WIRELESSLY Transfer Files & ROMS To STEAM DECK From A Windows PC EASY With Syncthing!

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for those of you with a valve steam deck or if you're waiting to get your hands on one i hope this video is of help to you getting files like roms or whatever you want transferred wirelessly from your windows pc to the steam deck with very little effort quick and simple and easy to get set up so recently i did a few videos talking about emulation testing a few different retro consoles on the steam deck and in one of those videos i mentioned how i started using sync thing to transfer files from my pc to the steam deck and how it was pretty simple and easy and where i tried a few other methods nothing was working for me so a few people had asked can you do a tutorial so no bs we're going to be jumping right into it i have a couple little tips and tricks i'm going to throw in here hopefully make things a little easier for you but we are in the steam deck right now i am capturing footage from it i have it docked the official dock is not out yet but you can use other docks and i will mention the one i'm using in a moment here but since we're talking windows let's go ahead and go to our windows pc if you're following along go to syncthing.net forward slash downloads i'll put a link down below make it quick and simple and easy for you but as we're talking windows i downloaded the windows version so download that and then you're going to have an executable right the sync thing.exe go ahead and run that you're going to have this little window pop up and then it's going to open up a tab in your browser showing the device the pc that you are using and then it's going to have remote devices down here we don't have a remote device set up so essentially this is our user interface for everything we're going to want to do you know with sync thing as far as sharing folders transferring stuff all that good stuff so now we need to go to the steam deck and essentially do the same thing and then there's like one other step we have to do couple steps quick and easy but before we jump over there the adapter the usb hub i'm using is this belkan usb c hub four in one has two usb 3.0 ports and then it has the usbc power delivery port and then the hdmi 1.4 port it's all i really need i'm waiting for the steam one the official one to come out don't know how much that's going to cost they said it's going to come out like end of spring maybe but who knows for sure but the way this works is you take this end up here the usbc plug put it into your steam deck there's only one usbc port on the steam deck plug that in plug your power cable for the steam deck into the usbc power delivery port your two usb 3.0 is you could use for controllers keyboard mouse whatever you want the steam deck does have bluetooth so you can just wirelessly sync things if you need then plug in whatever display or if you're capturing footage like i'm doing plug that hdmi into the hdmi port this adapter is 50 bucks i've seen a few that were recommended that are like 150 200 so i'm like nah i ain't jumping into it like that i saw like one or two that were a little cheaper that people recommended but they were like no-name brands i never heard of type of thing i went with this one and it works for me it's pretty small easy to use just explained how it works but once you plug all that in boom you could use your steam deck like a desktop right so let's go ahead and go back to the steam deck now once you boot up your steam deck this process the reason i'm doing it this way instead of in handheld mode is it just is so much easier using an external keyboard versus the on-screen keyboard the first time i did this i used it in handheld mode and it was a pain in the butt to do so with an external keyboard a lot easier now we want to get to the desktop on the steam deck you can either press the power button on the the steam deck you could press the steam button or you could press escape on a keyboard either way you're going to go down to power or if you just press the power button it should just bring this up right here and then just go down to switch to desktop so let's go ahead and do that okay so now we're on our desktop within the steam deck now if you have it docked with a usb hub i'll put a link in the description for the one i'm using uh if you have display issues where the primary display is on the steam deck or you're not getting anything on your external monitor that kind of thing you're going to want to go ahead and go down to the system settings right here just click on that give it a second to come up and then scroll down on this side to display and monitor now bring that up laptop screen is going to be the steam deck screen and then open that up the device whatever your other screen is the external monitor capture card that's going to be the second one so on the steam deck i have it just clicked enabled i don't have it clicked as primary and it's not a replica of anything and then on the screen that i'm using that i'm staring at is going to be enabled and then primary and a replica of none you can replicate the screens do it however you want for me this works fine i have no issues so that's how you do that now to download sync thing for the steam deck we're going to want to go to the discover app or software center whatever you want to call it open that up let it load for a second and then go to your search bar up here now if you're in handheld mode to bring up the keyboard if you have to use the on-screen keyboard you're going to press your steam button and your x button at the same time it'll bring up your little steam keyboard but for me typing on this it's kind of wonky doesn't work that great so i don't like using it it works fine in the steam os like when you're searching for games but in in the desktop mode not so much so in that search bar up there simply what we're gonna do is type in sync thing hit enter let it search sync thing gtk go ahead and install that and give that a moment now that we have sync thing installed on the steam deck all we have to do is launch it if you're still in the discover center you can launch it from up top from that application if you already have that closed out you can go to the application launcher icon in the bottom left corner there click on it go to internet and then it should be listed open it up and you're going to be greeted to a window of a bunch of stuff that looks pretty identical to what we saw on the windows pc but now we need to get them to communicate together to share folders to do that we're going to click the little gear icon up here and then go to show id now we're going to get that big long string of text numbers and letters we need to copy that into the pc side of things you can scan that qr code on your phone and it will give you that text you copy it email it to yourself open up that email so you have access to that big long code however you got to do it to get that code into the pc side of things that's how you're going to get them to communicate so let's jump back over to the desktop with this code to get them synced so back on our windows pc on sync thing we're gonna go to the bottom right here where it says add remote device and we're gonna put in that device id that we copied wrote down whatever we did right now it's also showing a nearby device which is i'm pretty sure it's gonna be the same thing but i'm gonna go ahead and paste in what i wrote down or copied click save and it says it's disconnected but give it a moment and we should get synced together so let's go ahead and go back to the steam deck side and here we go on the steam deck side the pc is popping up so it's asking us to add it we're going to go ahead and click add and it's going to bring all that up and then click save it's showing the shared share folders home deck sync i'm going to go ahead and click save on that that's the default folder now we should be pretty much done it's going to ask us to share that folder on the desktop so let's go back over there so on this side it brought up that default folder do you want to share this now we can set up other folders to share if we want if we don't want to use that default how it's set up on our windows pc it's going to be listed here folder path and it's going to be that sync folder that has whatever you're sharing in it so to set up a new one we could just add folder now the most important thing here is just whatever the folder is called it doesn't matter it's going to create that down here wherever you want it or how it's set up right there as long as the folder id matches on both systems it's going to share between the two so you do the same thing add a folder on the other side make sure it has the same folder id if you want to set up a different one right but there we go we have the folders shared on both ends now right here i have my sync folder on my pc and i'm sharing the uh an nes and super nintendo folder with a bunch of roms but i'm going to add another one and we're going to go ahead and let me show you on the steam deck side what our share folder looks like go ahead and click add if it asks you to add save it it's just sharing the folders we just got to confirm on both sides pretty much right but down here in our folder explorer file x manager whatever you want to call it uh that folder is in home and then it's in sync so we have the nes and super nintendo folders shared they just kind of like sync together boom transferred over but back on the pc side let's go ahead and put another folder into the sync folder so i'm going to take this uh dreamcast folder which just has a couple uh files for the bios i'm going to go ahead and put that in the sync now it should just like pretty much quickly add that because it's a very small file so let's see on this side there you go it popped up almost instantaneously it shared it so we have those in that home sync folder you can move them around wherever you want if you got emudex setup your emulation folder wherever that is you could you know move things around if you need to open up an additional window you can go ahead and on your steam deck it's going to be the um the left trackpad you click it and you can go ahead and type or click open a new window and it will open up a new window of whatever you selected you can easily just transfer around whatever you need if you got to get to the sync folder here and then the emulation folder here with our bios to open that up copy this over type of thing and move it or copy it whatever we want right info overwrite i already have it on there but same files but you get the drift sharing folders very simple stuff my friends if you have any questions let me know just use that code that is up in the little gear icon show id get that code copy it into add remote device on your windows pc and then just accept whatever pops up make sure it's the desktop that you're using it's the steam deck add it authorize it on both devices and then you're up and sharing your files and folders easily and quickly so i know this video went on a little longer than i hoped but i wanted it to be thorough as best as i could to describe everything and there it is man that's the way i'm getting everything set up really do appreciate you guys hanging out any questions drop them down below thank you bye [Music] you
Channel: Madlittlepixel
Views: 121,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: syncthing guide, steam deck transfer files from pc, steam deck windows 10 file transfer, syncthing steam deck, steam deck emulation test, steam deck emulation review, emudeck, steam deck review 2022, steam deck review madlittlepixel, steam deck update, valve steam deck, steam deck review, madlittlepixel, video games, steam deck news, steam deck, pcsx2 steam deck, playstation 2 emulation, ps2 emulation, ps2 handheld, ps2 portable, retro gaming
Id: P0dz1dyOr2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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