Woman Thou Art Loosed

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when your Bibles with me again to the Gospel of Luke at chapter 13 commencing in verse number 10 through verse 17 the Gospel of Luke at chapter number 13 commencing in verse 10 if you were not here this morning at 7:30 you do yourself a grave disservice if you don't buy the CD of the sermon from this morning pastor Theron Jackson preached from verses 6 through verse number 9 about the barren fig tree that was one of the best sermons I've ever heard you need to buy that CD that was a great great message you need to hear that it needs to be in your library but the real sermon it will be this morning from verses 10 through verse number 17 and in your hearing the word reads and he was teaching in one of the synagogue's on the Sabbath and behold there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity 18 years and was bowed together and could in no wise lift up herself and when Jesus saw her he called her to him and said unto her woman Thou Art Loosed from thine infirmity and he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight and glorified God and the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation because that Jesus had healed on the Sabbath day and said to the people they are six days and which men ought to work in them therefore come and be healed and not on the Sabbath day the Lord then answered him and said you hypocrite does not each one of you on the Sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall and lead him away to watering and not not this woman being a daughter of Abraham whom Satan hath bound lo these 18 years be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day for 17 weeks and when he had said these things all his adversaries were ashamed and all the people rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by him thank you you may have your seat the grass withers and the flower fades where the word of our God shall stand forever I want to talk from this subject woman Thou Art Loosed woman Thou Art Loosed this this pericope this passage of Scripture these words from verses 10 through verse number 17 is the final Sabbath synagogue appearance of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke the last of these which narrate healings the synagogue setting is crucial particularly in Luke's Gospel for in the synagogue in Nazareth Jesus stood up for to read that day took the Torah took the scroll out of the hand of the prison in charge and read from the prophecy of Isaiah about his messianic mission he had come to set the captives free and on this day in the synagogue this this daughter of Abraham Jesus has come to set her free and this morning in lily Grove sanctuary if Satan has you bound Jesus has come to set you free Jesus must have seen this woman after the Sabbath service since women were not permitted in the sanctuary of a Jewish synagogue the diagnosis of her malady was was a generic hey bruh ISM for it speaks of this woman had ill health her malady was a generic Hebrew ism for ill health she she has a spirit of infirmity that's that's a general kind of overall feeling of just not feeling well that's that's the that's the diagnosis but the description of her malady is quite specific this this is one of the only stories in the scripture where a person's condition is described she is bent from her waist down and cannot even raise herself up she cannot look up she can't see anything but looking down in preparation for this preaching this morning I tried that I bent myself from the waist from the waist down and that's a very uncomfortable way to go about your life I could not turn my head to look up and then imagine I did it for about two or three minutes this woman was in this condition 18 years 18 years men could not look up at the sunset could not see a star could not even look up to speak with somebody in their face she was always looking down because a condition bent her from the waist down she was physically sick that a physical malady rendered her in pain severe pain all the time and then spiritually this condition came upon her and she's not a sinner she's a daughter of Abraham I want you to get that brothers and sisters because you can be a Christian and still have some problems somebody ought to help me talk in stop listening to these Fortune prophets and stop listening to these radio and television preachers talking about if you're sick you must not have faith and if you have in trouble you must not be a child of God that's not true because even children of God are afflicted now I want you to get this I really want you to hear this because when the woman when Jesus sees her he does not exercise her of oedema he does not cause a demon to come out of the woman because she is not demon-possessed but rather she is demon oppressed someone help me preach it she's not demon-possessed she's demon oppressed and somebody in here this morning who loves the Lord could be oppressed by bitterness depression sickness in your body tired of taking care of a sick prison life is just not with you threat where you think it ought to be you're just out of sorts you're a Christian you love God you pray but you just can't get it together you just can't seem to put one foot in front of the other and if you have one good week you've got three bad weeks if one child got good sense the other child is a fool and then when the foolish child starts acting right the one you thought had some sense stop back in the fool you are not possessed by the devil you're being oppressed by the devil because jesus said in this world you will have tribulation the devil the devil is going to mess with you if you are a child of God you're gonna get sick in your physical body and the devil will impress you so that you will almost think that God has been unfaithful she's physically sick she spiritually sick but socially she has a problem she's the object of jokes children maka they walk like her you know how cruel children are they walk with their backs bent like this woman she cannot raise up she can't get married she can't bear children she can't do anything normally or naturally because of her physical condition her beauty is gone probably her youth is gone because she has been in this condition 18 years 18 long years 18 years but here's what I want you to get for 18 years she's been coming to the synagogue sick 18 years and still coming to church asking God to heal her for 18 years God has not answered her but she still comes the truth 18 years with her back bent and you would think by now that she would have written Church off but she still comes to church after 18 years and some of us just one bump in the road just the least little thing happens to us the least setback in our lives not only do we give up on church but we give up on God but this woman knew if I keep coming if I keep showing up if I keep making my way to the house of God no matter God didn't answer last week no matter ador than open last month no matter I'm not feeling better than I was the last time I came if I keep on coming and I wish I had somebody to help me testify that you kept on comment and you kept on coming and you kept on showing up you shouted when you didn't see you like it you raised your hands when you had nothing to be happy for you praise God when you were broke you gave God the glory when your children were down and here you are this morning testifying if you keep on showing up sooner or later God will come to your rescue right right right here in the text right right here in the text and verse 12 are the three points of this little message Jesus saw her had to pass them not some mission president Jesus so they saw her as a bent broken bitter woman but Jesus just saw her as a woman in brothers and sisters he does not see you for the problems you bear because what's wrong with you doesn't make you you that's what's wrong with you but that's not you you have a problem but you're not a problem you are not the sickness that you encounter you are not the drug habit that you encounter you are not the alcoholic that you encounter you have a problem but God never sees you as a problem and the church needs to stop looking at folk for what they do and see them for who they are because you are not the sum total of your problem Jesus doesn't see you in the light of your past Jesus doesn't see your troubles he doesn't see your scars he sees you for what you can become through his matchless grace he sees you as significant as special and as honorable no matter what's making you bend down and everybody in here got something in your spirit that makes you crooked bent broken and you might be standing upright but that's a bit in your personality there's a waywardness in your walk there's a crookedness about your character and if you try to hide it we may not see it but God sees he saw her and brothers and sisters I thank God for seeing me because so many people overlook you so many people look over you and and think that there's not much to you and you're not going to ever amount to anything because of the mistakes of your past and they're always holding yesterday against you and they're always bringing up judgment against you and always trying to measure you by somebody else and always trying to my you and pull you down and criticize you and talk about you because of the mistakes you made you are not your mistake you are not your misfortune you are a child of God made in the image and the likeness of God and if you keep on coming to church Jesus will see you our brothers and sisters not only did he see you but verse 12 says he summoned her he called her not not listening she just she was just that church and she wasn't asking for anything she was just that church jesus saw her jesus knew what her trouble was Jesus knew how long she had been in that condition but she just showed up that day because Jesus was there that day and brothers and sisters the reason you ought to come to church is because you don't ever know what Sunday you're gonna get your breakthrough you don't ever know what time God is going to show up and bless you in ways you thought you'd never be blessed before I need somebody here who just showed up one Sunday and God opened the scripture to you in a new way a god bless your life and an exciting and and powerful way that you can remember the Sunday it was you can remember who was preaching you can remember what you had on you can remember what the weather was outside you can remember who you were sitting by because once God works a miracle in your life you never forget it I need somebody who's been blessed I mean somebody seriously who's been blessed and touched by the hand of God God has made a difference in your life that from that day until this day you are not the same person you don't have the same attitude you don't have the same disposition you don't have the same outlook on life as a matter of fact I don't even have to be here for you to be shouting it don't even have to be Sunday morning you can be in your house just thinking about where God brought you from and somebody passing in front of your house thank you losing your mind he summoned her I heard the voice of Jesus saying come under me and rest be down weary 1ly down I head upon my breast I came to Jesus as I was weary worn and say but I found in him a resting place and he has made me glad I'm glad he some I'm glad he called me I'm glad he summoned me I was in darkness but he called me to the light I was lost and on my way to hell but he lifted me I was bent and crooked but one day he straightened me out is there anybody else here this morning I said is there anybody else here this morning know that Jesus can straighten up a crooked life Jesus can turn around a bad situation if you just show up he will see you and summon you but that's not all the text in the text says he saw her the text says he summoned her and then the text says finally he said to her it's right there in the text he said to her his pronouncement he said to her woman thought use but not now this pronouncement is a verb and it's a verb in the second person singular perfect passive indicative second person singular perfect passive indicative verbs which means Jesus just looked at her and said you've been released no oil no money changed hand she didn't have to buy a book she didn't have to attend the conference she didn't have to have a prac loss Jesus just looked at her and said woman I release you somehow to help me shout this moan and Jesus is saying to somebody in here this morning who's got a heart that's turned towards him woman man I lose you the woman's release is spoken of as an already accomplished condition affected by the redemptive and liberating word of Jesus Jesus just has to speak the word and whatever is weighing you down we'll have to get off of you this pronouncement is therefore Crysta logically significant for in Jesus making this pronouncement he's really saying to the Jews I am God now brothers and sisters I finish out here because in the Old Testament laying on of hands symbolize three things now this it's not just enough in this particular instance for Jesus to say to her woman Thou Art Loosed the Bible says he laid his hand on her in the Old Testament laying on of hands symbolized three things dedication of sacrifices to God installations of priests for the Levitical priesthood or if somebody laid a hand on you they were blessing you you remember when when Jacob was dying when Israel was dying Joseph brought his two sons ephraim and manasseh and they brought him to the old man's bed for him to bless them and the Bible says he crossed his hands and he put his hands on Ephraim and his other hand on Manasseh because hands meant blessing when when Samuel went to Jesse's house looking for Israel's future king he poured oil out of the crews and the oil would not run out until Samuel laid his hands on young David in the Old Testament the hand often symbolized power including the power of God hands were laid on animals or presence to consecrate them watch this from the profane to the sacred but with Jesus the power transfer is reversed in the Old Testament he consecrates them from the profane to the sacred but with Jesus the power transfer is reversed for through his hands sacred power is now communicated to the profane what was unprofitable and profane a moment ago when Jesus puts his hands on it it makes a difference in that life you've heard and you probably said you've heard it you've probably said it this this mantra this statement let go and let God you ever wonder where that comes from I'm glad you asked this this young college student in the 1800s put on some postcards six letters let God and he put the letters on his mantel open the window a draft came in the letter D fell away from his little lettering that he had on the mantel and his scepter said let go and the message God said him was when you let go put the D back on the mantel and let God but in order for God to get his hands on it you got to let it go somebody ought to help me preach this morning I don't know how closely we listen to prayers when people pray them but this morning when brother Jacob was praying he said something that almost made me shout right in my seat he says only when we put our life in God's hand can God put his hand on our life let me run it by you one more time only when we put our life in God's hand can God put his hand on our life and the reason perhaps God's hand is not on your life it's because you haven't put your life in God's hands but I need two or three believers in here this morning who God has loosed you from whatever it was that was holding you down you can praise God with a freedom and an intensity and an exuberance and a power that nobody can stop you from praising God once you've learned to let go and let God I wish I had somebody to help me close it I've been loosed I said I've been loosed I'm not this woman in the text I didn't have an infirmity that made my body bend from my waist down but I was weighed down by sin I was weighed down by unrighteousness I was weighed down by my sin nature and I couldn't give God the praise that he rightfully deserved I was weighed down by other people's opinions I was worried about what people thought about me and what somebody was going to say about me I wish I had somebody to help me preach it I let the mistakes of my past weigh me down so much that I couldn't give God praise because I don't want anybody to bring up what I used to be there's some ex is in here this morning ex drug addicts ex alcoholics ex prostitutes and God has blessed your life don't worry about what somebody's going to think about you by what somebody's going to say about you God has loosed you and you ought to be loose enough this morning to give God praise with your best hallelujah because the scripture says after Jesus loose this woman she worshiped God anybody has been loosed don't mind worshiping God anybody have been redeemed don't mind giving God praise anybody here the Lord is putting his hands on your life because you put your life in his hands you don't care who's looking at you you don't care how to talk about you after church is over I know I've been redeemed I know I've been loosed I've been washed in the blood of the Lamb I see some of you still kind of reserved and still kind of standoffish maybe you're not as loose as you ought to be but think about where you could be this morning you could be in a nursing home you could be in a hospital this morning you could not even know where you are but God's been so good to you he loosed your shackles and he set you free and whom the son has set free he is free indeed I'm loose enough to praise God with my whole heart I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth if the Lord open doors for you and you don't mind praising him if the line loose your shackles and set you free and you don't mind glorifying him if the Lord made a way for you and you don't mind justifying you know what you used to do you know what you used to be this time of day you know how you used to stay out all night but God laid his hands on you God made a way I don't know if God got you off of drugs God pull you off the streets God sanctified you and forgave you and if you don't mind being a witness why don't you grab somebody tell them I've been set free I've been set free I've been loosed I've been washed in the blood of the Lamb I've been saying sanctified filled with the pressing holy notes if the Lord made a way for you help me shout him in if you've been loosed help me praising me he's worth it I said he's worthy he's worthy from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same he's worthy to be praised if you feel like it find your partner right now find somebody who look like they've been born again find somebody who look like they feel like praising the Lord leave them alone if they don't want to do it don't problem if you don't feel like it but find somebody who look like they've been loose and now buffing alright now just get loose get loose in the aisle get loose in your get loose in the pews raise your hands if you wanna shout if you feel like it I've been wash up and wash wash ah no he's our he walks with he talks with me he tells me I am his own I've been set free what about you I said I've been set free he doesn't hold my pass against me he never brings up my sins he never reminds me of what I used to be that's why I praise him so much that's why I love him so much come on help me praise Him help me lift him up help me magnify name tell your neighbor preach it to him like I'm preaching come on get your preaching voice with you and preach it to him like I'm preaching tell your neighbor I've been set free come on preach it like you mean it I've been washed in the blood of a lamb I've been redeemed come on preach it like I'm preaching it I've been saying sanctified filled with the Holy Ghost I know I've been born again I know I'm going to heaven when I die thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus you brought me from a microphone way Thank You Jesus you've been a you've been a father for me you've been a sister and a brother too thank you Jesus for my selfish ah movies are I know I know I know I know hoppin was do you know you've been washed up in wash I know happened was thank you Jesus to set me free free free free free free free from the bondage of sin and death and whom the Sun has set free he is free indeed and the truth shall set you free and the truth is one Friday he went to the cross to suffer and die for your sins so that now that he lays his hands on you you can straighten your back up you can lift your head up because he will never bring up what you used to be he will never wash your face with your past but now that you straighten up do with a woman did she glorified God give God the glory give God the glory give God the glory give God the praise give god the worship give God the honor because God has set you you don't have to leave here with an addiction you don't have to leave here with the root of bitterness in your heart you don't have to leave here guilty and disgusted about your mistakes God has set you free and from this day walk in your freedom walk in your freedom walk in the power of God's might
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 54,508
Rating: 4.7543859 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: 8j32dC1L39E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2016
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