Chinese calligraphy exercise while grinding ink, explaining about brush, paper and felt mat asmr

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okay hello dear friends a beautiful day outside so I want to practice some table and he's hot so you may choose there's no tricks and these calligraphy paper it's not the best about practice and this video is really hideous so it's good for you to fall asleep later on I will not talk anything so here I have this pure wolf hair brush you can take a look to learn how to tie two long haul back so they are pure wolf hair brush and the they are not so absorbing they do not load too much water but it's good for calligraphy exercise especially for this low style calligraphy exercise because you can get in the ink from time to time when you do a quick speed calligraphy you want your brush load enough ink without changing your hand movement cha-cha-cha you write two or three Chinese Chinese words characters at one time but this one is different so you can soak your brush soak a brush and this brush is you can you can start to press a little bit and feel if this this brush can be opened up I can feel that I can open up there are some brushes that even if you press your band it does not open up that's a bad sign that's a sign that it use a very very strong glue to glue it up so that you form a shape it's not good usually the manufacturers the artists the brush artists they use a very light starch glue and so so it can be easily opened up and also and also if the brush itself is good it does not need any strong glue to make it into a good shape maybe because the brush here is not good so they use that superglue something to glue it anyway much about it and I am going to open up a new brush and use brushes you can completely deep into the water but when you use it do not use your brush to touch it too much with new brush because they are new so the hair is very tender why I true new brush I have a gazillion brothers and I still choose a new brush today open for you especially and also because this brush the tip will be use up pretty soon if you do exercise and if you do exercise with strength okay so your brush does not have to be totally into soup one thing is difficult to wash another thing you do not want to use up use the full capacity of the brush so only use a little bit see the chip is so good it's a pleasure to use a new brush so every time by two or three brushes last night I soaked ink stick in water and I was about to practice and then I fell asleep feel a little bit dizzy so the ink is a little bit damaged but it can be still used only only that it has some this fall out and if you have time have the patience press on this fall out it can be easier to grind and as I said yesterday last time use use ink and water to save time so if you need use some of this liquid ink and try use this liquid ink and see if it is good enough so you can save time grinding maybe it's time for me to change into a new instinct and make sure to not soak your ink into water for a long time so this is the result you do not see it you show from the reflection you can see oh sorry from the reflection you can see there are too much these pieces and that is not it's okay my husband went to a San Francisco San Francisco stole his stoneware ceramic company and got me some of this and you pay a very small price you can get these samples so it's cute and beautiful can be used as a brush so we we will not use natural light and Chinese calligraphy we write from right to left but I will not do this way because scientifically it is not so convenient I will write from left to right so will not get my hands dirty make sense so use only a part of the [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay as I was writing I start to get a lot of inspiration and writing Chinese calligraphy is kind of addicting I got one friend who got addicted he's from another country and he just kept writing writing writing and he improved a lot when you get your heart and soul into it it's very addicting so here are some some little detail chips so I pulled some more inks and when you poured ink some of the ink will get very dirty clean it up each time just a few drops like this oh are we in the right and clean it up put it aside those inks sometimes more condensed sometimes more liquidy or less condensed when the manufacturers make the ink they have their standard but there is a difference of our paper some paper absorb ink better some paper absorb in less not better more some less so this ink may not be just the perfect for your particular paper for your particular day that day may be hot and dry or wet and humid depends on the situation so you always get an ink stick by or by hand take so you can grind it or if you do not want to have an ink stick pour into a ceramic dish or something and let it dry a couple of minutes just starting by doing practice and then the ink will evaporate and naturally come to the best moment and those moment last actually quite short a few minutes and then it becomes dry so get squadra get to my my water drop or spray from time to time to add a little bit or let it dry a little bit and then sleep on practice another thing about practice I watch at the sample book but this is not this is not your dictator this when you write you have your own spirit look at one stroke look carefully and do the stroke not at half the stroke and see how it goes no once you get into the spirit carry on with your spirit so I think the ink is good after two minutes so I look and then I carry out my own way so for example this one this is a shorter in the calligraphy sample book and this nice longer I was to ingest the opposite but that moment it said the spirit just to come this way and I just rolled this way do I destroy it no carry on and next time this book you will write a hundred times until you get the right spirit get the right balance - not very 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 over 2 much do not over okay so this is a pure hairbrush I use a large size you see we didn't put ink to top but the ink because of it looks for equilibrium the ink will go up and I use a large brush for a new beginner maybe your hand will have less control your hand will be stronger or more yeah my hand is dirty will be stronger so use as a medium size or smaller size and if you buy this brush let me know a pure wolf hair brush is perfect for this calligraphy exercise let me know your how large you want to write I can choose a better brush with the best we surpass the result [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh so last night I prepared myself I prepare the ink stick see if you soak it into water for a long time it this is what will happen let it dry and it will it will become good later on don't worry too much it's just ink even if the most expensive ink the ink itself the pigment itself still can be used and writing Chinese calligraphy is kind of a dirty job you don't know when when and where your hand gets dirty so protect yourself well and get ready to get your hands dirty and this is really get your hands dirty and and also we you welding your brush make sure when you write one one stroke following do not change brush too often see the brush see the brush is is such an odd shape follow it follow it and change the direction of the brush another of shape right and so this way your brush has more consistency not each one is new each of the movement there is a spirit you have a holistic spirit of you of your brushes see let me write another another water see hot blood see the stroke the brushes follow it change direction of the brush when you're right you change the direction of the brush okay so I see some friends used to ask me to write something and I will write some Chinese calligraphy in PDF you can download all right some short such as deleted scene such as kindness and love and the silly sympathy this kind of world and not reach not money not prosperous prosperous maybe but not those words we will write something more Scotty not more little hearty more more intellectual I don't know more encouraging and motivating okay thank you very very much and check the description of this video this brush this paper and this I found this done those are my easy shop thank you ok hello dear friends so now I am pretty much with done with the exercise what do I do with the left over link try to clean it up by using an old brush and do some random exercise and finished in I will get a piece of local newspaper and because this movement gets you just and nothing serious just if your goal is to finish this ink and by playing around with something not important you use up the ink and clean up the brush so our in stone is just do some hand movement this is an old brush a new brush don't do that don't do the teeth too much but sometimes if you have an old brush you want to exercise you can do this and then you get into get the hang of it and just keep on doing doing doing doing doing doing doing and have fun with it and you get more and more ink because you dip some water in these are the million dollar falls they mean nothing to me so you can you do not need to care that much about it practice practice practice makes perfect and this way you will clean up your ink stone our goal is to clean up the ink stone right right destroy yeah yeah yeah yeah yep yep yep you go she's a chrysanthemum flower just keep on practicing and once you're this inkstone good here so you are using some Rose this is an old brush new brush don't do that when you are done with all these use two puffs to clean up one cup this is clean clean it up for me usually I clean up like this and that's it because the glue and the bounding element from the brush is already cleaned up Christ because I use it all the time I put into a home tree tree so I put all my brushes on a tray or if you travel get a piece of paper or a bamboo even better to carry it it's good if it's a family this even better and this way the next time you can still practice with this water just play around also roll away you only saw throw away a little bit of water it does not waste a lot of water and that's about it enjoy thank you very very very much I love you I really do I think that's the end of it it's too much blah blah blah bye bye through right
Channel: yanghaiying
Views: 450,374
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Keywords: iMovie, Chinese calligraphy exercise while grinding ink and explained about brush, paper and felt mat asmr
Id: 5abgk53T2PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 45sec (3525 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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