Steam Deck - Easily Transferring Files from a Windows PC

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hello steam deck fans i am scope and i'm going to show you how to quickly and easily transfer files from your windows machine to your steam deck i have seen this question asked quite a lot and a lot of people recommend lots of different software to accomplish this well i'm going to tell you now you don't need any software at all so first thing you're going to want to do is you're going to come to your desktop and i would highly recommend that you use a keyboard and mouse for this if you haven't got one then you may struggle just a little bit so we are now on the steam desktop and you are going to want open console and there is console we are going to open it and from here you are going to want to type in this command sudo system control start sshd which will start there ssh services on your steam deck you will need to type in your password i am not sure what would happen with this if you have not set up passwords so please let me know in the comments you may need to set a password whether that's desirable for you or not i don't know but i would highly recommend the password and that has started ssh on our system and also i'm just going to quickly open dolphin our file manager and in my documents so in home deck documents i've created a folder called transferred which if you want to create a folder is right click create new and click folder then you can create a folder and now it's time to switch to our windows machine so here is my windows machine and just on my c drive i have just created this folder called steam deck files i'm sorry if you can't see this because my monitor resolution is quite high and i'm simply going to transfer these few things which is two images here a video and a folder containing a further image so now all you need to do is click the windows key and then type in cmd and the first option you can choose from should be command prompt you just click this i am going to just make this bigger so you can see it okay and now we need to go cd and we're just going to go to the c drive so c colon slash and we are now on our c drive and then from here you need to type in t sftp and then it's going to be dec at steam deck uh assuming that steam deck is your host name for your steam deck and then click enter if this is the first time you're doing this it will before this ask you to confirm the identity and you just need to type in yes and then type in your password for your steam deck not for your windows machine and we are now connected to our steam deck and if we just type in lmpwd that will show us where we currently are on our steam deck and if we type in ls that will show us everything in the current folder and we are going to want and we are going to want to cd into documents then it's my folder transferred and if we just type in ls again we will see that the folder is empty and if we type pwd we can confirm that we are actually in this folder and if we type in lpwd we can see where we are on our local windows machine which is currently c and if we type in lls we can see all our files on our local machine our local windows machine and i am simply going to want to copy this folder steam deck files so what you need to do is you need to type in put and to copy an entire contents of a directory you need to put in r which means recursive and then you need to type in the name so steam deck files and if we click enter it will now show you some progress of how long it's going to be and if we come back over to our deck as you can see all those files including the folder and the extra image have all been copied across and now i can have some nice beautiful backgrounds on my steam deck just the way i like all my computers i love this game and that is it and if you restart your steam deck the ssh services will stop so you don't need to do anything further but you can also from here go back to that original command we typed in and change the start to stop and that will just instantly stop the services however it will still be connected on your windows machines so on your windows machine to exit sftp you just simply type buy and that will exit sftp and if we just try and connect again it will say connection refuse so that is it our steam deck is back to its original state no one else can connect to our steam deck all our files that we wanted are transferred across and it's as simple as that thank you for watching hope that helped no installing any crap easy
Channel: Chinballs Gaming
Views: 45,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chinballs, scawp, Steam Deck, ftp, sftp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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