VICTORIOUS WOMAN_ Rev. Funke Adejumo

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this yeah you will suffer no loss amen it's a great privilege and honor for me to be here tonight and I want to find the Asia end of days the God that is old but not old fashioned the God that doesn't pursue a man before he catches up with him we all look up to him he doesn't look up to anybody the only one that is permitted to be proud he's great but he doesn't use his greatness to oppress there are some people that just sent me to lift nobody can talk again God is so good he's so gracious he's so kind he's so loving he's so amazing he doesn't consult your past or determine your future he's such a great God let's God know the ladies in the Middle East adore unappreciative let's make a Thank You Lord hallelujah amen because you have honored him tonight Anna will never be removed from your life if I said that I honor me I will honor and then that despise me I will hold in light esteem for someone one was fat see God is good I bring you greetings from the United States of Nigeria the devil is so crazy about that country but he's the liar Jesus is Lord of inanition too much investment over the years and he's just fighting in lost butter the Lord cometh and I know that this endtime revival Nigeria has a great part to play and we are winning in name of Jesus I thank all of you for having me tonight I bring you greetings from my husband Bishop Felix remya did you work I call him thank you I call him the only shoe garments the only lipstick on my lips the only tomato my jollof rice the only rose in my garden and some time ago I added the only brain in my skull so when my husband had that she said ah if I'm really bringing your score then you are my spinal cord he celebrates my husband's thank you thank you he turns 64 last Wednesday and they're like mommy I did okay said the hospital is actually in his hometown we know show states not enough correct so God gave us an hospital and patients have started coming every child that comes into that hospital will pay just a token that's what the Lord has laid on our hearts and we are grateful for the privilege of being a blessing our 34 year old marriage is blessed with four biological children all of them are married I'm grateful to God for that - boys into girls we have some adopted children I have an orphanage and I'm a grandmother of six I'm still committed this is how I starts preaching so that you will know I am flesh and blood I go to the same market you go to I'm faced with the same situation and temptation just like you are I just made up my mind several years ago that's when my time on earth is over and I got to see the Lord Jesus Christ if it's Harris I will not die as a woman I will die as an institution that after God you submit a research about my life and tonight I just want to share a few things with you that will help you as a woman in particular I can spot a few men very courageous men here and we honor you thank you for being bold enough to come to a meeting I want to just be from my spirit I got born again September 14 1978 so I'll be 40 years did I say something not just 78 yes happy 14 years in the Lord September this year walking with the Lord exciting moments very discouraging moments questions that define answers you just choose and make up your mind that you're good to heaven then I bought in level obstacles that confront a woman fatality African woman and as the Lord helps people like us women like us to overcome these obstacles we trust him to hold our hands and use our hands to hold other women and resemble because great women raise great women that raise great women if you a woman I love very insecure I have very very very jealous competitively jealous you are a disgrace because you won't sleep on two beds you won't drive two cars so how come you don't want another woman to shine he doesn't remove anything from you it doesn't remove air from my name we sell at a gym by encouraging other women to shine and tonight I have come to either make you angry because if you are not tired of where you are where you are tired of you you need to move your life must be better after this conference and the devil must weep over your life let's go on this journey I've been given about 90 minutes I don't think I'll spend up to that but let's go on this journey the woman is many things to many people to some people she's a necessary evil in some cultures she's only saying but never heard I remember many years ago I was at an ordination service with my husband and the man that was going to ordain the puzzle pin the microphone and said from today after your de nition never reveal your secrets to your wife because we men are Devils it was a senior pastor that was speaking my husband just turned to me and said - you may be that man was speaking from his experience I don't know because some women can be Devils truly but not all women are Devils - some people she's just a baby manufacturing machine that is why as a woman listen and listen very carefully today stop having babies every year you have boys you have girls don't kill yourself in the delivery room because if you die I give you a husband only one year to remarry and he's likely to marry that your sister your friend that is what happens now you hear them say things like oh the children are so used to have me tell your sister don't die tell em about pressure don't kill yourself [Applause] because you are looking for a boy or you are looking for a girl which one can you manufacture whatever God gives you be grateful and refuse to kill yourself in the labor room don't commit suicide because the worst thing that can happen is for the world to stop for a few seconds and they will move on your husband was ill each they were simply doing the house don't kill yourself if I god forbid while you are sitting the mortuary we here at the man say I've not eaten since she died can you please make me some thick meal oh and what the person is going to prepare to hear the man say and some toasts a bit of places and my heart bled to some people the woman is just like any of the properties at the TV sets like this or anything what woman I want to define you from the perspective of the Bible I try to put on the spectacle of destiny and let you know your worth when God created you he had purpose in mind for instance look at the anatomy of the human body if you can see me look at me very well look at my feet my feet are forward looking have you ever stopped to ask yourself how can that your feet are no ladies or not looking backwards how come that you don't walk backwards how come that you don't walk sideways this is very prophetic God created you to be a forward-looking beam your eyes are forward looking your feet are forward looking you were created never to have a better yesterday done listen to me as you sat in scriptures God did not bring the blessings until the woman arrived he blessed them male and female created he them and blessed them he withheld the blessing until you arrived in the book of Genesis chapter 5 and verse number 2 that's where we got mr. and mrs. that's why I'm mrs. Idaho Genesis 5 - he called their name Adam if you look up Genesis chapter 3 I'm trying to trace your origin as a woman whether you are born again or not I'm talking to you as a woman your origin when the devil came to tempt the woman look at the scenario she fell and God brought down judgments the first person the Lord addressed was the man why did you do this hear what the man said the woman you gave me did I ever ask you for a wife he blamed God from Genesis to Revelation after that incident God stopped giving wives to men whosoever fire death so you do your own finding so that you want blim God when God turned to the woman and said why did you do this hear what the woman said father I refuse to blame my vertical relationship God and I refuse to blame my horizontal relationship my husband I cooperate with you to blame our act enemy the devil deceived me you and the egg to create a child today I choose woman to exempt this pan demand from the plan of salvation your seat shall boost the devil's head the only Road the man played in the plan of salvation was that of a messenger how has to be able to go out to day with this man but this is Bible County the woman and the baby run to Egypt yes I the people are seeking his life are dead come back yes sir it was the woman that carried the seat and brought to be the plan of salvation when the Lord Jesus Christ was going to die it was the woman that broke alabaster box of ointment and anointed his body prepared his body for his barrier hear me beloved I have a feeling in my spirit that as Jesus this return is imminent and coming there's a mighty revival going on and it is the woman that will prepare his body the church for his second coming [Applause] does this mean we should be arrogant no does this mean we should dishonor manhood no I am ready to restore dignity to womanhood but I have a correctly happy home even the devil in his crazy estate knows I am happy element I am just trying to strike a balance because many things have distorted and disrupted the view of a woman when a male child is born people celebrate even the mother celebrates the fad I's excited one of my daughter's my biological daughter who happens to be my husband she has three boys set of twins and any boy you need to see how proudly host parties you need to see how proud the mother-in-law is it is a secret code is an on-set thing but when you have a big big point there is something you owe me I shall be mine I just deliver the killer - baby what else is a boy but when a woman has four guests it's not call it hard began it's just there everyone in developed countries there's this mischievious demonic thing attached to women's destiny that's why you need to be victorious as a woman without necessarily being militant without loosing your femininity you don't need to struggle with anybody she just need to understand your purpose and understand you are not here to compete with anybody but to complete people it's important for me to lay this foundation as you look at the victorious woman or sister by that theme you can tell that there is a battle going on the book of revelations chapter number 12 there was this serious battle against the woman and it even became generational because when the devil noted that he couldn't get the woman he moved to her seat that's why as a woman you cannot afford to joke with your children tomorrow be sharing four major things that you are as a woman and that you should be as a woman but let me just lay the foundation tonight you are according to the Bible a man with a limb would you have what the man does not have and God is the only wise God remember he doesn't make mistakes that this God did not put in the man he put in you as an additional the womb the breasts they are at least you can do as a woman that a man cannot do now no man will have been able to get something the way he was gotten only a woman could have done that a man does not know what it means to carry a baby in his room a man does not know what it means to breastfeed for you to bond with your child while you are breastfeeding and the baby is looking at you and searching for love a man does not can never understand that experience you are blessed you a man with a woman but can we just go a step further to remind you that the womb that you have is not just for big big carrying biologically he's supposed to carry purpose and give birth to purpose he's supposed to carry vision and give a true vision somebody must go to bed thanking God for you and Rama said to me some time ago mom even if you don't pray anymore they let passing on the states I pray for you because even what are you so covered ER quits dear whatever you supply lepers remember some time ago MASMA was about to be involved in the motor accident and the Lord had said it so we had a big Thanksgiving service in honor of Jesus I courage the offering pocket with my heavy duty offering on the inside of it and I was dancing with my husband and I and my children and about six ladies just what up to me I notice that it was surrounded me at the second look I discovered that they were widows all of them so one of them said to me we just decided to surround you today to remind you that you cannot join our club now who will be paying our children's school fees we happily accompany you you can't I started crying and there are prayers that God yes please stop living for the Trinity of the devil I mean myself as I said I've come tonight to make you angry I'm taking you on a journey yeah woman with a woman black man with a woman a man with a woman as a mother for reasons biologically speaking these two gadgets are for prayers you touch your breasts you touch your when you said wherever my child is at these points with the angels of the Lord median come round and each other ever soft my breast any child has ever laid in this room you will not miss heaven you wish a purpose you will love God you I try your life around here supreme all time heaven and man doesn't have that it's not for joke no it's not you must carry purpose there there are many battles going on against the woman and it began in the Garden of Eden let me say this again if you study the scripture very well in Genesis chapter 3 there was no single verse we are God sends the woman packing it was the man and the lost sense the man out of the gutter the woman only followed that's why you here that's why I may be not correct that's my dessert trans fats or Dubai we are going that's what we've got is wrong God got it from you are very important try the last bone stop living your life as if you a nonentity please stop even if you are a product of your family planet devised that failed God purposed you God planned you God had something at the back of his mind when he created you you are beautiful you are great you are gracious I'm going to tell you ten things very shortly you are beautiful some years ago the state governments know where I live invited me to the prison so come and preach I returned from that experience a better woman a better believer two major things happened to me number one the windows people were present a lot those inmates changed my life I became a dangerous worshipper hey thanks give her that you cannot stop I say Mandy I will be about my father's age he was even blind and I was saying to myself we did not release this man discharged him no matter what has happened as I was being taken around the prison ice a particular room and I was told that the prisoners here some of them have never seen it never stepped out of that room since 1988 it was that day I understood that's freedom is a blessing if you understand that we stop complain that you don't have a Red Hots do we stop complaining my Thanksgiving life changed just by that visits what the second thing that happened to me I noticed that all the inmates had their uniforms and they had two numbers a very smaller one in the front and a bolder one at the back and I asked questions the one in the front I was told was the serial number you are number seven 33 in this prison but the one at the back get some discharge 20:53 2071 everywhere each one goes he carries the numbers and suddenly the holy ghost spoke to me and said the wettest inmates carried in numbers is the way everybody carries his or her destiny around when you were born you were born naked but not empty is there pity that some people rather than fulfill their destiny they have become supervisor generals this one doesn't we are had these are we as makeup that one doesn't matter what is your business as if Heaven is your backyard for 10 years I didn't wear makeup for 10 years I didn't wear actuaries for 10 years I covered my head if you see my wedding picture you were cry for my mother I got my my wedding dress from England what's my personal so I've had to inspect it and hear what she said where she's presented since the funk you cannot we are these dress why souls are perishing as if souls had not been perishing if I was born I saw seed not perish it so she not made me one or Cossack dress top you neck like this one pneumonia scoffs they'll still have you imagine on my wedding day no jewelry no makeup no powder no thing I look at the picture some time and I said oh you from cardiopathy that did you like this it's no no the better no try at all some of us that's our background now hear me this is one of the reasons why the cross has four entrances come with your cup or your stuff come without your cup come with jeans and makeup come without it just make sure it is the cross you have come to and you have no right to judge me Romans 14 14 you have no right to judge anybody so his master he stands oh he forms carry your heart carried very well disturb anybody's view it's your hearts it's just you didn't borrow it from anybody can elaborate lunch it's very well it is your Barrett's but excuse me do not condemn the people that don't carry hearts let us not go to the genesis of this how to you need to google it because people found that this automata I've had to have known is not supposed to be one [Applause] but what am i driving at it's beautiful when you wear it it's your conviction and the person that doesn't wear it does not need to condemn the people as I wearing we need to set the record straight among women men don't have issues like this chee-chee-chee teaches the unit is digital let's stop all this nobody should condemn maka for marry nobody should condemn marry for Martha we are all different and you have no idea how God is dealing with me there are people I can reach that you can never reach with your hearts and our people your weariness I can never reach with my makeup that's why we're difference so please women let's settle this love your sister except your sister stop criticizing your sister if you believe in this as she doesn't believe he doesn't change just mesh watches the cross its importance [Applause] as a woman you need to start living your life for things that have eternal value much more than ephemera things dresses shoes makeup nothing let's go forward will count in eternity because most times the things that counts cannot be counted let's go for souls let's torture lives let's move our lives to please the Lord as women let's blend let's come together let's love let's pray for when I know that we cannot all belong to a particular denomination we cannot all washing Church is for administrative purpose when we get to heaven there's no church name are you washed in the blood is your name written in the book of life how you saved my buddy buddy said when we get to heaven one of the reasons why we was first go for 1,000 years is for orientation anyway see Baba said because when people are too used to prophets if God just set them straight to streets of gold a we faith and they will never resurrects praise the Lord so I want to tell you ten things tonight and if I have the time even if I may not be able to mention detail I will tell you how you should see life three major ways through which you should see life the first thing I want to talk to you about tonight very simple number one this is how to be victorious when you begin to see like this way you are God's treasure you like the apple of God's guys people may not believe in you they may not like you it doesn't matter it does not matter your victory starts in your mind start thinking victory starts speaking victory stop basing your life and the driver seat of your life on what people say believe that you are God's treasure Sakura a chapter two and verse number eight Zakaria 2 is for this is what the Lord God Almighty sees after he has honored me and I sent me against the nations that have two hundred you for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eyes you are customized by God remember how you keep your gold when it gets lost you know how you look for it is the same thing with God they were not created to just be average no God created you to SWA and to thrive he created you to break out he created you to go beyond your barriers to believe bigger and live the life that God has for you number two God did not create you to waste you this is how to be victorious God did not create you to waste you remember millions of spermatozoa struggle to be you balaji from too many of them millions where you put it fast when you couldn't pray when you couldn't buy lose when they look at it and lunge yourself you fought with millions of people potentia people are you one is it now that the blood has redeemed you is it not that you have access to preening songs and studying the Bible you were not created to be a loser it doesn't matter what you've been through it does not matter God did not create to waste you he has a purpose for you number three and you can put your man chapter 1 verse 5 there number 3 you are on assignment here on earth if a single lady please listen doubly so what I'm about to say you are on assignment here it is not marriage that completes a woman don't get it wrong and joy where you are on your way to where you are going don't wait till you are married before you start enjoying God and enjoying life in those days they will say even if you can afford a car don't buy it because no man will marry you it is a light now the times have changed and the scriptural Hebrews chapter 1 from verse one tells us God who before you stole now principles don't change my methods change these days the men of these days they are looking for Coronas the man wants to be sure that you will not be a liability so if you have it is an advantage the mom would say Vika drop you off at work and drive it as if it is his own so if you can afford a car why not buy one who says it is not every wife that a man can slump one day my raises his hand and remembers who you are he brings me hard I said we should not be fighting this house should not be fights they don't let us allow the devil deserves it is not every wife that the husband can say you are packing out today because a man knows when you pack outs the window blinds are going the wrong is going RT TV sets are going the kitchen will be empty that is why I say woman you must be empowered economically don't just get married and be a liability that's why your brother-in-law consult you because he knows it was the only port mansion that they gave you joining your engagement that you brush through their house one television set was there before you keep you brought in three so when the bank wants to change the channel from CNN to Africa magic boom you would think twice short think twice as a woman and this is how you should raise your totals it does not reduce their submission he does not reduce the anointing it helps them I have a home for women that I not do civilians you don't even want to believe the things that I hear the first lady that came to that home a young pregnant lady when I saw her I burst into tears what happened so you demand bit her with hard stare in Iowa the stirring rod what used to prepare you know food when I was great myself said mommy don't cry yet they put her dress Jesus Christ that sites gives me goosebumps what was her crime the man wanted her in pregnancy to sleep with another man so they could get money and she said no I may not be born again I mean understand but no this is not descent and demand huh with a Ruben I made sure he was locked up and I'm still a Christian I'm sick going to heaven I make sure you don't touch a woman where I am you want to kill her she's somebody's daughter in pregnancy here what another one cent I see that you assisted in that VC relationship where will I go I cannot suffer that's why I even thought about that 1 million matter that went everywhere this girl the husband we say me daddy are you idiots close your eyes are raise your hands husband and wife true life story in Legos not in my village I shall we nail down a razor hand after 15 minutes that up you pink go fix something for me Tori's and when you are done put it on the table clean up and go to the bedroom [Applause] then I say good husbands I am married to one by God's grace but there are many many many bad and evil husbands that's abuse that's why I say woman you cannot afford to be a nonentity looking on to your husband before you buy bra this a detail that remove dignity from a woman the man have you bury your grandmother's father so we have you to do waiting for your cousin's father's friend's brother everything one day he's gonna be tired do not allow your husband did not repeat his coffees contribute no matter how small do something with your life as a woman you were created to add value think and do something I thought this thing was yesterday I have published by God's grace 81 books my books on Amazon when it comes to my account every month Bank of America I add value to my marriage must not look at me recently and said how would you be married to eternally I wish Jesus with just comments everybody that is married remain married I said to him I know Jesus won't say that but when Jesus comes I'm going to say excuse me is a happy son gesture lets my husband's mansion be the closest to my own if I don't add value to him you wouldn't have said that stop being a begginer wife that believer on your inside is the power damage the heavens and the earth do something everybody's looking even your children are watching your in-laws are watching to be a drag be a liability this sounds spiritually take care of your spirit man but be sound also in every area of your life I share some personal stories with you tomorrow these are not ashamed to tell you to inspire you and say that it's never too late to start or to change as a woman some of you think you are spiritual but you are only religious and they say wall of difference between the two and some husband's I mean pigs and they cannot shop because there are puzzles sometimes I'm not sure because they are elders they were punished there they will they will suspend them if you're going to adultery but some of them I really wish it that the otherwise we die and go to heaven hi abortion oh god just take my wife Jack can be both because you are giving the man pain you know I didn't value to him if your husband's life does not appreciate after marriage by which Deborah shall a man leave five-letter words and cleave six-letter words the part of the justice are the shining lights a shines one more and some of you you are time bombs on your inside you eluded there are books on your inside I preached in Paris every year any part of the big guys Pentecostal there sometimes beloved the books I sell our modern the honorarium to give and I'll be prefer the make seen eyes blind as a courageous money through insecurity because I have offers and widows waiting for me what you will eat is inside of you with the tools in that area so if you are just sitting down popping out children sitting down doing nothing think write that book nobody's reading big big books anymore smart smart books right mathematics simplified concrete simplified it will shock you put it on Amazon put it on eBay it will shock you how much I think that's a lot today on my American account books there's something it does to you when you fulfill purpose it gives you confidence you are not proud but you know you have confidence is the way your husband treats you if you add value to him no man wants a liability in his life he has enough to battle at work he wants a pink bunk a woman I can operate at the same frequency of his brain wake up women some of you think when your mama said Victoria's sister so we tell what we are coming to do this again is by the devil so we have been fighting the devil biting him biting now let's bind ignorance the devil is in a state of coma I was talking to you see that powerful rebounding was it binding him but there are some things that we need to tell ourselves as women Bakula stand up and take your place as a woman in case you don't know the number of children you have is the number of properties you should have so that they will not cause your memory they'll talk about that some more some of you are wearing as good this image should have used to buy house because you just want to dress like mrs. Ida cookie and you don't know her story house I was talking to us yesterday I've hugged in this life as a pastor's wife when the ministry first started mother and I we vowed to God that we will not touch the offering and we still do not turn the offering that's why I love her so people write some things on the internet because you don't understand what is going on in every church is that every person that is silly no I don't know the color of our offering I don't know it's not my business and I am one of the people that give most in that ministry most and before the god of the heavens and the earth which often are we still let them tell you how much is there do to you know how much you give us off you know now it's just that the church is a mystery that the gates of Hell cannot prevail 1,000 and I got briefed on it and then you see us use it to do many things it's just a mystery it is the Church of God pabu's is not the Church of ID boy is it as well course it is the Church of God is a mystery so we are we are branded ever we are bright indeed ever balanced by the ignorance let's do something some of you you know what you can do with your life and be victorious financially spiritually economically marital in every area of your life the name of Jesus by the next time I see you Google have multiplied it's going number three number four got great students you don't know everything that's number four if you are going to be victorious you've got to admit that you don't know everything you don't job chapter 38 and verse 28 does the rain have a father who father's the drawers of the do we don't know you don't know everything and that's why you must be humble enough to learn listen to people that know better than you you do read books I read six books pattern I lent it from mrs. Billy Graham there are others you will never meet in life except through their books I don't finish a book before I started in another one it depends on my mood read readers are leaders invest into yourself you do not know everything when I go for conferences I look at many things I don't just listen to the world and look at the dressing and look at the arrangement I see what I am better than I see what I can improve on because nobody knows everything some people are so proud they won't learn the mom says go to the aunts and then if you've got to be victorious you must be a listener when people talk listen I said the Lord told me to study the lives of women that didn't finish well in the Bible and even our contemporary world the first person I studied was Jezebel and I lent ten lessons from that woman's life she was a great leader some of you just look at you just condemned I don't I'll and even from a fool it was Delilah that taught me how to befriend my husband for him a mighty man of God the most talented man so people his head we are he meets with God or near man slaps let's learn from that woman I learned from her and I applied it and it wasn't my marriage some of you I don't to dreams myself jaws but you bid the kitchen for two hours lost one is watching Arsenal and Chelsea what are you cooking what are you cooking stone indeed she don't befriend your husband yeah so spiritual I said it yesterday let me repeat some of you are so used to scoff time while your body is making love you say my stuff stuff and the mind is just shaking is it man talk to me and not so they sent private emails to me one man said any time I want to sleep with my wife she'll be praying in tongues they talk to me lots because they think that has given me platforms that's like I used to address this women and they think they are spiritual it's just religion hey woman her husband is not born again the man is doing whatever whatever in the bank and there was a party he had to see what this woman did very beautiful long hear she caught it off they must say that's what that's one of the reasons why I married you I love it she cut it off as she would talk it did short when he says something she would dress funny funny funny and and the man is in pains they must says I can't take you out for regional whatever because you don't fit me just blame the man it's foolishness the first time I put on earrings after 10 years miles man looked at me and said you look like a woman so that means to him it depends on your husband to him each was a man that was married to a man for ten years that's what he likes you dressed or please only three people if you're married God let God be pleased no matter who is offended your husband yourself every other person is a nice of the markets say now shush they don't you I it's more money your past for them murder your pastor so you must understand this his add value I might happy you're watching both you don't know everything then is the way you tie your your headgear that makes you look older than your age so in length you notice that one young girl in church in charge she knows how to tie this a befriend her take her to one whatever tell her to teach you community don't be so up there that nobody can tell you anything you don't know everything if you do not want to be defeated I'm a practical teacher when I finished preaching you go home and you can apply it if you want to be victorious you must please understand that you don't know everything number five you are not everything Matthew chapter 16 and verse 13 Matthew chapter 16 when Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples who do people say the Son of Man is they replied some say John the Baptist others say Elijah still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets he am you you are not el-shaddai else you shall die we are not everything so don't kill yourself to me this is victory this understanding you sound spiritually and then you have enough sense to live in victorious life here on earth you're not everything understand it some of you you live here in Dubai for instance or in UAE just to be a good person you will send money to everybody in Africa until you can no longer send your children to good schools are you not a painful thing these people don't even appreciate you you walk and walk and walk to ever I was 13 hours I remember the first time I went to New York what did I not buy for people that's all so everybody had dogs now by design writers and packages one pencil one something for MA we had 42 kg as exists not for me just to be able to bless it then I give somebody like gave hon her husband I gave them against hear what she said me I don't want give to in fact I fell I cry I carried this pin from New York with my money paid excess luggage gave you and here and some of you you are cutting your head for people and yet they are not pleased they must be told us in that area it is low self-esteem so we try to apply love and not victorious they don't want you to belong to that probably change your company they shake everybody's hand they hugged everybody I went it's your turn there then create your own company you don't lose people people lose you they don't know your value and time we tell number six you cannot be everybody's friend if you are going to be victorious until sixteen thirteen be a man of certain identity you cannot be friend everybody it can be lonely at the top but it's worth it it's what it's all sweetness scripture this evening Matthew 16:13 I was in the scripture this morning and it says that it is the silly that is obvious in the book of Job I was shocked you don't need to please everybody and you don't have to befriend everybody some people cannot handle your next level so let them go let them come let me just pass so total pastor's wife here don't kill yourself because of a church oh the only person that could die for the church already died for the church if you kill yourself another pastor a pastor's wife will come and you were here feels like this is now the pastor's wife do you know that the first pastor's wife in the Bible did not experience the miracle of the Red Sea Zipporah mrs. Moses the Bible say she had been sent back maybe she was over went and you know nature would never allow a vacuum to linger so when Israel crossed in Exodus chapter 15 it was Miriam that talked about the woman's fellowship we sing unto the Lord for he has done triumph you know the the little horse and the rider he has thrown into that it was Miriam that was reading the priests worship the Women's Fellowship she gathered the women because the Bible says that Jethro brought back Zipporah don't die because of anybody when Israel sinned Moses said to go father removed my remove my knee blot my name out of the book of life when was he seen who prayed for him if people had gone to them maybe women only father I take not souls from here forgive our pastor the Bible will have recorded it for nobody some of them are happy that you are not even happy so don't die for them some of your pastor's wife I don't know one Sandies you will have no time for your children Hospital 2 a.m. you are their dedication you are dia it happens when you cannot attend every wedding madam they would talk he doesn't matter these people I've been a pastor's wife for 31 years so I know what I'm talking about I remember the church was a few months old to be less than one year and I was still working this woman had a baby I went to the office I quickly signed and by about 9:00 in the morning I was at her place I got there and hear what she said you call yourself a pastor's wife honey baby since last night about 11:00 I knew I just coming what did i do I let it down so that she will come to church again I'm sorry I still walk I thought you don't know the exams people have written forgotten leave to them today I'm sure I will have sat 1001 times before she sits I'm sure and I'm just trying to be mu disease don't kill yourself because of anybody this is what got laid on my house this is how to be victorious the devil is easy to manage it is these things I'm talking about that we may need victory over you cannot be everybody's friend if you cut your head they will say you don't know how to do it remember that song some of you maybe you had Sooyoung one man caught their babies out they sang it I brought him to my conference in January and I said I should sing that song he said there's nothing you can't do that would make people to be pleased and he told us the story of one man and his son and the house catch a cat's a turn off you can ask me because you don't know the song when were you born this man was going to travel and he put his son on the house and he was walking then he met some people and he said you are very stupid it's my child on the house you walking so the man puts the child down and he got up and then they were good he met another group of people yes or we could say a little child tracking and you so demand carried his son put dissolve that met another was it ah you want to kill these us they might not I like that he remove the son I never walk in the house so are you are very foolish and that is life haha a quake back we are Joe some of us me to be victorious in that area try to please everybody once they are not pleased you are not happy to be looking at their faces looking at them even when you move are pleasing God you just be looking and I'm sorry since there are people that say some things and then you you begin to repent on this since you didn't commit the kitchen I might that's bad am I really bad I know what I'm talking are you sure I'm good you are good nothing is wrong with you that's what we need to delete their names if I open my phone for you there's somebody there I wrote do not peek I got it from one of my housemates my housekeepers how fun was ranking one and I saw cause he credits I said mama to you what is that this man he will just flash was it cause regret it sir cuckoo use it to save his name no credits [Applause] number seven almost closing number seven you cannot be everywhere this is very simplified you can't be everywhere so don't kill yourself you are not omnipresent everybody double is not everywhere he goes to and fro you can be everywhere you're not God and I remind you of this there are people that's on their wedding day some people were traveling and those people had motor accidents died and the way they still held in fact the omission that the copy' didn't know is it don't spoil their joy we are your your absence is when your absence does not matter your presence will not matter if you can make that your motto we are you absence does no matter whether you I don't know it doesn't matter then your presence may not matter someone futures to one pick a call you were charging your for dances you had the following you will want to use slip and fall down to one pick a call he a dresser or somebody somewhere of course you understand that that person can always call back or you call back kill yourself because of people from me this is victory if her Bible studies we've known how to do spiritual warfare speaking trans saw seeds make sacrifices now this is practical living when it will be victorious in this areas you don't need to belong to everybody about it you cannot do everything do your best and leave the rest learn to delegate if what you are living for does not outlive you you have lived in vain delegate you can't do everything this life is for specialists mother man he is not a medical doctor I'm not a medical doctor even though three inverses have given us honorary Doctorate degree sports now we've built the hospital biker squeeze with employ doctors we've employed Knossos the Metron is there digger guess that there and I said if Jesus stories will be very old we won't retire we go to the hospital after breakfast well can hold in our sticks I don't know whether we got there we pray for them next day we are back is that boy better sir he's better what about the 98 yell the man is a demand is not better baba why you got to have agreed Jesus I'm good not good some of you just want to be good in your children's lives you to be gone other people you are not God my dear understand it's to your best after you have done your best and it's it doesn't work leave it and give thanks well you cannot trace God prism anybody can praise God when everything is fine but when you stop praising God when it is not fine that is when it becomes a sacrifice of praise it doesn't mean you are not spiritual he does not mean you are not a Christian sometimes bad things happen to good people sometimes life gives us questions that defy answers sometimes vegies wait on the Lord for several years they don't have a baby sometimes very good we met fantastic women do spells just work out I just want him push his good she does this she does that she does that sometimes that is life after you have done your best leave the rest to me that his victory is victory if you understand where people are coming from when you understand their story you've been less judgmental I got married as a budget here in the grace of God you stand my down call have allowed you to be ripped so understand the person I didn't get married as a budget has chopping judgemental I'm gonna I'm gonna get sad and you know somebody's waiting on the Lord the race is not to the Swift the battle is not to be strong I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy I can't do everything to your best sir number nine you cannot provide answers to everything where the conference yesterday with the singles they asked some questions I answered and then we go to a one I just gave them a coupon to that the idea cookie as esse now see the way Babar Saudis there was no work 11 sad it's that way you don't have answers to everything so don't tell your children yeah just ask me and you know you don't know that months I don't even go near months it's not my strength I give it to my husband so don't try to be means know everything be victorious in that area and number 10 you cannot have everything oh that will be the Taurus in that area ordinary bug has given some ladies high blood pressure bug back is bug back is bad I'm please can I just correct you everybody carry your bug [Applause] now ladies please listen this is how to carry your bag I want to borrow a Kong was a man [Applause] from now on this is how you carry your bar you don't carry your bag like this you don't carry your bag you put your hand inside because it's part of your dressing and don'ts a lot of people help you carry your bag it's part of your dressing it's just that sometimes you don't win mini steed espresso coffee but they will let us say let me carry it is part of your dressing don't die because of bug you cannot afford Ferragamo by gaurav mo [Applause] barkis bugs now this is Mamiya de vacas back 20 years ago she couldn't afford this [Music] sometimes you don't even know whether she blessed somebody and the person decided somebody bought me three new voters Bank Kayaba Chantal an analemma said was you need the hand luggage now each bag is one meaning the unlock age is one meaning I say you will have given medium all these my mommy stop this Greece yeah tiny bag one meter but did I have a choice you now see that bag and because of that your big piece 210 over 103 because you saw one woman walking to church you know why she strongly so you not bring down to your credit card they're not Victoria so you can pray in tongues you can bite demons they can falter but in this area my damn you are not victorious at all what is exactly bad jacket he's not him ahead maybe make open Bible and a lipstick and water is bad so they said you should carry ba you to carry on with bright no matter what they said - del we are winning yet know something you don't have yellow you tried your best new yellow and you cannot afford it we are green making noise that is a to be victorious [Applause] there was a time in my life when I had only one brand only one bra to pants I'm a pastor's wife I will wash it every other day and hang it nobody knew I was feeling impressed worship that was what we could afford my husband had only one pair of shoes I had only one pair in fact I used to call my own Oh fit fool he's with me everywhere naming ceremony it was their church service it was there you think was pointing up ladies ah been there like this well that's all so that will have fraud we had two kids so that I was victorious in that area I thank God and I'm going so that's you know Jesus is able to come now so that's if Jesus comes while you go in the rapture the people you open up the Jesus egg about that ah I'm not going to have a but she asked me because of bug and you know one thing a particular bad may be raining now but you will see me to pay the credit card do like this victory tell your neighbor you can't have everything one day I said to my husband I wanted to buy a particular shade of blue Moscow said how about you have it I said well no more they don't use is not a who who are you people create your own style since that time I thought that designing my own dress carry my Ankara 3000 Anna these days I'll just add a little nice if you like don't hear me I'm gone you cannot have everything some of you you need to raise your kids in that way it is a victorious way of living let them do they don't have to own everything that they see the love of a man does not consist the abundance of the things he processes I'm going to stop here tonight mommy mommy okay mommy said I should give the last one I won't go to those how you see life I will start there tomorrow yes I started tomorrow the last one which is not my level you're a human being not a human being b e i ng not be e not be e e f there's not a like double e I read English language in advance so I can teach you on that it's not like double e is e e you are not a human being yeah human being present continuous so what you cannot have to do you we have tomorrow you see coming you are going to chapter 15 you are still in chapter 3 don't kill yourself sometimes people might take you let them go let them go now is your season celebrate with them thank God for them but you also come in remember when two children were so bring different animals into the AK the cheetah entered deliver pod inside the lion entered but is nil also inside the turkey is also entered don't forget I know the beauty of it Hebrews chapter 11 verses 39 and 40 the dog wouldn't be shocked until this little intact I thank God for my valuable you visual video ha thank God for my back and they're taking I thank God for the Konerko plans but I'm also coming you know why you don't have a car yet they are still fixing the headland you're going to drive the latest let the Cheetahs be good come my sister maybe cheats happy going Andy whatever all of them big big buddy snail and he touches once in a while this then we ask the tortoise is he says he we bring out his horn hockey's hon when I soft or hard this indie doesn't say yes he says one step just make sure you are not stopping the day you are crawling or you are flying or you are moving just make sure you are moving that's odd will not be shots they said our regime is causing traffic jam but your guys not there yet that traffic jam is not yet this everybody's married a Bugaboo case dedicated children Johan is Nadia just keep moving try another IVF try another whatever I first looked at what's married all I children got married as virgins male and female by God's grace I give God praise for that first year second yeah she couldn't conceive she was having some terrible dreams and that's one of God's braces up on my life so she came to me one day and said mommy I saw scissors and I know the person and I know the person is capable she said mommy should we grab a guy I said ah yeah point a key you know sometimes you get to a level when some some battles want to overwhelm you I hope I remember to say that more that's why you need people to lean on we need somebody don't be a lone ranger stop wanna live with everybody people on your comedy club this one is not good you remove that wise number which one will cook your meal I said to my daughter no he religious who cohabit no we don't beg Devils I said to her go back to your house continue to sleep with your husband let me booty fight today she has a boy and again I should lives in the u.s. you need people sometimes supposed to may not be quite so far but just keep moving you're believing God for the best not until to sleep with your husband we are pretty bad too on your behalf by this time next year you will carry on you shall not be defeated you are great [Applause] let's praise Him bring your pain so praise Him come on she wants upon the sea and you rested [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whereby you I want to bridge for yourself brain tone spray you're deciding what said fight you want God to do whatever looks impossible don't has got four one thousand whatever something that you know if God doesn't do it cannot be done prefer your husband prefer yourself but for your children prefer your ministry pray pray pray pray pray transfer you understanding tell me Lord and if victory this area as they can be dragged on a purple so truly Prakash God is here I feel in my feelings presence here demons always travelin at his presence man we got higher production token alive he's everything I've been working you over bring it before the Lord at this time malleable shaky Braga's now begin to bring your prayers to a close in the name of Jesus we have prayed you must let you listen to prophetic instructions when they tell you to worship God that's what they tend to be asking God for something when they tell you to ask God for something that's what it not to be worshipping him because the angels are here a prophets can be weird I decree to neither from your mouth to God's ears what you like most you will have most whatever you are believing God for in the next 21 days you will see the signs God will send you a token that your prayers are answered Ifrah stretch whatever my strength of frustrates you whatever has been termed impossible in your life made God prove your enemies to be liars tonight the God of the Bible sets in to your situation he will wipe your tears [Applause] [Music] he will deliver you you will be named among the greats the God that took me from the backside will remember you and he will do for you what nobody can do in the name of Jesus he will surpass your expectations you're believing God for the blessing of the womb this month that we about to enter you will sing for joy the trusting God for who to married the joke has been destroyed we lift every embargo over your life in the name of Jesus every ancient voice that are spoken they gates your destiny we silence in the name of Jesus concerning your health concerning your job for Sonny your career concerning your studies concerning your marriage concerning your immigration status concerning your ministry and nitpicked that has your signature heaven attend so it's now in the name of Jesus this line is broken and you have escaped are you here to an answer you are not yet born again I destroyed the power of sin in your life in the name of Jesus I so handle by your heart oh Jesus tonight a new day opens up on your behalf in the name of Jesus because you are here you want to give your heart to Jesus I want to please say this prayer after me everybody in the congregation I want us to encourage them please say it with them say my father and my god I come to you tonight as a sinner please forgive me wash me clean write my name in the book of life today I am born again I thank you Father for hearing my prayer for have prayed in Jesus name but a hand over this precious aust to you when Jesus comes they shall be a part of the wedding gifts they will make the rupture keep them safe Lord Thank You Francis prayer the name of Jesus would have prayed let's celebrate the king of kings and Lord of lords you will suffer no loss [Applause] [Music]
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
Views: 724,084
Rating: 4.6911178 out of 5
Keywords: rccg sermon, rccg middle east, rccg middle east 2018 all sisters conference, rccg conference, pastor funke adejumo, rev funke adejumo, rev funke felix adejumo, pastor funke adejumo sermon, youtube message, powerful message, woman, victorious woman, rccg live, rccg online sermon, rccg broadcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 18sec (4998 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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