Wife Murdered by Cheating Husband | Glen Wolsieffer | True Crime Central

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Glenn walsifer was tall handsome and he had the whole package Benny his wife she was an All-American Girl he sees the shadowy figure wearing a clear type of mask Glenn is struggling ahead Betty was strangled people were really afraid it caused a lot of fear we just did not have enough solid evidence people wanted to see it solved because they didn't know whether or not their home may be next murder is always a tragedy you know there's no winners in Murder [Music] [Music] police sirens pierce the Saturday morning calm of Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania I received a call around seven in the morning I reported to 75 Birch Street in Wilkes-Barre City one of the patrolmen explained to me that there was a body the patrolman tells detective swarin an intruder has broken in and murdered a young woman Betty Wilson checked for policy if there was any breathing any signs of Life anything like that there was nothing whatsoever Betty was found up Lane on the floor she was a obviously strangled the victim's husband Glenn Wilson tells cops he was also attacked when Wilson fair was downstairs somebody knocked me out I woke up he was hit over the head and he believes he may have been unconscious I saw somebody there Betty wolsiffer's senseless murder rocks the town crimes like this don't happen in Wilkes-Barre least of all to pillars of the community like Betty and Glenn Carol crane follows the story for the local paper [Music] everyone looked upon them as the All-American family you know the husband the nice wife and they had a beautiful little girl Danielle love you Glenn who is a very good dentist his patients liked him he had built up a really nice practice for himself and because they were a prominent family you know a lot of people would go there he had the uh let me say the Tom Selleck look tall handsome physically capable so he had the whole package Betty who's very diminutive very quiet but just a real soft-spoken person very kind very gentle she was an All-American Girl but now Betty is dead investigators start piecing together the hours before Betty's murder the night of the murder Glenn had gone out with friends he had been drinking with the guys he told us that he was out with some friends as normal on a Friday night into Saturday morning Glenn arrives home late it's past two in the morning he had gone to bed with his wife and his daughter Danielle's asleep in the bedroom next to them he's awakened by a bang foreign s his 22 caliber revolver [Music] he sees the shadowy figure wearing a clear type of mask there is to confront the intruder [Music] but then he's grabbed from behind struggle ensues and then he's struggling ahead when he woke up reached up and grabbed the wall phone and called his brother yeah yeah his brother lived right across the street oh what Neil call 9-1-1 and told them my brother's on the floor he was knocked out yeah um he was pacing back and forth up and down see if Danielle or Betty was okay as Danielle is cared for by relatives it's up to the cops to tell Glenn his wife is dead and he couldn't believe it [Music] the police need to find the deadly Intruder fast the way he strikes again the trouble is they have no idea who they're looking for if you don't solve the homicide within the first 72 hours of it happening the likelihood of solving it later is greatly diminished Clint wanted to go to the hospital he was hit on the head he had a bump that was back there and the ambulance came Glenn has lost his wife Betty the woman who was his high school sweetheart his daughter five-year-old Danielle has lost her mom as Betty wulcifer's body is laid to rest the task of hunting down her killer kicks into high gear it would be premature at this time to indicate whether or not there are any suspects in this case until the investigation reaches that point in time where we can say with with some certainty that we have information that could possibly lead to a criminal charge against anybody Betty and Glenn's home is combed for Clues forensic unit they came in they did fingerprinting photographing they're looking for any kind of evidence that could be helpful we are going through the crime scene the story that Glenn gave we're just trying to put together in the small town of Wilkes-Barre a family has been torn apart and a killer is on the loose we're really afraid it caused a lot of fear a lot of panic and people wanted to see it solved because they didn't know whether or not their home may be next and when something of this magnitude of this violent nature happens in their own backyard they're wondering whether or not that could happen to them in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania a home invasion has left a young mom dead and her husband with head injuries there is a lot of concern in the neighborhood that you know there is a kill or loose an intruder the horrific murder of Betty wulsifer sends shock waves through the once idyllic town wilkesbury was a very tight-knit Community people grew up together they went to school together they found jobs here and they lived here you know for their entire lives in Wilkes-Barre and Beyond everyone wants to know who killed Betty wulsifer press began going after this case because they knew what type of area it was in Wilkes-Barre and they knew how the city of I would compare was the media kept asking questions they were and I don't want to say hounding but it got to the point where you were trying to do your work and you had people that were already there at the crime scene that was one of those things around here that the headlines are out there it's on the Nightly News certainly was was known and he's a physician and it got a lot of attention I'm sure it was the first thing on the TV programs on the news shows and it got a lot of attention for a long time the cops know there's been a series of break-ins recently and strangers seen hanging around the neighborhood only the week before Glenn reported seeing someone trying to cut through his screen door somebody who was roaming around the alleyways somebody knew who that petty was Home Alone somebody who knew that she had a young child somebody who knew had Glenn didn't get out back home until all hours tonight it isn't just the rash of home invasions that concerns detectives recently Betty had been complaining of crank calls late at night maybe she was deliberately targeted police carefully examined the crime scene there's a ladder and we went out and looked at it somebody went up the ladder broke the window and that's how they came in the master bedroom was in disarray you could tell that that was a fight something physical that went on but for detectives Warren something doesn't add up [Music] okay there's nothing on the only person who may be able to clear up the mystery of why the Intruder stole nothing is Betty's husband Glenn he's in the hospital recovering from the injuries he sustained during the break-in we went to the hospital asked if we could see the injuries he had to go on through his head but investigators are astonished to discover Glenn has hired an attorney and he's advising his client not to talk to the cops we weren't allowed to go in there with him we could just look and he was sitting up in a bed at Glenside is his younger brother Neil Neil was the first on the crime scene [Applause] unable to talk to Glenn investigators focused on what his brother can tell them we brought the Atlanta we sat him down and we talked to him see if he knew anything foreign s that Glenn phoned in a panic telling him to get over to his house the first thing that Glenn does when he regains consciousness is call his brother What Glenn doesn't do is make sure his family is okay now his daughter is upstairs and his wife is upstairs and the first thing he does is call his brother Neil did say to us that neither one of them had gone upstairs Neil's statement strikes investigators as unusual neither Glenn nor his brother thought to check on Betty or five-year-old Danielle now wouldn't one of the first things a person would normally do if you were attacked within the confines of your home immediately run upstairs to see about the well-being of your daughter and your wife Glenn's injuries may have stopped him from going upstairs but investigators want to know why Neil didn't check if his sister-in-law and niece were safe and the answer was I don't know I didn't go upstairs that's not all that's bothering Detective swarin there was a delay between Glenn's call asking Neil to come over and Neil's call to 9-1-1 Neil is very nervous person very nervous when we got and talked to him the first time he had the shakes he'd cry put his hands in this face in his hands investigators believe Neil knows more than he's letting on they start to wonder was he involved in the crime we interviewed Neil Wilson three times and sent you know who we are you know what we're looking for you know give us an answer help us out detectives are convinced Neil holds the key to unlocking the secret of Betty Wilson's Savage murder now they've got to get him to talk we decided we would like him to come back for a lie detector test Neil refuses he tells his friends he feels hounded by the police there was a perceptible change in him after Betty's murder you could tell something was weighing so heavily on him then Neil has a change of heart and decides to meet with investigators he called said I'll sit down and I'll talk to you I have some information for you [Music] detective swarm believes he's their best hope of solving the mystery it was about 9 15. we received a call and the dispatcher asked are we waiting for anybody and I said yeah I said we're waiting for Neil Wilson for her to come in we said we just had a fatal accident uh myself and detector Mitchell went to the scene and sure enough it looks like he crossed over into this center lane and he had a cement truck head on Neil wolsiffer is dead point and we felt that that was our closest we were ever going to get to what happened to this story the question on detectives Minds was this a tragic accident or the desperate Act of a man with something to hide moments before he's due to talk with detectives about the murder of his sister-in-law Betty Neil Wilson is killed in a car crash but they say he drove his car into the path of a truck first it appeared it was an accident but then when you found out he was on his way to be interviewed by investigators he began to immediately think was it really an accident [Music] truck driver insisted that it appeared that he purposely pulled that car in front of him Neil was Glenn's younger brother the two men were always close I don't know if he had any best friends but Neil was his best friend he'd always see them together they were all one big family Neil looked up to Glenn and anything that Glenn did Neil try to do better and for Glenn Neil would do anything perhaps even make the ultimate sacrifice I think he had an awful lot on his mind I think he was afraid he was going to hurt the family [Music] we sat down and we talked about and we think it's probably suicide [Music] bed no one except perhaps Glenn Knows Why Neil killed himself got to a point where we hit a stone wall we were blocked [Music] with Neil dead and Glenn not talking investigators change tactics [Music] they decide to look deeper into Glenn and Betty's marriage was it as picture-perfect as everybody said [Music] he came across as good people religious background Betty would go to exercise classes Glenn would go play softball Betty's happy-go-lucky she was a hard worker too she would work to make a great marriage she would work to make a great home and I don't believe that anyone ever had a bad word to say about her and just started collecting information from Neighbors Associates anyone who had contact with him that's when they learn Glenn is leading a double life he was cheating on his wife he was a no good he started having an affair with his dental hygienist it was getting pretty hot and heavy they were regularly meeting in hotels the hygienist Debbie Shipp is pulled in for questioning under the police spotlight she Reveals All About her love affair with Glenn she was willing to talk about the depth of the relationship she had with this married man according to Debbie Glenn tells her he's passionately in love with her he wants them to spend the rest of their lives together Glenn Wilson was going to be leaving the wife for her they're looking at jewelry and things like that there's more when pushed further Debbie reveals some startling information she had sex with Glenn the afternoon before Betty was murdered Debbie gives investigators what they've lacked a motive for murder it made the case I thought a stronger they are now certain Glenn Wilson murdered his wife Betty detectives put together a new Theory Neil had no direct involvement in Betty's murder but Glenn may have burned his brother with a confession that he killed Betty are feeling then and our belief then was that we thought that he just couldn't live with what he knew faced with betraying the brother he idolized he took his secret to the Grave people that knew Neil knew how he would have felt if his brother had indeed killed Betty and would he have done that would he have sacrificed his life to save his brother he was so torn between lying and giving up his brother that he chose not to do either foreign but what investigators don't have is proof it was hard to believe at the time that you know the doctor had killed his wife Glenn sticking to his story an intruder broke into the house and murdered Betty and that was the difficulty of this case disproving what he said disproving it which is very difficult when you have to prove a case Beyond A Reasonable Doubt so I wanted certain things redone re people re-interviewed evidence retaken certain evidence taking the state police crime lab just to make sure that all the t's were crossed and all the eyes were dotted investigators have to find a way of nailing Glenn Betty's autopsy reveals traces of Glenn's clothing under her nails indicating they may have had a fight that by itself didn't mean anything he was her husband if she had fibers from his clothes under her nails that could be explained in several ways detectives take another look at Glenn's injuries they can't talk to Glenn but they can talk to his medical team the treating Physicians said one of the reports that you know the wound to the back of the head could easily have been done by just bumping your head in a backwards motion to the corner of a wall this head wound is superficial it would not have been enough to render him unconscious story doesn't add up and now they're finding the crime scene doesn't either we saw the ladder initially just it just didn't seem to match up to what we were being told the latter it's backwards the rungs are the wrong way and there was no indentation into the grass that would indicate pressure was put on that ladder so to me that was odd was it planted how did the person get out of the house then they go back down the ladder if they did that ladder really would have been depressed in fact then had frequent use the ladder himself a neighbor had seen Glenn Lucifer when locked out of the house on previous occasions used that ladder to gain entry into his home and that's exactly the entry that existed the morning his wife died so I found that usually coincidental I just was very pleased with the information that she shared with us I thought that was key the house itself it was a nice home but by no means was it a glamorous or you know 10 000 square foot home with lots of good artwork and of things like that that would attract maybe a burglar to enter the home especially an occupied home why would someone then also go up the back Ladder into a second floor window to a home that really was not a big magnitude as far as belongings and things like that it just didn't fit together that's not all forensic analysis reveals the bedroom window may have been smashed from the inside [Applause] investigators are certain Glenn has invented the tale of a mystery Intruder to cover up his own Grimes I thought the crime scene was uh definitely staged but to win a conviction investigators must prove that beyond all Reasonable Doubt it's time to call in the FBI [Music] I thought a trip to Washington DC you know may be worthwhile let's let's get an expert profiling opinion the feds have huge expertise in analyzing faked crime scenes they'll re-examine the evidence to see if they can make a case for Glenn as the murderer they started helping us we started finding out now what a crime what a stage crime scene is how do you stage it what do you do what should you do when you're staging it the way the room was turned over to make it look like there was a scuffle or some type of struggle it was not the way it would have been if there was a real struggle that went on the FBI's conclusion reinforces the detective's hunch the FBI Behavioral Science unit with their expert profiling abilities confirmed that it was a stage crime scene makes sense it didn't have the ring of truth to it and that was one of the reasons we focused on Glenn Pace against Glenn their task now is to convince the D.A if you bring charges you have to be sure that there's evidence to go forward I mean eventually a jury may decide in any given case that somebody's not guilty but it's a tremendous responsibility when you're bringing charges against someone especially murder the DA's answer leaves investigators reeling the DA's office simply felt that we just did not have enough solid evidence to have him indicted or charged we had no physical evidence he certainly hadn't said anything nobody else there were no other witnesses to it the decision to not charge Glenn with murder strikes a hammer blow I can understand the hesitancy of prosecutors to act because you had to disprove what he said happened and that is not an easy cure people became so frustrated that you know some people would start saying you know there's one place you get away with a homicide and that's in Wilkes-Barre everyone working the case is convinced Glenn Wilson is a murderer a murderer who has just cheated Justice [Music] 12 months have passed since Betty Wilson was murdered in her Pennsylvania home investigators have gotten nowhere Prosecuting their Prime Suspect Betty's philandering husband Glenn confident he's escaped the clutches of the law Glenn's gone back to his old ways resumed his dental practice while the rumor is he's working his charms on his dead brother's widow you know there was a talk about the town whether or not Glenn Wilson and Nancy were getting too close for comfort let us say Nancy doesn't think Glenn is a murderer and she and Glenn are thinking of leaving Wilkes Barry and starting a new life together in Virginia along with Glenn's young daughter Danielle Nancy Wilson for stuck close to Clark she didn't believe it was him then Nancy's world collapses she finds evidence that Glenn is still seeing his former lover dental hygienist Debbie the woman he had sex with just hours before his wife was murdered her heart was broken and she believed that Glenn did that to her if Glenn's lying about Debbie asks Nancy what else could he be lying about she was very broken-hearted but very bitter too Nancy talks to the police Nancy helped us out she had information that we were able to use Nancy helps police build their profile on the lying cheating Glenn super charming and super manipulative and when detectives delve deeper into the events on the night of Betty's murder they discovered Glenn has yet another woman on the side Carol kapicki he met her in a gym she's married she was one of the babes that he had been running around with we learned at this point that Glenn had not only a wife and a child but he had a mistress and he had a mistress on the mistress he had this older ego where he flaunted his marriage vows and took off with all these other women one right after another it all helps paint a picture of a ruthless Romeo who'll say and do anything to satisfy his lusts the women which Glenn Wilson was carrying on these affairs with he was just selling them a bill of goods he was in it for one reason and one reason only sexual gratification and it just told me a lot about him as a person you know it was all about him when police speak to Carol she provides another piece of the jigsaw she tells detectives that the night of Betty's murder she bumps into Glenn in a bar Carol is with her husband and that enrages Glenn the question for detectives was Glenn angry enough to murder his wife that was a big piece of circumstantial evidence because the whole case was circumstantial evidence the tide has finally turned for the cops maybe he had thought he was quietly having affairs with them but the Mistresses were his unraveling as the investigation ramps up Glenn is feeling the Heat while they were investigating the case Glenn did continue to his dental practice but it started falling off as more and more facts were revealed it just became uncomfortable for him here I think he felt the hounds nipping at his heels he got so hot that that's why he he blew town and moved to Virginia Glenn moved South settling down in Falls Church Virginia with Carol kapicki and his daughter then the Breakthrough investigators have been working for a new witness comes forward Barbara Wendy a close friend of Glenn's murdered wife well it just happened to be that barb saw a lot of things before she was murdered Betty confines in Barbara she knows her husband is a Serial adulterer [Music] and there's more Barb said Betty and marks on her Eddie Betty you had black and blue marks where they argued and they struggled Barb kept telling Ben he said Betty you have to do something something's got to change you're not going to make it like this Betty tells her friend she's had enough on the night she was murdered Betty was intending to confront Glenn about his abusive behavior and adultery foreign to Barbara Wendy well tonight's the night if he doesn't come home on time you know I'm really gonna go after him [Music] with Barbara's damning evidence detectives believe they finally have enough to convict Glenn we sat down and we made the decision that we're going to go after him [Music] Gators go back to the D.A I said this isn't going to get any better we're going to act we thought we had the probable cause that we needed to justify the issuance of the arrest warrant and we did it and uh we held our breaths three years have passed since the murder of Betty Wilson Glenn Wilson has been living as a free man then late one fall afternoon police swoop in on his home in Virginia we surrounded the house told him he was under arrest he was charged with homicide he was taken and then brought back to Pennsylvania for uh his Arena it takes another year to build the case against the Casanova dentist Glenn's trial opens November 5th 1990 in the Lucerne County courtroom amid a media Frenzy broke at trial there were a lot of women that came because they just wanted to see firsthand what he looked like because of his many dalliances the trial took on the spectacular The Sensational handsome doctor kills his you know pretty little wife the trial starts with a coroner describing what Betty looked like when her body was found I do remember that they had asked Dr hudoc what was the condition of the victim's face and he said it was I don't know how he's how he started his response but it was something to the point that you know you could tell she had been beaten and brutalized and they said can you describe the condition and I believe Dr hudoc said hamburger and when he said that I looked over at the jury and there was a woman I thought she was going to go down for the count she was at one of the jurors I think you know really took that heart and God you know weak from it and but she was okay you know just regained her composure but that was a powerful statement case against Glenn is clear we believe that he staged a crime scene and that was the basis for the prosecution but to win a conviction they must prove their case beyond all Reasonable Doubt you never know what a jury is going to do you only need one juror to have Reasonable Doubt and then you're not going to get a conviction Glenn exercises his right not to take the witness stand most defendants and criminal trials don't testify but that jury is going to be told over and over is right and you can't assume anything from that he was kind of like not really a whole lot respect to his attorney I talked to his family the defense their take was there's no evidence here the defense team argues Glenn is the victim [Music] first he and his wife are attacked second he's unfairly targeted by the police for a crime he didn't commit Glenn Wilson was asleep with his wife an intruder enters the house kills his wife and here they're asking you to convict him of homicide he's fortunate he wasn't a victim of homicide there really wasn't much concrete physical evidence it was almost completely a circumstantial evidence case Glenn is confident there's no direct evidence to prove he murdered Betty but any prosecutor Worth or salt will tell you that a strong circumstantial evidence case is as powerful if not more powerful than some cases involving direct evidence by pointing out that Glenn has a motive and that the crime scene was staged prosecutors hope to convince the jury that no one else could possibly have carried out the crime [Music] she had marks around her neck which were pre-mortem which was before she died and there were marks on her neck like as she did like if someone just kept going kept and didn't stop it again points to the prosecution's argument no one but Glenn could have murdered Betty anyone involved in a prosecution of homicides over a number of years will tell you that a strangulation death indicates normally not in all cases but normally that the person who did it was close to the person that's dead it's it's it's a it's a it's there's usually a relationship there and then it's indicative of that not in all cases though but that certainly was another factor and uh uh we did have experts say that same thing that that manual strangulation is usually the type of uh death uh suffered by someone who was close to that other person prosecutor Anthony sarcione details the state's case against Glenn Wilson in the early hours of August 30th 1986 his wife Betty had decided enough was enough his gallivanting has to stop I'm not going to let him step on me anymore she said that she waited up for him where were you she was going to confront him I had something to say to you why you always start questioning him he was going to be exposed and he did not want that to happen not at all because that would have crushed his squeaky clean image and that sparked the rage in him and enough for him to turn violent Glenn and Betty get into a fight he kicks at the door starts to strangle there not only did he manually strangle his wife but also used a ligature around her neck to ensure that she'd be dead after choking his wife to death he carefully fakes the supposed home invasion he puts up the ladder he smashes the bedroom window [Music] he stages the aftermath of a life and death struggle with a masked intruder he bangs his head against the wall to pretend he's been injured by his attacker it's now down to the jury to decide who's telling the truth when the jury came back with the verdict the courtroom was icy cold and just as as still as still could be very quiet they asked your jury first degree murder how did you find and they said not guilty it just didn't make sense it just didn't add up to me sat there in shock if they thought for sure they would get him on first-degree murder and I thought I don't know if he's you know he could walk it looks like Glenn Wilson will get off scot-free but then they got the third degree murder and they found him guilty the jury decides Glenn had no prior intent to kill Betty it was a crime committed In the Heat of the Moment I couldn't help but feel bad for his mother because that was her son but then I couldn't help but feel bad for Betty's family because they had lost her and that was their daughter I knew eventually it was going to happen and I felt it was going to happen but I was somewhat taken aback when I got the news today it was hard it was hard going through each day you get through them but it's there every day every night Glenn Wilson is sentenced to eight to twenty years in prison for the murder of his wife Betty I think it restored a sense of justice to the community at large in wilkesbury because a lot of people had lost faith in the justice system because of him walking free for so many years after the homicide foreign and murdering his wife impacted so many people if he would have just owned up to it initially it would have saved his brother's life murder is always a tragedy you know there's no winners in Murder looking at the family he had closure and I think that's what they needed and they are they needed to know that he did it and Glenn is the one who killed her Glenn served 13 years for his crime he was released in 2005 after finally admitting his guilt he's now living back in his hometown of Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania [Music]
Channel: True Crime Central
Views: 639,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #EvilUnmasked, Episodes, Free, Full, Latest, Minds, Online, Season, Series, TV, True Crime Central, UK, crime, crime documentary, documentaries, documentary, free documentary, killer, murder, murders documentary, real crime, serial killer, true crime documentary, true crime stories
Id: Rm49IlZpOqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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