Shredded Beef Tacos Recipe - These Tacos are SO Easy to Make!

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hi cooking friends we're back with another great recipe today and you know every once in a while you just sit there and think what do i have in my cupboard and nothing in mine there's nothing in recovery i have all the stuff in my cupboard yeah but i go to the store and get it whenever i read it she does hers is like you know bare but my mine's stocked i always have stuff in there but i always have things that i can make really easy especially when the weather is getting warmer and i don't want to cook too long or have something in the oven too long i always keep cans of beef or whatever and i can make and whip up something quick and this recipe is no exception because i love this and my family loves this you can make this just about anywhere you can even just make it with a mic and i've had it and it's really good it's really good so today we're making my her shredded beef tacos and you guys are going to love it [Music] we have a set of knives from carl schmitz zone it's got all kinds of stuff it's got steak knives it's got all your different size knives in here um all the way down you got bread knives this is my favorite thing and we even have a sharpener in here a life sharpener nice sharpener it's got everything you need we thought that was really neat and we said we know let's use that in the show today because we're excited to have it and we appreciate them sending it so we could try it out and by the way the link for these knives are right below this video so if you guys want to check it out and try this out i think you guys will like it too we're excited about it because you know we're always looking for sharp knives aren't we sheila we are we if steve had these then he wouldn't have all those dull knives that everybody i know everybody used to comment on steve's doll knives boy you got to get a new shirt for knife like you need a bigger knife now we don't have that problem anymore we've got sharp knives um thanks to carl smithson and like i said don't forget to check out that link below we're going to start this recipe by chopping up some of this yummy stuff to go in our tacos and putting these things to test we're gonna put them to work let's go ahead and chop that up boy this this cuts nice and easy steve would really like stephen really like this one he never would quit shopping yeah this is good stuff right here and i like my lettuce really chopped up and small from this side of the camera it looks really really good so we're going to chop all this lettuce up i'm just going to set those aside all right so now i'm going to get my mater chopped up here and i'm going to use this little paring knife look how easy that cuts look at that and i always like to cut the outside because i don't want all the seeds so i usually will just slice out and look how easy that just slides through there that's so nice i'm gonna chop up some onion here [Music] so we've got our skillet on medium high heat and i'm adding in a little bit of olive oil and then i'm going to add in our chopped up onion [Music] so we've got some roast beef and this is the roast beef with the gravy but all we do is drain out that gravy which makes it really simple now if you've got some leftover you know pot roast or whatever you could use that you can also use hamburger meat but this roast beef is delicious and whatever's left of the gravy in here is going to cook off as soon as i put it this pan now i got some just the mccormick taco pack seasoning you can get whatever kind you like or if you just want to make your own you can but this makes it real simple we've got taco bell beat all the heck all right i'm gonna set that aside and over here we have our oil heating up it's just about hot enough so what we've got is some white corn tortillas and you could use white yellow whatever kind you want but i like corn tortillas you can use flour tortillas if you want but this is these are what we like to make our tacos with so got some regular vegetable oil in here and i usually just take some tongs and just i do one side at a time fry up the one side and then you can just flip and get the other side i'll usually do this a couple times but that gives it this taco shape but it's still cooking and i will tell you as you get going these taco shells get better and better as the oil gets hotter and hotter and we're just going to set that right over here on our paper towel and we're going to do another one one down and 10 more to go at least and then some because you know everybody else would be going hey i want one make me one too all right so we're gonna get the rest of these fried up and we'll show you what we're gonna do next all right so we've got our taco shells all done and they're still a little soft so you can still flex and bend them and you're just going to take and scoop your yummy meat mixture right in the bottom this makes quite a bit those two cans so i mean there's a there's a lot here so you could feed everybody and you're planning on it and i'm planning on it that's right then i'm gonna take a little bit of taco sauce just a little bit oops that comes a little quicker than i wanted to and a little bit right there take some cheese and just stuff it in there this is not going to be a neat recipe this is gonna be stuff it in good stuff that's my kind of making that's right sheila's like i'll have that one right there now i'm gonna go ahead and put my sour cream on because uh i think once i put that lettuce on you're not gonna fit it on there you do this in whatever order you want to i'm gonna put my so i love this little squeeze tube for this it's perfect take you some shredded lettuce and then just fit that right on over the sour cream and you'll like all the stuff falling all over the plate here too because you're going to eat that too i guarantee you if you like spooning that up too these are so good what do you think sheila i'm thinking you need to hurry up look at that now you're going to decorate it with some tomatoes little tomatoes i am so ready to try this are you ready i am isn't it this oh my gosh look how pretty it is and we have so much more i mean it makes a lot more than this so believe me those cans of beef will make a ton and i can't wait to try it you ready all right okay let's take a i have to put this plate underneath here yes gotta get a little messy oh that's amazing it's gonna be good though you ready yeah that is so good when you make those tortillas like that it's so much better than like the store-bought stuff you've definitely got to try that like you said it's not too crunchy and it's not too soft exactly it's like right in between now you can make a crunchier if you want to but it's easier to stuff and everything if you just leave a little bit flexible where you can put more stuff on another bite because yes that was so good i'm gonna go really good we wouldn't lie to you i swear well these are delicious they are delicious and i know you guys are gonna like this you gotta try it get you some canned roast beef gravy drain it out whip up some tacos put your onions in get your vegetable oil going fry up some tortillas and yum yum and as steve would say are these the best shredded beef tacos if they they ought to be we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red bye all right i've had more tacos [Music] well that's she she and jen jen them two girls having too much fun we hope you enjoy this recipe and we really hope you subscribe to our channel that's easy little and red's face will pop up over here in a little bit when you click on it'll say subscribe then you're subscribed next to it'll be a little notification bell if you click that little bell then youtube will send you every single one of our recipes or a notification that we posted one as soon as it comes out see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun wren is this the best dividend it ought to be
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 8,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shotgun Red, Shotgun Red Recipes, shredded beef tacos recipe, shredded beef recipe, tacos recipe, mexican food, beef tacos recipe mexican, mexican recipes easy, shotgun red recipes, taco recipe, homemade tacos, beef tacos, tacos, taco recipe beef, taco bell, best mexican food, best tacos, cooking, cheesy beefy tacos, cooking tacos, how to make tacos, easy taco recipe, crunchy tacos, beef taco recipe, hard shell tacos, how to cook ground beef tacos, shredded beef tacos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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