Wonderland222 Plan With Me: 2021 Week 37

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[Music] hello hello uh welcome back to my channel as you can see i could not wait for next year to get into the new chic sparrow i was just too pretty and it kept looking at me and begging me to use it so here i am um it's the beauty of travelers notebooks is you can use them and change them out whenever you like um so i'm going to be doing things a little bit differently this week um because i am working on saturday and so that just changes my my schedule a little bit uh i'm planning for week 36 um and today is actually thursday it's thursday afternoon and i just want to make sure that i've got in my head what's happening next week because the weekends that i work are often a little bit more hectic um and so i just don't i don't feel quite as prepared um when i try and sort of cram in the planning on the same weekend that i'm super busy so i'm trying to get a bit of a jump start on that please excuse my nails i've had some nail breakages and things like that um but that's not what you guys are here for so hopefully you're all right with that um so yeah i'm gonna jump in to uh planning week 36 as i said and then i will show you guys a walk through um of week 35 at the end once i've actually finished the week so i'll make sure to include that as a separate clip on the end uh once the week is actually finished um so yes uh i hope that's it so far um this or next week i should say it's still so new this cover so it's a little bit still needs a little bit of um working um next week i'm going to be using a raspberry designs kit um it's called summer farmhouse i'll pop a link below um i have used this one before i think i actually used it in my work planner sorry i don't think you guys have seen it it's really pretty i really like the raspberry designs once they're quite um they're quite simple they don't come with a lot of extra bits and pieces and that actually works for me i it often makes me quite sad how much i leave behind on some kits um so i love that with these i tend to just use them all i've also gone ahead and just written in some of the events so i will just talk you guys through as i go now with these the only challenge that i have is that you'll probably see here just how tiny this little circle is to put the date in i don't tend to use that because it's just too small for my handwriting it ends up looking really crowded um so i'm going to use the leftover numbers from the mandy lynn's mandy lyndon plans i always do that kit that i used last week um i've still got the numbers so i'm just going to jump in and use those instead um so yes i just want to say um welcome to anyone who has just subscribed and thank you so much for jumping in it looks like my um the number of subscribers has just really um risen so quickly um i find it really satisfying to know that i'm not the only one who really likes watching other people plan out their life um so thank you very much for your encouragement by being on board and i hope that you guys enjoy what you see feel free to to interact or comment or ask questions i know you guys have been doing that already as we go um yeah i feel like the um the wonderland is really picking up in popularity which is fantastic i am it really is my favorite planner i i i've said it to you guys before i genuinely um don't last this long in one book very often um i try to sort of finish them out anyway but yeah i mean unless it's for work in which case i don't really worry too much about work but the personal plan is um yeah it's a little bit different um i've been using like the the 7am section to track my kilometers um for the week that's what it means i can't put the weather in there i think you're really hard on them because i put it above no i don't want to do that i'm just going to put it here anyway actually that works well next week um where i live it's meant to be a raining pretty much all all week on the weekdays so there is every likelihood that i will not be going out and getting kilometers of walking um my son and i have been walking like four kilometers each morning um so far for the last little week and a bit um which has been pretty pretty incredible let's see i usually do work first but these are all ready so i may as well jump in and put these in ah put the sticker on do that upside down monday at four that is because i've put them on the um the other side so it's hard to engage on the column and music is tuesday at 5. and then second g gypsum is wednesday at 4. between 7 30 and 8. maybe not use on friday my youngest son especially loves that there's no way we could change it even if we wanted to actually start dinner trying to get take away and just relax it's such a great end to things the week excuse that background noise i usually block it out [Laughter] um but yeah we actually live really close to our train line so a school holiday is at the end of this week i am so excited so so ready for a break i'm basically still in lockdown but you know very nice not to have remote learning i don't know how everyone else is going with that kind of thing i am definitely done with it um yeah i have have absolutely had enough all right i'm gonna go ahead and pop the numbers in i should say about remote learning i am so appreciative of our teachers i know how hard that they are working i am i'm genuinely seeing it um it just feels like so much to try and supervise the learning alongside trying to get my own work done so i am just really looking forward to being back at work um and only having one job to do instead of multiple um but i will very much enjoy not making lunches or traveling in and doing the whole you know pick up drop off chaos um and like i said it's meant to rain pretty much all week at this stage unless it changes challenge of doing weather so far ahead it can always change a little bit um as the days go on i think i've said it before i used to have um wednesdays off it was just my my standard day off when my kids were little um and i would have that day that's that's when i would do my planning just why it doesn't feel completely strange to be doing it midweek for me um i think i'm just gonna put in work hours and then i'll probably leave it fairly basic um for the coming week just because it is yeah earlier than usual i am still gonna put in a degree so i'm back to using my my pilot acro just because it goes through it fits in the um the stencil the um the bic much as i love the colors and i'm still carrying them around um just doesn't um [Music] it doesn't fit it's too narrow with stencil it feels crazy to be writing degrees like 14 in the next week because today is incredible it's like 24 degrees celsius and sunny oh look i spoke way too soon about that fitting in going to do it again on this one i'm actually going to pull out nice cleaner oh come no on some i don't know if you guys have seen this issue before it's just because i've bulked up with the stickers i'm just gonna go with pencil and then i can go and fill up the line later oh no we'll see um so yeah it should work fine nice one all right okay how sturdy is my hand today um oh my goodness would you believe it's not even 14 and 17. that's all right look it's done now [Laughter] [Music] i've had a day off today um because i'm working saturday so i try and take um a little bit of time during the week um so that i'm not completely nuts because um yeah i just was doing that too much and working six days a week just it wasn't great for me um but yeah so anyway because i've had today off i'm feeling probably just a little less focused and a little bit more relaxed about things which is a little bad thing it's quite healthy really um okay so i am gonna pop in [Music] work hours there so it's to four on monday till for tuesday what am i doing here i think i'm doing nine to three i think here is 12 and then last day of time [Music] beautiful i know a lot of people don't use the time bar um my head just works this way um just fine i find it easier to work out where my spare time is and things like that um so yeah that's kind of it for the basic preparation because i'm planning ahead um so early um i hope that you guys have enjoyed that one and stick around because i will film a little bit extra in a couple more days and that will just be a flip through of the current week all right well here i am as i said back on a sunday afternoon and just going to jump in and show you my completed week 36. now i have spent the bulk of the video saying i'm planning for week 36 because as usual i've gotten myself completely confused i was doing the planning in week 36 and i am planning for week 37 so i'm really sorry about that um but yes so i will show you the week that was um so this week i'm actually quite happy with it i feel like it's just got some really nice tones in it i love purples as you can see so um yeah i'm really really quite pleased with this one so lots of work this week um it's just felt like a really busy week actually um so i've just used a lot of little emoji stickers from sakura mochi and um coffee monster um and as usual i've got some of my photos in so um my eldest son and i have been doing our morning walks and i've been tracking the kilometers we've been really good actually doing our four kilometers each day friday we were really tired we actually stayed up um not late but i let them go to bed um probably about nine o'clock which is quite late for a school night for them um but we yeah we watched pirates of the caribbean and they were seeing it for the first time and so um we didn't get up on friday and go for a walk it was just a little bit too late and um he needed the sleep uh we did go for a short walk a little bit later in the day um just to kind of get them out a little bit but apart from that we we've continued to do it um saturday was going to be our rest day um because i work and i actually do walk and i'm outdoors for work and so i actually did 13.7 kilometers and i was exhausted at the end of that and i'm still a little tired today and just a bit fuzzy just you know i i did so much movement which is great and i'll definitely benefit from it later but for now i am a little bit weary um but i'm looking forward to continuing with the the four kilometers um through the coming week and he's still really pumped for that which is cool um otherwise it was a fairly usual week in terms of what i did and hours of work and work and work except for thursday which was my day off i did do a little bit of admin and a little bit of website um work for um for my job um but otherwise it was pretty relaxed and i rearranged some furniture and did some tidying because i'm a bit of a weirdo and i like doing that i find that really fun and relaxing um it's such a mindful activity i really just have to focus on what the space looks like and what fits where um it's almost like a puzzle as opposed to kind of getting lost in your thoughts or whatever um tuesday was amazing i had a friend deliver um a book that we're reading together in our bible study and she also dropped off a little box of pastries which was amazing it was so delicious um and my littlest was really keen to help with those so we had a little pseudo picnic outside and ate some of those um otherwise remote learning i got a new coffee monsters co delivery this week which is so cool i always love getting those um if you haven't seen her stuff which i'm sure you have um but if you haven't please go check it out i'll pop a link below um i just love her stuff um what else did we have on i love this photo of my labrador we were just having a bit of a a roll around and a play on the lawn and she was just being really cheeky um and this is her again with my youngest they were just having a little snuggle on the couch um yeah overall it was a pretty good week so i hope that you have enjoyed that um looking forward to the week ahead i hope that you guys have an amazing week whatever you're doing stay safe um and if you're in australia like i am then you know enjoy your last week of school before the coming holidays um gotta love spring holidays and for those of you in the us i know you're really just you know getting excited for um fall or autumn depending on where you are in the northern hemisphere i hope that it's really great weather for you guys i am hoping that this shifts and changes because we have a lot of wet weather coming um but yeah all right thanks so much for watching take care bye
Channel: Leni Plans
Views: 492
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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