Wkrp In Cincinnati 216 Put Up Or Shut Up 16

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morning jennifer oh good morning less mr carlson morning did my package come not yet gee willockers ohio fisherman oh boy jennifer don't want to be disturbed right if you like my body and you think i'm sexy come on baby let me know [Applause] morning gals how's this sound a couple of shooters down at the cricket then dinner buzz off herb don't like that okay what about this hop into a pair of black leather skin tights and we go bowling in kentucky i love getting physical with you get lost herb body painting classes at the university i paint you you paint me and it's all very respectable i'm a little confused here usually you come in you ask me to dinner i say buzz off you say okay fine and that's it is there something wrong wrong nothing's wrong as a matter of fact lucille has taken the kids to her mother's and for the next 10 days huggable herb is on the loose and cruising out i'm gone jenny pooh but i'll be back [Laughter] hi babe that is so degrading why did you do something about that jennifer ten days i wouldn't stand for it i can't do ten days you know what you ought to do what just once what do you suppose would happen if you said yes to herm bailey nothing would happen bailey this is herb tarlick it was all show and no go say yes jennifer as soon as a woman gets just a little bit aggressive the man starts running oh but bailey bailey i couldn't stand it if everybody around here thought herb and i were yeah i know what you mean listen you call a bluffs bluff and he crumbles i've done it a dozen times well i do it it can't fail all right i'll do it at a girl jennifer you take it to the limit and you will crush that little weasel spirit you will break his back you will stomp him up and down and around and bailey i get it okay well i gotta go water my plants now baby if you've ever wondered i've wondered whatever became of me i'm living on the air in cincinnati wkrp got kind of tired of packing and unpacking from town to town up and [Music] and me were down meant to be just maybe think of me once in a while i'm at wkrp and cincinnati mail call oh my package is here battle creek michigan less it's my sneaky snooper it's a non-electronic listening device uh-huh johnny thanks gorgeous [Applause] my pleasure this is so exciting oh boy oh this is great look herb look so jelly jar lass of course that's the whole point it's disguised to look like a jelly jar but it comes with a full set of operating instructions and it's guaranteed let me see that step one place sneaky snooper next to wall whoa step two place ear to sneaky snooper step three listen you've been had again less laugh if you want to tarlick but i'll bring back an exclusive with this baby you uh you seen johnny you're on yeah you uh you're busy in a sec [Music] [Applause] another one of those uh one of those days huh you uh see anybody over there in that corner nope neither do i just testing you guess it's a good thing nobody's there listen uh are you okay man yeah sure fine no something weird just happening did you ever really get into your hand man i mean all those lines it's like a tiny expressway your thumb is an off-ramp what do you want um i don't know anymore coffee surely what's wrong you never brought me coffee before there are all sorts of things i've never done for you before [Music] hey um i know a classy little polynesian restaurant that puts umbrellas in your drinks ah interested you can take them home with you interesting i'd love it i'm having a flashback the 60s were a crazy time art interesting go on anything can trigger it off uh this time i think it was seeing sammy davis jr weep on tv as he accepted the disco lifestyle award [Applause] yeah i think that could do it here big guy hello hunk [Applause] karen she loves me she's not ready for the majors yet oh kathy she loves me not hmm hey there what's happening is that warren beatty or herb tarlik i see there huh it's a suit right somewhere there's a volkswagen without seat covers [Applause] i tell you what though congratulations man you have done it you're going out with the queen the head mama how did you know bailey told me bailey i bet you're scared aren't you what do you mean scared as in frightening you don't know me very well do you trap i guess not i thought you'd be worried about your uh limitations hey baby this is what do you mean limitations i'll tell you what he means herb you can uh hear through doors with that thing less it's a sneaky snooper you are nervous aren't you maybe just a little but i'm sure you've been uh nervous on dates before right never any problems never any complaints of course i'm not a married man with a lovely wife and two wonderful children who look to their father for moral guidance and the preservation of the family unit as we know it look bless i have wrestled with my demons i have had my sleepless nights i have checked my own heart of darkness and the bottom line is pal i gotta do it i am not going out with him bailey this isn't working why isn't this working what herb he's going to go through with it he is going to expect me to go out with him well i thought it would work you said it worked for you a dozen times did i say that well maybe it wasn't a dozen i can't remember exact numbers but i heard it worked bailey this is my reputation we are toying with here my life my sanity it will work trust me you just have to go all the way all the way this is no time to retreat this is time to attack bailey if this doesn't work why we'll just try sweeping it up here and then right there hi herbie hi herbie well look uh give uh bunny and little herb my love tonight when you tuck them in bed there okay all right lucille lucille i love you i really do no i it's just that i love you that's all i know all right okay okay all right well lester i guess it's time for herbie to hit the old glory trail it's gonna be some night tonight history is going to be made tomorrow i am a legend i can't do it less yes you can what i know something you don't know but you probably wouldn't be interested since i found it out with my sneaky snooper [Music] [Applause] oh no what is it the whole thing is a bluff to scare you away from jennifer love this afternoon i overheard jennifer tell bailey she had no intention of seeing your date through to its logical albeit slightly unseemly conclusion i don't believe it she intends to see to it that you're the one to back down uh mm-hmm well i got news for the little blonde lady up front [Music] ht is in for the duration i mean herb was just [Music] hello hi herb won't you come in i'd love to come in jennifer is that wine bag of wine thank you why herb this is a really fine french wine is it well i told the guy to give me the best he's got in the store without going over 14 bucks 13.99 make yourself comfortable okay fine i'll fix some cocktails good i could use a drink what would you perhaps you'd be more comfortable in the living room right what will you have got some bourbon i do would you like anything with it oh some nuts i guess should i uh sit on the couch or the chair doesn't matter are you okay [Laughter] goodbye fine should i put some music on sure you want to dance oh no never mind okay [Music] okay this straight bourbon yes that's what you said you wanted it is [Music] well this is uh quite a place you got here jenny thank you fireplace functional now that's your piano yes it is black i know most pianos you see nowadays are brown you play no good did you uh join me on the couch all righty would you like to lie down where well on the couch or in the bedroom oh god why don't you just relax i'm not doing this very well am i jennifer you're doing just fine oh no i'm not damn i want to be so cool about this tonight but i can't i mean i i fantasized about how this whole night would be i mean it was so nice you or you and i was i don't know somebody else saying and and doing all the right things instead of hyperventilating and sweating i'm sorry perspiring don't put yourself down i mean these things either work out naturally or they don't but we just don't have the right chemistry no no no no it's my fault i'm i i'm so stupid no it's not you it's it's us i bet you're pretty suave around your wife sure of course see that's why that relationship works like i'd uh rather not talk about my wife if you don't mind why not i feel a little guilty don't we're just two good friends getting together for a few drinks nothing more i need to ask you something jennifer okay did you say that you would go out with me tonight just to call my bluff and get me off your back well i can't say the thought hadn't crossed my mind it worked but you know you know then i thought why this guy herb he's a pretty handsome man and he's obviously crazy about women so it would be only natural if i were a little more than interested but he's not mine he belongs to another woman so i i thought well maybe i could just share his company a little and if i can't have him any other way then maybe i'll have him as a very dear friend of mine yeah yes it's not so bad you think so heck no i mean sometimes you know i just like to to be with a woman you know without pulling anything then why don't you take me out to dinner be delighted my wrap is in the bedroom okay fine you'd better get it okay [Music] oh [Applause] don't fool with me boy wkrp in cincinnati will be back after this [Applause] morning jennifer oh good morning mr carlson uh anything i uh need to deal with of course not well in that case you don't want to be disturbed feeling better fever oh yeah thank you i had about uh 17 hours straight sleep i think i'm seeing what i'm supposed to say don't go changing try and please me you've never let me down before [Music] you were terrific last night you too thanks for the drinks my pleasure i just wanted someone to talk to [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] hey
Channel: Radio181
Views: 105,398
Rating: 4.8606744 out of 5
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Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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