Keanu Reeves' Top 10 Moments! | The Graham Norton Show

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not many people know this at Keanu Reeves you've trained as a ballroom dancer no I didn't yes you did no I didn't yes you did no no no I took some Ballroom lesson there you go what did I just say not training wait but why didn't you decide to want to learn Ballroom um it sounded like fun I'm sensing it wasn't it was well it was thrilling actually I remember one of the first lessons I had um when I did the waltz with the partner and oh my gosh I mean I got high it was amazing that first time doing and she led and just [ __ ] oh excuse my life I'm just like it was amazing thrilling to be moving through space like that and yeah it was it was it was pretty special and then did the foxtrot and some Tango and if you kept it up absolutely no no no no fun as it was yeah yeah when I trained for the first Matrix film right they had us kind of training we trained for four months and for four months I'd worked with the other actors and he couldn't hit anybody no one could hit everything was about safety and then the first day of filming the guy tells me okay kick him I was like yeah kick him hit him he was a stun person but it was just it was just funny that you guys have trained me for four months and I'm not and then I couldn't hit him I was like I can't hit him and then finally the stunt I was just look if you don't hit me we have to keep doing this get it over with and we're done see that's true he could have taken your head off you're a fan aren't you yeah did you think he was going to be here yes I did I'm so sorry so I wouldn't have come and find it you're in a lovely white box so um and beautifully lit so let's get to it the first Matrix movie you know when we went to see it we all got it we blew our minds it was amazing but when you read the script could you know things like you know the being suspended animation and the bullet time and stuff did any of that make sense to you reading a script kinda I mean it really made sense when I when I when I met Lana and Lily um and they showed me a pre-vis for bullet time and uh you know for me it was just really exciting to be a part of something that was new in cinema you know uh changing perspective playing with time and all of the uh kind of technical computer generated support that that that image that event yeah um for me it was cool just to you know be able to dodge bullets in this film you are on a horse and was that again was your idea it was another Vision yes I had another Vision after chapter two John Wick is running out of Central Park and I said Chad I have a vision and he was like what Keanu and I said I want to ride a horse why don't I ride a horse I'm trying to escape and so he said that's a good idea and so began the training because with John Wick he can't just ride a horse yeah I have to come off the saddle you're supposed to fall under held onto the pommel excuse me it's fine and then it shoots them does um but uh but when we were training I I couldn't really do it and I fell um but as you do and so then they had to create something to make it safe and so they did this contraption that was like this truck with some beams and then a gentleman on a wire so I was picked in case I fell off the horse while we were on the streets and so that happened a couple of times the horse took off and I was like falling and then they pulled me up and but uh so that was nice if you try to imagine what Keanu looked like at 16. Oh no you're doing this yes we are we are what's weird is you look exactly the same no you do you do this is Keanu age I think 16s 17. doing a commercial for uh is it Coca-Cola yeah it was a really big deal actually for me it's one of my first jobs and it was a big deal here you are okay enjoy [Music] [Music] who's your coach my dad [Music] was that the american commercial that was the Canadian commercial and that was one of my first experiences where I actually had the director you know where you have to drink the the drink and they keep saying no not like that you know and you're there for an hour and it's like you're on a desert island you're dying of first now see the line Coke no and then it kept going and going until finally it went to anyway this is something because I I thought it mustn't be America because I watched that a few times now you lose the race like drink a curler you two could lose Jack here I know you're a big fan of keanu's films like I am a huge fan of yours I love John Wick Bill and Ted Matrix like obviously as well you're a man that is not afraid of a sequel but one of my favorite movies of all time is speed why did you turn down speed too ah very much and uh speed two yeah at the time I just uh um I didn't respond to the script I really wanted to work with Sandra Bullock and and uh I just you know I really love playing Jack Travis you know I love speed and it was like okay a bus okay we're going but now it's on an ocean liner yeah speed ocean liner speed not feeling ocean noise but anyway but it was really just the time in my life and and where where the script was and stuff I it wasn't against any of the artists that I've you know involved with the project but um at that time I'm sure we've all had this kind of feeling sometimes when things just don't feel right and yeah and that was that was how I was feeling and it was almost like in real life you were dodging a bullet so uh that's good [Music] [Applause] talking off sequels much excitement or well maybe is it true Bill and Ted three yeah all right give a tag still alive [Applause] this is a thing didn't happen you talked about this yeah yeah the the writers had a story um and we're trying to make it yeah so what like where are building Ted Knox they must be well in their 50s now yeah yeah it would be Bill and 10 in their 50s I mean that just makes me laugh right there like what happened to these guys um but there was there's a cool story basically they're supposed to write a song to save the world and they haven't done that so the pressure of having to save the world you know their marriages are falling apart their kids are kind of mad at them and and but then someone comes from the future and tells them if they don't write the song it's just not the world now it's the universe and so they have to save the universe because the you know time is breaking apart and uh so then elements of the paste that person from there yeah three and you're in it I can't get in a movie with him you know those movies okay you find someone some clothes on I'll come in the air guitar thing are you is that something if you're ever in a bar and a guitar song comes in do people just look at you kind of like let's go into he's going to yeah yeah which is kind of cool in a way that it's still alive you know so could you do it so you say accident then then yeah you do that okay okay I'm gonna use this like I'm training like yeah you're doing a movie yeah bad bad Keanu Reeves that was terrible at your mom my mother your mother and she was English wasn't she yeah and she was a costume designer yeah she was yeah but we've got a picture apparently oh my gosh I know she designed what dolly is wearing on this wow I love this show it is but this outfit was in your house oh yeah I I wore that for Halloween are you no hey I mean how did you there was some room right yeah where did you go wherever did you like did you go door to door did you Trick and Treat him well I wasn't like 14. you know I was 16. whatever I do I got on public transportation but the thing was I didn't have the shoes so I had that whole thing I had the ears I had the bow tie I had the top I didn't have the cufflink and then it was the stockings that I didn't shave my legs and I was wearing these really ratty sneakers and then I was on the streetcar going to this uh fat a Halloween party at the performing arts high school that I went to and did you have this with you I was wearing winter I was there I was like you'd have to have this video so people knew just how cool your costume was I know it was well made yeah no no no come on [Music] awesome where did you guys find this it's mine we're used to seeing you in the Mean Streets but this time John Wick goes Global now is it actually the Sahara Desert yes it's a remarkable place it was the first time I'd ever been there so when we see you walking in the desert that is you in the Sahara that's me and the Sahara with Halle Berry now I would say even tonight it's not a bad day even tonight you are more suitably dressed for walking through the Sahara than you are because like lace-up shoes aren't a good idea I know but it's John Wick he's gotta change wouldn't he take his tie off no no no we talked about like you know does he wrap his coat around his head it doesn't do all his survival techniques no no no John Wick is walking in the desert you know Keanu Reeves and Halle Berry so you've got to think how how could they be upstaged these dogs are amazing they are spectacular now I don't want to spare anyone's blushes or I don't think this is a spoiler but there is a lot of ball biting that goes on yes in the film yeah they're attack dogs ball biting ball balls right okay oh right now is that just have they just put some cheddar cheese down there how do you get a dog to do that cheddar cheese dogs love cheddar cheese sausage and cheese yeah that's how you train your dogs to do anything sausages and cheese you don't want them to bite you harder you want protection you know like you don't want to entice them did you have like stunt balls but they're so sweet they're so smart um and yeah and so once we got into the action of it it's kind of like dog Foo right so we have like carfu and John Wick gunfu now there's dog food so they become part of the action in him and even though you're very famous you do ride motorbikes don't you yes yeah but like a lot is that your main way of getting around yeah pretty much yeah a little Norton Commando yeah English twin sorry did you just say did you just say a Norton Commander in your legs because I can tell you at least one person's sitting very close to you is imagining exactly that right [Applause] rehearsal That's My Boy the jokes write themselves they're not going there but you do fall off motorbikes a lot yeah I've had some you know it's a weird thing I've had some good luck and some bad luck you're alive that's the good luck the bad luck is I've got a fake tooth I've got a huge scar here I've got a I guess a plate in my neck about this but that's not all just the motorcycles but yeah I've come off the bike a few times yeah and but wasn't there a time you scarred your leg yeah that was the one where a car pulled out in front of me and and I was kind of trying to decide this was just after I had the plate in the neck and I was deciding it so I was kind of about to hit the car because I started to Veer but then the car saw me and started to move and then he stopped and then I was just like oh man what am I getting so then I was trying to decide whether to drop the bike or to jump off the bike and go over the car and then by the time I kind of figured that all out um I took the bumper off of his car and I ended up sitting on the ground and then that bike was just lying over there and then my tooth was cut in half and I had blood in my mouth and then the guy came over and he was freaking out but I was in shock so I was like it's okay the thing about it is that I was getting as I was sitting my skin was open on my shin and Bone White is very white yeah it's like so I kept touching it and my friend without it like look how white that is and so then this woman who came up said it said everything okay and then she kind of was there and the paramedics and she was like is that Keanu Reeves and he's like what can I have your autograph thank you [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 906,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show new series, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Graham Norton Show new series, talk show, british talk show, funny celebrity moments, celebrity interviews, best celeb moments
Id: 6VxnceG_eh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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