WildCraft Movie: Fire and Ice - When two nations meet | A short film | By Sarah Panda

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] keep going my dear you can do it mom i got it good job elliott wow i want that too i want to do that too scarlet my dear you'll get it too just keep trying fire elliott i'm sorry did that hurt no it's fine mom did you see what scarlet did that was amazing listen each one of you firebase [Music] mommy are you okay fire no that is impossible why is it not ice mom what fireballs kill them mom what's wrong my dear you know that i love you you know that don't you yes mom i know i didn't know why my mother was so terrified was it because i was bending fire instead of ice well i didn't know i didn't know i could be killed for that she's a firebender no i can't no i can't she's my daughter elliot wake up yes ma'am i will go somewhere with your sister do do not come with us okay okay mom me [Music] is she coming back elliot i told you not to come tommy when scarlet comes [Music] she will come back it's too dangerous here [Music] [Music] [Music] mom where are you you good hello i saw you laying here i thought you were dead where where am i go quickly before they see you what's going on who do you mean you're in the fire nation what how did i get here i know you're from the ice nation you came from that direction i know you're not from here i will never be able to go back she doesn't want me so i'm gonna say hello i'm coming mom show me a magic trick what show me your power quickly [Music] you're a fire bender what does that mean i don't know you and i don't understand why you can bend fire but you seem lost [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i want to join the army you are insane scarlet listen you can't do that this is hard way too dangerous no why why would you do something like that i have to do it i hate the ice nation i want revenge girl they will kill you you would be fighting against your own nation your family which family you mean the mother who abandoned me the brother who doesn't care he probably forgot that i exist your mother had a reason for sending you away i'm sure i don't care the fire nation needs new soldiers i just want to be one of them there's nothing wrong with that you really are insane so many die in battles yes but i don't care about that no more i just want to fight them you do what you want but don't count on me not this time jacob wait jacob doesn't understand he doesn't understand what i went through scholars after we learned how to do magic we are gonna fight together and we will always stick together you know i will always support you i promise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh i wonder whether you're still alive where did the river take you to you really think you're stronger than me we will see of course not [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey you're not supposed to be here this is the training campus it's only for soldiers sorry i was just are you here to attend the army oh no sir i just wanted to see what they do you aion you have the choice to fight for our nation and master you take it no sir i couldn't do that you can't just say no the master needs new soldiers you could be banned for just refusing and saying no i'd rather be then to fight this pathetic battle you may actually be i am forced to tell the master what you said [Music] scarlet scala i need to talk to you what the better is tomorrow i don't have time for you punished you are what i have to leave the fire nation why because i refuse to join the army i have come because i don't think it's the right way two nations yes two worlds yes but not two families we are all one scholar when will you realize that but it's too late now i will fight i understand what my mother did but i could have died on the river i want to show everybody i'm strong you see scarlet this fight will go on and on and you contribute to it but nothing can change my mind now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's my brother what he can't be your brother he's not a firebender he's my twin brother and he died to save me jacob was right this fight gets us nowhere you're only no hatred fire and ice family nonsense fire nation we won [Music] they died [Music] hey what are you doing you must go to me i'm your new king [Music] [Music] so foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sarah Panda
Views: 1,083,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 36Jzf3vQIHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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