The Insightful Woman - Reverend Funke Felix-Adejumo - Women of Wisdom Conference 2020

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elbow your neighbor say since i can't hug you i just want you to know that you are beautiful you are special you are important [Music] let's give the lord a big hand a big hand and you may please be safe i think you have one of the best music ministers in the world your instrumentalists are top top-notch your vocalists are something else [Music] [Applause] you will sing in heaven it's such an honor to be here today for the first time and i'm sure it's the beginning because i'm already in love with this church there are places you go and you don't want to go back but this one will come again and again and again hallelujah i give god all the glory there are two major things every married man should give his wife space and place when a man doesn't allow his wife to shine that man is a coward so when i see men that give room to their wives that gives spaces and places to their wives i honor them please join me to honor pastor thank you i met him before i met him my husband loves him so much and he kept speaking about him to me when i met him i wasn't disappointed thank you for being secure enough to give room to your wife to shine thank you for being comfortable in your own skin so let women be see what we will have missed we give god thanks for your life and you will continue to shine brighter i didn't know about pasadena's dream but you know like my husband will say spiritual things don't happen by accident she just stood out and i don't do that i'm too busy for that i have too many people in my life i'm a woman on assignment but when i saw her the lord matter out the rest is history and we're just starting thank you foster daryl for inviting me and honestly you are beautiful inside and outside [Applause] it's such a beautiful soul and i think i have a word of advice for your husband you need to start giving her bodyguards because she doesn't look married thank you for making god proud thank you for giving me so much joy thank you for staying in your place in destiny and thank you for this invitation i'm not here because i'm the best of riches no thank you for listening to god and for bringing me the lord bless you more and more and this relationship will continue to glorify god and bless us both i honor you jennifer well done i can never be tired of listening to you well done and greetings to you senior pastors tell them i love them and there is nothing they can do about it i thank god for for lucky and wally that drove me here today they are a fantastic representation of this ministry there are people that you send to go bring a guest speaker and they just finish the anointing before the ghostbuster comes well cultured people very good people i thank god for you wherever you are the lord bless you and your children in jesus name i bring you greetings from my husband of thirty six years shop felix remy de jong the only sugar in my tea i don't let tomato in my jar of rice the only lipstick on my lips the only rose in my garden and the only brain in my skull [Applause] when he had that one he said you are the only spinal cord i have [Applause] please celebrate my husband [Applause] i thank god for my precious sister daughter and friend mr molara such a good-hearted lady and what a word she brought today at a point i had to be binding and losing lara's talk because you're already preaching my message lara stop i love her so much she's such a gift of god to ross some of you are meeting me for the first time i'm the only wife of one man and i'm a grandmother of eight i'll be 58 in few weeks time and i'll be jesus lover that's the greatest qualification today i just want to pour my heart to you and i want you to listen very carefully i'm wrist for women everything that touches the woman touches me it's not a carrier is a calling god puts me here on planet earth for women that's the reason i'm living and i want to take you all on a journey today i want to remind you probably there are some things i'm going to say that you've heard over and over but i want to remind you of some of the things you've known and you've forgotten or that you need to know as we navigate under the leadership of the holy spirit the theme of this conference the insightful woman and a foundational scripture given by god's handmaiden is luke chapter 2 verse 51 be and he went down with them luke 251b and came to nazareth and was subject to them but his mother kept these sins in her heart to be insightful means to be accurate to have deep understanding to be wise to be astute to be discerning to be penetrating to be intuitive and i'm beginning this sharing today where's the timer i need to know when my time please i'm beginning to share it today with you by reading out a poem that i paint many years ago maybe about 20 something years ago i just want to read it out to you the poem says i see you i see you through love's eyes my jewel of utmost value i see you product of my hands perfection on eden's show the career of procreation joint partner with me in divine factory i see you afresh rocking destinies on succulent things to come to generation yet unborn i see you on golden pews i see you my daughter my woman i see you the woman is what we're dissecting today the insightful woman having created every other thing the almighty god discovered that there was a vacuum something unique was missing something of immense value and worth something without which all other things are in complete incomplete incomplete the woman is it the very good thank you god's comments after each creation was it is good no matter the height or weight of the creature the lord still said it is good but when the woman came the lord said oh the lord screamed it is very good woman you are the very good dimension of creation nothing was very good until you came what a pride what a joy what a celebration to be a woman cause for rejoicing when i was born about 58 years ago people got that to cry for my father again what will she ever become my father tells me regularly you are better than seven sons woman be glad that you are the very good dimension of creation the full stop after the lord made the animals he put a full colon after the birds a semicolon after the man a coma but after the woman this implies completion nothing can be improved on any longer the woman's arrival announced perfection what a beautiful day the lord must have had his rest began when the woman was created and the lord rested he didn't rest after he created the man and the lord rested woman be glad that you are the full stop you are the crown proverbs chapter 12 and verse number one proverbs 12 1 a virtuous woman is a crown a crown identifies a king it is the emblem of authority it is the beauty of kinship the crown is usually treated with all and reverence i don't know why i decided to write my notes and read it out to you today usually i'll jump everywhere and preach but this was it was so strong on my heart it's a letter from god to you please listen to it when you get the tape you can now make your notes listen let this sink into your spirit the crown is the beauty of kinship the crown is usually treated with all and reverence the crown lives at the top its place is the head no one wears the crown on the leg as a woman you were meant to be one on the head you are the crown of creation what a joy you are the crown you are the new language at creation the lord said that it is good and he said it six times genesis 1 it is good even with the entrance of the man it was still good but with the advent of the woman the language changed a new language evolved an adjective was introduced to humanity what an invention i'm glad you brought and introduced the new language you are the change in the atmosphere as soon as the woman landed the atmosphere in the garden of eden changed adam exclaimed this is now the bone of my purpose and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman genesis 2 23 genesis 2 23 the margin of my bible reads at last this one the lord was not mistaken adam must have been showing signs of loneliness and dryness so god said it is not good for the man to be alone the atmosphere was probably becoming tense then it happened the new arrival the woman a adam smelled her a dumb felt her a damn sensed her it showed in the atmosphere what a blessing woman you are the changer of atmospheres you determine what happens in the environment therefore it's important for you to learn to celebrate because womanhood is a blessing not a curse those daughters that will give birth to their blessings it doesn't matter what society says society labels what society does not understand womanhood is a mystery not a mistake god is always right he cannot make a mistake woman you were created with a purpose in mind when god created the man it was because the man was wanted when god created you as the woman it was because you were [Music] needed god is too wise to be confused you are not a divine hero you are not a biological mystic you were planned and consciously executed god is fantastically strategic about you look at your sheep everything god forgot when he created the man he put on your insight you are a man with a whomp womb man womb man one man that's who you are one man god forgot the breasts when he made the man he gave it to you an extra you have excess luggage [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god forgot the womb when he met the man he gave it to you if you are a mother these are two powerful irreplaceable communication gadgets [Music] no matter how fantastic a man is he cannot breastfeed a child stop looking at what you don't have be insightful about yourself many times we we applaud people who applaud people when will you see that pause to applaud yourself when will you give yourself a standing ovation what will you say baby girl you are trying you think it's easy to be a woman do you think it's easy to be your husband's wife that man when you are bullet proof in who you are it doesn't matter what anybody feels about you the man that left you and now today you are a single parent listen to me it is his loss [Applause] people look at you and they say you are too thick you are too that you are too fat you are too ugly just do like this oh i know life can be difficult for the blind stop allowing petty people defy you people that are unimportant to your destiny they said something and so opinion is the cheapest commodity on earth you are not a biological mystic you are not a spirit tire you were planned by god do you know how many millions of spermatozoa struck good to be you when you couldn't fast you couldn't pray you couldn't sing in the choir you couldn't read the bible you couldn't do nothing you fought millions and you won they wished they were you you won how much more now that you are born again how much more now that you are conscious how much more now for salmon chapter 17 verse 37 for summer 1737 the god that delivered me from the mouth of the lion and the bear did god that fought for you when you went your mother's womb he's still alive the victories of yesterday is for the battles of today remember you want to give up remember when you couldn't do anything and you fought you are not a prayer warrior you're a prayer champion refuse that name when anybody calls you prayer warrior excuse me no i'm not a warrior i'm a champion the great god of heaven the only wise god initiated your existence so why would you allow anybody any relationship to redefine you and call you names why would you stay in an abusive relationship because of what they will say they were they they are when god created you why god intended for you to come he discovered a need a very crucial one for that matter he chose no other person but you to meet the need no one can can adequately fill the gap you are a round peg in a round hole you are on errand and it calls for jubilation let no devil deceive you let no one put you down you are a woman made with a purpose and for a purpose come on woman it's time to celebrate you're not empty at creation god made you naked but not empty he breathed into you the breath of life the single breath contains more than you can ever exhaust when god picked you up when he made you and he breathed into you you put inside you what you cannot exhaust this morning i'd like to share several major components that are contained in you as a woman the list is inexhaustible but these are just the ones the lord impressed on my heart to share with you discover your wealth tap into the grace glorify god we are in here for a good great time as a woman as an insightful woman to be inside for me is to be aware to know what life is all about let's go on this beautiful journey i want to travel abroad i want to look at your inside and show you what you have that you have forgotten number one the power of ultras every woman is endowed with this power the power of ultras it is an asset meant to enhance your destiny if properly used the power of utterance can bring unimaginable blessing to you and to everything that has your signature the effects can be beyond your comprehension the power of ultras abigail is a woman that readily comes to my mind amazing as one that understood this power and used it positively in foster chapter 25 she found herself in a situation that looked abnormal she was married to a fool only god knows how she got into the mess but let's leave our guesses till some other time anyway she was in this situation when a big trouble ensued david the great man of war had been of tremendous help to nebal husband the reason why some people are trapped today is because they forgot and they keep forgetting the people that helped them when it was a quarter to shame when there was nothing when nobody would have touched them with the longest pull they forget them many people treat their mothers and mothers in law and sieve their pieces of rag life is governed the entire universe is governed by laws that's what creates order and laws are accurate and absolute whether you are green or white or blue if you jump from this edge you come to crash whether you are a child you are muslim you are buddhist it's the law the law of gravity and one of the laws that govern the earth is found in genesis 8 22 while they are three minutes said time harvest that's called the law of laws the love cause and effect if you don't want to repeat don't say it never had forgotten and gratitude is a sign of don't insanity people that held your hands when nobody would have don't forget it was now never stoned to reciprocate the good deed strange enough he refused to oblige david this rightly infuriated david and he embarked on a journey of revenge be careful it is not snake bites that kills people it is the venom if a snake bites your finger if it can be stopped if the venom can be stopped from traveling to your heart it's not that stick bite it is the venom be careful forgive people not because of you but f beg your partner not for they are sick but for your sake because you are the one carrying the venom people will continue to offend you it's normal i said i mentioned somebody's name when she was bringing me up and i turned to pasay and i said my friend my friend i was on a flight from kenya to nigeria and for about two hours throughout that flight i was praying for him just pray for me just interceding for him don't let anybody change you for your sake abigail who in wisdom intercepted david's deadly mission used the power of utterance it was somebody that hinted abigail be good to the people around you because you don't know what they can become tomorrow i lived with my uncle for about 10 years and his wife they treated me very well they didn't know i would ever become great and one day the lord said to me build them a house so i took money and did it get them they come this is the second one i'm doing and i said to the wife all the rice i ate in your house when i was living with you and you treated me well till jesus comes you won't finish so i have put both of them on salary for life treat people well radicalized straight people wear three tester where because you don't know what your esta can become treats people well the power of utterance is one of the major weapons that's ethically used to quench the fairy dust here what she said in verse 24 or first psalm 125 let not my lord i pray thee regard this man of belia even nabal for us his name is so is he nebula is his name and fall is with him but i thy hand made his son not the young man of my lord whom thou did said i pray thee forgive the trespass of thy handmaid for the lord will certainly make my lord a sure house this lady was current she knew what was happening and she she used the power of goddess she did i began reeled on and on capitalizing on this power until david was pacified david said blessed the lord god blessed be the lord god we sent you this day to meet me and blessed be your advice blessed be your words this great man was flawed just by the utterance of a woman the evil was averted and abigail's life and household became spared what a great assets the puff or translates however it is pathetic to note that some women use this power at the detriment of their destinies this will shock you that same abigail in verse 41 when david wanted to marry her she said when did we send people to go bring her she said oh he wants to marry me i'm so grateful let me wash the feet of these servants she used her mouth to define what she will be in david's life wash our feet not of david's feet but of these servants and that was what she became while bathsheba was getting through a throne for half her son abigail used her mouth the same mouth she used her mouth to call herself wash our feet and that was what she became the same mouth that my car used to deliver david was the same mouth she used to kill her own destiny as a woman be watchful how you use your tongue can either make or my your destiny in my study of the scriptures i discovered that the very first time the devil approached eve in the garden of eden the devil spoke only 14 words but to my greatest amazement mother eve replied with 44. can you imagine pull out your bible genesis 3 you'll see it's there king james version i believe that that was where the trouble actually started from before it graduated to the full-blown one that we eventually had 14 words she replied with 44. many relationships homes cities projects destinies have crashed by reason of the tongue watch out woman the bible says in proverbs 13 3 either keep pet his mouth keep petty's life your tongue is your life use it wisely better be quiet and speak foolishly be positive say positive things about yourself you're not ugly beliefs are formed by what we hear over and over and over again be positive beauty is in the eye of the beholder a woman is ugly you are beautifully wonderfully and fearfully made psalm 139 verse 14 appreciate what you see in the mirror thank god for your shape your size your finger your stature your heart your completion your complexion and everything i mean everything please be pleased with yourself you are the best of you the father god could have ever made when what you seem when what you see seems contrary to what you want speak what you want contradictions can never cancel the covenant after god has spoken every other speaker is a latecomer speak what you want let no situation make a pessimist out of you refuse to be the devil's trashcan be very positive about your life what you say is what you will eventually see genesis chapter 1 god said it and god spit and it was the first day god said it and god saw it say only what you want to see i'm unraveling and unwrapping who you are it's on your inside become insightful about it you alluded the power of trance number two is the power of emotion this is the expression of your innermost feelings every woman has the ability to influence people and situations with her emotions there is a way as a woman you communicate messages through your eyes your face or mere looks the expression on your face can determine a lot there is hardly any secret a woman cannot unravel few men can resist the tears of a woman very few can stand her anger you remember samson one of the greatest men that ever lived delilah finished him with her emotions georges 16 15 to 17 she said unto him how can thou say i love thee when thy heart is not with me and she praised him daily until he taught her all his heart something fell flat what the philistines could not get through force dela got by choice this power is not meant to kill it's a gift of god and the gift of god does not add sorrow use your emotions to build be compassionate be sympathetic build different help feel for people your woman of purpose don't allow your emotions to make a mockery of your destiny be sharp be distant be in charge of your emotions don't let it run wild never use it to kill another something god's kingdom has lost enough of them use it constructively it is meant for profiting the power of emotions number three is the power of perception the insightful woman this is on your inside the power of perception there is an inbuilt mechanism in a woman that makes her see with the inner eyes this is what is referred to as intuition something that hates you somehow you just sense it you feel it you perceive it to a large extent if you develop yourself particularly your spirit man your perception is usually right when a woman wants somebody about an imminent danger you better listen when she says i don't know how i'm feeling about that business you better pause many husbands have landed in avoidable troubles because they neglected their wife's warnings a woman is like the ego that's 6360 degrees even when this woman is looking straight don't be deceived she's seen everything in the horizon you are hugging her husband she's looking like this so she's saying after service don't think she doesn't see woman don't regret your intuitive feelings it is a gift of god prayer over it put the holy spirit upon it or brood over it don't misuse misuse it either profit yourself and your loved ones by it number four is the power of love the insightful woman the power of love the woman was born into the atmosphere of love the almighty god made her the last born biologically speaking my last born she has a set of twins and then she has she has three boys she has a master's degree in international law and diplomacy with all her accomplishments there's still a way i feel about her last one my husband is 66 the mother passed at the age of 110 last bone you could say tell me mama would say sure but i hope you don't have malaria 60 something year old man last born woman you are the last born god made it so after god created you didn't create any other one you are the last one and there are some privileges he last born in joyce and then you were brought when you came you were brought into the loving waiting arms of a man you see a man defines himself by his job i am the pastor of i am the ceo of a woman says i am the wife of it's mother's time mother submits time a woman brings out the picture she's holding and praying for her children you don't find that with a man it's hard for a man to take the picture of his family even if he has it to be hidden in his wallet a woman should put one in her bible put watches she forgets to pray for herself a woman is relational so you hear a woman say i want to go and pee you want to come five women will stand up what are they in fact me too [Music] you can't find two men where are you going we want to go and pee man because when the man opened his eyes he saw a job when the woman opened her eyes she saw a you're not inferior to the man you're just different and you have the power of love to a woman love is a natural thing a man can lost and call it love a man can have can say to a woman you are the only sugar in my tea and he has five other cubes that's why a man can marry five wives in africa but a woman for her love is a natural thing it's in built it's part of you there's no sacrifice a woman cannot make as an expression of her love one day jesus was in was in between when a woman anointed him with an alabaster box of ointments a very expensive perfume in fact some bible scholars say it was a lifetime savings some men felt it was too much a waste but to the woman it was an expression of our love to our master in john chapter 20 john 20 after the resurrection mary magdalene went to jesus tomb and demanded for the lord's body from this supposed gardener sir if thou has burned him hands tell me where that was lead him and i would take him away john 2015. she never bothered about the inconveniences of carrying a cops she didn't even think about that to her feminine mind where there is love there is a will that's the reason of an average woman you an embodiment of love it's a gift from god invest it wisely don't allow the devil bastardize it don't allow people change you don't let anyone pollute it don't let it turn to loss love the lord passionately be committed to serving him seek him healthy early spend and be spent for god's kingdom people will offend you don't allow that to change you don't close your eyes for bad people to pass otherwise good people will also pass you have the power to love don't hate forgive offences quickly let no root of bitterness defile you allow no strife in your life so love it is in you so kindness you have it so affection that's the stuff with which you were made break down your alabaster box of ointments every woman has it if you don't have it go get every woman your financial life should not be dependent on any man if you tease you're a colossal disgrace get something doing even if it is selling something from the boot of your car the totality of your financial life should not be dependent on your husband you don't need to be taking permission every minute before you give god one dollar before you help somebody excuse me sir can i it's not a great life at all regular bastard box of appointments it's your own let the odor go round the room john 12 3 let the order go around the city let the order go round the world let one widow go to bed thanking god for you let somebody somewhere thank god for you one day my driver said to me mom even if you don't pray again when the catch was the twelve hours he just adjusted the mirror and said i want to say something more i said go ahead said even if you don't pray again i said how do you mean he said the prayers of lepens in this city you know i'm the one you always sent to them you need to hear the kind of prayers they pray for you as they pull they do they on as they use the teacup as they as their children wear those stresses mummy they are praying for you who is going to bed thanking god for you it's on your inside your generation is eagerly waiting for you number five is sex power the insightful woman i'm taking you to a place in yourself so you see that you have this power sex power sex is a gift of god to humanity it is his wise organ of intimate relationship and reproduction if properly used and directed sex brings joy and fulfillment sex is an integral part of a woman its use determines a lot a woman can be made or marred by its proper use or otherwise perversion of sex is an aberration as an unmarried woman no man deserves your body until you are legally joined to him let me be old school four days ago clogged 42 years that i got born again and jesus will still meet some of us as his remnants it doesn't matter how unpopular it is if you're not married to a man don't give him your body don't waste your dignity keep yourself pure let no one despise your youth primaries tell sex it's not a fashion and if it is prefer to be updated dear to be different you'll be glad you did many ladies entice married men with their bodies those breaking other people's homes good friends are this the man is only wasting your time man the bible says the heart of men is desperately wicked not heart of women ask no forgive me so when the man takes it don't worry i will divorce my wife he's a lie he's a lie stop wasting your life you saw the wind and then you reap the whirlwind if you break another woman's home hundred women are waiting to break you woman you're an expensive commodity stop living cheap you're a debra don't live like a delilah like jewel stop living like a jezebel sex is a gift of god but don't pervert it womanhood is a blessing don't waste it womanhood is a pride don't disgrace it womanhood is a joy don't downgrade it add to the excellency you were created to be a blessing don't end up a burden you will made a pride don't end up in the pits number six power of sensitivity the insightful woman should be aware of this get the tip of this message listen to it in your car record it on your phone play it over and over again i'm just describing you you have it on your inside i'm not laying hands and say receive it you have it i'm telling you to become insightful of it see it and use it to the glory of god and to your benefits power of sensitivity a woman is a terrific sensitive creature she understands the language of the eyes the nose the mouth the face and what have you when you squeeze your face the woman understands when the baby cries she knows just what to do part-time in fact she determines the atmosphere of the home there is almost no language the woman doesn't speak and understand the languages of love of lusts i don't think the woman doesn't understand why you are speaking the language of loss she may pretend the language of hatred and bitterness they are all in high encyclopedia she transmits interprets and disseminates information with so much ease one wonders at her effectiveness i wrote all this every damn thing i wrote they just copied from nowhere just to describe it a woman understands when you enjoy her company she can tell when her presence is boring to you a woman is a very interesting and wonderful creature a godly woman is a great asset she easily senses it when the lord is passing the message across however it is pathetic to note that the devil tries to afflict the woman's destiny by making her to be hyper sensitive thereby taking advantage of her one man that has nothing to do with your destiny since you are beautiful because of that you are flawed hypersensitivity false prophets have deceived many women bring this come and sleep in the church for five days let me sleep with you dusty at the lord many women have lost valuables to these fraudsters just because they have a caller doesn't mean they have a calling some other women have ended up with wrong marriage partners so women will have gone further faster than where they are today if not that they married the wrong person watch it woman your sensitivity is an asset don't let the devil make a liability out of it the last one is the power of procreation there are many but these are the seven i'm sharing with you today the power of procreation woman you are god's greatest partner in the business of creation what a privilege every part of you like the palm tree is a blessing to procreation your womb carries the seed your breast gives suck your eyes show love your ears listen your hands cuddle the baby the list is unending it's so amazing the baby is crying in the father's heart give to the mother she knows what to do isn't it amazing without the woman humanity would probably have ended you prolong human existence the lord has trusted you with the continuation of humanity what a joy what an awesome responsibility apart from the biological procreation on your inside is the womb for carrying visions travel abroad take a trip inward on your inside is another dream waiting to see the light of day give it expression give it expression so mary with her womb carried the savior she heard the news jesus spoke to her look to our foundational scripture she noticed it in her womb i stand here today to tell you that when i was born there was no spoon not goldie not silver nothing not even a plastic spoon but i stand here today to testify that there is a god in heaven who is the change of destiny the right of history your background does not mean that your back should be on the ground there is something on your inside call it forth i have written by god's grace and published 104 books blessing people around the world i have an orphanage the government has given me approval to give children up for adoption the first child we gave up for adoption is now an american citizen there is something on your inside that you can do i have a home for women that are in abusive relationships because i believe and i'm leading the vanguard that the covenant of life is superior to the covenant of marriage you have no business saying in an abusive relationship so i provide a safe haven for them to come stay for six months not paying nothing while we sort their lives out we reach out to the in-laws we reach out to their parents we reach out to the husband what is the cause of this blah blah blah you know and all that and while they are doing that we empower them go learn this go back to do school do this that because when you are not empowered as a woman you become subservient times have changed only jesus is as it was in the beginning today and forever if you refuse to change you will be in chains some women are married today and the reason they have issues is just because of the way they dress you know shush they don't we are jewelry go marry your pastor your husband wants you to weigh it for 10 years i wasn't wearing jewelries the first time i put a tiny thought stored my husband said you look like a woman so in his heart he wanted it but religion wouldn't let me have it if you see my wedding picture you will cry for my mother no makeup no jewelry nothing coco sack dress pneumoniae i got my my wedding dress from england but in those days we had to show it to our pastor's wife and my pastor's wife looked at you and said sister funk when souls are perishing as if souls have not been perished before i was getting married so she condemned that one and made me this coco circle i see at the picture in our house in one corner the dining area one day i went there and said ah aloe vera did you like this no try at all religion the man wants you to dress in a particular way you stay in our shoes this society will not say when you get married you have only invited someone to invade your privacy so be very careful who marries you and who you marry very careful stop looking 67 at 37 few weeks i will be 58 i'm almost 60. what are you telling me every day i still do 10 kilometers five to go five to come you sit down there you ask for palm daddy apparently i mean my language means pardon young bring me a bottle of my heart whatever i'll go to me every evening 11 p.m you are there and you say the devil is after he's not devil he's yam i don't have a children's hospital my husband and i have two 21st century compliant hospitals 21st century compliance hospitals you get there you say oh it's just that i don't want to be sick i don't want to leave this many people are extras in the movie of their lives people determine what they do with their lives so that people you know some of you you live you you live your lives by social media so instagram continues to help you shift the goal if i can only have 20 percent so when you get to twenty thousand they move it again if i can only have twenty five thousand passwords a million and that's what you are spending your life your life who is your lawyer who is defining you be so secure in who you are you can be slim and be unhealthy you can be fat and be healthy it's not in this size take a good care of yourself look good but i'm addressing your womb today there is something there is another dream we are applauding you well done you've done well at 58 i'm just warming up because age is a dumb thing i'm still dreaming because grace i just roofed a place in africa it is called oh i shouldn't be saying this it is called ffa center it's a place for women i've had that dream for 14 years now we have roofed we are plastering we are done with this thing where women will just call me because i noticed that when women go on vacation they don't really bucket they go shopping messages these they will practice they don't relax so you come in here you pay talking you check into your room you wear your shirt all your spaghetts some of you are salivating there's a salon there you can make your hair there's a spa there we massage in case you are there with your husband it's a small salon for men [Applause] because it's a place for women i'm passionate about women there's a salon there nail salon beautiful there's a small park where you can play you do play chase you come there you just relax and if you are like maybe 20 or 25 days a small library all the books that have helped me helped my husband putting it there i'm leaving a legacy for my world when death comes and that would be when i'm 103. so you see i'm just halfway you can't find my name on any list that the plane crashed i'm nothing no but chris says that excuse me my kiss is different when death comes i'm going to give death a horrible time catching up with him death is going to run and death will catch me climbing another mountain concrete another mountain not sliding down evenly beat up my mind not to die as a woman but to die as an institution after i'm gone you still be doing research about my life i meet you recently i changed my description on internet i said excuse me i need to call myself a name so i put there ffa reform i'm a reformer i step into your life something must change no matter the level at which you have been operating something must be added to you i've made up my mind the insightful woman woman please don't go to the grave with that song without book without ministry with that some of you were born with golden spoke i didn't have any spoon and i have published 104 books so what are you doing what are you doing i have adopted children i have grandchildren my children are serving the lord what are you doing god's grace is here stop wasting it god does not need to create anything these several things and more are on your inside get the tip listening i've just taken you on the trip to yourself is there thank god for all that you have accomplished but excuse me well done joshua 131 you are old and we're stricken in years but there is more [Music] sit down and think that you're wrong give birth to something be a blessing dream yet another dream make progress climb higher take a leap you've turned long on that mountain of success go a step higher the ladder is right in front of you ladders are for climbers ladders are for risers it's time to celebrate another success story you can be one of these three things one historian those who focus on the past two reporter those who focus on the present three futurists those who focus on what is coming next historian reporter futurists this is what the lord laid on my heart and i want to commit you to god in case you are here today i want to minister to a few sets of people in the remaining few minutes that i have and you're not yet born again you're just existing you're not living there's no life outside of jesus it may look like you have a life now but it's shallow it will pass if you will come to the lord jesus christ you don't need any special thing everybody please just bow your head you might want to put your hand on your chest and say lord jesus thank you for saving me i believe in you today i give my heart to you come into my heart be my lord and my savior wash me clean welcome into my heart if you preach that prayer i believe you are saved so i pray for you today in the name of jesus christ of nazareth that the lord god of israel saves you he will wash your clean and write your name in the book of life and when jesus comes you will be a part of the wedding gifts in the mighty name of jesus i want to pray for you those of you that are trusting the lord for the blessing of the womb or you are believing god for who to marry or there is a marital crisis or relationship crisis or business or career or it has to do with your children or your health i'm putting everything up there's a lady here you bed weights and the devil has been telling you all sorts of things kill yourself no that's why god sent me here some of you are here you've been having issues with your financial life you have money but you don't even know what happens is i say there's a basket in your life if you fall into any of the categories i have mentioned now you have issues with your health you have issues with relationships you have issues you are believing god for the blessing of the womb you have a crisis in your marriage or whatever are you listening to what i said please be upstanding i want to pray with you malleable sort of you break a shanta put your right hand on your chest as i pray is a point of contact father i present all these precious ladies to you today by reason of your grace upon my life i ask that you will touch and meet them at their various points of needs in the name of jesus i frustrate the talking of the enemy concerning you from today step into a new day a new phase a new season of your life in the mighty name of jesus remove the hand of the enemy from your life you will testify people that don't even like you will bless you god will settle you and the new dream you are going to bath now god will use it to help you fulfill purpose this of you giving your heart to jesus today i hand you over to the precious holy spirit to keep you to defend you and to be with you thank you father in the name of jesus we have prayed everybody give the lord a big hand
Channel: Faith Chapel
Views: 135,644
Rating: 4.861927 out of 5
Keywords: church, faith chapel, faith, sermon, pastor Dayo, African praise, praise and worship, mega praise, gospel, Funke Felix-Adejumo, checfaithchapel, Women of wisdom
Id: 5EmyZ7gW9Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 47sec (3767 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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