Most Amazing Treasures Found by Accident

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20 most amazing treasures found by accident there's a great saying that says not all treasure is silver and gold and it couldn't be more evident than on our list today yes some of the accidental finds are indeed silver and gold but there are others that are so different from silver and gold but still have extremely high price tags attached to them you'll soon see number 21 one man's trash is another man's treasure look out for our video on failed brands because there we mentioned the brand Atari and their big failure the et game that's been dubbed the worst video game of all time in 2014 excavators dug up 1300 of these et video games that were dumped at a landfill site in New Mexico the games went up for sale and brought in a hundred and eight thousand dollars from people around the world all this money was donated to the Tularosa Basin Historical Society number 19 excellent returned teri Horton loved browsing around thrift stores and she stumbled upon a painting while she was looking for a birthday present for a friend she offered to store $5.00 for the painting and brought it home she tried to give it to friends but it never fit in in any of their styles so she tried to sell it several times it finally found its spot at a yard sale where a local art teacher suggested it might be an original Jackson Pollock they had the painting appraised and it was indeed a Jackson Pollock original an art dealer offered her two million dollars for it but she turned it down and said she wouldn't accept anything less than fifty million number eight on paper Michael sparks was buying a few items from a Nashville thrift shop when he came across a yellow shriveled up document he saw it was the Declaration of Independence but assumed it was a clever copy and bought it for two dollars and 48 cents on closer investigation the document appeared to be way older than he thought and he soon discovered it was one of the 200 original copies of the Declaration of Independence he received four hundred and seventy seven thousand dollars at auction court document number seven table lost confetti is 1992 when farmer Peter Watling lost his hammer in a field must been a pretty special camera because he called a friend of his to come and help to find it using a metal detector the to set out to find his lost hammer he must been disappointed when he didn't find hammer after hearing an incessant beeping of the detector but he must've been overjoyed when he found an open chest filled to the brim with coins jewelry and silverware from the 4th century archaeologists were called and in the end they found treasures valued at 3.8 million dollars the Hoxton Board now sits at the British Museum and we know what you're wondering did he find his hammer well he answers yes and it's at the museum as part of the collection number 16 instant millionaire a tool and die company were selling some of their old stuff and an employee picked up a few pieces of furniture and an old painting of flowers when he got home he put the painting over a hole that had been annoying him for ages the painting stayed in the same spot for years until one night the man and some mates were playing a board game called masterpiece in the game the players have to bid for artwork and what image should pop up but that exact painting covering the annoying pole in his house some online research confirmed it was similar to paintings by Martin Johnson feed an American still-life artist Kennedy galleries came to look at the painting and they confirmed it was an unnamed original now called magnolias on gold velvet cloth valued at 1.2 million dollars number 15 diamond in the rough in this case diamond in a dusty chair Angela Miller Brown and her husband Angus bought an old chair from an auction a few years prior four rounds seven dollars we're not sure how they figured out what was inside perhaps they tried to recover it but they discovered close to seven thousand dollars worth of jewelry inside the chair they were literally sitting on a fortune number fourteen pot of gold albeit not at the end of a rainbow but hidden in a small town in Bulgaria three brothers worked together in a clay pit factory back in 1949 when they made a discovery that was a little more valuable than clay they found a dish in em fora in seven right ons all made out of solid gold the weight of the items was well over 13,000 pounds and the items are believed to have been those of an unknown Thracian ruler through the 3rd century BC as the items are so rare and valuable they're stored in a vault at the Bulgarian National Bank number 13 as good as gold in this case possibly better the venus de milo discovery can be credited to a farmer who is looking for white stone to build a ball with while digging he discovered the statue broken into pieces a French naval officer digging on the island at the time helped to excavate the statue word of the fines spread quickly and a French sailor bought it from the men and this Greek statue dating back to 101 BC stands in a Louvre Museum still to this day number two from rags to riches we don't know her name but we know that a German student bought an old couch at a Berlin flea market for two hundred and fifteen dollars hidden inside the sofa was a 17th century oil painting that sold for twenty-seven thousand dollars at auction we're not saying go sliced up all your furniture though but we guess you just never know number eleven hit the gym now this doesn't happen every day it was 1963 and a man from Turkey was knocking down a wall in its basement what lay on the other side was history unfolding it was a portal to an entire underground city the underground city of Derinkuyu is now a popular spot for tourists and goes down a massive 18 stories there are kitchens stables tombs churches wells schools and more all joined by 600 internal entrances it's thought to have been created as a bunker during the Byzantine era in 782 1180 ad number 10 share the wealth here's another sofa story so maybe the decide march 2014 three housemates bought an old sofa from Salvation Army Cala gwazi Reis work Hoeven and Lera Russo picked up that the arms of the sofa looked odd so they opened the zippers and found an envelope stuffed with cash they searched the sofa from top to bottom and found a total of forty thousand dollars along with the cash they found a deposit slip with a woman's name fund the trio contacted the woman in returned the money to her the elderly lady had been struggling with health problems so we're sure the money was a godsend number nine hide-and-seek when the sons of a late cartoonist Don trick T jr. were renovating their father's home they came upon a false wall hidden inside the false wall was an original Norman Rockwell painting tracted jr. was hiding the painting so his ex-wife couldn't get her hands on it during their divorce the painting was allegedly sold for ten point four million dollars at auction number eight hidden gem the middle M jewel is currently on display at the Yorkshire Museum in York and it's thanks to Paul Kingston and Ted Seton that it's even there they were walking along a footpath in North Yorkshire having a bit of fun with a metal detector would have picked up the jewel it's from the late 15th century has a expand merit to sapphire stone into sixty eight grams of solid gold there's a nativity scene inscribed on the piece in the blue jewel was believed to have medicinal problems number seven share the wealth a couple of auctioneers were invited to value some old cars on a French farm and they were astounded to see the huge number of vintage cars and trucks that were in impeccable condition in total they had 60 vintage cars which included Ferraris and Maseratis family members knew nothing of the rare collection which was deemed to be worth 20 million dollars number 6 gold fingers an old piano was purchased by the Hemings family in England in 1996 when the children left home in 2016 and mr. and mrs. Hemmings downsized their home they donated a piano to a school in need the school employed a piano tuner to set the instrument who found the keys harder than normal to operate upon further investigation the tuner came across a package within the piano assuming the package contained mothballs he opened it and discovered gold coins inside not just run-of-the-mill gold coins either but vintage gold sovereigns the incredibly decent technician showed the package to the school and upon further investigation 800 more sovereigns were found inside last words that the history of the piano is being researched in order to track down the original owner of the stash house that for a whole lot of honesty number 5 maybe - be with you the good old attic in 2011 Steven Hoffer from San Francisco discovered a hidden pile of dusty boxes in his parents attic while helping with a clean-out it turns out they were limited edition vintage Star Wars toys and sealed boxes in new condition once the dust had been removed the toys found a new residence with a collector for the tidy sum of ten thousand dollars numbers were make this a Belgian accountant purchased an old bank building to convert into offices for his business a large old safe came with a sale in all he had to was have it opened and keys made when a locksmith opened it 300 thousand euros were found inside the exceptionally honest accountant contacted the bank to report the fine to which the bank replied they did not know of any missing money he thus kept the windfall with a clear conscience number 3 a good sign oh yes the good old Attic again Ian and Linda spires from England were cleaning out the attic of their home for the first time when they noticed they could read the floorboards after lots of dust removal and coughing they discovered many of the floorboards were signs with town names on them turns out they were antique and sought after railway signs the reward 2,000 pounds number to Interflora construction workers in st. Petersburg Russia discovered a hidden room between two floors in a hotel undergoing renovation the contents were almost 2,000 valuable historical objects wrapped up and in boxes it's believed a wealthy family hid them there during the Russian Revolution of 1917 the value is uncertain and most of the objects have made their way into museums number one home run it seems a good profession would be to go into the Attic cleaning business Karl Kistner 51 from Ohio was roped into cleaning the Attic of his long-standing family home what followed was one of the most incredible serendipitous sport memorabilia finds in the history of well you know sports memorabilia he came across as late grandfather's extensive and perfectly preserved baseball card collection featuring the Great's of the day collectible baseball cards are rated up to ten with seven being regarded as good condition not many old cards go beyond nine nine being very valuable but this collection revealed mostly knives and many tens Kistner shared the proceeds of a three million dollar fine with 16 siblings and cousins have you guys ever found something of value in an unexpected place if so share your story with us in the comments below subscribe to our channel for more daily videos and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Talltanic
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Keywords: Talltanic, treasure, treasures, discoveries, facts, found, discovered, discovery, buried treasure, accidental discoveries, most, incredible, mysterious, hidden treasure, hidden, unbelievable, amazing treasures, ancient, mystery, treasure chest, treasure hunting, metal detecting, treasure found, you won't believe, biggest, lost, strange, archaeology, discover, shocking, accidental, finds, artifacts, rare, craziest, lucky people, treasure hunt, strange discoveries, by accident, amazing, gold
Id: SSOnqgsfAlo
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Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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