"A Murder of Pure Evil" | The Horrific Case of Sadie Hartley | True Crime Central

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[Music] a 60-year-old businesswoman stabbed to death on the doorstep of her Suburban home the people in the community including the cops are absolutely shocked and devastated these kind of murders don't happen to people like sad Harley the ferocity the amount of violence that was used quite horrific and quite unusual police were determined to solve the murder when the detectives arrived at the scene they may have been thinking who would have done this to this lady living in a comfortable part of Suburbia there were few immediate Clues and no obvious killer it could be random stranger attack or is it somebody who holds a grudge is it a burglar that's gone wrong all the range of issues go through your mind thinking why why sad Harley one thing they really want they're missing is the murder weapon so what were the the clues that helped police catch her Killers one of the neighbors had described two people in the car a woman and a bald man detectives followed every Twist and Turn piecing together vital evidence hours of CCTV footage detectives are always searching for that Golden Nugget of evidence the piece of evidence that they think will help secure a conviction forensic investigation the processes that are used to disclose the presence of blood are extremely sensitive the revelation of a sexual Dimension to the case she chooses unavailable men she wants a bit of power over these men she wants to control them to tell their wives or tell their girlfriends she'd sent a letter describing how wonderful the sex had been pleas dramatic Dawn raids captured on police bodycam are you under arrest and suspicious m detectives intent on uncovering the truth we CCTV evidence shows two persons leaving Williams address can you explain any fact no comment what evidence is it that you've hidden I've hidden a zapper a knife The Souls of some boobs a diary detailing the murderous plan one of the most remarkably callous and premeditated murders that I've ever encountered someone has actually told you in writing how they're planning to kill your victim that's like Goldust to investigate an officer and a twisted confession she's done it she's she's done it she's done it she's done she's killed somebody she's killed somebody these were the clues that caught the [Music] killer on the evening of January the 15th 2016 Lancashire police received a call about a missing person good evening Lang please I'm just wondering whether You' be able to do a cheack on my boss's address was not heard from her for over 24 hours her name is Sati Harley officers arrived at sad Hartley's house in helmshore an idilic Village just outside Blackburn as they entered the property they discovered s's blooded body in the hallway former met detective Sue Hill has investigated over 50 murder cases in her 30-year career Sue understands just how crucial the first few minutes are for detectives it could be random stranger attack or is it someone who holds a grudge is it a Burg it's gone wrong all the range of issues go through your mind thinking why why sad Harley the one thing every detective will know in in order to investigate the crime you have to investigate the victim police saw no sign of forced entry it appeared sad had opened the door to her attacker with the crime scene sealed officers made door-to-door inquiries they hope to find witnesses or any information that may help Colin Sutton was one of the Met police's leading detectives she was a kind of typical semi Suburban professional woman and really not the the sort of person that murder detectives come across as their victims um every day of the week she was you know unusual in that respect sad had been stabbed 41 times and a small plastic fragment was found in her jumper for former police officer and leading criminologist Jane monton Smith this early clue was crucial to the detectives the police found fragments in s's clothes and if you can link a suspect to a crime scene via strong forensic evidence that is huge the crime scene investigators sent the fragment found in sades jumper to the lab for analysis and detectives made Gathering CCTV footage from sad Street a priority they discovered A Renault Cleo parking in sad Street around 8:00 p.m. on the night of the murder A Renault had been captured on CCTV very close to s's house and the police strongly suspected this was the vehicle the suspect had used the CCTV in this case was comprehensive and it was one of the biggest Clues and opportunities that the investigators had in in proving what had happened by analyzing CCTV police pieced together s's final movements on the Afternoon Of The Murder sad is seen at Stables not far from her house she tends to her horse and then returns home around 730 shortly after the car believed to be the murderers arrived in sades Street in the hours immediately after they arrived at the crime scene the murder Detective continued to speak to family friends and those close to Sadi ultimately the the old adage uh tell me how she lived and I'll tell you how she died is very true it was down the the Avenue of looking at her relationships that was going to prove to be the clue that led to the reason that she died detectives learned that Sadi was in a relationship with former firefighter and ski instructor Ian Johnston it's a fact of life so many people get murdered by their Partners so in the first instance they'd have said get hold of Ian Johnston police discovered he was in Switzerland on a skiing holiday ruling him out as a suspect he told them everything he could about Sadi and their relationship he confessed to the police that he'd been having an onoff Rel relationship with a lady called Sarah Williams and that he'd broken off that relationship quite recently but Sarah wouldn't take no for an answer Ian said that she'd become quite fixated with him she'd become quite obsessive immediately you think my goodness that's a strong line of inquiry and as investigating team what you do then is find out more about Sarah Williams detectives learned that after Ian Johnston ended the relation a ship with Sarah she refused to accept his decision detective soon discovered that Sarah Williams had written to Sadi she'd sent a letter describing how wonderful the sex had been between Sarah and Ian things that she was hoping would really needle sad but would also punish Ian for you know having finished with her Ian Johnston also revealed detectives that sad had received a strange visit a week before the murder somebody had come up the pathway knocked on the door and delivered a bunch of flowers to Sadi this caller knew saad's name and yet there was no greeting card attached to the flowers this was all rather odd detectives treated the delivery of flowers to Sadi as a significant clue in the investigation they examined CCTV from sad Street on the night of the delivery the police were thinking is this a dry run someone's delivered the flowers to sad and it's a week before were they practicing their getaway and practicing the blitz attack on sad police obtained Sarah Williams phone records her cell site data revealed some suspicious movement phones are a mine of information for the police because you can track where they've been you can follow it like a satnav on a map they find out that Sarah Williams phone was there and thereabouts when the flowers were delivered to sad so that put Sarah Williams at the scene when those flowers were delivered and straight away you've got a suspect the police now had a person of interest who was in the area of s's house at the time of the suspicious flower delivery and it was a huge breakthrough for the inquiry team knowing that Siri Williams an ex-lover she had motive and her phone had been located when the flowers delivered oh my goodness this was huge police belied they had enough evidence to make an arrest pleas at 3:00 a.m. on the morning of January the 17th Lancashire police raided Sarah Williams house in Chester it was filmed on police body cam warned by the arresting officers under arrest and suspicious new par a shocked Sarah Williams was discovered in bed she's taken into custody at Blackburn police HQ the investigating team have made great progress really quickly uh you know they've now got a a person of interest at least in this woman who may have had some sort of Grudge and some reason to cause harm to sad the police now had a suspect in custody they had a motive and had linked her with the suspicious delivery of flowers to Sadi however they did not yet have any forensic Clues linking her to the murder and there was still a key detail about that Knight that remained unknown who was the second person seen on CCTV delivering the flowers to s's house Sarah Williams was not alone on January the 14th 2016 60-year-old company director Sadi Hartley was brutally murdered on her doorstep 34-year-old Sarah Williams had had a previous relationship with s's partner Ian Johnston less than 24 hours after the murder investigation began Sarah Williams was arrested at home at first sight this would look like one of those cases where you might really struggle to make any progress quickly but uh the detectiv have done the right things asked the right questions and pick the right line of inquiry from the very beginning and that's uh reap benefits for them police believed Sarah Williams had a motive her onoff relationship with s's partner after Ian Johnston broke it off with her Sarah became jealous and obsessive she even stalked him and sent sad a letter detailing their sexual relationship what she's trying to achieve was to get back the control she had of that relationship but the trouble for her was that there was this barrier in her way which was sad the next clue came from mobile data from a phone registered to Sarah Williams which had placed her at s's house at the time of a strange delivery of flowers thought by detectives to be a dry run for the murder but police needed more evidence a Reno Cleo was seen on the night of the murder but detectives had so far been unable to link Sarah Williams to the vehicle they also had not found the murder weapon thought to be a knife and the detectives still had no forensic evidence linking their suspect to the crime scene or the victim's body what you need to do is to find pieces of physical evidence or scientific evidence and it becomes a much more compelling case the forensics team conducted a thorough examination of Sarah Williams property at First Sight there didn't appear to be anything un but there was a heavy smell of bleach if you walk into a suspect's house and all you get is the smell a bleach you're thinking they've cleaned up for a purpose here let's see just how good at it they were the processes that are used to disclose the presence of blood are extremely sensitive you know they will they will detect one part in millions and millions minute traces of blood were found on Sarah's bath the samples were sent to the forensics lab for testing detectives hoped they discovered a pivotal clue which could be vital in Catching s's killer every contact leaves a trace and there we have it that little bit of blood on the bath the police also found three mobile phones in Sarah's house one a cheap Nokia appeared to have been hidden under her mattress for the detectives this was another potentially important clue in my experience of all the murder investigations that I led phone data was something that you needed to prove in almost every case it's theoretically possible to to buy a a pigo phone with cash and that phone becomes untraceable but there are an awful lot of analytical tools and tricks that can be used so that when that phone is operated and calls are made and text messages are sent it doesn't take very long for a trail to start to be led with physical evidence from the suspect's house now under examination the investigating officers turned their focus to interviewing Sarah Williams first thing I'm going to ask you Sarah is are you responsible for the death of the stadium like definitely not definitely not 14th of January this year Thursday just gone yeah where were you I was at home in Chester I got home at I think about four i' been sent home from work with a sickness I woke up the first time maybe 9ish but that was a dog that woke me up parking detectives wanted to get to the bottom of her relationship with Ian Johnston met him started SK at March 11 so I met him at some point during that year that carried on until we fell out in the August 2014 tell me what happened there um yeah he basically felt that I was too clingy and too needy maybe I am maybe I'm not I'd say I'm not and then I wrote s a letter telling her everything that happened she rang me up had to go at me obviously as you would expect all happy went to his house we had we had an enormous route well we on say day were you jealous of it no the way I saw it is you know he's he's quite happy to spend 12 months cheating on and messing her and B talking about leaving you that's not something to be jealous of they didn't see if they had like a great relationship the police interviewed Sarah again the following day she reveals that on several occasions she had traveled to Ian's former home also in helmshore and watched it from the street um H when have you last been to his house um to his house to see him not since we had that massive Barney but I've been and sat outside quite quite a number of times when did he left do that last week during these interviews police did not tell Sarah Williams they believe she was involved in the suspicious delivery of flowers to sad a week before the murder for detectives there was another key question that needed answering the CCTV from that night showed there were two people near s's home the flower delivery was the kind of gate behind which all of the other evidence was was stored or or would emerge from and once they'd opened that gate and they figured out what was going on around that flower delivery everything else fell into place the police looked further into Sarah Williams movements on that night the flower delivery gets the police investigating further they pull up some CCV from a supermarket of her buying the flowers the footage shows Sarah Williams purchasing flowers she is accompanied by another figure [Music] crime reporter Pat Hurst followed the investigation into sad Hartley's murder closely and had regular communication with the police Pat learned that information from a witness in helmshore on the night of the flower delivery gave police a lead and another clue one of the neighbors had described two people in a car um a woman and a bald man police obviously were desperate to find out who this bald man was uh in the car um with the woman detectives discovered that Sadie had told her partner Ian Johnston the person delivering the flowers was wearing a cap in their investigations detectives were told that Sarah Williams was close friends with a woman called Katrina Walsh they find out that Sarah Williams has got this relationship friendship with an old older woman um called Katrina Walsh cat Walsh is very very influential in her life so the police go and interview her just to ask her some routine questions this provided the police with an astonishing and unexpected breakthrough they sit down she takes a hat off and she's bald cuz she's got alopecia and obviously for the police that links these three pieces of evidence together you've got the ball man spoted by the neighbor and then they got Katrina Walsh sat down in front of them with a bald head so for the police this was like a revelation phone records then confirmed that Katrina Walsh was also near sad Hartley's house when she received the flower delivery Bingo now what they've got is suspicion and that's when cat Walsh gets arrested 3 days into the investigation Katrina Walsh is arrested it's captured on police body camera a unique combination of Clues had led to Katrina Walsh's arrest CCTV from sad Street and iwitness testimony from a neighbor combined with phone data had led police to believe she was the second person involved in the flower delivery perhaps they were testing themselves have we got the nerve to do this are we actually going to do it because that's the first step hey we're actually doing this thing professional Hitmen often have a practice run if they're going to carry out a contract killing but of course they are experienced that's their job they haven't really thought it through they've got the idea to do it but they haven't looked at all the ramifications of it all they really achieved with the dry run was to double up the amount of potential evidence for the police but there was still no murder weapon or forensic evidence you might have all the suspicion in the world she may have delivered the flowers and they may be involved actually you've got no evidence so that's when the real hard work begins detectives investigating the brutal murder of sad Hartley were building a case against two suspects Sarah Williams and Katrina Walsh pleas police body camera footage shows Williams arrested in the middle of the night you under arrest and suspicion of murder part and her accomplice Katrina Walsh being [Music] handcuffed when police first questioned Sarah Williams she gave full answers but when police showed her CCTV evidence of the flowers being delivered to sad Harley she refused to cooperate what I'm going to show you next era is CCTV from Sun Bank world and it shows two figures with a bunch of flowers are walking down the road towards s's house have you and kit gone there to check it's the right house no why did you send kit to the door I you brave enough to so is it because you know said would recognize you detectives also have CCTV footage AG which undermined her Alibi she was at home on the night of the murder with CCTV evidence shows two persons leaving Williams address and walk along TR Road time on the 14th of January 2016 you've explained to us you were in bed you been sick can you explain any of that no comment police have now found more clues in the data from the mobile phone found under Sarah's bed if revealed a direct connection between the Renault Cleo caught on CCTV on the night of the murder and Sarah Williams when they looked at that phone and the call records They found a number that related to a car dealer when they spoke to that car dealer he said yes I sold a Renault to a woman for cash and of course who was that woman Williams and what was the Renault the one that was captured on the CCTV [Music] Boom the search of CCTV footage immediately after the killing shows Sarah refueling at a petrol station and then going into pay what puzzled Detectives was the car was not showing up on anpr the automatic numberplate recognition system then they discovered why masking tape had been used to change the number three on the Cleo's registration plate to an [Music] eight with the correct number plate police quickly locate the clear in a car park 55 mil from where sad Hartley was killed it was a vital clue a little knowledge is a dangerous thing Williams thought she had the knowledge to commit the perfect murder she used a different phone she used a different vehicle but of course she didn't cover her tracks and the police were able to prove links to that phone and that vehicle the investigation was about to take another important step forward the forensic result from the plastic fragment found in s's jumper was back it revealed it came from a taser style stun gun there was a particularly striking episode in in the interview where the officers show Katrina Walsh the picture of the stung gun or a stung gun of the SW that was used and she kind of reacts Germany Germany Germany as as if you know the sight of that stung gun and the photograph has kind of caused her to regress into some sort of trans-like State detectives dig deeper into why Germany is so significant they find CCTV footage from the halter Rotterdam Ferry of walshan Williams traveling to Germany there they buy a 500,000 volt stun gun which was illegal in the UK and smuggle it back to Lancashire CCTV played a critical role in the sad Harley case it tracked the suspect's movements and Link them to the clues the CCTV in this was massive piece of police work to actually piece everything together and the most important thing that these two people it could be proved they were a joint Enterprise they were in it together in the days leading up to the murder on the day of the murder delivering the flowers that was all crucial evidence to show them together conspir Ing and planning this wealth of CCTV evidence showed just how much time and effort they put into plotting and planning this murder this coldblooded plot to take somebody's life from them police then get some import important news the forensic team have completed their analysis of the tiny specks of blood found on the bath in Sarah Williams home the results are conclusive and damning the blood is sad Harley's you can scrub you can steam you can deep clean all you like but unless you're an absolute expert the forensic scientists are going to find you out this is confirmation of a vital piece of evidence police now had another direct link between Sarah Williams and the death of sad Hartley this was a really significant clue for the investigation a piece of really valuable physical evidence physical blood that contact that DNA sad DNA blood on Sir Williams and on her bath that is a golden nugget a brilliant bit of evidence however the police still wanted to get more information from the suspects Sarah Williams was now saying no comment then during a filmed interview with Katrina Walsh one of the most traumatic and important clues in the entire investigation emerged it seemed to Walsh that the net was closing in it would appear that in a bid to save her own skin she told detectives she had hidden the evidence including the murder murder weapon she refers to the stun gun as a zapper what evidence is it that you've hidden I've hidden a zapper a knife the SS of some boots tell me what a zapper is it's it's a black thing with with with with a squeezy squeezy and it's got prongs and it makes a horrible crackly crackly crackly noise the next item on this list what does that say the a knife right tell tell me about that it's a knife and I I suspect I at the time time I suspected it's killed somebody and why do you suspect that because I've been told to destroy it who B Sarah she got in my car and gave me bags with instructions to burn the clothes and the towels and everything and utterly destroy everything else it's almost as if it's a performance a performance of vulnerability of Look At Me poor me please have sympathy for me it's someone who's really struggling I I I I I open the open the bag I open the bag come on she's done it she's she's done it she's done it she's done she's killed somebody she's killed somebody how'd you know that there's there's a there's there's there's there's a knife and and and the zapper and and all right okay I've got evidence I've got evidence Katrina Walsh was beginning to Spill the Beans during another interview which was also filmed she then pointed the finger of blame directly at Sarah Williams why has she trusted you to get rid of the evidence if you're not involved in this why has she trusted you she wants to frame me for it she wants to frame me for it or kill me and frame me for it at that stage that's all I can think why didn't you walk into a police station and speak to the police because whenever I was in that whenever I was that frightened I was more frightened of her than anything else okay sadly K it shouldn't be me that you're sorry to but oh no I'm I'm very very deeply but you shouldn't be sorry to me no I'm deeply sorry I I I mean that's that's the oh God she realized she's been caught the games up she clearly was eccentric she's clearly a little bit odd but she knew absolutely the consequences of her actions and she thought I'll just play dumm and I'll play vulnerable and I'll blame Sarah and I'll get away with it she seems to be in some some sort of trans-like State some sort of stream of Consciousness and she presents as a very eccentric odd person but personally I think it was it was simply an act and she's just very manipulative and very calculating the police were building a powerful case they had Katrina Walsh's taped interviews they had incriminating CCTV footage and they know the tiny spots of blood on Sarah Williams bath have been identified as sad Hartley's but they still needed to find the most significant clue of all one thing they're missing is the murder weapon they even know where the murder weapon came from G got the CCTV the the women buying the motor weapon finally the detective's careful questioning of Katrina Walsh spectacularly paid off amazingly Walsh suddenly in her interview says I know where the murder weapons are I will take you to them astonishing incredible Katrina Walsh told detectives the murder weapons had been hidden at the Stables where she worked police found CCTV footage of Walsh at the Stables which appeared to show her trying to hide something eventually she led detectives to all the key pieces of evidence the stun gun and most crucially of all the murder weapon itself detectives are sced her to the Stables where she worked and there they found them buried but still the knife had Saed his blood on it what wonderful evidence is very rare when someone actually says I'll take you to where the murder weapon is thinking oh my goodness because that piece of evidence there's so much on that murder weapon that will put the murder at the scene and that is critical evidence the evidence now seemed overwhelming but as the police prepared the case for court they came across yet another chilling clue extraordinary Diaries written by Katrina Walsh which seemed to spell out in great detail how they intended to murder Sadi Harley [Music] by the fifth day of the investigation police had gathered enough compelling evidence to charge Sarah Williams and Katrina Walsh with the murder of Sadi Hartley then police discovered one final piece of evidence virtually a written confession one of the most compelling Clues of all these were Diaries written by Katrina Walsh Amon them in detail they Pro to be shocking and highly incriminating detectives are always searching for that Golden Nugget of evidence the piece of evidence that they think will help secure a conviction they search buildings of Walsh they find two Diaries astonishingly in these two Diaries is an 18month history of how they've plotted and planned sades murder quite astonishing unbelievable that's like gust to investigate an officer it's just amazing you think I can't believe this is happening oh my God it's your dream come true as an investigator someone has actually told you in writing how they're planning to kill your victim incredible in the Diaries Katrina Walsh wrote of being unexpected Ed ly excited by endless murder plots even though she had never met sad Hartley Katrina Walsh described her as a totally evil [ __ ] the Diaries also revealed to police how Williams and Walsh stalked Ian Johnston to find out his exact movements Katrina Walsh writes Sarah has ordered a GPS tracker and will give me cash for it that's fine as I'm not going to be involved at the sharp end the device was secretly attached to Ian Johnston's car that's where is he what is he doing who is he seeing and if she put a tracker on the car she would have been doing other things as well she would absolutely have been trying to track maybe his social media his phone all sorts of things as police investigated further they found the company where Walsh and Williams bought the GPS [Music] devices that company's records show The Trackers had been used for 2 months right up to the day of the killing when the police cross referenced the tracker information with mobile phone data and CCTV images it proved Ian Johnston and sad Hartley were both being stalked there is an element of fantasy to it but I think every every stage in this fantasy both of them are well aware that actually it's very real as well they fully intend to carry out this plan knowing that Walsh was so deeply involved in the murder of Sadi Hartley makes particular parts of the Diaries profoundly Sinister she wrote wow I may be instrumental in helping to remove the awful woman was so buzzing so much I needed a Southern Comfort to wind down a bit one of the darkest and most revealing entries suggested Katrina Walsh knew exactly what she was doing cat Walsh actually documents I have no moral CS just to twinge not to get caught at the end of the day she knew exactly what she was getting into she'd written it down she planned it and she was as guilty as Sarah Williams The Diary is were also evidence it was Katrina Walsh who suggested using a stun gun one diary entry said Sarah Williams who carried out the stabbing needed protection it read she could do with that zapper or she risks being injured herself the Diaries also gave police a valuable insight into how meticulously the murder plot had been planned it was clear that these two women had been plotting this murder of a completely innocent victim for 18 months or so and they'd had several plans and the courts quite rightly take a lot of notice of premeditation to that degree there's a callous aspect calculating aspect to the crime which is reflected the severity of the sentences for the police sad Hartley's murder was a tough investigation with huge amounts of information to process but clue by clue they build up a clear picture of what had happened after the frenzied attack police found a fragment in s's jumper this was from a powerful stun gun CCTV footage proved invaluable especially in finding a o Cleo the car used by the killer flowers delivered to sad days before her death was the killers on a dry run mobile phones placed Sarah Williams close to Sadi Hartley's home on the day she died minute traces of s's blood were found on Williams bath then they find the murder weapon and finally Walsh's detailed murder Diaries the diary with all its detailed plotting and planning of how they were to kill Sadi was of course evidential gold on August the 17th 2016 after a 7-week trial the verdicts were announced the judge said neither Sarah Williams nor Katrina Walsh had shown the slightest remorse for what they had done he sentenced Williams to a minimum of 30 years he gave wal 25 the judge used these actual words Sadi Hartley died for your amusement this is indeed one of the most remarkably callous and premeditated murders that I've ever encountered in his final message the judge was very clear he said let no one make the mistake of thinking that this was a crime of passion it was a crime of obsession of arrogance of barbarity but above all it was a crime of Pure Evil after the killers were sentenced the detective who led the investigation and the close members of s's family gave their reaction to the convictions the murder in her own home can only be described as a premeditated brutal and senseless act committed against a defenseless lady who was home alone at the time albeit Williams may have been the one that wielded the knife on this evening there can be no doubt that Katrina Walsh was also heavily involved in this Dreadful Dreadful crime the brutal evil and cowardly attack perpetrated against this defenseless sad tore into our families friends and the communities we live in there can be no forgiveness for such vile Behavior her death has left a huge void and the last few months have been the hardest we could have ever had imagined mom was a much- loved sister Aunt friend she will miss birthdays Christmases and many Milestones where as a family will go through we may have received some justice with a conviction and sentencing of Sarah Williams and Katrina Walsh but it will never be enough it will never bring our mom back but at least sad Hartley's family got Justice and recognition of their deep loss so the judge talked about Sadi Harley's life affirming spirit and her generosity and her warmth and I think it's very important that we honor the victims in cases like this because in pretty much every murder case that I've dealt with the victims represent everything that the offenders are not but I think in this case the name that we go away with is sad Harley thanks to careful police work sad Hartley's Killers will remain behind bars for many years to come this is a textbook investigation you actually have everything you've got joint Enterprise you've got two suspects you've got phone connection you've got diary a diary outlining how you're going to kill you've got your lovely victim a perfect victim who's done nothing wrong you've you've got forensic evidence you've got overwhelming evidence of two people and not only that you actually find the murder weapon and the stung gun you've got everything no wonder the jury convicted this was the evidence these were the clues that helped police catch the killers of sad [Music] Harley [Music] [Music]
Channel: True Crime Central
Views: 375,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australian Crime, Crime Stories, Jeffrey Dahmer, Serial Killers, Ted Bundy, True Crime, True Crime Central, asmr, cases, cold cases, community, crim, crime, crime recaps, doco, documentary, full episodes, gangsters, murder, murder mystery, podcast, podcasts, recap, treu crime, true crime, true crime addict, true crime asmr, true crime podcast, true crime recaps, documentary 2023, Sadie Hartley, Case, Crime Case, casefiles
Id: 6Yizjz-G5GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 56sec (2696 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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