B6 Stalogy: My UPDATED Planning System (2021)

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hey guys welcome back to my channel um so today i thought i would quickly do like an update on my planning system um just because i do always kind of get um questions about you know different planners that i share and pictures that people might see of different things and especially about my weeks i get a lot of questions about how i use my weeks so i thought i would just do um a really quick update because my system will change for next year um so this is kind of a good time to explain how i'm using um yeah my planners at the moment okay so let's get started with my main planner if i didn't have anything else at all i would be completely fine to just have this planner the covers i change out you know often but the notebook itself which is a b6 strategy this is how it comes it's just like a plain grid notebook um i have purchased mine from amazon japan but you can obviously buy them in various places um this is the full one they also do like a half year like half notebook um and i have used these for like a few years now maybe two three it's my third year using it um and you know basically the way i set it up if you've seen any of my setup videos you'll be quite familiar with how i do it i have like my monthly calendar so i have like all my appointments on here um i do put all my like work meetings kids activities basically anything that requires my attention goes on here i've got my husband's shifts marked on here we've got like our fasting days um yeah just absolutely everything even if my husband is traveling with the kids that goes on here just because that's obviously important for me to know that they're not around um so yeah this i could not do without like a monthly um obviously i've you know used different i've used like this monthly i've used for several years before um and then this year i've been using this as a monthly calendar but um unfortunately i made a mistake and started doing like memory keeping on here um and appointments on this one but um let me show you on here usually my monthly appointments would be on here but again it doesn't matter what the um you know the planner calendar looks like i need a monthly planner um to have all my appointments on here now i do not set up my whole month in one go i usually only set up a week at a time so i will you know usually saturday or sunday i will sit down and set up the week uh sometimes it'll be day per page sometimes it will be day per two page so i'll set out the week and then the weekend is just a day on um one page so we don't really have like timed activities and then the rest of it is blank and this is where i will take notes um write quotes just random any paper that i need you know i will just use the next page next page and basically keep going until saturday when i need to set up my next week i will just go to the next blank page and set up the following week so that is why in my planners you will see so if i go to the previous week this is last week monday this was on like day per page you'll see so i've got like some i was editing a video so i just had to remember like what cards to add and what links of shops to put on there some shopping list some notes um some sticky notes so you'll see that in between each of my weekly pages there will be not not every single week but generally there are notes pages you know whatever i want to add sometimes i'll have like vellum and acetate in there i'll have got all my like washi swatches here because this is when i received it so when i look back on this i will know this is the week that i received this washi tape and then when i'm ready to set up my next week it just goes on the next page so that is how i set it up i get a lot of questions about you know how do i divide my strategy like how do i separate you know notes from pages i don't everything just goes on to the next blank page for me that is really important to have context like when i look back on this i like i said with the washi i want to remember when i received it even when i'm taking like notes um this is obviously a dated note but if i'm like writing quotes here i want to see um you know like context of what was going on in my life i can go back and look at the week and see oh it's a particularly hard week for parenting so you know that's why i probably have some parenting quotes here or you know it just for me it gives me context as to why i have these notes here um i know some people do separate it out and have all their notes in one place um in one place at the back um that doesn't you know that's work for me but that is obviously an option um in in which case you would just count out you know how many pages you need per month or per three months four months how many other you know months you're doing per notebook and split it and then section off the rest for notes now when i do planning like this obviously i only have a month at a time in here so when an appointment comes up for next month or next year at the moment how i've like always done it basically is i have a um calendar in the back so i have like a future planning calendar in the back um or you know i can put it on sticky notes and temporarily like when i was making a phone call i might put put it on a sticky note but at some point this will get transferred onto here um oh actually i haven't because this is for january but if something comes up in december for the 12th of december i will just put it in here so that when i set up december i can go back and see okay you know and plug those appointments into here so that's how i do future planning um for you know appointments even if it's something i need to get done like if i need to remember to like service my car or mot i will still just put it like on a sticky note and then transfer it onto here um yeah that that is basically how i do pre-planning and that's how i've done it you know for the past you know however many years i've been using a stylogy notebook but um at the beginning of this year sort of march time i think i became quite curious about the habenichi weeks i just kept seeing it popping up on my feed and there was definitely something about it that um kind of attracted me to the size of it i think um so i did actually purchase two i will show you the other one in a minute um this is the regular size one so they do the mega which has like i think almost three or four times the number of notes pages in the back so i bought this one and i use it so for my monthly i wasn't really using it much but then i started planning out like videos like when i could you know upload videos it's kind of a little bit redundant now because i always have the same kind of you know like i have a setup video stylogy flip hobonichi flip um and if i'm doing a plan with me or whatever that will be there so it's it's a bit of a waste um i think next year this will become my pre-planning um you know calendar because i am i have already got um i have an itchy weeks four next year um but yeah instead of having this calendar in the back of my strategy since i use this as my wallet and on-the-go kind of planner anyway which i also do carry my salary with me don't get me wrong because like i said this is where i put you know notes quotes ideas just brain dumping all goes in there so i do travel with that um but yeah so if i'm in january and something comes up in june i would just use the the week's um planner next year as a future planning um insert then for the weeklies here i just started um using this as my kind of future planner as well in the sense that we are here and i'd already planned out my week you know a few weeks ago because we're back just like sort of home school activities this week and they've got like art and kayaking and like my daughter's got psychology class online and all these things had been booked and paid for previously so because i had i was not even in this strategy i was in a you know my old strategy in august i didn't really have anywhere to put this because this is not even set up and i could have put in the back like in my pre planning calendar here at the back but i just decided you know since this is how i've been using the weeks this is where it goes so all the future kind of kids activities and things are already planned out in here this is completely extra because like i said i have managed for years just using a calendar that's like tipped in in the back of my strategy but since i really do like this paper and i kind of i don't know yes it's doubling up but for me i don't mind rewriting things it almost like is like a serves as an extra reminder so to speak um but yeah i'm also a very visual person so when i see like this and somebody's trying to make plans with me for that week i can quickly have a look um and it gives me a sense of well actually this is a really busy week or it's not also it gives me a place to put my future to-do's so i was obviously i can do that on here um but it's you know unless you have like a a bigger calendar the space is quite small so if i've got an appointment on here but i also need to remember that we need to cancel milk delivery for that week and also that i've got to ask you know i don't know check up something it's a small spot even if i used a bigger calendar for me this is great i can put you know a list here so i haven't got anything all the way up to there but this was already done like a couple of weeks ago i'd already started writing that actually you know there are certain things like our library books to do so i need to return them this week um so that's how i'm using this again this is very sort of extra um it's like a little sidekick to my strategy i could completely live without it i just choose not to because i've been using it i think like i said since oh from earlier then since um yeah about the 18th of january and i just love it it's just a great little thing um yes all these things double up but this is like a big brain dump place for me to just dump everything like sometimes at night i would just you know list things out um or if i'm in the car my husband's driving i'll just put things in and then they can get allocated to a specific day in my strategy later and like i said the repetitiveness of writing it down twice it it isn't redundant at all it kind of just helps me remember even more so that is my week's um appointments and things do go on here um yeah basically appointments and to-do's on here and that is how i use my weeks um i will always sit down like you know i'm this week i haven't done it usually i put in all my appointments for the week in so i'll pre-plan out my week but then still every evening i will sit down and have a look at this you know random sort of list and think okay is there anything on here like it says here look for a new dishwasher now i don't have time to do that today i don't have time to do that tomorrow i might not even have time to do that next week and that's fine because it will just stay on here until it kind of gets ticked off or gets moved to my strategy um but i will you know pick something and put it in my to-do list for tomorrow or the day after if i feel like it's something that i can get done um appointments again like i said these are already in my monthly anyway so it's not like i'm ever going to miss anything it's not like there's anything in here that i haven't already put and transferred into here so when i set up october you'll see that so this is october i've already started putting the kids activities because we pay by term so i will know that okay yeah art is still on you know for however many weeks and i will use this to set up october and just plug in those same appointments into my monthly calendar so that is kind of my planning system like i said i can completely live without the weeks um stylogy is my main planner i love it um yeah it's you know um i do have like a ton of flips of these notebooks all filled in on my channel um so if you want to see like more details of sort of what notes pages i have on there and you can definitely have a look through those that will give you a good idea of what kind of notes and things like that i take um right so let's move on if you have any questions obviously please drop them in the comments section below i'm trying to be as thorough as possible but i appreciate that i might have left some things out actually i just remembered i didn't explain what i used the back notes pages for so i did say that the back of the notes um back of the weeks has these like again blank grid notes pages starting from about here and i just use this as my journal so this is like very very private personal stuff that i wouldn't want my kids or my husband or anybody to read and look through um and i do really love having this on the go with me because it means i can just at any moment you know take it out and write something i can write a line i can write a few pages um so yeah that is how i use the back pages and that is probably how i will continue using it um then the other planner that you guys will see in my pictures and system is this um hobonichi cousin i just have this like half a5 stylogy half year a5 stylogy in tucked in here just for now i was kind of looking at measurements and stuff but i'm not using that um sometimes i use this filofax folio cover sometimes i don't but this is basically sort of like i would say like a commonplace notebook so i sometimes write about our days more than just you know bullet points so in my stylogy i might just write there we are like a few points very kind of short and to the point here i might write a little bit more i can be creative with washi and pens and stickers and watercoloring so yeah i don't do this every day i'll sit down and get a few pages done in a go i will write notes that i come across or you know just interesting things that i'm reading or i've seen online or come across in books or podcasts my favorite washi's so it's kind of like a real mishmash of creative fun and this anybody in my family can pick this up and read it i don't have you know this is like private from you guys but my kids can pick this up and have a look through it my husband can read it there's nothing in here that's private um it's personal to our family um and some of it like i said is not even you know it's just kind of interesting stuff that i've come across um so yeah this is something that you will see you know pictures of and flips of um and that's how i use this then every night i do have uh i just take like a couple of minutes sometimes not even it's like 30 seconds to fill in my five-year diary from let's of london and that is literally so because i started it in october this is how it comes so the 19th of september you'll write 2021 and then you'll have space for 22 23 24 25 and i this is just purely about my kids so nothing about me i'm just memory keeping a few lines about both kids or one of the kids in here and like i said this doesn't take me that long at all um i am it just kind of sits on my desk like that so i am quite good about doing it regularly like as part of my evening routine but you know some days if it doesn't get done it's okay i will just you know catch up because i'm pretty good at recording our days in my strategy so i could just quickly glance back at this and see you know how we spent the day so that's that then i have a reference notebook this just sits this is a filofax notebook this just sits like on my bookshelf and i reference it maybe once a week before my i have like a mega master grocery list on here so when i'm doing my weekly online food shop i will just quickly go through my different sections to make sure um you know there's always something weird like olive oil that i will have run out of and nobody's put it on the you know shopping list on the fridge so when i go through this list it kind of jogs my memory oh yeah we need olive oil or mixed herbs you know those random things that you don't use every day um but other than that you know it's got like addresses for friends happy mail it's got like my car information it has got oops um a section on homeschool books that you guys gave me recommendations for printer information car information medical information um yeah places that i want to go so it's kind of like a random book that doesn't really get referenced that much like at the beginning of the school year obviously i will look at the book list like i said weekly i will look at the shopping list but that's about it um i did mention i had a second home in each few weeks um i initially purchased i think this one and then i went and bought the other one because this is the mega and i was using this as my fitness planner so i did get quite serious about working out and i was you know yeah just writing out like workouts and then details of how many sets and reps i was doing so i could build on that and then at the back which i do feel quite bad about that there's so many blank pages here but that is what it is um i was just taking again notes about you know different workouts different like how i was feeling um yeah just different fitness related things i did really like it i started kind of journaling about going to the gym as well so i might just keep this again for next year um yeah i'm not sure because there is so much like blank paper at the end um this is just like a cover from lauren phelps designs love that so but that i'm not using at the moment then i have this um so this is one of the things i get asked the most about every time i post a picture of this i get asked about it so this is a pocket tien from webster's pages and i've had it for several years when it first came out i think they're pretty much sold out everywhere i'm sure you probably could buy one in a by trade cell group um i'm not part of any of them so i wouldn't be able to recommend any unfortunately i did actually look for a personal size tien um i wasn't sure if they did any but i was trying to um find one because i know that their pocket size is so generous that i thought if i could get one impersonal my strategy would fit in it but i haven't been able to unfortunately but what i have in here is my scripture so when i post pictures of this people always say oh that's a really nice thick chunky notebook what is that i would love to get a notebook but it's actually my scripture so this is i'm a hare krishna and so this is our bhagavad gita i guess which is the equivalent of you know bible or quran um and yeah this is just um my scripture it's on like very very thin paper and i yeah this is like on the weekends especially i try and do a little bit every day but definitely at the weekends i spend more time like reading and studying and i have this little notebook from muji in the back that i take notes in um and yeah that is what that is so when you see this in my pictures um and i like when i reply to people saying it's my scripture notebook like scripture book people were like oh great like what what's the name of the notebook but it's not a blank notebook as you can see it is actually my scripture but it's just a perfect size for this planner um and it keeps like my kind of notebook that i do take notes in together um so yeah that is what that is and then last but not least i you'll sometimes see like um these in my pictures these are my work planners i do have like several notebooks for work because um i work in child protection and i'm actually the director for the uk branch of an international charity so i work on multiple cases at the same time i'm sometimes supervising or like overseeing others who are working on cases so i have lots of cases sometimes um sometimes you know more than others um that i'm kind of working on and juggling so there are also very strict rules in the uk about um data protection and things like that so a lot of my work is done on the like directly on google drive um but i do have to keep things separate so ideally i would prefer to just have everything in my strategy and then when i do flips i would be happy to just cover that up but i'm not allowed to you know keep certain information in paper form for longer than i'm working on it which is why i have separate notebooks for that so this is a personal filofax and this i will not flip through because this has like um actually these are the 2022 inserts because i think i took out this year's inserts but basically i will just use this for appointments so like um if i've got meetings or phone calls or you know day specific things that i need to get done i pretty much use the same inserts obviously they're not in pink this year's ones um but i like i said i've taken them out so i don't accidentally flip um through them but this is how i use my work planner and then for notes on phone calls or when i'm working on cases like i have like a step-by-step process of things that i need to do and things like that that all goes in here this is just like a notebook that i picked up in tk maxx i think they're quite common and i've got them in a few different colors um and like i said i do have a couple of them because you know some of it's like for training notes some of it is like actual case study notes and cases things like that so um yeah this is what i work in so um i know people kind of have asked like how do you manage to keep on top of so many different planners but i'm obviously not using every single planner every single day um yeah my work stuff like i said i do have to keep separate unfortunately i would love to have everything in one like i do keep all my homeschool stuff in here um next year i'm going to be doing like all my journaling and memory keeping in here as well but um yeah my work stuff will stay separate um so yeah that is kind of it that is my planning system i'm pretty sure that is all the planners that you guys would have seen in my pictures and um yeah that i that i share because these are things that i use regularly if not you know daily um but like i said not everything is used um every day all the time it is literally just um my strategy and weeks that i'm looking at every single day um yeah so that is it if you guys have any questions please feel free to drop them in the comments below if you found this video useful um please give it a thumbs up and let me know and thank you so much for your time and for watching and i will see you guys next time bye
Channel: Daksina
Views: 4,944
Rating: 4.9181285 out of 5
Keywords: b6 stalogy planning system, stalogy, b6 stalogy, planner flip, planner flipthrough, planner system, planner setup, planner set up, planning, planner, B6 planner, bullet journal, bujo, functional planning, planner spread, notebook planner, 2021 stalogy, planner routine, 2021 planner, planning system, planning style, stalogy planning system, How to use a stalogy, hobonichi weeks, weeks planner
Id: HwSKjRnT0yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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