Shocked that we WON at the OC Fair Carnival Games!

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hey guys today we're gonna play some carnival games here at the OC fair so we're trying to make three balls into these cups to win a gudetama curse don't really wants that gudetama so she has six balls total she only needs to get three in all right so that doesn't matter it's okay oh you hit it you got this Chris you got this oh no she's down to her last three balls okay so she can still win a prize [Music] [Music] [Music] oh now we're gonna play rollerball whose horse is gonna be the fastest well Cristo on number 4 where is the on number 5 hopefully one of you to win I just want one of you to win all right here we go guys number four is an elite unfortunately Oh number eight is close I don't know number whatever color this guy is right here he's close we got Chris are you getting the slice Oh get the booze get the booze okay isn't getting yellow that's good no what are you guys the win Oh number five number five is an elite oh come on come on is he Oh what do you want any prize oh she's gonna get the octopus down there the pink boy that is a sparkly little octopus crystals genuinely didn't think she won I thought is he one eye on she thought is he won but he's like nope crystal won just she got this big head and octopus but crystal makes it look like it has a small head cuz she has a giant head now we're playing goblet toss but at least a version like goblet ah look at all these lights or so many lights so she wants to get the ball into whoo what Kozak I think that's a big gap so if you get to yellow it's a small prize which is a little snake she gets into the red it's a medium which is this down here and she isn't in a purple it's the choice that's up top oh yeah right I think that's why no that's not one oh okay I thought that one back there was a color I don't understand what happened there I honestly don't know what happened I'm pretty sure that's a peak over there isn't it okay oh I thought I said WA Nani Oh oh that was almost a red one right there okay boo purple oh what's doing what's wrong I guess it Oh blue it was a blue it was a blue yeah this games like you're sowing lights everywhere oh but we're from the yellow to the green instantly okay oh man alright so I didn't get anything I didn't get anything okay so where are you going another pink all right go for that purple right there oh it's coming back nothing what's it I can't see a yellow oh you got a yellow hey we wanted we didn't realize it so she got a little garbage snake here hopefully she can get more of these because you can actually trade them up what's that clover nothing ah I think it anything alright alright okay where's it going oh that's up what is it a green green is nothing it's timing back there oh now what's your blue she has three balls left oh oh that's yellow yay we got another snake we got two little snakes oh yeah oh it was in the yellow when it came out this is her last ball that's your last one she's having too much fun purple purple I went to a blue whoa so you got two little snakes now is he's up she's gonna have seven balls and I'm gonna use her rest of the other eight to play so let's see can we win more than crystals come on let's do yellow her first one she got a yellow she's a snake awesome awesome alright so she got a yellow can't you get another yellow okay that's a green that's a green that was that one right there it's not us we didn't win oh wow really you wasted she's pointing out she's gonna get it back you don't get it back if she doesn't get it it's so funny she's like hey my ball right there alright purple is that yellow I say yellow that's another yellow oh man she's were better than you Chris alright come on yellow Oh what is that [Music] she gonna do okay you're gonna keep playing you keep playing those balls you used she got them she's got more than you already hers alright fishy another yellow cuz she could drink she can trade those fill you up for a medium-price oh that's a blue that's a blue yeah she can trade up three yellows for a medium that's I can't what city yellow yellow Oh green and what's your dream no no keep going keep going you're killing this we're gonna see we can do better I think I want to play 20 or 15 balls aw it's a Korean it's a green green is nothing pink is nothing pink is nothing again she still has four balls yellow pink blue we're jinx and her Chris oh no she has two left two left Oh last Bowl last ball yo a pink all it's a peek well she ended with more than you press she got three angels Ted I get urs I get one of these up here and that's what we really want [Music] [Music] [Applause] good [Applause] [Music] so the last game we're gonna play is gonna be skee-ball you know we have to play skee-ball so on this key bone she has six balls she wants to get a minimum of a hundred and eighty points if she can get 180 points or more to get a different size prize the penny on a push pins if she has 180 should get a small prize which is like this little fish tail right here in Seoul mermaid tail if she gets 240 although nice she got a fifty she has 240 at the medium fries and then 280 or humph is oh nice is a large which is I'll show you after work she can still do it she could still do it all she can't do it she 170 s at 15 nice warm up nice warm up so she got a hundred and sixty there but if she gets to 80 or higher she get any of these large prizes up here she'll go one more time hopefully you can get a grid you're only 20 points away from that tail right there you can get that tail I have faith in you all right all right so let's see she has six balls can she do it I think she can right down the middle oh that's nice that felt good that felt good Chris that one felt good too she didn't feel so good about it but that one felt good too oh man she's on fire this girl is on fire it's okay you can still get it all you need is the fifty matter what as long as you don't miss do not miss oh you didn't miss yes underneath you get a small price so you get a tail or you get one of those are that are you gonna get that mermaid tail [Music] Oh [Music] I'm so excited guys [Music] [Music] so here's everything we won guys there is a lot of stuff there it's hard to decide which one's the best yes so this is the octopus right here at a nice shiny one the gudetama down here that probably is the best one honestly you guys have to let us know though which one is your favorites everyone vote for gudetama because those booty cheeks are always just so awesome hey guys we hope you enjoyed this video thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 417,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, arcade video, ptw, carnival games, oc fair, oc fair carnival, fair games, orange county fair, orange county carnival games
Id: 2XwyYsC-S4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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