My Monthly Planning Routine :: Catch-All Classic Happy Planner Setup

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hello friends welcome to squared plans i'm stephanie and today we're going to be doing a review of my month end routine so i have my little cheat sheet here and i'll kind of just be showing you how i go through each of these steps one by one and complete my monthly routine so if you're interested to see how things go let's jump in i reuse this little cheat sheet that i have month after month and since i have an erasable pen i just kind of make little marks in it each month as i get things done and then i erase it and start over on the next month so one of the things i need to do is go into my tasks and do a review of my tasks and make sure that everything in my master task list is moved over if need be into my planner the next thing i like to do is to go into my goals section and review my goals i have quarterly goals as you can see here as well as some other intermittent goals so it's just nice to review them each month see where i'm at and if i'm still making progress towards those goals and then make adjustments if needed like i just did one of the next things that i do is to take out this habit tracker that i have in my goal section that i use to track my annual habits with my spiritual goals what i do is each month actually keep track of it on the habit tracker i have at the back of my daily section and then i transfer it over at the end of the month just the three that i have here that are related to my spiritual goals so i just do that real quick using some highlighters here and make it match up with what i have there super simple and i'm done for the month as far as those goals are concerned next i will move into the back of my planner where i have my budget set up now for my budget setup i actually like to set it up pretty simply with some stickers just denoting where my bills will be coming in and when my paydays are so i'll just do this real quick since it's a really fast setup i'm using my budget sticker book here just to give me some color and something fun to look at i'm just gonna pull in some stickers here and put them on the dates where i know i have bills due i thought i'd show you guys just some of the setup of this section of my planner since i don't really put this on camera very often just so you guys can get an idea of part of my process so every month i will just do this little setup here with some stickers and a little bit of pen and i use this section here for budgeting our household budget like i said a pretty simple setup here nothing too fancy and then i am moving on now to my social media kind of currently section setup where i add in some monthly goals and i do a quick review of the previous month and how i did as far as subscribers or followers so i'll just set that up and i'm referencing the previous months so that i can add in the growth from july and then i will add the august numbers right below it this is just a quick way for me to at a glance see how i did for the month and how things are progressing so just referencing those numbers on my perpetual calendar adding those in and then also putting those in the monthly goal review seeing how i did didn't quite make my goals that i had set up for the month so and just make an adjustment for this next month for sure and just quickly doing the math here on the change from july to august and it looks like my growth was down just a bit so seeing that i will establish what i want the next month to be seeing that i'm gaining about 130 to 200 in youtube followers per month just making that the new goal and seeing if i can stick with that or surpass it so next i'll move on to the health stats and i've already penciled it in this month which is something i don't normally do usually i will just do it all at once with pen and just kind of use the previous month as a guide right now i'm trying to decide on what color i want to use for this month so that i can kind of switch up the colors month to month so you'll see me do a bit of erasing here because of those pencil lines and like i said i normally don't have that but i thought it would be faster to have it all penciled in on camera so you guys could kind of see the progression as i go this is another thing i do only once a month so i just need to factor it in in my monthly routine my whole routine i would say kind of starts happening the week before the month ends anything that i can set up ahead of time i usually do this month i really didn't do as much pre-setup but i could have easily done that on this one here where i had everything in place before i actually put in the stats including you know the color setup that i'm going to show you here on camera same with my goals for my social which you just saw me set up that could have been set up ahead of time as well i just try to fit it in where it works each month ends on a different day so it really just depends on the month itself and how things kind of fall in the month but it's nice to have a sheet because there's so many little items that you may forget as you go through and things that i i would definitely not think about until it was too late so i really like having this little cheat sheet here while i'm setting this up i'll talk you through a little bit about that sheet so the top three i'm using for those things that i can't really do until the month is ended so that budget wrap up is after the month actually has closed out and that's where i do the tallies on the side of all my income and expenses then i have this health stats which like i said i can pre-set up but i can't actually enter in the health stats until the end of the month when i know how the full month went and you'll see me do that here in a second the social stats and goals same thing i need the month to end in order to have the final tally of growth the ones below that can be done ahead of time so i have things like my faith monthly setup daily health monthly setup those monthly layouts that i just need to have prepped and ready to go before the month starts my social media schedule i like to know what's coming up and have that all ready to go before the month starts way before if i can i have my budget monthly which i just did on camera but i do like to have that kind of pre-set up usually ahead of time again i kind of saved it for this on camera experience you guys could just see me doing a few of these things in action then i have my check-ins with some of my other things that i guess could be done ahead of time but i just usually wait till the day of if it's not a weird month and i'll check in with my goals and my health trackers as well i'll look into progress i need to do for my health and if it's a month where i need to do measurements make sure that i'm on task with that and have that all set up so that i don't miss out on you know a quarterly measurement weigh-in or whatever and then i also have my master task list which you saw me do in the beginning now those types of things where i just need to remember to go back and check them and make sure i'm migrating things over and i'm on top of those things that might get left to the wayside if i'm not careful so right now i'm entering in the stats to the health tracker here for my monthly stats and i use an app called health for you to do that and i just quickly put those in underline the goals that i met for the month and then i do a quick review of how i did between this month and the previous month and if my stats went up or down and use that as a way to just kind of gauge how things are going for the month so i'm just entering that in real quick using arrows just to know up or down and then i'll do a quick assessment of what went well and what didn't and how i'm going to make a change for the next month so again just another thing i need to manage as far as my monthly overview and now i'm going to go ahead and set up my habit tracker for the month so i just use the previous month as a guide so i don't forget anything and make any adjustments that i see as i'm writing things in the top is my spiritual goals that i want to have it track and the very last one is one that fluctuates so i will you know make adjustment there in black i have some of my health habits i want to keep track of the fitness side of things is in blue and then in red i kind of have more personal habits that i'm tracking and again i will make adjustments on the fly if there's something i want to change out like this month i will be starting a class so i have that now in the red and i removed one that was um in my fitness tracker i'll also put in the date headers and circle the month that i'm in just so it's all clean and ready to go and that takes care of that so i've already done the goals review so the last thing i need to do here is to set up my currently page for my faith and the reason i take the time to do this is i mainly just need to migrate over my prayer list each month so that i don't forget anything so i'm going to go ahead and put this in since i didn't have it ready before this is going to be for the month of september my currently page i will set it up now i'm just going to do a quick cover up here of this birthday section since i don't really use it as intended so i'll do that i'll do the rest of this currently as the month goes through i'll you know enter in information as i feel the need but right now it's just about getting the stuff that i'll need to use right away set up and ready to go and below that washi tape is where i'll put my personal prayer list for things that i'm praying for myself anything i'm praying for for somebody else i'll put above here in the prayer list area i'm just pulling in a few stickers here as well just to create a new header here instead of that birthdays just kind of defining some areas for putting in prayers or people i'm praying for some flags from that happy and kind faith sticker book and then i'm transferring over those things that i still need to be praying for over to the next month and basically once i am done with that that completes my monthly setup i should have tackled everything that i really needed to do on a monthly basis mainly i just wanted to show you guys that you know you have your weekly routine you have your daily routine it's good to have a set up concrete list of things that you may need to do monthly in your planner because like i said things can get left off or things can get forgotten about i really like my little cheat sheet here with my little half sheet like i said i have these friction highlighters but if you have like a laminator that would be a perfect type of thing to laminate so that you could just easily check off things as you go through so i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please give it a thumbs up down below go ahead and leave me a comment if you'd like to get in touch and think about subscribing to my channel if you haven't already if you'd like to see more of my videos thank you guys so much for watching i really appreciate it and we'll see you next time bye you
Channel: Squaird Plans
Views: 1,996
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: squaird plans, happy planner, functional planning, white space planning, decorative planning, planner layout ideas, planner inspiration, discbound setup, horizontal layout, monthly layout happy planner, fitness happy planner, social media planner setup, happy planner setup, planner setup 2021, happy planner frankenplanner setup 2021, planner flip through, discbound planner setup, classic happy planner flip through, planner ideas, happy planner ideas, planning with stickers
Id: uee2S02XrFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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