Family Lies Lead Woman To Believe Her Uncle Is Actually Her Father (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Morrow v. Curry.</i> Thank you, Jerome. You're welcome. Good day, everyone. Miss Morrow, you say you've been living a lie for 30 years. You stand before the court today ready to finally find out whether your biological father is the man you grew up believing to be your dad or if his brother, the defendant, Mr. Curry is your father. Yes, Your Honor. Now, Mr. Curry you admit to sleeping with the plaintiff's mother one time after a wild night of partying. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: But you say, you don't believe you're her biological father because there were other possibilities as well. Yes, Your Honor. Now, Miss Morrow how did you come to the conclusion that your uncle might actually be your biological father? Well, recently... The man that I thought was my biological father did at DNA test himself after 30 years and it came back that he wasn't my father. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Um... So, basically for 30 years I lived this lie thinking that he was my father, which, I never met him until, I was about seven years old at a court hearing <i> for child support or something.</i> <i> My mother brought me with her.</i> I briefly stepped off the elevator, she said, "Amanda, this is your father." Um, he said, "Hi. How are you?" That was it. I never heard from him again until I was 15. Randomly, a letter came in the mail from him saying that, "I'm your father. I want to be in your life. "I'm sorry I wasn't there. I wanna fill the... "Make up for not being there." And it all just started from there and... It was very hard for me to let him in, so I was very hesitant about having him in my life. After a year of just talking on the phone, we, my mom... Went to Connecticut for me to meet him. My grandfather was dying, so I met him around that time that my grandfather was dying. We had lunch. Um... Spent the afternoon together and that was it. JUDGE LAKE: How old were you then? I was 16. JUDGE LAKE: <i> So pretty much your entire life you had no real relationship</i> <i> with the man you believed to be your biological father.</i> My mother said that when she was pregnant he walked away. That he didn't want anything to do with me. So I never had a father in my birth certificate, <i> I never had a father in my life.</i> <i> But I always knew...</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> But...</i> KENNETH: <i> You see, my brother always...</i> You understood him to be your father? That's the person you thought... My brother always believed that he was her father, until just recently when he got this DNA test done, that's when I found out, that apparently he wasn't either. But there's a question as to the validity of the test that he took. Because he left the sample sitting around for a while. Tell me what happened there. So your brother took a DNA test? Correct and before sending it in... He didn't, I guess, apparently didn't have the money to send it in to get the results, so he left it sitting around for a month or two. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) So this was an at home test? AMANDA: Mmm-hmm. He purchased it. And he left his sample sitting where for a month? He said in his car for a couple of weeks. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) And then when... Conflicting story there. He told me he left it on his refrigerator. And he told me he left it in the car for two weeks and then when he mailed it, it got mailed back to him 'cause there wasn't enough postage on it. And then he mailed me my part of the kit, <i> so that's when this all started.</i> When he mailed me the part for me, he mailed me two samples. One for my mother, one for me. So, I called my mother. I said, "Mom, you know..." We were supposed to be going down to visit her in a week or so. I said, "Listen, Dave bought a DNA test, "'cause he always had questionable doubts, you know. "He said he's my father but he just wanted proof. "Well, I have a DNA kit here. "I'm sending in my sample." And I said that, "If there's any doubt that he's not my father, "I need to know now before I come to Florida "find out the results and things will hit the fan "when I find out that you lied to me." And that's when she came out and said, "Amanda, I never wanted you to know the truth. "When I was young, I was gang raped by three men "and you're a victim of that rape and Dave is not your father." (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) AMANDA: I didn't believe that story. Yeah. So, I wouldn't believe it either because... AMANDA: He was one of them. I was the first one to sleep with her. I slept with her one time. JUDGE LAKE: You slept with Miss Morrow's mother? Correct. Then I introduced her at a party to my brother. When she started sleeping with him. Why not say, "I don't know who your father is?" Why say this David Curry is my father, from time 15 you let me meet him, go to his mother's funeral, meet his family, spend Thanksgiving with his family. <i> She would never have told me the truth until</i> this David finally decided he wanted to do a DNA test. So, she told me on the phone, and I kinda was like, you know, it hit me, I was upset. I mailed it in, overnight. I told David I mailed it in. He still didn't pay for the payment. So you were holding out hope that this man really was your father because all these years you believed him to be and you'd established a relationship somewhat with his family? I'm close with their niece. His niece, David's niece, their other brother's daughter. I'm close... I didn't meet Amanda until she was 15, 16. 16. At Thanksgiving at my house. It's not that I wanted him to be my father, but I wanted to know who my father was. <i> June 6th, I got the email.</i> DNA results were in. I clicked on the link and it says that he's not my father. So then at some point you are told that the man you thought was your father, he didn't send in the sample in a timely manner. AMANDA: No. Correct. That's why... JUDGE LAKE: When did you... When were you told that? I mean I kinda knew that. 'Cause he kept saying, "Oh, I'm getting it there. I'm getting it there." But I... I had to still had that hope. It's just that, it was correct. So, after that happened, about 20... Finding out that he wasn't my father, for that 24 hours it was just... I was a wreck. I was very emotional. Upsetting like, I'm like, "Wow, I have a child, "that I can never say 'Well, you have a grandfather.'" <i> My husband lost his father when</i> <i> he was very young, so my son has no grandfather.</i> <i> And it's not, it's not that...</i> It's just... I need to know these things for, the sake of my son, health wise and where we come from and everything. So for 24 hours I sat there emotionally crying, like, devastated that I will never know who my father is. And his niece who I'm close with said, "Hey, Uncle Ken knows some things." And that's when Ken reached out to me and told me that he slept with my mother, another man slept with my mother. Um, another man slept with my mother. Um... And another man. KENNETH: And another man. Yeah. Um, he... All in the same time frame. Told me the name of the other man that David <i> and he both thought was my father all these years.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> So, all of these men...</i> KENNETH: <i> Correct.</i> On top of that you do a DNA test with the man you believe to be your father and there's an issue with the sample? KENNETH: Correct. AMANDA: Correct. So it's just confusion all around? Correct. So, look, we use DNA diagnostics, a laboratory... Mmm-hmm. perform all of the DNA testing for<i> Paternity Court.</i> And we wanted to ask Dr. Baird, our lead scientist there, if the sample would have been tainted. This is what he said. <i> The sample you refer to is clearly not an ideal sample.</i> Generally, if a DNA sample is compromised, you will see that in the results in the e-grams, to show that it's not appropriate for testing. I recommend that this sample be recollected to ensure reliable results. So, as you can see... (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) That sample was likely compromised because it was not sent in in a timely manner. Right. So, we did have... The man you believe to be your father tested again... (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) JUDGE LAKE: <i> ...under the right conditions.</i> And we'll have that result later, okay? So let's now understand how you came to realize or came to know that your uncle could be your father? Who told you that? Um, when he told his niece... I did. (CHUCKLES) His niece told me, "Listen, you need to talk to Uncle Ken." And he told me that. But my... What I want to know is... Why nobody said these... Told me this when you met me the first time, that you slept with my mother? You know, you also knew... That's not stuff that you tell a 15-year-old girl. AMANDA: Yeah. Confront my mother is what... (CHUCKLES) You know, but when I was 16... See the issue with me is the only the one time and then introducing her mother a couple of weeks, you know, after that, meeting my brother, meeting these other guys, I just didn't think the time frame could fit for me. But then my wife put a picture of my daughter next to a picture of Amanda and first thing my wife said was, "Well, I don't know. "You know, very well could be." The other issue is the other man that my mother was dating at the same time that she was dating his brother, I guess when I was 16 when we came up to visit, <i> David came to visit me as well,</i> at my grandparents' house and his friend drove him. This friend is who is the the other man that could potentially be my father. And he always knew about me. When I found out his name from Ken, I actually looked up online and contacted him. And what did he say? AMANDA: "Oh, yeah I've always known about you. "I always thought you could be my daughter." When, I... He's like, "We've met. "I met you when David came to see you. Think back, when you were 16. "Remember a man bringing David to come visit you? "I was that man." He's like, "When I looked at you, "I thought you could be mine." KENNETH: Yeah. Oh, my goodness! But he figured if my brother... ...signed the paternity papers and he wanted to cop to it, "Well, let him." So what kind of man is that? (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) When you met her, you thought this was your niece but she could be your daughter? No, no. When I first met Amanda, I thought she looked a lot like this other guy that we're talking about. So when you met her for the first time, were you thinking in your mind, "This could be my daughter," or you immediately said, "This could be one of the other guys"? No, no, it never crossed my mind until just recently when my brother said that he had taken this DNA test and it came back that he wasn't the father. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Then I said to myself, "Well, there's a slim chance." You know? This is piecing together as you go along, it's piecing together for you as well and your wife holds out the picture and show it to you and you start saying, "Oh, my goodness!" "Very well could be my daughter." "If my brother's not her father, "and she looks like everyone in my family, "and she has similar health issues..." KENNETH: There's only one conclusion to come to. -"...then maybe I am." I also look a dead ringer for my mother, so it's hard for me to compare myself to anybody, but when I looked up at this other man who didn't want anything to do with any of this... I pulled up his picture online and I... I think I look like him. But, it's, it's... My baby pictures I look like him. But he wants... When I called him, he said, "Yeah, I know, but I don't want my family knowing anything. "I don't want part of this." He's like, "What do you want from me?" I said, "I don't want... I'm not looking for a daddy, "I'm not looking for a grandfather for my son. "I'm looking for where I come from, my closure." (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) My mother, I read a message David sent to me that my mother sent to David stating, "I hope you do the DNA test, so I can spit in your face "for doubting that she's your daughter." Um, and I also read that he signed a paternity agreement when I was just about 18 months old, which I have a copy of. He... Let me see that. Jerome? I went to the courthouse to find this myself and I never knew about it and he signed stating that he is my father. But, he's not on my birth certificate because he didn't do the DNA sample. This is in fact an acknowledgment of paternity signed June 27th, 1985. AMANDA: Mmm-hmm. So he signed and acknowledged he's your father. AMANDA: But did not take the DNA test. KENNETH: Yeah. But the fact that he signed that and not on my birth certificate is because he didn't do the DNA test, so... My whole life I've been embarrassed that I don't have a father on my birth certificate. AMANDA: That I don't have... I never had... Listen, do not be embarrassed. This is nothing for you to be embarrassed about at all. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) What's hard for me too, is just... At my wedding I didn't have a man to give me away. <i> At my birth of my son, I didn't have parents there.</i> <i> I didn't speak to my mom throughout my pregnancy</i> <i> because it was just too much for me.</i> And, you know it's sad because she didn't come to my wedding, she didn't come to the birth. She did come after because my husband contacted her and said, "Look, let's start over." You know? So what are you hoping for today? What are you hoping these results... AMANDA: Just to know... Just, I need closure to know where I came from, who's my father? I'm not looking for somebody to be my dad. I'm 30 years old. I've lived my life, you know. I've grown this long without a father, I'm okay. I just want to know where I came from. Health reasons, heritage. So I can tell my son one day... What nationality he is, you know, or what health risks are on his side of the family. JUDGE LAKE:<i> I understand.</i> KENNETH: <i> She needs to find out who here real father is.</i> Yes. Mr. Curry, what are you hoping for, today? I'm hoping if it turns out that I am her father, that we can have a good relationship. I mean, we already do. (CHUCKLES) But, um... It would also be bittersweet at the same time that not knowing that or not even thinking it for 30 years, so... We live 15 minutes apart and I have never got together with my family. Except for when I was 16. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) AMANDA: <i> He's one town over and...</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> Wow.</i> <i> ...the only one I get together with is his niece.</i> I mean, even when I've gone to his niece's baby shower, the family just always, "Oh, you're David's daughter. "Oh, you're David's daughter." He wasn't there. But, I mean... It's just a shame that, like, if I'm family, why haven't they acknowledged me when I live 15 minutes from them, except for his niece, that's it. I don't know where it's gonna go from here. JUDGE LAKE: Well, I'll tell you what. In order to move forward we need the results. And, so, Jerome, I think we are ready... (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) find out the truth. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. JUDGE LAKE: In the case of<i> Morrow v. Curry</i> as it pertains to the paternity of Miss Amanda Morrow, I has been determined that Mr. David Curry is not your father. JUDGE LAKE: So, now it has been confirmed that in fact David Curry is not your biological father. Are you ready for the next result? If you need to sit down, ma'am, please feel free. I'm okay. Thank you. You okay? JUDGE LAKE: In the case of<i> Morrow v. Curry,</i> as it pertains to 30-year-old Amanda Morrow... Amanda, Mr. Kenneth Curry is not your father. (SOBBING) (AMANDA SNIFFLES) I'm sorry, sweetheart. (SOBBING) I just don't understand how someone could do this to their child. How do you lie to your child? Now I'll never know. How do I tell my son this growing up that I don't know who my father is? I just want closure. I want this to end. I just want to know. I want to sleep at night and not have nightmares... There's one other guy, Amanda, that I wasn't able to locate. Um, I will most certainly continue looking for him. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) Thank you. JUDGE LAKE: Thank you very much, Mr. Curry. Thank you for that. Miss Morrow, do not ever give up. I know this was not the news you wanted today. I just want to know the truth. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) If you ever need this court room again, we're here to help you if there's someone else you'd like to have tested or that agrees to have tested and we'll provide resources for you to help you process and get through this, okay? AMANDA: Thank you. JUDGE LAKE: We wish you the very best of luck. Thank you. Court is adjourned. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) Jerome, can you please escort Miss Morrow and her husband up to the bench please? There are times it feels like you're running into a brick wall. You've been blessed with a really strong guy here. But if you have to take that wall apart brick by brick, I know he's gonna help you move 'em. He has. Isn't that correct? Definitely. You understand? (SNIFFLES) Yes, ma'am.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 964,785
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: -gYaCHNb0iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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