Proof That Keanu Reeves Is the Nicest Man in Hollywood

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I'm Keanu rege little tiny mark Whalberg here thinks he's big Keanu Reeves don't you ever claim to be the man that changed my life with the greatest role in history [Music] [Applause] advantage would be here in and out so if you want to cut the road and deal with your bags later or deal with customer service [Music] [Music] it's populations around 380,000 making it the ninth most populous city in California and the 52nd most populous city in the nation why because you're my father [Music] movies have made so much money three and a half billion dollars entertain entertain right yet I know I'm a pretty simple guy you know I've been really lucky to have the chance to have a career and I don't know I just have always tried to keep it simple I hope I help them I help them I just want to help [Music] just I said whatever you do just keep my dress down and heat the whole stunt like he just made sure my dress that's sweet did you all get together did you date him never dated [Music] what's this that's you that's your sad Keanu me oh my god you know like when you do those things [Music] that's when he was sitting you know he wasn't I mean that was Jerry hovering around with him oke honor I mean 82nd that's hilarious we would finish rehearsal [Music] we're done oh sorry [Music] [Music] hdu eat did you ever eat tasty weak [Music] [Music] tell him his charlyk [Music] so I can drive you then well I'll Drive you wherever you want no it is very Tokyo [Music] you know I have a foundation that does some you know it's mostly directed towards you know health care and education [Music] the guy tells me okay kick it how many what and then finally the stunt guy was just look if you don't hit me we have to keep doing it just have you got to get it over with and we're done you do what you want your County weaves [Music]
Channel: Movie Rockstar
Views: 13,309,343
Rating: 4.9472427 out of 5
Keywords: movie rockstar, john wick actor, keanu reeves interview, keanu reeves subway, keanu reeves airport, sad keanu, keanu charity, keanu emergency landing, keanu fans, keanu reeves biography
Id: G-IRX-Xaa3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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