Woman Who Takes Ring To ‘Antiques Roadshow’ Is Speechless To Lean Its Origin

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woman that takes ring to Antiques Roadshow is speechless after learning its true origins a woman whales discovered this for herself when while rifling through old things that hadn't seen the light of day in decades she stumbled across what seemed like an ordinary box but things aren't always what they seem especially in old dusty attics hidden beneath a thick layer of grime was a box not a cardboard box but the kind you'd expect to find in a shipwreck small delicate and lined with years of grime it's the kind of chest that can only contain something spectacular if only she could open it the woman looked through drawers boxes and cabinets no key for a moment she feared she'd never learned what was really inside the box until a relative called her with exciting news the key had been found the woman dug the key into the lock her thoughts racing with possibilities there could be some old folded up documents in the box or maybe just some old trinkets from years past still she never expected the truth she opened the old lid of the box and saw a ring the unexpected discovery immediately blew her away she turned the ring over in her hands inspecting its every detail and some details completely took her breath away the first clue that she'd found something special was how the ring felt it was made out of a thick flat metal it was ornately carved with feather shapes circling the outside still the most astounding detail was harder to see as she felt around the perimeter of the ring she felt something unexpected a hinge the raised Ridge proved that this was no ordinary ring there were more secrets hidden within and when she finally pried it open she knew she needed an expert the discovery of the hinge and more importantly what was inside made it clear to the woman that she was on her element the ring needed to be examined by an expert so she brought it to the one place she knew she could trust Antiques Roadshow has proven its dedication to identifying priceless items and the woman couldn't shake the feeling that she'd uncovered something special in her family's attic what she couldn't have known however was just how special the rings origins were to her the design on the outside of the ring didn't mean much and neither did the name in the date engraved on the band the date read March 31st 1855 so she knew it was of some historical significance but the name was a different story it was hard to make out the inscription of the name given the age and size of the ring but shoe leather stood out CB I've got goosebumps now thinking about it the woman told the Antiques Roadshow jewelry expert Geoffrey month why goosebumps after a couple minutes of dedicated cleaning the letters on the ring finally came into view and the name they revealed not only made what was inside the ring even more astounding but left Munn and the rings owner in awe the letters revealed the name of one of the UK's literary heroines Charlotte Bronte would this discovery Mon and the ring stunned owner attempted to piece together the ring story its history it turns out was not a happy one Charlotte Bronte has gone down in history as the writer behind the brilliant Jane Eyre one of the most renowned novels of the 19th century as it turns out her own family history is just as bleak as her protagonists Bronte's mother and all five of her siblings died before the author's 35th birthday writing with Charlotte's only comfort but being a female writer was almost unheard of back in the 19th century this left Charlotte with just one alternative she was forced to publish Jane Eyre under a male pseudonym kerb al the book became an instant classic but she wasn't able to enjoy her newfound fame for long at the young age of 38 the newly pregnant Charlotte died although our death is recorded as being from tuberculosis historians are almost certain that she actually died of hyperemesis gravidarum or extreme morning sickness the day of her death March 31st 1855 the rings inscription was no coincidence and neither was the name Munn determined that the ring was actually made after Charlotte's death to memorialize her life still there was one detail about the ring that had to be figured out that mysterious hinge the rings owner excitedly showed Munn just what the hinge was hiding as it turns out it wasn't just an ornamental decoration the ring could actually be opened and what it contained left Munn and the rings owner reeling they opened it up and saw hair the ring opens like a little biscuit tin lid and amazingly we see this hair work within very finely worked and plaited hair Munn described and to the Rings owners delight Mon confirmed the hairs origin Charlotte Bronte it's weird to put human hair inside jewelry nowadays but not in 1855 it was a convention to make jewelry out of hair in the 19th century Munn said and the reason why sheds light on Charlotte's own bizarre fear there was a terror of not being able to remember the face and character of the person who had died unexplained apparently it was a common practice back in the 1800s especially among the Bronte family it echoed a bracelet Charlotte wore of her two sisters hair Munn concluded the ring is just one of numerous hair infused jewelry once owned by the Bronte's but that doesn't mean the Rings value is anything to sneeze at without the hair Mon estimated that the ring would be valued at just 30 bucks the value skyrockets to $25,000 treasures can truly exist anywhere and one of roadshows most special items started out as a dream [Music]
Channel: Did You Know ?
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Rating: 4.6053782 out of 5
Keywords: Did You Know, antique roadshow, lottery, winner, appraisal, lucky, surprise, most expensive, top 10, pbs watch, rags to riches, discovery, antiques, valuation, artifacts, collectible, memorabilia, art, rare items, expensive, top finds viral, new, antique roadshow finds, Ring, Speechless, Lean Its Origin
Id: 62MVJ5jhC4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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