Women of Grace with Johnnette Williams - 102721

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now this is women of grace live discussing issues important to your life and faith spiritual insight practical wisdom join us as we transform the world one woman at a time women of grace for such a time as this now here's your host johnette williams well good morning everyone and welcome to women of grace live i am john at william so happy and delighted to be with you today we love to spend this time with you we certainly do monday through friday as we discuss issues of importance to your life and your faith always inviting you to join us live here we've got matt gabinski on the phones and he's at the ready he's waiting for you for your calls i'm waiting for your calls too 833 288 ewtn that is the toll-free number for you right here in north america it's 833 288 3986 also want to mention to you that we are available to you if you are outside of north america and the number for you to use is country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five again that is what is it it is a country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five we're available for you too in social media land get out there to ewtn radio's youtube channel facebook page use the chat feature there you can put in your question or comment insider inspiration word of encouragement and charles berry will retrieve it and he'll get it up on the board for us today always eager to hear from you in whatever way we can hear from you we love to have holy conversation with you we love to talk about the abundant life of our lord jesus christ and how he impacts us in our everyday life what it is that he's about in our day and time what he is about in your story not long ago i had father dwight longnecker on women of grace television and i was interviewing him on his new book beheading hydra and absolutely marvelous and must read so i want to get you out to ewtn's religious catalogue that's ewtnrc.com to get a copy of his book beheading hydra it helps to put into perspective everything that we're experiencing in the world today everything we're experiencing in the church today everything that we're experiencing here in the united states today so it's a great book for you to read beheading hydra all of that being said he was talking with us about uh the reality of god being intrinsically involved in the history of man and he shared that when he was a little boy and went to sunday school his sunday school teacher said history is his story history is his with a capital h i s his story right so god is with us in and through all things we keep we need to keep remembering that we need to hold that in the forefront of our minds as we make our way on this pilgrim journey with so much opposition hitting us right and left in every which way but god does not abandon his people we do well to repeat that and you might want to repeat that right now god does not abandon his people he is always with us and for that reason we can praise him and acclaim him i'm going to give you a psalm to read this is a great psalm to read if you're ever feeling blue if you're ever feeling down if you ever feel as though god is not with you go to psalm 136. i hope you have a way to jot that down or repeat it a few times so it stays in your memory psalm 136 and this is what you read o give thanks to the lord for he is good for his steadfast love endures forever o give thanks to the god of our gods for his steadfast love endures forever oh give thanks to the lord of lords for his steadfast love endures forever and what is important to note about this is that we talk about attributes of god in those first three verses give thanks to the lord for he is what he is good for his steadfast love endures forever oh give thanks to the god of gods right our god is the supreme being it tells us something about him for his love his steadfast love endures forever oh give thanks to the lord of lords he is lord over all other lords any other lord and here we're talking about civil authority any other lord whatever authority and power is his that is legitimate and authentic it is coming from the lord oh give thanks to the lord of lords for his steadfast love endures forever now here is something else i think that that is a beautiful practice for us to consider that this psalm begins to reveal to us it is a good idea for us to keep a journal it is a good idea for us in times of stress to pull it out and see how it is that god has been attentive to our needs in the past because when we look at how god has been attentive to our needs in the past it gives us the courage to invest our trust in him in the present moment when the travail a new travail perhaps or you know that travail coming back to us again when that travail is pressing hard against us it gives us the courage to invest our trust in him and so what we see here is that uh we we begin to see the way in which this uh plays out in the the the reality of the psalmist and he does more things he reminds us of more things about the lord to him to him who alone does great wonders for his steadfast life endures forever to him who by whose understanding made the heavens for his steadfast love endures forever to him who spread out the earth upon the waters for his steadfast love endures forever and he goes on and then he starts to recall now specific incidents in the life of the israelites to him who smote the firstborn of egypt for his steadfast love endures forever and brought israel israel out from among them for his steadfast love endures forever with a strong hand and an outstretched arm for his steadfast love endures forever to him who divided the red sea and surren and sunder for his steadfast love endures forever and made israel pass through the midst of it for his steadfast love endures forever but overthrew pharaoh and his host in the red sea for his steadfast love endures forever to him who led his people through the wilderness for his steadfast love endures forever to him who smote great kings for his steadfast love endures forever and he goes on from there but you see what he's doing he's recalling the way in which god has operated in the life of his people in the past and that gives him courage and strength to invest his trust in the lord in the present moment so whenever you feel hard-pressed whenever it seems as if everything is falling apart whatever you feel as though god has abandoned you open up to psalm 136 begin to read it and then like the psalmist begin to consider all of the ways in which god has been present to you in the past in the midst of your travails in the midst of your sufferings in the midst of your reversals of life in the midst of your sadnesses and your griefs god has been there and when you read your own personal testimony of salvation you begin to experience a flood a flood of the graces from heaven to be able uh for you to to reach out in the midst of the travail and find god with you and that gives you courage and he is trustworthy in all things if he did this for the israelites is he not parting the waters of your red sea is he not putting your feet on dry land right now is he not smiting the enemy in your midst is he not controlling the circumstances of your life for your benefit not for you your woe as it says in jeremiah 29 verse 11 and then on 12 to 13 where it tells us that when we come to the lord when we seek for him we will find him with us and he will change our lot and that is the good news my friends today is wednesday that means sue brinkman is with us it's a wacky wednesday we're going to be talking about some things going on especially at this time of the year as we approach halloween we have some insights for you on that so get ready to give us a call here eight three three two eight eight ewtn that is the toll-free number for you right here in north america if you're outside of north america country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five radio's youtube channel and facebook page also available for you looking forward to hearing from you but suit up sue is with us and it's a wacky one stay tuned the leading catholic voices are on ewtn radio part of the success we've had on the world over i attribute to certainly my relationship with mother angelica and her teaching me early on that when you sit with someone you talk to them you share with them and you create an environment where they will tell you things they wouldn't tell anyone else the world over with raven arroyo thursday night eight eastern on ewtn radio sometimes we may be asked by those who don't pray on a regular basis why should we pray or why do we pray well i pray to get closer to god and i always think about what my patron saint saint teresa of avila said she said prayer is really nothing more than a conversation with a friend if we think about it that way it will help us guide our conversations with god which we should be having as often as possible [Music] and now the ewtn family prayer with father joseph family a prayer that we pray together is a powerful prayer so please pray together with me our ewtn family prayer [Music] today we pray for those who suffer with cancer lord jesus christ healer of souls and bodies we praise you for this day of life we ask you to look upon all of those in our ewtn family who have been diagnosed with cancer we pray for those who are undergoing difficult cancer treatments and for those who have lost heart a divine physician bring them healing and body and mind and soul console them with your presence and give them even joy in their suffering amen encouraging women in their gift of authentic femininity here's more women of grace with john ed williams well welcome back everybody we're so happy you are with us today and the phone lines are lighting up and that puts a smile on matt gabinski's face and it smacks a big one on my face too so do pick up the phone and give us a call 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 sue brinkman is in the house it's wednesday she's here with us on wednesdays and we talk about all things wacky we're going to be looking at some things in just a moment but i do want to remind you to get out to our website womenofgrace.com and take a look at our upcoming events i just click on the event section and they all pop up for you there and you can actually register for the events online we've got a big one coming up on november 2nd we sure do father wade menises is going to be with us and then following that a little later on in a month sue brinkman is going to be leading a women of grace book study on the four last things a catechetical guide to death judgment heaven and hell and that is the book that father wade wrote that he will be talking about in his webinar on november the 2nd so we're going to be talking about that with sue as we join her to the program but i also want you to notice that when you go out there to our event section you're going to see that jack and i are going to be at melbourne retreat house in november november 12 13 and 14 for a marriage retreat no greater love is the theme we're very excited about this we love to present together uh we love to have you with us for these events this is our third marriage retreat in a row at melvin and we have been delighted uh with the beautiful couples that god has brought us in the past i'm hoping that some of you that have been there before will be with us again and i'm hoping that some of you who have never been with us will be with us no greater love it's a marriage retreat at melbourne retreat house november 12th 13th and 14th so get out to the website and read all about it well without further delay let me welcome to our program today our staff researcher for the new age sue brinkman hey sue how are you i'm doing great today how are you i'm doing dandy now i just want to let everybody know that through the the beautiful gift of technology today you and i can actually see each other and those people who are out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page can see each other too so you're looking great you're looking absolutely great well thank you gosh you got to have me on every day you're making me feel good here [Laughter] it's true you look really fine my friend so uh you know let's talk a little bit about this uh webinar that's coming up with father wade on the second and then about the book study that you're going to lead before we delve into the dark side let's talk a little bit about the light side heaven that's right that's right and father wade i mean don't you just love him he has a way of of teaching the catechism in a way that's interesting he he brings in all the different saints to it i mean his book is marvelous that this webinar is based on based upon it's just great it's a super book it's something i think we all need to stop and think about at this time of year death heaven hell judgment and understand that and understand that we're all headed there we're all going to die um it's a great book it's a great read i hope people will join us for the webinar because father will kick it off you know with all of his inside information inside scoop about these subjects and then plus we get a chance to talk with him about it and ask him questions which is really good and then that'll be followed up a couple weeks later by the book study and i'll be leading that book study facilitating it and um i'm going to add some stuff in there some interesting teachings from some of our uh master spiritual masters such as cardinal pca on what's it what is it like to be dead what's it like what do we do how about what are we to do all day in heaven um what is hell like uh how about judgment what are the things that we're going to be judged upon how quickly are going to be we going to be judged what's the story about reincarnation and all this kind of we're going to get into all that as a very interesting very interesting webinar and book study i mean you just don't want to miss it it's going to be fun so yeah and having having been an educator for a number of years i just want to let everybody know that you are a marvelous teacher you have a natural gift of teaching a natural ability to present information in a way that uh inspires the heart instructs the mind but also brings nourishment to the soul and in the midst of it all is very in informational but also entertaining so i give you credit for that i mean you just do an excellent job and if you've never attended one of our book studies this is an important one to attend uh and and even though they seem like very heavy topics and they are heavy topics i mean they're exciting topics to consider because as you say sue at some point in time god is going to call us home and if we have an understanding about that moment it reduces our fear and it also inspires us you know to live a life that would be suitable to be holding the face of god and so you know to me that is all exciting stuff so it's going to be wonderful father wade is going to be with us november the 2nd and as you say he is a marvelous teacher as well and you'll have an opportunity to interact with him and if you cannot make the actual webinar uh you're going to get a link and you'll be able to watch it later i think the link lasts for like 30 days i i think it's about 30 days so you can even go back and watch it a second time and and extract from it those gems uh that that were there for you in the first time but even on a replay my guess is that the holy spirit will bring something new to you that you didn't hear the first time through or that didn't penetrate the first time through when you're speaking truth you can't exhaust it so we want you to join us november the second from 7 30 to 9 00 pm with father wade meneses and then sign up for the book study and if you sign up for the book study i do believe sue that the webinar is uh comes with it it's packaged into one am i correct i could have that wrong oh i say things i shouldn't say sometimes i believe so i believe that that's that is the case i'm not sure if you can do one or the other but i i do believe that you can do them both so they should go to the website and check that out because everything is explained there yes it says this webinar is free when you purchase the five-week book study below so and you can if you already have the book you don't have to repurchase it but we have it available for you if you don't have it would love for you to order it through women of grace um and and we certainly want for you to check this out so i'm excited about it i can't wait uh oh i can't either i can't wait to get get started on it and and don't wait to sign up because there's an assignment for the very first class so you have to you in order to get have your your homework done for class you're going to have to sign up quickly so we can get the book to you if you don't already have the book so see now you're really selling cracking down already you're here there is that teacher in sue i told you folks she's a natural teacher so it's a beautiful opportunity but today we're going to be talking about some of the things that you've got posts out there on the blog and if you're not familiar with our women of grace blog we want you to become so and if you want to go specifically to the new age it's newage.org is that right sue there you go and then there's uh also a search feature right there so if you really want to drill down into a specific area you can simply put that into the search feature and it'll pull up all of the articles on that search feature do want you to give us a call 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288-3986 we've already got three individuals there which tells me that there are three lines still available so please make use of them getting quickly because we can never finish them all but i want you to talk with us about this haunted dorm room situation and you shared with me prior to the program that they finally got it right praise be to god that they finally got it right what did they get right and put this into context by sharing with us about this they got it right in saying that what was so-called haunting this dorm room is an evil spirit not one of the students who died there who just did decided to get stuck you know and didn't he couldn't find his way home and all this nonsense that you you hear on these these haunting shows this one actually got it right it's a very creepy story very scary and and the the man who told it he told it on a bbc radio uh their podcast called uncanny um and he just gave his name as ken and he's a geneticist so he's a scientist not one to really buy into all this stuff about ghosts and haunting and he was in his room one one night and he said that he and his roommate had just gone to bed they just turned the lights out and he said that his eyes were still open and he caught sight of something he said it was a large black object that was near um near his desk and he had the impression that the object was a man and the first thing that he said that struck him was that and he was analyzing this data is what he said there's a scientist speaking there that you know he had never seen anything so black before that it was the blackest black he had ever seen and he said all of a sudden the room was filled with this very very loud white noise and there was a very strong sense of pure distilled evil coming from this figure he said it felt like a force of nature there was a feeling of everything that is good he said everything that is called hope had disappeared it was complete and utter despair i felt it coming through me in waves and then he goes on to say that that um this this figure uh hang on a minute my blog here is not working for some reason he goes on to say that it began to drift toward him and as soon as it got to like his shoulder he and he knew it was going to do him he said it was out to do him absolute harm and as soon as it got to his shoulder he lunged at it now i would have done the exact opposite i would have gone to the bed but he lunged at this um and it disappeared instantly and now his roommate was having a similar experience but it was different than that one he also felt something dark and evil in the room but this is he just saw the back of a man's head he had his eyes closed and it's at the back of a man's head and the man turned his head and looked at him with a very evil horrible dirty look and then disappeared so they both had the experience that night but the following night it was a weekend everyone went home for the weekend and ken was in his room by himself he was reading a book and he heard the elevator come up and stop on his floor and he thought oh well maybe there are some people around someone's coming up to see it see me so footsteps and he said they were unusually loud as if he described it as having nails on the bottom of his shoes it was a loud loud loud banging of these foot and it stopped outside his door and he said it was a profound silence for what he said felt like one of the longest silences in his life and then all of a sudden whatever was out there started to bang on the door and not just banging on the the top of the door or the bottom of the door the door was being kicked and punched on the top and the bottom at the same time oh dear heavens and he said it felt as if multiple fists were being hit against this door and it was extremely violent he could see the door shaking now once again this guy does something i would never have done he gets up and he throws open the door i mean would you have done that no i don't think i would have no i would have climbed out the window my holy water my blessed salt crucifix in one hand scapular in the other hand i never would have done that so but he went and he opened through his open door and nothing's there nothing is there so he later finds he started to look into this you know what's going on here and he later found out that people who had been in the room before reported this but this is mostly poltergeist activity things would fly around the room or pieces of cutlery or sharp instruments would be placed on on the floor next to their bed so that when they got out of bed in the morning they would step on it so this being was this spirit was malicious that was in the room well they're always delicious when they're demons exactly they're always but this this guy was malicious right up front he wasn't trying to make friends with them and try to make it like oh yeah it's just me i'm stuck when i died i just couldn't find my way to heaven i'm stuck here this is what he does to try to get into your favor but anyway he talked to the housekeeper and the housekeeper then reveals that oh yeah three of the previous residents of the room died uh one of them was shot dead on the way to or from mass another resident jumped out the window and committed suicide although there were rumors that he had been pushed yeah so he went on the show and in fact at the end of the show they said anyone who ever stayed in that room at queen's university belfast room number 611 to please contact them because you know did anything happen to them in that room but it's disturbing as it as it was and it was obviously this is a demonic infestation um and i would say it's probably serious enough because how malicious it is um it may need an exorcism and in order to do that that has to be by a priest and he has to have permission from his bishop before he can do that but that is a logical step that you could take to to rid that room of whatever might be hanging around it but as i said as disturbing as this was i was happy to see that it didn't it didn't get into all this stuff about people getting stuck trying to get to the other side um i just that just so annoys me when i hear that i think our our father is the epitome of fatherhood that's right why would he ever do that to one of his children at such a critical time in their life leave them to try to find their own way why would he would never do that it would be like a parent taking a child away to a to on a vacation to a place that the child was unfamiliar with and then leaving to go home and say leaving the child there and then saying oh you'll find your way here you go would you do that no of course why would god do that to us he would never do that so that that kind of stuff is really just hollywood there's really no basis in fact that people don't get stuck like that someone from purgatory might come back a god might permit that and we know that that does happen but not something like this where they're putting you know cutlery on the floor so you stand on it um and and just the maliciousness and the evil that was exuding from it when souls from purgatory appear they they tend to be very quiet uh sometimes they don't really speak at all they just look very sad um but the ones that start talking to you at least adam bly tells us this um that that you are to uh ignore them anytime that they start talking to you at all these spirits did not in the haunted in the haunted dorm room but the evil that exuded from them and the maliciousness of this thing the way it banged on the door like that so violently um this i would say needs a priest and perhaps even exorcism to get rid of that that spirit from that room i would think so too and of course you know these spirits just don't happen upon us i mean they can but they don't typically they're invited in and they're invited in by oh called activities um activities that are outside of the will of god um and so then they have a right to be there which is why they need to be expelled so you know who knows i mean who knows what went on in that dorm room these are the things that we don't know so you know parents you know when you're taking your child off to university or whatever it's a good idea to bring some blessed salt and holy water with you and clean that room uh with blood salt and holy water and i'm talking about cleaning it spiritually you know by sprinkling it around praying the saint michael the archangel prayer which we have a question about uh which we'll be getting to in just a moment but in addition to that sue you know it's very very important to uh you know if at all possible to have a priest come and bless that room if you purchase a new home the same kind of a thing should go on if you rent an apartment the same kind of a thing should go on uh you know to have if you can have a mass celebrated in your home it's a good idea excuse me to have a mass celebrated in your home uh just because you don't know something you'd come in with someone else or somebody can who who lived there prior to you uh could have been involved in these things and the spirit doesn't flee until it's expelled and it's expelled through the prayer of the church that comes by way of blessing that comes by way of deliverance that comes by way of exorcism if necessary that is a scary thing now you're going to be putting a blog up tomorrow so we just want to give you all a heads up about this this is an important one uh and then we're going to be going to a break and we're going to come right back to our phones oh golly gee well here's what we're going to have to do we're going to have to wait folks and we're going to have to get to that little teaser for the blog tomorrow when we come back from the break we're inviting you to call us with your questions right here at women of grace live sue is in the house she's happy to answer them i'll chime in 833 288 e wtn that's a33 288 3986 also available to you outside of north america country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five also ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page it's there for you so is the chat teacher use it matt kabinsky's on phones and we've got charles berry collecting those questions through social media coming right back stay tuned ewtn is everywhere check out all your favorites on facebook it's easy just go to facebook and search for ewtn catholic radio [Music] this is a messy family minute with mike and alicia hernan when you become a parent you start to realize all the new and scary ways in which you can mess up so that's one reason we parents need the virtue of courage it takes courage to not be afraid of the future to trust that god is with you through the ups and the downs and that he is with you in this present moment choosing to not avoid the hard parts of parenting like confronting your teen on difficult issues or being vulnerable with your spouse or holding the line with your children when the rest of the world is caving all of this takes courage c.s lewis memorably said courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at its testing point we need this kind of strength in our marriage and family life the lord says to us in deuteronomy be strong and courageous for the lord your god is the one who is going with you he will not desert you or abandon you our lord is with us so take courage for more inspiration and encouragement for your family visit us at messyfamilyminute.org he was a scholar a preacher a capuchin franciscan and a defender of christendom matthew bunson and the doctors of the church saint lawrence of brindisi was one of the most respected preachers in the 17th century but he also helped raise an army against the ottoman turks when they invaded hungary in 1601. he led the troops to victory against the turks carrying only a crucifix he was declared a doctor of the church in 1959. for more about the doctors of the church visit doctorsofthechurch.com hi this is dr david anders do you have questions about the catholic faith get the answers on call to communion coming up this afternoon 2 p.m eastern on ewtn radio now back to women of grace with dawnette williams transforming the world one woman at a time let's return to women of grace with johnette williams well welcome back everybody we are so happy you are with us today and we're inviting you to give us a big old call right here what's the number to use for that call well it is a toll-free number for you in north america it's 833-288-3986 that's 833-288-3986 ewtn there you go john ed 833 288 ewtn we invite you to use that number if you're here in north america outside of north america country code one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five we have sue brinkman with us today and sue uh is with us every wednesday we talk about all of the strange things going on that we see in our culture today and one of the things that we certainly want to talk about in these uh on these days when we're together uh you know are things that can get us into really deep spiritual trouble we've got three uh individuals uh fourth line is lighting up now oh fifth line is lighting up we're inviting you to call us oh thank you for calling we want you to call us let's stack up those lines one is left open and it's got your name on it so please claim it in the meantime right before we go so you know you've got a blog coming up tomorrow and it's about halloween and we want to give y'all a little tease about it it's going to be important we want you to get out to newage.womenofgrace.com going to take us straight to uh the new age questions that are and answers that are available for you there on our blog as i share with you all of the time you can search on that blog by putting in a topic area that you're particularly interested in so you told me prior to the program that this is going to be a halloween primer oh that sounds fascinating yeah we want to try to to get to to the bottom of all these rumors about halloween being or how all hallows eve being derived from paganism that sort of thing and it's not you know halloween and the pagan celebrations um happened independently of one another over the centuries and and they they're not connected in any way we have connected tried to connect them we have taken the pagan uh aspects of halloween and and put them into our all saints day celebration but those two were never together ever not even from the beginning so all this stuff about you know how well they say this about all the holidays that they're all derived from paganism but that's pretty much a a construct of the protestant reformation there's really not a whole lot of basis to to any of those kind of claims but uh and then the blog also talks about what it what should parents do and and it's got to be the decision whether or not to let your kids be involved in halloween has got to be a prudential decision left for parents um you have to do what you feel is best for them if you do decide to put them out there if they should not be doing anything dressing them up in anything that that celebrates the occult the occult is dangerous it is deadly it's not fun um and you don't want your kids to grow up thinking that oh yeah just gonna dress up like i wish everything's fine which no it's not it's not it's terrible to be dressed up as sorcerers um zombies and and a walking dead and all this kind of stuff um don't let your kids get involved in anything dark like that let them dress up as something better than that in fact last halloween the people who came to my door i didn't see anybody dressed up as i always see a witch or two every year but nobody i had a ballerina i had a nurse um my little boy dressed up as superman um you know you don't have to get into all this dark stuff on halloween to celebrate it um and also keep in mind and teach your children um why some of the things that some of those costumes are wrong use this as a teaching opportunity to tell your child this is what's wrong with witches because this is what witches really are this you know fun thing that you're making it which into that's not really what they really are here's the truth about witches here's the truth about sorcerers they use magic to hurt people uh and also halloween itself you know there's a lot of evil rituals that take place on that that night animal sacrifices i have two black cats and um they're tuxedo cats and they're not allowed out this whole weekend they're not allowed out in our my little backyard it's a little fenced in here but still i don't let them out because they they get a hold of these animals and they do horrible things to them and and this is not children should understand what there's a lot to halloween than just the costumes and the candy and whatever you feel is age-appropriate to teach that child go ahead and do that and use that use this holiday as a chance to really brush them up on their faith which you can do very easily by this well it's interesting yesterday jack was telling me about um open line and he interviewed father wade benitez's yesterday he's on every tuesday you can go out friends to the ewtn app and listen to that uh discussion uh between uh father wade and jack and and all of the callers but they were father wade was talking about halloween and he was encouraging parents not to let the children go door-to-door because it's dangerous and i was sharing with jack when i was a little girl you know my mother would dress us up in costumes and and we we just roamed everywhere we roamed all through the neighborhood we went to the next neighborhood we we roamed freely and nobody worried it was a different day and a different time but today parents ought not to let their children go in rome we have human traffickers we know what's going on it's not safe it is not spiritually safe and it is not physically safe so i'm eager for that uh blog so friends get out to our uh new age blog tomorrow and that primer is going to be up for you meanwhile we've got full lines at this moment uh sue so we better get to those very quickly we have amy with us she is in searcy um arkansas i believe um or arizona and uh we welcome you today amy how are you fine is it arizona or arkansas arkansas you know i just i get i get the a uh i know alabama is ao so anyway all of that being said welcome and what is your question for sue today i just wanted to congratulate you all on your good job and i read the c i used to read the harry potter books but now i read the cs lewis books my favorite cs book is lion the witch in the wardrobe and uh i went to harding university and a student was trying to go up the to the second floor of the music building her name was gertie and uh when i got into the club they told us their stories and i went out to lunch with my big sister and uh she uh they all told us their stories and i looked up at the second floor of the music building there on campus where i had class and the light was flipped on and as we all know lights don't flip them up cell phone by themselves and uh the girl's name was gertie that they were building an elevator shaft and they had gone on break that's what i'm getting at and uh i saw that light flip on i'm like okay music started playing a little spooky but she's a friendly ghost she's not a poltergeist well there are no such things as friendly ghosts because there aren't ghosts and i think that that is sue's point so sue you know explain that to us so we understand yeah there's no such thing as a ghost a disembodied human soul is not capable of communicating in any way with the material world once they have left their bodies once they've left their senses they can't do that anymore they have to to to receive that power from a being that's capable of doing that of giving that to them which would be either supernatural who's god or prenatal who's an angel or a devil so god's not going to do it because god doesn't allow people to come back from the dead for frivolous reasons like that to just walk around and haunt buildings he doesn't do that he also doesn't respond to mediums and in seances and that because he says explicitly in scripture that they are an abomination to him and he doesn't contradict himself so he doesn't allow that angels of course the good angels um they were created solely to do the will of god so if god's not going to do it the angel's not going to do it if the disembodied spirit can't do it who's left it's the devil and that's why the church teaches that that they are more than likely hauntings are more than likely evil spirits that are doing it so that was not a friendly ghost but what they like to do is he likes to do is make you think that he's friendly um you know that's the devil's mo he always wants to hide and make himself look better than what he really is so that he can entice you and get you to believe in him um and to follow after him but he's never your friend like johnette said there's no such thing as a friendly ghost so that was not a ghost up there that was an evil spirit yeah so and and oftentimes i think amy what what will happen is they will um they will appear to be friendly uh because what they want is for your they want for you to begin to communicate with them they want for you to ingratiate them and then at that point that's when the diabolic begins to appear so you know um and and what i would do if i was at that university i would certainly go up there you know with blessed holy water and um and blessed salt uh but but you know it really should be that room probably should be exercised if it's a public university however it's not very likely that that's going to take place but i i'm glad that you find this program on wednesday is so beneficial we think it's beneficial and i know that our listeners let us know that it is beneficial so keep listening amy we welcome you thank you very much we have kathy with us in massachusetts today uh how are you kathy hi i'm wonderful thank you johnette and susan i love listening to you every week and i listen to you every day and i called you last march i became a catholic at the easter vigil this year at age 72. there you go wonderful thank you and as a result of listening well um is this realignment taking place yeah i'm on the phone thank you ernie so um anyway um i i know god was leading me to the catholic church but anyway it's through catholic radio listening day and night for few years that you know every negative thought that i had and all of that was answered and more and i still listen every day and i'm just so amazed um at this wonderful to one true church and so i had a question about the duterte quite a while ago i heard you know susan talking about the doterra oils and i had to do terror oils and then this uh sunday i think it was sunday i heard uh father greg grammerage talking on the international week of prayer and fasting and i heard him talking and he went into more length than what susan had on the doterra oils and i i've been using the oils for about five years and i i use some of the oils for medicinal reasons because i don't like taking um you know man-made pharmaceutical medicines and i believe god created everything in earth you know for our health and healing before he created us can i can i just ask you a question yeah so father father greg and and just you know really was he for or against i i just am curious on how that discussion about how he talked about how susan talks about it and he was he was definitely against it and he said we should just throw it all out so do you do you have a specific question for sue on those oils or yeah specific question because i've been using them for so long and you know they were expensive but um you know i he father greg talked about a lot of results of using these and things that can happen to you and you know i'm in good health and i don't have anything you know evil happening my house has been blessed with um with exercised holy water and salt and um uh less salt and all that and i so i don't feel like i'm having any bad effects from it i don't want to have that in my house sure well and let me just interject on this and and i think that this is important to say and then i'm going to have sue respond you know if if if we if we are doing questionable things right um and there is a uh you know there is a reason to believe that these things are disordered in some way we cannot baptize them by then using holy water and bless salt so it isn't like you can and let me just take this out of the area of of these oils and put it into the area of like going to a psychic you can't pray a rosary and then go to a psychic and think you're going to be protected because being a psychic mediumship is specifically uh mentioned in sacred scripture as an abomination to god so we can't you know we can't try to do that and i appreciate that you you clean your home so to speak with the holy water and the blessed salt that's that's admirable but we can't do that and then continue to do something that might be tainted in some way so now i'm going to let sue talk about that if you would sue about those oils oh yeah there definitely could be a lot of problems with these oils um and and uh father uh bromelais who i know very well he knows that there definitely are problems with them he would just assume you throw them out and don't have anything to do with them at all but we do know that some of them come with a blessing on them um and this is uh young living essential oils and in fact gary young and and i've published this before it's it's been a matter of public record he actually gives you the blessing that he encourages his distributors and people who are are selling those those oils to put on their oils um and yeah that can cause some problems that can cause some problems i mean you know what are these what is the blessing so is it the blessing is is putting your energy into the into the oils and and that sort of thing it's a long drawn out you know blessings that he puts on it's not a blessing in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit i'm doing air quotes here yeah so i should say that because a lot of people can't see me but air quotes is blessing um meaning it's not really a blessing that's what he's calling he's calling it a blessing but he's putting some sort of a an incantation onto these oils and that freaks a lot of people out and it should um the other problem that i had that people have is they're using the oils for inappropriately they're using them for all kinds of medical conditions and they're swearing by them even though and i'll tell you that one of the heads of doterra in the science department came out and said very clearly they cannot be used to heal or treat any condition he said it himself but people insist on it you look at the distributor websites they have all kinds of information you can use it for this use of that no you can't do that and they're even using it for covid for things that are infectious and moral teaching of our church is that you are to use ordinary means to treat anything that is infectious or that is life-threatening and that's considered to be an act of charity towards your neighbor you're supposed to use ordinary proven means and nothing with these oils is proven there's no corroborated science on it so that's the other problem with the with the doterra or oils and not doterra but all the oils they're being used inappropriately um so yeah it's it's there's a lot to be said on oils um i have a whole chapter now on essential oils in the updated edition of learn to discern compendium that really gives you the rundown on all this stuff on on where what some of these problems are with it why father bromlash has a position that he has which is a good position and you know what if they don't heal anything and you're not really good for anything other than scenting your house why use them in my opinion why why take the chance and it isn't so much that the the that the oil is in and of itself is intrinsically evil it isn't anything like that but it's the co-opting of the oil by these these uh you know businessmen uh who have intentions to make money on them but then also more to you know distribute with them these incantations that can lead to problems so you know it's hard to find these oils that are devoid of that that have none of that involvement with them so better safe than sorry kathy and i know it's very upsetting when we spend a lot of money on something you know and then we're told well we got to get rid of it but you know the the money is not worth the the trauma and and the horror that can come by way of them so you know you you follow that equation you say okay so you know that just got to get rid of it uh so that that's the recommendation and uh thank you very much for your call because i think it's an important uh important topic and one that continues to be asked of us so you gave us a great opportunity and welcome to the church i'm so delighted for you uh that you are here with us at this point in time and i just know god richly blesses you through every gift and grace that comes by way of the catholic faith and the true church that jesus christ founded let's get to susan she is in gross isle i think it's gross isle michigan today good morning susan how are you good morning i'm very well thank you good good i have a question that i i i picked up a pamphlet last week at a daily math at one of our local parishes and i knew right away oh wow i need to talk to johnnette and susan about this because um i know that we're told to as far as exorcisms go you know leave it to the professionals and don't try this at home um this pamphlet is you know like a little three-fold you know three bifold little pamphlet and it's titled an exorcism against satan and the rebel angels and it says that it's published by order of his holiness pope leo the 13th and then it goes on to say the holy father exhorts priests to say this prayer as often as possible as a simple exorcism to curb the power of the devil and prevent him from doing harm this is where it gets interesting the faithful also may say it in their own name for the same purpose as any approved prayer its use is recommended whenever action of the devil is suspected causing malice in men violent temptations and even storms and various calamities and then and then it's you know in the name of the father and the son of the holy ghost and then it proceeds you know the instructions on you know what prayers to say then there's a recitation that you know the exercise let me just because we're running close on time and i i want to uh be able for us to give you an answer susan is this a long prayer or a short prayer well i mean the prayer that you know the first time the exorcism is like made five paragraphs long it includes psalm 67 um and then there's a prayer that we pray together does it start off like a glorious prince of the heavenly army saint michael the archangel defend us against the well that's the first thing angel no the exorcism search in the name of jesus christ our lord and savior strengthened i mean it goes on so i i think that there's a pretty simple answer to this um sue do you want to go ahead i would say not to say that prayer and the reason that i say that is that you never want to come up against satan yourself okay it's always in the name of jesus and it should be a priest if it's something that is a that obviously the devil is there you need to have a priest because for one thing demons are very legalistic and i would not fool around with that i just wouldn't fool around with it that's that's my opinion janet i we say the prayer to saint michael that prayer to me is just fine we don't want to get into the to the uh i think superstition of saying well if it's not this particular prayer this long one it doesn't have the power that yeah no so that's superstition to me right the the long form of the prayer where where um where it goes into this make god rebuke you in all of this that is an exorcism prayer and as it states in the directive there it's a simple priests have by virtue of their holy orders the capacity for simple exorcism which is not the right of exorcism the long form that you have there is the form that is used during an exorcism is the right of exorcism that only an exorcist who has been commissioned as such by the bishop is to pray so laity are not to go about rebuking satan that we don't have that authority it comes by way of holy orders and the commissioning of the bishop so what we do what we can pray is the short form of the saint michael the archangel prayer saint michael the archangel defend us in battle be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil may god rebuke him we humbly pray do thou approve of the heavenly host by the divine power thrust into hell satan and all the other evil spirits to prowl about the world seeking the rule of souls the difference is we're asking saint michael to do that we're not taking the authority and doing it ourselves we can't say i rebuke you right you know may god rebuke you in the context of that short form fine but not i we cannot do that we get into trouble with that we've been cautioned by um the church for us not to pray that long that long form so that that's what we can tell you on that susan i hope that helps you out um sue it's been great here we are marianne and maureen i'm sorry that we couldn't get to you today uh if you want to call back uh you know another time when sue's with us again next week we ask you to do so and um we will just enter into those questions and answers at that time we want you to remember to get out to our new age blog tomorrow there's that uh halloween primer that sue is putting up it's been great sue thank you thanks for having me it's always wonderful on wednesdays around here wonderful wacky wednesday how's that even more alliteration god bless all of you now get out there we want to see you november 2nd
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,422
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Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: 8bqsvHhTKuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 55sec (3235 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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