Antiques Roadshow's Highest Valuation Ever - BBC One

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Can some artistic fucker tell me why Angel of the North is so highly regarded?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/[deleted] šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jun 05 2017 šŸ—«︎ replies

OMG his reaction to that valuation was like nothing Ive ever seen before

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/alphadelt šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jun 05 2017 šŸ—«︎ replies
coming to Gateshead I was greatly looking forward to looking at Angel of the North but I could have sworn it was a bit bigger than this but it is an original but is it original but that existed before the real thing and the real thing is 20 times bigger than 20 times broader now I'm already thinking you're on the council I are me and we responsible in any way for the Great Commission well I was obviously everyone that comes to bought at four didn't board for that come so there was some some controversy there but it went through with a big majority and I think ever since we've bear the the whole world world has warmed towards the end of the North I mean it was a very inspired and bold choice because you have created on its site probably the most successful contemporary sculpture in Britain I think it is I mean I think it's a beautiful object anyway it's got great emotional ties for me by for the historic on the coal mine and the site where the engine as though appears so just to clarify this is the bronze maquette for the 20 meter high steel version the preparatory work that Gormley the sculptor antony gormley used to persuade you and others to commission this great object well there was the maquette which is one of a number but was the final one and basically the the engine the north in OC and just not near warren is based on this and isn't it a motorist every second sees it just about yeah I'm real passengers and probably air passengers as well I think it's worth asking why is it such a successful work of art and I think the angel of the concept of the angel goes deep into the human psyche it's an archetypal image that goes right back to Renaissance times we see them riddling throughout panel paintings and altar pieces and indeed it where it's angel an angel or a group of angels who heralded the birth of Christ using something that has a deep resonance in our Antony Gormley has given it basically a makeover he's called an angel of the north that immediately makes it quite personal it's placed over a coal mine a sort of deeply emotional sight for something quite so beautiful important and salvation areas this but even this has a power an arresting power I remember just seeing it as it came in and you know it seemed to take the room over so now we come to the subject of valuation and how do you value something like this well it's easier to value than a lot of things of this stature of this iconic residence because another version did sell very recently admittedly it was taller and it wasn't a bronze and that made about two million pounds or rather a little bit over that so I think on the basis that this is half the size I would comfortably value it at a million pounds isn't absolutely
Channel: BBC
Views: 3,994,751
Rating: 4.4746304 out of 5
Keywords: antiques, roadshow, The, Sage, Gateshead, angel, of, the, north, angelofthenorth, fiona, bruce, highest, valuation, 1m, one, million, onemillion, pounds
Id: uuHlBqwvRg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 7sec (187 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 16 2008
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