Realising that her killer was a *SERIAL* Killer | Murder of Sally Anne Bowman

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sallyanne Bowman had just turned 18 a singer and a model she had her whole life in front of her as soon as you could hear her voice in the house it just put a smile to your face and just the whole place was s full of sunshine in the early hours of the 25th of September 2005 this life of Promise was cruy snatched away in a brutal knife attack just yards from San's own front door I've investigated nearly 30 murders this is absolutely the most terrific one that I've investigated the subsequent investigation into the killing would be the largest London had ever seen and would uncover a trail of attacks that stretched across the globe the murder of sallyanne Bowman was a crime That Shook [Music] [Music] [Applause] Britain it's the evening of the 24th of September 2005 in cuden Sur 18-year-old sallyanne Bowman was celebrating a friend's birthday partying in one of their favorite bars sallyanne had gone out with one of her sisters and some other friends into cin and Sana spent most of the evening up to the early hours in Cordon Town Center she was picked up by L broon and he drove her back to blending Crescent which is where she lived Lewis and San's relationship had ended a few weeks before and with AEM motion still running High the couple began arguing in the car this argument continued for over an hour and a half until finally Salan got out of the car and Lewis drove off was probably around about quarter past 4 that Lewis drives away from blenham crant looks in his rearview mirror and apart from the actual murderer was the last person to see sanne alive the events of the next few minutes will always remain a mystery but what detectives were able to piece together was that sallyanne standing alone on her driveway was subjected to a very sudden very violent assault less than 10 m from her own front door we know that Sally was stabbed at least seven times of those seven three of them were so strong the stab wound that they passed through her body two went through her abdomen and out the back she had been bitten a number of times there was a number of areas on her body including the bite marks that yielded DNA we were also able to ascertain that salian had also been raped and the evidence suggested that that had occurred after she had been killed the events that led to this shocking crime committed in a quiet Suburban Street began almost 24 hours earlier sallyanne had spent the previous night at her mom's house and was looking forward to a relaxing weekend Sally woken up and just laid about all day in her pink fluffy dressing gown watching telly munching on biscuits and crisps and God knows what and then the phone went a couple of times it was sistant Nicole asking if she'd like to go out for the evening as it was Nicole's best friend's birthday it was about 5 6 in the evening on Saturday the 24th and I went to the door and Sally just said love you mom I said love you too um it was the last time I saw her sallyanne met up with her sister and her friends and went to one of their favorite bars in the Town Center to enjoy a girl's night out when she was 18 she was an adult just um and she was very straight wise so you know if I had there probably wouldn't have been many concerns um you wouldn't expect that maybe the next few hours she'd be lying and pull of her own blood would you I seen the CCTV footage she was at the bar she was laughing flicking her hair about giggling and going to Nicole they had an absolutely excellent night and um at the end of the night she went back home with Nicole but in the meantime of the journey she was having conversation with Louis on the phone and got into her head that she really wanted to see lisis so she aranged to go get a cab from Nicole's back into Cordon where Louis then went and picked her up sallyanne was in Blen and Crescent with her ex-boyfriend Lewis sproston in in a car outside of the address that she was living at where she rented a room and they're in that car probably from about half 2 until at least qu 4 what we know from a witness is that about quter 4 that Sunday morning the witness woke up CU they heard what they described as a garbled say sound which ended in a scream now they looked out of their window which looked onto the location that San was was eventually discovered but couldn't see anything it was very still there was no other noise they left their window but returned about 5 minutes later hadn't switched their bedroom lights on or anything like that and they looked out and they saw a man walk down the street in the direction of where salian was eventually found they then didn't see or hear anything else and they went back to [Music] bed it's about half 6 on the Sunday morning when a neighbor saw what they described as a as a pair of mannequin legs sticking out from behind a builder skip they went over to have a look and discovered the the body of sanne partially clothed um and clearly dead at that point in time as the murder Squad assembled and began their initial investigations detectives had to break the news to San's family I heard the door knock and I just assumed it would be sallyanne I'm sort of panicking oh God the doors all locked up she can't get in and as I opened the door there was a gentleman stand in the suit yes do you know San bman yeah she's my youngest daughter two female police officers in uniform and sort of took back a bit and they asked me if I was Linda Bowman and I said I am they said do you know sallyanne Bowman I said yes she's my youngest daughter so you know San bman he didn't actually say to me are you on your own you know I have some terrible news for you is there anyone you can have with you he just repeated the question again do you know San Bowman and I said look I've told you she's my youngest daughter I said what have they done now thinking all the girls have been out something's gone wrong and he said Linda San's dead she's been stabbed to death I just remember screaming absolutely screaming I just couldn't believe it and just my whole world fell apart I just remember this look in their eyes where you just know there's something that's not quite right and they said oh you know Sally and Bowman and me I went what she done no care in the world Ella was sitting on my lap she was only little and um I said uh I'm really sorry to tell you but Sally was found murdered this morning and I remember at something leaving me that day and it's never ever come back I remember sitting there screaming and Ella sitting on my lap saying Mommy what's wrong and I just said don't worry Mommy's got something in her eye and she said I'll kiss it better mommy I'll make it all better for you but there's not anything in this world that will ever make it about because she'll never come [Music] back within hours of the murder inquiry being launched the spotlight began to fall on one of the last people to see salian alive very quickly we identified her ex partner lisis proston as someone who was a possible suspect it was a typical teenage boy know he went out to work he worked you know he had a lot of respect for sanne they were the perfect couple they were like the Posh and Becks of you know sorry um they had their moments they were teenagers they used to argue and bicker but then who doesn't murder detectives um were given the task of basically finding Lewis broson that afternoon they managed to find him with um a brother and a friend of his he was approached by police officers asking him if he was lisis Boston he said yes and because he' had a a tiff with Sally that night night and he' driven off from the driveway he said oh is this cuz we've had an argument immediately alarm Bells soon went off and they said LS Boston you are being arrested for the murder of salian Bowman and he had no idea here we had someone who had sort of acknowledged that he'd had some form of argument with s that night and literally put himself at the scene at the time of the murder and there is only one way to manage someone like that with an investigation and that is to arrest them as a suspect for the murder and that's what happened Lewis sproston was taken into custody and questioned for 4 days during this time his DNA was taken and the sample was sent for comparison with the DNA found on Sally's Body but when the results came in the news wasn't what the police were expecting it was a phone call from the forensic science service service which basically said Stuart there's good news and there's bad news the good news if we have a match to the DNA profile from your crime scene the bad news is it matches to another crime another sexual assault four years before only a mile and a half away in in pearly this news ruled Lewis out as a suspect for San's murder but at the same time the detective's worst fears were realized they were faced with a Serial attacker capable of murder who could strike again at any [Music] time 18-year-old sallyanne Bowman was found murdered just yards from her front door after a night out she had recently moved out of the family home into her own flat but still shared a close bond with her three sisters the relationship San had with her sisters extrem close um you know there wasn't a day went by but she didn't see one of them and they didn't see her sallyanne was a talented singer who dreamt of performing at the Albert Hall and she also enjoyed a successful modeling career Sally's modeling was her part-time job something that she loved to do always wanted to do from when she was little got the opportunity and took it with both hands but that was just part of Sally I don't know they just her as the model Sally wasn't her Sally with Sally happy gol lucky always laughing giggling singing she wanted the fairy tale she wanted to work hard you know be able to support herself financially she then wanted the home then the marriage then the children she just had this little thing that she just wanted to be known she wasn't want to be this big celebrity or anything else she just wanted to be known and unfortunately now she she's very known but not in the way that she wanted within hours of the murder the family faced the awful task of formally identifying San's body I went with Mom to go and identify Sally I'll never forget I just remember standing in the car park at the back and you can hear them Wheeling Wheeling her throat and that thing just taking over just wishing that it's not her I remember going into the room and for that Split Second for a split second I thought it wasn't her cuz her hair was dark and then I move forward and you just see a little but nose and her little freckles and that was it part of me didn't want to look I could feel myself sh behind me and as I look around I just fell to Pieces my Sally laying there in a black zip up body bag up to her neck um hair will tied back of her head where hair they washed the blood from her hair um and I see a tiny wound to her neck and the Michelle was just screaming and crying asking me to wake her up please wake her up Mom and it's sorry it was it was just horrendous but I could do it was touch the glass I wasn't allowed to go anywhere near my daughter all I wanted to do was hold her and kiss her and but we weren't allowed two days later Linda Bowman and her family made the difficult decision to learn for themselves exactly what had happened to sallyanne it was DCI St at candy at the time came to the house at the a officer and another police officer and he sat down and said that he was now going to answer all the questions that we had and our questions were how did Sally die and they explained that Sally Anne had 10 entry and exit wounds to her body where the blade of the knife was that long that it passed through her body completely there were bite wounds to San's body and then he looked at Stuart looked at Nicole and said in reply to your question Nicole yes San was raped I just remember Nicole screaming kicking shouting um trying to calm her down and then the words were but after she was dead that was just like a someone hit me on the back of the head of a lumple wood that's just pure disbelief that a human being could do that to a young girl that's laying dead on the floor he took her last bit of dignity then early in the investigation San's ex-boyfriend was the Prime Suspect for the murder but he was ruled out when his DNA didn't match the DNA found on San's body what scientists did discover though was a forensic link between San's killer and an unsolved crime that had happened 4 years before the murder the attack from 2001 was was another truly horrific sexual assault on on a woman a lady who was in a phone box making a phone call when the suspect walks over to her tries to get into the phone box and masturbates over the phone box he manages to get the door open and then ejaculates over um the floor of the phone box and then casually walks off across the car park of tesos away from her that remained an unsolved police investigation despite the fact that DNA was obtained from from that crime scene and I say it's the it's the dawning realization that if the attacker has done that four years before and then four years later murdered Sally in a truly horrific way what has he done in that intervening period And if he if he has brutally murdered Sally now what might he do tonight what might he do tomorrow as the investigation continued detectives were shocked by a report of another Attack Just yards from the murder scene and only minutes before Sally was killed this was a lone woman who was um standing in the street on a mobile phone when she describes a lone male walking towards her who literally says I'm sorry and then proceeds to hit her and and I think undoubtedly this this suspect would have had done more in an attack were it not for a taxi that drives down sanderstead Road and probably disturbs him him what he does do before he runs off is he grabs the lady's mobile phone and she's still connected to the person that she was talking too that person can hear the victim screaming in the background but what is very frightening and very chilling is that the sounds of the screams don't get any quieter which suggests that that that lady's attacker which we maintain I believe was Sally's murderer is then hiding some where very close by watching what is going on and that victim is then taken by the tax driver and and taken away to hospital the victim from sanderstead Road provided police with a detailed description of her attacker and from this detectives produced an EIT of the offender the same man who they were sure had also murdered salian less than an hour later he's described as a white man in his 20s or 30s between about 5'9 and 6t he's of proportionate build with short dark hair this EIT was widely distributed but despite the efforts of detectives and the number of calls from the public generated by the publicity the Breakthrough that police were desperate for never came the murder Squad went back to the DNA evidence found on celan's body to search for more clues we recovered DNA from from Sally's Body everything suggested that this murderer was local in my mind he was either going to live locally or he was staying locally that night of the murder so in consultation with Cen community and others I made a decision very early on in the investigation that we would conduct an intelligence-led DNA screen we had nearly 6,000 addresses that we wanted to ascertain every single male that lived in those premises or was there on the night of Sally's murder who might fit the description of her attacker we anticipated that was probably about 4,000 men of that description in the South croon area so we took the Innovative decision to basically set up a local DNA Center which hadn't been done before where we made the request of all the men in this locality to come to us to voluntarily give their DNA we knew fully well that the killer was not going to walk in and volunteer his DNA but what there is is his wider picture that maybe his dad or brother and there can be a link with the DNA down the line we never expected the murderer would come down and give his DNA cuz if they did thenly they are literally handing themselves into the police but it did allow us to as quickly as we could disprove the other 99.9% of the population from South [Music] Cen despite being able to rule out a large number of local men 6 months after the murder the investigation seemed to be stalling the police had the Killer's DNA they had a description of their Prime Suspect and they even had evidence of links to a previous attack but they were still no closer to identifying him there is an abolute fear there is an absolute dread for for for many reasons you have you have this this offenders this murderers DNA profile you know he's a Serial attacker he has attacked two females within a close time period in a close proximity he has murdered one of those why isn't that individual on our database how are we going to catch him how can we quickly catch him before he attacks again the murder of salian Bowman sent shock waves through South London an 18-year-old woman in the prime of her life she was savagely stabbed to death just meters from her own front door detectives had recovered DNA of the killer from San's body and an attack on another woman just minutes before the murder had provided a description but other than that police had little to go on and 6 months after the crime San's relatives were still living a nightmare it was a not knowing who he was it was a not knowing you know is he linked to the family in any way is it someone that we all know is it somebody we trusted it was the fear of being in your homes at night locking your windows bolting your door jumping every time there was a shadow or there was a noise and from my point of view as a mom is he going to get to another one of my girls we had absolutely nothing other than DNA that was all the police had was DNA faced with a stalling invest instigation the police decided on a new line of inquiry just days after the killing detectives had released an EIT of the man who attacked a woman less than an hour before the murder police were sure that this attacker was the same man who would go on to kill sanne now though they took the decision to release a second EIT this time of a man suspected of the attack in the phone box four years earlier the victim of the attack in 2001 hadn't completed any fit at the time of her attack I took the decision that actually she might be able to add something more to our investigation whilst undoubtedly this the attacker and His Image would still figure large in her mind we could never be totally sure that the image which she created was indeed what the attacker looked like at that time and if it was accurate it was what he looked like four years before before but I took the choice let's release it we can use this to generate another round of significant publicity so in March 2006 I released the second EIT after discussions with San's family the police also decided to release some of the more horrific details about the nature of the murder [Music] itself it was absolutely imperative that everybody out there particularly people in South croen knew the level of dangerousness that this murderer posed we did a television appeal and I remember thinking any minute he's going to say it and I could just feel my heart pounding the decision was taken that I would tell the media and we would be publicly talking about the fact that Sally we did believe that she was raped after she had been murdered and um that was it it was all out there everybody knew these Revelations brought New Leads but they too were dead dead ends police were still nowhere near catching San's killer all that was to change however with a seemingly unrelated event 20 M away from the murder site involving a 35-year-old local man called Mark Dixie we believed Mark Dixie was at one of the local hubs in Crawley watching the the England Trinidad's Bago World Cup game he clearly consumed some alcohol he'd got in an argument with another male this argument Spilled Out on the street and was seen by a police officer outside pushing this victim to the floor luckily for us luckily for the murder inquiry the officer reacted immediately and he was arrested and taken to Crawley police station the officer that dealt with the investigation to the assault in Sussex was surprised how Mark Dixie behaved when they were in police custody particularly when he was being interviewed they described him as being quite tearful which they were surprised about because it was a relatively minor case where he'd pushed somebody over but they didn't quite know why couldn't quite put their finger on it um and once he'd you know been interviewed provided his DNA and and his fingerprints he was bailed from police custody with heinstein looking back he was probably tearful because this was the point in his life where literally everything came on top for him and he knew full well that now his DNA had been taken he would be linked directly to the murder of San 12 Days Later the murder Squad received the news that would break the case wide open confirming that the DNA found on salian matched that of Mark Dixie we received an email from the the laboratory that we had actually a a DNA hit identifying uh our offender who we believed was our murderer when the the Call Comes in setting aside that short-lived feeling of elation the big question then presents itself well where is he it would later emerge that Mark Dixie had fled to Amsterdam for 3 months in an effort to evade The Manhunt luckily for detectives an argument with his landlord meant Dixie return to the UK in January 2006 Mark Dixie had gone back to his job and as a chef in a pub in Harley had still remained working there why I'm not entirely sure but I probably believe that Mark Dixie who was an arrogant individual had got away with multiple offending throughout his life had probably felt when he was bailed from Crawley police station that he had got away um with the murder when he was arrested for the pub fight Mark Dixie had given the location of the pub where he worked as his home address armed with this information detectives sprang into action we didn't know much about Mark Dix here this stage uh we didn't know if he had any friends whether he was likely to to get assistance from anybody in the pub to to you know to evade um you know our arrest but at an early stage we identified that he was working at that time in the kitchen police needed to get Mark Dixie out of this potentially dangerous environment so they came up with a plan to get him away from the kitchen it was whilst this plan was taking place we were walking through the car park at the back of the pub walk into one of the side entrances and that is when we realized we've identified Mark Dixie we've had his photograph we knew what he looked like and that's when we we immediately arrested him it was during that arrest I actually put my my hand you know across his chest to make sure that he didn't run away I could feel his heartbeat and his heartbeat didn't even change I had expected you know some form of reaction from him uh but I think it really just went to show what a um what a chilling detached individual um Mark Dixie is Dixie was charged with the murder the following day the next move for the police was to inform San's relatives of the break through the family L and officer immediately went round to Linda's address um it's not something we would ever want to do on the phone if we could avoid it and therefore it was always going to be a personal message from the family o officer to Linda and her family when I rang Linda out of the blue that night which would have been about 9:00 for for memory and said I need to come and see you she said well I said Linda I just need to come and see you um and she said oh we've caught him I said Linda I I just need to come and see you please make sure you're avilable and so I drove there she opened the door and she said you've caught him haven't you and they said just take a seat just sit down I you've got him so I sat down and I could feel myself trembling and they said yes we have arrested someone he said I have the picture of the person that murdered that we believe you know the suspect M sanne and he went to a picture there and I had to stop him I just hadn't I wasn't ready this side wanted to see it but decided I was petrified it was going to be someone on knew after a few seconds I composed my myself and I opened it and just saw these big ugly bulging eyes and it's horrible face and it was something I didn't know it didn't make it any easier to be honest with the prime suspect locked up detectives began the task of finding out exactly who Mark Dixie was and how he evaded the police for so long Mark Dixie was was born in 1970 he lived in stram uh for a number of years before he moved to a children's home uh in sik he'd been arrested by police for for a number of assaults assaults on police robbery offenses um but at an early stage he went abroad through throughout the years he' lived in Australia for a number of number of years um and had also moved to Europe and in particular Spain before moving back to to this country crucially all Mark Dix's prior offenses took place before offenders were required to provide a DNA sample this allowed him to evade the attentions of the authorities for so long he is a monster of an individual that has clearly led a double life uh he's been able to submerge himself in normal society pass himself off between friends and family as a normal individual and I believe while he been outside normal relationships uh has committed horrific offenses committed uh attempted murders sexual assaults rapes of young females we charged Mark Dixie on the 28th of June again he gave no reply to um when he was charged in fact the only thing he'd ever said was when he first brought to the police station when he was being booked into the custody Sergeant he made probably a throwaway but a telling comment which was I must have been mad to have done that with Dixie in custody the detective's job wasn't finished in fact it was just beginning they would spend the next 18 months unraveling Mark Dixie's movements leading up to the murder to try and explain how and why he killed sanne Bowman huge amounts of effort was put into tracking down his associates his friends to try and build a picture of who he was the 24th of September is his birthday he'd gone with friends to a pub in the Brighton Road a few you know hundred yards from blending Crescent where you know as they often described he was often the life and soul of the party indeed he was that night he' had a fair amount to drink he'd taken some Coke but they didn't describe him as being overly intoxicated one of the things which we're were able to establish around mark Dixie and his birthday was that birthdays were a significant event for him and his Partners described that he always expected you know something significant for his birthday and on that day in 2005 his partner at that point in time hadn't gone out with him for his birthday he spoke to her on the phone whilst he was in the pub with the others and his associates his acquaintances do describe him coming back after that phone call as a different Mark he was no longer that bubbly life and soul individual he was a lot more subdued potentially angry Dixie spent the rest of the evening consuming a large amount of alcohol as well as two lines of cocaine at closing time he left the pub with two female friends he went back to stay at friend's house to to the women um in in Avendale Road a few hundred yards from Blen and Crescent we think they went to bed probably in the early hours of the morning and therefore at some point probably from about half p 2 onwards he leaves that flat and goes out and what I believe happened is he took a knife from that flat with him whether it was one of his own knives he was a chef we just don't know but I'm convinced he went out of that flat with the intention of finding a woman attacking her and raping her I think his first victim was the lady in sanderstead Road I think that he felt he' failed with that attack because the taxi driver has Disturbed them and he's had to run away and that's when he's ended up in blending Crescent I think that has literally resulted in poor Sally being exactly at the wrong place at the wrong time she would have been overpowered incredibly [Music] quickly Mark Dixie has then savagely murdered her he's then quick L Al left that murder scene maybe only a matter of yards we don't know and has basically watched and waited to see if any of the neighbors have come out of the houses no bedroom light goes on or anything like that of course what he doesn't know is that there is a witness one of the neighbors who is looking out of their bedroom without the bedroom light on and what she describes as a man walking down the pavement back to where Sally's Body was eventually found I'm absolutely convinced that is Mark Dixie assuming he wasn't being watched Mark Dixie returned to San's body and raped her he clearly at some point then once sees rape Sally goes back to where he was staying that night in noen Del road goes to sleep on the sofa and when he and his friends wake up in the morning he behaves as if nothing has happened and I think that's really sums up in my mind what Mark Dixie is like a callous nature and someone who has carried it off like this for most of his life this cold-hearted Detachment was never more evident than when Mark Dixie arrived at the Old Bailey on the fifth of February 2008 his description of what he did the night of San's murder would shock everyone who heard it detectives had spent 9 months Trucking down the man who murdered 18-year-old salian Bowman on her driveway in September 2005 she was stabbed seven times and shockingly she was raped after she had died the prime suspect Mark Dixie was arrested after his DNA matched a sample found on San's body and as the trial approached San's family faced the awful moment when they were to see the killer in Court when we first went into the courtroom at the Old Bailey the murderer was already in the box and we were less than 3 foot away from him and I could feel him staring around looking around Mark Dix's defense was that he wasn't the murderer there was another murderer still unarrested undetected but he was the rapist that he came across what he believed was a drunk girl laying unconscious in the street on the driveway he thought he'd seize his opportunity um to have sex with her when he was telling this to the court and the jury with Sally's family listening it was delivered really with so much and this is my phrase so much contempt as if to say well what's wrong with doing that throughout the trial the cold-hearted Mark Dixie never once offered any explanation for why he had murdered salian I remember watching him with he had no no remorse on his face he didn't care what he' done it was like it was pleasure for him to see that we're all sitting there hurting he didn't care he just wanted to see a squirm while we sat there and listened to what he had to say she just he's an animal as part of of their investigations into the murder in the leadup to the trial detectives began to uncover a trail of attacks that stretched across the globe the trail LED back to One Man Mark Dixie we immediately realized that he had traveled to Australia and we submitted again the DNA profile to Australia saying that we identified our murder offender um and it was Western Australia that came back to us uh and said yes they have a hit for that DNA profile for attack on a lone female in a house in Perth Western Australia in 1998 it was round about midnight she was studying alone when she heard a noise coming from the kitchen she goes to investigate and sees what we know is Mark Dixie coming through the kitchen window with what looked like a stocking over his head armed with a knife and the next thing she knows she's actually being stabbed she's rendered unconscious she received seven stab wounds very similar to that of sallyanne she was extremely lucky to live we know she's raped while she's unconscious and a number of her personal items were stolen by Dixie you know which we believe will potentially use as Trophies by [Music] him the trial of Mark Dixie lasted 3 weeks and the tension in the court before the verdict was delivered was unbearable when the four person did stand up and they told the court that they found Mark Dixie guilty and it was unanimous verdict the feelings for each of us privately will all be quite personal and thatly all different in many ways from the police officers perspectives not a feeling but a myriad of feelings of yeah we got him we got him and I just thought you know what that's it she can finally rest now um that part of the journey is over he's been caught and he's been found guilty but it's not a relief cuz you can't have it [Music] [Music] back Mark Dixie was sentenced to mandatory life imprisonment with a minimum Tariff of 34 years for the murder of Sally Anne Bowman he is currently serving his sentence at long ltin prison in Worcestershire he will be at the earliest in his 70s when he's released from prison and that's the absolute earliest it's a significant sentence his his dangerousness was acknowledged by the judge um and a sentence like that does reflect the need to protect Society from Mark Dixie and individuals such as him a prison sentence however no matter how long was not enough for San's relatives Justice will never be done never not the whole time that man's living it would never ever be done he's fine he's got yourself a nice little cell coed up in there so what what Justice is that for Sally she's not here she's in a h just not with her family where she belongs or because he felt that he had the right to take her from us Mark Dixie is a detached arrogant monster who is a danger to the public he's probably one of the most frightening individuals that I've had the opportunity to deal with in my police career do I have any feelings from Mark Dixie if I'm honest no I don't Mark Dixie is someone that I don't want to spend any energy having feelings about my feelings are for those that he's affected throughout his life Linder and her family his other victims despite their misgivings about the sentence The Bowman family have nothing but praise for the detectives who caught their daughter's killer and in particular their family liaison officer gram our family Leon offer could not fought him at all he was more like part of the family absolutely amazing human being and I can honestly say if it wasn't for my family the officer Graham I wouldn't be here today they're nice words to hear and and they're words you don't often hear from people what it hist to me is that I've done the best I can for that family if Linda says that then then I know that you know the r servers have given her everything we possibly can and you know it's it's nice to hear those words due to the crucial role played by DNA in the case Linda Bowman is now a firm advocate of a compulsory National DNA database my reasons for of trying to campaign as such in my own little world for D National DNA database I don't see any deterrence even six years on that have been put in place politicians all have these bite ideas well my deterrent is the biggest deterrent I could ever think of take DNA from birth what's the problem with putting that into a National Database for everybody DNA does protect the innocent because if DNA was not found on a San belonging to her killer then Lewis would undoubtedly right now be serving a 34e sentence for a [Music] murder I think about Sally every 5 Seconds of the day seven days a week I around the house and I look at the bedroom and you know I see her clothes I got some of her clothes hanging up my wardrobe her laying on my bed that I sleep with every night you get that Split Second in the morning when you wake up and your life is perfect everything is how you want it to be and then bang it's there and it hits [Music] you worrying to close your eyes not knowing what you're going to see not knowing if you're going to see that Sally that you remember or that Sally you see from the pictures and that fear goes through me every night when I go to sleep the nightmares don't ever stop just the ones where you just wanted to get to her and there's nothing you can do there's constant reminders and there days where I sit and think of her and I have a huge smile on my face and I think of some of the funny things and practical joke she's played and then there's days I just want to shut myself away from the whole world and pretend it's not happening and she's just having a long holiday [Music] I think to myself if she could talk to us to me her dad and her sister she' probably just say mom I want my life back Mom I want to come home but it's never going to happen is it the animal hasn't just taken Sally but he's taken a piece of all of us and he's taking a bigger piece from my mom who were never meant never meant [Music] yeah
Channel: True Crime Central
Views: 256,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australian Crime, Crime Stories, Jeffrey Dahmer, Serial Killers, Ted Bundy, True Crime, True Crime Central, asmr, cases, cold cases, community, crim, crime, crime recaps, doco, documentary, full episodes, gangsters, murder, murder mystery, podcast, podcasts, recap, treu crime, true crime, true crime addict, true crime asmr, true crime podcast, true crime recaps
Id: -28oHJcGKNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 10sec (2770 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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