Patek Philippe pocket watch at the BBC Antiques Roadshow

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when we think of Brazil we think of beautiful women we think the sunny beaches and the carnival but rarely do we think about pocket watches but we have here a lovely pocket watch that's being bought in Brazil my grandfather he was the buyer and and do you remember your grandfather I do actually yes he died when he was 102 102 and do you know when your grandfather bought the watch I think he bought it when he was about 40 years old okay so that would place it in around the 1920s yeah yeah that makes perfect sense because gondola and the boreal were pattex agents from the latter part of the 19th century through to 1927 what do you know about Patek Phillipe we know we've got Swiss friends who need they're very famous for watches they're the most famous company over watches in 20th century they brought watchmaking to a level that no one else has achieved and they are still the greatest watchmaker in the world today and Patek Phillipe made a small number of pocket watches and wrist watches for the South American market and they were only retailed by a company called gondola and laborious in Rio and they were very exclusive and when they made them they had to fulfill four criteria and that was all to do with the movement and within the movement is a series of wheels in the trainer wheels and the wheel train has to be solid gold and the way that you regulate the watch has to be done in a very special way using a special microphone adjuster and it had to fulfill all those criteria before it could be retailed by gondola laborda are who were very pernickety about the fact that they would only sell at X best quality watches so your grandfather had fantastic taste what's nice about this watch is that it comes with its original traveling box as well and it's in super condition the dial isn't in particularly good condition but it can be cleaned up it's something that I think that if a collector were ever to acquire it that's something that he could do we should talk about value highly desirable but what's really special is the size it's it's just that step up from a normal gondola pocket watch and it makes all the difference that it has to collect it so today a collector would have to pay between six and seven thousand parts for it the lucky ladies very nice
Channel: apassos2010
Views: 925,844
Rating: 4.5192399 out of 5
Keywords: Patek Philippe & Co., Pocket Watch, Antiques Roadshow
Id: QP3mvqCheW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 57sec (177 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2011
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