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most of us the surface of the sea is like a mirror to the sky out of sight out of mind we don't know what's happening beneath the waves the deep ocean is the most important part of our planet but it's the least known we have better maps of Mars than we do of our own seabed we need to go deep we reward our mothership the baseline Explorer we're a few miles off the coast of Bermuda in the Northwest Atlantic paranoid I'm Oliver seeds mission director of Nexen and a submersible pilot topside no map go ahead this is the open vent and I our journey down will be in this two-person Triton secure life-support systems are on and running technically is complete you're cleared iPhones Earth Spirit I of type outside we have a maximum operating depth of 1,000 feet our target is the top of an ancient undersea volcano as my co-pilot Calvin McGee one of the most experienced sub pilots in the world and has co-opted hundreds of dives including on the Titanic really really our sub is called nomads the southern front is Nemo we're diving together to maximize our scientific productivity and we're looking out for each other okay something goes wrong there 6-0 based on a heading of nine zero degrees are like horses and they're running and our vendors but instead of changes here now anymore that's this law across life by observing into a medic we're descending at 100 feet per minute and land in an outlet forest with the first to research this unique ecosystem one of the summits in a line of ancient undersea volcanoes which rises out of the ocean depths to create the Bermuda Plateau suddenly the abyss opens up beneath us dropping away far outside quite a sear drop feather yeah here done so at the end you can actually turn around will back down turn around right been around alright so we can face the wall wow that is absolutely spectacular all the way around we're gonna need to back up pretty quickly dropping pretty fast look at that [Music] we're now 350 [Music] fortune we rejoin NEMA as the light begins to face losing lights out there they're losing my father amazing we have four Dara Dara P dark brilliant coming around you build up a lot of momentum in a craft like this away three and a half tons you start accelerating you do need time to help slow down fluffy was bumping into the wall I wouldn't be very good there the office we have reached our maximum operating depth on this dive at five zero zero feet on a heading of one to three degrees our life-support systems are good down here the Sun doesn't shine these dark realms are home to 95% of our planets biases the reservoir of life now we go to work our job is to document in Tompa what lives down it I like them a forward lights on that militant are downward light on as one is different and we'd agree so Nemo that the front of us is undertaking a visual transit first our cameras going to forward and camera point it down a little laser that you can see underneath Nemo are providing the distance which enables scientists conduct investment they need this is the harshest environment on earth water pressure at this depth is 20 times that at the surface it's like having a jumbo jet resting on your head a tiny crack in our pressure hole and we would be crushed in a split second and there are other hazards to avoid just underneath Nemo you can seize them wire and actually wire coral and beneath them you can see a line looks like a fishing line or a cable that particular line there is a major hazard first of us if we would get led on it or causing this angle Malaysia and we'd need to find a way to disentangle ourselves from that everyone its surface our ocean is the beating heart of the planet but it's changing faster than at any time in the last 300 million years our mission is to diagnose the health of our planet spot we've chosen fixed parking all right let's go to that table Jack yeah quite small though Jack our average mission takes four hours it's time to return to the surface very slow as we inch upwards over the limestone slopes of the volcano the light starts to return revealed hidden wonders that appear kept behind a cliff with a walker love that by Harlem shake fluid look how these that is that is out of this world that's like standing on the halfway up a mountain and it's looking at it yeah but imagine my where we're on land we're basically a third right now looking ahead at that wall yep yep three eight eight feet heading zero zero one degrees our life-support systems are running [Music] topside no matter so we're coming out pretty quick at last we see the surface and return to the world sunlight passing through six zero feet most life on Earth depends on the sun's life-giving rays if the vast majority of the biosphere the planets habitable space lies in the deep ocean and never sees the Sun country that we are cleared to that surface [Music] only a tiny fraction of the oceans has been explored each journey into the unknown pushes back the frontiers of our knowledge and reconnects us don't blue planet you
Channel: Nekton Mission
Views: 279,765
Rating: 4.6283188 out of 5
Keywords: ocean submersibles exploration 360 adventure
Id: NlPN9Ox_MIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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