Women, What Do You Think Would Be the Worst Thing About Being a Man ?r/AskReddit Reddit Stories

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women of reddit what do you think would be the worst thing about being a man having to chase after women i'd give up halfway honestly overall i think it's more difficult for guys to get to dates edit obligatory holi at you guys you've popped my platinum gold and silver cherries thanks and now it's easier for people i know to find my profile cool cool cool cool cool jake peralta people expecting that i could fight probably the stigma i've seen a single father get shouted after being with his kid when at a park for trying to kidnap children the dude wanted to make his son happy not molest him ffs as a woman i will never ever have any doubt that my children are mine edit apologizes to the men whose anxiety i raised by 150 another edit thank you for the silver not having your emotions taken seriously then lashing out because of it and then seen as violent because you just want to be understood i had that with abusive parents but normally people don't treat me that way because i'm a woman i can't imagine what an entire life of not having your feelings acknowledged in a healthy way feels like suck it up and be a man being considered a possible threat by strangers probably like i get it you never know but it would probably suck either that or the d and balls like they're just dangling there are they in the way how do you straddle stuff will you accidentally squish them do you have to like tuck them into your underwear not being able to take care of children without getting dirty looks edit holy moly guacamole thanks for all the replies and my first silver and stuff oh you got stuck taking care of the kids today huh giving mom a day off finally dads know what i'm talking about edit well that blew up glad to see i'm not crazy it's interesting to see the scattered few people say omg people don't actually talk like that and then see hundreds of other folks confirm that yeah people do say that it only one orgasm at a time having to be the person physically in charge in a threatening situation like always being with a man when walking home from a party in a sketchy area at night yes there is safety in numbers but the dude is expected to be protective regardless of level of awareness self defensive or drunkenness that's a lot of pressure if the women don't get wet or come or have fun in bed it's your fault if you don't get hard or come or have fun in bed it's also your fault [Music] being expected to be more effective at physical labor being expected to do more dangerous work receiving less empathy when struggling with emotional issues hands down always being the villain a colleague of mine was a bit on the heavier side but decided to get into shape and started jogging so he jogs around his block daily until his smartwatch tells him his quota for the day is full that day he was a bit late but went for a jog when the sun was setting not many people out there but as he was on his way some girls saw him jogging their way got scared and called the cops on him for obviously trying to chase them to abuse them or something now the guy didn't know about the call he just sees two girls seeing him coming turning around and running away and he's like what the duck until the cops come for him you know for the biggest offense in the whole human history trying to get fit i felt really bad for him i would not be allowed a moment of weakness bad day you can't cry unless your mother just died hurt yourself suck it up and go to the hospital feeling self-conscious about your body nobody cares feeling ill someone has a man sealed honestly probably people just assuming that you'll do all of the gross it that no one else wants to do fixing up the car unclogging the toilet cleaning out the spider webs in the attic scrubbing the mildew out of the bathtub guys are just expected to do it all without complaint because that's the manly thing to do as a woman i find it pretty unfair alongside that are hiding a boner people assuming that you can't have mental illnesses disorders not being allowed to cry show emotions be insecure about your body all of it is really unfair i'm sorry guys being abused in public by a woman and having people laugh instead of intervening to help you also the whole to be a man you have to act a certain way brutal you're the ones who have to kill the big hairy spider i was raped haha good one edit i see a lot of men's stories in the comments and while i don't know the perfect thing to say thank you for having the courage to come forward and also i'm sorry that you have such a thing to contribute to this at all having an even harsher reaction when i'd go against gender roles i mean there's a woman there's black lash sometimes but there's a whole mouth very publicized that tells me that i can do whatever i want and duck the naysayer i don't feel a man that would want to do something for girls or for women has that much support probably being forced to never well feel there are so many people who make fun of guys for having feelings or even showing them i would never be able to deal with it and my heart broke the day my boyfriend told me his exes used to verbally abuse him for crying in front them edit changed words because i don't wanna make a personal generalization edit part two i didn't think this would blow up so fast i've taken the afternoon into the evening reading every single one of your guys replies and i am genuinely devastated by some of the things i'm reading men i am so so sorry words kind of fail me right now because i don't know what to say to any of you what i want to say though is that you are all incredibly strong human beings and you are that a human being with thoughts feelings emotions and dreams your feelings are valid you all deserve to feel and to be seen heard and cared for as a human being [Music] being expected to be the breadwinner generally by society being less likely to gain custody of my own kids in a separation being disposable in times of war diy and having to deal with my own balls what if i sat on one ouch relationships getting a date with a woman finding a so or even just hooking up with a woman it all seems like bullet for men ben are expected to initiate the conversation most of the time and yet i've known women who will accept dates with men they have zero interest in just to get a free meal out of it i've known women who want men to approach them but if the man is unattractive to her she calls them creepy or mocks them for it sure not all women are like this but you know what happens when i approach a man who isn't interested in me he says no thank you i could easily get a one-night stand if i wanted to yeah if people know about it i might be called demeaning things or people trying to shame me for it but i just think about a time a man approaches a woman in an elevator gets turned down and the next day there are news articles about how men shouldn't make women uncomfortable and that conferences need to make an effort to make safe spaces for women men are shamed for their sexuality and no one gives a duck a man who is unhappy in a relationship because he doesn't get to have sex as often as he would like gets to hear how no one owes you six up and down he's seen as a piece of it for even considering leaving the relationship for it but if i am unhappy in a relationship for any reason people will happily back me or take my side including if it is about six while there are people who will shame women and their sexuality there are just as many people who will try to empower women for being sexual men now you're all pigs potential rapists creeps and predators the double standard with parenthood this is going into the so root and relates to hookups a woman gets pregnant and doesn't want to have a baby she can get an abortion she can give the child up for adoption and in some states she can do the adoption route or even abandonment without the man's permission and a woman who gets an abortion or adoption well her body her choice but what about the man a woman gets pregnant and he doesn't want to have the baby he is a deadbeat if she keeps the baby your money is tied to her and the child for years and you're a deadbeat for even considering anything different not only that but if a man doesn't want to support a kid then don't have six is often said in discussions about this even though the same ducking line is used against women by pro-lifers it's a growth double standard and a dangerous one making six and relationships more tricky for men it doesn't help that women have a huge variety of contraceptive options available to them and men only have one that isn't permanent marriage is tricky for men with how easy it is for a woman to leave a marriage and claim a bunch of assets sometimes get alimony and take the children why are men risking marriage yes not every marriage is so clear-cut and sometimes the woman is making sacrifices herself which could make it difficult for her to get back onto her feet after a divorce but come on women on helpless delicate flowers anymore women aren't solely reliant on their husbands and will be devastated after a divorce at least not in the united states i acknowledge this as someone who is married to a man lack of support for those who end up in abusive relationships abuse can come from either six men can be raped and abused too but there are so few options out there for men who need help in addition to people often saying or joking about how he probably deserved it or that he's being weak eater since apparently i need to make it clear yes i am female i was born female i'm not a trans woman even though i have commented in trans subreddits it's weird to me that some of you find it hard to believe that a woman could be behind this response but hey now you know why i use assume i'm not though having people assuming i'm a trans woman is a new one for me being arrested for defending myself against an abusive partner imagine pretty much being invisible you get your self-worth from how well you perform at work perform good and you're okay day-to-day start performing bad and you want to kill yourself because your only interaction with people now is negative nobody cares about you nobody messages you and when someone calls they want something from you now i don't mind helping but damn call me up for a beer or some camping too sometime the hardest part is when it only is family your friends are gone so you always answer for family because it's what you do but it's always hey man how was your memorial day if even asked hey kylie is moving this weekend to college and we'd like to try and get it done in one shot are you busy saturday oh you work well okay are you free sunday cool well can you come sunday then we'd love to see you we miss you so much you never come out and see us and you agree because you don't go see them because they all get together on saturdays while you work so now you feel bad for working and you now lose your day off from being bossed around and unpaid by people who always invite you to it that happens on saturday then make you feel bad about it so now you're the [ __ ] while all of this happens while you're carrying the 1200 pound bowflex that hasn't been used in the family for five years up five flights of stairs none of these people wished you happy birthday last year edit well i live in idaho seems like i have some friends that would like to drink beer and go camping hmu i'll bring meat and fire let's get drunk then tomorrow on our way out pick up some trash left over at other camps because we pack in pack out i would be terrified of mighty getting stuck in a zipper i thought this article hit some of the highlights crossing the divide do men really have it easier here are some excerpts i emphasized the parts that leaped out at me except more than tristan cotton 50 barkley california more than more than a couple of years after my transition i had a grad student i'd been mentoring she started coming on to me stalking me sending me emails and texts my advisor and the deans are both women so laughed it off more than or then it went on for the better part of a year and that was the year that i was going up for tenure it was a very scary time i felt very worried that if the student felt i was not returning her attention she would claim that i had assaulted her more than more than i felt like as a guy i was not taken seriously i had experienced harassment as a female person at another university and they had reacted immediately sending a police escort with me to and from campus i felt like if i had still been in my old body i would have gotten a lot more support or than more than xander cake 52 san diego california more than prior to my transition i was an outspoken radical feminist i spoke up often loudly and with confidence i was encouraged to speak up i was given awards for my efforts literally so it was like oh yeah speak up speak out more than when i speak up now i am often given the direct or indirect message that i am mansplaining taking up too much space or asserting my white male heterosexual privilege more than more than i do notice that some women do expect me to acquiesce or concede to them more now let them speak first let them board the bus first let them sit down first and so on or then more than what continues to strike me is the significant reduction in friendliness and kindness now extended to me in public spaces more than more than it now feels as though i am on my own no one outside of family and close friends is paying any attention to my well-being more than all than i can recall a moment where this difference hit home a couple of years into my medical gender transition i was traveling on a public bus early one weekend morning there were six people on the bus including me more than more than one was a woman she was talking on a mobile phone very loudly and remarked that men are such are sore holes mortani immediately looked up at her and then around at the other men not one had lifted his head to look at the woman or anyone else more than more than the woman saw me look at her and then commented to the person she was speaking with about some assault hole on the bus right now looking at me mortani was stunned because i recall being in similar situations but in the reverse many times more than more than a man would say or do something deemed obnoxious or offensive and i would find solidarity with the women around me as we made eye contact rolled our eyes and maybe even commented out loud on the situation i'm not sure i understand why the men did not respond but it made a lasting impression on me more than more than chris edwards 49 boston massachusetts more than more than the hormones made me more impatient i had lots of female friends and one of the qualities they loved about me was that i was a great listener more than more than after being on testosterone they informed me that my listening skills weren't what they used to be more than more than here's an example i'm driving with one of my best friends beth and i ask her is your sister meeting us for dinner 10 minutes later she's still talking and i still have no idea if her sister is coming more than more than so finally i couldn't take it anymore and i snapped and said is she coming or not videos raising cane exploring the inner lives of america's boys this is a documentary excerpt of description more than this two-hour documentary provides surprising new research about boys inner workings dispelling a number of commonly held misconceptions and highlights innovative programs that are bringing out the best in boys self-made man one woman's year disguised as a man also a book podcasts the lonely american man this american life 220 testosterone this podcast was fantastic articles are women more emotionally intelligent than men redditer to redditer male mentorship and social media men have no friends and women bear the burden warning to guys the first half of the article can be rage inducing because it's like it's saying even when men are suffering women are still the bigger victims if you want to skip that on that article page do a control plus f for scott shepard and start reading from there how men are forming men's support groups books deep secrets boys friendships and the crisis of connection by nia b way why men are the way they are by dr warren farrell raising kane protecting the emotional life of boys by dan kindling and michael thompson basis for the documentary i linked to above a few more disclaimer i don't necessarily agree with the conclusions but the articles did give food for thought a cold war fought by women excerpt more than stigmatizing female promiscuity so aka slut-shaming cell has often been blamed on men who have a darwinian incentive to discourage their spouses from straying more than dr alan court said the experiment and other research suggests the stigma is enforced mainly by women more than sex is coveted by men he said accordingly women limit access as a way of maintaining advantage in the negotiation of this resource women who make six too readily available compromise the power holding position of a group which is why many women are particularly intolerant of women who are or seem to be promiscuous scientific american men and women can't be just friends except more than as a result men consistently overestimated the level of attraction felt by their female friends and women consistently underestimated the level of attraction felt by their male friends then lose their minds speaking to pretty women except more than psychologists at radboud university in the netherlands carried out the study after one of them was so struck on impressing an attractive woman he had never met before that he could not remember his address when she asked him where he lived more than psychologist dr george fieldman a member of the british psychological society said the findings reflect the fact that men are programmed to think about ways to pass on their genes more than when a man meets a pretty woman he is what we call reproductively focused the phenomenon of mate copying and how it affects our romantic choices except more than more than due to this asymmetry mate copying is more common among females than males in studies where women are asked to rate the attractiveness of photographs of men posed with a female partner versus alone men pictured with a partner are generally considered more attractive more than more than this finding has been replicated when participants view speed dating footage controlling four individual characteristics men perceived to be more successful at the process were favored over those that were not two more than more than a caveat to these findings is that mate copying appears to only occur if the male's previous female partner is considered attractive in other words men are considered more attractive only if their previous partner is regarded as beautiful more than more than in socially monogamous societies most men will become partnered at some point a man with a highly physically attractive partner may have something desirable that a man with a less physically attractive partner does not if only gender differences and sexual regret except more than the three biggest regrets of women were in descending order losing their virginity with the wrong partner cheating on a partner and letting relationships progress to six too quickly more than more than the three most common male regrets were being too shy to indicate sexual attraction to someone not being sexually adventurous enough in their youth and not being adventurous enough during their single days or then more than surprisingly one of the common regrets among women related to having sex with a non-attractive partner more than more than a partner's physical attractiveness is commonly thought of as a male preoccupation but apparently when it comes to casual sex women tend to raise the attractiveness bar for agreement more than more than i'll have a one-night stand with someone but only if he looks like george clooney while men tend to lower it it's just a one-nighter who cares if she looks like george clooney the constant insecurity of whether you're man enough being in a crowded urinal everyone has the dece out standing next to each other like what the duck just makes stalls why have them in the open edit okay i wanna be clear i actually don't stare at each other d so that you stand next together unless necessary i meant that going at a crowded place and needing to peeing and just try to look straight forward and ignore the dudes near you to everyone who thinks it has something to do with our dece balls i promise we have much bigger problems than our nut sacks sticking to our thighs we're increasingly assumed to be predators apparently we have a suicide rate that is through the roof compared to women we have a harder time getting custody and divorces because it's assumed that women are the obvious caretakers by default increasingly there's tons of stuff about girl pride but little boys are pretty well screwed if they try to be proud of being a boy i'll gladly take some ball sweat if all that other stuff will go away feeling uncomfortable or shamed for showing your emotions it's a sad truth but since the dawn of time men have been encouraged to live up to the expectations of having to be tough or being a rock for the family as a woman i think we feel more comfortable crying and expressing our sadness men get sad too and it's about time they feel free to express it as easily as women do i would think it would be being expected to do all the heavy lifting to me as a 64 year old woman i do my best to move things on my own if i must ask for help i make sure my helpers are well compensated with cold tasty beverages and snacks food just because you're a male doesn't mean it's your legacy to be a physical workhorse emotional and availability of others as a woman i definitely face a lot of hardships that men don't have to deal with but when i'm at my point of breaking sobbing and inconsolable i know i can message one of my friends usually one of the girls and cry and itch to them about it and they will listen to me and really connect with me they will tell me how it either person who did that is how difficult it must be to deal with how strong i am for persevering in the face of adversity on the other hand i've spent my life trying to be a non-judgmental source of venting for my male friends and i've found that basically everyone who i'm like that with ends up either thinking i'm into them romantically or expressing how grateful they are for something they get so little of guys are told to just suck it up and push their emotions down and i think it is harmful to all of us most women think there's nothing wrong with being abusive and cruel with men it's so upsetting watching women treat men like absolute it to top it off men are expected to still act like a gentleman and also they're not allowed to feel vulnerable but to feel sad angry because some lady was just a little sassy when in reality she was being abusive piece of it edit i'm a woman not a heartbroken dude thanks for your concern lol also it has come to my attention that i didn't get my point across very well by most women i mean most women i know i don't claim to know what most women think i'm just talking from my experience i've also been cruel to men it's just too ingrained in our culture that being mean to men is acceptable it isn't we cannot expect to have an equal society if we don't treat men respect tolerance and kindness thinking that you can treat men like it just because their men is sexist and we shouldn't tolerate it we are responsible for creating the world we want to live in hope i explained myself better have a nice day less than three this is probably the most interesting women of ridic post i've seen yet your balls sticking to your leg in the summertime not being able to show emotions as much i'm a very emotional person i wouldn't even be able to handle it let men cry let men be outwardly excited about things let men have emotional freedom edit what i mean by emotional freedom is to express emotions in a way that is comfortable to you there isn't a correct way to express emotions but there is an incorrect way don't bottle up your feelings and don't let people make you feel bad for being emotional having a higher suicide rate but oppression and other mental illnesses being pretty taboo edit as many have pointed out women attempt suicide more often but i feel the point still stands edit 2 i now know that women attempt suicide more because they are less successful thank you for the insight [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 14,445
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: FKFtmeEXXl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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