Witchcraft Exposed Pt.3 Minister Kevin L A Ewing

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as with all of our teachings we're going to be coming from a biblical perspective on this okay which graph in the church and again we're going to be dealing with it from a biblical perspective showing you how the Bible view it how the Bible now will become your benchmark to see it through spiritual eyes knowing that some place you probably would have been following and because it have the banner Jesus Christ or the banner God you automatically thought of a something of God and tell you begin to zoom in a little bit closer and they were actually going to do that you're gonna do that based on the principles and the protocols that I'm gonna show you in the Bible on how you now begin to differentiate a place that is of God and a place that is not of God okay so basically sorceries and just reserved for the people whom we deemed to be doing that but people right among us and of course I'll show you all of this in the scriptures again for those of you who do not have access to dub 103.7 you can also stream in terms of the radio station you can stream online you can go to their website double bond or three point seven on Facebook you can also go to my YouTube page Minister Kevin Laue or just type in Kevin Ellie Ewing and you'll see me streaming live right now and also my five Facebook pages my personal page Kevin Ellie Ewing my words of wisdom group which is a private group for those that are in there will be seeing me also Kevin Ellie Ewing / page and the Kevin Ellie Ewing ministry page and also for those who don't know I also have a website blogspot sorry where I have all of my articles every article that I've ever written that I've ever published in me had published in the local daily Freeport news or the Tribune the national daily all of those articles if you were trying to you know get a hold of an article that you read some time ago but don't know where to find it you can go to my blog spot which is Kevin Laue dot blog spot.com and that's PLO GSP ot one word.com you can go there right now and you will see every article that I've ever written all of the teachings on sorcery witchcraft dreams I have over 140 plus articles specifically or dreams I deal specifically with spiritual warfare the spiritual world and as you would know already everything is scripturally based you're gonna see it from a scripture perspective okay I also have my for those of you are the Android format there see up okay Kevin Ellie Ewing ministries up you can go there you can download that up and you can you can watch me live right now I have a lot of prayers on that I've also I've been getting a lot of feedback from the prayers that has been posted and many people don't know how to pray many people know what to say to God they're tired of babbling the same thing over and over well I have a cadre of prayers and you know when I pray I bring down the heavens just written in those Perez but the scriptures okay that's very very important so you can go on not that up right now purchasing the Android so those who have some song and all those other devices you will find it now I have some excellent knows and this is some news I know the majority of my followers wanted to hear including myself because I'm also the possessor of Apple products ok the Apple iPhone the iPad and so on and many of you cried on say well Kevin when you're gonna do an app for the Apple well thank you Jesus it has finally been done it is now going through the testing stages I have been promised hopefully if everything goes well and all of the kinks are taken out of it then we will have that post that the actual app itself will be in the Apple App Store it is free like all of my apps and you can go to you can download it so you don't have to be sitting in by your radio or whatever it is that you do to watch me you can actually use the convenience of your smartphone especially those Apple users which also includes myself you will be able to Kevin Ellen Ewing ministries and everything that I have do you have a link to my facebook page a link to my youtube link to my blog spot you can view one of my blogs all of my prayers basically everything that's on the Android app you would be able to see on that app now promise you many months ago that you know I would be will be you know just innovating as we go along God has sent the right people at the right time to begin to promote what we're doing here clearly it's it's it's it's working because I'm able to do a lot of things that I just could not do on my own so many people you know stretched stretched out and reached out sorry to me you know asking me hey would you mind if I help you with this all of you and that so I'm very grateful to them for seeing the vision here in terms of getting the gospel or did not Kevin getting the gospel Kevin is just a conduit I say to you all the time Kevin is not your Savior Kevin is not your spiritual father Kevin is none of those things they call me Minister Kevin that title isn't to show dignity what that title mean is exactly what it is a servant servant Kevin that's what I am you can call me a servant that's what I am all right the Bible say they or he that is greatest among you must serve not dictate not rule not bully Kevin about that Kevin is a servant of the Scriptures seven of the knowledge of God seven of the wisdom of God and I exhaust all of my resources as well as those who sponsor and assist me with it to push the Word of God not Kevin and I don't they tell you that because I've made it unequivocally clear through my teachings I'm not on your spending hours begging you for money I'm not telling you sending you no letters to invest see it I do not have to do that I will never do it because I have proven over and repeatedly so much so that I left my job to do it that once you do the will of God God will now do for you what you could not do for yourself or assist you or send people to assist you and I'm a living testimony of that and I just wanted to get that in there because a lot of people or didn't want to go and move out on what God has been played has placed in their heart but they are freed because they're thinking where's the resources how am I gonna get this done I don't have my own church in terms of a building and so on but I don't have a been I don't have none of those things I don't 1,000 to 400 members however what I do have is the hearts of those would have been touched by the things that God has given me and as a result of that God has freed and pressed upon their to assist with what we're doing here and that is the message that I want to get him so again you can go on YouTube or Facebook right now type in Kevin Ellie Ewing and you will get to be a part of this divine message today but that's it let me quickly go through my sponsors because we have a lot of information a lot of information I hope you have your your pans your notepads your your recording devices we have tons of information plenty scriptures I'm going to give you today plenty of it okay entertainment DVD and snacks located Town Center the numbers three five two six nine five four one of your delicious hotdogs and variety of party beef patty jerk party curry chicken patty cheesy beef patty spinach and vegetable parties also assortment of DVD movies and snacks they will be more than happy to facilitate whatever your desires are as it relates to what they carry them I always say to you I strongly suggest the be for dogs and also the parties very very tasty very very delicious they also have an assortment of many soft drinks sodas soda pop you needed they got it all there so after a busy day of shopping with the kids if you have a difficult time finding them give them a call three five to six nine five four and they can direct you to exactly where they're located also located Town Center is Mahseer picks up a business is called pick here Beauty Center of course all of the females let me be clear now females I don't catch no fellip dip doing nonsense for the prime minister I will come and straighten more immediately Brady V Marcia Marcia came in to all women okay in terms of having here beautification done she deals with all sorts of hair care and wraps bounding bonding sorry short bonny short pixie hair cuts here weaving ponytail sculptured styles and let's go on Marcia Pickstock is the person that she would want to have a conversation with he also has a here Brito on property so your kids who you cannot be given those nice hairstyles to like you do you can't afford it because it's too costly but she have some money who can breathe here that will last for a longer period of time before you get the next session of hair braiding again you can give our call at three five two two two two zero three five two two two two zero or you can call on a cell phone which is five three three nine three two six also on property you have a person that does manicures and pedicures so you're gonna get those feet and nails done Massey is the place in which you most certainly want to have that done also we have Tico's fashion tickles fashion men's stores again if you're watching me live you will see this beautiful peach shirt that I'm wearing right now again it is the the the result of Tico's fashion secrets fashion is located at the rear of the pulls off first diagonally across the street from the Scotiabank their number is three five two three three nine four four all men attire short pants long pants short sleeve shirt long sleeve shirts nice plaid shirts cargo pants cargo shorts this is the place and especially you ladies Valentine is coming up Valentine is coming up next month and if you want to buy something very very nice for your you know your significant other your husband or Malvo then Ticos fashion is where you want to go again if you have difficulty finding them you can give them a call at three five two three three nine four and that's three five two three three nine four simply the best may applaud building for all of your audio and video needs Multimedia recording of funerals weddings office party beach parties you name it you want to have DVDs transfer sorry VHS see tapes transferred to DVDs or what have you restoration of videos or whatever then these are the people you want to give call simply the best three five one six five one nine three five one six five one nine you can speak to mr. or mrs. Clifford Bo three five one sixty five one nine again for all of your video needs then we have J and buildest general construction company for all your building needs particularly after the storm that we've had a few months ago hurricane durian that has literally devastated this island then you want to give J and buildest general construction a call at three five two two four three two of you to reach them immediately the numbers 5 3 3 their mobile that is five three three two zero six four five three three two two zero six forty born again I'll send out our condolences our sincere condolences to mr. Julian Mixon the proprietor of J and Billy's construction who he laid his father to rest last week our prayers and thoughts are with him and his family but we want to thank him also for his contribution to this radio station as well as everyone else one of my private sponsors as usual I thank God for you guys I praise the Lord for all of the contributions that you've made to keep this program on the air and to also assist with us assisting others I am extremely grateful for what you have done and I know that God will multiply the seed that you have sown in this ministry and again I want to thank you for everything that you have done and that you will continue to do alright I don't give a shout out to my beautiful wife I am so in love with this woman my sweetie pie Deidre Ewing she know I am saying this but I just want to thank God for her you know sometimes you know I put everybody in who I'm thanking faster when you show and so on but she does so much behind the scene and I'm really a appreciative to have us that Jam in my crown she she fits a very perfect place there because she assists me greatly and that in any man of God any preacher teacher of the gospel will understand exactly where I'm coming that you can beat mom bothered by so many things going on you know people coming in laying their problems on you and seeking solutions through the Word of God through you and so on and so forth that it could be so burdensome and you need someone in your life that will bring that balance and I thank God for my Korean my sweetiepie my my all in all my mistress Deidre Ewing who has really become a very very supportive role in my life on in this ministry I'm also overwhelmed you know she was here two weeks ago I mean she did this brief teaching on a pastors ministers apostle Bishop wife and even to this day you know she is constantly being stopped wherever she go and people are really relating to the message that she brought a boat and I find it to be so riveting in that again God not because God called me that mean he called her did you still did we did we still do a degree is called to do or neat or whatever so a lot of that misconception that because your husband is a pastor or minister that mean you must become that and you know what I I really want to invite a balcony again to do a part to the lab I think because she had so much information on it but for some reason she thought I at some time constraint all right Ellen do what you got to do so of course we're gonna bring her back on in the not-too-distant future to really give more spiritual insight on that revelation that she and I thought it was profound many others also thought that so we will be bringing her back so I just love expressing my love for my and I want to tell men oh damn man listen love your wives man just like Christ loved the church there's a benefit in it all right there's a real benefit in it and I have no problem no matter where we go in the world and of course you know she always accompanied me I let it known to everyone my love for the one that God has blessed me with who again assists me I mean greatly innocent honored to be a husband and us having this wonderful reunion so I praise God for her but that said I want us to jump right into today's teaching and like I said today be continuing the part three of witchcraft expose okay witchcraft expose and our sub topic today is witchcraft in the church witchcraft in the church now this is going to be a very very powerful teaching and again I admonish you to please get your pens write these things now even my hater so dare you you can hate me all you want but put your personal feeling about me aside right now but put aside are you feel I don't give my delivery or presentation put all about how you poison if you let's just focus on the Word of God don't tell the devil give a break for at least two hours and he could jump back on you again and within those two hours because you're about to see something in the Word of God us literally gonna challenge gonna challenge you okay now I want us to go to Jeremiah I want us to go to Jeremiah chapter five and we're gonna read from verse 26 to verse 31 Jeremiah chapter five okay we just pull it up here myself then we gonna read from verse 26 to verse 31 and again the topic today the sub topic today is witchcraft in the church Yemi which graph in the church all right a series topic is witchcraft expose so it's a part of the exposure of witchcraft we need to see it right there quote-unquote in the house of God because this is going to explain so much of why you're not seeing what Christ has promised before he left the sort that was supposed to be in terms of signs wonders and miracles he's supposed to be doing far more than he did and we're not seeing the far more than he did okay and we're gonna see why so Jeremiah chapter five was 26 listen what it says form all of my people are found wicked men all right this is God using Jeremiah speaking through Jeremiah this is Jeremiah's message to the children of Israel so when he say among my people I don't want you to believe here that mix up in this people are the Israelites the Philistines the Syrians and all these other people know this these are the people of God only just like the church that's basically what it is so he say for among my people have found wicked men that lay wait as he that said it snares that word mean trumps see that set of traps they set a trap that catch men alright verse 27 as a cage is full of birds so are these houses full of deceit therefore not which houses are he talking about see because this is where I'm going to make sense he say for among my people there are people among the body of Christ who are a part of the body of Christ cold and cold all right but the Bible is labeling them as wicked men and the whole idea is to set traps for the true people of God all right it says that they set traps they catch men innocence is given a simile now as a cage is full of birds so are their houses full of deceit therefore they are become great and wax rich they are waxed fat they shine yay they overpass the deeds of the wicked he is talking about the so-called people of God he is talking about the book though those who claim to be prophets prophets apostles teachers and all his other stuff he's saying that there's some among them not all but some of them are not who they claim to be and his talk is telling you what their intent is their intent is not just to become wealthy see this is the spiritual implication yet he said that they are setting traps to catch men but I want to be clear it isn't like there is a church right and when you walk to the front foyer just to get in the main sanctuary when you get into the main century there's not a big rug there and underneath that rock is a big hole that when you walk on the road you collapse into some dungeon that's not the traps he's talking about that the traps he's talking about here are spiritual traps false prophecy using evil miracle cloths and miracle oils and I'm not saying all are so I'm talking specifically about these evil people I'm not talking about those who truly would take the oil and anoint you true the shed blood of Jesus Christ or not I'm talking about specifically these wicked men who are now mimicking with true men and women do as a guise to infiltrate their spiritual evil so let's be clear now first 27 of Jeremiah 5 he says as a cage is full of birds so are the houses full of deceit therefore they have become great wax rich so what are you saying now through their sorcery through their bewitch me through their magic okay under the guise of apostle or the Church of Jesus Christ or whatever is that they label it as he's saying that I'm not only out he putting these people in traps or caging them making them spiritually limited but through the evil that notice spells that are upon them they are able to make demands on him more than likely financially but a description makes it clear that these evil men are becoming rich off of these these these people that they're bewitching and I'm going to explain all of the bewitching in more detail in a little bit he said they become great and waxed rich and we know them every two words is money money every time they come down to the Bahamas or any Caribbean I don't know from wherever everything is going to say so dissing God everything is financial so the scripture is exposing or revealing to you from a spiritual perspective things that you would not know recognize observe or become aware of naturally force 27s in cages full of birds so are the houses full of deceit therefore they become great and rocks rich listen it was 28 of Jeremiah five they are wax fat they shine yay the oath apart is our wicked mayor it says that they overpass the deeds of the wicked so this is what that mean the fellow who you know practice and sorcery down the road right who have nothing to do with God because he believed in his idols he believed and it's whatever the scripture is telling you that these said who are under the guise of men and women of God are far more wicked than the ones down the road who you told and tell you they will serve the God of Abraham how could that be how is that possible well let's read the scriptures first 28 they are box flat they shine right and round a nice car and this is how you always know and I always tell people is when if you go into a church and the only the pastor shine it only him got the nice car only his family living high off the hog everybody's gotta cater to them everybody got a sword to their life that's not the common belt of what Christ died for the Commonwealth is that every who that wealth will be common to everybody so something wrong here based on the scripture not my opinion we reading this from the scripture there are works for our nation I DEA they overpass the deeds of the wicked day judge not the cause they cook the cause of the fatherless yet they prosper and the right of the needy do they not judge so they're not fair the scriptures saying that the only ones that they would side with is doors who are finishing their lifestyle but you'd the johnny-come-lately who is so and $1,000 seed who is sucking up the passed away worshiping him away carrying his luggage who in sponsoring his ships where we go to to the other ship caught on his planes the scriptures saying that you you ain't get no justice from them so when you come to complain about Tom over here who sweetheart known as right but Tom furnishing this the sky pass and say boy you know judge not touch not God's anointed he gonna lick you every scripture to dismiss your claim when you see that and I'm only putting this on early in this teaching because I'm showing you the foundation of witchcraft in the church when there's no more righteous judgment when there's no more fairness with everything surrounding things we got to get this bill in bill and every minute you Church true and wrathful that is beyond me when in a raffle we need one family to purchase the window we can write their name on it we need two families to get the pew and then we can increase it what what is this what is this where did this is a subtle method of not just controlling you know but bringing division because the hosel couldn't afford to have a badge that are you saying that the bench were the Ewing family bought is only for the Ewing family and if the grand family goes sitting there you know worgen break oh because the Ewing funding is in a hole or not this our bench I want you to hear me now I want you to hear me because I want you to see the subtle foundation of witchcraft in the church all right they are what's flood they shine the opacities of the wicked they judge not the cause the the cause of the fatherless yet they prosper and the right of the needy do they no judge verse 29 because so God says shall I not visit for these things he's asking a question say the Lord shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this now I hope you'll get the revelation in the last part of that scripture he from verse 29 all the way to before we get to the last sentence of worst from verse 26 sorry all the way to verse 29 but before we get to the last sentence where he says shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this now he started out by saying that they are their wicked men among my people their wicked men in the house of God and then he says how they operate he says how they are financially raping and pillaging the people he say how only them are prospering waxing fat while the men who was servicing them are basically in a spiritual cage they only submit to what this leader said it was contrary to God but the revelation in the scriptures would got me the last part says God says shall not my soul be avenged on such not a church but a nation so the nation is not and I've been singing this to you guys that when you see the turmoil and devices and the evil of a nation we are quick to look at drug dealers we are quick to look at evil politicians we are look we are quick to look at quasi government such as the Port Authority and this committee we are quick to look there but like I've been preaching and teaching to you over the years that when you see those things in a land the government the politicians and so on they are just the tentacles of the spiritual the spiritual Ram pulling it because the spiritual leaders failed to do what they supposed to be doing so the spiritual leaders are political and the spiritual leaders only preach on those who the political party he or she don't like while then their party do corruption they have nothing to say according to the Word of God not Kevin according to the Word of God then God says shall I not avenge my soul and bring judgment on this nation not because of what a politician did he was he did what he did because of the spiritual tentacles that was pulling his strings because of what the body of Christ didn't do the party of Christ didn't stand up and preach against this and even though you this is my political party even though I love y'all even though I want y'all in power but you're doing wrong and you're not being fair to the people and yet if they're not doing that get out of that church get out of that church their judgment is warped it's full of witchcraft and I get explain it cuz I know you say Kevin how you could call that witchcraft no why hold your horses I didn't get there I just wanna lay this foundation because we good job in Springboro for this right now so as you can see in this last scripture God says grand bahama God says America God says Germany God says Russia the Philippines Singapore wherever you are whenever hell break loose in your country it isn't because of the sorcerers there it isn't because of the crooked politician they are only the manifestation of the people whom God has assigned in that place his people who are supposed to be praying and fasting and seeking justice for the fatherless for the Wizzle it has when they drop the brothers when your Christian counsel then let me bring this baby home when your Christian counsel failed to do what God has required them to do and they've become more political as opposed to becoming the voice of the righteous indignation of God what's the fail in your country watch the young men get shoot down like dogs watch the women selling their bodies to make ends meet watch the poverty watch the foreigners coming in your country and be in your hair and being your leaders over you you don't have to believe me go right straight I always turn you down Deuteronomy 28 from verse 15 all debate over 67 then it gives a clear cut window window but then the body of Christ fell because they're so caught up in building big efforts Ephesus they're so caught up on material thing aerating is about the the physical blessing and never focusing on Jesus Christ himself then you watch and see what will happen alright so it is clear here we're setting the foundation now we're setting the foundation in terms of witchcraft now I want you to go with this same understanding in mind that's why I laid this on so meticulously let's go now because we can see witchcraft and please in the church right now let's go now to Acts chapter 8 Acts chapter 8 and we're gonna read from verse 9 of verse 25 Acts chapter 8 and we're gonna read from verse 9 to verse 25 what is engage you see right now all right yeah juicy ready let me get some water here because what would the Baptist preacher say I feel my help coming up hello what's happen you before Acts chapter 9 sorry for chapter 8 beginning at verse 9 listen to this carefully I want you all to hear me because like you know I don't preach my opinion I preach in the scriptures Acts chapter 8 beginning at verse 9 but there was a certain man called Simon which before time in the same city or please please highlight this word which before time in the same city used sorcery I like that word because I'm going to define it there was a certain man by the name of Simon which before time in the same city you saw Surrey what he didn't s and B which the people of Samaria giving out that himself was some great one so let me break this down the city of Samaria was literally looking at this Simon guy as this great one but not just great one as we're about to read they saw him as a great man of God but description now begin to reveal the source of his power the source as to why all of Samaria didn't say some of them all of Samaria was B which let us bring this baby now it says that he used sorcery all right sorcery according to the dictionary is the use of magic particularly black magic now what is black magic black magic is magic involving the invocation or the summoning of evil spirits listen carefully now for what evil perfect purposes so this guy was able to to or I would not like they can't jump ahead my Celebrezze as finesse could have next word first ice gets away anxious it says he use sorcery or let's remove the word sorcery now he use black magic or use voodoo or use Oh bear we use witchcraft all synonymous with each other this is what he was using but what did he use it for the Bible says that he used it and B witched Edie bastards the people well let's define the word be rich the word B which means to enchant or cast a spell over someone from an evil or demonic standpoint let me break that down for you what that mean is that the sorcerer the Obermann the witchcraft person all right now begin to channel spirits or a particular person or group to influence them okay to subscribe to what the sorcerer is making available or selling to them listen this is no different remember I did my video on witchcraft in the workplace remember I told you when a person is in a workplace waking up there got all kind of visible as well as invisible things planted in that place controlling the boss the boss who's supposed to be the leader is now submitting to this person everybody submits to this poison this place didn't decide who you can like who you don't like it if you're not on their side and not just reserved to if I'm sorry to her workplace written families right and Families there's some sister or someone or some brother who he or she believed that they are in charge of the family and if it don't go their way they end up poison your pee so what I can do is is be which start of family members or be which my co-workers to turn a gang stop now how do we notice all their care and I we notice witchcraft how do we know that evil spirits channel in this family or channel on this job to prove what you say well the person who is doing it and you will see it watch what happens when they go on vacation what's what happened when they're not there those family members who never used to speak to you before all of a sudden they free to speak to you now those co-workers who couldn't stand the don't you walk on when obeah tom was there watch now all of a sudden Tom are you doing mine or blah blah blah the minute that evil poison show back up with their sorcery they can't speak to you no more now I talking to somebody today I could hear somebody on the next side of this on their photo right now Sheldon say preach it boy cuz you know what you're talking about this the exact same methodology that Simon did to the people of Samaria is being done locally not just here the Bombers all over them there's a system to control the will of the people true evil spirits that would shut they would be rich they don't even know why they doing it they don't even know why you don't speak to you on the job but the minute they buck you inside of the food store they got the big talk but the minute they get back in that job please the minute day with that sister or brother who doing this to wickedness they can't speak to you no more why you're a big grown adult you can't make your own decisions you need somebody else to advise you how could this happen how could this be the Bible says that very very clearly it says that this seemed Simon used sorcery but what did he use it for to put on herself no it says to be which the people of Samaria to pause them to think in a certain way that they would have never thought under normal circumstances but Kevin what is really happening if the Lord can open your eyes and see the legions of foul spirits that are speaking consistently to your spirit in that white place to your spirit and that family to say do whatever Tom you're suppressing so your brother or sister who you help all your life every time he or she had a jam financially when they couldn't pay the children's school fee when the car break down who they call every time you showed up you never ask for your money back none of that and all of a sudden they stop talking to you for no reason but only when they in the presence of this particular family member this particular co-worker this particular friend how is this beat how could this happen this big grown sensible adult who should know right from wrong who should understand gratitude but cannot kid mode cannot break their own will and do they want to do why because that will all be a wake-up got their life Lock Stock and Bower and they have no idea none at all witchcraft from the church Oh Lord somebody here in me today same thing in the church not all let's be clear not all with I'm giving you okay what you need to know to decipher if wait the place you're going to is under which graph whenever the pastor don't like somebody the pastor take are the members to turn them against that person if a person are challenged the past in a certain area even privately and the pasta take what they see and go tell other members what why are you telling them that are you telling them that to correct them no you're telling them that to win their favor so that they can now be against a poison whom you feel now as an enemy to you so mom you are the wickedest thing on legs you understand me and the people of God should never be operating in that manner no I met a person a couple weeks ago they were sharing with in fact somebody even just posted something in my words of wisdom similar to what I'm about to say they went to the past they explained it to the pastor right here in Grand Bahama magazine over radio explaining to the pastor certain events that was happening in the house that was not natural I guess what the pastor tell him go burn sage through the house huh get salt and put to the fork on Pallister what scripture you do get us from the Telly's people then the pastor can tell them you gotta be careful you got to protect yourself in the spiritual realm because people wicked Guardian call it an ignorance I kept that I understand God didn't consult you could you could you know furnish me with a scripture so I could follow the protocol to get the godly resource that I'm seeking but as being able to see in the stitch you're gonna see where a lot of them come from witchcraft background okay and never ever remove the remnant of their background or their culture and now mixing it up with the things of God and we'll call it holy but ghetto do that nonsense where nobody here not nonsense get an idea so the Bible says in verse 9 but there was a certain man called Simon which before time in the city in the same city used sorcery and bewitched the people of Samaria giving out that himself was some great poison listen to verse 10 to whom they all gave heed meaning that everybody in Samaria was submitting to this man and they didn't know that they were under spell that's what bewitching is but he caught the source of that bewitching from working magic which is sorcery so first ancestor whom they all gave heed from the least to the greatest saying listen what I say now listen what the people of Samaria is saying oh my god the man is this great this is a great power from God this is you see what he did oh my goodness he just has to be a man of God see and this is what I'm trying to teach you stop calling a poison a man of God because there's a fancy preacher stop calling the poison a man of God because they got the vowels correct they using the right adjective the Bible is extremely clear signs and wonders shall follow those that believe in the sense that before I even signed one to come let's see the protocol of the scriptures that this person is following because you snuck her to do science and Wonder and not be of God because see that today is teaching today so like heaven I am fascinated by your speech buddy I am fascinated by some big church you got what Kevin is seeking when he come to your church my ear sir I mean perking I want hear the scriptures if I am not hearing the scriptures I am Oradell because it's a place of Devils the the purpose of this building to house the Bride of Christ is to instruct him about the things that Christ has left in place so that they would not only live better lives but bring others to the kingdom of God so guarantee of that junk try that force 11 says and to him they had regard they respected this wicked man Simon they respected him so him they had regard because that of a long time listen he had bewitched them with sorcery so the Bible says long time ago he did this and it used the word be which edy past-tense this isn't something that he just did so the whole reason why everybody was following him everybody was was going behind him not because he was a great man of God as they would say but because he had a spell on them or in layman's term he had spirits assigned to them to favor him to see him as something that he truly was not which was a man of God so the Bible said verse 12 of acts 8 it says but when they believed Philip preaching the things were concerning the kingdom not his opinion not our we feel not church policy and this is what's going to separate or differentiate a human and a woman of God from a fake phony think imposter because the fake phony thick impasto will always try to lead you by Darville dabbling things cars host material stuff but the Bible is clear here it says but when they believed Philip but why did they believe it because he was preaching the rules the ordinance and the regulations of the kingdom of God that's why they believe it and that's when you should be Marvel mighty God this man or the Word of God man even if he ain't livin right and Lisa giving me the scripture I check Marat he living if he give me those words I go research those words and put those words into practice and what's the manifestation of what those words do I thank God for him now how he chews the livers life is on him but he gave me the Word of God but this guy Simon wasn't given him the word no he was given him philosophy and opinion and twisting stuff and motivational speeches and inspirational quotes no scripture no nothing and you know they say my god he's a wise man of God did you hear what he say he said whatever goes up must come to use just lot of noisy here not need a revelation whatever goes up must come down so you you are not under spell and be like how stupid could this poison do we mean but whatever goes up a donkey know that but because you under spell to you what that person say who got you on the smell I mean it's like gold to you and that's why I tell you boy when you don't know the spiritual implications of these things a lot of people leave this right end up in a Chryslers hell and truly they really don't know why they're there because as far as they concerned they will do what was right but like I say what is right is what is in the scriptures and if nobody is giving you that you should challenge them you should challenge them so resources would win the believer when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ they were baptized both men and women verse 13 then Simon himself believed watch this now also and when he was baptized he continued with Philip and wounded behold the miracles and signs which were done now isn't this interesting hey the saucer and now say you know you know what I accept this Jesus fan of mine you know yeah yeah come let's let's go through the motions come come baptize me excuse me but the truth was he wasn't behind all of that listen what the scripture says that's we begin dan Simon verse 13 of Acts 8 then Simon himself believed also this was the man who threw sorcery bewitched the people of Samaria then Simon himself believed also Britania what senate simon renounce nothing i didn't hear what the scripture says that he break the covenant he had between him and the evil alter that was given him these powers i didn't yes him renounce the secret societies he was a part of or whatever none of that the scripture says then Simon himself believed also and when he was baptized he continued with Philip and wondered or Marvel beholding or observing the miracles and science which were done so you see where his heart was he didn't say he marvel and wandered by the teachings of which the Lord Jesus Christ left in place no that wasn't its concern he looking at how he could get peace of these powers and do some more tricks and get more money from the people and wax green and become greed and let him call him green listen to verse 14 now when the Apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the Word of God they sent unto them Peter and John who when they were come down prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost 4:16 of Acts 8 for as yet he was fallen upon none of them meaning the Holy Ghost only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus 4:17 then laid they their hands on them and they receive the Holy Ghost now this is powerful I don't have the time to go but I can do a quick thing right here it says that what's his name now then they sent Peter and John I think it was and it says that they didn't receive the Holy Ghost yet they were just baptized but when Peter and John laid a hand on them there was a transferring of spirit where the Holy Spirit was upon him now fell on these people it's just what I'm trying to get to here it's a spiritual principle so for poison who's into witchcraft will be a voodoo doll and other things those legions of spirits and they carry and especially if they call itself deacon and whatever else you Revere and you will let them pray for you what you think being pass on to you I go no further without each other on another day it says here 4:16 for us here was fallen upon them none of them only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus then laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost listen to verse 18 now of Acts 8 and when Simon saw that through laying on of the Apostles hands the Holy Ghost was given now who's the Simon again this is the Simon okay who was a sorcerer who bewitched the people but in the earlier scriptures verses it says that he also believed and was baptized so it would give the impression that okay you know what he's a new convert now he do it all as even things even though there are no scriptures saying that he renounced the Dark Kingdom and dark world and the powers they gave him and renounce the spirits and he made covenants with that was causing giving him the ability to to be which the people so was 18 says and when Simon saw that through laying on of the Apostles hands the Holy Ghost was given he offered them money saying give me also power that on whosoever I lay my hands they may also receive the Holy Ghost but Peter said internus whatever the thy money perish with thee because dowas thought that the gifts of God made the purchase with money thou was need a part nor not in this matter for thy heart is not right in the sight of God you devil you demon so you see there he say I accept Jesus come take me down by the beach come baptize thee let me follow the protocols but the truth is my heart still fix on earthly material things the truth is I only do it all of that because I am marveled by these miracles y'all doing so you know what let's cut to the chase all right how much money you were for all he goes now what am I saying to you I am saying to you and I see this what a lot of African pastors I see this with a lot of them a lot of those African pastors when you hear their testimony they will tell you they are third floor generation which doctors meaning that it was passed on from generation and somehow the Lord met them like porn on the way to Damascus and they had a vision and they realized that the power of God is greater than the obeah power and the shrines and idols and so on that they were worshiping so now they all over the world writing books and so on and and and and given certain prayers but when you follow this protocol here you now begin to see with spiritual eyes and when you begin to read the books that they publish especially their prayer points you now begin to see that these people just like this dude Simon still have residual and remnant of the background that they came from within them how is this you say Kevin remember me telling you some time but and I said to you there was a church here in Grand Bahama who were invited an African pastor over mine preach like nobody business but then he got on the pod but enemies and he said how many people in you have enemies and yellow everybody put up their hand and he says I'm gonna teach you how to deal with your enemies he said now when you get outside or wherever you go you find a big rock you get a mark or whatever and you write the enemy's name on that rock and you take that rock and you throw it in any body of water and what he says thanks watch the Lord deed which enemies hold on hold on our backup buddy show me where the Jesus turn these fellows dies or or any prophet of the Bible you cannot find it so when you find a man or woman of God telling you to practice something that is not scriptural and you know it is not scriptural you have to challenge that what it tells me two things either they were once a part of your code or they come from a tradition where they do these things and when they did it for so long they don't see it as work in sorcery they don't see it as obey they don't see it as voodoo when I passed the city all year do you hear and stuff in your house will go down by the ocean and dip seven times still seven times what I don't build baptized before what is the significance sir what is the you really put them in a job tell them tell you what is the spiritual significance of doing what you asked me to do and and before you answer me now reference said what a scripture because I saw link was gonna convince me show me a scripture what I'm saying is not minor minor they may say oh you remember name it remember name in Manatee he dipped seven times and blah blah blah but it was given the instruction from a true prophet of God and the Bible show Elijah the history of how God used him so yes I could use that and show you okay yeah that seven times but it came from a true man of God and to show you where where this thing get so serious remember Elisha's servant acara members name who when Elisha refused the gifts from naman he went beyond any large aback and says listen my master you got a much pride but I love me a couple of those nice designer clothes there when the servant came back Elijah asked him where he was he said I was just outside you know whatever he said no no no my spirit was with you and said because you went back and you better get that stuff from Neiman he said not only will you be cursed with the leprosy that naman had but your entire bloodline but because forever so I'm showing you with the spiritual implication of these things is what you need to look at some of you so desperate for a miracle some of you so desperate for money so desperate to get out of the state that you're in but you don't know that the enemies see you as a prime target and he just sent it in to fake preachers and fake prophets and all of these phony people and you go know who they are because they are always like voting from the Word of God the solutions that they're giving you I am just well I don't attend them no more but every so-called man of God that come down from from overseas in particular I don't know why some people is feel like the overseas preachers are more powerful than their local anointed preachers right here okay they know their local Android approaches that they will dismiss because he or she and the click mind you they are not it to heal mind you they are no need to preach mind you they anointed with dreams and visions and whatever but because you in a headliner no you can't come in so let's bring in this guy from overseas and he's gonna come here but it's gonna black voodoo bag what a bunch an adviser oil a bunch a little handkerchief and here's what he's gonna see exactly what Simon is doing he's selling China but in Simon case he's trying to purchase the Holy Spirit and this case what I'm about to tell you this this all witchcraft wake up under the guise of fast or whatever he's trying to sell you his own beer so this is what he said the Lord told me on the way as I was flying over the Bahamas the Lord showed me a vision and the Lord showed me there was a dark cloud and he said to tell my people listen to this carefully stemming the sound like Jesus to you tell my people that I have I have anointed the preacher anise and I have a hundred vials of oil and if a hundred people bring a hundred dollars God says wherever you put this oil it's going to change your situation God says if you of poverty in your life he said and not take this oil and rub it over a dollar bill right now you eatin that word up because you see him on TV you see him on the radio he got a bunch of books he all over the Internet you never test the spirit of the spirit and you didn't do none of that and all of a sudden always when you did that all hell breaking loose in your life you became worse in your situation well what outcomes that happening let's go back to the scripture I gave you earlier when I told you about Isaiah chapter 5 verses 26 to 31 he said they're wicked men among my people who was setting traps for them just like how a bird is caged inside a bird's a caged source did this seed in their houses or the churches that they go into becoming rich off of you while they have you under spiritual oppression and every time you agree and receive of those things you are tying your so now am I saying every one with a vial of oil every one with claws are evil no I am NOT saying that what I am saying though when those things become priority over them showing you the scriptures and the Word of God run as far as you could from those people because if you think you're doing bad now they are about to lock your life down spiritually the sad thing about it if you don't know these revelations I'm telling you you will never ever trace about that you know what that passes the cost of this happening to me that profit is the cause of this happen to me ever since I meet them and they say those things to me and I have got this oil or I do this my life never went ahead never so this is me trying to true the scriptures open up your spiritual eyes to see it for what it really is and if you continue in that part not only will you never defeated life here let's hope you were sensible enough to truly receive Jesus Christ and go unto glory so the Bible says in verse 18 and when Simon saw that through all of the sufferings that he begin to access guys to purchase it or buy them say mind you get from me you devil you evil poison you cannot purchase the holy spirit so I'm saying to you there's some people who come from a background of sorcery who come from practicing magic either they never fully renounce it because they didn't know they were supposed to do that or they still ambolyn so that's why there's certain things that ministers of the gospel do that you really got an access of God is this really of you prove it to me don't let the the shofar blow and Foley are not seen as evil don't let the the the scarf that they will fool you I'm not saying that is evil what I'm saying just like Simon here the Bible said because they will be which they could not see him for who he really was only a person who was deep into the Word of God and who uses the Word of God as a benchmark in their lives they are able to see through these wicked devils who was coming to alter the destiny of their lives so simple as that so the scriptures are clear and these guys can work miracles they could perform stuff so I could see if you are not in the Word of God it is easy to be be be be be bewitched by them because you said if they can work miracles then they got to be of God well let's let's look at two scriptures to shut that down let's go to Revelation chapter 16 and we're going to read from verse 13 to verse 14 Revelation chapter 16 verse 13 to 14 at a speed of course I got plenty scriptures here now listen to revelations now that is in revelations chapter 16 and we're gonna read we're gonna read from verse 13 just join now in his vision and I saw three unclean spirits like frogs okay they look like frogs they were not frogs they were unclean spirit that had the shape and the likeness of frogs he said they came out of the mouth of the dragon out of the mouth of the Beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet the dragon here would be Satan which is the serpent the beasts here would be the man of perdition the Antichrist and then the last one on that chain and that protocol is it says out of the mud of the false prophet so would the Scriptures automatically telling you right away or read when we jump on the block's that the false prophet has a very predominant role in the kingdom of darkness he isn't just one oh he said a fourth you never kid about oh no no no no no don't worry whether they come to pass or not look at the spiritual damage it has done look at the spiritual infiltration and the corrosion of what you believe us and release to the Lord Jesus Christ that they have now polluted he says that I saw three unclean spirits like frogs came out of the mouth of the dragon out of the mouth of the Beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet verse 14 of Matthew 16 for they are the spirits of devils who are the spirits of Devil's these three spirits that look like frogs so the Bible is saying that when the false prophet is speaking over your life is decree in things out of your life according to description you're going to be a genius to figure this out it says those words they are literally woody spewing on you and are spirits that look like frogs and they are defined in verse 14 in Revelation 16 of spirits of devils that's right brother Kevin called him a devil for there are the spirits of devils now let's look at what these spirits are capable of that's why I tell you listen how he nailed the chain of command the dragon which is Satan the Beast which is the Antichrist and the false prophet he's third in charge he's turned in terms of power but not just in power and name it says here would they're capable of and in verse 14 the same false prophet it says for they are the spirits of Devil's working miracles he's talking about these spirits that he saw coming out of their mouths working miracles so this evil prophet have the ability to be rich people and give the appearance of Merkle's truly unlearn it and now they begin to run behind this false prophet just like how the people of Samaria run behind Simon and listen labelled him as a great man of God well let me tell you something right now here if it is your desire they take a little pause here your desire to go for in 2020 I don't care how much declarations and resolutions and and whatever promises you make yourself none of that will happen if you are under false preachers and teachers none of that I happen if you are participating in things that people are requiring requiring you to do that you know you know is not of God your life will never proceed not because I don't want it to because you are going against the laws of God and the laws of God is the format to produce the promises of God so you're going on you're under someone that is have lost their way and the evidence of that are the things that they advising you to do that are contrary to the scriptures you're now dealing with a different format you're dealing with a demonic format that not only may you may see little promises that they see come to pass but the spiritual implication is to lock you down just like the Prophet Jeremiah say he said these evil wicked deceitful men have men like birds in cages totally ignorant of the things that they're really doing spiritually against their life that will now descend on the future generation according to the Word of God in Exodus 22 to 5 to 5 let's look at another scripture let's go to let's go to Exodus chapter 7 Exodus chapter 7 and we're going to look at from verse 7 to verse 11 because I want I want to show you that even though the sorcerer and the Voodoo worker is there is no comparison in terms of the power of God the power of God is is exponentially unimaginably greater than any other power and the only reason why I talk about it so much so that you know what have an understanding you will not be a slave to the ignorance of who I was teaching you otherwise you can now look at life and say hell boy look here based on what Kevin said from the Scriptures not his opinion but I don't think this man all night even begging you for money and this man telling us we must take off our shoes and we come to dawn spin around four times that any evil spirit would follow me was walk to the door backwards and we must put salt on the base of our hose and we must go get Satan bush and drinking what kind of mother goddesses see this teaching is opening up your spiritual eyes to see the phoria and now you begin to see that you now fall into the category of Jeremiah 5 26 to 31 then there evil people among even men among my people okay bewitching them misleading them putting them away from God so in Exodus chapter 7 beginning at verse 7 says and Moses was fourscore yes although he was 80 years old and Aaron fourscore and three years he was 83 when they spoke unto Pharaoh verse 8 of Exodus 7 and the Lord spoke unto Moses and unto Aaron saying when Pharaoh shall speak unto you asking you to show him miracle for him then thou shalt say unto Aaron God telling Moses now say unto Aaron which is his brother take thy rod and cast or throw it before Pharaoh and your rod shall become a serpent because he know in each of especially the Pharaohs they were dealing with high level meta physicists esoteric witchcraft I mean they were deep in the dispersion world but from a demonic perspective so whoever came to them laying such a charge such as Moses in led them Israel people go but you better who basically what they said who power back in you what power so cuz you better reveal something Mia famiglia if even entertain you in a photo so God knew that in advance so God said anything when he asks you not if he asks you when he asks you will you show him you throat I said that your raw to the ground and I'm gonna make that roared as a miracle that show him that the gory coming up against on plane so the Bible says here that that Aaron very now verse 8 9 when Pharaoh shall speak unto you saying show a miracle for you then thou shalt say unto Aaron take that roared and cast it before Pharaoh and it shall become a serpent verse 10 of X to the 7 and Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh and they did so as the Lord had commanded an Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants who servants Pharaoh servants and it just like God said became a serpent now at this point we could say if we were in that day and tired and we were among the servants watching we got the same boy man boy this has to be the true God radio if Aaron roared could turn into a snake whoever this caught us that Aaron and Moses worship this duty playing you just to show a whole long stick turn into a sleeping now everybody marveling and I'm sure everybody's conclusion even his servants Pharaoh serve as any blade boy Pharaoh now you better come with something better because we raised our eyebrows about you nah we even know that the power you've been dealing with boy Lachlan you cannot match this now watch this now watch this now watch was 11 of Exeter 7 then Pharaoh also call the wise men and what sorceress now the magician's of Egypt who practice black magic they also did in like manner with their what hardly door with their enchantments with their smell with their bewitching so what does that mean what that mean is that they truly did not replicate what Moses them did but because they are a spell over the people then whatever those spirits influencing them to see from a spiritual perspective they were able to achieve that but the power in which the Serpent's their sir Prince their staff were turned into serpents was never on par with the God of Abraham that displayed that miracle but Moses and Aaron I'm trying to show you when you don't know the Word of God when you have spiritual understanding from the scriptures how the things of the devil could be so convincing why because you have nothing to fight with you will got no word nobody's teaching you these things I'm showing you nobody showing you the deep core of the spiritual realm how it could work against you or for you nobody tell you about evil all you hear on the board is blessing as if there is no impediment no stomach like to thank you now you just walk into the blessing because the pastor says so when I'm showing you look at all of this magic going on look at all of this written and you still wonder how come you a prosper because you don't understand the forces fighting against you you don't you don't understand that the negative things you saying because you a see the promises of God yet working in tandem with the forces working against you don't know what is telling you that so when you make it same as saying my god I mean I can't put one step forward I got a pig to back make one dollar I gotta spend five you won't realize that all of this as sorcery all of this is the format of the kingdom of darkness in your ignorance waking against your life nobody is telling you this so you live your life regularly not knowing that true your regular life and admitting these nonsense you are working against yourself so the Bible says that through their enchantment that they were able to do this first Earl says for they cast down every man his roar and they became serpents but of course Aaron's rod swallowed all those Devils I love it I love that radio here and say okay yeah yeah yeah yeah y'all go perform now but when you continue to read the scriptures Aaron and Moses did some other miracles that these obeah evil witch craft workers were also able to mimic so again if you don't have the solid foundation of Jesus Christ and his principles this is why I advocate for it so much how will you be able to decipher how will you be able to differentiate how will you be able to tell the difference that this or that one is of God but no tort of doing the same thing what are the weapons you have in your arsenal to decipher all of this hope none because all you know spin around three times giving a bhai five touch-free neighbors and tell them you love them on this garbage and nobody is taking you into the core of the scriptures to unveil the spiritual revelation that is going to be a part of fueling your spirit of this ernment to realize that this joke oviya is a devil and don't let him put this out on you because he Laden but spirits would look like frogs trying to sputum on you or in the scriptures so we have to know the scriptures we have to stop playing dolly host and really begin to participate and check now I'm about to show you in detail and they got plenty time for it in detail right how this Simon of Samaria was able to bewitch an entire city I'm about to show you how this this other guy I would shoot a little bit is able to to to to to be rich but before I even show you this let me take you to another scripture let's go to let's go to Galatians chapter 3 let's go to Galatians chapter 3 and we got to look at verse 1 okay Galatians chapter 3 because we got to see this word B which again I remember Simon was able to get away with it because we know why he was a sorcerer the Bible makes it explicitly clear and I said through his saucer he was able to be much I mean and I brought the saucer he couldn't do it so sorceress is is the result of black magic witchcraft okay and those witches or DNA know exactly what I'm talking about those who practiced sorcery men and women they know exactly what in fact they tried they probably matter it now how this boy no wonder this and why is he telling other people this so figures a figure figure or so so let's look at this relationship two three this the Apostle Paul added to the church of Galatia collisions he starts off by saying all foolish Galatians so he's clearly upset here all foolish clinicians who had watch the word be with you because what Paul is saying here based on what is about to chastise them on the only way this could have happened is someway somehow you allow a sorcerer probably under the guise of pass the parcel profits or whatever come here and talk mess to you so he says all foolish Galatians who had bewitched you remember we said the word B which mean to enchant or the cast a spell over someone to channel even evil spirits and a person to persuade them in fulfilling the desire of that particular spirit so they sent a spirit of hate on you against your sisters against your brothers this that this does the family member know they want control of the whole family and let me tell you something we're and I won't make this clear wherever you see a controlling spirit and a family one of those family members more than likely that poison is either involved or at some point practice sorcery because of controlling or Jezebel spirit is synonymous with witchcraft and at that in the Bible when I think Jay who came to somebody and they actually become in peace and he says he would have none to do with Jezebel I know [ __ ] crash but we ain't going in today that's another day so wherever you see a control whenever you see a family member whenever you see somebody on the job whenever you see a somebody in an environment and if things don't go their way they stop talking to you they get and that in a bad way they get other adults who got their own brain who know you never did nothing to and they could convince those people more than likely those people you help to turn against you for no reason boy luckier [ __ ] craft to the 10th power goal don't happen uh please you ain't fighting people no more you fighting spirits now and I talking high-ranking order in spirits to the extent I tell you everybody in control in the past under control the boss under the door every leader under control could you imagine this this person just joined come on the job entry-level but we don't know that they are saucer-like Simon we don't know that they be rich everybody on the job like how Simon did through his sorcery and everything they tell the boss the boss believe the boss to even ask you nothing he just begin to reprimand you was a faithful employee faithful to the company faithful to the boss and the boss just turned against you for no reason that makes sense to you does that make any sense to you this place is a mess for chaos why because wherever the controlling spirit is the Jezebel spirit we call it or in the secular world that the narcissus spirit all right wherever that is there will order the evidences confusion the evidence is chaos but the one who's joining us is always sitting in the sea where everybody coming to them talking on one another no more everybody told each other under the bus not knowing that the one they are coming to is the one who is doing it so the boss now or the pastor now become afraid of that poison over there man you day he's getting complaints or she's getting complaints that's so-and-so dissing so-and-so died and they will always take up for them or they will never follow up on reprimanding them never but the Darracq complain but you they try to get you to there is a spirit of sorcery is a spirit of I'm talking to someone today and you need to hear this stop fighting the people stop talking about the boss stop talking but I want to duel over there get on your knees and now begin to call on the God of Abraham to come against the evil altars and covenants that that wicked poison has done not the person come against the Covenant and the altars and ask God to overthrow those evil altars in the realm of the spirit and bring confusion to the other and you watch out things can change you but you have to fast you just st. just no prayer this kind here according to the Bible will only come up through prayer and fasting you have to incorporate a prayer but before you do any let me make this clear get your dirty heart clean today and this is why the enemy is so brilliant in this area before that spirit of control and Jezebel even before that lead cellphone it's there but before leading it cell phone the first thing it does is cost you is create hate in your heart for the poison why because the enemy remember I told you in the scriptures in science 94 verse 20 it says excuse me how the enemy his mischief bylaws but this is a perfect example of it if I could get Kevin to go against his wife to be angry with Deidre to hold anger in his heart for her for something me told or bone and she don't respect the enemy putting all this in your head so you in that house while you are not rowing or verbally but in your heart you later what is the enemy causing you to do this because he understand the rules and what does the rules say God says while standing pray forgive others so I may forgive you so what does that mean that mean if I don't forgive Deidre Gordon here in me got a check and for me so I got on that job and those Devils would beat me down in the ground because the devil got a loophole what is the loophole this man got unforgiveness in his heart this man so why you think he's getting you to turn against the very sister who you know work in witchcraft or a very brother oh you know practicing evil magic because he realized that your prayer would be of no avail no power if he could sow the seed of anger sow the seed of unforgiveness in you you are no different from the one who's working the witchcraft why because the scripture not Kevin says psalm 66 verse 18 God says a viewer God iniquity in your heart sin that you refuse to confess sin that you refuse to confront and deal deal with Bible says if you're a guardian akuti in your heart listen what God says I will not hear you but God you see they're working on a [ __ ] before me God you see true magic they take my promotion God you see true magic they demoted me on this job God you see no I okay I got a spurt a rejection on me i er left and I can't fix nothing until you get straight face but God she's the most evil is what this here is the wicked one here I know on a tattoo but not deal with you face demon unforgiveness yeah that boss well you can't stand because sings theme so unjust on this job how could i well if I can fix your situation and make it right I might as well make fixes on right also know if you regard iniquity in your heart I will not hear you Psalms 28 and 13 what does it say he said you hide your sin Kevin you will never prosper but God as wicked as I didn't actually I'll Vickie she was I didn't tell you put your brick in this on a balance and see which one we the most that was never part of my law I said very clearly if you hide your sin you are hiding your hate you are hiding your unforgiveness you are hiding your pride because you figure they can see it but you keep forgetting that I am the one who look at the heart of men and I see the hid in your heart and I see the wickedness in your heart towards them I've listened repeatedly but you on the fool telling other co-workers are no good they are and they're all bail workers and they can go straight to hell now I know all that may be true my friend there's nothing I can do for you because you're full of anger you're full of the things that I told you to reach yourself over and tell what happened don't waste your time entreated me because I didn't tell you before you could pray already what they're not happening so you see how you got to be in right alignment you see why I've been telling you all along that the only reason why witchcraft would stop working on you because there's something going on in your life that is giving these things the loophole to deal with you now you see why but you will never know that if nobody's teaching the scriptures you need to know the scriptures so let's get back to this now we got to oh boy time he luden me so like I just said you girl Paul said to them he says all foolish Galatians who won't be with you who cast a spell upon you that you should not obey the truth which preachers telling you stop listening to Kevin even though Kevin give you the Word of God and they're not giving it to you no picture whoever is the Bible says that is be with you and we read earlier we do true sorcery or foolish Galatians who what be with you that you should not have been a truth before whose eyes Jesus Christ has been evidently set forth crucified among you what should he says here in verse 3 are you so foolish having begun in the spirit are ye now made perfect in the flesh so what is he basically saying he says that all of this teaching we've been given you showing in the spiritual implications of things taking you behind the scene of the physical room and showing you how things happen spiritually produce what you see but you let someone come here and dazzling you with material things fleshly things and you fall for that before it's okay I give you a because I know what happened and the only way it could have happened if somebody came in here and be with you now we're gonna see here how just be Richmond really how could this family member get grulla does to do to other family members who done nothing wrong to them even out of them how could this happen how could this co-worker my coworker how come my boss how come all of all of my colleagues who I know for years before this co-worker come on board all of my call co-workers and colleagues who we had parties together celebrate our children graduation together when they gave but you you became godfather and godmother their children you never ever had no beef with these people and you're going to church together your priest [ __ ] scriptures together as the Lord spoke to you you call him and say the largest spoke this to me you embrace their presence but the minute displacement showed up brought confusion among everybody how could this happen Kevin please give me the spiritual implication or example but I give it to you right now let's go let's go to face King so I can break this baby down a few radio let's go to five kings and you're gonna look at chapter 22 first Kings 22 alright first Kings 22 and I can give these scriptures in case we don't get through all of them first Kings 22 then we're gonna read from verse 1 to verse 9 okay then we can jump stuff worse 11 to verse 16 and then from verse 17 to verse 25 so let me give that to you again first Kings chapter 22 the first passages of scriptures of 1 to 9 then 11 to 16 and then 17 to 25 and the purpose of this scripture is to bring everything together now how how Cameron how could someone be with somebody in the house of God Kevin okay when I hear you and everything you say in making sense you giving us the scriptures but Gordo's which is which supposed to be that's a key for his radio key phrase which supposed to be a house of God how could another power commandeer and subdue the entire congregation how could a man one or bear man Kevin subdue an entire city of Samaria Kevin how could the things happen only a brothers about to show you in right now now put on your spiritual lens because we about to see in the spirit right now and first Kings chapter 22 beginning at verse 9 and they continue three years without war between Syria and Israel so for three years they want peace they didn't have no war first or first kings 20:2 says and it came to pass in the third year that Jehoshaphat versus the king of Judah came down to the king of Israel now the king of Israel was Ahab at this point because of Solomon's disobedience the kingdom was divided in two you are I think the northern region which was Israel the king at that time was Ahab and the sudden part which is smaller part the king there was Jehoshaphat verse three says and the king of israel said unto his servant which was a upset and his servants know ye that remov in Gilead is ours and we be still and take it not out of the hand of the king of syria so what he saying is that the portion of land known as ramoth-gilead belongs to us okay Syria should have this I remember three years past they had no war so he saying now look here bill Raisa be sitting here letting this happen we go rise up as a nation and we go on in to ramoth-gilead and Yaqub from syria so that's basically what he saying verse four and he said unto Jehoshaphat now who was Josefa his counterpart he was another king but in Juba and in Judah and he said unto Joseph I will thou go with me to battle to ramoth-gilead and use of what said to the king of Israel he said I am as thou art my people as thy people my horses as the house of my horses so he said we are one of course I'll go with you man yeah your people is my people your horse and my own we live as one people so this is what King Jehoshaphat is telling the king of Israel which is a I listen I have no problem but there's a condition a script of was five and Jehoshaphat said unto the king of Israel enquire I pray thee at the word of the Lord today then the king of israel gathered the prophets together about 400 prophets this is key highlight this particular scripture all right so what Jehoshaphat was saying he says I'm gonna go with you but I need us to get some spiritual intelligence to forecast weather this Wars gonna be won or lost or whether or not primarily whether God want us to go fight them or not so this would he asks him so they have said to him but brother come on man look here I got a whole cadre of prophets here 400 to be exact let me inquire of them because these guys always on point I love description verse 5 says and she also what said under the king of Israel inquire I pray thee and what of the Lord today what does the Lord sing about all of this for 6 then the king of Israel gathered the prophets together about 400 men and said unto them should I go against ramoth-gilead to battle or shall I forbear or sit back and they said go up for the Lord shall deliver it into the hand of the king now these are the four prophets now okay and listen what they say the Lord say okay the a city of feeling they say listen you was go King Ahab for we saw in the realms of the spirit with the Lord say you will conquer you will prevail yeah that's what the Lord saying okay let's see that for seven and Jehoshaphat oh my god I love this said is there not here a prophet from the Lord mighty God Hollis my boy spirit of discernment kick rated third gear he said I I lay on lay on battle sense the Spirit of the Lord Hill could you kindly find me a true man of God who I could get an accurate forecast from so I will determine whether or not I could be a part of this I if Christians can only think this way prophet I I gave you but I don't feel you bro I don't receive them words don't speak that garbage over me I reject that so just so G also God says I am I am mom vote I am impressed by the four hundred prophets who all seemed to be on one Accord but for some reason I'm buying it that is nonsense so he said is there a true Monde of Gardea I love this I love this and Jehoshaphat verse seven of ways kings 20:2 and Joseph I said is there not here a prophet of the Lord besides that we might inquire of him for saying and the king of israel said unto Jehoshaphat there is yet one man micaiah the son of imlah by whom we may inquire of the Lord God but I hate him so this is a hard challenge your horse of fat I hate this man I hate this prophet for he does not prophesy good concerning me meaning he no prophesy what I won't hear it good steady prophesy evil and Jehoshaphat said let not the king say so don't not be so harsh on the man then the king of Israel called an officer and said hasten hither Micaiah the son of imlah or or hurry up bring him here we need to talk to him now let's jump straight to voice 11 we gonna read from verse 11 in verse 16 and then attire the son of chinna made him horns of iron and he said that this supposed to be another prophet - so what he's doing now is he's giving a physical demonstration to both Kings and this demonstration will show okay physically what is gonna happen spiritually to the enemies so listen this and Zedekiah the son of Shannara made his horns of iron and he said thus said the Lord with these shalt thou push the Syrians until thou have consumed them so he's taking this prophecy on another level he said yes we all agree that you will win but I'm going to show you from a physical standpoint how it's gonna happen spiritually and he grabbed these two horns and he began to push down he said this is how the great nation of Israel and Jehoshaphat but the king of Judah gonna work together and we got to push these evil Assyrians back till he be consumed listen to verse 12 and all the prophets prophesied so saying meaning they agreed to would Zedekiah see he says go up to Rhema chilly it and prosper for the Lord shall deliver it into the Kings hand yes so they're saying is the Lord is the one who's inspiring us to tell you that he's supporting this 100% so go you therefore because you are going to win this war really listen to this now verse 13 I'm the messenger that was going to call mkhaya this was the servant even to get the prophet now spoke unto him so the God who went to get micaiah telling him now listen they will hear no foolishness or you alright every last one of those four hundred prophets and saving you win so don't come talking no fool but being a widow Kayla next radioed nah so this is really basically telling him so first thirteen of first Kings 22 says and the messengers and the messenger that went and called Micaiah spoke unto him saying behold now the word of the prophet declare good not the word of the prophets declared good unto the king with one more minute the day on one Accord he says now let not thy word I pray thee be like the words of one of the be like the words of one of them and speak that which is good alright listen to verse 14 and Micaiah said as the Lord liveth what the Lord said unto me that will I speak verse 15 of 1st Kings 22 so he came to the king this is Micaiah and the King said unto Him mkhaya shall we go against ramoth-gilead to battle or shall be forbear shall we stay here and he answered him this macaƩ now he saying go and prosper for the Lord shall deliver it into the heart of the king so basically he's just following suit yeah you're my goodness yeah this would happen in verse 16 says and the King said unto Him how many times shall I a juror or Kamandi the doubt tell me nothing but that which is true in the name of the Lord so he know that he was lying there oh and listen that listen to voice 17 now and he said this is powerful now you are both to see where in a vision Micaiah the true prophet of God is truly going to see in the realm of the Spirit the spiritual forces working on the four hundred prophets these evil beings is now remember I told you last week in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verses 40 to 44 they Paul talked about these different types body bodies he talked about the celestial body and the terrestrial bartlet body and we determined in the scriptures that the celestial bodies are spirit beings they do not have fleshly it's not a fleshly suit like we our spirits inhabit that their two bodies the spirit that lives in us our spirit the Sprint of Kevin that material is different from this physical shell and that is called the spirits called a celestial and this physical earthly body is called a terrestrial alright Paul we went into detail with that and I said to you when it comes to witchcraft for the spirit of witchcraft celestial bodies evil spirits are not projected that your physical body never never ever it is projected at your spirit man because the rule is whatever happens in the spirit will automatically be displayed in the natural or through that physical body so if a person sent a spirit of infirmity against you they're sending it against the spirit okay so we're not spirit of infirmity comic on you it's on despair that poison and what will manifest physically is only as a result of what celestial spirit has doing upon you the greatest example I could give you of this is in Luke chapter 13 I always give you this example and it says Jesus is in the synagogue preaching but while preaching him he observed a woman who had an illness and the illness was a physical bodily structure was humped over she could not stand straight or a wreck Jesus from the pulpit suspended his sermon and declared to the woman listen to what he said now because he's he's he's saying exactly what I just told you he said ma'am you that you didn't say you have or they called an osteoporosis where the curvature of the spine he didn't say that he said ma'am you have a spirit of infirmity in layman's terms you have a celestial being that you cannot see what if Jesus has identified as a spirit of infirmity that is upon your spirit and as a result causing your spirit to hub over which in turn causing your human physical body to also herb over Jesus further proceeded off of the pulpit walk up to the woman and watch what he does he's not rebuking a physical illness he said be thou loosed from thine infirmity or the spirit of infirmity when the celestial being that was over her spirit being was removed the lady according to the scriptures immediately struck a rack the scripture gives even more detail it says that this woman had this for a minimum of 18 years so for 18 years she was in a church that clearly did not have the spirit of discernment that clearly knew very little about the spiritual things of the spiritual my mind it is a church and this supposed to be the heart of spiritual intelligence in fact the leader of the church in there as usual blindness got angry with Jesus and now brought up the stipulation how how dare you heal this woman on the Sabbath day not my lord this woman actually is free and she can live a normal life no no no no no no no the Horde see this is a time this is how you know you're judged under witchcraft when they cannot see spiritual things when everything is material everything is legalistic everything is with the pastor roads and never Christ rules run for your life run for your life because you will never ever prosper there never how could you have you not practicing the ordinance of God so that there's a small example of showing you how spirits are channel to a poison another example of that let me put it up I wrote it down it's in mark another example of that is in a mark chapter 5 verses 1 to 20 when you get a chance I guess given you these two because I need to give you so you can understand about to read next and Mark chapter 5 beginning at verse one all the way to verse 20 and talk about I think Jesus had just come from somewhere into Capernaum somewhere and they may hear mine who was possessed with Devils how he used to cut up himself that man used to actually sleep in the graveyard needs to try to tie him up a chance to to bound him and hold him down to control it and the strength that he had was unhuman and he used to break it and the man used to throw himself in the fire throw himself in the water I mean doing all kind of stuff that was not human and the Bible says when Jesus went there he said that he said he says what is your name but the demon actually cried out to Jesus voice oh Jesus what is your name and he's not talking to the person again he's talking to the the celestial being that no one could see but jesus knew that there was a spirit on him jesus knew that this was in this man so jesus said what is healing me says my name is legion and he says for we are many he said there are multiples of us in here and fact the word legions defined as a group of people or soldiers of 6,000 or more so this Mahara a minimum of six thousand demons in him so the Bible says that Jesus rebuked him whatever and he cast them alone they tried to negotiate says send him into the swine or whatever the case may be and thus whines and drowning themselves but this is the part I want you to get to show you that this man was in always this way he wasn't born this way and in verse 20 I think he wanted to verse 19 somewhere he wanted to go with Jesus so Jesus says no so Jesus says now go back and tell your friends hold on France the nobodies keep Fresno crazy people so what not forensic ly looking at it he was not always that way he had a regular life with regular friends regular people but some it is et he got involved in something or someone projected these evil spirits on him that possessed him but again you care see it same thing when people walk in the streets every day taking off their clothes ignore the garbage and doing stuff that are not the regular behavior of these people didn't tell the Christians and the believers and the Christian constants and all of these committees see it for what it really is an attack this world and not the people then you will never ever ever ever see any hope for those people unless some man a woman of God see beyond the natural and deal with the spirit so Jesus go tell your friends but just empirical evidence which is I mean Claire forensic evidence that if the scriptures say go tell your friends you were not always that way because nobody keep company with crazy people none not even the honking woman so he was in all of ISM so let's get back to this I just had two total students in here to give you a clear understanding will be going so going back here now to where we know 4:17 and he said this is mchao I saw all Israel this is a vision scattered upon the hills as sheep that have not a shepherd and the Lord said these have no master let them return every month to his house in peace so god I said and tell I don't care much the four hundred lion prophets with those spirt that look like frogs women are a mouth deceiving people God is saying this a battle you shouldn't be a part of verse 18 and the king of us was said unto Joseph at not tell thee that he would prophesied no good concerning me but even so listen now and this is what I tell you when a church is full of witchcraft the things of God become an abomination there and that's why I tell you all the time doors that oppose me I keep telling you you're not opposed in care because I didn't write the scriptures you are opposing the Word of God just like this man right here he had why because you are an enemy to the course at an enemy of righteousness you are so self everyone dies that you don't see God word as the chief you see you as the chief so the Bible is clear he says he also what you see when I tell you this dude never telling me not nice mind you he tell you what the Lord say you know he tell you this feeling first at 19 and he said here thou therefore the word of the Lord this is micaiah now he's telling this vision he said I saw the Lord sitting on his throne and all the hosts of heaven standing by him on his right and on his left so let me be clear before we go any further to verse 20 what Micaiah is seeing here are celestial beings he thought of God God is not flesh on his shirt he sought a host of heaven on the left and right no flesh resides in heaven these are all spiritual celestial entities there is no humans here now let's go to voice 19 and he said here not a word of the Lord I saw the Lord sitting on the throne and all the host of heaven standing by him on his right and on his left was 20 and the Lord said disinhibition now who shall persuade who shall entice who shall coerce who shall convince they have is he talking to humans no who is he talking to spiritual beings my little marinade just for fire because it because you better put on your scuba gear because we going deeper I am showing you how the sorcerer who bewitched edy past it's the citizens of Sumeria how could this one man lay down and in tight how could he convince an entire city I'm sorry were people of God they also how is that possible it tells you he be which the would be which I tell you the be which means that casts a spell he if he's a sorcerer that many delivered magic but specifically black magic but the beam which means to summon spirit from an altar to make an agreement with them this is what I will do for you you do this for me I would sell my daughter I would sell my son I will make this one a sacrifice I will do this but I need the spirits to come and persuade and influence Somalia to look at me as a chief and as a man of God even though I follow in the scriptures even though I dismiss the Word of God even though I'm getting them to participate truly in witchcraft rituals that is against the word but because the spirits have convinced and influenced them they don't see like that they see me as a true man of God in fact they called me a great command of God oh I love in this I love in this revelation I love this listen to what the scripture says verse 20 and he says the Lord said remember notice macaƩ in the vision and the Lord said who shall press what does the word persuade me because it's defining what spirits do the spirits of salvation are trying to convince you you need to get it right before you leave till eternity the Holy Spirit is trying to convince you by leading you into all truth evil spirits do evil things what are they convincing physically you know they are coming against your celestial being the core of who you are your spirit man no matter on you and the Lord said who shall persuade Rahab that he may go up and fall into ramoth-gilead so what is this also telling me it's telling me when you sit in Narnia and that Devil of phonic of adultery is coming to you you and Mary can hook up tonight because the wife working night shifts he would what the scripture saying is these not your thoughts these are spirits tried to persuade you really go against the law which is going to end bad for you in the end very clear you need no scientists figured out and the Lord said who shall persuade a HAP that he may go up and fall at Remus Killian who will be Google go there and convince him and the Bible says and once there was the one one spirit talking to another spirit what do they say a spirit of the set of language you go no it's put a fornication would you go because these are what spirits now watches and the Lord said who shall pursue a heart that he may go up and fall at Rhema Gillian and once said or one spirit said to the other in this manner and another said in that manner verse 21 of first Kings 22 and there came fought a spirit uh-huh that stood before the Lord meaning this was the one who's gonna volunteer to do what the rest don't want to do so and that is to persuade a HAP to go up against moon with ramoth-gilead when she will lose not only in battle but also lose his life it says and there came for a spirit verse 21 of first Kings 22 they came for a spirit and stood before the Lord and said I will persuade him now witnesses also show me it shows me and that's why you were men you need spiritual understanding no spirit could come up against you unless that spirit got permission from the Lord God Almighty and the only way that permission is received will depend on your heart would you delimit is there sin in your life is there breach in the covenants of God is there breaching the laws of God because God was a righteous judge got to be fear not because you call yourself apostle Kevin Peter Pan Kevin to the third power that mean nothing if sin is in your life then go to is the righteous judge got to say okay well Satan you got your free will you got your free will you to deal with it so the scripture says in verse 21 and there came for a spirit and stood before the Lord and said I will persuade him verse 22 and the Lord said unto him I know this well with or how will you persuade it and he said we gotta be clear who's he the spirit and he said what's with the spirit said the spirt said I will go forth and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all the prophets lord I love this Jesus I thank you for understanding to this this day I thank you for the revelation that you are giving these people I thank you for the eyes that are being open got nothing to do with me Lord I am just a conduit giving them your scriptures to break the yolks over their lives in the name of Jesus the Scriptures are unequivocally clear there's no denying of the Scriptures the Bible is correct we don't need no jury here we don't need no committee here the scriptures are clear how could that person on the job persuade these people to don't fall on people who helped them in the past how could your sister and brother whom your ma give birth to all your turn against you who they will you help them earn your life but this one family member who got a Jezebel spirit and him or they feel they are the authority of the family who feel that when mummy and daddy dared they were left in charge who is this control and Devadasu they are a demon according to the scripture huh when you see a person who was always hungry for control they will do anything to get it and not limited to their natural means they was definitely going to the supernatural burnin candle on people writing their names on piece of parchment paper and putting candles on it and speaking things and putting graveyard us here Saul's here and bringing them food and stuff know that I like you but all kind of witchcraft plotted in the food planted in the floors planted in the tree and stuff they bring in there all to get control and to bring your life done what the God of Abraham is gonna meet them the God of Abraham is gonna deal with them and show them that past and Apostolou they're talking nonsense but they are men and women of God when they know good they into obeah and any church you go to listen to me carefully I help with somebody today any church you go to and they're telling you to engage in things that are none of the Scriptures get that devil in the bush one voice I'm excited I told you miss before where they was invited to a church and as soon as they get in the church there was a basin with water in it where they have to go dip day for him okay and everyone who come to this church must have an article of some red-clawed or scarf or dress or whatever have to have read in it this person up here prophesy and every time they prophesy you notice that their specific colors that they will either a white hoodie or a red hoodie or a red bandana or sir why because these are the instructions given from the evil artist by the evil spirits that if you want me to not only identify where you are to perform these fake America's then this is the agreement we must have they know listen people who went to this know just what I talking about all right you know the Christians the believers of Jesus Christ no compromise when your son's got in trouble I shoot someone kill someone robbed someone and they facing some heavy penalties and long prison terms and you abandon Jesus Christ and you decide to go to these people and you all about putting people name and these children shoe or your shoe or doing certain rituals before you get to the court or where in a certain color or a certain attire so that the spirt will note this is the person who we come to help out today to confuse the judge the God of Abraham is gonna meet you listen you have no idea that the Covenant you made at that altar for your child even for yourself you have zero idea of the spiritual implications that is going to not only be on you and that child but the future generation Jesus God Almighty God said in his word in a Exodus 20 verses 2 to 5 read it he he prophesied when you serve other gods when you go to all their people then you go and practice witchcraft he said I will visit the iniquity upon your children even down to the toilet and for generation and like I've been telling you on my radio show when your mom went to free you from someone put a fix on you when you're more Grammy or whoever tell you to drink this when your sister and brother tell you walk around here walk or backwards in the gravy I take this salt take this grip whatever they told you that you know good and well no even if he didn't know there was a part of sorcery according to the scriptures not Kevin they say my rule God says that the four generation that will come through you are course already they don't stand a chance if someone don't come and break what you have done if you don't renounce and cry out to God and say God forgive me my I am NOT innocent God forgive me I put these hands to sorcery I have practiced I'm talking to preachers now I'm talking with a regular obeah I told them but those who wanted people to come to their church they also wanted favor with members who also wanted to control now you may say about Kevin I didn't go to there'll be a man you're right you had manufactured yourself when you try to exert control on people with your own rules weren't covered and all this garbage UI witchcraft will occur you are trying to control people you are trying to put yourself in the place of Jesus Christ the Word of God is clear there is but one God and one mediator between God and man and that is the son Jesus Christ let it be known today and every other day according to first Corinthians 11:3 it says clearly that the head of every man is Christ so if your pastor time I tell you you need an A you need an itinerary from you he is a so so now he may not be going to the graveyard and doing the deep stuff but he is using the same format and he is trying to control you given that church you will never prosper you will never excel the same result you will receive like any other place and that is one person what will prosper if even they prospered try that master anya don't you try that and that's the same format we see in right now the debarments a coaching which one of your spirit will go and the Lions were they see me I will go so God says how you gonna deceive those four hundred prophets down there he says I would become a lying spirit in their mouths so all of those prophets down you're thinking they really hearing from God oh I hear the spirit not telling me Oh God says go for whoever you are go go right now I don't know who you are today but God I mean feeling in my spirit that that the Spirit of the Living Lord is saying to go and pursue and pursue the enemy yeah what spirit tell me I hold no Scripture yet I'm from you've been preaching now for the four past 400 hours you ain't quote one word of God you ain't quote one principle you ain't quote one rule where elements work we said get your lion devil tongue from Romania well nothing to do with you and dust attitude you need to take because these people are leading you to a crisis hell a one-way ticket there take full of sulfate aggrandizement full of wickedness talking mess show me the scriptures go out to you why is that so difficult show me the scriptures our here or not as you she's using us the devil is used people do and it seem as if he's using you right now so the Bible says here let me to finish up in a rapid radio and the Lord said verse 22 in the Lord said unto Him where with and he said oh how will you deceive him and the Spirit says I will go forward and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all the prophets and he said thou shalt persuade him and prevail also go for it and do so so God is now giving the approval okay and why you might say well why God allowing us God is allowing this because Israel at this time through their leader has quantified for the devil to work in there like there's nothing unjust here remember God is a righteous judge righteous judge don't mean that because I am a Christian he can dig and he can stick up for me even if I do wrong no no no no no no like any good parent okay Johnnie you take this from this boy I can punch it on and go take it back to him right now that's a good parent but a bad parent is this my son or whatever he does is fine with me you and your son is a devil can be a demon so this is the what do I judges saying Israel is now serving bear is listen a harp was married like a raffle radio I got so much more but I did a wrap up here a hub married Jezebel all right who was Jezebel Jezebel was the descendants of the saurian Knights who came from the lineage of the Canaanites what did they do Kevin they serve idols they say of gods in fact let me give you the scripture so you could look it up in your spare time they solve idols and they solve gods if you turn to 1st Kings right the sound first Kings chapter 16 verses 31 to 33 it gives you who Jezebel was how she come from Prince and Kings who was from the sodium eggs or whatever Indian who came from the Canaanites why this is a problem for a king of Israel because go back not to Deuteronomy chapter 7 verses 1 to 5 when they were told by God he says listen when you get into the Promised Land listen what he says do not Forge no covenants with them do not marry them and he told him why he says at least they pull you away from your God how could they put me away from my god but what the descriptions say what was the law that one caused that to happen he said in our radiused neck scripture down Deuteronomy chapter 18 from verse 9 to verse 14 it talks about all the abominable things that they were doing over in Canaan before the Israelite meant to inherit the land he said do not be be involved with familiar spirits witchcraft new command-c divination with the next one where you are astrology observing the times and all these other things horoscope he says for all of these things are an abomination dude these are detestable to God then we should over there to Leviticus chapter 19 verse 31 because this is now how they became polluted he says do not bother with no one who into who which or visits or deal with familiar spirit and everyone was in the occult in terms of witches and warlocks and and all these are a secret society high titles daddy would familiar spirits and this is why he said we say for with them least a cup you what does that mean they're going to change you from your original what does that mean then of course you do come to me from the God of Abraham so when Ahab married this Jezebel woman who came steep from a background of sorcery exactly like God Word prophesied it pulled him away from his God now he now setting up all kind of idols and groves and shrines and Israel and having them worship so therefore when the land spirit came to God the ground was set God couldn't say no you can go no he had to let him go because he's a righteous God they into evil so evil would be a portion I got so much more scripture but we can pick up on this next week we can continue off of this subtopic witchcraft from the church because I get at least about twenty to thirty more scriptures here that I have yet to get to but my time has gone folks and we will pick up on this next week Father what I thank you I thank you for your wisdom I thank you for your knowledge I think if we are understanding and I pray right now father God Lord that which you are placed upon me such as the spirit of wisdom knowledge and understanding the spirit of insight and boldness I pray right now father God I know hog let the people who want and let them have it in fact father God multiply what you have on me multiply it for them because it is my desire not to gain points not to get likes on Facebook not to be some great man but to be a conduit of your word that's what's important to me I want to see people's eyes open I want people to live their best life through breaking the spiritual shackles and anchors that are currently on their lives even don't have been in a place called the house of God for years father God removed the scales from their eyes father but I pray even as Elijah prayed for a servant gehazi I and he says Lord open up his eyes that he may see it is my prayer right now Lord that you open up the eyes of these people and that the revelations that they were received through this teaching will become life for them I pray don't have a passion to go over the script is not just what I say to literally have a spirit to read and comprehend the Word of God and let the spirit of true which is the holy spirit continually guide them into all truth let the holy spirit become their their compass their navigation tool not getting through this evil world to show them your path of truth in the name of Jesus father I cover everyone within the sound of my voice with the blood of Jesus Christ especially those who do not know you as Lord and Savior that they will accept you not just being spiritually or intellectually smart in the things of the Scriptures but to be a member of the body of Christ and operating according to the rules the principles of the laws in the ordinances of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I pray for our God that wherever they are that is not of you that is the place that has become the the apex of why they're not going forward father what bring the revelation that they need to remove them from there and place them where you want them to be so that they will grow forgiven go forward so there will be catapult their destinies every one father what has been him did somebody somehow by some evil prophesy over their lives father by the blood of Jesus by the power you have invested in me to trample over scorpions and serpents and nothing by no means shall harm me and you've given me what's over the power of the devil when I exercise the power right now to break the spiritual bondage to destroy the cords to destroy every shackle every chain that has bind them spiritually even going back to Jeremiah chapter 5 where you said that they are evil men among your people father God I don't know if the action will bring judgment I know you will bring judgment because you're worried declares that vengeance belong to you my concern isn't about the oppressor right now my concern is about those who are oppressed that the word of the Living God according to proverbs 11 verse 19 which stare clearly states it says that through knowledge Sheldon just be delivered I believe it on my mind I believe it on my spirit I believe in the core of my being that the knowledge that I've shared with the people today which is the core word of the scriptures this become the key to releasing you from the padlock of bondage that preacher that teacher that apostle or whoever under the guise of the the kingdom of God who have incarcerated your life who have raped you financially who have made a mockery of your life and you've never Excel it is my prayer that the God of Abraham but God that met us all who later became poor on the road to Damascus that you will have a Damascus experience whether in your dream whether in the NAND you're living in your rigs think that the God of Abraham will visit you and rewrite your destiny rewrite the history of your lineage by breaking the ancestral and generational curses by breaking everything that has withheld you spiritually and now of course you to be terrible physically by the blood of Jesus Christ I printed the spirit of fear and anxiety and panic attack that is I need you all these years when that Devil of depression come that the Lord will raise up our standard and several legs of that spirit so that you could be eternally free and now bask in your Liberty and cry every preacher that has held you back to some garbage of doctrine of devils in terms of covering and all of these evil bondages of sorcery be broken by the blood of jesus and that you have a passion for the Word of God you have a passion for the truth that you have a desire that you want to know more of Jesus Christ and not of some joke on a pulpit telling you nonsense you want to hear the Scriptures you want to hear a word of God that is what's gonna bleed you to Christ that when you hear the word of God you become excited in your spirit because your spirit was famished all these years sitting in this place not getting any word of God so father I pray right now I prayed that the spirit of the Living God will rest upon everyone not just believers but especially non-believers I believe that even when I'm off the scene even when I finished my tenure here on earth that these messages will still speak to the destinies of those listening that do not know you just as how it's speaking today by the power of the Christ none of self not flesh but strictly of the Word of God I thank you God that I am not like those who lead people to me I am not like those who was pillaging your people financially and waving them and giving them a twisted view of who you are instead I lead them to the scriptures with the hope that he will now be gone towards you dated bypassed me they can excel me and gifts they can excel me in whatever else I don't care I just come here to do my part and move on and I pray that they will take on that same spirit that it is not about them but it's about you Jesus Christ so father I bless you i order you I praise you I give you glory and thank you for the spiritual work that has been done and this day and in days past and in days to come to ultimately free the people under Egyptian or demonic slavery in the matchless and in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen and a leg so folks until next week we will be back here again okay so there's a lot of scriptures that I did not give you but don't you worry about that I will be back God spares life God's willing to infuse more revelation of the spiritual world and to show you how witchcraft exposes being exposed and particularly in the house of God so until next time god bless you in Jesus name Amen and amen
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 37,800
Rating: 4.8543515 out of 5
Id: eoVqZwTaTIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 21sec (7641 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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