Top 10 Moments That Made Us Love Keanu Reeves

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what do you think happens when we die keanu reeves i know that the ones who love us will miss us welcome to ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 moments that made us love keanu reeves for this list we're looking at times where the canadian actor made us swoon with his easy going attitude refreshing sincerity and enthusiasm for movie making what's your favorite keanu moment let us know in the comments below [Music] number 10 humility in interviews in 2019 keanu was making headlines left and right for his selfless and charming attitude in addition to his roles in toy story 4 always be my maybe and john wick chapter 3. and so far you haven't disappointed however when interviewers asked him at the pixar movie premiere how he felt about being quote the internet's boyfriend reeves responded in a bashful way i've been what you've been dubbed the internet's boyfriend everyone is just kind of gushing over you on the internet you didn't know that yet no that's uh he joked that the title was wacky and said the positivity is great the public was impressed with his down-to-earth response especially given his movie star status so you will take the title of america's sweetheart no but i mean listen it's nice when it's nice and i'm really like a pc although he didn't embrace the title his demeanor may have further cemented his place as the internet's boyfriend you can't take a to work with angelica houston and halle berry mark de caskos this is the reaction of what the nicest guy in the world is by the way number nine meme worthy pictures who knew neo could be so relatable sorry i'm not i'm just another guy in the 2010s pictures of reeves doing pretty mundane things started to make the rounds on social media the paparazzi photos are not the most flattering but they do show keanu in a very relatable light from a snap of him digging into a plate of pizza to one of him looking dejected on a public bench the pictures of the famous actor endeared audiences to his sympathetic attitude after all who hasn't taken a break from drinking a juice to contemplate life number eight waiting in line even when it's his party keanu doesn't mind being patient at least that's the story from 2014 when apparently the actor waited for 20 minutes in the rain to get into a wrap party for his movie exposed really yeah although there was a long line keanu did not skip to the front or pull rank in order to get in faster his lovable behavior didn't stop once he got into the event either according to reports from that night keanu also found someone's credit card on the ground and took steps to return it to the owner you waited outside your own wrap party for 20 minutes in the rain because you didn't want to make a scene about the miscommunication about getting let in i have no idea what to call that okay and the bounce was like and you just didn't want to okay no i don't remember that number seven appreciating stunt performers john wick knows how to take a hit as an actor keanu does too the movie star does a lot of his own stunts and that involves a lot of collaboration with talented stunt artists in 2019 film critic hannah flint shared that keanu campaigned for the plot of john wick chapter 3 to be changed so that two characters would not be killed off martial arts stars jaceb arif rachman and yayan rukiyen reportedly knocked him down so many times during rehearsals that keanu claimed the assassin could not kill their movie counterparts his respect for the skill of fight choreography and his fellow artists has only made him more admirable to fans number six taking pay cuts keanu generally ranks among the highest paid hollywood actors thanks to his roles in culture defining franchises like the matrix and john wick however he has been known to sacrifice his paycheck in order to improve a film in the 90s keanu wanted to work with al pacino on the devil's advocate so he accepted less money so the studio could court pacino i'm kidding what do you think he's paying us in goats blood hey tarzan we're billing you out at 400 an hour my friend i don't see a whole lot of pro bono work in your immediate future then during the filming of the matrix sequels keanu gave up part of his claim on the movie's profits so that more money could be spent on costumes and special effects i need a download to hotwire a motorcycle not a problem one crash course a motorcycle wait cancel that you are handy his graciousness didn't stop there he reportedly bought motorcycles for a dozen stunt performers who worked on the matrix as a way to thank them for helping to make the movie wow number five playing himself oh there he is keanu can definitely take a joke in the 2019 rom-com always be my maybe the actor has a role as a very exaggerated version of himself although he's only in a small portion of the film these scenes stick out as particularly delightful now i know what it feels like to be completely starstruck the only stars that matter are the ones you look at when you dream his role makes it seem like the actor knows about his peculiar and magnetic persona and does not take himself too seriously his interplay with the two stars of the film ali wong and randall park makes for some of the best bits in the movie plus not every hollywood superstar would be comfortable having a song all about knocking them out best believe i punched keanu reeves and it was better than any scene you could see in speed i hit john wick and now i'm feeling so appealing basically i'm a god you could call me hercules number four helping stranded travelers if a flight you're on has to make an emergency landing chances are your trip is going to be worse off because of it yes you calm did you panic did you have thoughts i took a breath i took a breath that wasn't necessarily the case for passengers when their l.a bound plane was forced to land in bakersfield california that's because keanu reeves was stranded with them the actor posed for pictures and gave autographs to fans before arranging for transportation for all the travelers on the minibus journey keanu shared facts about bakersfield and played country music from his phone its population is around 380 000 making it the ninth most populous city in california and the 52nd most populous city in the nation in making sure everyone made it to their destination he showed how caring he is for others even every day folks number three hover hand his being respectful of individual space and boundaries is yet another reason the masses love keanu fans of the actor on twitter have realized that in many photographs he hovers his hand instead of touching the people he's posing with whether he's pictured with country superstar dolly parton or just with normal fans he maintains a casual friendly stance but refrains from actually touching the person it's a very thoughtful move on the star's part when words spread over social media many additional photos of keanu practicing the same strategy over the years quickly surfaced turns out he's been a considerate guy for a while number 2. subway manners [Music] hear that mr anderson that is the sound of inevitability chivalry isn't dead at least none of keanu reeves has anything to say about it in 2011 the actor was filmed offering his seat on a crowded express train in new york city to a fellow passenger who was holding a large bag in the video keanu sees the woman gestures to her and they trade positions on the train the moment quickly went viral with fans praising keanu for his quiet manners despite it being a somewhat everyday act his politeness was a pleasant reminder for fans that he remains a grounded and thoughtful person despite his immense celebrity status consider this a professional courtesy before we unveil our top pick here are some honorable mentions being a bookworm keanu used to feed his fiction and sudoku habit at a local bookstore friendship with winona ryder the two have an endearing relationship and have starred in multiple movies together but it was still just doing our job even though we woke up in the morning went to bed at night called each other all of the time every spare moment running lines totally terrified having fun we have these wonderful characters that we get to play ice cream autograph keanu bought ice cream just so he could sign the receipt for a shy fan relationship with alexandra grant made headlines walking the red carpet together toy story 4 audition keanu jumped on a table to commit to the role the character's so full of life and i just thought you know he can't he's a showman he's a daredevil and so when he's on the bike i was just like he keeps doing poses you know and he can't stop before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one you're breathtaking the moment that became a meme started with the cry of an excited fan when keanu went on stage at the e3 convention in 2019 he described the game cyberpunk 2077 as breathtaking to which someone in the crowd replied you're breathtaking you're all breathtaking keanu then returned the compliment to the delight of the crowd and the phrase became a recognizable reference for fans [Music] one month later when he was on the way to film bill and ted face the music keanu actually saw a handmade sign that was left for him by a fan with the phrase keanu reportedly stopped wrote his own you're breathtaking beneath it and left a personal inscription for the fan going above and beyond to make someone else's day better that's just classic keanu excellent to each other and party on dudes do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from ms mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 3,534,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity, cyberpunk 2077, human interest, keanu reeves, keanu reeves E3, keanu reeves interviews, keanu reeves kindness, keanu reeves memes, keanu reeves moments, keanu reeves movies, keanu reeves performances, list, mojo, moments, moments that made us love, moments that made us love keanu reeves, msmojo, reasons we love keanu reeves, the matrix, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, you're breathtaking
Id: lMNJ-FL470E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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