Mother Tried to Stop the Wedding for Paternity Test (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is a case of <i> Autry v. Martin.</i> Thank you, Jerome, good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Autry, you say the defendant is taking advantage of your son by pinning a baby on him. And you have physical proof that her two-year-old daughter, Skylah, is not your grandchild, is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Martin, you claim that the plaintiff is a monster in law and is denying your daughter only because she doesn't like you. You need help, and hope to get some once the results are revealed. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Autry, why do you feel Ms. Marin is taking advantage of your son? Well, she entrapped my son by marrying him, by giving him things like money, clothes, car, you name it, she gave it to him. And she just wants a man to call on 'cause she's nothing but an old tramp. JUDGE LAKE: Wait... Wait a minute now. Let's use respectful language, I wanna understand this. You say she entrapped him but she's given him money, she's doing this for what end? What does she want? 'Cause she want a man of her own. JUDGE LAKE: She want a man of her own? Yes, ma'am. MARTIN: Ms. Autry, really? Why would you say that, Ms. Autry? 'Cause you do, Ms. Tramp. See, Your Honor, this is what I'm saying. Let's be respectful. I don't like her. Look, you don't have to like her but you can use respectful language. You're not the mother of my grandchild. Where I'm from, they call me Queen DNA. So until I get a DNA test to prove that's my grand-baby, I am not accepting the responsibility for no baby that's none of mine. But she will claim her at first though, Ms. Autry. All right, hold on, let me come to you, Ms. Martin because I wanna understand this. She says you entrapped her son. Did you do that? MARTIN: No, Your Honor. Were you buying him cars and all this things giving him money and all of this? He did the same for me in return. You'll have no doubt if I had to do the same thing in return... (BOTH ARGUING INDISTINCTLY) He did the same thing, Ms. Autry. No, he didn't. He didn't even have a job. Yes, he did. Yes, he did, Ms. Autry, you know this. Well, how he get the money? 'Cause he ain't had no job. Okay, let's talk one at a time so we understand this. What was the nature of the relationship between you and Ms. Autry's son? That's my husband. Oh, that's your husband? My husband. JUDGE LAKE: So he's still your husband? MARTIN: Yes, Your Honor. I got a phone call that you're getting married down the street from my house. I was on my way walkin' down to stop the marriage and my friend saw me... (SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) MARTIN: She tried to stop the wedding, Your Honor. (SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) Ms. Autry, I missed all of that. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: Okay, wait a minute. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING FAINTLY) And, look, you can't talk that fast, then turn to the side. I can't even read your lips. I felt like I was at an auction or something I went. Oh, that was like, "What?" Okay. I was raising my hand. What, you was about to bid? Yeah. (LAUGHS) No, really, explain to me what's going on. I got a phone call that she was getting married down the street from my house. So I got out of my bed and I start walking down the street to where she was getting married at. A friend saw me walkin' and she offered me a ride. How did you find out she was getting married? Someone called me and told me... Your son didn't tell you? No, he didn't tell me. He didn't want me to know... He did, Your Honor. 'Cause he know I would have stopped it. Okay. And you got that call, you were in the bed and you did what? I got up, I got dressed and I started walkin' up the street and my friend saw me walkin' and she said, "Where are you goin'?" And I said, "To stop this wedding." So she gave me a ride and she dropped me out. So, I'm out there trying to stop the wedding and they take her... She's crazy. another location where they can get married. Oh, you have to move locations because of Ms. Autry? She's crazy, Your Honor. Yes, that's exactly what happened. So what happened? She comes to the wedding, and what do you say at the wedding? They didn't even get to do it. She jumped into another car and they took it out clear. MARTIN: We left. So you all left your own wedding venue and moved to a different location? MARTIN: She's crazy, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: But you all ended up getting married on that day anyway... Yes, Your Honor. another location? Did your whole wedding party follow you? No, I'm serious. Yes, they did. With Ms. Autry trailing behind? I don't get how that works. I had no choice and I had no car. If I had a car, I would have right on behind them. And there wouldn't have been no waiting. She's crazy, Your Honor. So you've never cared for Ms. Martin? It ain't so much that I never cared Ms. Martin, it's just that she had been very disrespectful... She's the same way. I mean, what did you want me to do? You disrespect me all the time. Well, you came into my home and disrespected me. But you disrespected me first. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You kept disrespecting me. You did. You came to my house... You never show any respect. Wait, one at a time, I wanna hear how this started. Ms. Autry, you said... Go ahead. She told me that she was pregnant, and I told her she was not, 'cause my son had been gone for a while, he came back and she said that she hadn't been intimate with him when he was at home. And I went to the hospital where she was. I was at the hospital because I told her that's not my grand-baby, she's having the baby early, and I wanted a DNA test. MARTIN: I wasn't in labor, I was actually in pain. It was false labor. Okay, it was false labor, so you came up there and you told her "This is not my grandchild," and what else did you say? I told the lady at the desk came in and I was talking to her, like... MARTIN: She was probably saying that he wasn't the father. Well, my son is not your baby father. Yes, he is. JUDGE LAKE: Hold on, I want to know what happened at the hospital. So once you came in... How'd you have the baby? JUDGE LAKE: Hold on. Once you came in, you were in pain. Ms. Autry said, "This isn't my child." Somebody came in and said "If you keep acting up, we're going to put you out." What happens, Ms. Martin? They put her out. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) So you didn't stop acting up? No. MARTIN: She's crazy, Your Honor. What was she doing? She was acting crazy. She was out in a hospital, saying, "That ain't none of my son's baby." "That ain't none of my son's baby, you're lying, you're lying." So, Ms. Autry, you said "That's not my grandchild" instantly? AUTRY: Yes. She don't have the toes like my son. His toe's crossed, his big toe is here. It crawls over like that. And I have proof, Your Honor, that it's not his baby, 'cause our toes don't do that. Yes, they do, Your Honor. He doesn't have the eyebrows that me and my son and my daughter have. She's two. They haven't grown yet. I mean, they growin'. You're acting like the baby supposed to come out with full blown eyebrows. You act like she's supposed to come out with full blown eyebrows. AUTRY: She do. MARTIN: No, she doesn't. MARTIN: He did. All right. So, this evidence... Ms. Autry, you say the baby's toes don't cross over. MARTIN: Look at the right foot. JUDGE LAKE: That little right one is kinda hedging over, though. MARTIN: Yes, exactly. It's got to be fully cross? AUTRY: Yes, ma'am. She's only two. I mean, give it time. The toes got to grow. Let them develop first. AUTRY: She's got them big old toes. MARTIN: She has toes like Ms. Autry as well. They have little feet. My toes? Do you wanna see my toes, Your Honor? MARTIN: My daughter has feet like her family. Ms. Autry has small feet, and so does my baby. Well, the baby doesn't have crossed toes. And what else is your doubt? Doesn't have the eyebrows. Don't have the eyebrows. My son has girly eyelashes and she don't have those either. MARTIN: They haven't grown yet. She's only two. MARTIN: Let her develop in her own way. I mean... JUDGE LAKE: When you look at this beautiful baby, you just don't feel like this is your grandchild? You don't see the resemblance. Are you saying this, Ms. Autry... Let me just ask you this. Are you saying this because you just don't care for Ms. Martin or are you saying this because you really have doubt? I really have doubt. Okay. If that's my grand-baby, I would take her and love her the way I do the other six that I have. You don't do that to the other baby like that that I have. Well, I did at first till I find out she was mine too. They call me Queen DNA. I'm going to do a DNA test on every baby that my son had. Oh, they call you Queen DNA because you're going to do a DNA test on every baby your son had? Yes, ma'am. I thought I was Queen DNA, Jerome. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Guess not. Anyway, So, Ms. Martin, has your husband accepted the baby, or does he have doubts? No, he doesn't have any doubt. It's her. It's her. She hasn't even tried to bond with the baby. So of course you're gonna think she's not sure. She haven't tried to bond with her. I had to have my own DNA test to make sure. She's two years old. But she's not my son's. Look at her eyebrows. Have you ever asked her "Will you watch Skylah, "will you take care of Skylah?" MARTIN: Yes, Your Honor. Your Honor, if they go to the club, they get to pay to get in the club they got to pay for their drink, they gotta pay me to babysit. But that's not why. That's not why. I heard that. That was... That's on the weekend. I asked her during the week so that I could work. (BOTH ARGUING INDISTINCTLY) But what you said was you was gonna help me with her. She said she was gonna help. No, I did not say that. If I get a DNA test. I said if you gave me $50 a week, I would watch her. Wait, you said, Ms. Autry, you gonna give her a discount of $50 a week? AUTRY: Yes, ma'am. As long as she can prove with DNA that, that's your grandchild. Yes, ma'am. Alright, I'd like to hear from your witness. Please stand, ma'am. State your name for the court. Rebecca Cooper, Your Honor. Ms. Cooper, you are Ms. Autry's daughter. Yes, ma'am. Look at her eyebrows. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Look how old she is though. My daughter's two years old. She's 30. So, there's a big difference there. JUDGE LAKE: <i> So, do you believe this beautiful baby, Skylah is your niece?</i> COOPER: <i> She is</i> <i> my brother baby.</i> I was there when she was born. That's my baby. And you have a very close bond with her? Yes. ma'am. Every week. AUTRY: She love babies. COOPER: That's my brother baby. I mean, if your daughter's bonded with her and your son said that's his daughter, what is your problem? 'Cause you told him it was none of his. (SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) Let's get to that. You told him, your husband, that this was not his child? Yes, Your Honor. I was trying to hurt him. He left me to go be with another woman. And I was trying to hurt him like he hurt me. JUDGE LAKE: Let's be clear, did you sleep with another man? Yes, Your Honor. You did. Prior to him coming back into my life. Yes. August 2013, and he came back into my life in 2014, June. And she was already pregnant. JUDGE LAKE: Alright. Is there any chance that man could be Skylah's biological father? No, Your Honor. Yes. No. Alright, well, that man is in court, today. Jerome, I'd like to hear from him. Will you please escort Mr. Gaut into the courtroom? We're gonna have you go up to the witness stand right next to the judge. Mr. Gaut, thank you for joining us today. We're here discussing the paternity of baby Skylah and I have to ask you, do you believe you are Skylah's biological father? Yes, ma'am. You do? Yes, Your Honor. That's her ex-boyfriend. My daughter. JUDGE LAKE: Wait a minute, now. Ms. Cooper, this is your ex-boyfriend? Yes, Your Honor. AUDIENCE: What? That was a mistake, Your Honor. So, Ms. Martin, you slept with your sister-in-law's boyfriend? Yes, Your Honor. Now who crazy, Your Honor? That was before, Your Honor. That was a mistake. How did that happen? Well, my husband... No. When my husband was away, Your Honor, he was, you know, doing a lot of different things with other women. And I was emotional. So, you all aren't together anymore? COOPER: No, ma'am. I believe she's my brother's daughter because she looked just like my other niece. My brother said that's his child so that's what I'm going with. JUDGE LAKE: Hold on but Mr. Gaut said he believes he's the biological father? MARTIN: He's crazy. She probably told him to say that. So, me and him crazy? MARTIN: Both of y'all crazy. So, Mr. Gaut, how did you get a notion that this could be your child? Because we had sex unprotected. You had sex unprotected and you believe it was in the window of conception. Yes. MARTIN: No, it wasn't. Did she ever tell you, you are the father? Once, when we was on the phone. JUDGE LAKE: When you were on the phone? Yes. What did she say? Uh, you know, she just tell me it's a possibility the baby could be mine. She could be. Look at his eyebrows. Look at her eyebrows. Only thing wrong with him, he got a lazy eye. MARTIN: She doesn't... She doesn't look like him at all. AUTRY: Nothin' wrong with it, Your Honor. She doesn't look like him, Your Honor, no. Do you know Skylah? Or do you have a relationship with Skylah? No, Your Honor. No. You don't? But in your heart you been thinking, "I'm this child's biological father"? Yes, Your Honor. MARTIN: She told him to say that. I slept with him in August 2013, Your Honor. My husband, when he came back into my life, that was June 2014. You was already pregnant. I wasn't. Yes, she was. No, I wasn't. (BOTH ARGUING INDISTINCTLY) She showed her sonogram. It was like a little pea, about that tiny. And the baby is not gonna be that tiny. I need help, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You say you need help. I need help. I need help with my kids. Well, don't look this way, 'cause I'm not having any of that. She's not mine. JUDGE LAKE: <i> You say plainly</i> <i> "I need help."</i> You mean, financial help? Emotional support? Emotionally... Child care? Everything. MARTIN: She has other siblings that she wants to be around. They wanna be around their other siblings. And this is like the glue. JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. Autry is the glue that bonds everyone? MARTIN: Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: And Skylah is not welcome and that hurts you? Yes, Your Honor. So, do you invite Ms. Autry to Skylah's birthday? I invited her to the birthday, yes. She came, but she sat way across the room. When I get a DNA test to prove that Skylah is my grand-baby, I'll fit her in like the rest of 'em. But if I gotta babysit, then I still gotta get paid. MARTIN: That's not true. I'm not no free daycare. She doesn't care for me. That's what the real problem here is. I think, honestly, at this time, we've... We've heard enough and I can see how we've arrived in this place. The question now is, how do we move forward? And I think we do that with the results. Jerome? The envelope, please. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Autry v. Martin,</i> pertaining to whether Mr. Martin or Mr. Gaut is the father of two year old, Skylah Martin, it has been determined by this court, the biological father is... Mr... Martin. MARTIN: I'll take that for $200, Your Honor. I told you. I told you. You are the grandmother, Ms. Autry. MARTIN: I need your help. Can I get an apology? AUTRY: No. I do apologize to Skylah. But not to her. I'll accept that. AUTRY: And I will have Skylah at my house. At the end of the day, you all are a family through these children. No. I'm Skylah's family. No, the point is, you're family through the children. Well, no cause it's your daughter-in-law. Your son's still married to her. As long as she accept my child 'cause that's what it's all about. I don't care. You all, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, it's your son's wife. You gonna have to learn how to deal with one another for the baby. The way you treat her mother will be a direct reflection in her own mind and in her own heart of her worth. If you don't value the mother, you cannot expect her to believe she's valuable. It's just about respect and decorum. And you all can do that. I want you take advantage of the counseling and resources. And I want you to take care of that beautiful little girl. Thank you, Your Honor. I wish you all the very best. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
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Keywords: 23 and me,, baby, couples court, court show, divorce court, dna testing, full episode, judge faith, judge judy, judge rinder, lauren lake, maury, oprah winfrey, paternity court, rogers, steve wilkos, you are not the father, you are the father, full eipsodes of paternity court, dr phil
Id: YIOfn5vvZuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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