Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie - 09/17/21 - What Do You Imagine Heaven Being Like?

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[Music] seems to be talking [Applause] about greetings welcome this is take two with jerry and debbie on ewtn radio along with debbie giorgiani i am jerry usher the show team michael jeff and matt are all set in their positions on their posts ready to get the the program underway here thanks for joining us debbie good day to you how are you doing yes good good uh the last day of sacred heart radio in seattle's uh pledge drive and the surrounding areas beautiful in the northwest and uh do having a great pledge drive it's wonderful last day final hours and i know that other stations are doing that as well other affiliates so please when you're when your local catholic radio station comes to you and says this is the final day please give please do so give generously we need catholic radio now more than ever jerry but today i i'm super excited about uh this topic because we are going to be uh imagining what heaven is like and what it looks like we don't do that enough a lot of priests are starting to come out in homilies and saying you know we're not contemplating heaven enough that and that is so true we we get really bogged down in what's happening here right now on this earth and it's it's really something that we um probably should we we should focus on but not so intently that it it stops us from imagining heaven so that's the question today jerry and i'm super excited about it usually our listeners can tell when i really love a a topic of a show i wear my favorite um heart shirt because i just i can feel the love and i just i when i when i imagine heaven it just it's just just an overwhelming sense a great sense of love and so what do you imagine heaven being like that's what we're asking today yeah you can join us a number of ways most people call in and go on the air with your calls at 833 288 ewtn 833-288-3986 you can email us take two at ewtn.com if you're among those watching the video streams on ewtn's catholic radio facebook and twitter uh pages or i'm sorry facebook and youtube it's been a long week i'm going to try not to not not get too many things wrong here on the program today but yeah it's ewtn catholic radios facebook and youtube channels you can post your comments there and also you can text the letters ewtn to 5500 wait for a response put in your comments might be a small data rate depending on your plan but please do join us here what do you imagine heaven being like have you pondered that very frequently maybe like i like what you said debbie we don't think about that often enough but with god's grace and his mercy that is where we're headed so we should reflect on that more i think you're right well we really want to hear from you and maybe you saw the movie i can only imagine it's about uh bart millard's story his his whole life story and then how he came to the song um i can only imagine mercy me you've folks have heard of that wonderful christian group and i love that song i we i'm i can i we actually had that at my mom's funeral it's going to be it's in my funeral planning arrangements i absolutely love that song maybe you saw that movie and it really started to get you to think you know of what imagining heaven and what it's going to be like right just like the lyrics of the song but call in and share with us if you ever have really spent that quality time imagining and and contemplating and meditating on what heaven will be like and that's for that's forever eight three three two eight eight eight i love this topic absolutely love it i think we should do more of topics like this because i think it helps people you know focus in a bigger fashion instead of what's just going on in this messy crazy thing called life well yeah we read in the bible i has not seen ear has not heard nor has it entered into the heart of man what god has prepared for those who love him so on the one hand we we can't really um heaven's going to be so much better than what we can imagine but we get a few little clues a few little hints in revelation 21 4 he will wipe away every tear from their eyes later in that chapter the book of revelation 21 it talks all about you know how the city is adorned and the streets are paved with gold and so forth so we get a little bit of a glimpse there but we're asking you today um what you think heaven might possibly be like 833 288 3986 so please don't get started with your weekend yet we really need you to participate you always do so fill the phone lines and just maybe ask questions if you're not sure you know and just so that it can change the way you feel uh starting today and maybe you'll incorporate that in your spiritual practices of of prayer where you actually do spend time meditating on heaven that is that's pretty extraordinary eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six we have four folks calling in right now we have room for you so don't sit this out eight three three two eight eight ewtn and jerry real quickly just a little housekeeping tomorrow is our big webinar on same-sex attraction and life in the church um it's amazing sign ups were coming in overnight folks this is your last chance if you want to register go to at this point you're going to need to go to standtalltoday.com we put it on the home page and you can sign up you really need to hear this and and and um listen to avera maria santo and her presentation she lives with same-sex sex attraction and she's in ministry in the catholic church and what she has to share can help teachers and parents and and er co-workers and people who are encountering other folks with same-sex attraction this is an important webinar standtalltoday.com please go and register this is your last chance to register before tomorrow morning's uh webinar jerry just had to say that because uh folks will they'll miss it and i don't want them to miss i can't wait to hear i saw average um you know what she plans on talking about it's going to be phenomenal all right very good the 833-288-3986 here today and he has already screened a couple of your calls but there are a couple of lines still open for you if you'd like to join this conversation our last live broadcast of the week so come on in take two family to share with us what you uh upon as you ponder what heaven might be like if you have any thoughts on that 833 288-3986 is the number to call and you will be among the first group of callers to be on the line there so we hope that you will join us and participate in what should be a very impactful conversation today well you know let me just get back to this you know one of the things in the webinar that's going to happen tomorrow is is average going to be talking about actually um focusing on heaven and what it means for folks that that that deal with same-sex attraction we have they have to be able to focus in in a in a bigger way and look towards heaven so this weaves in very nicely to what we're talking about here on take two what do you imagine heaven looking like and being like we want to hear from you at 833-288-3986 please call us this week on ewtn news in depth a look at the different catholic responses to covet vaccinations plus the impact of the pope's visits to slovakia and hungary and the heartwarming work of the sisters of saint joseph of the apparition in israel who offer palliative care for people of all faiths join us for ewtn news in depth this evening at 8 pm eastern exclusively on ewtn radio and television do you love to read great books how about fellowshipping online with like-minded people it's all in one place the inspired by faith book and fellowship club you'll find out all you need to know when you log on to standtalltoday.com and click on the book club tab at the top of the page hundreds of people are already making great use of their free membership what about you go to standtalltoday.com and sign up for the inspired by faith book and fellowship club today [Music] here's today's quote from mother angelica's perpetual calendar thank you jesus for the graces and gifts of this day i praise you for the sorrow that detached me and the joy that made me aware of your presence i love you lord god make me like you mother's spiral bound perpetual calendar features an inspirational message for each day of the year it's available from the ewtn religious catalog at ewtnrc.com [Music] it's great that you are there and listening to take two with jerry and debbie love to have you participate as we ponder a little bit what heaven might be like join the conversation at 833-288-3986 we'll get to your calls momentarily but i want to tell you about a beautiful item in the ewtn religious catalog one of so many great products that they have that you would really i think benefit from uh fro from obtaining one of those is a walnut crucifix with a genuine antique pewter corpus this crucifix it's made of furniture quality walnut stained wood with a genuine pewter corpus with an antique finish it has a drilled keyhole on the back for hanging it's made in the usa and you get free standard shipping for online orders 75 or more in the continental united states it's now available now at ewtnrc.com so use the code free at checkout and you will get that free shipping on orders 75 or more online in the continental united states beautiful can't have enough crucifixes that's what i say and have him blessed make sure you get your crucifixes blessed jerry before we get to sonia and mary ellen and the others uh folks please call in tell us what you think heaven will be like do you ever contemplate heaven do you ever think about heaven um maybe you talk about heaven with your family we want to hear from you 833-288-3986 jerry this is my my theory on on this idea of um really trying to imagine heaven okay we get glimpses of it here on earth right we um we have heard about people with near-death experiences and they have they they believe they've experienced some form of heaven we've had saints that have told us that they were taken to to um to see um aspects of heaven and purgatory and even hell right so we get glimpses of it not the full you know picture of it i believe this is my thought tell me what you think i believe the reason why we don't get to see a bigger picture of heaven is because we would absolutely want to immediately die to get there and and so that's not the plan the plan is we have to live here and and go through the journey and properly when god calls us home go home not anytime sooner by our own choices or you know taking our own life or doing anything like that because that's not not what god would want for us and not not of god so so we we are made to continue on this journey and then get there what do you think about that if we were to see the full image of heaven well i think there's something to that because i believe it was saint john vianney who said if we were to fully comprehend what the priest is who the priest is being in the person of christ we would die not of fear but of love you know so if that's if that's true if we were to to see the the you know comprehend the full beauty of the priesthood how much more so uh heaven yeah i think i think you're onto something there but isn't it wonderful to to use our minds to really imagine that because it does keep us focused on the ultimate goal rather than what is going on with day-to-day choices because let's face it we all make some pretty poor choices um you know from from time to time and that and that's not a good thing so so if we were to focus on our ultimate goal of of getting to heaven that is that that pretty much keeps us on pace and on track and i think that's a wonderful thing this is my my simple way of looking you know i've been i've been really contemplating and getting into mother teresa's works and her words and she had it right boy folks mother teresa she nailed it she just she knew how to just explain it in a very layman's terms so we can all grasp it and and move on in on that journey okay so we have a three on the lines um but there's room for you i think matt kabinsky is is maybe answering some more calls but please dial in 833-288-3986 i got my book out i'm ready to go okay as promised we're going to go to sonia first listening in michigan on siriusxm 130. hello sonia welcome to the program hi thank you for having me um so i've had a couple of encounters with jesus and to put it simply just seeing heaven is i i don't want to be so cliche about it but it is an overwhelming feeling of peace god's peace joy and love and it compares nothing to what we have on earth so it's it's the saying where um oh what is it psalm 69 i looked for love and i found none and going back to mother teresa saint mother teresa says i searched and it's that yearning for it's the thirst for that joy god's joy you know god's love and god peace when you've had that encounter you never want to come back because nobody fills you and fulfills you like god does like jesus does and the holy spirit so this is this is my uh this is my take this is this is what i've had uh an experience with it and with heaven it's just a very beautiful experience overall wow thanks for sharing that sonja very beautiful and well i think you're right you know we read in the bible john and i think it's in one of the letters of john god is love you know god does he he does he does not love as an act but he is love in his very essence and so i think you're right you mentioned peace joy and love and if we think of the greatest love we we've ever had on this earth or could possibly have it's infinitely greater than that god is going to be so i think your your call is spot on i really appreciate what you had to say debbie you have some thoughts i completely agree and it goes along with what i was sharing earlier sonia i hope you got to hear that about this idea of if we really get a full image of heaven we would just be you know striving so so quickly on this rapid pace to get there because we want to experience that overwhelming joy like you said in peace and love and that is such a beautiful thing you know saint augustine saying our hearts are restless until they rest in you that's here we are in this agitated state if you will uh being here on earth we really want to rest in that peace and that joy and that love and that and that awaits us in heaven and i and i i just want to say this i was talking to a few priests recently and they we were talking about this idea of how everybody wants to kind of just squeak into purgatory we really should be striving for heaven right right sonya talk about that a little bit because you had a personal experience well so the goal is to focus on our eye our eyes on jesus and to get to heaven so my i when people talk to me about going to purgatory and say oh i would like you know i'd rather go to purgatory and spend time there just because you know all the all the punishments and i'm like well why don't you strive towards heaven you know but they i don't think the understanding is there and i just want to bring everyone to jesus so i'm actually going to ask you gary and debbie for some prayers because i am a teacher and i have to get back here but i think i struggle with the thought of how come a lot of people don't love jesus like the way that i do and i i strive to bring that to people you know i do stumble a lot but just you know if you've only seen heaven you would know you would know just keep striving keep keep yearning keep thirsting for jesus not for purgatory for heaven it's such sublime doesn't describe it sublime doesn't describe it i don't want to spend time in particular for you know however long jesus says you know for the just punishment that i've i've had but i just you know again going back to that thing i looked for love and i found none well we find it in jesus and we find it in heaven so that's what we should be striving for heaven and not purgatory but thank you jesus for the gift of reconciliation and just other graces other gifts that he grants us yeah i'm reminded of when when paul writes you know run the race so as to win you know paul doesn't say run the race so as to maybe you'll finish you know maybe maybe you'll cross the finish line if you're lucky or whatever he says run the race so as to win and that can easily be taken to mean in this context sonia that you're talking about we should we should be striving absolutely for heaven the reality is if we strive just to kind of squeak into purgatory you know we're selling ourselves short and we're taking a huge risk i think you know um so yeah i completely agree yeah i agree yeah thank you guys for having god bless you i have to get back i have to go see my kiddos but we're gonna be we're gonna be assured of our prayers sonia because obviously god is calling you to do do that work and to spread the message the gospel message so we'll be praying for you for you okay thank you so much god bless you thank you thank you god bless you i put sonja in our prayer book where see this is we believe in the power of prayer by the way praise report i need to get tell you a praise report had a major major miracle yesterday i can't go into the details because i have to respect this this fine gentleman's uh privacy but had a major miracle and i believe it came through the power of the rosary and the blessed mother and so thank you thank you thank you jesus thank you for your mother um and thank you for this miracle happening for this wonderful man uh he deserves it he waited a long time he waited over a year and a half at least and he got the miracle i believe and and i fell to my knees and burst into tears yesterday it was so so amazing but that's the power of our spiritual mom i always i like that we have a lot of social media comments we will get to you can comment if you are watching the video stream on ewtn's facebook or youtube channels and you can also text us keep keep that in mind if you're not able to make a call or if you're not able to um you know be watching one of the video streams you can always text the letters ewtn to 5500 wait for a response then respond to us with your first name how you're listening and what your comment is and again there may be a small data rate most most phone plans have unlimited texting nowadays but that depends on your plan so we're going to go back to the calls mary ellen in nashua new hampshire listening on the station of the cross hi mary ellen oh hi guys i love you guys oh thanks my third time calling in and i never call a show because i just don't feel like i have much to offer but you guys just make it so nice for me my grandfather thought you're welcome my grandfather was a very very holy man he was i lived a contemplative type of life and when we were little he would talk to us about heaven a lot and he would say things like oh in heaven there's there's colors that you never could imagine that you've never seen before and there's little fluffy animals running around that you can play with and there's delicacies food and banquets that you you you just can't imagine but but you don't have to eat in heaven because the body doesn't need food in heaven and he would say he would go on and on like that he did it often he would of course he would always add um but you have to be good if you want to go to heaven and as an adult i'm in my 60s now i my image of heaven hasn't changed that much except i do when i look at our lady i say dear blessed mother when i get to heaven i am never leaving your side because i can't wait to and that's where my earthly mother will be so there you have it just i came back from a long road trip and when you cross the mountains and you see the magnificence of nature it takes your breath away imagine what heaven would be like oh yeah and then of course the peace i mean there's so much noise in the world and i just picture it as peaceful just quiet and beautiful there's no end to how i feel about heaven it's just all things good beyond imagination you know mary ellen thank you so much for sharing um your grandfather's words with us and i think he's i might i personally believe he was spot on and and for for him to be able to impart that to you as a small child look how it has stayed with you um so thank you for sharing that and thank you for the kind words about wanting to call into a show that you feel comfortable and safe to share what what's on your heart and and also to help others grow in in faith but i just wanted to to say this for a moment you know there are a lot of people that just don't believe that heaven really exists you know they just don't believe it's really going to be there for them and so they make this world and this life their their heaven or they try to make it their heaven and it's so unfortunate because if we would get things in a proper perspective if we would really hope again and and really and find that you know kind of that that excitement again about wanting to get to heaven and like you said mary ellen be right next to the blessed mother and jesus and the saints i mean how cool is it going to be when we walk up to saint francis of assisi and say i've always loved you you're amazing or saint therese of lesu or padre pia or i mean you talk about a reunion people have family reunions and they go man that was extraordinary all the pictures we took and how the fun we had and everything we did could you imagine the heavenly reunion and we are establishing our relationship with them now so it's not like we have to walk up to padre pio and say hello i'm debbie who are you you would know them right away right jerry i love what mary ellen's saying i love what her grandfather said because i just think it's so such a beautiful concept to to meditate on that we're just gonna walk up and just be hugging these people that we knew of and read about and and pray to right absolutely i mean we're already in a sense citizens of heaven as as members of the church this is especially true at the holy sacrifice of the mass and you know we've done shows on where people would like to go if they could you know the most beautiful place on earth that they could imagine we should have that same kind of desire and an interest in striving as has been said on the show already today we should have that same attitude about going to heaven what do you think mary ellen oh yes and i i just thought of something as she was speaking many years ago my mother and i attended a solemn high traditional latin mass and they had an orchestra and from the first strain my mother and i just looked at each other and we just mouthed mozart it was mozart's minutes i don't know which one um and the hairs on my arm just stood up and the mask had to have been two and a half hours long mary ellen if you can hold that hold that thought right there just for a second we've got a as i say pause for online station identification but for our affiliates to do a little bit of housekeeping on their ends we'll get right back to you mary ellen if you can hold on thank you [Music] in any language it means the same live truth live catholic ewtn how should we pray the disciples asked our lord that question and he gave them the our father or the lord's prayer but he also gave them the liturgy which is the most privileged form of prayer in the catholic tradition especially the holy sacrifice of the mass we can pray with the whole church in the liturgy of the hours or the divine office and we should also pray in our own private room our secret chamber as jesus says and then our father who sees us in secret will reward us and now the ewtn family prayer with father joseph family a prayer that we pray together is a powerful prayer so please pray together with me our ewtn family prayer [Music] today we pray for those in need of employment our provident father in heaven holy is your name many today are without employment and are struggling to provide for themselves and for their families give us this day our daily bread reveal your providential care and assist them in finding meaningful work bring them closer to you in this time of trial and show them the way that the door be opened to them for we are knocking let them receive your help for we are asking amen matt swaim here monday on the sunrise morning show will celebrate the feast of saint andrew kim and companions the martyrs of korea plus news weather sports and a whole lot more now back to take two with jerry and debbie [Music] thanks for joining us today on take two with jerry and debbie and you and we appreciate uh mary allen holding on to the break there thank you so much for talking about what uh what we imagine that heaven might be like mary ellen just rewind just briefly we're talking about this mask with an orchestra and how beautiful that was so please feel free to continue so everything about it was really heavenly even the incense that there's a lot of incidents in that time man it had a sweetness to it that i i've never encountered before i've never smelt that incense before the music the adjustments the candles if that's not a piece of heaven i don't know what is and i think of it often because i wish i could be you know say it again but um that's heaven to me the faith it's like you say the same and you know what would be a great topic someday what state can you not wait to meet in heaven unless you've already done that one before but um i don't get to listen often anyway i just wanted to share that with you my grandfather was raised in an orphanage by the christian brothers and they really taught him the faith and he is a very kind and gentle man so god bless those christian brothers very interesting did so was he was he a a deep man oh yes he like i i went to a phase in my life we all lived together and um i had nightmares and i would wake up in the middle of the night and i'd go into his room and he would be kneeling before the crucifix praying yes kneeling all night long at prayer i mean this was every night wow what is your grandfather's first name mary ellen charles charles i'm gonna put you all in the book wow your grandpa i could feel the holy spirit when you were talking mary ellen oh thank you debbie yeah now i i i always attribute our faith to them my grandparents of course my mother was so holy um but i always go back to saint patrick because we're irish and i think wow maybe we wouldn't be catholic if it wasn't for saint patrick's uh so each one i want to keep when i get to heaven that's for sure yeah i'm reminded as you're talking about the verse in in matthew i think chapter six where it says when you pray go into your inner room and pray to your father in private and and this is what your grandfather was doing um not wanting to be seen necessarily but i'm glad that god allowed you to see that because a lot of people have that experience of their mother their father a grandparent or somebody very very holy and devout wanting to just you know not be seen or not be showy or anything about their prayer but when you see that that just stays with you and it just i think it really motivates it look look at the impact it had on you mary allen oh yes and my brothers as well i mean we all we all recognized his faith and we all try to live with faith beautiful beautiful wow well mary ellen we hope that god is allowing your grandfather charles to to listen to this um you know beautiful call that you made and uh i we hope it brings a smile to his face and and all of heaven so that's just beautiful thank you well thank you i love you guys i'm so happy for your show and i wish you all the best god bless you too god bless you mary ellen you'll be in our prayers please pray for us and and the show team which is michael bridgefield our producer jeff person on social media and matt gubinsky is on the phones at 833-288-3986 and maybe we can read a couple of social media comments yeah you want to start out you can start and i'll continue where you leave off okay what do you imagine heaven being like mary who is watching on youtube says i imagine total bliss no pain no misery just total happiness thank you mary for sharing that lulu says i imagine angels singing more wonderfully than any human on earth can and i can move effortlessly with a body that is shaped like me but my skin hair is clear like water like how jesus probably looked at when they um when oh when they thought he was a ghost on the water yeah okay so mary and lulu commenting on ewtn catholic radio's youtube channel and tim matteo our friend tim from ohio says i can't even imagine what heaven would be like i i do know our lord jesus christ promises a place for us and yet all i want is mine to be the heavenly improved version of the house i grew up in nothing fancy i love i love that about tim tim is so wonderful he's all heart all heart beautiful tim but you know heaven is going to be extraordinary it really is i mean that's what he's preparing a place for us and all we have to do is really stay faithful because god is always faithful to us it really is quite simple i suggest everybody go back to mother teresa she i i i can't say it enough she really she really knows the words she used and how she communicated it to all of us was is perfect for us it's a great um plan and recipe um for for a journey of faith very smart woman she was absolutely you know wonderfully holy too great intercessor in heaven we're going to go to steve next who's in central massachusetts listening on siriusxm 130. hi steve welcome to take two hey how are you doing well appreciate the phone call today yeah so i just wanted to share my experience i almost didn't call in but i was this this this experience this was a clearly was a gift from from jesus uh i i had a dream and that he came to me and basically brought me showed me heaven and uh i i could never in my wildest dreams have come up with this on my own i'm a pretty creative person but there is no way i could have come up with this on my own because the the um the experience and the colors and and you know it was this it was white but it was you know just every color you could imagine and and then some and and it was you know people i i know you just read uh somebody's uh message about bliss and i'd say bliss is probably the closest word that i could come up with but you could take every beautiful word from the dictionary put them all together and you just scratched the surface of what i saw um and and so and the way i felt at the time number one you weren't you weren't like standing there you were you you just were does that make sense you just you were you were you were just a part of it or something it was really hard to explain um but you felt no pain you felt nothing but love and uh it's just amazing amazing amazing i can't wait to get back there uh i mean i'm obviously i'm not i'm in no hurry but you know uh when somebody like my mother-in-law passed away uh you know a few years back and it was after this experience and i'm telling you she was a wonderful catholic woman she was i would say the strongest uh catholic that i've ever known um personally and um you know when she passed i i knew that's where she's going and i didn't feel bad for her one bit because i knew that's where she was going beautiful well steve while you're on with us um before you go um if you care to give us your mother-in-law's first name we'll add her to our prayer book but you know i'm reminded as you're talking of the the appearances of jesus to the to his apostles and disciples following his resurrection you talked about you know being there jesus kind of showing you heaven and you were you were just kind of there you didn't really feel you know bodily present right i'm not exactly sure how you put it but you know jesus was able to walk walk through doors you know and and we're gonna have a glorified body in heaven as well so yeah it's very possible that jesus was you know giving you some kind of a sense of what that's going to be like we don't know obviously but you know jesus has his glorified body and he still has the the marks of his of his passion and so forth so yeah we're going to definitely have a beautiful experience in heaven god willing we're all going to get there amen amen her name was clarice okay clarice all right debbie we'll put that down in our prayer book when we have these personal experiences these these these personal encounters you know there's they are very personal they're unique to us and and they're such they're such beautiful gifts from god and and i just want to encourage folks that when you have these these um you know personal precious moments with god they're yours and they're very and and they're and they they're meaningful to you and they were meant for you but they're also that you know that it can be to obviously pass on and and share with others but not it everybody's not going to enter into the same depth of what you encountered steve or anyone else because i know i had personal experiences too and i'm and jerry has as well it's it's so wonderful of god to um we it's like we're the only one that exists for him do you get that steve absolutely yes it's beautiful beautiful our god is an amazing god amen amen well i just thought i'd share that with you and um you know uh god bless and thank you for what you guys do oh thank you steve thanks for being part of the take two family we appreciate that um yeah when i when i imagine what heaven might be like debbie um i'm when i'm in my prayer time at my parish we have a right above uh the we have the the tabernacle in the center behind the altar and right as you look above that there's some windows that look out but we have about a six foot tall crucifix at least six feet tall it's just really right there for all to see and lately my meditation has been imagining jesus giving me a big hug you know he has like i said before he he is he is bodily present in heaven he's got his glorified body and i look at the arms outstretched on the cross and i say jesus i can't wait for you to wrap those arms around me and i try to you know imagine what that's going to be like and it's just it's really kind of mind-blowing when i think about it see that's awesome that is really wonderful that you do that did you come about that by yourself or did did a priest suggest that no that just it just kind of came to me prompting of the holy spirit as you like to say yeah yeah that's beautiful okay so we're going to move on to tim in buffalo new york hi tim thanks for waiting and welcome hi guys how are you good tim how about you oh great you know i'm calling did you ever read scott hahn's book the lamb supper 1999 yes i'm reading that now what an inspiration every time i go to math he this this book just opens my eyes it's amazing oh absolutely talks about heaven on earth we already have it every time we go to mass he talks about it um in his book it's uh he talks about perusia which is jesus's imminent power his coming takes place right now and from cardinal joseph laziner when jesus comes again at the end of time he will not have a single drop more glory than he has right now upon the altars and in the tabernacles of our churches god dwells among mankind right now because of mass there's heaven on earth i just i just find this book so inspirational yeah it really is i've read it it was many years ago and debbie has as well tim i'm glad you're reading that though you know anything from scott hans is very very exceptional of course but um i mentioned on this show earlier that i think earlier this week last saturday we had what's called a teaching mass at our parish and this priest did a marvelous job what he what it is is he celebrates the mass but he explains in depth in detail everything that's going on as it happens and my eyes were really opened even more than they ever had been tim to the reality like you're talking about you know it really is heaven on earth we are united with heaven heaven jesus becomes very obviously truly present on the on the altar during the sacrifice of the mass so very very beautiful testimony about you're reading that book deb how we talk about the holy holy we're actually singing with the angels and all the saints heaven opens to us at the mass oh tim see there's no accident with god that's exactly what i was going to to say because as i'm sure you listen to the show i talk about angel many years and i was going to share that tim that the angels all come around uh the altar it is it is crowded beyond belief with angels and it's so amazing and heaven and earth meet and and we are all connected at that point it's absolutely incredible it's mind-blowing actually because we can't really even um comprehend the magnitude of what this means for us but tim you are spot on i think dr scott hahn did did an amazing job at communicating that to us and i pray that everybody you know maybe give that out as as christmas gifts the lamb supper because people need to be re-catechized we're missing it tim some people are saying oh that doesn't matter it doesn't exist that's just you know what some people some theologians are saying but it really is true and you thank you for sharing it again with us tim did you ever see that uh speaking about how the masses explain uh youtube uh from uh divine mercy shrank father chris solar has a as a whole explanation of the mass it's amazing wow oh yeah yeah did you ever see that other little youtube thing where uh there's a gentleman sitting in the pew and the mass is taking place and his angel leaves him during the offertory and goes up to the alt to present the gifts and then jesus comes down and the priest is saying the offertory and jesus appears right there on the altar and the angels from all the parishioners in the in the pews are taking up the offerings to him wow wow and then there's and then there's this small video of uh what's it the um the un remember the unveiled or i can't remember right yeah it's where they they they talk about the mystery of of the mass and how beautiful it is we're blessed we're blessed to be catholics and i just wish folks would realize that tim absolutely thank you oh debbie i gotta say every time you giggle i roll on the floor you just make me laugh i just can't help you know what i have a quirky sense of humor i just i laugh at everything it's it's it's not good i i probably should have gotten kicked out of catholic school tim thank you guys listen all the time oh thank you appreciate it so much tim god bless you that that that sense of awe and and really have we need to pray for a deeper sense of odd to have our spiritual eyes really open during the mass because we we go there and you know so many distractions you know where are we gonna you know we're where are we gonna go after you know mass for brunch and and things like that you know and and the great st thomas aquinas you know writes in the taunton ergo says let faith provide a supplement for the failure of the senses you know we really can't fully in our human nature grasp what is going on at the mass because of the you know the failure of our senses but it says let faith provide in in the absence of you know the senses fully grasping that so really encourage all of us everyone listening right now and us all of us included you know to really pray for a a deeper sense of of what's going on in appreciation and that sense of on reverence and what happens at mass absolutely okay real quickly um but not too quickly because this is super important i want to just emphasize um sunday 2 p.m eastern time okay mother angelica's answering the call beautiful show father joseph and doug keck reflect on the wisdom of mother angelica mother prays for a priest takes a call from a woman whose neighbor doesn't believe in the eucharist see it's kind of like what we what we're talking about here and a question about a vow of poverty so please check it out folks sunday 2 p.m eastern time you really want to be reminded of the the uh very special and we believe god inspired answers that mother angelica gave to people because it really changed their spiritual lives um and i'm getting messages um now uh of the name of that short little video on the mass some some are saying um they're checking the name of it because people are asking okay i forgot it's friday i can't remember everything well we'll pass that along if we get that before the end of the show vicki is watching this video stream on facebook vicky says in 2016 i almost died of an autoimmune disease after a month in the hospital the first sunday i got back to church was gaudete sunday just coming into the presence of my church home my good friends welcoming the deacon who came to visit and the priest who gave me the last rites this is how it will be entering heaven a lot of rejoicing and welcoming from all family and friends that have entered before me that is very beautiful vicky thanks for sharing that with us yes thank you for sharing that wow powerful and i just noticed another youtube comment and this has it's off topic but elizabeth if you want any questions answered about the webinar and how you can get it after tomorrow's actual airing date just email us go to standtalltoday.com and there's a support team email email us elizabeth and we'll happily answer those questions okay jerry all right back to the calls brian is in florida listening on siriusxm 130. hi brian good to have you with us hi brian how are you god bless you both thank you i imagine having as pure love with with jesus our lord and i base this on a spiritual experience i had many years ago i was in the throes of depression and i was at a prayer group and then recommended that i envisioned jesus cradling which i did the following night and a pure sense of love came over me a love you cannot imagine i hate that word can't imagine but it was all consuming like a wave coming over you in a feet on a beach and just immersing your soul and body and the peace within mostly love of jesus christ and did it lift your depression somewhat oh yes it did and i realized also that everything is connected that god's love is immense upon the earth and that we all connected in this love wow that's powerful and thank you for sharing it because there are a lot of folks right now suffering from uh you know they're in deep depression a low-grade depression and they needed to hear what you just said and so i hope it resonates with them it ho i hope it it goes deeply into their their spirit so thank you thank you for stepping up we don't believe there was any accident that you waited almost the entire show to get on i i really believe that was that was of god so our deepest deepest thanks what do you think jerry yeah yeah absolutely um you know uh when when we think about heaven i think if we you know give it enough time and ponder it and have an experience like what you just were talking about brian um definitely it's it's got to help anybody who is feeling you know anxiety or depression or loneliness or anything like that and we we certainly pray for all who are because brian i've been through uh you know pretty deep depression myself a number of years ago and uh you just you just you you just desperately want out of that and and praise be to god you had that experience yeah exactly and i i agree 100 people um we all need to understand we all have our own crosses to bear and god can help us along the way but i'm not given i haven't been given into fantasies or hyperboles i'm a retired military officer and spent many years in the industry very in the fact basis of life but god is there he wants all of us to come into his love and once you do that then you find that god is real heaven is real and there's a place in heaven for you so as you talked in the early part of the show i'm working on a book myself but the thought that comes to me is that live as if you are going to heaven live wow powerful way to go brian you knocked it out of the park and thank you so much for your service in the military god bless you you're a beautiful soul call us again would you do that because what you have to share is is very very deep very very um we need we need to have more brian's i'm just saying because we got to get serious about our our our faith walk and you can offer that to us well i am here for you and everyone else i'm constantly praying i pray the rosary every day and chapel of thy mercy and i encourage everyone you have the time and you can do this and you want to be closer to god the prayer the love of god cures all ills they'll make you holy and you'll be a son or daughter of god amen amen amen thank you brian wow thanks brian yeah beautiful call thank you okay i love love love the take two family okay we just we just got just a deluge of of of texts coming in that this short film about the catholic mass is the veil removed the veil removed don't you love the take two family they always have our backs this is like a group effort that we do here right jerry yeah yeah just yeah i just look looked at that you're right the veil removed you'll find it on youtube very very beautiful beautiful and not too long either you know like you said it's a short short enough to just sit down and watch real quickly about seven months we should say our show team is you and me michael jeff matt and and everybody listening that's right that's right um you know we're coming up toward the the closing music for the show sherry in louisiana k in ohio duggan also in louisiana unfortunately we are just not going to have time to put you on the air it wouldn't be fair to you actually because we'd have to kind of hurry you up hurry along so thank you for calling anyway and all those social media comments and emails that we won't be able to get to on today's program but it has been just a wonderful conversation debbie absolutely i think we're going into the weekend with our just with a lot of joy and hope and just a beautiful way to imagine heaven um may i please say this one more time because we are getting some messages please folks if you want to attend the webinar same-sex attraction and life in the church it is tomorrow morning you can register still today and also very early tomorrow morning all you have to do is go to standtalltoday.com we put it on the homepage because we're very late now and you can join us it's all private and confidential and we're figuring out a way to have folks that cannot attend that maybe they can view it later so you can just email us at support team but i want to make sure i get that in because we're going to get a lot of messages overnight okay we're going to storm heaven on monday it is our god i need you now so be thinking about what your urgent prayer intentions are over the weekend and we will happily field them and join you and praying for those and get the whole take two family around the world praying along with you that's on monday it is on monday that's a very powerful show and please be thinking about that and um also be praying for all the take two family intentions we appreciate that so until monday we want to wish you a beautiful and blessed weekend and in the year of saint joseph we ask saint joseph please pray for us amen [Music] hey this is michael o'neal the miracle hunter i'll be delving into the fascinating world of miracles and taking you on a hunt that explores the greatest mysteries and marvel
Channel: EWTN
Views: 778
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: _YQEjQai1t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 5sec (3245 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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