Women of Grace with Johnnette Williams - January 26, 2022 - Wacky Wednesday

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very often it is your questions and comments that kind of set the direction for the program today so we always welcome you to call us here let me give you that toll-free number we've got michael mccall on the phones today be sure to give him a big old howdy hey when you do call in that toll-free number for you right here in north america is eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six we always invite you to call in early so that we can get your question or comment if you call in at the last minute oh dear me we typically run out of time so don't delay call right away as i like to say right here on women of grace live toll free number again 833 288 ewtn jeff person who is our producer and social media manager will retrieve your questions if you put them in the chat feature at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page so if you're in social media land right now we welcome you be sure to participate the chat feature is the way that you can do that well you know today is wednesday and on wednesdays we have sue brinkman with us we talk about wacky things it's our opportunity to address some of the issues that come up as a result of false spiritualities and some of the new age trends and health alternatives that we see out there in the world today so if you have any questions along those lines that's what we're looking for on wednesdays we kind of i have this little picture in my mind with sue and i and and we're we're fishing and we're throwing our you know our our uh our line into the water there and we're hoping for a bite of a fish on this topic and i know that you have a question so maybe you are that fish and you know when you do call in and you share your question with us we know that so many other people have that very same question so you participate in this great effort of evangelization that we do right here on ewtn radio again that toll-free number for you eight three three two eight eight ewtn well listen before we get to uh the main content of the program today which is going to have to do with the new age and our guest sue bringman i just want to remind you that all kinds of things are happening at women of grace and i want you to get out to our website womenofgrace.com and see what is going on let me mention this to you first of all we have a novena for marriage that is going on we do these novenas specifically for various kinds of important intentions through the course of the year and this one as we look at the fact that valentine's day is not all that far in the distant future this one is specifically for marriages so we want to invite you to sign up and participate in our novena for marriage the information is available for you right there at womenofgrace.com you can enroll your spouse or your family members any special intentions that you might have for your marriage uh if your marriage is going through a particularly beautiful period you can offer the novena in thanksgiving for that uh thanking god for all of the graces that you've received through your years if you're having you know one of those dry spells in a marriage this is an opportunity too to ask god to fertilize those matrimonial graces with his own holy spirit during this time if you have a child who is married and that marriage is suffering then this is a perfect opportunity for you and you know here we are and marriage and family under such attack uh in our culture today throughout western civilization really we always can have that as an intention so we're inviting you to join us for our novena of masses for marriage family and the domestic church get on out there to our website and sign up for that now on february the 12th from 9am to 4pm my husband jack williams and i will be conducting a marriage online retreat i love the topic falling in love and staying there you know what does that mean how do you fall in love what's that all about and how do you stay in love and we're going to be talking about some of these key realities that attend to the married state in this beautiful retreat 9 a.m to 4 p.m it'll be an interactive retreat we'll have an opportunity for you to ask questions for you to state them in addition to that we'll have activities that you and your spouse will participate in through the course of the day so it's not from 9 a.m to 4 p.m constant talking it isn't like that at all it's going to be a beautiful opportunity to really um work together and i use that word work in the sense of a of a camaraderie of desire and faith and love work together on on entering more deeply into those graces that you received at the moment of your matrimony and learning how to mine those graces and apply them to the various issues and situations that develop throughout the life of a marriage so we're certainly asking you to sign up and join us for this beautiful valentine's online marriage retreat in anticipation of february the 14th this particular marriage retreat is february 12th it's a saturday 9 a.m to 4 p.m you'll have time as i mentioned throughout the course of that that period to interact with each other as well as to interact with all of the people that are out there with us and jack and myself as well we will give you some tidbits and some insights that we've learned through the years and hopefully they'll be of great service to you and i'm expecting that you're going to be sharing back tidbits so it's a beautiful opportunity for us to set this time apart for our vocation to the married state so please get out there check it out all of the information is available for you right there simply click on the slideshow that that features it or right there on the home page underneath on upcoming events it's going to take you to a landing page and you will be able to register right online you'll get a little bit more insight about the day because the marriage retreat schedule is up there and you will get to read a little bit about me and a little bit about jack and we're looking forward to spending that day with you i hope you will spend it with us so get on out there to women of grace.com take a peek see what's going on there and uh be aware of the fact that we are looking forward to spending uh that day with you i think you're going to find it to be very valuable for you and uh and i know it'll be valuable for jack and myself that's one thing about presenting these days you know usually the presenters i think that we leave with with sometimes a little bit more even than the participants so but we are participants with you in this beautiful opportunity so please do check it out want to let you know also that on february 1st women of grace foundational study will be featured online so there's an online study that is beginning february 1st for nine weeks you can sign up for that right online we have been absolutely amazed and edified by the number of women who have participated in the online studies and let me tell you we're pulling women in from all over the world it's been amazing for us to see this taking place in this happening we've had women certainly from europe but we've had women that have been in south america that have joined us for these online events uh these online studies and we want you to join us too so this is beginning february 1st it's the online full of grace women in the abundant life study tuesday evenings this is our foundational study you can join from home we're encouraging you to do so because we want you to be transformed for such a time as this we're living in contentious times if you haven't noticed and we don't want these times to be the defining factor of our life what we want to do is to be divine definers of this moment and we find out how that can happen through this beautiful online study so i'm inviting you especially to join up and don't forget about that marriage retreat that is coming up february the 12th as i said there's all kinds of good things that are going on we're going to be in harrisburg in april i mean you just have to get out to the homepage and read about it looking forward to seeing you somewhere along the way even if it's via skype or via zoom or however we communicate gonna be right back stay tuned from an early age st thomas aquinas contemplated the deeper mysteries of the universe he is a patron saint of catholic colleges universities and schools ewtn takes you to the basilica of the national shrine of the immaculate conception in washington dc as the catholic university of america honors saint thomas aquinas on his feast day the patronal mass in honor of saint thomas aquinas thursday at 12 10 pm eastern on ewtn tv prayer has been so powerful in my communication with god understanding the church better most importantly understanding the lord better and myself better i heard it said once that god answers nemail as in k-n-e-e prayer is powerful one of the favorite things i love to do when it comes to prayer is to ask for the intercession of the great saints try it sometime you'll be very very impressed and surprised by the amazing power of prayer and now the ewtn family prayer with father joseph family a prayer that we pray together is a powerful prayer so please pray together with me our ewtn family prayer [Music] today we pray for those who have diabetes almighty god we worship you our father and we pray this day for those who suffer with diabetes look upon your children with this illness and grant them relief give them patience and the grace of perseverance in taking care of their health show them the way to physical and spiritual well-being let their cry come to your ears and bring them healing and mind and body and soul we ask this in the holy name of jesus your son amen [Music] well you hear that scary music and you know that sue bringman is in the house not that she should be defined by that scary music but our topics always are our topics are defined by it because this is wednesday and on wednesdays sue is with us here she is our new age researcher for women of grace we invite you to get out to our website once again and look at the blog there she's got i mean you know hundreds and hundreds of answers to questions that you have sent in at this point in time you know i think that you could do a study on any one of these new age techniques or any one of these uh new age modalities that is out there just by going out to that blog and we've got quite quite a list of questions that have come into us that we will begin to discuss a little bit today but we really want to hear from you let me give you that number it's toll-free for you right here in north america it's 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 288-3986 pick up the phone give us a call here any question you have on anything wacky that you're seeing out there or if you're just wondering if it is wacky or if there's something the matter with it let us know we will try to resolve it for you 833 288 ewtn also available for you at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page simply use the chat feature there and uh jeff burson who is our social media manager and our producer will retrieve it and get it up on our board call screening today is michael mccall in for matt gabinski please give him a great big old howdy hey when you call in and he'll get your question up here and we'll get you on the air with us well good morning to you sue good morning you sound nice and chipper today well i am nice and chipper today it's a very chipper day here it's very chilly in birmingham it's 28 degrees when we got up this morning it might be 30 now but the sun is out the sky is blue and it's lovely to enjoy this day from inside the house in front of a fire looking at the beautiful day outside yeah that's right don't go out just sit inside and look out the window yeah i catch you bye guys i know i know so you know i know you've got a lot of questions we have jim uh who has sent a question into us via uh social media in rochester new york and jim stay with us we're gonna get to your question but there's one there that just i mean i don't even know what to make of it someone has called in or written in wanting to know a little bit about ventriloquism and if this is a problem so i thought maybe you would want to begin with that one what do you think yeah i did look look into that for her um and and the question was does making one's voice heard someplace else which is what ventriloquists often do have something to do with the occult or physical or is there some physical explanation for that i thought it was actually a good question so i went out there to look this up and it's it's based on this this um uh practice that they have franchise have of throwing your voice um and it is a physical there is this is the physical really explanation for it it's known as the distant effect and it has to do with how the brain deals with sound and it's a trick that professional ventriloquists use in order to make you think that this puppet that's in their lap or standing in front of them or beside them is actually speaking when they're the ones who are doing the speaking so it's it's an illusion is what it is it's an illusion it has nothing to do with the occult okay so this is not a practice that we should be concerned about worried about if our children want to try to do this kind of a thing it's not it's not an issue we don't need to be concerned it's just an illusion and it's just a a little bit of a trick that you learn when you're getting into ventriloquism to help you make it look as if you're you're projecting your voice or the voice is coming from someplace else rather than you so yeah yeah no it's fine it's totally fine yeah it's interesting too how the other senses will lean into that and of course you're talking about the sense of hearing obviously that's the most important one because you're hearing what uh what words the ventriloquist is throwing that makes it seem like it's coming out of the uh you know the the puppet that's on his lap or whatever but you're also looking at that puppet because he's controlling that puppet's mouth etc so you know you you your sight i think lends to the illusion as well as you're hearing right and they play into all of that and that's why it makes it have you ever seen a really good um puppeteer and i'm thinking about the one lamb chop remember lamb chop oh yes oh my gosh she was so good with that she was wonderful with lamb chop and i mean we were of course as kids we were just bedazzled by a lamb chop i mean we didn't want to miss that show it's just you know giving away my age again all right but anyway it's okay but i mean yeah that's really a skill it's a skill that they develop um as they as they continually practice with their with their puppet um and but it doesn't have anything to do with the occult so no but you have to be afraid of that there's nothing devious going on there by the way the puppeteer for lamb chop was sherry lewis yes sherry lewis yes that was the sherry lewis show and she was very good and and of course we see we see these kinds of um you know shows in a vast array of different places we see them on television you can go out to youtube and see them as well but oftentimes you see them in presentations you know in nightclubs and places like that in theaters so we don't need to worry about that and i'm glad to hear about that um and we're looking forward to hearing from you 833 288 ewtn that's 833 2 so we invite you to pick up the phone give us a call here or use the chat feature out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel or facebook page we've got that opportunity for you too michael mccall as i mentioned to you on the phones and jeff berson will retrieve your questions from social media let's get to jim in rochester new york this is an interesting question that he has sent in it is um uh through one of our social media outlets he says um he wanted to know your opinion sue on the mindful catholic by dr gregory batero he needs to know if anything is the matter with this technique and what is said in that book yeah we are not supporters of the mindful catholic there are numerous things in there that that are problematic in that book and in that approach it sounds wonderful when you first read it it's presented to be this you know method aimed at helping you learn how to focus so that you can better focus on god but for this reason i think you know those people who are not very well versed in today's popular practice of mindfulness they would have little reason to suspect anything is wrong with that book however there is a lot wrong with it the popular version of mindfulness is not the concept of mindfulness the concept of mindfulness is fine uh learning how to just you know stop and smell the roses that's the concept of mindfulness you know not being reactive to things you know taking taking time to sit and think and count to ten that's being mindful that's the concept of mindfulness the practice of mindfulness that's going on out here right now is based on what's known as the mbsr or the mindfulness-based stress reduction program which is the brainchild of a practicing buddhist and what he wanted to do was to incorporate his dharma into his scientific work and he came up with this mbsr program and it it incorporates the use of buddhist meditation techniques in order to get into that present moment so you're not just it sounds innocent oh yeah we're just gonna learn how to be in the present moment but what they're doing is they're using buddhist meditation techniques to put you in there and the problem with the mindful catholic is that it doesn't really disclose that and what it does disclose is is abbreviated they dismiss the buddhist roots of it entirely to try to say that it's it's not spiritual at all um that it's been been secularized and and it's funny because john cabot zinn who is the person who created the mbs art he says that it's spiritual so you know he's kind of going against the person who who invented it it is based on the mbsr the mindful catholic that's another problem um he doesn't disclose in there as he's going through the different meditation techniques he never discloses in there that the the techniques that are being taught are buddhist techniques it's breathing space meditation body scan meditation that's not disclosed in there um he doesn't disclose the relevance of the mbsr program to what he's doing there he just says oh yeah it's based on on on the work of john kabat zinn but that's kind of like an understatement it's like describing mother teresa as an albanian nun who loves jesus i mean there's a whole lot more to that story especially because jon kabat-zinn was aware of the fact that people wouldn't like the buddhist roots in there and he actively tried to hide it for many years at least a couple decades he tried to hide that so the other problem too is you know adding christian prayer to easter meditation which is kind of what is done in the mindful catholic we have gotten mail from people about problems in their family with people doing that and then before you know it catholic families rather and and before you know it their loved one has moved completely into the eastern prayer and doesn't want the catholic prayer anymore so you've got to be very careful who your audience is for something like this that's another kind of of a problem that i see with it you can't just throw this stuff out there you don't know where people are spiritually uh you know where where are they in their walk to god and and uh also you know we don't encourage people to come to prayer for relaxation or to help them to focus on the moment we're not that's not what prayer is christian prayer is always a dialogue with god and that's got to be present in there because because of our our way of praying it is based on the primacy of love it's the only prayer tradition of any religion that is based on love it's a love relationship between you and god and that's what leads you to prayer it's not to get relaxed it's not to calm yourself i mean that happens in there but that's not why you go that's not the intention of that prayer and when you start to incorporate these things like what the mindful catholic does is it incorporates buddhist practices with catholic you start to blur the line there and depending on where you are in your spiritual life it's very easy to just slide right into buddhism and to think oh wow i'm just going to do this now because it makes me feel good and we've seen that happen in the past we've seen that happen with centering prayer for example where people end up more buddhist than they are catholic because they have incorporated these techniques of meditation that they have gotten from eastern oriental mysticism and really the church has discredited that even calls it a heresy it's called syncretism so the idea and i don't understand why it is that we feel that we have to go around trying to extract from you know these other cultures and from these other uh you can't even call them a faith tradition buddhism is not a faith tradition per se but extract from from these other ways of of looking at the universe and looking at who god is or who is the governor of the universe why we have to extract that and and put it into our own prayer time when we have so many great saints to lead us and lead us well and i think it's because you know a lot of these kinds of meditation techniques also operate uh both on the physical and the psychological level and they can become one addictive but number two uh they can give us a natural sense like a natural mysticism if you will but it's not based on the holy spirit it's based on the spirit of man or it's based on a demonic spirit so we have to be careful and i just want to recommend to all of you that if you have questions about this sue has written a book on this called a catholic guide to mindfulness a catholic guide to mindfulness and that book is available for you i do believe at ewtn's religious catalog we've got it at women of grace and of course it's available to you through other booksellers out there on the internet so a catholic guide to mindfulness by our own it's become a very big phrase this week our own sue brinkman right so you might want to delve more deeply into that jim from rochester and sue's book will help you to do exactly that two eight 833 ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six so so what do you wanna share with us today what is your topic that uh really has grabbed your heart and you say okay so people need to hear about this now well i don't think people are going to like it but uh oh here we go we have to talk about it um there is going to be the first ever satan conference in scottsdale arizona where they're going to be dragging not dragging uh they're going to be bringing hundreds of satanists into the city of scottsdale arizona for an entire weekend to celebrate satan and all kinds of things about him some of the presentations for this conference are going to be abortion as a religious right and i mean right r-i-t-e abortion as a religious right raising children in a satanic household the history of satan across cultures they're going to sponsor an off-site impurity ball and have this and a satanic marketplace and this event by the way is sold out which is not happy um it's they picked scottsdale because the scottsdale mayor and a council member were very successful in their efforts to prevent the satanic uh temple from delivering an invocation at the city council meeting that's who's sponsoring this by the way satanic the satanic temple and they they were blocked from giving invocations to to council meetings and then that decision was upheld by the eighth circuit court of appeals uh when they and they ruled that that the city was not engaging in unlawful discrimination but the satanic temple didn't like that and they were getting into retaliation and they decided hey we're just gonna we're gonna have a satan conference we're gonna bring all these satanists into scottsdale and i think you know what go ahead and do that because the sa the satanic temple likes to tell everybody oh you know we don't worship satan we're harmless we don't worship satan we're you know it's just like a pre-christian life principle you know and all that baloney the satanic temple has hosted black masses which invoke satan that's what the black mass is all about is invoking satan and and um that's just not true and what's going to happen when they all descend onto scottsdale and you have all of this these horrible presentations and these people floating around that city they're going to expose them for who they truly are and they have to say oh you know it's just a name it's a metaphor um you know it's they just want to promote reasonable agnosticism now it was true they do deny the existence of satan that's what they say and they they say that they denied the whole supernatural um but they claim to embrace his name as a way to embrace rational inquiry and i say to myself you couldn't use somebody else's name you had to use that one you couldn't think of someone else to use and they try to rebrand satan into something he's not thus misrepresenting him to the public leading them toward you know a being that has a long history of hatred and destruction and i mean they've been they're in trouble for their uh after-school satan clubs as well that's a whole other thing that was going on um in moline illinois right now uh the school has allowed an after-school satan club after a parent complained that there was a christian club meeting after school so she wanted to say there should be other viewpoints and contacted the satanic temple so they were right there with their after-school satan club and of course the parents were upset about it i looked at the flyer for this satan club and it's got satan depicted in like a little comic book strip figure it's like this is who you're teaching children satan is it says on the flyer hey kids let's have fun at the after school satan club there's going to be projects and puzzles and games arts and crafts and more you know makes it look like satan's a lot of fun you know these kids are impressionable at that age and yeah go ahead i was just going to say you know just just the very fact that there is a talk that's going to be given talking about abortion being a sacred right r-i-t-e uh you know we know an rite from from our own catholic faith uh this this is this is a religious uh what would we call it a religious event when you talk about a right it's a religious reality and how could they say that there's anything good about this when they're advocating killing children in the womb of a mom and calling it a sacred right something that is holy that is so diabolical it has satan written all over it uh so we should be concerned we should be praying also for the people of scottsdale arizona uh while i hope that that you are right that a lot gets exposed as a result of this also i think that there needs to be a whole lot of protection going on and i'm hoping that there's prayerful people out there that are praying prayers of protection we're going to go to a break coming right back with sue brinkman 833 288 ewtn give us a call we're going to go to the phone lines this is a messy family minute with mike and alicia hernan when you become a parent you start to realize all the new and scary ways in which you can mess up so that's one reason we parents need the virtue of courage it takes courage to not be afraid of the future to trust that god is with you through the ups and the downs and that he is with you in this present moment choosing to not avoid the hard parts of parenting like confronting your teen on difficult issues or being vulnerable with your spouse or holding the line with your children when the rest of the world is caving all of this takes courage c.s lewis memorably said courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at its testing point we need this kind of strength in our marriage and family life the lord says to us in deuteronomy be strong and courageous for the lord your god is the one who is going with you he will not desert you or abandon you our lord is with us so take courage for more inspiration and encouragement for your family visit us at messyfamilyminute.org this is john at williams if you missed part of today's show catch the encore tomorrow morning at 3 eastern check out the podcast anytime at ewtnradio.net and click podcasts [Music] he is honored by the church as a saint and the first diocesan priest to be declared a doctor of the church matthew bunson and the doctors of the church saint john of avila was known to his contemporaries as a spiritual master and he served as a guide to some of the greatest saints of the 1500s he also called for true reform in the church and was a role model for the priesthood even today he died in 1569. for more about the doctors of the church visit doctorsofthechurch.com this is dr david anders there are a lot of misconceptions about the catholic faith we clear them up on call to communion coming up this afternoon 2 p.m eastern on ewtn radio now back to women of grace with john williams the women of grace phone lines are open 1-833-288 ewtn 1-833-288-3986 [Music] welcome back everybody we certainly are happy that you are with us today and we're inviting you to give us a call we have a toll-free number for you you just heard it but i'm going to repeat it again it's 833-288-3986 that's eight 833-288e w t n easy to remember also want to remind you that we're available for you in social media land get out there to ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page the chat feature is there simply put your question or comment in that chat feature and jeffperson who is our social media manager and our producer will dash on out there and retrieve it and get it up for us so that we can address it we've got michael mccall on the phones today so when you call in to michael mccall be sure to say howdy hey michael mccall and we've got some calls coming in here sue and we have some listener comment calls we might try to get to too if we can but let's go to monica monica is in canton ohio and she is listening to us via living bread radio good morning to you monica good morning thank you for having me well we're delighted to have you with us so i have um a follow-up question for sue um related to the mindfulness i i just completely feel like um god put you in my world right now um so a little bit of back story um my daughter is in a preschool with a local catholic school and the uh and my husband and i are trying to decide if she's going to go to the catholic grade school next year for kindergarten currently the parents are discussing with the administration this curriculum called merrell's strong kids i know nothing about it i'm not even very familiar with mindfulness um because i it's just something i haven't even touched being a very devout catholic however um this curriculum specifically along a big component of it from what i understand is mindfulness even on their website it's sites in uh that talked about and it has been a strong point of contention i'm hearing among other parents this has literally been within the last maybe 10 days of my world and um it has been something i've brought to prayer so i am very excited to hear if you're aware of it what you know about it and um and i'm very fearful that a very strong catholic school grade school in our area is considering using a curriculum like this yes that is a very big problem but the good news is that the american center for law and justice aclj which is jay sekulow they are actually in the process of and they have been for the last two years of sending out warning letters to schools that are promoting these kind of programs the mbsr is a buddhism is based in buddhism that is a religious program and that is in violation of the establishment clause of the constitution they are sending out letters to schools warning them that if you have this kind of program going on in your school you could be in violation of the law and many of them are dropping it just from that uh just for that point alone um because they do teach things to children that are based in religion like um they'll tell they teach the kids the way to pray like each time you pay attention as you breathe in and out your thoughts pass you can start to feel calmer learning about your inner world become aware of what is underneath all your thoughts you know your goodness your magnificent it's all there it talks about connecting to the universe is explained this is buddhism this is centered around the buddhist principle of baba chakra and and they can't have that in these programs uh goldie hawn's program mind up uh inter explorer all of these have now been really put on the carpet many of them have actually and i reported on this maybe a couple years ago now they actually change their websites um to try to continue to fool people into thinking that these are secular programs when they're not if you go on to our blog and you go on newage.newage.womentograce.com and you scroll down to the mindfulness you're going to come up with several articles that explain what is going on in schools with the aclj and i would suggest that you share that with any parent and any person in that school who is thinking about bringing in a program that has mindfulness included in it they don't need the mindfulness that is religious that is an inherently religious program they could call it whatever they want it is an inherently religious program and that's been decided upon by lawyers so if they want to go down that path okay but i if i really think you should take a look at some of these blogs that are written out there i did something a piece for the national catholic register on it and i think it's important that the parents understand what these programs are because a lot of times and the educators themselves they don't realize this stuff either they go by what's on the website or what's in the printed material from these places and they play it down but the minute you said mbsr that that's it that's buddhism right there it's buddhism that guy's a buddhist and he does not hide it he doesn't hide that his his work is based in buddhism and that does not belong in a catholic school yeah monica let me ask you a question is this something that is intrinsic to your school only or is this something that the diocese is considering for all of the schools to my knowledge it's just to this school that is it i just saw a notification there had been a parent um that i forget what it's called like i said my daughter's in the preschool so i'm just kind of tiptoeing into the the main happenings with the grade school um but but anyway to my knowledge it's just the school um but but i do understand that many parents have raised questions and are concerned about it but it sounds like that this curriculum is happening in this school next year so it was very concerning for me because this is a school we chose this school specifically because of catholic uh it's strong catholic nature there are other schools in the area that we didn't feel were as traditional and developed through the magisterium of the church and so this was a big red flag for my husband and i yeah yeah well i'm so sorry but you know monica it seems to me that god wants to work through you in some way i mean obviously it was not by chance at all that you tuned in today and we were addressing this very topic i think that that's all god ordained and god oriented you know uh so sue gives you good advice there get out to the blog print it out take it to the you know take it to the administrators of the school whether your child's in preschool or you know in the full-blown elementary school at this point in time your child is still enrolled in that school you still are a parent of a child enrolled in that school and you still have a right to speak and i think that you would be doing a great service to the school to the administrators and and most importantly for all of those children in that school and even though even though you are a catholic school not a public school you can still bring this material to their attention and say to them look these are these are attorneys these are lawyers who are talking about they've looked at these programs they've determined that these are not just secular-based programs this is inherently religious stuff and why are we bringing that into a catholic school and you might even you know suggest to them that they get the bishop involved and to understand why is this going on in these in this school um but let's see if if blogs that i referenced if any of them will be of help to you i think that they will begin to make people at least it'll raise some questions in their minds about it absolutely and i'm going to purchase your book thank you for mentioning that i i i was in the middle of doing dishes and i ran to my computer so i could write these things down to a prayer as as to what what way to go so now you give me so much research thank you oh you're so welcome monica and thank you so very much and we just thank and praise god for the opportunity to use these airwaves for his honor and glory and to edify uh the people of god each one of us needs to be led by the holy spirit and when we have such a positive uh depiction of that sue coming through the airwaves today then we just take a moment to rejoice and thank him and praise him for all of that we have mary with us and mary is in texas and how are you mary i'm fine good good so what is your question my question is my son has trouble with ocd and a friend of mine the son-in-law started a program to help ocd and they sent me every week something to read and one week there was something mindful be part of this program and the psychology in chicago his name is patrick mcgrath do you know by any chance if his wife is ellen mcgregor that i read on the website of new age i've never heard of him i i've never heard of him i would need this yeah i would be the spelling of that name patrick okay okay last name mcgrath patrick mcgrath one of your articles uh about wrecking you mentioned ellen mcgregor and something that she does that directly that of course is part of new age i wonder if by any connection in coincidence our husband and wife i i don't know that i don't but mcgrath is a pretty common name so there's a lot of mcgrath out there i mean there is a patrick mcgrath a clinical psychology deals with anxiety and mood disorders um yeah oh my gosh there's a whole there's page after pages patrick mcgrath i think um okay yeah okay yeah i would i wouldn't link them i don't think i don't think we need to link them but uh yeah but i am suspicious about this program because why they should have to do anything like with mindfulness now this is not a catholic uh therapy they are out there you know trying wow they are using mindfulness for all kinds of things ptsd ocd adhd they're using it for a whole lot of different uh conditions and um so it wouldn't surprise me that they're they're using it with ocd they use it with everything these with everything and many of these psychologists psychiatrists they don't tell you what this is they just tell you oh yeah this is fine this is a scientific program and and that reminds me something we didn't bring up in in in the uh other discussions about it is that the the science behind the success and the efficacy of mindfulness is very very thin it's shockingly thin because most of it is most of the research is based on hype and you have a lot of people who are biased who are involved in the research of this and that's not considered to be scientifically accurate so mindfulness right now is undergoing a whole kind of change over in serious scientists now taking a look at it and trying to push aside all of this stuff that's been going on in the past with saying that mindfulness can be used to treat this this this and this and and now they're trying to clean up that research to get it to be a lot more based on fact and and that the the studies themselves are methodologically correct uh and and accurate uh so uh there's a whole lot going on with it but for right now there's not as much as you think there is or as much as the press leads us to believe is behind the use of mindfulness for anything even for anxiety for anything so yeah be careful yes and mary let me make a suggestion to you i don't know where you are in texas but there is a catholic psychologist her name is suzanne bars it's a b is in boy a-a-r-s is in sam she has the bars institute and she does a lot of work with ocd and she is a reliable source a wonderful woman of god and i think that she would be one that perhaps can give you some insight and some suggestions for your son and ultimately uh help your son along the way so that suzanne bars b b-a-a-r-s the bars institute and she is in irving texas so i don't know if that's near you or not but you can certainly go out there online and find her and maybe even a consultation via the phone would be helpful for you she will not mislead you into these you know very nefarious ways here so we hope that that helps you and we hope that you find some uh some way in which your son can be relieved from ocd it's a it is a very very difficult and and very um i think uh you know disturbing kind of of effect that people that have obsessive compulsive disorder experience so i i pray the best for you all right we're going to move forward here um we're going to go to uh laura and lar no let's see i'm guessing we're going to go to christian i don't know who we're going to here is that you laura yes ma'am okay you're in natchez mississippi well i just got a little confused on my signals [Laughter] how are you doing ms donna and miss boo just great thank you yes very well thank you for asking and you miss laura i'm doing great good good good do you have a question for us yes ma'am uh this question is for sue i was going to ask her what did she think about the hello app um because we were talking about y'all were talking about meditation and mindfulness and i wanted to know what she thought of using that app because i know it's like a it has different things to it it has like you know podcasts and um you can recite the rosary and things like that have you heard of the halo app i have very much heard of it laura i was one of the consultants on the hallow app um and helped them to go through some of their material to you know make sure that everything was on the straight and narrow uh there were also some bishops there were some great priests that were involved in the in the uh putting together the hallow app the people themselves were involved in it young people nice a great group of young people and and uh they are on fire for teaching true catholic prayer and and they're not interested in any way in in promoting eastern eastern type religion but they also want to be out there because you know you've got these different apps that are that are uh calm and different things they're all promoting eastern and what they want to do is promote catholic prayer so it's it's got a lot of different choices on there as far as uh different meditations that you can you can um do different exercises and contemplation and uh you know of course vocal prayer litany's and that sort of thing so the hallow app is very good i absolutely approve of that that app um and i am in touch with them from time to time when they have something new they want to put out there they'll run it by us to see what do you think of this and that so um yeah i i i definitely am 100 for that because it shows you when they reach out to people like us that they truly want to be leading people in the right direction they don't want to be making mistakes and sometimes what's going on out there especially in the realm of prayer it can be very subtle very subtle the little differences but um they want to make sure that they've got every t crossed and every eye dotted in and in the right way and in the catholic way so yeah hello app i have no problem with that at all laura but thanks for the question that's a great question you're very welcome and i want you to know miss jonette i love listening to y'all and you're just so happy and encouraging i just want you to know i i love you love the show well thank you laura we really appreciate you listening and calling in today and giving us an opportunity to recommend something that is very helpful for people in their spiritual life so thanks for listening and keep listening laura we'd love to hear back from you at another point in time god bless you laura well so that is exciting and and i think it's very important and that was what i thought about when you said that they contacted you to consult with you uh they're in touch with some bishops of the church uh what humility of heart right you don't have this arrogance that is associated with many of the other kinds of outreaches that try to lure people into practices that are not catholic uh here are people that are willing to receive guidance receive direction to be open-hearted to be receptive to what is told to them and that desire to do the best so we can recommend that app it's the hello app as a matter of fact i am downloading it right now so um i'm excited about it we want to get to christian out there in san antonio texas today good morning christian uh good morning john ant good morning everybody i was listening in and everything i was like man you knew wait uh that's uh that's a whole uh a bunch of loaded questions and everything but uh i wanted to know uh because i was thinking about it um i i wanted to ask it can it be said that the protestant reformation and you know um has led or can lead to um or has led to modernism or you know like new age movement or moral relativism because you know protestants you know while they mean well you know and a lot of them are you know i mean they are christians right but um well a lot of it is rooted in you know well i don't believe that because you know and it's rooted in pride uh you know because you want to keep on taking away and taking away from what has already been revealed to us right through uh you know revelation about you know especially with the church i mean you can get to it gets pretty crazy because you get then you get to christian sciences and you know people trying to you know like you mentioned before syncretism you know trying to mix in eastern philosophy or eastern mysticism with you know uh catholicism you know for christianity so i'm going to interrupt you there christian because we're getting close to the end of the show and i want sue to have an opportunity uh to respond to you there so what do you say sue um yeah i'm sure that it's a factor in it um but it's also a factor in ushering in an era of secularism and relativism which i really believe is the cause of the new age everything is okay if it's okay for you you know if this is your truth that's fine you know uh but this is my truth you know this whole relativistic type of of ideology that's taken root i can't say that it came from protestantism but let's let's look at protestant for what it is it did in some areas water down christianity does that have a direct effect on ushering in the era of secularism or were there other movements involved and which there were uh the illuminati and all this all this kind of stuff freemasonry has it has a big impact i think on on what happened to the faith and once you moved to faith aside that that opened the door for secularism and relativism to come in here and and uh that's really where that new age began to get its grip it's a very egocentric society that we live in right now and that's that's very new age yeah and what do you think of this too i mean you know and and christian talks about the splintering effect you know we we end up with all of these different denominations of the catholic church the catholic church is not a denomination uh everything is a denomination of it right and a denomination is never the the uh the total of the whole it's a part of it so we see that but within protestantism there are there i think that there are trends or or even strains if you want to put it that way that can that often incorporate in into it some of the occult features of the law of attraction and these kinds of things like that um there's a confusion with prosperity gospel you know and and what it is that you bring to yourself because of your quality of faith and other things of that nature that well i can see that some of that seeped in absolutely that has seeped into it and and as has had an overall effect and i think we've we've had a perfect storm situation going on really for more than a century now this has really started back in new thought and that when we got into all the spiritualism you know you had the whole occult thing exploding uh back in the middle of the the 19th century i mean you had a lot of different factors coming together to to bring us to where we are today um in as far as a new age is concerned and how the new age is just is just so pervasive even over the last 20 years it has just like saturated everything it's in culture it's in our churches it's everywhere and and that's really where it's all coming from it really is it's and it's not getting any better we're trying to fight it but um it isn't getting it isn't slowing down at all it's just moving along faster and faster as we speak yeah well and and one of the ways in which we try to fight against it friends is through the program that we do every wednesday with sue we do invite you to get out to newage.womenofgrace.com that is the blog of the new age as sue has shared with you all kinds of questions and answers there you there's a search feature there too uh so you can really be very specific we've had a great show today sue and i thank you so much for being with us yet again another wednesday under our belt here always a joy god bless you god bless all of you too bye-bye now [Music] hey this is michael o'neal the miracle hunter i'll be delving
Channel: EWTN
Views: 869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: xo32iX8vG28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 25sec (3205 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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