Ughhh A butt-load of squishy packages.hehe. geeze kitty ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)is she ok hehe All this.. *pause* This is insane, right? I mean, this is insane *Plays intro with cheery music that she made herself* Hey guys! HeY gUySsss how ya doing Hey guys! So today I'm gonna be opening a bunch of squishy packages that I've been holding on to for like the past couple months I've been saving them to open them on camera. So let's get into the videoooOOOOK I bought all of these squishies as candidates for squishy makeovers So I will be Redecorating all of these either on one of my squishy makeover videos or just in my free time because that's what I choose to do With my life. These are all cheap squishies from different places on the internet I got some of these from some of them from banggood, some of them from I Think that's it. I'm just gonna grab one and start. I don't know which website these came from They all look the same they all come in these little trash bags. YES! WEIRDLY LAUGHS It's a (an* DUHHH) apple.. squishy I don't really get into the packaging because I redecorate them anyway But I mean if you do like the packaging here it is *shows packaging to camera*UH THIS IS AKWARD Cool. Oh my gosh! This is huge. Whoa! Oh, this is really squishy. WoAhHhHhHhHhHhH *in awe* So yeah, I got two of these Apple squishies *pauses* Um, and these came from banggood.. These are really nice! I think I mean I'm definitely gonna redecorate these but I think somebody who is just collecting them. This is a really nice squishy I feel like. Okay cool! Apples! I'll keep the apple here *pet*. Let's move on *taking squishy out of package* Oh yesss! I thought this was a cat when I ordered it... *pause* but apparently This is an elf on a cake roll..? *makes dissapointed sounds* Um, I'll probably redecorate it as a cat. Oh my god- *laughs* It has a BODY *uncontrollable giggling* HEH For some reason, I was thinking it was just the head. They didn't show the back of it on the website.. So I did not know that you would be able to see its whole body, But it's kind of cute! The cake roll part is so soft..! What makes this an elf? I guess because it's got different colored ears? Okay, sure! It can be an elf for now but NOT FOR LONG. Can you stand? *disobedient bb* (Mweheheh!) No. *laughs* What else is in here? Oh, it's just another one. Why do I buy things in twos? Why do I need two of them? I don't know! Because I'll probably decorate one and then I'll have other ideas and I'll be like *gasp* "Oh! I need another one." *laughs* Who do we have up next? So this is a big one- and the packaging is ripped. What if one of them fell out? *aNgErY pause* The packaging was ripped *mEnTaL bReAkDoWn OvEr SqUiShY* *rubs nose *sniff* Getting very upset-! I'm scared. Oh my gosh. (Feeling better so soon?) Yesssss! (Oh my question was answered) *wheeze* So, it's an acorn.. *laughs* (ADORABLEEE) Some of you may think that this is the most random Ugliest weirdest squishy ever, but honestly, I see *pause* So many decorating possibilities with this, okay? It's not as squishy as like some of the other ones, but, like, we can deal. It's a BiG aCoRn *chuckles* I found this on eBay. I have some ideas for this. So I got- *pulls out more acorns* A bunch more of these- Let's see... Ooh! *pulling out squishy* Oh my gosh, oh this is actually super cute! This came from, actually. This one is, like- *demonstration* Heavy! It's... like it feels so heavy! Smells like soap... which is nice. There's definitely like air trapped in it though When you squish it, it feels like it's gonna pop or something. This is so cute! How am I gonna paint over this? Like it's already cute! Maybe I'll, like, use this as a squishy for awhile, and then once it gets used then I'll make it over...? *pain* (what.....) And... This... unicorn. *unenthusiastic* *stares into the devil's eyes* Oh my gosh, this is enormous! This is gonna take a BUTT LOAD of paint (PG family friendly content) This one is cute, but I don't think it's as cute as this one Like this is a good makeover candidate, because I feel like it could be *pause* Improved. Like, those eyes. THOSE EYES. *lip smack* Not.. not feeling those eyes. *giggles* It's really, really squishy..! Some things about it are cute. I like the color of it. But yeah, I think I'll have a lot of fun making over this one. All of these so far have been so much bigger than I expected! I feel like I've said that a million times but like whoa, this is a big squishy. I'm gonna need to need a bigger place! *sarcastic* *smack smack* (Die squishy scums!) (No you don't :0) Okay, cool! So, let's see what else we've got here! *opens package* (Amazing pufferfish impression.) Okay. *continues like nothing ever happened* *laughs* Aww my Goooooooooood! Oh ma GEEE *giggles* This is from banggood, I remember- Soooooo cute! This round, fat penguin that I found! Very faintly scented, um, *sniff sniff* like.. kind of like, soap. (Pose, girl, pose.) I'm, like, in squishy heaven right now. I have to edit so much out of this video cuz I'm just sitting here like... wOw! wOw Oh my gosh, yes! Some little packaging, which is I think it's important to some people and not for me but (Mega oof) This little toothpaste! I like it when you squish it, it's almost like you're squishing the toothpaste out I went back and forth about buying this.. some moments I was like, "Yesss, I need it!" And some moments I was like, "That's kind of dumb." I don't know, but I eventually decided that I absolutely need this in my life I have some ideas for this, so.. Toothpaste..? You've got sumthin in your eye, SON YES! This is what I was looking forward to so much. Oh my gosh. Yesssssssss! (please chill) Oh wow, it's so soft. It's like a marshmallow..! And the face is so messed up, which is great. *sarcasm* *wheeze* These are not the normal type of things that people say in these videos. It smells pretty good Actually, it smells like a.. like a strawberry cheesecake! But yeah, they call this an ice cream doll. It's like a, little ice cream person I just thought that that was so weird. And so awesome and I needed to get one to decorate I'm so excited about decorating this, it's not even funny. Oh my gosh. What is up with me and the doubles? Why do I do this? I don't know. I'm insane. I don't have two different ideas for toothpaste I only have one idea. So this one is a box. Obviously. Um, this one did not come from China It's actually I got this from Etsy. So these are used squishies *opening box* (I'm dying while writing these h e l p) *wheeze* Okay.. I need to go back to the gym *hehe* Okay. Oh my gosh *laughs* So I got a note from this person that I bought the, um, squishies from.. Apparently they know my channel. So they just said "Thank you" and that they like my channel So thank you if you're watching this. Thank you, heh- Yeah, so these are all soft and slow, um, the animal squishies.. I bought some of the blank ones, the DIY ones, but I've had problems with the paint sticking to those because the surface is so smooth, but in my experience the Squishies that are already printed on don't really have any problem with paint sticking to them. So I think that these should be fine So I'm just gonna use these instead of the blank ones. But I'm still working on figuring out a way to get the paint to stick to those as well But yeah. So I've got all these *shows squishies to camera* these are actually really cute though! Oh my gosh, this little, like, green husky (Not to nitpick, but it's more of a light aquamarine) Type of one, and then a pink cat, and.. A koala, A blue dog, and a.. brown... *stares intensely* Cat. *airy chuckle* And then this one, which this is obviously a decorated Squishy. They're kind of like tsum tsums. You can like.. Stack them up.. Kind of.. Alright, what's next here? Aww! Cute! Yes, this cat! This cat! THIS. CAT. It's a white cat, really cute! Oh my gosh. This one is sooooo soft. So soft Uh, um.. slightly top-heavy.. um, but that's what makes it cute *flick* And this one came from, I'm pretty sure.. *mega squish* Yeah, believe it or not, I've still got more to go (SO. MUCH. WRITING.AAAA) I'm actually really sunburned right now. *wheeze* Ohhh! Can you see this? (That looks bad.) Aghhhhh- That's why I'm wearing a long-sleeve shirt.. because it looks frightening.. *laughs* I forgot that this sweater has like scratchy stuff on the inside so it's like.. *moving uncomfortably* Like scratching my sunburn right now, kind of dying, but, uh, the squishies are keeping me distracted. Oh yes! Okay, I think I've seen this packaging No...? Yes! No. (Make up your mind, girl!) It's very similar packaging to... *pause* the apple packaging. It's, like, almost identical Um, it's a little bear.. *sniff* Kind of like a fruit chemical Um, heh.. It's a little bit.. Firmer, denser.. whatever you want to call it.. then some of the others. But hey, this is cute! I like it! It's very simple, which is nice for makeovers. You can add stuff to it. I love him. Oops-! Mr. Bear: I'm on top of the world! Ehh! What's next? *stares in awe* Hey! I don't.. Think I ordered this. It's another one of the bears, but it's green..? Huh! (Mrs. Bear!) I really don't remember ordering two of these bears. So that's weird. Is there like an invoice in here? *gasp* Ohhh my gosh, there's another one! I definitely did not order three of these, What the heck? But I mean, hey! Sure! But... what? And this one is a bright.. Pink color.. (Bear Jr!) So, I've got a whole family. *sniffs Mr. Bear, Bear Jr. and Mrs. Bear* *rips open package* Oh.. oh! I didn't think that these would be here- *gags and coughs, then looks at the camera with an unenthusiastic look* Ugh... *sniffs and fans self dramatically* (THE DRAMA.) There's, like, dust or something, I don't know.. I got these from ebay, for some reason I've had a hard time finding really cheap, just kind of plain cake rolls for decorating But I finally found these, and these are perfect! Um, and I got a bunch of these. Paint's really falling off there *chuckles softly* I mean, these were like.. I want to say, like, $0.99 cents a piece or something like that...? Like super cheap, so *ULTRA MEGA CONGA LINE OF 5 BUN SQUISHIES SQUISH* *squishies fall over* Okay, why am I spending time on this? (Because it's cool.) *laughs* Uhh.. huh.. These.. do not look like the picture at all. These little cakes, I got from So it was basically this shape that I ordered, but it had.. Strawberries in it. This one does not. And a pink one too.. I mean, I'm fine with it because I'm gonna be painting over it anyway But if you wanted what was in the picture that would be kind of annoying to get something completely different But hey, I mean, I'm cool with this. All I wanted was the shape, so I'm fine. The yellow one is so much softer and squishier *pause* than the pink one, which is weird, but.. *shrugs* (It's cheap, that's probably why) *rips open package* *rips paper* Um... *flick flick* Oh yesssssssssssss! My lollipop! Yeah, this is good. Um, I'm happy with this! The shape of it and everything... not the squishiest things ever They're kind of more firm. But, still! These are cute! And I-I definitely think that these will be cute in a makeover! A little bit.. um.. *stares in disappointment* *looks at camera and laughs* Droopy if you hold them by the stick, but.. cool! *rips open plastic bag* Oh yesh, these are from banggood Um.. Packaging is weird. It's.. what is that? *examines packaging* What is that? I don't know I'm not gonna attempt to understand this packaging, or what it has to do with a panda donut...? But so cute. I love it. And I think it's great for decorating. I have so many different ideas I could do with this. So... this is really soft. And it's the perfect size That I was expecting, but yeah! This is good. *rips open bag* Oh my goshhhhhhh. I did.. I did think that I got more.. *wheeze* I don't know why they sent separately I don't know why any of this is sent separately, like I bought all of the ones From wish at one time, all the ones from banggood at one time, So, I don't know why they sent me, like, 10 million different packages...? I would rather just wait and get one package, but Sure, okay. It's just another one of these ice cream people. *drops ice cream person* And this is the last... BAG! (Oh thank god I've been writing this for 2.5 hours and I haven't eaten anything help me) *rips open bag* I got these sooo long ago, these were not part of my other orders.. I got one of them a while ago, and I did make it over in one of my videos, Um, but I got.. *takes squishy out of bag* Two more, so I guess that's gonna be a series- Um, oKaY *inhale* So, I know this is a lot (Really?) I love doing the makeovers, and I wanted to have lots of.. victims to choose from (Oh my) *airy giggle* *Mega squish* Don't judge me.. *laughs* Thank you guys so much for watching! I hope you enjoyed watching me open these, because I had a blast doing it. And I will see you next week. Bye! *outro* (It's been so long since I last ate or did anything. I've been sitting at my computer for almost 3 hours now writing up these captions. Y'all better be thankful and subscribe to herrrrr!)