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how many different brands of lube do you own what Lube Lube hasn't like like oh I mean I have like engine oil or oh look that kind lubricant oh I see um I I don't get uh play I took too many talking about take some more but I just took PL and I don't know what I feel my experience with men is little to non-existent I grew up in a traditional Indonesian Muslim household so that whole no sex before marriage thing has stuck with me through and through so I was a sexual health researcher for many years and I actually left that to start coaching for the last eight years I have been focused every single day on helping men to get better in bed and to become more confident and overcome those issues I want to say that in my own personal life I think that I have been a really poor judge of penis size I'm going to be looking for confidence I think there's a lot of factors that people don't look into but we'll see I could be wrong I'm going to be looking for nose size cuz that's one of the only Biometrics that's actually uh correlated to penis size that you can see from outside and then yeah I think I'm going to be just looking for how they carry themselves I definitely need them to walk for me though like I need a catwalk to just to make sure I see what's going on are you going to smell them I feel like you might I don't I don't know I need to [Laughter] can I just say you guys are all so brave absolutely thank you guys for being here we are here to rank you but we're not here to judge you based on Worth or attractiveness or anything that is related to your value as men or as [Music] lovers I really want you guys to walk for me a strut for us oh this is a confident walk oh oh period okay that a confident walk okay thank you oh okay okay but he came in with the most confidence he gave us a hey ladies oh you got the cool walk huh it's the boots it's the boo he also has a big nose okay okay oh yeah he's ready to model ah look at the hand in pocket reserved but he was do M cuz it's heavy because it's heavy that's right I get that yeah yeah oh oh okay yeah it's it's it's big it's big and W let's keep him there for right now you're on that I feel like you really came in hot I feel like I would put you at number four four yeah just like the confid I don't know if it was just cuz you know I just it was really giving it was really doing great um this is hard can you guys put your hands out oh thank you okay okay I the your Nam giving nail B I love this okay oh these shoes sizes you definitely have the biggest we already know that that's not correlation but I feel like we should just note it I want to move actually both of them a little bit higher yeah I want to move khaki jacket with the black shirt yeah I want to move you down I would switch YouTube yeah I would switch you two oh yeah absolutely yeah I feel like you guys have to switch cuz it was like kind of a stiff walk how are we feeling about pink period I think he's he's at the top not at the top but somewhere at the top two three and four I feel like I might reorder maybe we should just switch him in green I don't know I feel like because he's so nonchalant right now he's like he's like I'm actually bigger but y'all really playing me right now do you want to switch this TOS up I don't know I make I maybe okay you can move there I think I'm am as confident as you can be [Music] yeah okay so I want to know how important you think foreplay is or how important for you with your lovers is foreplay um my D is is very important aspect you know like of of of of intercourse you know you know what I'm saying you know you want to get to know each other you wanted to feel comfortable around each other things like that so like so you guys are willing to experiment with with probably other things like whipped cream or or whatever and and just you know like and then and then once you guys feel comfortable you know you got go to the front with Kareem oh my goodness uh for PL huh yeah I I uh enjoy for playay field play is a great way to get to know someone to see how they think what they like their preferences and I think um yeah I like uh gam play like I carry a suitcase of board games with me wherever I go and uh you know I love video games so I I enjoy all sorts of play I like to see how people have fun and how they laugh sh you might need to move down do you want to switch them Dar shy need to move absolutely shy you just be lying you have me a whipped cream I was like I don't know where this answerers going and then he was like but also whipped cream like all right you know if my partner is comfortable and in the mood like it puts you know everyone in mood and if they're comfortable I'm comfortable I think that's the best way glasses fogging up so he gets steamy with it I oh sorry give me a second my glasses Fu good too when I you got to see what you're doing I think it's extremely important you don't want your lover to feel like it's a transactional sort of relationship and it's like the most fun part too I would switch Israel and Darius I agree hi what's up I'm Nolan I'm Darius I think it's like the basis of making love like feeling each other out knowing what like you're into and like you get you hit that perfect spot you know like where you could keep going where like they comfortable with I think it's very important Xander he couldn't really like it was and I'm just like okay so you don't really care yeah I think I think foreplay is huge you know I think it can actually strengthen like the bond between two people because it's like you're learning more about each other I would say for sure foreplay is important to me cuz my number one like love language is physical touch so I would say for sure I like kissing all the Jazz but I love foreplay that wasn't really about how important it is for his lover though oh I feel like maybe Andrew should go down a little bit maybe down a third I would move Darius up another one the whipped cream really yeah yeah you really got that man you really thr fun the bottle now we here that was fire what kind of car do you guys drive I drive a Camry got a CRV I got a Volkswagen J got got Toyota Prius you know like you know it help save Zone G and also it's just you know like I feel like the car speak for me you know speak for me you know like it's just it's a good car environmentally conscious bro exactly that counts for a lot I have the stereotypical um lesbian mobile I have a subar Outback it's red uh I dve a Dodge Charger okay zand period it was it was handed down to me so like you don't got to play it off we know we know it's heavy it's heavy Volkswagen jeda these the car pancers have completely screwed me up and now I feel like this is all wrong from what I've heard the bigger the wing on the car the smaller the based off of what my friends have told me raise your hand if you exercise three times a week or more wow okay I know I want to shuffle I want to shuffle the two of you I want to search the two of you do you have a partner no no once put it down for the one time no I do not no no yeah uh situation ship oh go to the front to the front cuz you playing with that girl's feelings like absolutely she's crying right now no she's like this is worth the weit babe I don't need you to be my boyfriend just keep giving it to me was the question if you're in a relationship yeah uh no single I would have Andrew as one and then Darius two so them two just switch like that oh like all the way yeah oh period no I don't like the Toby switch with Xander it's been a while it's been a see I feel like noan and Toby are like like not saying too much but they're saying enough to let you know what they got going on I want to switch Toby and Nolan I just I don't feel like Toby need to be going down this far how many different brands of lube do you own what I already know just one zero l l like like oh I mean I have like engine oil oh that kind lubricant oh I see um I I don't get uh L you can say zero yeah zero zero you can say zero I feel like mostly straight individuals don't use lube and I think I was the only gay one so like obviously I use it but I don't think everyone else uses it I don't think it has anything to do with your dick side none I usually don't but I have like 12 right now because my roommates and I went to the pride parade and they're just throwing those shits out boom boom boom boom pocket it all of them okay but usually zero usually zero uh lubricated condoms um lubrication none cuz you don't need it you just be getting them that wet I understand I get it I get it it doesn't work like that okay Andrew I have one nice I think it was really important to get to know them because it's really not just about the sizes about everything about them and that's what I do my gauging from is like your personality what do you choose to do how do you spend your time do you guys think that you make your partner finish every time or how big are you about caring about that most of the time yeah and I'd like to think they're honest with me but I know sometimes they might not be so you know but you know some guys with big dicks are awful lovers because they're just like well I'm packing this I don't really need to try I mean I try to focus on the person I'm with more cuz that's want make sure that they're enjoying my company and that they're satisfied I think it depends on the person I think sexual chemistry is like with different with like different people like may feel different so with some people I would say yes with some people no honesty it was honest yeah it was real I would say the people I'm still in contact with I've gotten good reviews I mean I think it's important but but I think it's sometimes not every time Darius every time huh I mean you can say that oh yeah move up the ranks Darius go to one go to one Darius Darius trying to be humble I y'all sleeping on darus I I I would like to say you know like um sat satisfying your partner is is just as important as you being satisfied you know you know what I'm saying maybe even more period Andre I would say it depends on the time so me and my partner are very both versatile so it depends on the time and the experience if your last sexual partner were in this room right now how how would they describe their experience with you I'll say the previous relationship she would be uh she was always like initiate it to always be like like what are you doing even like if I'm working so I assume she was pretty much satisfied every time she initiated every time no not every time but she would like hit me up and like oh so she missed it like oh you should go number two oh my goodness situationship and all just go to two like what kind of underwear what's your typ like your cut of underwear briefs boxers boxer briefs no underwear basy bosu or boso briefs boxer brief I like chck trps uh just like I guess like workout underwear just like the tight ones oh like the compression ones yeah let's move Toby and Nolan switch back compression underw but I also think Shai is really giving us that look like y really playing with me right now uh oh uh I do more ties so boxers briefs Toby should go a little higher but then I'm like Andrew I know you got it going on like let's switch Toby and Andrew I'm okay with that I feel like Nolan should go up switching up what does masculinity mean to you like we all ad do that we I'm be sure like majority of society have we taught that masculinity is you know be tough you know like don't cry don't things like that but like but the way I perceive masculinity is that you know you're like you're a man that you're not you're not afraid to be who you are like there are good mascul masculinity and they're are toxic Mas masculinity and know I think I think we have to do our best not not to get our masculinity to be in a toxic side I feel like masculinity and feminity are I mean there are like constructs of like how Society determines what makes a man what makes a woman and it goes beyond like our genital our physical appearances I feel generally just traits that any human regardless of masculine or feminine should have is just being kind and compassionate and empathetic I don't think it matters at the end of the day like whatever it means to that person is what it means but for me it means being mentally strong and emotionally strong doesn't necessarily need to come out as physical for me I like to work out it makes me feel good mentally healthy and all that but it just means knowing yourself knowing what you want to do and allowing yourself the grace to make mistakes and learn who you are and then eventually if you want to start a family provide and protect for them but do whatever you want to do have fun I think masculinity too is like a spectrum just like gender so like it doesn't necessarily relate to the gender I think it's just kind of a way that your culture shapes you yeah cuz I grew up in a Hispanic household so they're like we want our men to be like very Macho men and everything like that and like I try to stay away for that because that to me is like more leaning towards like tosing masculinity not saying that just cuz you're a Macha man that means like a bad thing but they tend to like at least in Hispanic culture they tend to go in that way I feel like Andrew is third and then I'm like sh I finally gave like a serious answer for like once so I feel like you also might be high Andrew let's have you moved to thir yeah I think you're third do you guys think the stereotypes surrounding like sizes about like whether that's like your height your your your ethnicity like do you guys think that actually does play a part like do certain stereotypes as men like do you guys believe that there are C stereotypes that are true or not no I say so I mean sort of like yeah there is a spectrum a normal distribution of sizes that do that have some correlation with like ethnicities perhaps but beyond it all it's um yeah it's a spectrum there are outliers people who are in different personen tiles like I've got two pictures of uh penises engraved my mind and and one of them is mine and my grandpa's pause no no no let him cook let him finish let well it's kind of burnning in my head because like you know my grandpa passed away on the toilet there wasn't enough time to put clothes on him so when I had to do a CPR on him like it was like right there hanging hanging and I would say like I don't know jeans play much po play because uh I'd say there was a disparity between his and mine and um yeah I got said the whole time when I was doing I'm like uh yeah we're pretty different he's my grandpa all right anyway uh I'm going to pass a shovel to the next person to dig themselves in the hole I'm going to stop talking right now I I think there definitely is a worldwide average when it comes to like ethnicities but based on like a medical background more like in local areas like I know people that are packing that like I wouldn't assume they were and I know people that have like something small and I wouldn't expect that either so I think it's definitely there's definitely stereotypes that don't exist as much anymore you care what you again and you don't throw a fit okay um as someone who is one of the only people that has been with men over here um I would say that um it kind of stereotypes most of the time would say 70% are right but there's always outliers so you never know do you guys feel like your sides in any way contributes to who you guys are as a person I mean when you walk around the room people don't look at your penises they're looking at how you communicate and talk to them speak for yourself oh Nolan said not me Nolan you can go number right there go before Toby cuz he said he said I can't relate feel like Shai needs to move okay I would say though like big dick energy is real like you can tell if someone has a big dick when they walk into like the room so yeah and go to go to two Andrew have you ever slept with someone on the first date [Music] damn what do you consider day a date date oh a date what who noan what were you on I think Nolan should go third really yeah just based off he couldn't even process question I about to put him in number two actually at the bottom yeah he looks shocked what I didn't what's happening I don't know he's giving like Kim and to Swit toia noan yeah switch to Toby and isn't he back to where he was oh no no no that's no switch with Xander let's Xander let's have you move to number three and Nolan and Toby just moved down one that feels better to me no I think we should lock it in I think it's good yeah I'm good with it I think that it was a very good experience kind of sharing this stage with everybody and just being honest and open about it because if we can't then we're just going to keep perpetuating this insecurity through our Bloodlines and our generations and our uh society and it needs to stop now and I'm going to stop and I'm running for president for 2024 running on the Dick issue pus isue some men who are screaming bde I guess you could say more than others I think I would rank Israel higher which would be interesting cuz we put him last yeah I kept looking at his nose and being like he had a bigger I feel like he might be girthier like I feel like he might have like the thickness going on he's definitely given that but could be a stereotype yeah I mean I think that was difficult too I was trying not to make too many inferences and just listen to what their answers were but I also am not confident at all that we had anything [Music] right I'm sizing yall up I'm sizing yall up okay what you're saying height has a correlation maybe maybe not what about height who's the tallest here that's you huh I'm 6'1 you're 6'1 I'm 6 foot you got me me you passed a Tinder check right there do we think height does correlate you could be a tall as a basketball player and and don't have you know I think something like facial hair I think something like facial hair yeah like you3 like testosterone you know course through the vein all right let's start with facial hair like you you and the with the hoodie like you got a nice full beard going on I think yeah yeah start to kind of get the ball okay hey to metagame it I feel like they're trying to also represent the shorter penis people so I feel like like there's also a micro penis Among Us so maybe so maybe y'all two can go go over here or something who you pointing out Who you calling out Who you calling up bro projecting I suppos you how about that I I don't think you should be I feel as if I'm proportional I think you got to come over here yeah yeah either next to me or next to you car yourself rock paper scissors we'll just do rock paper scissors I did it too early I say I say you go I think I think you go no no you yeah I think you be at least in the middle no no I'm too go wait no I'm too kind y' I'm too it's going to be okay it's going to be okay let it out let it out let it out I think the stereotype you know wouldn't go to you know like basically when it come to ethnicity you know like they'll know they you know African-Americans are more well hung if you're saying that then I think you got to move up man but where go to number one get over there what if it just me and you just all the way over there do it white guys in the middle yeah my guys in the middle baby where was I no you up there yeah second second okay all right I think he maybe you should go like second I think you should I think you should pass me I think once again like facial hair like that testosterone kind of thing I think you should actually go number one I think you should be number one number one yeah yeah wait actually I got asked no do you feel comfortable being right here you know at the end of the day I'm a humble guy I like my coffee cold and I like my penis in the middle I really had a fun time just hang out with dudes and because I never really experienced that locker room talk that guys talk about and I mean we're just joking around we didn't like devaluate anyone's insecurities we all did kind of just try to Hype each other up and I think that's what a lot of guys are missing is the affirmation so last time I was on Jubilee I was like very confident with my raking so I really wanted to be quiet today CU I wasn't the best but I would say pretty confident with this one I would say right in the middle can move me up it's fine no yeah let's I think we should switch actually oh really that worked holy [ __ ] that worked okay hell yeah is that okay are we okay with that actually I want to I want to ask you about like the queer experience because even you know oh you're you're gay right like they have their own like spectrum of like serere test for penis sizes cuz uh like one of my gay friends told me like the perfect size is like 4 Ines so I feel over time gay people genetically have like MTO towards like gearing towards that perfect sizes cuz that's the where that's the space where the the the spawn anal is it right mhm you at the very end I think you're going to be a surprise one I think I think you're going to I think you're going to shock the people I don't think you belong I think you're overthinking that one no you you don't have a say though we have to change you I'm I'm have to agree you're a little too quiet you might have to move up just like one I think yeah just move up one all right [Music] in number seven we have Israel in number six we have Nolan in number five we have Andrew [Laughter] what in number four we have chai [Laughter] three we have Darius Darius I'm still in the top three oh you're right you're right my fault my fault said it gets big and number two we have Xander and number one we have to 1 in 2.5 in 3 in 3.2 in 4 in four and a half inches six and a half inches dang kobby this is the moment we have all been waiting for here we go we're going to reveal the smallest to the biggest penis in seventh place in our smallest slot we have chai oh I guess that's a that's a sh okay so so that makes me a Shore huh man Israel all right we were right about the last we were right about six and seven we haveand wow Cinder that's job it was also were way wrong no I think you were right yeah in number four we have Nolan period Nolan I think we were right we were right right yeah I told y'all I knew y'all were my top three and number three we have Andrew period I knew it good job Andrew it was up there in number two we have Toby Darius [Applause] darus I did not I did not see that com Darius is my man number one we have Darius no absolutely honestly I was not expecting Darius to pull through with that yeah good good looks good looks well well well you know like I'm just you know a sensitive guy you know like and I'm just you know I'm just like I'm just I'm just a guy who just trying to find his way in the world you know like try and try and try to do good in the world and and hopefully and hopefully I can meet somebody you know like who I can share that with and my and my penis size five Ines oh nice see that five in 6 in hey nice 6 in 6.5 in oh now it's three 7 in you know I'm going to say it with confidence 8 in heavy 8.2 Dam I was definitely surpris that I was the biggest I have Asbergers so I would never like the confident guy so like so most people would most people wouldn't know that I'm [Music] packing like you genuinely can't tell just by looking at a man so I have to go back into my group chat and let all my gires know that they're wrong even at 5 in that's a great size like I literally like it doesn't really matter it's like what you put into the person that you're messing with so it's like the foreplay everything else that comes with it so I mean like we can't all be darus but like y especially with the whipped cream I'm like damn but I think that we unfortunately reinforced some stereotypes today uh I think that was that's not something that I was hoping would happen so I'm a little sad about that um we also have a really unrepresentative average here you know average penis size is like 4 and half to 5 and 1/2 in obviously men self- select studies are really flawed because when you have men self-report they tend to uh lie or exaggerate their size hopefully through our questions and answered people that were guessing along at home were surprised like hopefully we illuminated how your job your life satisfaction your relationships even the Lube in your drawer or lack of lube uh doesn't indicate anything about your size I would say it's the size idy like they think it's like portrayed that we should have bigger dicks but then if you look at like talk to gay individuals or women like the size doesn't really necessarily matter it might be more enjoyable if it's smaller so I don't think it necessarily matters the size if you ask your partner at all a lot of Partners prefer girth to length actually for women in particular a penis that is very long can be very painful because we have a cervix our vaginas are like a culdesac right they have an end so if you have a larger penis you have to do more foreplay you have to get her a lot more turned on in order for sex Not to cause pain and discomfort so sometimes we have this idea that like bigger is better and it's just not it really comes down to individual preferences and one of my favorite studies and this is done with heterosexual women they put dildos in front of women of various sizes and then they had the women choose which one was their preferred size both for a partner and for a one night stand and when it came to partner they chose average and slightly larger than average and for one night stand they chose about one size larger than average so really in truth when when given you know objective data right like literal like holding them in their hands choices women choose average so there's not an advantage to having a larger penis it really comes down to individual preference and you can have confidence and feel great about yourself at any size for me I was always like the class clown and I was a big Late Bloomer in terms of like losing my virginity with my friend group so I always felt this sort of pressure and that just kind of perpetually made it harder and harder to be comfortable and actually go after that and then once it actually happened I remember just being in my head so much the entire time about is this okay is this enough like and I think that this is letting us know that it's all okay mhm cuz we all were brave enough to come on here and do this come on right there touch my tip bro and I think um this helps break down the stigma that it's just it's just a cucumber at the end of the day period it's all about the testicles at the end of the day it's all about the balls y
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 759,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Odd One Out, Game Show, Dating Show, Nectar, Ask Me Anything, Gen Z, Millennial, loveprint, jason y lee, ranking, women rank, women rank men, ranking men, jubilee ranking, ranking body, ranking size
Id: Gs1a1akH_G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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