Keanu Reeves & Donnie Yen Interview - John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023)

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foreign goes out to you Mr Wick 42 regular wasn't it yeah And So It Begins if you enjoy the World building of the John Wicks then we have some really a lot of fun stuff in store we have new characters new levels of action for John Wick action the production design the scale the scope a lot of big rooms High ceilings we're in Berlin we're in Paris we have amazing thespians and costume design there's other themes that are coming back from all the different versions of all of the films so there's stuff that you can recognize and then there's new things we're trying to cook up beautiful Feast with multiple courses and some nice wine so sit back see it on the big screen eat some popcorn and John Wick I have never met anybody in the film industry even with my 40 years of working with so many Chinese directors action directors right including that I can truly say that someone like Chad can understand what I'm trying to express it's that whole Asian culture and Western culture even when I'm back home when I'm with my most comfortable environment in with my colleagues Asian filmmakers they don't understand me as much as chat does and that's a compliment to him and I told him that you know throughout our business I said you know it's very interesting that you understand where I'm coming from and I understand where he's coming from Chad really hooked into this idea of trying to study John Wick through the situations of other characters and he was really drawn to The Good the Bad and the Ugly and so enter Donnie yet has came Shamir Anderson as the tracker we have hiroyuki sonada who I worked with on 47 Ronin he has a daughter who's working with him and that's the incomparable Rina sarayama and then the antagonist of the piece the Marquee Bill Skarsgard you're kind of following their stories as they're trying to get John Wick and Kane and John Wick have a past the tracker is kind of a younger character who's kind of outside of it who's not an assassin but then gets kind of takes a deal to force to become an assassin and his characters come after John and then there's moments where we have to work together against the table so that Dynamic is a way of opening up the world who are these other characters that exist in this world and then how do they interact with John and how does John interact with them the way I process the style of the fightings in all my movies I identify this personality first it's not about the style people always ask me oh you know what martial style you want this to me it doesn't matter right to me how this person reacts is how this character reacts it's a little bit jumpy it's a little bit calm it's a little bit like for example this guy his family man introvert calms walk slow talk slow therefore movements is very reserved he only reacts to an outside force so it's always the character once I identified the character it comes natural for me to have these body movements if I wanted to use an example to explain to people who's fascinated with my films and I use Music my jazz how do I explain to you why am I playing this notes this passage because it's my feeling a great day thank you [Applause] in English the Australians today in Spanish Australians there's one kiwi here somewhere do the jordanians yeah jordanians thank you everybody else really special to be here I mean look at this but it's not only the place that's special it's all the people and everyone so happy to meet so many great people and artists and so thank you for all your support and thank you very much [Applause]
Channel: iHollywoodTV™
Views: 1,443,860
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Keywords: keanu reeves and donnie yen, keanu reeves donnie yen, keanu reeves and donnie yen interview, keanu reeves, donnie yen, keanu reeves john wick 4, keanu reeves john wick chapter 4, donnie yen john wick 4, john wick chapter 4 donnie yen, donnie yen and keanu reeves, keanu reeves vs donnie yen, donnie yen movies, keanu reeves movies, john wick chapter 4, john wick chapter 4 2023, john wick, John Wick Movie, behind the scenes, donnie yen fight scene, keanu reeves stunts, movies
Id: zZym8Emmk98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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