favorite thing about Japanese culture and someone jumped in said I reckon it's the printmaking but whatever there's nothing to say you know I don't know whatever it just reminds my life these days is wrapped up with this work you know I don't really think about much else when the conversation keeps going this way now and then people are like oh why don't you take a break and get away from it and stuff like that and I have no interest in such things you know we for me whether this is a good thing or a bad thing or a happy thing or a sad thing I don't know for me my life these days every waking hour is wrapped up with what we're doing here and what doing you know so the idea of what's my favorite thing whatever at the moment I don't do anything else than this you know yeah so I'm not fairly sure that I can answer that question and intelligent way you know my my function on this planet sort of the job that's in front of me right now is to build this organization to point words making beautiful work provides a good living for some of some young people and maybe it can get to the point where to be stable for the future and I don't really think now about anything else hmm but every time this comes up it's all oh my god you should take a break and take a vacation and yes smell the roses and stuff like that and I don't care about roses you know really yeah yeah I'm busy I'm super happily busy yeah and what else is there you know mm-hmm west wind 77 who I think has been here maybe since the beginnings I said I noticed the blade is usually resting against the tip of Dave's fingernail when it fires up and totally supportive so never free help yeah okay but the question oh yeah do you press firmly is it a simple guide or are you really pushing against what know we've talked to us before I'll do anything to get around this corn here in just a minute I don't know then I've never most free never as in like never and the wood is really quite hard this is [ __ ] hard cherry wood and it's also bumpy in that there's wood winter rain summer varying the wood is not perfectly smooth buttery it's got you know done if I carve it cos resistance and smooth and resistance and smooth heal so what we do is Jeff I'm carving here it requires a strength of let's just make up a number it requires a strength of X to go forward to the wood here I pull with maybe more than X and I back off with women whatever I pull with Danone push with nine so there's a whole bunch of Power has not been used and the result of this there's one 10 minus 9 is 1 one is left which is just enough to do this job but because I'm pulling with Tennant pushing with nine it cancels out all that easy hard easy hard easy hard easy hard stuff it's difficult to verbalize in words I'm sorry so I'm using way more strength than is necessary but because I'm also backing off and countering that strength there's some sort of this some sort of huge reservoir of power that's in there that doesn't get used but it allows your knife to slice through the hard parts without jumping ahead through the soft parts I'm sorry it's pretty difficult to you know verbalize but it's not free it's supported and allows off my right hand is allowing this knife to come forward yeah at the rate that so the right hand is guiding how fast this thing moves oh I see my right I mean this finger this finger is the guide that is letting the knife go forward if I pulled it away sorry the knife is gonna zoom yeah drag through this thing too fast are you spread cheating this is that your Matt someone asks so the nine whatever yeah I was just um outing trying to find an analogy for food you know something of that can't express in words okay we're on the last corner this hair they may get bit mr. persuader out again you minutes from now would be printing this one's a bit softer than I would like here actually was just telling jokes over there with this I guess you keep cracking up and I never hear the joke well because you mentioned the persuader someone said I don't know I think this it grasp your buttocks since there's a hold on to your butts because that's how it always comes up every time they do it okay this is putting it I'm a child okay please refocus right zoom out where I might it's gonna be here we okay there get glasses on I keep looking over like look at the email of stuff there's no email there listen this is twice is the longest I've been off email my hands are studying best shake you know I don't go through withdrawal I don't do SMS and stuff like that you know or lying you know those kind of things I can't bear that so stuff it's interrupting me all day long mm-hmm the reason I personally use email most it's under my control I go and look when I want to go and look at it but thirty there's a psychological thing happening I keep looking over there cuz it cuz I want to see this okay çb am i real is stuff happening you know there's no email questions lately no I bought about I'm just cuz cuz of the chat I mean just life you know I've been a I haven't been in touch with the internet now right give it up do we need to walk to each full form they've already sent the what was the grid of the stones used to sharp people are guessing four hundred six hundred and a thousand was that Colonel I used four hundred and a thousand on the steel okay I think it's a four and a thousand yep yeah five hundred and one thousand the finishing one I don't know it's you know a real stone okay it will be 224 or something I don't know it's kind of disorienting I'm watching the stream delayed 30 min or 30 seconds and so I'm watching you hit I've been hearing you hit at a different time funny for me do everybody else is seeing just three seconds later on yeah you're living in the future there's nothing that how sweet video we played the other day when my twosome was on his bench he didn't have a bench top she wasn't his normal bench she was desperately trying to hold with his hand as he Wow hold it in place well yeah yeah chopping away I was just in Petaling with the guy you know yeah come on camera and give him a break you know yeah you're making him old famous this is the thing that will define his life forever and ever after he's dead and you're not letting him do his homework at his normal bench you know I felt really frustrated by that yeah I get the same situation of TV we'll come and do this and do that and you got a fake block and a fake situation and they're pausing and pausing and doing this and that and that's the one that maybe will end up being preserved over about everything these days lots of Acts we have YouTube we do our own preservation raid so I'm okay but my design didn't have that that flexibility you know yeah I feel really sad about that Plus frustrated I want to see his normal work yeah something the barracuda says can't live without the internet for more than an hour kids these days how old is he I wonder I didn't ask my mother's watching this today I don't know if she would have given up by now I don't think she could santa fe well be in Canada next week and I otherwise mention before you know my mother's been watching these streams but she doesn't know how to participate in the chat she can't even like get past the account shows yeah so when I'm there next week we're gonna train her up so you have a warning after I get back to Japan next week and start streaming again my mother is going to be on these streams in all caps in all caps and give her a break be be be kind to her yep and you're not supposed to talk about ages and stuff so I won't but man if she isn't the oldest twitcher I have no idea who would be you know I'm 66 and this lady's my mother so you could work out you know where she might be you know yeah she's probably gonna get upset if I say that whatever I keep telling her to ride with it just enjoy it you know being that status you know you did he doesn't want status to be measured by being the oldest person in the room no I get it I get it on my own camera I keep moving camera keep me keep you up with ya dude sorry good yeah you just moved a little bit there but okay last stage here back on the school just for a second okay I'm here we're in it good Kyle County now the end of the cuffing here okay so this isn't life it is life but is it there's a three-second delay right from our point of view that's whatever twitches system has yes I mean it may be just an artifact of what how this happens we're streaming up huge has got to process it at least some way or whatever you know divvy it up and send it back out to their streaming servers maybe that just simply needs that next couple of seconds to do this you know I don't think it's being held back for censoring or you know whatever I don't think I don't know yeah is it so this is amazing it took me a week to carve what you've done in two and a half hours the whole brand yeah yeah a week meeting not a week steady work a week of an hour here one evening in an hour here the next evening right like that right I'm sure that's correct one aspect is those big chisels you know when I was doing this as a hobby back in Canada I was I can't say stupid but whatever I haven't had much experience with it I only had I ski chisels so I carved and all these surrounding areas I dug out with these little chisels like this and in retrospect nothing it was I so stupid that I couldn't think of you know using a you know a woodworkers chisel yeah but some of it was a mental block it's not normal woodworkers tools you use there has to be special printmaking tools that I didn't know about so I was only using the printmaking tools you know these I ski chisels it doesn't matter it's wider as it would get a chisel and knock him out with character yeah but I didn't make that mental leap you know I've got a print you know this scroll one behind you on the wall there I've got a black and white version that I made when I was in Canada there's a print a metre high and I did the whole clearing with this little just like the six millimeter width you know why because I was just not too stupid I just didn't you know whatever I thought that I hadn't been learned whatever and it was one interesting thing I know when I was visiting a workshop in Canada back in early two-thousands there was a young guy there in italian-americans his name was Marco and he had some kind of vibrating - Oh June zum-zum it was wider it vibrated and dug out wood it's a chisel he just pushed it along the wood and the vibrating thing did chiseling away he said once use this I said no all that noise just 40 of anyway it's gonna be slower than mises slower you're kidding way faster so we got two pieces which side-by-side we had it and I beat the pants off cuz you know you can walk and walk and walk and walk in a way you go yeah I'm not saying as this was stupid pride but there are times what a power tool makes sense yeah you know when we get that piece of lumber over there we're starting to hack that up for wood blocks we are gonna use some power tools yeah and there's times when it doesn't make any sense it's not necessary okay I think here I am done carving Stage one we may have to touch some of this stuff up depending on what we see when we do test printing didn't but I think we are harf I'm gonna take 90 minutes plus a few minutes right let me know when you need me to grab things in one minute good [ __ ] get my bench player just one second it's got to knock the edge off here so that one we're printing it doesn't make a you mean when we print the hair the bearing tool will touch these and if it's too sharp it'll leave a mark on the finished print okay carving tools away now we're gonna do this in a funny way this is a carving bench not a printing bench it's angled the wrong way it's all that you know we would never never do printing in a bench like this of course but for what we're gonna do here today we'll get it done okay tools serve bring me some tools are we gonna do this thank you okay we shall probably zoom way out here just to get this thing sorted out first Kauai Sam took the only guy out here my snap could've got a suti no no part you know here cut up to reading mmm I didn't look like Meisner it's a name I know Chloe and I will assume it's Nate look at you but resolve and tireless that's it I wanna guys mess yeah we don't just just wait here nothing gets the order paper the paper let me get sorted off first oh yeah yes oh yeah yeah that'll go here thank you thank you uh uh Mike were here tonight this accordion aki-nee jubileus na in fact children Iman I didn't even record today you know hunger and sucky this cut up right the hockey ball kick time accordion hey girl okay here just for a sec you have to go right here to smoke it let me get this stuff organized first then the paper up here and I don't know what kind of camera zooming or whatever to use here and also this light doesn't make any sense but there's no easy way to get it out of the way so most doesn't matter what they still to criticize right maybe if I put the camera what if I put the other camera back what's gonna muck up the microphone yeah I'm not sure just a retest for a second here I'll put this back well you can't really see anyway I should stick with this I think okay thank you um bunny bunny whatta my Japanese is obviously less than something or his ears or less than leave it there and what I did I stole some pigments from upstairs so ichigo-san later she's coming at noon today so hopefully I get this done before she comes I just stole a blue she's got a teal blue up there hmm I stole a green and we should be able to get something thank you it's lucky he's trying to think a step ahead of me and I had what we needed [Music] I need you let's pop it back up where's the roti canai you don't listen a token of that today our city Khanna what could you sure what it's impossible oh no I think we're close with these into I think I can get we'll see as I said before we're not trying to get a perfect match here we're just trying to get something close okay do you have the printing paper when you say what is that yes right thank you okay noticing wow you've been on way longer than normal but yeah people just dropping you for the first time or something yeah it looks like it where what's you about 230 people yeah so what have we been on two hours no plus two hours to show ya started to eat through work 245 okay I'll need some test paper can you that right in front of you there this is a bunch of papers yep so just write they're the ones that fold it doesn't matter whatever it's on a video script good evening this is woodblock print makes a David boy hahaha it's a skipped I must have tasted it on the wall in front of one of the other videos yeah top secret it's evening now when they've all gone home but I had my camera busy earlier listen either okay now watch this hmm I get college in seven hours the thing is I do to watch Dave car work in five this is more important lots of people are sticking in under the lawn ah sorry about this guys sorry it will be stored you know I don't know what twitches rule is the lens matter I guess not because people do insane videos playing games yeah hours now so I guess it's okay yeah the earlier some people are talking about a marathon 24 hours a day for seven days an entire week no don't what you mean yep you're on Twitch but it was some kind of game event or something or they're called speedrunning doing really fast runs from the beginning to the end of games for charity so they're they're getting donations people taking turns though you know I'm not sure I think it's a team that just plays by themselves if I'm not too familiar with it but they probably have to take some food breaks of some sort right yeah which I'm thinking about but not just yet let's get this going here yeah where's my toothbrush there's lots of doing different run earn different companies different I don't want me do this work here I'll do this upstairs so it said do you mind zooming in the camera a bit more okay yeah fair enough okay I will zoom it up so what I also want to do is when we get the pigment going on the stuff I want to see the show the tools and everything so my mom here for the cable I'm just like boring we're like my life is an and her baby she probably how's it going okay what do I eat here what do you do you got strong barrel oops woodchips underneath it here I think we should zoom out just a bit here cuz you're gonna see what's going on here there's no paper is ready here I've got a sheet of junk coffee paper on top and tucked away inside is carefully moistened washi paper this was moistened last night I can't do all this totally on stream i couldn't moisten it right now cuz it takes overnight to settle down but I didn't do anything magical to simply brushed water over the paper oh and what we're now gonna do there's a bear in here there's paper here I'll do some test splashes on this paper just to see what we got for payment I've brought from upstairs a bowl full of a kind of a teal pigment and another bowl full of green it's not full it's hopefully enough in there to do this and I'm gonna use those two to get close to what we see on the finished print here Oh paste sokka paste paste okay and someone just asked about registration marks on the other side of the board there they're not so they're there okay good paste let me steal a face to come from the party room please hahaha there was something a mustard we're ready like it's late today if we're running out of room here but thank you good look at that paste and someone asks about the tile as well if you house right here yeah what's it for so I'm gonna mix pigments on the tile okay we don't know not normally what we're making an edition of above a print mm-hmm we of course we do test printing test printing test printing then make a bowlful of a pigment we need and dip it from the bowl right onto the block hmm but today I don't have that done so we're testing right from the beginning so I'm gonna dip some well we'll see how you do in a minute we just we can see it on this mr. Barun block paste pigments out of reach but you'll see them coming onto the tile get the block warmed up okay we're gonna need some teal then I'm just guessing here how much green this is gonna be I don't know we'll see I'll mix them together too much green first impression I Steve taking a sip of his tea latte yet no a step or two that's all it's gone cold and sacrifice myself for the stream there okay first impression I think we're are we close and it was hard to say I think we are close what do you think dr. Catherine I think it's a nice-looking print holding it next to the the one you have on the stream that was easy on copy papers copy paper is so smooth and flat it was much more difficult to get us but I may need one more thing here the the paper that protects the back the atacama and that's not here that's upstairs it has to go I think I think I me so okay just one she'll chill the printing paper I've gotta use in a minute it's soft moistened washi and I'm not sure how strong it is on the back surface so I might need a piece of that interleaving sheet we use wait till they get here where's that sheet we just paper first impression today I think the color is close it's saying it may be too long you need yeah I just mean I have no scissors oh great did you just kill our net connection I said okay scissors seed it's nothing serious this was [Music] let me be right Saamy the show right there in that stand there's some citrus right there and that very good this block is driving my months 263 people who watches really wow thanks for joining us do they know what's going on cuz these can't all be regular viewers do we need to explain what's happening here well they've been using the bots occasionally to kind of do a quick summary of what's happening let's take an impression here on watch [Music] and said I called dibs on that test piece the one on the printer paper it started already has it yep we're gonna need to sign these on the air to make sure they're authorized or what Thank You class time now here's the first actual watch so it's all the funny light on it but then there's the first actual should I click over the other window her sight I think we're looking right I think you're looking okay I think this is looking good we've got a little bit of tamati here a little bit of pace and building up in a couple of places might need to clean those out carve a bit deeper we got a bit of a problem as a white streak here see this something's see if it's block there's a hard spot on the block oh we got a brand new vlog here so that white streak is gonna show up on a brand new block as we make impressions 10 15 20 100 that starts to get softer and it gets so they won't be so visible but there's our first impression let me do a few more here how many copies are we gonna make okay so I can make them all day but that's too number on the screen and a long-long long-long the number you've been throwing around was 10 but tension sandpaper but you know whatever let's see let's just get going here so it's clearly this is witchcraft just because it looks so easy [Laughter] this is copy number one 30s Thursday forty years ago they would have just looked at this and oh my god what is happening yeah and I'm laughing up because it's just so easy I'm sorry to be patronizing what are the guys on the stream you know it's it's at this and that old your time time no this is a really really funny joke there's this woman goes into a 5th Avenue place with fashion and hats and stuff this is a joke from before I was born and she was in this is Pierre who makes hats and she says Pierre I'm going to this special event tonight and I need an original hat that nobody else has and he says he looks at her he does the ham gesture whatever he says he grabs a piece of ribbon off the wall like a 6 a 2 meter beat 6 yeah he says I think goes like this twirl twirl twirl pin clip twirl twirl twirl honey makes a hat he puts him on her head and she says oh my god I'm gonna die I'm gonna be the belle of the ball tonight look how much he says for you $750 and she says 750 bucks it's a piece of six-inch ribbon like five dollars for two dollars he says lady for the ribbon it's a service for you free for my expertise seven hundred and fifty dollars Chris the oldest joke in the book you know whatever here we are simple materials simple stuff and experience is nothing else to say even though I'm chatting with you about this I'm I'm killing time because this block is too dry I'm trying to get the buck up to the moisture right but if I decide her and waited it's like what is he doing so take the time tell a joke but all the time I'm focusing this block into a good condition in just a couple minutes ago you're asking how are we gonna divide up these prints how many are making you get one for this sylveon and one for the guy can read the illustrator files and one for me and so everyone's calling dibs no wonder whatever we'll do something sensible on the stream here you know make a bunch of copies well count let's thing go six hours because gonna be the same thing over there and today once the shop is closed I can come back here this evening and make you know a full bunch of copies the end the other thing too is it should be a bit of carving fixing you know I said there's a bit of tamati in there so some of those places should be carved out a little bit wider so maybe what I should do is not do that maybe come on yeah okay everyone rock-paper-scissors for the print is this gonna be a thing am I gonna get in trouble on how to distribute each other I don't think so because we've got that clear this is gonna be in the first 50 copies just so don't you see it well scan they see that this is a white sort of a streak here at the bottom there and that's a really hard spot in the wood and there's nothing on the planet that can avoid that it's a new brand new block you know so we can maybe put na guror a little bit on it but it's not gonna make much difference it's that that's how later generations will be able to tell oh my god that's one of the first copies off dates to us or you know what it does put them at ease so uh so what's too hard so I shouldn't you know ideally I would have picked a different piece of wood but you know if you go with what you got here so hmm what about having Cameron have a go at printing Cameron is banned from yep so you don't need to sign the first batch they've got the the natural Oh also we haven't cleaned up around the outside so some of these at the corner of the paper might be messy or something was some people were also earlier making suggestions on the color I don't know if you're taking colleges to be too green yes um we're saying a little too green and we're saying add a tiny bit of the black to dark yep all the all good suggestions I'm not gonna bother too much about that right now I have been mixed it in the bowl you know I'm just tapping on the tile right [Music] when it comes time to put this into the shop this one's even greener you can see from the back look at this yeah we've definitely gone too far with the green hmm it's not showing on a camera - yeah and when we do our Edition for the shop we will sit down or I will sit down mix something properly and that will be green edition and bang if I came to the shop today could I pick up a copy of this well we certainly don't have the packaging and stuff right obviously you know someone jumped ins probably not today maybe a few weeks but it's 2:00 a.m. here in Ireland and I'm still calling dibs on the one of the first runs work will surely understand hashtag illustrator guy so he's still in here watching okay well we understand what are we gonna do with you sorry we've we've hesitated voice what am I gonna do I mean there are people 30 you know the man who made a lot for example that if that i/o - I don't know there's in the background this of man who's been out of doing the Facebook page everyday the Mohonk on we've got a pink maxi from that for that work but oh yeah so there's people actually I actually oh right now in the arms of they done work for me mhm I have done nothing much to give them back yeah [Applause] laughter but you got some mm right mm-hmm the time different is here how's it lay you tell about the stock on the wave prints they're getting made there we're now we're sold out now the January batch is open for the February batch is almost probably spoken for we're doing 60 a month at which we get 50 good ones usually the January batch is under preparation right now and we thought I don't know how many as last time I checked it was 80 or 90 people who are on the waiting list then paid yet but they're they're on the waiting list so I don't know so send in your name to be on the great way of waiting list like all I can I'm really sorry about that I would love to have them ready for everybody all the time but demand is simply too high I refuse refuse refuse to do what the bean counters demand put the price up yeah it does nothing for anybody so if you're interested in a great wave go to the great wave page put your name in and we'll simply write a letter to you when when your number comes up and it's not an order you may not want it but if you do want it at that time you could you know order to that time it's said we have the same thing for the octopus so there's a name page drop your name in and we'll let you know when we get closer yeah I'm sorry about the situation I just said we can't can't help okay what we got is one two three four let me do one more five so let's do the actual cuz I gotta get going in the black you know yeah we'll do five here on screen right now then I'll do five more this afternoon you know before I go home the other five sheets that are in here I'll do those five more so we'll end up with ten today the first legendary Luke print will be my first stable prints any estimate on when it will be shipped out they're getting chips now I think they're shipping as we speak the show yeah so they should be there very soon why do I gotta meet you one thing it depends also on we're running out of cases might we have run out of case that's what the phone call was this morning alright so we're out of cases so the I want her to let me know which ones didn't get a case and we will ship the case with the February pick so I'm gonna let the people you wanna let me pick the other one advance earn it don't panic when you open it there's no case inside well you'll see it when you receive it right and we're gonna have to split them into two groups because what I've started doing the last few days as they took in new subscriptions people want a case I didn't bill it to them because I know we have none right now ah okay so we've got two kinds now people who have paid for a case of three kinds yeah people have paid for a case on are getting one people who've can't paid for a case and are not getting one and then people who haven't paid for kids but want one okay okay here we are let's go there's there's five five over the background right there I'm keeping them in the pack so they stay moist we've got to keep things moist yeah I'm gonna take this stack now I'm gonna flip it over so that number one is still now going to be number one the second time sorry flip the block over get rid of these pigments quit the blackface pasta thank you CACO koi you see yet don't we sing on this so that's okay camis a boyish Nick person said I'm serious I'm in Condon would like to come to the shop today and grab one of these early prints I don't know what to say I do not yes we're not selling them yet I've got to give them to some people I really an obligation to count them up send an email in and we'll get a hold of your quick on Samos cursor up to the chemists acuerdo so time of the death in the box okay no more broken okay we see he just brought me a bowl of the black pigment from the party rooms is that the pretty customer now first one no [Music] took the too wet where's that original she just yeah seems barren I need another I've got it here somewhere sit uh tea myself twice off we have to balance today the first one I used was one of our stronger ones it said yeah coconut judoka judoka no doy basically it's an eight strand fat bear and that's what I use to do the the smooth color on the background what I'm gonna new views now is a baron that's a much finer gentler one for this hair hair zone I don't know what number just a cat remember this is actually the first real beveren I ever got we have a black I can't put an internal registration marks the trucks we try not to eat up no that's just friends let's just do this thing first one might line up might not line up who knows yeah registration marks were there so keeping it moist as a major concern yes yes yes yes yes here we go here is print number one yes well you can see look at this little it's cutting a nice embossing under that body look at this it's gonna be so cool look at that is that registered [ __ ] orders [ __ ] to Moscow delete all by Easter I mean it's okay maybe okay okay number one until you've got a good pencil let's see is there is Jim right here right here right here no let's do this office on the back I'll put a little one in a circle we've got it there's number one yeah get lots of people with happy looking faces like ho tada Wow did it he was able yeah I mean like there was in wallah there was any doubt [Laughter] I'm sorry about the 90 minute thing obviously I was clearly over overestimating under estimating this is a nice moment you know I like this I like this three hours oh three hours I'm ashamed of myself double the time I estimated no way I have to bury my head in shame Midas and the carbon we saw in that old gig on the old video - oh yeah TV shopping for now oh oh one two oh five five five five five - nice nice nice nice nice here we go so but three hours starting to finish that's number one number two did I what number did I write okay that one I wrote - okay - right I can't even keep track this is number three hey do we need to focus on the number so people can verify that it's the same writing when they get it I'm gonna send out ten or twenty three years and okay we got to decide now about doing these okay stream I have two or three obligation people you know the young man who made the bot I've got to send him one of these friends the young man who is doing the Facebook update page to our to our blog I'm paying him anyway but I've got it I've gotta do it give him a nice print other than that and we have our general readers people a bit following and there were hundreds of you so I don't know what to do so what I'd like to we're gonna have to do you know pull pull names out of a hat so how should I do this everybody who is sent a question in the past put all those names into a hand and if we do this now please send a question now or or just a request to the question page please put my name in for consideration right let's do this then the email address is twitch at Hong Kong calm I think it's been and here we passed a long time watcher here cut here so let's just try to make this up as we go along the email address is there twitch at MOCA Hong Kong comm and what it does man have put the question you put the word question in the title or not will get the email and just ask please request for my name to be put in the drawing for these prints and I'm gonna make five on screen now and five later this afternoon and when I get back out of the shop so they'll be ten prints and as I said two of them for sure I have to send as obligation prints no prints so there will be eight or maybe seven or eight yeah to disturbers to people who have been watches on the stream I think perhaps that's fair if we do it that way and if you want your name to be included just make sure it's in our twitch question box yeah and we'll go back for right back to August okay and we'll go forward for next couple of days and every name that's in there we'll take with each name one only we'll put it in the bag so don't send multiple questions yeah no no purpose to do now we're not trying to game this we're just trying to be fair to the fans and throw these out and this is not the message we're not gonna sell these we're just gonna give them to you will need your name and address for the people who we don't have a name and address for and out of the ten I think I'll keep one of them I'm not sure I'll keep one and then we'll set send the rest send the rest out okay had me me me my still on my own choice ooming for this last couple sir should I get here on to you we were trying to show the over that's my favorite show for the color I got that I think I got the teal right on that one number four name someone else printed out the guy who runs the fan page should get one as well okay okay yeah any suggestions like this thank you very much yeah I'm just sort of making this up as I sit here so yes I do have clearly some some obligation stuff here that see if I need if I need more it turns out I've forgotten someone I'll just make another one whatever yeah this is not an official limited edition they are gonna be numbered and maybe we'll we'll put it on the fan page will scan them and scan the numbers or something some people see what's going on we'll make it we'll make a thing out of this so in years to come people will be able to show I've got one of those first ones if it's a hey I'm not I don't know alright so what we're looking at here now this looks like the last print for this morning stream right we've got four yeah that I haven't spoil any yet look at this you know here we are before the black goes on yes everyone is asking I don't need to send it another one today to get yourself entered if you've sent a question any time in the past you're sure sure let's do it that way in the system there we go we got a number this this is number five so is the first five I'll do five more at least this afternoon we're going to put this down we have a zoo minutes there's number four I think the colors said it so we zoom in a bit more I think it looks pretty nice I'm very very very happy with this it's not like it's a very complicated print but it's a beautiful clean design and it just suits the woodblock medium so beautifully so perfectly so clean your reading well I think gang I think there we have it for today I know the plan at the moment then is this will sit on the twitch page for at least two weeks that's the way twitch does it mm-hmm during that two weeks I'll scoop it down I'll put it into my video editing software and I'm thinking at the moment I'll put two versions up to YouTube I'll do one which is pretty much the stream just uncut as we have it I might if the audio is a bit out of sync I'll synch up the audio editor and I'll leave it as a two hour stream but then the same day I put that up I think I'll put up an edited stream which is like just 15 minutes or so you know part day you know cut cut cut cut cut there are people that are not crazy who don't have two hours to watch a YouTube stream but tomorrow I'm off to Canada for a family outing so I don't have time to do that then so that might take a week or so but in the meantime this will be on the twitch page and you can watch it anytime you like anything else we should say camera time before we wrap this up um no no that was fun that was exciting it was I'm very sorry that it took longer than I thought it would take whatever don't be they're all saying 90 minutes 200 minutes doesn't matter we're good to see you so it's been climates its reven fun you know I've been doing this now for since the mid 1970s so over 40 years and I'm still having a ton of fun it every time I pulled a sheet of paper off the blocks it's the same feeling there's a little book book it's just so cool so much fun to see this happen and it wasn't mysterious for me I knew this was gonna happen today but it still once it does happen it's still wow yeah Wow so there you go we're gonna sign up thanks very much for being part of this today and I've had a lot of fun making this and whatever that's enough for today this will be in the shop later once we've had time I you sounds gonna print it someone's gonna print it I don't know critical thank you again signing off here from from MOCA honk Oh Nina sucks Cameron salad device yep Davis goodbye thanks for watching us today I'm the bad news the stream is now going to be off for one week while I'm on that family vacation that week we're gonna pick up one week from now and I'll post about it before I do to let you know the time and place thanks again bye backing out look at that she looks so nice yeah I just can't get around grace it's beautiful we never even mentioned the designers name once like we don't even care about him and I forgot it's you know something Oh No whatever he's happy he's yeah okay people bye bye thanks you
Channel: David Bull
Views: 3,576,768
Rating: 4.6009336 out of 5
Keywords: woodblock print, Japanese printmaking, live stream, Asakusa
Id: 0nCbsbaVbVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 22sec (12082 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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