Woman Discovers Husband is Murderer Weeks After Marrying | Handsome Devils

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foreign he promised me that we would be together forever he was very confident we was wondering if he was hiding something they said that he was wanted for a murder my fear intensified I think she was really Brave evil was in my house and I couldn't let evil in my house [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] has three gorgeous daughters her own house and a successful cleaning business but there's one thing missing I got divorced because I think we were just too young when we got married my daughters are very very very important to me they're my whole world she Prides herself on being a good mom and she is a romantic she likes to read romantic novels and watch romantic movies yes bye girls she's always been family-oriented I was hoping that maybe one day she might meet somebody else it's been one year since Margie split from her husband she's lonely and ready to start the dating game my girlfriends were bugging me to go out and I thought okay I think it's time [Music] and we went to a country western Club [Music] Dean I was nervous [Music] and you can see all the smoke-filled room and there were Cowboys with hats [Applause] [Music] one gentleman caught my eye because he didn't have Western attire on he had a white shirt on and Levi's and that was it but very very good looking [Music] would you like to dance sure eventually he asked me politely to dance and it was a slow dance but he didn't hold me really tight he told me that he liked to be called Sean Paul I can't believe this Manny's good looking he's Charming he's wonderful wow what a good looking guy he was very very friendly happy smiling I said before we ever go out on a date I think we should talk on the phone and get to know each other better and he agreed [Music] hello oh hi we talked on the phone every night for about a week and we talked about where he worked and what he did for a living and he told me he was a chef and he was working at this restaurant but he would really like to invest in a restaurant of his own he actually told me that he had a daughter and I thought wow that's just wonderful we both have something in common really what you like She always told me that she was looking for somebody that was handsome strong and family oriented she said he was from New Zealand and that his mother and father and brother and sister had died in a plane crash and I think she really empathized with that that made him more endearing for sure it finally hit me that I was alone and I didn't want to be alone I wanted someone in my life I wanted to share my life with someone dinner sounds perfect after several weeks getting cozy on the phone Margie agrees to go out with Sean Paul for the evening he pulls up in his car and he comes to the door I was excited for this new guy to show up hi hi nice to Kara is your mom here [Music] you can't hug her touch her you know touch her hair or anything [Music] my first impression of him was he was very confident I would say he was very sure of himself and it seemed like my mom liked him quite a bit over the next few weeks Sean Paul sweeps Margie off her feet with one romantic date after another he whined and dined her and she was so happy this is starting out to be something pretty good Sean Paul makes an announcement the restaurant he works in is to be featured on local TV and he has a starring role I thought wow this is so exciting when it came on it kind of almost didn't even look like him he had on this big chef hat that he had glasses on I'd never seen him wear glasses and he was talking about how to prepare the dish but he kept looking down and he should be looking at the camera when the show was over he said how did I do and I asked him I said why did you keep looking down he said I was nervous and I said I didn't know you wore glasses he says well I'm supposed to but I didn't want to wear glasses in front of you what else what other explanation would there be after a few dates and doing things that we really enjoyed he picked me up in the car and all of a sudden we're at this workout gym and the place was was beautiful he said I have a surprise for you I have membership for you and the girls also I would love to buy your gym outfits oh that that's okay thank you wasn't enough I just didn't think that was appropriate and he kept insisting insisting I said I can't accept this this is this is too much I really love to do this for you he wouldn't take no for an answer and I insisted harder and said no foreign [Music] I have this strange feeling but I thought I was just making something out of nothing it's the first clue that all's Not What It Seems with Sean Paul Sean Paul doesn't like Margie saying no a few days later after I came home from work I just had this feeling that something was wrong foreign my heart stopped I saw all these workout clothes hanging from the doors and the ceiling and I just froze I knew Sean Paul had bought the clothes and hung them there he had been in my house you don't break into someone's house like this you just don't I called him up on the phone and and I told him how did you do this why did you do this so I just wanted to surprise you she didn't want him breaking into her house I guess he'd come through the kitchen window and I'm sure she felt violated I said you're too much there's too much there's too many flowers there's too many gifts there's too many everything I just I need a break I can't do this anymore it's over Sean Paul once I told him I didn't want to see him anymore I didn't hear from him I was glad but I kind of missed him too it was hard to know what to feel I thought you know maybe dating is not for me then I come home from work one day and there was a note and it said call me it's urgent please Sean Paul against her better judgment Margie makes the call I called him and he was crying and he said his daughter had been killed in a car accident by a drunk driver what I didn't know even how to react and he said you know please I need to see you I'll be there in a second I didn't think of anything else I didn't think about the fear I felt before I didn't think of anything else just that this man's daughter had died thank you [Music] and I got my car and I went over to his apartment [Applause] when Sean Paul opens the door Margie is struck with fear the way he looked at me he looked like some stranger I looked in his eyes and all I could see was evil and I thought he's got another side to him there's two sides to him three I wanted to be there for him but I didn't know who this person was I felt more fear than I've ever felt in my life and I had to get out of there I'll come back later I had to escape [Music] I had no idea why I was running and what I was running from but I just knew I shouldn't go in that apartment I just knew it [Music] you start making up excuses that it was all in my head when he opened the door it was my imagination Margie shocked and upset by Sean Paul's aggressive behavior [Music] but when he phones a few days later she's unable to ignore his cry for help and I answered the phone and he said that he had to make arrangements to send his daughter's body back to New Zealand you don't think anybody could stand going through all that you know you're whole family's wiped out in a plane crash and now his daughter's died that would affect my mom she couldn't even imagine losing one of her daughters we just talked on the phone again like we used to and little by little by little by little by little my fear was going away and he knew what to say he knew how to make me feel better and eventually [Music] eventually I agreed to see him again we started dating again there was never any fear again the fear was gone never came back we dated for almost a year she did wanted a man in her life yeah she wanted the happily ever after my relationship with Sean Paul moved on to a more close relationship I just wasn't quite sure of him I don't know he was too perfect [Music] this came he was excited I was excited we went to the mall and he wanted me to pick out something for myself and so he gave me his wallet so I could pay for what I wanted he always wore a gold chain around his neck and I noticed that it was missing he said oh I lost it it's probably somewhere I went in the dressing room and I saw his wallet sitting there I knew I probably shouldn't if I looked in it and I saw a pond slip and it was for his gold necklace and I thought why would he Pawn his necklace and tell me he lost it [Music] but then I thought wow he did it to buy all these presents and he didn't want me to know [Music] in hindsight maybe he wanted me to find it maybe he wanted me to know what he had done for us Christmas Sean Paul decided to surprise me and he proposed will you do the honor of being my wife [Music] I told him about my feelings of I you know I was being scared a little bit yes [Music] promised me that we would be together forever forever [Music] my mom with her family and friends there she seemed thrilled very happy to be married eventually things started moving into my house little by little but it was comfortable he even brought a picture that he had at his apartment over to hang on my wall of New Zealand [Music] the only thing that I can remember that maybe was a little off was when I was calling Sean and not Sean Paul he wouldn't answer me I'd say are you hard of hearing and he said no I'd like to be called both names because I'm used to being called both names looking back I didn't understand why but I felt uneasy at different times [Music] with their lives now joined Sean Paul suggests they merged their bank accounts too early on Sean Paul took over the finances he put his name on my checking account and my savings account so we were together and he had brought home some documents for me to sign okay so I just need to sign a couple of these insurance forms I didn't really read him because he told me what they said so these are just some stuff in the bank not a big deal I trusted him by then every time he talked to you he wouldn't look at you he would look everywhere but at you we was wondering if he was hiding something six weeks into married life and all seems to be going well when Margie gets a startling call my girlfriend Isla calls and says to turn on this new TV show it's called America's Most Wanted and she says there's a guy on there right now he kind of looks like your husband a little bit thank you there was a man Paul Steven Mack they said that he was wanted for a murder in Sacramento California and he was on the Run but I was so confused can't even comprehend that Paul Stephen that could be my husband he didn't look like my husband I knew something was wrong but it could never be murder murder doesn't enter my life we just had a wonderful wedding and now I'm thinking all these crazy things again I thought about it for a while and I thought I've got to do something if I admit his family or someone that knew him then that would have helped but with everybody dying in his family then you can't really find out much about a person [Music] Margie's fairly certain that her friends got it wrong but to be on the safe side she does a little sleuthing I did remember he had documents of his parents dying and his brother and sister and his daughter I go through him and his name's on all of them okay good and then all of a sudden it catches my eye on his daughter's death certificate the date is wrong found there were no state seals so I thought this this isn't a real document something's wrong here when Sean Paul got home I showed him the mistakes and he immediately said I'm going to take care of this [Music] he called the hospital and the woman said well I can't give you that information over the phone but if you send a letter and proof that you are her father we'll get this trained out and he said okay fine okay I felt a little relief but why is that nagging fear back in my head I have three daughters I need to protect them I don't know what from but I need to find out the truth that night I remember laying in bed tossing and turning I couldn't sleep I always kept little things in the back of my mind like America's Most Wanted it just kind of was another piece to the puzzle but I wanted to put that puzzle together I wanted to find out the truth myself because my husband I have a right to know who he is I finally decided that maybe what I need to do is hire a private investigator find out the truth once and for all he said he would need two things he would need his social security number and he would need a deposit of fifteen hundred dollars oh no problem up I I can get that I hung up the phone and I thought how am I going to get this money and the only thing I could think of was what I need to do is ask Sean Paul and so I would ask the man that I'm going to investigate for the money [Music] I've never lied to my husband before and I really didn't want to now I remember we're sitting at the table and I want him to believe that I need the money and I don't want him to start being suspicious of me and I told him that my friend Daryl needed money for this surgery and would he be willing to help her out [Music] you know what sure thanks and I just hope my hand wasn't shaking because I knew I wasn't telling the truth but it's just something I had to do first we need to do the social security numbers I waited till I knew he was asleep and you could hear the heavy breathing and it took me a while because it was kind of a scary thing to have to sneak out of bed and get into his wallet and I had already put paper and pencil in the bathroom in a cabinet and I found not just one social security card but two [Music] and I was a little confused and so I wrote down both numbers and I put them back in and turned off the light I don't even know if I slept the rest of the night when I went to meet the private investigator it was almost like some spy movie or something when I told him I had two Social Security numbers he was a little confused that's you said it might be a good idea to make copies of the documents if you can't it some photos of them and get them to me that would be very useful the next day after my husband went to work I waited for the private investigator to call [Music] hello he told me that the social security numbers belong to two dead people and I was shocked my fear intensified right then rather than turn her husband into the police Margie decides she needs more evidence she needs to find what's lurking in Sean Paul's past I thought something's wrong now definitely I didn't know what but I thought I was probably not that bad but I need to find out what it is [Music] I woke up every morning with this Quest I had to find out who he was I I finally decided I needed to confront Sean Paul I told him that someone from his work had called and they needed a Social Security number so I looked in your wallet and you had two social security cards he said to me well I carry my son sometimes and I forget to give it back to him look I'm sick of hearing about the documents he just got mad at me it was a different Sean Paul I thought back to the night when I went to his apartment [Music] and I remember how evil his face was and I've seen this evil sight twice I've got to get out of this situation we'd only been married a few weeks the honeymoon was over very fast Margie certain that the secret as to her husband's true identity lies in his private documents sure enough he he took the documents and locked him in a briefcase I didn't want me to look at him he didn't want me to talk about him again and I decided I was going to have to take the documents or give them to my private investigator I had to do something and that would be my next step I'd gone shopping and I came home and my daughters weren't there and they were always there they always ask permission when they went with a friend I just got this funny feeling and kind of sick feeling and so I called Sean Paul at work I don't know why I thought maybe he knew where they were he says they're fine I I know they're fine I know where they are they're having fun where are they he says he said I'm like you don't need to know that he says see this is what happens when you ask too many questions it's like a game [Music] he came home from work and I begged him to tell me where they were he said they're fine don't worry about it my fear intensified right then eventually the girls came in and hugged them in their story and I was so glad that they were alive they said that these two guys which they'd met before because we'd seen him at the restaurant had showed up to take him to the amusement park and they had Sean Paul on the phone he told them yeah it's fine it's okay with your mom everything's fine you can go ahead and have fun I decided that night while we were asleep that I would again sneak out of bed and I'm shaking because I feel like what if he wakes up what is he gonna think I got the briefcase I need a combination I'd seen him open and close that briefcase many times with a camera I made copies of the documents [Music] when I was done put the originals in the briefcase I made sure that that went back to the right numbers quietly snuck back in the bedroom [Music] Margie's terrified Sean Paul will discover her detective work the girls had gone to their fathers for the weekend and so it was just him and I and I tried to act like everything was fine I felt like I had to pretend and continue on investigating this man he would look at me sometimes kind of staring at me and I think he was very very suspicious I went to bed and I tried to pretend I was asleep I wanted him to leave me alone I told him I didn't feel good and he said well let me give you this pill I have a pill that will help you know you'll feel much better he went and got this pill and he wouldn't stop he wouldn't quit saying take this pill come on nothing [Music] finally I just got tired of hearing it and I took the pill [Music] and I don't know what he gave me but if I wasn't sick before I was definitely sick after [Music] I was absolutely deathly ill he came to the door and pounded on the door the door Margie camera I opened the door and he came in and he picked me up in his arms and he was gentle [Music] he put me to bed and I thought he's going to leave me alone good I thought I went to sleep but I actually I think I blacked out [Music] it was like I was falling in a deep black hole and I was just gone and yet every once in a while there was like a light and there was someone on top of me I tried to scream but nothing came out of my mouth and then everything went black I knew he raped me I knew it Margie Danielson certain her husband of just seven weeks has drugged and raped her I felt so betrayed and hopeless I had bruises and Sean Paul was gone foreign secrets and lies that he had told me that it just made him more evil than ever I knew it was time to be strong for my daughters I walk into the kitchen and there was this Orange Juice Glass he always had orange juice I've seen on TV that you can get prints fingerprints from glasses and so I put on my rubber gloves and I put the glass in a plastic bag and she goes directly to the police to the desk and I told the police officer I don't think my husband's who he says he is she was concerned about her husband I don't know who else to turn to he's not who he says he is she was very nervous her voice was a little bit on the shaky side he has two social security cards and and his daughter's birth certificate I I think is a fake I thought they were gonna think I was an overreactive wife he's also become more violent if you're definitely scared of him she was concerned about her welfare and so were we he's not who he says he is I need your help then they took the bag with the glass in it and I waited well he was very persuasive with her I think he had her over Barrel at the time [Music] when they came back into the room they told me that the fingerprints matched Paul Steven Mack what did he do well Paul Steven Max wanted for murder my heart dropped I didn't want to believe that this man that I was married to was a murderer the man that was on America's Most Wanted wanted for murder Margie's husband the man who has been sharing her home her life her bed is a fugitive wanted in connection with two murders they told me that first he had a 19 year old Secretary Annette huddle and he strangled her and left her floating in a river they didn't have enough evidence so they had to let him go and then he met another Young girl named Karen Winslet he poisoned her and then he raped her he stuffed her body in the back of her car and drove it to a parking lot and left it and that's when he fled [Music] Salt Lake City and they've been looking for him for a year [Music] just couldn't be possible [Music] can't even imagine that evil was in my house they said they thought I should take my children and leave no if if I don't go home tonight he'll flee he's already suspicious and then he'll come back and he'll hurt my girls they wanted me to get my girls and get out of there they needed to get a team together they needed to get a arrest warrant and it would probably be in the morning I'm going home I won't let him hurt my family anymore was the hardest thing I've ever done we were hot on his trail that is if everything was going to go as as planned because these guys can go on a run anytime the police plan to arrest her husband early the following morning sends her kids away for the night but she knows that if she's not home when he returns Sean Paul will suspect something and vanish or worse so she takes a huge risk when I got home from the police station all I could do was sit in a chair and wait for him to come home [Music] I wanted to run in high but I knew that I couldn't I knew that he would run my heart is beating so fast and then he finally walks in the door it was good I can't even look at him I know I'm talking back to him but I'm not really sure what I'm saying I went to bed first I just wanted to hide under the covers and pretend that I wasn't there it was horrible feeling I could hardly breathe but I just waited I heard him walking down the hallway and he entered the room and I could feel him standing there above me staring at me and I thought what is he going to do to me this man could kill me am I going to survive this am I going to survive the night the police plan to arrest her husband at dawn but first Margie has to survive the night when he came in and he got into bed and reached over to kiss me my whole body just stiffened and I hope that he wouldn't notice it and I slept all night long with my eyes open early in the morning and I'm still awake and all of a sudden I hear this banging on the front door [Music] Sean Paul jumped out of bed threw some clothes on and ran in the bathroom and jumped out the window I couldn't believe it Sean Paul desperately tries to escape I sat there I thought are they going to get him are they going to get him so afraid of this man please get him eventually there's no way out for Paul Stephen Mack foreign he's been arrested thank you I was finally able to breathe into the bedroom and I tore off the sheets I tore off the blanket I grabbed the pillows and I threw them in the garbage I went and took a shower and I was scrubbing every inch of my body and crying and screaming and wanting to just get rid of him just to make sure he was gone [Music] she got all of us girls and told us that Sean had been arrested and he was a suspect for murder I explained what had happened that Sean paulineer was not Sean paulineer that he was actually Paul Steven Mack and he had murdered someone but he's in jail now we're all going to be safe it was shocking that he had been arrested and let alone for murder they just kept hugging me and hanging on to me and they were my strength and I tried to be their strength I don't know what I would have done without him [Music] for Margie the nightmare isn't over Paul Steven Mack has stolen all her money I had called my attorney and he came to the house and we went over all my finances I was shocked her husband has cheated her out of everything she owns he ruined me financially he ruined my hopes and dreams he ruined everything gradually Margie starts to rebuild her life and when she does there's a call from the last person she expects to hear from hello I get a phone call from Paul Mack [Music] he tells me that he's innocent don't believe anything that's written in the papers don't believe anything they say and he wants to come back to me and my girls and I said that can't happen and he says no I'm going to come back at least one more time and that hit me wrong like one one more time to kill me I hung up the phone and then he would call again and he would call again three years after Margie met Paul Stephen Mack he stands trial for the murder of Karen Winslet Paul was accused of first-degree murder and murder in the course of a rape and also murdered during the course of a poisoning I wanted to make sure that he was convicted I was so worried because he was such a convincing con man that he would get away with it and the first place he would go would be to find me and my girls and he can be very persuasive and very manipulative people just tend to believe things that he says Paul Mack uses all his charm to try to persuade the court of his innocence I believe that he really thought he could convince the jury of things that may not have been true the prosecutor really thought that there might be an acquittal in the case but Stephen Mack's powers of persuasion don't fool the jury he was finally convicted a first degree murder and rape and he got 27 to life I decided that I needed closure I wanted to look him in the eye and tell him that he didn't break me so I went to the jail and I looked in his eyes and all I could see was evil sweetheart gosh it looks so good and I said Paul Steven Mack I am here to look you in the eye and tell you that I know you did it you've been found guilty I want you to leave me alone I want you to leave my children alone you can't hurt us anymore and he told me he said I will come and see you one last time no matter what welcome to see you and I said good luck with that [Music] I think she was really Brave to do what she did to still live with him and pretend everything was okay and hide everything from us kids and help get them caught I think she was really Brave I can't imagine [Music] I got home and the next morning my girls all crawled into bed with me and it was just happy home again I knew that we were going to be okay [Music] he will be up from parole and I have talked to the parole board and told them if you ever ever let him out he'll murder again there's no doubt in my mind [Music]
Channel: True Crime Central
Views: 1,177,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #EvilUnmasked, Episodes, Free, Full, Latest, Minds, Online, Season, Series, TV, True Crime Central, UK, crime, crime documentary, documentaries, documentary, free documentary, killer, murder, murders documentary, real crime, serial killer, true crime documentary, true crime stories, serial killer movies, serial killer documentary, crime patrol, crime stories, serial killer podcast, paul mack, paul steven mack killer, paul steven mack americas most wanted, paul steven mack now
Id: l2lB1iqBLIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 31sec (2851 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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