Wish I learned this opening when I started chess

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in this video I'm gonna be walking you from my thinking process while playing against the opponents that are from a rating range between 600 and 700 and Blitz meaning somewhere around 1 000 rated in the rapid when it comes to the choose.com ratings and the main point of this is to actually see me playing the Karo Khan while adding the small twist to it that I'm gonna actually try to play like a 600 rated guy so I'm an international Master but within this rating range I want actually be allowed to use like any sort of fancy tactics I'll just have to rely on let's say standard moves that are easily doable for somebody that's in this rating range the video is gonna be pretty long so please feel free to use the timestamps from the description and select the games that you're most interested in because throughout this video you will get to see me react against most of the famous mainstream lines that it has alright looks like we're starting over the black pieces and uh we get the most common move on the board which is E4 and we're just gonna be sticking with the Karo contest this is by far the most requested opening on the channel and definitely what I consider to be one of the best responses to one E4 especially for beginners I mean I truly believe this is not one of the best responses but the best and the idea is when they play Knight C3 we're gonna be going for D takes on e4 and still we want to be sticking to the good old data cover by playing the move Knight F6 but the the way I'm gonna be actually playing the Karo Khan I think below 1000. I'll try to not go for like any sort of crazy tactics that would be the main idea okay I can definitely play the best moves for the whole game and it's definitely not gonna be very fun for my opponents but uh still probably you guys would enjoy watching that because you are a very nice community and you know how much I love you for that however uh I'll try to play it in a way that uh it's gonna be like really something that you could easily recreate in your games hopefully so first of all I haven't really been explaining uh what we've done so far it felt like really automatic we took back with the e-born like we always do got a bishop to D6 because that's where the bishop belongs and we got castled and now what are we gonna do develop Bishop develop Knight you may be wondering well nope not at all because there is open file get your Rook there there's no way you can ever go wrong with such moves put your Rook there and then we can decide we've got like a lot of let's say thematic ideas that uh we could go for uh something like let's say 97 Knight f8 comes to mind this is always a typical maneuver for the but we see a pretty weirdly placed Queen on C4 which we can either attack with B5 or with Bishop E6 and this is definitely something you may want to incorporate into your game whenever you're when it makes a move like this you want to keep developing and gain a Tempo so Bishop E6 is shooting that frequency perfectly give the bishop out maybe perhaps attempting to steal the pawn on A2 sometimes it's like quite risky to take these pawns because there could be a B3 sort of move uh trapping the bishop almost but um I'm thinking in this position if I take B3 there's gonna be like Bishop 8 they check at the very least four sinking Nito and that is a very awkward Square for the king because there I have A5 and then go Bishop to B4 to check I mean trapping the queen uh mainly so definitely I can uh I can grab the pawn but uh I think maybe for somebody that's like 600 there's not gonna be so uh straightforward whether the bishop gets trapped or not and uh yeah I'm just gonna make a normal developing move play Knight D7 see what my opponent has in mind to do we're just trying to finish development and uh maybe on the next move we could play something like B5 that's usually how the the pawns are starting to roll so B5 A5 things like that before we do B5 though I don't think it's necessarily such a big issue if it takes since that will give us the open file but I know that uh generally like 600 players don't really sacrifice pawns or don't really sacrifice much in general so first we're gonna play Bishop to D5 rotating the C6 Pawn so that we can uh go B5 next without losing any pawns and just keeping it very simple okay I just want to do B5 follow it up with uh A5 and try to push my pawns towards the enemy King because I should have actually said this earlier look at how the enemy King is placed we've got opposite castlings meaning that uh all right it is a race I've got to push the pawns on this side opponent has to push here try to get in G5 that is basically how the game should go uh if let's say we were both uh trying to play uh optimal uh so okay wanna just go to Bishop Ito I'm gonna stick to my plan just going B5 should definitely play G4 now I don't think there's more time to be wasted and still anytime that's like winnable but we're just playing it simple okay just trying to uh not go too hard on the 16 on the 600 uh rated players by the way you shouldn't really underestimate the 600 uh players in Blitz because I know maybe quite a lot of you uh will be tempted not to watch the sort of videos thinking that okay they're like 600 that's only like take their three pieces they only blunder and blah blah blah but the thing is these 600 players are actually like 1 000 in in Rapid because the way the uh chess.com uh ratings are working is that uh I think there's at least like 300 rating points difference between Blitz and Rapid so uh just saying if you're playing mainly rapid and you're like 1000 this should be definitely I think still instructive for you hopefully you let me know in the comments so okay opponent does go for B3 and okay you've noticed that we've been constantly wishing our pawns while opponent has done uh no progress and with his last move it's actually making quite a critical fundamental mistake because he he shouldn't be pushing the pawns on the side where we are attacking so really try to remember that rule okay super important maybe below 1500 it really changed the the way I was like seeing the game push the points there what is this gonna do do you think it's gonna like slow me down no it's only gonna make it faster we play A4 and uh we're only gonna be able to uh break through quicker so definitely a mistake try to stay away from it of course sometimes um you know you could like break this rule it's not like working a hundred percent but ninety percent that's definitely very applicable strong players can recognize when to break this Rule and this kind of stuff but um yeah I don't think it's really something you need to bother yourself with so I had to stick the rules now if he actually goes B4 I think it's fair to just stand Upon A NATO since there will be no uh Bishop trap uh anymore and let's see what he has in mind because otherwise we're just ready to play um he takes on B3 by the way guys I was actually uh wondering whether it would make sense to play 10 minute games until we get to like 1000 but then realize that 10 minutes it's included into rapid time controls so maybe you let me know in the comments whether you think the pace of the video is good we get to talk enough about the position and this kind of stuff since I know for like 600 rated players maybe the gameplay that's like blitz could get a little bit tricky to to follow I mean you let me know maybe I'm just talking nonsense uh when I just played rookie one once again he's not doing what he's supposed to do gonna be opening up the file for our Rook now rocket science behind that and you should definitely not play Rook A1 okay that wouldn't be a very good move because the queen moved backwards but I think definitely something that uh you can sort of Do Without Really uh thinking too much when you can infiltrate on the second rank uh with the Rook that it's usually the best move so that's what we do roqueto sticking to basic principles next I would actually love to get my queen involved so thinking something like Queen A8 Queen A3 now the main reason why I'm not considering Queen A5 is because opponent's king is quite vulnerable so we are trying to play for a mating attack if we were to trade queens that would help our opponent tremendously and also in the Tata cover in general yeah just think about this let's just make a little bit of an exercise uh imagining if uh Queens got traded off let's say we take wins off we've got like two pawns against uh three pawns on the queen side we're just worse okay all the end games in the Tata comrade usually just worse I mean Rook end games are kind of fine and queen end games but all the like minor pieces or like King opponent games are really suffering you know Tata cover so it comes down a lot to Dynamics and let's say taking three pieces yeah like that but okay I mean maybe you are 600 that's somehow just thinking about the king side and you're not seeing the free Knight okay we'll just try to stick with the main plan see if it's like good enough to work yeah there was a hanging night I know okay opponent is running away uh for his life okay maybe now you realize that his King is no longer there unable to get mated you can take the Knight but maybe you can also spot the fact that oh the queen is kind of vulnerable and we're gonna be like saying hello to this queen B4 where is he gonna go c4's taken c5's taken both B2 and A1 you guessed it right are taken so this is actually winning the queen and okay I mean we didn't really have to like do much at all in this game I literally just attacked his Queen and he got trapped now I have to speed up a little bit since um this is a Blitz game and uh well it is an increment game so still definitely very easy conversion for me normally but yeah just saying uh don't be afraid of the fact that I have 24 seconds I know some people actually get really nervous while watching me do this five seconds of increment is usually pretty easy to play and explain in the same time despite like a Time scramble so again as I was saying I don't think I did anything extraordinary in this game I think it's definitely something that let's say the average chess viewer that maybe never even played a Karo Khan would start doing after like watching a couple of videos okay just getting the dart cover and trying to develop pieces with Tempo whenever you know like opponents gasoline onto the other side we try to push our pawns and open up the position and we just saw we got an easy win uh with that I could try to open it up with C5 um that's usually I think C5 was a good idea as well but I'll just go for uh the trades so the main way to actually convert positions like this is by exchanging all the pieces and like not blundering your queen like I was about to do that wouldn't be a very smooth uh yeah first game of the series if that happened uh but anyways um you're gonna win a lot of these games by just trading uh everything uh down and um yeah also I wanted to say when you're like up this much material and maybe it's not uh so obvious how to make progress you should always look for a pawn break and this is uh clearly something that uh I cannot really emphasize on enough because uh what most of the lower rated players do that are like stuck in this rating range or maybe are just starting out they only tend to think in terms of uh direct threats or like I do this he does that uh type of stuff instead of thinking uh more in-depth like planning out a pawn break that could happen like three moves later because really the uh honest uh truth about uh one movers is that uh well if your opponent is um yeah defending against the one more threat that you just did uh you could actually potentially misplace your piece and not really have like a long-term goal in general so when you think about like a Point Break let's say you really have more of like a long-term plan and just the fact that it takes you around like uh three to four moves maybe to set up a pawn break trust me your opponent is not even gonna realize what you're preparing and just the fact that you're putting like Investing For tempos to a plan that's going to hit him directly usually he won't be able to just defend with one move so you could just win by uh planning a pawn break and delivering it so hopefully with that uh inspirational speech um yeah that convinced you to give the karaoke a try and uh we can move on to the next game quick Interruption if you're really enjoying this kind of content please consider liking the video because it really helps the algorithm boost the video to more people you know that is very much appreciated so let's just jump right back into the action alright so for this one it looks like we got paired against uh 7 uh 150 rated opponent and see what they have in mind we see Knight F3 which is usually going to be either playing with E5 getting back into the advance or they're gonna take on D5 which is transposing back into the exchange variations so uh I think from my experience they mainly take on D5 in this rating range however I won't be surprised if I play A5 as well I think that two knights are like very rare for this particular rating range and okay we do see the advance now against the advance I will be sticking with uh the third move C5 which is also uh what I'm gonna be recommending in my upcoming chessable course on the Caro and definitely you could start with C5 here followed by 96 and then Bishop G4 that is like completely fine however I think even a little bit more precise is if you start with the spin because I mean let's be honest why wouldn't you when they play the normal like sort of Advance the biggest issue is that there is no Knight to be pinned because the queen can just take your Bishop so here that we've got the advance where we get a free pin we go for it opponent goes D4 I'm just gonna play E6 here a common mistake that I think my students like do all the time they just go C5 trying to uh played in a typical uh fashion as they would do against the properly played Advanced where you would just sacrifice the pawn with C5 now because I played an inaccurate move order there's absolutely no need to sacrifice just play E6 opening up Bishop's path and uh getting ready to push C5 on the very next move followed by 96 and most likely we're gonna get a transposition or just a nice version of it overall so let's see what our opponent has in mind I would be expecting Bishop E2 or H3 other moves I think yeah are likely but not very good okay Bishop G5 by the way would be a very funny way for them to blunder a piece uh guys so if you want to like go ahead and pause the video think about how black is winning a piece in that scenario you might guess because that's a very thematic motive and the main way to do it is by just meeting Bishop G5 not with moving your queen like a chicken but we're going Bishop takes on F3 if he takes back with a queen then the bishop on G5 remains uh lost and uh if let's say instead of taking back he takes your queen you take his Queen he takes your Bishop you take his Bishop you ended up in the process taking one Queen one night one Bishop while he only takes uh winning the bishop so you win a night okay if we do the math hope that's like simple enough to understand now we get the typical situation for the advance after we play Bishop G4 white goes for H3 asking okay what do you want to do with the bishop and in general this question should be pretty simple to answer in the car but the trick here is not to think about it in like too much of a general way like I play Bishop G4 in the Caro whenever they play H3 I do this or I do that that won't work it would be a little bit too vague so what you actually want to do you want to structure in your mind some of these like thematic rules um based on the setups that white is playing so I would say the three main ones are either the advanced that we get to see here the exchange variation and the Tata cover when you're like trying to watch these videos and learn any thematic rules really try to structure them as a specific variation so they play H3 in the advance we always take on F3 no question about that always it's a good move you can just do it just wait out like really even thinking about it now we continue with the same plan just c596 it does grab immediately we're gonna retake that's why we have played um E6 first so that the bishop can retake and opponent goes for the check okay I'm just gonna block the check develop my knight and 97 Castle is next okay it just takes gonna be recapturing ready to play 97 on the next move if nothing gets uh under attack expecting him to Castle sooner or later I'll just try to Castle as fast as I can and let's see just sort of a typical uh Caro game this is definitely making it tempting to play uh D4 which looks like a strong Fork but uh the issue is you can either try to pin me with the Rook or d494 hitting the bishop definitely not as simple as it looks so I think best would be to just go for the trades and in case he takes to the queen then D4 would be winning a piece which is very likely to happen but it means best to take with the pawn which I think is definitely not the move that a 750 guy will find problems that takes with the queen and uh then you just go for the D4 voila you win the Beast he has no kind of play this time because he has to move the queen and just pick up the finite so again we don't really have to do anything at all just try to develop our pieces go for the trades I mean even if you don't spot this Fork you're still like completely fine but it's a pretty easy Fork to I think fine during the game the only tricky part would be not to let go for it earlier because then he wasn't that clear okay he goes for long Castle pretty clever try we can give him some thumbs up for that but the issue is I'm taking one Queen he takes one Queen but I'm gonna take a rook at the end so I'm gonna be up a full Rook uh so this only made it worse than losing a piece I've got an extra rook in an end game which on a good day we should be able to convert now Rook D1 his position is like completely losing but anyways he shouldn't be looking forward to give me easy trades again probably can't really talk about that since uh the game is Just easily one at this point without uh having to do much I'm just gonna play like 96 or let's just keep it very simple and castle I'm gonna bring my Rook to the open file Rook to be it not very effective because there is simply B3 so we get the look to the open file trying to infiltrate Rook on the second always good remember that place before I'm just gonna get my Rook on to the second rank now that he allowed it gonna start collecting some free pawns hitting the Knight that's uh also waiting to be taken yeah I'm just gonna keep taking the three pawns could have actually taken A2 as well let's just start attacking his pawns from behind that's why the Rook is like so powerful in the end game if we have open files that okay just a machine that cannot really be stopped especially when there are no other Rooks on the board so this part can be a little bit uh boring I'm just gonna yeah start getting rid of any possible source of color blame which is these pawns I will trade his Knight like 95 also crossed my mind there was fine but uh I thought okay I'm just gonna play uh Rook A4 and uh keep an eye on this Pawn okay he does manage uh manages to like protect for a while but I think you can just try to create a pass Pawn on this side or could actually just play 96. I think that's like the easier just picking up the E5 pawn and then the rest is um another simple in this like rating ranges you don't really have to try to mate them as soon as you can that's like Obviously good if you are able to but uh just start by taking all of your opponent's pieces which normally one give him any kind of play but there's a Twist to this because you've got to pay attention not to allow a stalemate so usually when you're up so many pizzas and you get to promote to a queen try to check him all the time because when it's checked it's not gonna be a stalemate that's for sure that's a little bit of a project that I can give this is baby the main uh reason why you guys are watching my channel so that uh I'm providing you with valuable content like this one I know I know you don't have to tell me I don't mind if you write it in the comment section though okay King B3 did I just blunder this I don't think I have the point was to just take 185 give him the rook and uh pick up the free night and if it takes uh 185 take it with a row okay he only's got one Pawn I'm gonna try to get rid of that as soon as I can just gonna do it with my king and uh then even if we lose on time it will be a draw like keep in mind if you flag while he has no pieces on the board that's a draw so I mean maybe that wasn't uh properly explained I think I wanted to say that if your opponent still has a Pawn on the board and you get flagged he gets uh like the full point but if he flanks you only with the king that's a draw yeah I don't know what I'm like really trying to say but you guys get the idea because you're the best so uh I'm just gonna try to promote here get a queen okay I think uh now we can just start applying that strategy which is giving a lot of checks Shake him one more time check him on F5 okay now I got his King there I think we can try to get another queen now that this king is kind of restricted okay opponents definitely hoping for uh for a stalemate but he's got uh these two squares if I promote so are definitely not in uh any danger and I mean at this point a mistake would be a thing to try to get a third Queen because maybe when his King is on a f8 and you get to promote that's in fact a stalemate but I think it's just good if you start uh taking him even if you haven't like spotted the mate just giving him random checks until he will stumble across a Checkmate so that should be a pretty easy way to finish these games without worrying um too much about the stalemate okay guys so before we move on to the next game just a little point that I wanted to clarify there when uh my opponent played Bishop to A3 and we can turn on the engine here and do a little bit of analysis uh because I know D4 looked like a tempting move or maybe a lot of you and I'm actually surprised that 94 is not a problem here but I guess the main issue is that uh I haven't spotted we can win uh back the night yeah that's actually completely winning for black but it seems that uh well I was kind of right in a way that he could actually long castle and as you can see all of a sudden the evaluation is uh switching into positive for white the main point being that we cannot take any of these pieces because our Queen will drop and uh also whenever we unpin say we play Queen B6 there's Knight D4 gotta move the queen again he can trade and then my opponent is only defended once which lets my opponent take and that will actually get us in trouble so this is the main reason why uh I have decided to just go for trades and yeah yeah he has to take with the F1 not to lose the piece but I think you can easily just Castle this point is like a massive Target that's waiting to be taken with uh Queen C7 followed by uh 96 and that just seems to be winning upon so uh with that being said I think we can really move on to the next game okay looks like we are getting another little Carl Khan and let's see what opponent has in mind are we gonna see an exchange oh we do get to see the advance so against this the move that he can play Bishop F5 has uh something that uh it's definitely the main line for high rated players among like let's say the top level again Masters you're gonna mainly see Bishop to F5 and C5 only being played sort of as a surprise weapon however I think there's nothing wrong with C5 and from a theoretical perspective is uh definitely a fine move the only kind of annoying thing is that after DC I believe E6 is the best move and getting back into some kind of a French defense sort of structure but um we don't have to like um discuss about it right now so just go C5 maybe we will if he takes C3 or Knight F3 are the most common moves though that I think you're going to face and uh yeah by the way if you are interested in uh learning this bishop to F5 move we have quite a lot of content on the Channel with it I think um yeah Vincent kymer is definitely the type of guy that plays this move a lot and we have like an hour long video about how Vincent kymer plays the Kara Khan specifically and other players as well David Howell included but okay that's like enough about it even ID the rating client would Bishop by five so you should like check it out but I think C5 is definitely the move for you in case you're like just trying to pick up the Karo Khan and you find yourself uh below like 2 000 uh Blitz rating let's say I think for sure this is gonna be working way better because there is uh simply uh less Theory and you could even get a slightly better position from the opening so open and go C3 important here to start with Knight C6 and the move order may be the hardest thing in this variation actually because the play is quite straightforward but you need to like really understand when to play 96 when to go for CD4 okay main issue with CD4 CD4 if you play Knight C6 he's gonna have Knight C3 as a move probably that's not ringing a bell now but you'll get to see uh what I'm referring to here they normally play Knight F3 or DP in the night but those are like the moves that I'm expecting okay and this is what we want to get but before I make the move I just need to highlight the fact that I think Bishop G4 is the most common mistake that uh I see among my students and in the database as well just allowing dc5 and white actually has a pretty good position there important to go CD and then we get Bishop to G4 without allowing that he's forced to take back with a pawn taking with the Knight simply leaves E5 undefended and we want to get into this like really nice and annoying pin but if you were to start with cdcd96 you give him the option to play Knight C3 and there is no Bishop G4 pin I mean at best you can play Bishop F5 and then he plays Knight F3 and you missed on a lot of value by getting that PIN so that's why you've got to get the timing of this right and then you're just gonna get a very easy position to play now the strategy is pretty simple we want to get the Knight around the five it's all uh basically based around this D4 Square I already said earlier that uh whenever they play H3 in the advance we always take on F3 now I'm actually having a flat of eliminating the Knight and then the Pony singing which is something that they Overlook quite often he has to play Bishop E3 now not to let that go and I think I'm just gonna play maybe bishop E7 just to kind of highlight uh yeah I think I'm just gonna try to play it like a 600. maybe you just miss the fact that you can win a pawn that's definitely something that can happen for uh 600 player now he plays H3 always take on F3 remember that and there's like a hanging Pawn okay but you're simply not seeing it I mean you're a 600 after all it happens that you don't see the points I'm not seeing it either I'm just gonna guess okay let's see how bad can this be it was B4 I'm gonna get my Rook to the open fire still this is there any day of the week I gotta get my Recon to the open file that's like always useful is he gonna go B5 if he does that then I'm like really taking there let's see what he's got in mind I think he should maybe just go Knight E2 defending D4 and trying to avoid any potential tricks against the Knight but he does go bishopito okay I mean at this point it's pretty hard not to spot the D4 Pawn so I think we may very well just go with it and cash in the Free Pawn suddenly plus we're opening up Eric's bath by the way speaking with this uh guy is also not bad either I did take one after in the E5 I took away this night because in case he tries something crazy like G4 undermining the knights there is Knight F3 internet Zone because G4 if you move the Knight away then this guy on D4 remains undefinite so that's something you uh should definitely always consider whether you're like thinking to take on D4 with what night so um yeah that's how I think about it I just plays Rook C1 can definitely take there's no rush with taking but it's a very appealing move for uh 600 rated guy I get that but we're gonna try to be an ambitious 600 this time by playing annoying moves which is also quite a thematic idea for the variation just playing uh Bishop to G5 and activating using that diagonal okay now that is definitely the option of uh playing Knight F3 and then Knight E4 I'm not like hating that by any means um that's completely fine you can also move the queen connect the Rooks I think I'm just gonna stick with Knight takes on F3 there's definitely like a pretty large choice of uh good moves in these positions that's like not really changing evaluation of the position I think I'm just gonna play a pretty weird Bishop H6 move since that's like opening up Queen's path and uh just uh you know give him the chance to play like Rook C1 so then we can take his Rogue I mean I'm not saying that's gonna happen that's just more of like a funny Point uh he plays G4 hitting the Knight and Awakening the king glad to see that happening there's 94 or Knight H4 that can easily be played I think I like 94 just because there's a pretty cute tactic after the queen G3 which maybe you guys can try to pause the video and find uh on your own because black can just finish the game on the spot there I think a better move for him is Queen D3 yeah which he actually finds if Queen G3 the point was to go group takes on C3 and then Knight E2 will pick up his Queen no matter what he captures with uh but on Queen D3 we've gotta come up with a with a good move not sure I'm like super capable of but uh I'll do my best otherwise you guys may unsubscribe which is definitely not the path that we want to go down to so I think we just um at this point I think Rook C4 is strong move but uh for like a 600 guy just going back with the Knight seems uh quite good hitting the pawn there's gonna be like effort as a move which I think would be a little bit annoying I mean it's actually threatening to tap our our Bishop so that's definitely not something we should be making uh fan of F4 I think perhaps we should just play G6 in that position and make a make some room to retreat the bishop I'm not like super happy about uh the way I handle this I've got to be honest but uh I don't think it was a mistake either and he just plays Bishop C1 definitely go for the trade instantly and there is this uh P5 Pawn that's waiting for us thing hey Alex come and take me we're gonna do that how can we say no to such offers and 23 allows a pretty funny Fork like in the first game but uh still wasn't that good there and uh okay guys now you may want to pause the video again because black has a pretty promising move and the main question is how would you deal with the hanging Pawn on A7 here because the point is going after that if he takes it maybe he's gonna get a lot of car to play and the answer shouldn't be like trying to play defensive and save these Pawns the answer should be trying to look for a counter attack and that is how you come up with Knight F3 because opponent is now gonna be like uh oh no my queen we're literally gonna pick up that Queen and with that the the game soon but definitely he should try to go for the flag I think not trying to go for the flag in like a 600 rating games as a mistake in Blitz sure it's like good to focus on the uh on the tactics but um you can still climb a lot of raiding I think below 1 000 simply by playing fast so the opponent finds the resign button we manage to cash in the game not really the most perfect game of all time I think but um yeah hopefully that's making it a little bit more clear when to take on D4 and when not to again just maybe making it a bit more clear for those of you that maybe did not get this argument in the first place it's important to not take here that's a mistake okay CD4 can we add like a question mark that's a bit of a mistake because then he goes uh Knight C3 that's not a move if you don't play that because the pawn is in the way obviously and now you're kind of running out of useful moves you cannot play Knight H6 because Bishop takes and that's like good for white you cannot play like Bishop G4 because the queen is there and if you play Bishop F5 just plays Knight F3 you go E6 it goes like Bishop E2 or Bishop D3 and sure you've got like a playable position but uh it's definitely way better if you manage to get in the bishop on uh G4 and then get all the typical play against D4 and to highlight the second Point important uh to to CD for now instead of Bishop G4 because dc5 uh and white is kind of able to keep the extra Pawn or getting to unpleasant positions uh for us now like a pretty good example is if you go for Knight takes on E5 this is a typical mistake since white can sacrifice the queen because he is gonna be the one laughing at the end after Bishop B5 because the only move is 27 but white gets to take picks up the bishop just like way too much I had way too much material that's definitely no good just remember best way of playing this 96 Knight F3 then you go see the then you pin and then you've got all the 97 Knight F5 remember that against the advance you always take on F3 and uh this should generally just give you a winning position from the opening Builder 1000 in inlets so that means that I think you can jump into the next game alright looks like we're getting uh another Karo Khan against the 500 rated opponent this time just gonna stick with the solid play perhaps seeing an exchange this time maybe another advance I mean who knows hoping we get an exchange just for some kind of variety but he plays D3 and this like really gives me the impression that he's gonna follow it up with Knight G5 which is pretty funny because it's a rather famous YouTube trap but no it just goes for the E and by the way this is just kind of uh uh main line at the top level the way my opponent plays but I don't think he like really knows any Fury I think he may be just stumbling across this and getting to play there's definitely not only de in this possession Queen C7 is a pretty interesting move with idea to go E5 G6 is also quite interesting here uh playing against D3 I haven't like really made up my mind yet of what I'm gonna recommend in my upcoming chessable course on the Cairo against this one but uh there's definitely many playable setups I think we're just gonna be sticking with the end game against this opponent and uh playing something like Knight F6 he's got now Knight fd2 and Knight BD it was a choice Knight C3 is not a very good move since usually you play C3 to hide the King on Sito so now he may actually have some issues because the king wouldn't have such a safe Square to hide um yeah anyways I think I'm just gonna start with a fee and quiero since it's a bit tricky for me to play E5 and um ghetto in the bishop especially with a knight on C3 seems a good idea with the porno C3 maybe the bishop is a little bit restricted still somewhat fine I believe but um this way yeah in this end game fianchiato it's I think fine you don't really have to think about this game like uh too much as a theoretical line or anything even though it is you're never gonna see this below 23 2400 I would say in Blitz or at any level I would say that's just a very kind of tricky and new line to play for white uh I think it was like first popularized by uh you're the one for Aged but uh then everybody picked it up and it's quite interesting it's not like refuting the color it's just um kind of how a top level chess Works nowadays just um you need to get a fresh position where if you understand the main plans better than your opponent that it's simply gonna give yourself an age because it's impossible to come up with realistic Edge from the opening against all like the let's say serious main line so in case you've been looking for a course that's like gonna promise you Advantage uh with the white pieces uh I don't think that is there is exist such course but um yeah I mean your main goal in general I think should be to get a position that you're familiar with you know all the main plans of and we can play quite quickly so that's I think quite easily doable with a Karo Khan and with openings such as London system jobava London uh E4 why not E4 is definitely fear Theory heavy but um I I have for this like interesting to see whether you guys uh like seeing me play E4 or not uh so opponent just plays Knight E2 now blundering the pawn that is definitely something we could take I'm gonna try to make it interesting though and not take the Free Pawn just try to develop definitely you should go ahead and collect such pawns but I think it may be more instructive if we maneuver around and maybe get to show another interesting idea something that I could definitely play is H6 because he is uh most likely gonna give me the bishop parent that's something we could work with uh in the long run I think at this point he's supposed to just uh protect his Pawn with the Knight G3 the way he played it and then see that you can see though should be something that uh why it's aiming for in these lines I like E5 for him just because it's a little bit aggressive ping Bishop F3 is um just the best move in The Possession since if he goes GF that is 95 just winning a free pawn and uh in case of uh ef6 that is Bishop takes sonito intermediate move and then just take on F6 back winning a pawn but I think for somebody that's rated around 600 probably 95 is a very likely move 94 was also even a bit better but I'll just try to keep it super simple Now The Bishop's path has been open so the E5 Pawn is under attack he plays H5 I think in just uh say that without being too worried about the potential exchange sack that's only dangerous let's say when the Queens are on the board with the queens of the board that's like hardly a thing because Bishop takes I'm just gonna recapture he could be going Bishop E7 I'll have to move my rook and uh attack his Bishop yeah that happens hitting the faith Rook so we're just gonna be sidestepping expecting something like Bishop D6 but then uh we could just um eliminate his Knight take on E5 and uh we just have uh what they are Advantage into the end game definitely we could start with that but again I'm just gonna play it as much as I think a 600 would do and now uh Rook takes on E5 quite the cunning double attack because the Bishops uh still attacking the ethernet so I think we're most likely going to be winning a piece I think for him best already is to sack with Rook H5 but actually that's a clever idea since Sunday 5 that will be G4 winning my Bishop but um yeah I mean we can sack it for two pawns and still end up on top so Knight F4 thinking of just attacking it could also play rookie eight occupying the open file we shall be to not a bad move I think I'm just gonna play like rookie 8. I think that's most logical move and uh sure Bishop E5 was maybe a bit better objectively but I'll just try to stick with simple moves try to initiate trades and keep it very very simple I might be overusing that word but it's literally what I'm trying to do place kingdito there is definitely that one to be taken but then it would be one rupee seven maybe giving away a little bit of card play I mean not really um yeah I'm just trying to foreign the easy way but um yeah I mean we'll just try to win this game it's uh they're like so many ways you could potentially win this so it's just like really tough for me too come up with um something simpler than that basically defending the pawn The Rook is kind of passive he's gonna try Rook D7 but we can easily defend it oh because A4 maybe ideas to play A5 we should activate our King in the end game I think that's uh yeah quite a nice little idea I remember watching this in the chess Brown um fundamentals uh video where he literally walked his King and when the spawns I think it was a man doing it I could do that okay I think I'm gonna do that just for Content just um highlight the power of an active King however if you plays King B5 A5 the position may be getting uh a bit messy but I still try to keep the bishop I guess I'm not gonna like give it up I'm just trying to show the power of an active King in the end game even though we are up a bishop which is not like really super Fair still hoping it shows a nice point okay King C6 not sure where opponent is going but he maybe saw the same video I did so he's like doing a pretty good job in activating his King too bad he's down a piece that's why this is not uh working as good for him this would be pretty funny he he he he is I mean there's no way this guy didn't watch the fundamental video for uh from chess bra this is hilarious okay he's hitting my Rook now we're just looking like uh two partsers that have watched like the same tutorial length when I use the the trick from the video this is absolutely I find it hilarious I don't know guys you may have no idea what I'm like actually referring to and that may just no sense to you and made you click away from this video that's like very much understandable and um yeah all that but but like the two of you that get the reference I find this pretty funny I'm gonna do it again AC Now power of an active King oh I think I'm not gonna check I'm just gonna go and uh get a new Queen can I have The Rook I'm gonna promote and well what do you do when you get a queen you got it right try to get another one hey guys that's like the ultimate Sigma grind set here you don't have to like get a queen and like be okay with it very second you get a queen you should be thinking uh okay or can I get another one and then you're like fine okay you have to Queens hard to mess it up only need to watch out for stalemate okay I'm gonna give a discovery check King is in check from uh age one Queen come on opponent and King to A6 again just try to give checks so you don't tell mate and uh you will accidentally Checkmate sound for then so we managed to give a game a bit unnecessarily long since he blundered quite early but I hope this part made it like uh somewhat uh instructive still don't really expect you to face this D3 variation a whole lot but um just so you know you could do anything like Bishop G4 also not bad but as I mentioned Queen C7 G6 you'll find moves nothing wrong with the end game so you definitely have a variety of ideas to choose from okay okay okay getting another Caro with an opponent That's rated at almost 600 and we do get to see one of the most common uh weapons uh that they have against the car God okay the word weapon was uh of course used with a little bit of irony since the hillbilly attack is its name that's like never really played properly by these guys the point of this whole movie is after D5 to Gambit the pawn and play Bishop B3 which never really happens from my experience and what you're actually gonna get is just an improved version of The Exchange variation after they take because we get to win a Tempo against the bishop and the enemy Bishop is going to be quite badly placed on B3 uh that's staring into the Rock Solid D5 Pawn so you can literally just read this as it was an exchange I'm gonna develop both nights on their natural squares ideally Bishop to G4 E6 and then dark Square Bishop goes either to E7 or D6 so I'm gonna develop both Knights that is the idea next I mean if he plays H3 I go Bishop F5 nothing wrong with that just don't play with E6 which is locking the bishop it's like not losing uh or anything is just quite passive and you definitely want to avoid that uh when you have these juicy options to get an active Bishop Ian quiero is not that bad either but uh quite um and this is really I would say since usually they'll set up the pawns like this and the bishop is not the most active on that diagonal now Queen F3 clearly hanging one Pawn however I'm a 600 and you know that we don't see such things but we understand the basic rules of opening and we just try to develop while gaining tempos so there you go Bishop G4 is an easy find we would have played that anyways against Knight F3 so even better against Queen F3 they're gonna do like a queen move somewhere just gonna play E6 and developing this bishop to D6 or E7 he plays F3 getting uh my Bishop now let's reading to H5 is uh kind of a common move but if you think about it what is the bishop actually doing over there not much it's not like terrible either but definitely in this position rather than having the bishop on H5 staring into the F3 Pawn I would have it controlling this diagonal it's just a little bit of a detail but uh we don't have to like worry about it too much there's nothing wrong with going to H5 either as I was saying but I hope that makes it a bit more clear why sometimes you may want to consider Bishop F5 a lot of the times the enemy Bishop will be on this diagonal and it's not really an option to let them double up these spawns but in this case it was definitely Justified now normally the dark Square Bishop either goes to E7 D6 it's not like a terrible mistake if you play Bishop before here but that's you don't really want to take and strengthen his Center so why would he play Bishop before and I think I'm just gonna stick with Bishop E7 for now I think that perhaps uh what we can use for like the low rated games is a bit safer because in the exchange you're gonna get to see a lot of Bishop to G5 type of ideas and I know you guys really kind of struggle when the bishop gets there and not that it's such a such an annoying move but I'm hoping the way I'm playing it uh will hopefully make it a bit easier for you to deal with such pressure so important just goes Bishop dito hinting that he's planning planning to Long castle look at what I did the whole time with each move I'm developing a piece I'm castling what to do next uh okay let me in the comments maybe if you wanna like uh try to guess the move here we do uh open uh I mean we're not opening anything but we're trying to take control over the open file semi-open file in this case with Rook C8 so all the time you can take away say my open file that can hardly be a bad move now we've got the position that's like similar for the exchange variation so you can write that down whenever they cast along in the exchange variation those positions are like usually very promising for black close to winning like minus one minus two if you ask the computer knowing that evaluation uh could be super useless and just give you a false sense of uh of control totally agree with that but it's nice that uh you are aware this is bad for your opponent and you can actually try to punish him so opposite castlings you already know it's about uh One race specifically trying to get an attack against the enemy King and I think B5 may be the best move now just sacrificing the pawn but that's not a very easy and intuitive move for a 600 guy also Knight E5 comes to mind I think we should maybe try to focus more on uh this idea of Knight A5 Knight C4 just uh not only against the positions where the long Castle but even when they go short in the exchange I think this is quite an underrated plan that I think I've noticed a lot of you are missing so it goes G4 okay we respect that they're back with a bishop you may be pushing trying to trap our piece no need to panic okay just need to make a loft and we're gonna be okay no need to like uh already start seeing ghosts thinking that we're gonna get mated I mean maybe I will because I'm dumb but you should be able to uh Dodge this uh silly attack G5 is usually never really gonna get them any attack since Knight H5 is quite an easy stop for the pawns also you can just go Knight D7 98 D6 is another nice manual for getting the Knight to C4 which uh honestly if I go 1996 94 he's not even gonna be a fair game but it's just a winning money verse so that may end up being instructive in the same logic 97 Knight B6 would achieve the same thing by the way which one are we gonna use um I think 98 just because of the fact that from D6 the Knight could actually jump onto F5 as well so that's just a little bit more flexible of course um there was nothing wrong with Knight H5 okay now 96 nicely controlling these squares while um getting ready to jump with an iPhone C4 just look at how uh beautiful uh this is gonna be I'm gonna play Knight C4 I think I'm using this one just to have the bishop open It's Gonna Take and we get to reinforce the Knight hitting the queen and then very next moves okay I cannot really slow this down because the following play that I'm about to do is just super instructive and you're just highlighting why uh long Castle is bad for white in this position this we're gonna have a lot of these Bishop A3 Queen A5 or maybe Queen A5 Bishop A3 maybe Queen B6 right away here hitting B2 which is just like crashing I think how is he gonna defend oh he's got like Knight E4 and I kind of forgot about but it's still not gonna be enough I'm telling you because there's gonna be what there's like Queen B3 do we have like a millennium stack I don't think we've got a brilliant sack but I really want though oh boy I really want a brilliant sack oh there's Knight A3 our brilliant sack yeah there it is Knight E3 I'm gonna be like oh no my queen my beautiful queen what have I done and that is a pretty cute uh take meat on Cito uh okay I know you may be confused what the heck did just happened let's do a little bit of analysis so we went for this uh night journey by the way G5 was a bad move for my opponent uh okay I mean if you look at it for the engine I think you can see the evaluation where like equal material but White's position is like so bad that it's computer think it's -4 from my experience uh I know that my students can easily lose such positions which I think is no surprise blackplay is not that straightforter but definitely the main thing that gives you a big Advantage is the fact that we do have the open file already which is going to speed up uh Black's play quite tremendously and if H4 gets played as I was saying just make sure not to hang the bishop and I think uh play something like either H6 this is not really what I would have gotten I think I would have gone for H5 because to my eyes H6 G5 looks a bit like uh opening up too many files for him for no reason while um when we play H5 but best what if he takes we take with a knight there's no way he's like moving that Knight out of the way and if he plays G5 I mean we're very happy we can move the Knight away and we manage to fix this Pawn so there is no attack so against H4 that's how I would have played that after G5 uh Knight goes to C4 as I was saying like there's definitely a lot of crazy tactics just sacrificing the bishop between Queen b694 and wait how is Queen B3 working I try to make that work I'm so annoyed on myself what Checkmate did I miss oh there was 95 this is brilliant oh this is brilliant I would have had Knight E5 oh my God and that would have gotten him into like such a mating net oh I knew MP3 had to be working I know it just felt like it has to be mating but oh my I would have maybe uh been accused for using uh some sneaky beats but no uh no beats here just so I missed Queen B3 but 93 kind of cute either kind of cute you have to admit it maybe 60 to checkmakers the B1 square is under attack and okay just remember from this exchange variation whether it's like ill Billy attack whether they started the property exchange whenever they Castle on the opposite side minus one minus two at least in this position because it's hillbilly attack and it's just a bit worse it was all the way to minus three so I think that's kind of solidifying that argument and uh we can move on to the next game all right all right getting another Karo Khan game with Knight F3 so let's go for D5 and uh yeah looks like we do get uh another transposition to the advance so best play just the bishop G4 as explained earlier in the video D5 nothing wrong with that but Bishop G4 just a little bit more precise in my opinion whenever H3 happens with take 150 against the advance and now just opening up Bishop so we can push C5 we see H3 you already know it's the advance we take on F3 and in Google for uh C5 putting pressure in the center with 96 coming next if DC will take you with a bishop Bishop E3 you always just insta snap on uh D4 just um weakening this structure and putting a lot of pressure into the center expecting a move such as Bishop B5 now and then potentially just 97 so that we can uh think back with a knight increasing the pressure on uh White Center Queen A5 is a nice thing to keep in mind but Knight C3 was good enough to take care of it so that's why I haven't played it expecting opponent now to Simply Castle and then we'll start chasing away the bishop and he's forced to go Bishop takes on C6 otherwise he's losing a piece because Bishop A4 B5 and just think of it if uh Bishop has to go back we're no longer pinned so we can take on D4 so he does end up taking gonna take with the Knights not that taking with the pawn was too bad but we're just focusing mainly on putting pressure onto the White Center and after Bishop E3 this is actually maybe I'm crazy but it just looks like so similar to one of the games that uh we had earlier because it just took us to win a piece with uh D4 our position was in such way that the bishop was on C5 and we went for the trade and now I have to figure out whether D4 wins a piece or not before in Casey Castle is long yeah I think that's like not waiting for us so D4 not good enough there's like 95 however winning a free Pawn which I think will be ultimately what we're gonna be playing but I think perhaps could be even more interesting for you guys if we're like not even taking that pawn first then maybe just um Play Short Castle get like a normal position and you can see how I like to play my opponents there let's go for long Castle which is definitely let's say taking the bull by the horns if that's our thing to say in English uh then yeah I mean you already know opposite castles here usually just a big Advantage for black but I mean I hope it's still quite interesting to play out I'm just gonna do like Rook C8 Queen A5 Bishop a3s usually just deadly okay just Rook on the open file first thing you finished castleing next Queen A5 Bishop A3 is very much a plan so that the Knight remains undefended like tremendous pressure I mean I could have like taken that for the past like five moves okay 94 just kind of encouraging me to play Queen A5 when I once I'd be six maybe but do we really care about what opponent uh once I mean you know the saying goes if you know your opponent wants to play the Dutch defense you may very well just let him kind of same uh story here of the Knight B6 we could maybe just play Rook C7 and his Knight looks a little bit annoying but on the other hand if it's not doing much why do we care oh now there are like a lot of sacrifices that we can probably already go for but let's try to keep it simple this Rook C7 and I think next stop default is like a huge threat to win a piece but you see what the morning does opponent is just saying all right I'm here come and beat me take A3 with check that is usually what you need to do in this rating ranges okay you don't need to find those like fancy tactics and so on just try to play useful Common Sense moves and uh usually you're gonna get like a very juicy tactical shot that can end the game on the spot but you don't even have to like find these or find how Europe to beat your opponent because it will literally freak out in design I mean um I had to like do absolutely nothing here and he didn't even like let me play this on just resign which is like appropriate it's like a minus 10 I guess uh but um yeah I don't mind like playing these positions on so yeah I hope this makes it like somewhat relatable for you guys giving you maybe that little courage that you need to give the Caro a try I literally do believe it's like the best uh beginner opening against E4 let's say and yeah just start playing it and uh see whether it's working out for you or not
Channel: IM Alex Banzea
Views: 80,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5RT0maBcjEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 7sec (4267 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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