Wonderland222 B6 Planner: comparing the 2022 & 2021 (also the 2022 A6 & B6!)

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[Music] hello hello i had a couple of people comment and say that they were interested in a comparison between this year's planner and next year's planner um and i was really curious to have a look at the detail anyway so um i have gone into the wonderland 222 website has a blog post that details the changes i think they put it out um a few months ago i'll pop a link in the description below anyway so you can go and check it out that's really helpful because you can zoom right in on the pictures on the screen and have a really good look um and they can probably show you in more detail than what i am so um definitely encourage you to to check that out if you're curious um to see that um a little bit more closely um i will go through i'll go through like um yeah i'll go through a direct comparison of uh this year to next year um in their the twilight forest since they are pretty comparable um and then i'll also go through a comparison between next year's basics and the a6 i don't have an a6 they didn't do the a6 planner this year um but i was really interested to see exactly where some of those changes were and how they managed to i guess retain the form and and how it looks and the overall feel of it in such a small size so i will i will go through some of those differences there for you as well um and hopefully that helps you like it did for me to make a decision about how i was going to use the planners um more on that as we go um so i guess just right off the bat i you would have seen if you've watched the unboxing um that i wasn't sure about the cover look i really do think they're the same and i think that the smoothness um and the slight um extra shine on the cover that you hopefully can see there um i think it's just due to the the wear and tear um of slipping it in and out of a traveler's notebook cover or notebook cover regularly um so yeah they they really still do feel the same so no major changes there um the the logo change which we we did talk about as well so it's much smaller and lower down and so you have a lot more space if you do decide to use vinyls or stickers or something like that um the way that i have um another major feature is these ribbons so um this year they say that they have brought back the ribbons so i'm guessing that means that they had them in earlier versions of the planner i this was my first year using the wonderland so i had not seen these before and the color is really pretty um they all come in the same color the gold and the gray um no matter which cover color you choose um but yeah so that's probably the main differences on the outside ignoring my vinyls [Laughter] um all right so let's have a look at the inside which is very similar um big change here not a big change really similar to the outer cover the inner cover has the logo lower down um and then they've also got the qr code here as well which links straight to the wonderland website um i one of the things that you will see as we go through is the they note a change in the they say it's light they've lightened the color i don't personally see that it's lighter i think what i'm noticing is it's actually a slightly different tone i don't know if this will pick it up so well um but to my eye anyway um it it looks like the 2021 has a slightly more yellow tone um compared to the 2022 which is a little a little more gray um compared to sort of straight sepia tone um so that's what i'm seeing all the way through so when i talk about a lighter tone or a um a less yellow tone that's what i'm referring to and it's consistent throughout so it's just a slight color shift um and i actually quite like it i um i like grays so i'm happy for that um all right flipping through um i removed the the page numbers on the bottom here um i'm not sure why but i don't really use the index so it's not really a problem i'm thinking to use it for my level 10 life which i usually have in my journal um we'll see how we go with that on the four year spread it says four year instead of four year spread um that's really it for that one on the the next page of the yearly spread they have shaded in the weekends which i quite like otherwise no major change in the quarterly um they've shifted the year from one side to the other that's really it um there has been some discussion about the watermark positioning so they've they've removed the monthly watermark title from the grid section and they've relocated the watermark from the right-hand side to the left-hand side so it's at the start of the month when you're working across the page um they also did mention something on the website that they have removed the grid from the days i personally [Music] can't see that in here at all i'm happy to give you guys as close up as i can get um so i i don't see a change there and there's yeah like no no real difference there so um i'm not sure if that's referring to maybe a previous previous version um yeah they do talk about the tone again i think you can see it um when you compare here like if you look at hopefully you can see like just slightly lighter but it it it looks like a different tone um i don't know tell me what you think i would love to hear your thoughts depending on how it looks on your screen compared to my camera all right let me find a blank routine tracker page to compare to um all right so for the routine tracker the title is slightly different um in 2021 they say routine tracker project timeline across here it's routine tracker timeline 2022 and then they've moved the year again across um they have removed the watermark of each month um and there's a slight tone difference across the way um so let's head into actually for looking at the month i might flick to a later month um just one that hasn't like i haven't really been in that way hopefully i'll see a little less of my stickers and a little more of what it is actually looking like so for the sake of comparison let's compare months to month so um let's see what did we have i don't think there was major changes here they've added the week numbers in um for each one so for november 44 45 46 47 48 um and they've written it on the side here as well which is really handy um they actually have the 44 to 44 to 48 on that tab there which they didn't have before and they followed that through interestingly um on the monthly review pages as well there's no real changes there apart from the fact that they've added that in but i quite like that i think i said it to you guys in the unboxing i title my plan with me is using the week um and i've been going by one version of my google calendar um but it does seem to change depending on which calendar i'm using so i actually really like that change i feel like it'll help me to be a little bit more consistent and it'll be easier for me to keep track so i know not everybody uses that kind of marking of time but it's definitely helpful for me all right let's jump into having a look at a week here don't mind my stickers um so in the weeks once again not a huge change they talk about that that uh lightning of the headers and the weekends and they i think you can see it here really well um it is ever so slightly lighter um and again whether that's a tone or whether that's actual lightning or both i'm not sure um i really like it um i've never felt a need to have my my weekends shaded in anyway so that's that's fine with me um and then as i said they've got the the week number on the uh on the tab here yeah let's have a look at the dailies now when comparing the dailies it's really good to know for you guys that um this is what the notebooks look like as well so i got the the companion notebook with it um and they have this layout so what i'm showing you is in the planner and you have um oh gosh what's the number i feel like i have to do the mouse on this every time it's a bit of a worry the notes pages or the daily pages go from page 211 i think that's different anyway it doesn't matter 211 through till 288 so that's how many daily pages you get what is that like 77 or something um yeah so that's how many daily pages you get at the back of the planner for next year um and then you can also get the companion notebook there is a full size one which is 365 and that's what i've had for this year um this for next year i got the half size which um they say 189 keeping in well they say 192 i think um it's one 189 on the actual daily pages and then at the start they've got um the key at like a separate key and index um before it jumps in page one yeah so um so they're marking the page numbers from the start of the dailies so in terms of actual daily pages it's 189 but it is a 192 page book um i got sidetracked then but what i'm trying to say is the daily pages are the same so when we're looking at a comparison from this year to next year um the only real change that i came across was there is an extra row on the top compared to this year which starts right on five um and they've shifted their date line to sit on that new row so you actually do get an extra row there um which you know if you're someone who wakes up at 4 30 in the morning maybe you need that maybe that's helpful i feel if you're going if you're getting up at 4 30 maybe going to bed at midnight's not ideal seeks like not a lot of sleep to me um but i like my seven to eight hours so i'm very very straight in that way um yeah so that is the the basics comparison um basics twilight forest 2021 to b6 twilight forest 2022. um i will also jump in and give you guys a bit of an idea on the comparison between the basics and the a6 now i found this really interesting and i've said it i've said it on here before i love the concept of an a6 and i would love to be in something that is this small and portable and just being able to carry this around all the time um the practicalities of that i'm not sure because i really do love space for memory keeping and things like that so the a6 is not yeah i just wasn't sure how practical it would be for that so this comparison actually has been really helpful for me because i've been able to look into what features it has and and really think about it for me i have decided that i'm going to stay in my b6 for my personal planning and i'm going to use that a6 for work um so what that means is that once i start putting work details in here i won't be able to show it on my channel um because there would be some sensitive information in the work one so let's have a look at the two next to each other side by side so um different colors obviously you can also get these in a light pink which i think is called new dawn um i haven't had that one before it's very pretty um so we've talked through there are some logo differences there the a6 has the i believe the same size logo as the a5 um it still doesn't take over much of the cover though um and there's otherwise there's no real real change there um the the a6 also has the the same ribbons in gray and gold um like with i'm gonna fit all of that in it should be easier than the gp6s um a similar size logo internally qr codes the same um similar key and index pages same for your spread the yearly is where i first noticed a difference so um in the basics we've got this section at the bottom with just some plain grid and we don't have that in the a6 considering that i didn't really use that that actually doesn't affect me at all um i think they've done a brilliant job to be honest of um keeping that the same content but just in a smaller size it has that same feel to it even when there is changes like that i really yeah i feel like it's so comparable um let's see that the next major difference was actually in the tracker i feel like this was one of them the more significant differences um just because obviously they've had this uh layout um sideways um and you can do that when you've got the larger size but to kind of keep the same grid spacing and it is actually the same grid spacing i'm pretty sure um it should be i believe 0.38 so just short of 0.4 centimeters um in the b6 and yeah same again in the a6 um so similar grid spacing um so yeah but they've put it across the page which i actually kind of like i sort of like i think if um there weren't some other reasons which we will go into a little bit later this would actually work really well for me and i'm half wondering about actually doing my my personal tracking in my work notebook i'm just because i really like having it that that direction um so where they have i guess taken some space from is we actually have 16 rows um in the basics uh we're in the a6 there's only ten but keep in mind they've got one two three four five here so you're really only losing one if you want to um depending on how you use this space down the bottom and there's a little bit of grid space on the side now um so it's it's different but i sort of still feel like it's very true to the wonderland and you can still use it almost exactly the same depending on what you're doing um so let's have a look at the first month the first month um in the 2022 planners is november 2021 um the differences between the a6 and the basics are in the a6 we have seven and not ten i'm sorry seven and not eight rows one two three four five six seven um and then there are six columns in this little i don't know sidebar there are seven over here so we've got eight and seven and we've got seven and six um otherwise you haven't really lost much it's quite impressive i'm so fascinated by that actually um that i'm just gonna 13 point 13.2 ish yeah they've done a great job here we have um all right we have a look at the weekly so the first week um starts on monday 1st of november um last year i think it was like the last couple of days of october i felt like i was getting in even earlier but that's really not a problem um so in the weekly this is where i saw the biggest difference and also it's the reason why i'm going to use this asics for work rather than um using it for personal so here you will see where they have saved space is the time on the bar on the sidebar goes from seven till essentially 6 pm so we don't get a 6 pm but um we've got 5 5 30 and then 6 would come after so 7 till 6 there in the b6 we get from 7 till 10 um now you could always continue on if you were using that so you could have 6 7 eight and nine and it would finish at ten so you actually do have the same amount there and there um and actually you can see it really nicely when i line it up like that and so essentially what you've lost again is just the grid spacing at the bottom here in the basics um i guess the reason why i opted for this for work is that i am much more likely to have evening plans in my personal life than i am in my work life so um to me it just seemed logical i've got one of each size and so i'm gonna go with that um that and the size and just being able to kind of toss it in my bag and carry it around with my laptop a lot more easily when i'm at work um just seemed to make sense considering what i have but i guess i wanted to point that out because i know if anybody else is also interested in using the a6 for personal planning it absolutely is possible and you really haven't lost too much unless you're doing things beyond these times even as well um so i guess you know that's always the challenge depending on what time of day you get up and things like that i think from memory it's been a very long time i feel like the hobonichi actually started at five feel free to correct me if i'm wrong um but yeah so i i think it just depends on what time of day you wake up for me my day usually like i might do some exercise in the morning but otherwise my day is really starting at kind of seven with breakfast and getting the kids up so um anything earlier than that is not a problem but these evenings like i do have things on so yeah so that is why i made that decision um and let's i guess for um to finish things up we'll have a look at the dailies and keeping in mind the dailies in the a6 are the same as the a6 daily notebook as well and once again i got the half size so um yeah so what i'm showing you here does compare to that as well so in this one in the a6 so where the b6 goes from essentially 4 30 to midnight if you were to just follow that time bar in terms of rows what you get in the a6 is 4 am to 9 pm so um just something to keep in mind if you are using these specifically as dailies and if you need times beyond those hours maybe it's not maybe a6 is not the right size for you unless you want to tweak it um i don't use these as dailies very often very occasionally i will do that but um more often it's just as a notebook so um and once again for work this really does um i think it'll be really great actually so yes so that is a comparison of the basics wonderland planner in 2022 and the a6 2022 um so yeah if you have any thoughts or questions um feel free to drop them below i would love to hear your your thoughts on um what you guys are using for next year if you have got that far it is only august no september i'm getting behind it is only september you still have plenty of time so um thanks so much for watching and i hope that you found that helpful bye
Channel: Leni Plans
Views: 1,000
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: iBnm5WM_y7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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