How to Make the Perfect Burger

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Just like my sensei used to tell me.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Kit_Rhodes 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
>> This episode is brought to you by NordVPN. >> Head on over to Sign up for two years, and you get 66% off, that's like $3.99 for the fastest VPN I've ever experienced! >> It's all he every talks about. >> Hello. Oh, Jason? >> Hi. >> How you rocking that NordVPN, man? >> 24/7. That's when I'm rocking it, if there were 25 I would do that too. >> Is there a problem with your NordVPN, bud? >> It's so fast that it makes me dizzy, makes my head spin. >> I'm glad we had this conversation. >> I haven't been eating, I can't sleep at night, I'm just thinking about how safe I am. >> Oh you're still here, that's adorable. I didn't know phones still work this way. I'm putting it on the handset, because this is a landline, so I'll see you in a bit. >> I didn't even know you had one of those. >> I got to go buddy, I got to go. >> Did you call me, or did I call you? >> Michael Keaton in The Founder, halfway through, he becomes what, The Vulture, Batman or Birdman? What do you go for? >> [sighs] Got to go with Batman. "That's the way it comes." [Brian laughing] well I don't want, "There's no option for that. [laughing] "Take your burger." >> He turns around he's just like, "Would you like cheese on that?" [laughter] That weird halo thing that he's got. (laughing >> They tell you like, "Could you go pull around up front?" "Oh man, they got to take my order." Pull around up front and you park. And then he lands on the hood a few minutes later, "Here." [laughter] [classical music] >> Robot Narrator: Cooking a really good burg. >> Kent Schoberle of Augustus Ranch, you talked before about the fundamentals when it comes to steak, you want that crispy outside, you want that medium rare inside, you want to soak it in fat, you want to throw butcher salts all over it. What rules are different when it comes to doing a burger? >> In my opinion, you should have something amazingly delicious with just the meat and the bun. If you can make the meat and the bun taste amazing, and that has to do with the quality of the meat, how you cook it, and then the ratio between the meat and the bun so the textures become one, they're not separate. When you're eating it, it just becomes this holistic experience. A unified burger, so to speak. >> You're talking about a religious experience. >> Almost. >> Fundamentals, let's talk about good I assume good meat, good cheese, good buns, right? >> Exactly. Those three things should be delicious. Everything you add on after that, the condiments, we're talking about the addition of flavors and textures, salt, fat, acid, heat, sweet umami, all of those encapsulated within the burger. But, meat, cheese, bun, you should have something incredible to start. >> What do we look for if we wanted to hand craft, because most of us buy pre-ground meat, pre-packaged buns and all that stuff. If you want to make a presentation of this, where do you begin? >> Right, take it to the next level. Well, arguably the most important part of the burger, the meat, >> You would say that. >> I would. >> Meat purveyor. >> I'm a meat guy for sure. >> BRIAN: Big meat. >> [laughing] Big meat. >> That's our nickname for you now. [laughing] Big meat Schoberle. >> Scho-Buns was actually my nickname, because my last name's Schoberle. >> That's like Magic Mike. >> But with meat buns. >> But with meat. Scho-Buns. >> Yeah, plus I used to cook with an apron and nothing else, so I guess that was probably >> Don't know if you're serious or not, but uh >> You know what? Moving right along. >> Moving on, I have here three different specific parts of a cow which we're going to use to grind our own fresh meat. Now look, if you're at home, you don't have access to a grinder, just get some pre-ground meat from a source that you trust, either from the local butcher shop, or better yet, directly from the ranch that raises the meat. >> I operated under the misconception, for the longest time, that you really couldn't tell any difference between the type of meat, between the quality of meat, and where it was farmed, and things like that. >> You know what, if we did a blind taste test, we all sat down, put blind folds on and we had just the meat by itself, you would be able to tell the difference. If we ate a cheeseburger with everything on it, it'd be a little bit harder to taste the nuances of texture and flavor when you got all the other stuff going on, the condiments, the pickles, the onions, but it does make a difference. Especially if you're using a bigger patty, not those tiny tiny patties. I don't go any less than a quarter pound, sometimes maybe even a little closer to a third of a pound. Also, conceptually, you're thinking about if you know where it comes from, you know it comes from a good source, you can feel good about eating that cheeseburger. >> What are the three types of meat that we see here? >> We got the chuck. Chuck comes from the shoulder region of the animal. Does a lot of work, so it's got a lot of flavor. It's got some connective tissue, so grinding it is perfect because it kind of tenderizes it. Perfect base for your burger grinds, chuck. Next we've got some ribs. The ribs are unctuous and delicious, they've got a strong flavor, because the amount of fat in there, so the ribs are really going to help take the fat up to the next level. They're boneless, I cut them off the bone, of the rib bone, but they come from the rib section. Third, we've got some sirloin, specifically it's tri-tip. Tri-tip comes from the bottom sirloin, and the reason I like that is because it's a little bit softer in texture, but it's got great flavor. Those three are an amazing place to start for a custom grind. >> Do you blend all three of these together, or do you have different types of burgers from them? >> You can let your imagination go wild. And you can definitely do different combinations, different size grinding plates, maybe you grind it twice, maybe you only grind it once. These are all variables on the table. I prefer to go with them once ground through the medium sized plate. I find that gives a good combination of that kind of burger texture that you're looking for, at the same time still kind of meaty. >> It's so weird, because a meat grinder is something I only know from horror films, so it's weird to be here in person. >> This is a fancy device, you can get basic ones at any store that don't set you back very much if you want to do this. >> Look, you can get a meat grinder for home purposes for less than $100 that's going to do a good job. You can even get attachments for your KitchenAid mixer if you have a KitchenAid mixer. That's a great way to go. I do a little bit more than just the occasional grinding, I like to grind all kinds of stuff. You can get really fun with it, bacon and beef, or pork and vegetables, or any home-made burgers. Having a grinder at home is just, it's fun, gives you a little more flexibility. I prefer a standalone unit, because it's going to be a little stronger. I want to say this Cabela's grinder costs between between $100 to $200, this is one of their smaller sized units. It's phenomenal, it's fantastic. >> It looks formidable. >> It's heavy, it's like 70 pounds. So you'll notice I actually cut it into strips, okay? You can cut it into chunks, but I like strips, I find that it gets a little bit of a cleaner grind. Imagine a blade inside this plate spinning, it's actually cutting the meat. It's not smashing or pulverizing, it's actually cutting the meat. So giving it this continuous strip I believe creates a little bit of a cleaner grind on the actual meat. So we're going to put this in our handy tray up top here so we can put the three different types, we've got our chuck, rib, >> BRIAN: So we're just blending them together in this case? >> Yeah, we'll go, we'll alternate between strips kind of thing. >> Now, were these all sourced from the same cow? >> These were, these came from an Augustus Ranch cow that I butchered on Friday. Freshness is a kind of nuanced subject. >> Talked about aging like after the slaughtering, you want the steaks to hang around a little bit and then get a little bit soft with that natural >> Right, right, dry age. >> BRIAN: Yeah, exactly. >> You're bringing us meat from a cow that you slaughtered less than 48 hours ago? >> No, the cow was actually slaughtered it would be probably at this point 18 days ago. >> Oh, okay. Gotcha. >> BRIAN: So it's aging, aging. >> Hung the carcass for 15 days, and got that two weeks of dry age on it, and then butchered it on Friday. And what I normally would have done, I'd just put it into a vacuum sealed package and froze it, and then we sell these cuts of meat. But I held onto it, so we have it here. So I'm going to turn this on, and literally all you're going to do is feed a strip at a time, there's three piles here, so just alternate. Don't even worry too much about it, it's just going to be perfect. And then just go ahead and drop it down into the hole. Yup, and just keep going with the other strips. >> BRIAN: Oh, it's happening! It's happening! This uh Play-Doh! >> KENT: Keep going, keep going. >> Okay, okay. This is fun! >> KENT: Now one of the ribs. >> You weren't kidding, this is a good time. >> No no, back to the chuck, then the sirloin and the rib, just keep on alternating like that. >> JASON: Oh yeah, because we got to mix it right. Okay, all right. Sorry little biscuit, this is what happens. >> KENT: Just don't stick your hands too far down into the grinder hole there. >> Yeah, that looks like it would end badly for me. >> It's not going to feel good. So you can see the meat coming out, it's coming out nice and clean. >> BRIAN: So there are different types of guards on the outside that determine the size of the meat tubes? This is all science talk I'm trying to put out there. >> KENT: Yeah, absolutely, very technical. There's different sized plates. So you can't see it right now because the meat's coming out of it, but the basically the plate where the meat's coming out, there's different sized holes, and that'll determine the size of the meat particle that goes into our ground beef. >> JASON: This is just like Play-Doh. >> You mean the republic? >> No. >> The philosopher? >> Yep, that's what I was thinking. That's what they did with him. >> That's how he died. Everyone ate him. [Brian laughing] You've also got this meat plunger, so you can use this to kind of help the meat through, but as you saw, we had it in strips and we just fed it one at a time, we're not trying to smash the meat through, we don't want to smash it or pulverize it, we literally want to cut it as if we took those strips with a sharp knife and hand cut them into these tiny little particle sizes. >> So you want to preserve the integrity of the meat. >> KENT: That's right, that's right. >> What's next? >> Well, we're going to put this in the refrigerator, let this cool down, and then we'll dive into our condiments and kind of figure out where we're going to go from there. Just keep that nice and cold. >> BRIAN: Do you want the freezer or the fridge? >> KENT: Just the fridge, just the fridge. >> Okay, so the meat is chilling right now. Is the chilling important for the style of cooking, is there a reason we don't want to immediately throw it onto a pan? >> Really it's just for timing purposes. We're going to go ahead and assemble all our elements before we actually start cooking the burgers. >> This is one of those things I never would've thought of, because now that you're saying it, it's like of course, it's like there's a timing element to get the perfect amount nobody likes a burger that's been sitting around for five hours, right? >> And honestly, that's something that as I learn to cook, this is just kind of basic information, but it really is all in the timing. Like okay, I've got five minutes, I'm going to go over here and do this now while this is happening, and it's really just kind of keeping all of those plates spinning. >> You know, there's the term mise en place that professional cooks use, it's basically having all the different components of your dish ready at your disposal, so at the moment of cooking, you don't have to think, you don't have to be distracted, you've got everything you need. We've got all our condiments here that we're going to separate out, have those all ready. Just going to go boom boom boom quick, assemble the burgers, they'll be ready hot and fresh. >> Okay, little exercise. I'll go first. Yes. Sure. >> BRIAN: Oh, are we going to have this talk? >> JASON: We are, we are. >> BRIAN: Are we going to talk about condiment? >> Yes. >> No. No, no no no no no no no! >> Yeah, sure. I'm open to it, I don't know what's going on with that. >> Nope, nope. Everybody's, okay, butter, fine. Everybody's different when it comes to condiments, right? There's something about the ownership of you being able to decide your own how much of what goes in there, and meanwhile we have different flavor profiles, mayonnaise is so tangy, sweet relish is so gross. >> But here's the choice you get to make, Brian. Kosher dill, or spicy kosher dill? >> I mean if I'm going to pick anything, it's going to be the spicy one, but meanwhile, no pickles! [laughing] Like, that's where I'm at. >> I trust you. Rock the house, man. Put it in my mouth, let's do it. >> Well that's the thing about cheeseburgers, you can really make it your own, everyone's got their own little preferences. But to your point, if you like things simple, the burger should be delicious with nothing more than meat, bun, and cheese. I mean really, if you've got the right bun, a nice soft bun which toasts well, if you got the quality of the meat which has a good flavor, for us we just ground our own meat so it's going to be nice and fresh and beefy. The cheese that we have, I've actually got a combination of two different types of cheddar. So we can really go any direction we want. >> And we got like, is this beef tallow, is this lard? What is this? >> KENT: That is beef tallow. That is beef tallow made with suet, which is the kidney fat from the beef. So it's rendered, we talked a little bit about rendering on the last episode. Doesn't have anything to do with your computer or your graphics processor. But this basically rendered beef fat, and we're going to essentially fry the burgers. >> So we're frying a burger in burger. >> In burger. Why would you not do that? >> Yeah no, that's great. A burger-ception, let's do this. Fire it up. >> First thing we got to do though is prepare our condiments. We're getting into the sauce portion of things. For me, the perfect burger sauce has all of the elements. It's got the mayo, because that's a great base. The fat really like brings all the other ingredients to another level. We've got the ketchup that kind of adds a little bit of a sweetness and a little acid. And we've got the mustard, which is, got vinegar, a little bit of heat and spice. And then the sweet relish, which adds another little dimension of like a >> So we're going to blend all these together to make like just one paste? >> Well again, Kent is kind of recapturing his experience with the Big Mac, so this is going to be kind of similar to the special sauce, right? >> Exactly, exactly. The very first cheeseburger I had, not the very first, the most memorable one. I was at the rec park playing with my friend Jeremy Estus, must've been six or seven years old. My dad brings us a couple burgers, sits us down at a picnic table and puts these boxes in front of us. It's like a brown box. It opens up, and inside is this perfectly shaped bun, round, >> Are you describing a whopper? >> Big Mac, Big Mac. >> JASON: Different. >> But I literally remember every single part of that moment, from the moment I put it into my mouth, and I tasted the crunch from the lettuce, and the tangy sauce, and the bite from the onion, and the flavor of the meat, and the melty cheese, and the soft bun which just gently held it all together. Every moment in my life past that experience has been to recreate that. >> That was a real tender moment. >> My dad just said, "Here's a pack of smokes, I'll see you around." >> It's like a tangy burger sauce that has everything in it. And then finally, we'll add a little dash of rice vinegar just for that acid, bring the ingredients to another level. So there's no measurements, look, when you're at home doing this stuff, unless you're baking, you're making your own buns, and you're doing something that requires that level of detail, this is all about eye. You just, you got to get used to doing it like that. That's the best way. Should be fun, there should be a joy in cooking, you don't need to stress. >> As I've come to understand it, when you get into the groove with cooking, you start to understand that it's kind of like jazz almost. >> So first of all, I know some people are like on the fence about mayo, but like really, if you don't like mayo, I don't know if you're that trustworthy as a person. >> I only recently came around to mayo. Brian on the other hand is a monster. >> Look, everything's going to be mixed together, so you're not even going to really know what is in the sauce, you're just going to know it's kind of like tangy. >> Tangy, savory, sweet, a little bit salty, just adds zest. >> Boom. Yeah, exactly. So, I'm a hippy, so I like using better quality condiments. This is made with avocado oil, this is mayo with avocado oil. The avocado actually does have a little bit of flavor, it's fantastic. So we're going to do this like so, I'm going to do three parts mayo, if this is grossing you out just turn away for a moment. >> It's fine, it's fine. I can handle all of this. [Jason snorting] >> We got ketchup. >> What? Oh oh, it's the same brand. >> Yeah, this is the same brand, Sir Kensington's, this is another one of those like hippy ketchups. We're going to do you know, three parts mayo, one part ketchup, one part mustard, I go a little bit heavy on the mustard because I love mustard, so one part mustard. And then one part sweet relish, just because the sweetness, it adds just kind of very nice >> See, that's what throws me, because I always just think oh sweet relish is the topping rather than an ingredient, but I can see where you're going with it and I'm excited. >> Finally, just a dash of rice vinegar to add that extra acid and make it a little tangy. So this is literally like a teaspoon. If you put mayo, mustard, ketchup, relish on the burger, like as it's separately, that's basically what this is. >> And your experience with a food is in the presentation, so if you get those -- >> KENT: Stir that up. >> BRIAN: Sure I'll just stir this up. >> KENT: Mm mm. >> JASON: If you get these as separate toppings rather than just this sauce, that's going to be a different experience. >> It probably will, yeah. Depends on how much you put, you know, maybe you only cover half of it with ketchup, and the other half with something else. So you mix it all together, you get all of it in the, should I have given that to him? >> Whenever you see the special sauce on burgers, it often looks like that. And a lot of times, it's often just thousand island dressing. >> Thousand island, yeah! Thousand island, boom. [laughing] >> I love how he just kind of, bloop. This from Brian just kind of says, "Happy now?" [Brian laughing] >> If you guys would like to try it, you do the taste test. You stick your uh, [Brian growling] Tangy, you know, a little bit sweet from the ketchup, >> Hold on. [Jason laughing] It's like you did a magic trick, it's like you put in four things I hate and somehow I hated it not as much as I thought I would. >> And here's the thing, that's going to taste very different when we put it on the burger. Right now for me, that's a little intense. >> So that'll go on the top and the bottom bun both. Next we've got our pickles, okay? I like fermented pickles. The fermented nature of the pickles adds that kind of funky, salty, the bacteria from the fermentation, Lactobacillus bacteria is going to help with your digestion, and just cut through the richness of all those ingredients. You've also got non-fermented, which are more of like vinegar based. You've got bread and butter, which are vinegar based but have sugar, you can go any which way with the pickles. But the spicy ones, that's probably what I'm going to go with today. They're not overly spicy, but just a little bit, the flavor of the pepper, the jalapeno, really just kind of adds to the whole thing. >> I mean, you know my answer. It's got to be the spicy >> Yeah, I'm down with spicy. >> KENT: Okay, so I'm just going to take the pickle >> Oh my god, I can smell it from here. >> You do not like pickles. >> Correct, I do not like pickles. >> Oh you don't like pickles. >> No, no no, but look, I'm in, I'm learning, I'm trying to grow. >> Try a piece. >> Okay. >> So imagine this in the context of that fatty, rich burger that we're eating, it's going to help cut through all that richness. >> I can't wait, this is going to be great. >> JASON: You are a champion. >> You're converting. >> You're good, you're good. I am legit excited. [Brian laughing] >> KENT: So we're going to cut these maybe medium thickness so that we can put them on our burger. [Jason laughing] So we got our pickles. Onion, okay. The sharp bite from the onion, you know, don't worry about your breath. It's going to be fine. >> Cooked or raw? >> Both. You've got yellow onions, got white onion, use whatever onion you like. I like red onions, you know, I like the flavor of red onions. So we're going to slice some of these up, we're going to put a few of these on raw, and then we're also going to throw a few of these in the burger grease. >> Ooh, nice, okay. >> So it's going to kind of caramelize a little bit, it's going to be a little bit sweeter, but it's going to have that oniony crunch and texture as well. >> I'm interested to see how much you put on there like, is it the little rings, is it a disc of onion, is it little pieces? >> Well I will show you, sir. So we're going to basically cut the onion, both ends, the root end and the top end. And then we're going to slice it in half. Going to take off the outer-most layer here. You ever get a piece of onion, and it's got that like papery thing going on, you know? Yeah, so that's the outer layer, you want to take that off. >> BRIAN: Got 'em. Take that, big onion. >> KENT: Now what we're going to do is I'm going to slice this fairly thinly, because when you taste the onion, you don't want it to be extremely overwhelming, you just want it to accent the other ingredients. So I'm going to go ahead, and I sliced it once, then I'm going to go ahead, slice it one more time down the middle. So we've got these small, thin pieces of onion, so you're not going to bite into this huge chunK of onion and it's going to be overwhelming. Next, lettuce, iceberg lettuce as far as I'm concerned is one of the greatest inventions of the last century. >> Name another iceberg, sorry, besides lettuce. >> Another iceberg besides lettuce? >> No, another lettuce besides iceberg. >> Looks like you got me, Brian, I can't name any other icebergs. >> Iceberg lettuce is so good, because it has that crunch. >> We're moving away from flavor profiles, and talking about mouth feel. >> Right, now this does have a little bit of a flavor to it, you know, tastes like the garden a little bit. But we're going to slice this, basically shred it, I like it nice and thin. We'll put this on the bottom of the bun. I'm going to take the very top leaf off, and we're not going to need this whole thing, so what I'm going to do is just slice it in half, like so. So you can see the crunchiest parts are in the interior, and then as we get towards the outer part of the iceberg, it starts to get a little bit more green and leafy. So I'll use a combination of all of that, but the best most crunchiest part is from the heart, it's from the interior. >> BRIAN: Right on. >> JASON: That's what my sensei always told me. >> What'd he tell you? >> That the crunchiest part is the heart. >> Oh, okay. [laughs] >> JASON: Sometimes you throw something out there, and it just kind of drifts away. >> KENT: I was trying to find somewhere to go with it, but. >> JASON: Sometimes your friends are able to help ya, sometimes they're not. >> KENT: Understood. So I'm going to slice this fairly thin, got our iceberg, going to kind of break that up a little bit. >> BRIAN: So you're a fan of everything being sort of shredded almost like a cabbage or whatever, where, instead of just a leaf of a single bit? >> KENT: Yes sir. Leaf is great too if you want to peel off a leaf, especially one of the more interior leafs and do it whole like that, that's great. But for me, I like it shredded. So last thing we're going to do before we start cooking the burgers is we're going to melt our cheese. >> Wait, you melt it in advance? >> Yes. I like using real cheese. >> We're not talking about like a unified way protein, we're talking about like traditional cheese. >> Yeah, we're talking about like an actual aged cheddar cheese. Look, I'm not dogging American cheese, it's great. If that's your go-to cheese, go for it. The way that American cheese melts is spectacular, which is why we're going to take our shredded cheddar and we're going to add a little bit of water and a special salt that comes from citric acid, it's called sodium citrate. You can read more about that on Modernist Cuisine, that's where I found out about it. >> This stuff, what, dissolves the cheese and makes it more like American cheese? >> Exactly, it's going to give it the melting qualities of American cheese, but it's the flavor and the integrity of real cheese. >> Some cheese science. >> Cheesy. I mean look, if you've got sliced cheese or sliced cheddar, that's great too. It's just that whole melting down the sides thing when you bite into it, it's like one of the best parts. We're going to take our fancy induction burner, we're going to put our small pot, or in this case a deep nine pan on our induction burner. I'm going to go ahead and turn it on, and I'm going to turn it down to a low power level. Half a cup water, I'm adding 14 grams, 14 grams of the sodium citrate. Now, this is not citric acid, it's a salt made from citric acid. We're basically going to bring this up to a simmer. We're going to start adding the cheese. I have 200 grams of a kind of mild cheddar cheese, and I've got 180 grams of >> BRIAN: It looks like a mozzarella there, or? >> No, this is actually, so cheddar is not actually yellow by default. The yellow coloring comes from annatto, it's like a tropical fruit I believe, they make a pulp out of it and somehow that's where the yellow flavor in cheddar comes. Naturally, you know, if you ever see yellow milk coming out of a cow, you might want to ask some questions, I don't know. [Jason laughing] >> Fair enough, fair enough. >> This is a 30 month aged cheddar, so this is going to be a little bit more funky, and this is going to be a little bit more mild, I like combining the two for the flavor profile. You can use the whisk, sir, I'm just going to start adding the cheese. Just keep on doing what you're doing. >> BRIAN: So we're making kind of a cheese sauce. >> KENT: Yeah, yeah. You could make this sauce and then pour it out on a tray and refrigerate it, >> BRIAN: Or just drink it straight, I would imagine >> JASON: Or just drink it. >> KENT: Yeah, yeah. If you wanted to take the extra step, you can make the sauce, pour it out on a flat tray, refrigerate it, and then cut it into slices, so you're going to basically have your own American cheese. Starting to get kind of thick, so just keep stirring. >> JASON: Yeah, it's uh, I'm going to be sore tomorrow. >> KENT: God, your arm is huge. >> BRIAN: Is this the biggest workout you've done in a while? >> Look at these gains! I got some massive cheese gains from this guys. >> Cheeseburger diet. This is not the easiest job here, you know what I'm saying? This is... >> It's really not. Get some Gatorade. >> KENT: All right, so this is a little thick, so I'm actually going to add just a tiny bit more of cold water. But you can start to see, it's starting to get that kind of melty, cheesy, >> BRIAN: Yeah, sure. Starting to look like that movie theater nacho cheese sauce. >> Just a tiny bit. We're starting to get into that ooey gooey American cheese melting qualities that we're looking for. So we melted our cheese, we're letting that cool, we're going to heat that up right before we put it on top of the burgers. I'm going to turn the oven on, because we're going to throw the buns in there under the broiler so we don't burn our buns. >> So we have the chilled meat, we have all the condiments, we're ready, what is next? >> You can cook burgers a variety of different ways. You can cook them on a griddle, you can cook them on a grill, you can even broil them in the oven. We're going to basically fry them in beef fat. Because why would you not do that? >> Yeah, I'm 100% in. >> There is a place in Tennessee known for doing this, they've been frying their burgers in grease for like 100 years, and they claim that at the end of every night they do drain the grease, but they've never changed it >> So there's some amount of the original beef tallow that's been used for thousands of years? >> Well that just makes me think of them reusing the same culture for beer. >> Or yeast culture, yeah of course, of course. >> What I like about doing this is that it kind of like fries the outside, and gets the edges really crispy, and I mean it's just like beef on beef flavor, cooks really quickly. I've got beef tallow, so we're going to get this melting, I'm going to go ahead and turn on our induction burner. I've got my thermometer here, we're basically wanting about 375 degree temperature. >> If I were to put a little bit of beef tallow on a spoon, could Brian eat it? >> Of course. Absolutely. >> Just checking. >> I mean, I'd let it cool down a little bit. But this is 100% beautiful, edible fat that you [stumbling] >> I know exactly what you want me to do. >> JASON: Yes! [claps] >> Wow, I, I did not see that coming. >> No? Because I totally did. Never let me down. How is it? >> This is a great episode. >> Yeah, I would, I would, I mean, look, there's nothing... >> Yeah, you need to get rid of that? [laughing] >> Wow, you went for it man. That was awesome, you really went for it. Now had you swallowed that, unless you were like used to eating a lot of fat you'd probably be [beep] your pants in 20 minutes. >> Good thing I didn't swallow it, then. >> But now you're just primed. Now you're perfect. So wow. >> BRIAN: Kidney fat. >> So we're melting that, we've got the oven on broil, we're going to stick our buns in there and we're going to toast them. Have you seen Braveheart? >> BRIAN: Sure. >> JASON: Oh yeah. >> KENT: Yeah, you know that part where he's like, "Every man dies, >> "Every man dies, >> "But not every man truly lives." If you're not buttering and toasting your buns, >> JASON: Then you've not lived. >> You're basically surviving. You need to butter and toast your buns, for the love of god, please. >> Right on. >> Repent! >> I'm going to melt this butter for just like however long it takes. >> Microwave, now he's talking my language. [Brian laughing] >> KENT: So we are brushing melted butter onto these okay, we didn't really talk about buns too much did we? >> BRIAN: No. >> A nice soft bun is key, because it'll toast on the outside and get kind of crunchy, but the interior will be kind of fluffy and moist and soft, so it's not going to fight the burger, everything's going to tie together gently, but securely. >> Anything to look for in particular when you're selecting buns? >> KENT: Just something that's on the softer side. So theses are brioche buns, means they've got eggs, lot of butter, and we're adding more butter. Can also go for a roll, you can go for a potato bun, you can go for, I mean look, as long as it's kind of soft and fluffy on the interior, that's what I would say. We've got our buns, we're heating up our oil to about 375, this is beef fat. It's not Crisco, it's not vegetable oil, use the real thing. Lard, beef fat, duck fat, chicken fat, like fat in it's most simple form. Next, we're just going to make little balls >> BRIAN: Like a meat ball? >> KENT: Yep, like a meat ball. Ooh, this is so soft and silky. We're making a ball about that size, okay? We're going to press these down into little burger patties, and we're going to stick them in the fat, they're going to fry. We want to pay attention to the amount of meat, and the size of the bun, I want the meat to basically be about the same circumference as the bun. So that means we're going to have to make the patties a little bit bigger than the bun, because they're going to shrink a little bit when we cook them as the fat cooks and renders out. >> So this is one of those things I always associated like you know, the home-made burgers often times were more like meatballs with bread on the top and the bottom, whereas you go to a fast food joint and they were always these super thin patties. You're saying reject the super thin patties, but instead embrace the giant meatball thing? >> No, I'm saying somewhere in the middle. We're going to smash this down into a thin patty. But you know, we're just making the balls first. Frankly I don't like it when I get like this thick patty in the middle of my burger. I like it a little thinner, because I don't want it to fight everything else in the burger. I want it to all work together in one kind of harmonious texture. So I'm going to go ahead and push this down like so. >> BRIAN: I mean, it seems gigantic. >> KENT: It seems big, but fat's going to kind of cook and render out of this, and so it's going to shrink up a little bit. >> JASON: What is it you're using to smash that? >> This is just a flat piece of metal I have that just makes it really easy to smash these burger down. So look, these are hand-made patties. The uneven edges, that's great. The oil's going to kind of fry the edges of these things, and it's going to get all crispy, it's going to be amazing. I'm going to wash my hands. >> I'm going to wash my hands that are covered in just fat. >> Even though this is nice, clean, fresh meat, nobody's going to get sick. All right, I'm just heating this up a little bit. We're going to use this right before we serve. We can probably put this back in the fridge, we're done using that for now. We've got everything assembled, got our lettuce, our onions, our pickles, our sauce, our cheese is over there on the stove, got our patties, we got our buttered buns, these are going to go into the oven on a low broil to toast. I'm going to test the temperature of the oil, we're looking for about 375. So I'm basically holding it there, >> BRIAN: So it says 315, 320, 325, >> So it's getting there. >> It's getting there. Safety tip, you're cooking with fat, you're frying, something goes wrong, flames appear. The easiest way to ruin your life is to throw water on it. >> It's bad news. >> Extraordinarily dangerous. >> You just want to cover it. Something catches on fire, put a cover on it, put a lid, try to remove the oxygen. >> The long and the short of it is don't put water on a grease fire. >> Do not. >> How done is done when it comes to a burger? >> I want to leave a little bit of pink in the middle. These are thin patties, so they're going to cook almost all the way through, but a little bit of red, little bit of pink in the middle is great. If you want to take it more, take it more, that's fine. If you want to nice rare burger, you definitely want to make your patties a little bit thicker, but for us, we're really just after the flavor and the texture of the meat, and it's going to be so juicy no matter what. One of my favorite ways to cook a burger, too, is like if you've got a griddle, especially, I've got one in my back yard, it's like a big hot griddle. You take that ball, and you smash it down on the griddle. You get that beautiful crust underneath, and then you want to take a really fine, sharp spatula, and scrape up that crust and flip it, keep all of that golden golden brown crust in tact. That's like a smashed burger, those are becoming really popular. So I'm going to put these burger patties into the 375 degree beef fat. We've got our buns toasting in the oven, those are almost ready, you can smell that toasty butter. >> BRIAN: How do you know when the buns are toasted? >> The buns will visually have that kind of golden brown crunchy toasty look, but not black. That's it. All right, we're ready to go. Going to put that into the nice hot oil. Let that do it's thing. I can't really fit the other patty, so we'll just save that for now. >> BRIAN: So we're looking for almost like a chicken fried steak kind of browning >> KENT: Yeah, exactly. Probably about 30, 45 seconds per side. >> Oh wow, so really quick. >> I mean, this cooks quick. You can see it's basically frying, frying in the beef fat. >> I'm amazed, because everything that you've done so far, I've thought, "Oh, I can do that." [Brian laughing] Which is never something I expect to say when standing in any kitchen. >> KENT: Buns are looking good. Oh yeah, they're feeling perfectly toasty. So we're going to take these guys out, put those right there. So we've got our bottom buns, we got our top buns. So, Jason, why don't you take some of this sauce, about that much on all of the buns. >> JASON: All of them? >> KENT: Bottoms and tops. >> BRIAN: I'm trusting in Kent for all of this, this is not my bag. >> I'm proud of you, man. >> That's our burger special sauce. So I'm going to take this >> JASON: Do you need some Miracle Fruit pills just in case? [laughing] >> KENT: We're going to very gently >> BRIAN: Yeah, it seems like flipping them over would be problematic, and that it would splash hot oil all over the place. >> KENT: Yeah, you definitely don't want to do that. So we're going to flip it over. We're going to flip them over really whoops, gently. It falls apart a little bit, that's all right, just keep it together. >> Will they refuse as they sit there frying by each other? >> I don't think so. This is just kind of loose, we ground it once, it's really fresh. Had we left it in the refrigerator overnight, it probably would have like held together a little bit more. I'm going to turn the cheese on low here just to heat this back up. >> So you're really not doing anything along the lines of spicing the meat, that's something that I was expecting. >> Not really, no, we're going to put salt on it when it comes out of the pan, that's about it. I'm going to put maybe four pieces. Like I said, I want some of the flavor and the sharpness, and crunch from the raw onions. Then we're going to put lechuga, which is lettuce in Spanish, going to put some of that lettuce on the bottom here. >> BRIAN: I always thought lettuce was an on top ingredient. >> KENT: How dare you, sir? >> BRIAN: Is that a whole thing? Is there arguments about like >> JASON: Is it like toilet paper? >> I like the lettuce on the bottom so the meat rests on top, and the lettuce kind of catches the juices a little bit. It's just like a perfect way to rest the meat I find. Oh yeah, our burgers are done. Going to flip it one more time. So the oil wasn't quite hot enough, so we didn't get as much of the crispy crunchy, we'll turn it up for the next one. But it's still super juicy. So we're going to go ahead and put this right on top, like so. Drain some of that grease there. Boom. Okay. So we haven't salted the burgers yet. >> BRIAN: So the salting, I assume that if you were to mix it in with the ground beef that it would be basically making it a briny flavor, this is the case where you're going to put it on the outside so that it hits those taste buds, right? >> KENT: Exactly, yeah. I think it would actually not do too good if we mix the salt into the actual patty, it would start drawing the moisture out of the meat, I think it might change it up a little bit. That's a little hot, because I had it on the stove. So we're going to take our spoon, and we're going to basically ladle this cheese sauce over the top, kind of like so. Now, it's going to be really easy to overdo it with the cheese here, so I'm not going to. >> JASON: It almost got weird. I almost started going yeah, yeah! Yes! >> KENT: Kind of evokes those emotions, huh? So we've got this super queso-y, melty quality to it. Next, we're going to do pickles like so, maybe just four pickles per burger. >> JASON: These are the spicy ones, again, right? That's what we did? >> These are the spicy pickles, they've got a little bit of jalapeno. >> JASON: Holy cow. We've got two cheeseburgers here. Red onions, pickle, lettuce, fried meat. Those are right at eating temperature there, so. >> Dude! Moment of truth. [Jason singing] >> JASON: I'm so excited. I'm so excited. >> BRIAN: I'm, I'm, uh... >> You're nervous, I know, it's fine. I'm proud of you for coming this far. >> Complete with the pickles and everything. >> KENT: Pickles, onions, cheese, lettuce, burger, brioche bun. >> Oh, sweet Christmas. >> BRIAN: I mean, oh my god. Even knowing that there are so many ingredients here that I don't normally do, something about that fusion of everything is just so perfectly savory. >> JASON: I love how drippy and floppy it is, it's just got the perfect consistency for me. The crispiness of the bun, the tenderness of the meat, that cheese is top notch. >> Cheesy, beefy, little bit of onion, pickle to help cut through the richness, the sauce is somewhat subtle, but somewhat tangy. It's like a fast food burger but with much better ingredients. >> JASON: Oh my god, this is amazing. >> All right, where could people head to get so much more of your beautiful culinary wisdom? >> If you go to we've got a bunch more about our program, we've got recipes, I'll have a blog post up about how to assemble this burger with recipe instructions, things like that. So if you want to follow it step-by-step, you can do that. And if you use the code word MODERNROGUE through the month of October, >> Hey that's the name of our show, that's the name of our show! >> KENT: That's your show. Not Modern Rouge, >> Right, because there's an O-G, O-G, yeah. >> Right, MODERNROGUE, 10% off any purchase on our online butcher shop through the month of October. >> Hells yes, dude! >> KENT: So you can order the exact cuts of meat that we used for the burger and the grind today, or order a steak, or order some beef fat, or yeah, anything. >> Done and done. Dude, Kent, you're the best person on the planet. >> Well thank you guys for having me. >> JASON: I'm almost done. >> How baked into your daily routine is using NordVPN? >> It is all I ever do whenever I'm interacting with anything electronic. I keep checking like the ATMs, and the pump at the gas station to make sure that my Nord is active. I liken it to washing your hands before and after you go to the bathroom. >> That's brilliant, yes! It's a simple matter of privacy hygiene where it's just like, look, bad things happen to some people. 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Channel: The Modern Rogue
Views: 1,064,856
Rating: 4.8490214 out of 5
Keywords: the modern rogue, brian brushwood, jason murphy, kent schoberle, augustus ranch, cooking burgers, hamburgers, cooking techniques, burger recipes, explanation
Id: a8a3nb97qIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 13sec (2533 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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