Wireless Bridge Mode - Networking

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Hello everyone, in this video we're going to be  talking about wireless bridge mode. Now wireless   bridge mode is a feature that's built into  a Wi-Fi router that wirelessly connects two   networks together and makes them one network. And  it does this by using a router's wireless signal   to connect to another router's wireless signal to  bridge the two networks together. So as an example   let's say that in this building there's an office  and this office has a network where you have   computers, a server, a Wi-Fi router, and a modem  with an internet connection. And we'll call this   the main office. And let's say that a short  distance away in another building this same   business has a second office. And this office  also has a network with computers and a Wi-Fi   router, but it doesn't have an internet connection.  So these two offices are part of the same business   but their networks are separated because they are  in two separate buildings and the second office   doesn't have internet access. So the owner of this  business wants to figure out a way to combine or   bridge these two networks together and make them  one network. Because by creating one network,   the computers in both offices will be able to  directly communicate with each other and the   computers in the second office will be able to  access this server and also access this modem to   give them internet access. Now this can be done by  using a cable to connect the two offices together.   But if using a cable is not an option for certain  reasons, there is another and more convenient way   to do this without a cable. And that way is to  set up a wireless bridge. Setting up a wireless   bridge will turn these two local area networks  into one local area network. So to set up a   wireless bridge the first thing you need is you  need to have two Wi-Fi routers and the type of   routers we're going to use are SOHO routers which  stands for small office / home office. These are   Wi-Fi routers that not only broadcast a wireless  signal so that wireless devices can connect to,   but they will also have a built-in switch in the  back so that wired devices can be connected using   Ethernet cables. So each office will have one of  these Wi-Fi routers. Now the main office's router   doesn't need any special configuration to set up  a wireless bridge, it's fine the way it is. You   just need to know the name of the SSID, which is  the name of the wireless signal and the password.   But the router in a second office needs special  configuration. So you need to log into the second   office's router and go into its configuration  page. Now depending upon which router you have,   finding the wireless bridge mode feature is going  to be a little bit different. So you need to find   out exactly where it is on the configuration page.  But when you find this section, you'll find a few   options that say router mode, bridge mode, or  wireless bridge mode. So you need to select   wireless bridge mode and enable it in the router.  Then once you select it it's going to ask you to   put in the SSID or the name of the Wi-Fi network  and password of the router that you're going to   connect to, which in our case will be the router  in the main office. Then once that is complete   the second office's router will wirelessly  connect to the router in the main office   and the two networks will be connected or bridged  together creating one network. So now these are   no longer two networks, this is now one local  area network which means that all the computers   in both offices can directly communicate with  each other and the computers in the second office   can now access the server and they will also be  able to access this modem to give them internet   access. Now if you watch some of my other videos I  explained that a router is what defines a network.   A router is the gateway or doorway to a network.  It's what separates a network from another   network. So this Wi-Fi router here is no longer  acting like a router, it's acting as a wireless   bridge to connect this network to this network.  And because it's no longer acting like a router   that means its firewall and NAT service is turned  off. And its DHCP service, which is a service that   automatically assigns IP addresses to devices,  is also turned off. So it's no longer assigning   these computers IP addresses. But the router  in the main office is now in charge of both   offices because this is now one network. So it's  assigning all the IP addresses to every device   in both offices. Now depending on which brand  and model router you're using some routers when   they are in wireless bridge mode will only pass on  the network connection to wired devices that are   connected using the router's switch. For example  these desktop computers here are connected to the   router using Ethernet cables which enables them to  be part of this one network. However some routers   can do both. The network connection is not only  passed on to wired devices connected to the switch   but they will also broadcast their own independent  wireless signal so that wireless devices can   connect to it and join the network. So for example  this laptop here can wirelessly connect to this   router's wireless signal which enables it to be a  part of this one network. So for example I have a   Netgear router that when wireless bridge mode is  enabled it passed on the network connection only   to wired devices. But with my Linksys router, it  passed the network connection to wired devices   and it broadcasted a wireless signal for wireless  devices to connect to. Now as a bonus if we go   back into the router's configuration page some of  you might be wondering, well what is bridge mode?   Well bridge mode does the same thing that wireless  bridge mode does but the only difference is,   is that with bridge mode the routers are connected  using a cable rather than being connected   wirelessly. So once you select bridge mode you  have to connect the routers together using a   network cable by plugging an end to each router's  Ethernet port. And that's all there is to it. So this concludes the lesson  on wireless bridge mode.   And if you want to become a member  and help support this channel,   click the join button below and you'll get  access to members only content. So I want to   thank everyone for watching this video. Please  subscribe and I will see you in the next video.
Channel: PowerCert Animated Videos
Views: 394,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wireless bridge mode, bridge mode router, wireless bridging, bridge mode router setup, bridge mode, wireless bridge, connect two routers wirelessly
Id: x0ult-Ln9hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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